#polydiamond family au
cerezsis · 4 years
Pastels and Mobiles
Polydiamond Family AU
Chapter Four
Summary: In the wake of the birth of their twins, the diamonds are forced to face the elephant in the room.
           Yellow couldn’t stop herself from shaking, her eyes locked onto the knife in her hand. The pounding in her ears was so loud it nearly drowned out the cries of the newborn diamond. The reflective glare shining off the gemstone on the pillow below was near blinding, but Yellow still couldn’t bring herself to move. She could still hear White screaming at her to “DO IT NOW!” and “Her form could dissipate at any moment!” She was certain she’d never forget the sound that escaped White’s lips as she plunged the medical tool into the larger diamond’s shoulder. It needed to be done – there was no other choice – but knowing that didn’t make it any less harrowing.
           Seemingly without warning, Yellow felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. Snapping back to the present, she turned around to see Blue holding a screaming, pale yellow baby.
           “It’s ok, Yellow,” Blue tried to assure her, “Champagne is ok.” Taking her hand off her shoulder, she gently loosened Yellow’s grip on the medical tool. Once it was safely resting on the side of the bed, she placed the baby in Yellow’s tense arms.
           Yellow stared down at her daughter, still unable to speak. Like the elder twin, Champagne’s gem was on her forehead, though, unlike Hope’s, its shape was akin to the four-sided gem of her sire’s. Her hair also resembled Yellow’s in color, but its fluffiness and slight curl were features that neither of her mothers possessed. While taking a half-second break from screaming, her eyes peeked open, revealing pale yellow irises and black pupils.
           Yellow knew she should be beaming with pride, but the thoughts racing through her mind were too much of a distraction. They’d known from the scans that Champagne was breeched. They’d spent cycles reading every document on pregnancy and birth, and obtained every piece of equipment they could possibly need to deliver a breeched baby. Even with all that planning, they were woefully unprepared for Champagne to turn onto her side once her twin left the womb. That was never an outcome they expected.
           Seeing her fellow diamond’s continued unease, Blue wrapped her arms around Yellow.
           “It’s ok,” she repeated, “Champagne is ok.”
           Yellow’s only response was to rest her forehead against Blue’s. At least that much was true; aside from some slight swelling in her arm, Champagne appeared to be healthy. Both babies were healthy. Both babies were here. All that was missing was…
           Yellow couldn’t stop herself from looking back at the gem resting on the pillow. The light coming in from the rising sun was still reflecting off its surface, in turn causing streams of rainbow-like light to reflect onto the bedding and walls.
           “White should return to us shortly,” Yellow finally spoke, though her voice was riddled with uncertainty, “The bedding should be changed. I’ll tend to the baby.”
           Blue nodded and let go of Yellow. The two of them were silent as they did their tasks, the only sound to be heard being the whimpers and soft cooing from the two newborns. It was almost unsettling how quiet it was, but neither of them could bring themselves to speak.
           As she spread fresh sheets onto the bed, Blue suddenly noticed how much her hands were shaking. It was so jarring how quickly the mood had shifted. Just moments ago, they were all full of joy, and now… She looked up at Yellow, who conveniently had her back turned.
           “Do you think White will be ok?” she asked, “She already had such a horrible experience when she had Mint, and now–”
           “I don’t know,” Yellow interrupted, placing the now swaddled baby in the unoccupied cot. She stared down at the babies, not saying anything else for several minutes.
“It should’ve been me,” she said through gritted teeth, “I should’ve insisted on being the one to carry. I shouldn’t have let her go through this again.”
           Blue could’ve laughed, had there not been so much tension in the air. “You know White. Your insistence wouldn’t have made a difference.”
           Yellow suppressed a sigh. Of course she knew this – White always did what she wanted – but it didn’t stop her guilt.
           The room fell silent again. The babies were tended to, and the bedding was stripped and changed. Unless the babies started crying, there was nothing left to do except wait for White to return. In spite of Yellow’s earlier statement, neither had any idea how long she’d take to reform. She could be back in minutes, or she could take days. The uncertainty of it was incredibly distressing.
           Finally, after the longest hour of their lives, a bright, glowing, white light caught the attention of Blue and Yellow. Looking to where they’d left White’s gem, they watched as it levitated off the bed and began emitting an even brighter light. Her form appeared within seconds, her body back to how it was pre-pregnancy, and her leotard drastically different from how it was before; the neckline being much lower, and the sharp edges of the design now much softer.
           As her consciousness returned to her, White immediately noticed that despite having repaired herself, she still felt the fatigue from the delivery. She could only conclude that the chemical changes in her body weren’t to be done away with so easily, and the affects of pregnancy and birth would still be running its course for the next several days.  
           As soon as her feet touched the ground, White could hear her lovers exclaim her name, and, before she even opened her eyes, they surrounded her. Under normal circumstances, White would have lavished in their welcome, but right now she only had one thing on her mind.
           “Champagne! Is she –!”
           “She’s fine,” Blue assured her, “We got her out with plenty of time.”
           Feeling an immediate wave of relief, White hurried over to the cots. Seeing both her babies, swaddled and sound asleep, she smiled.
           “Thank the stars,” she quietly uttered. Without even thinking, she gently lifted Champagne up out of her cot. The little one soon stirred and began to fuss.
           “Have they been fed?” White asked, turned back to Blue and Yellow.
           “Not yet,” Yellow said, “We were going to try to give them a bottle if you took longer than an hour, but you just made it.”
           White nodded and went and sat down on the bed, leaning back against the pillows. Pulling the front of her leotard down, she exposed her breasts and started nursing Champagne. She gestured for one of them to bring Hope to her, and quickly started nursing her too.
           As they watched White nurse the babies, Blue and Yellow were suddenly hit with a wave of relief. White was back. The family was together. All was well. Suddenly drained from the past hour’s emotional rollercoaster, they sat down on either side of White, looking down at the babies as they rested their heads against her shoulders.
           While Blue and Yellow finally felt a sense of calm, the quiet gave White too much room to think. Her worst fear had been realized; something had gone wrong. It went so wrong so fast. What was supposed to be a wonderful moment would forever be tainted with horror. She tried to push these thoughts down, telling herself to just focus on her babies and not make things worse, but she couldn’t stop the words from spilling out.
           “I’m sorry for what happened.”
           Hearing this, Blue and Yellow sat up straight, their brows furrowed in confusion.
           “Why are you sorry?” Yellow asked.
           White hesitated, instantly regretting that she said anything. She was too tired for this, but it was too late. The floodgate had been opened.
           “It was supposed to be better this time,” she explained, still looking down at the babies, “Our daughters’ entrance into the world was supposed to be a happier experience this time, but my body failed us. If I–”
           “White, no,” Yellow interrupted, she and Blue suddenly on full alert.
           “It’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault,” Blue added, “None of us could’ve predicted what would happen.”
           “Even so, I still failed you two. I put you through so much when Mint was born. The least I could’ve done was give you a better experience this time.”
           Blue and Yellow stared at her.
           “Is... is that why you were so insistent on being the one to carry?” Blue asked.
           “How else was I supposed to fix things?” she asked, still not looking up, “You’re always telling me that Mint doesn’t even remember what happened, but I do, and you two do too. I needed to–” She stopped herself, but a quick glance at Blue and Yellow told her they weren’t going to let her drop it. “… I needed you two to forgive me.”
           No one spoke for the longest time. Blue and Yellow continued to stare at her, trying to find the right words.
           “Who said we hadn’t already forgiven you?” Yellow asked.
           White finally lifted her head. Her mouth fell open, but no words came out.
           “She’s right, White. You never had anything to prove to us.”  
           “What happened when Mint was born is over and done,” Yellow continued, “You’re so great with her now, and you’re going to be great with Hope and Champagne.”
           “No one’s upset with you, especially not because of what happened today. It got scary there for a moment, but you and the babies are ok. That’s what’s important.”
           White still couldn’t speak. Her vision began to cloud as tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she felt a huge weight being lifted from her shoulders.
           “Thank you,” was all she was able to say.
           If it weren’t for the babies on her breasts, Blue and Yellow would’ve hugged her tight. Instead they settled for kissing her on the cheek and cuddling with her until the twins were done nursing.
           “I believe it’s time for Mint and Spinel to join us,” White said as she covered herself.
           Agreeing wholeheartedly, Blue and Yellow sent out a message for them. Within minutes, Mint came sprinting into the room, and the sound of Spinel’s springing footsteps could be heard some yards away.
           “Mommyyyy!” Mint happily cried out as she ran over to White’s bedside. The diamonds smiled, and Yellow lifted her onto the bed. Mint gave White a hug, and in return, White gave her a kiss on the forehead.
           “Meet your new baby sisters.”
           Mint’s eyes widened as she laid eyes on the bundles in her mother’s arms. Very gently, she moved the blankets away from their faces, wanting to get a better look.
           “They’re cute!” Mint said, her eyes sparking with joy. She looked up at White. “Can I hold them?”
           Trying to hold back tears, the diamonds had Mint sit closely next to White. Yellow took Hope from White, and very gently placed her in Mint’s arms, helping her hold her properly.
           “Her gem’s like mine!” Mint proudly pointed out. She gave the baby a gently kiss in the top of the head. “I love them, mommies!”
           Before they could shed any happy tears, they were finally joined by Spinel. Extending her arms to pull herself onto the bed, she let out a happy squeal as she saw the babies.
           “They have your gem placement, White!” were the first words out of her mouth.
           White grinned. She glanced around at her family, so happy they were finally all together, or rather, as together as they could be. As uncertain as the future looked sometimes, in this moment she truly felt the journey ahead was bright.
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alexryzlingold · 7 years
Ok! For a prompt, Um, for your human Polydiamonds, Pink Diamond gets hurt? Doing a stupid stunt or something? And White stays with her because Blue is Yellow's plus one, 'date' for this award they were all supposed to go to, but Pink, being pink ruined that.
Ah, I think you prompted something similar earlier? I’m still working on that cause it is a slightly longer story and quite angsty.
But until then have a silly drabble that’s loosely based on this prompt!
(YD =Zarina, BD = Afina, WD = Ginevra, PD = Linnea)
Zarina took one step outside in her new suit before turning around and heading straight to Ginevra’s office. She muttered under her breath as she stormed down the hallway. Afina watched her go before walking outside to see what had set Zarina off.
Zarina’s car sat on the front lawn with most of the engine take apart and scattered around it. Linnea sat in the middle of the mess, staring intently at one particular piece of machinery.
Adina walked down the drive way, getting as close to Linnea as she could without stepping on the grass. She didn’t want her heels to sink into the dirt. If she tripped on the uneven ground she’d have to change and then they’d definitely end up late to the gala. While Zarina could pull off being fashionably late, it just seemed rude to be late to a gala dinner that was dedicated to you getting a medal.
“Oh dear. Any particular reason you’ve destroyed Zarina’s car?”
“It’s not destroyed.” Linnea grunted as she stood and moved to the car, leaning over and fiddling with something in the engine.
“I think Zarina might disagree.”
“Zarina doesn’t have a degree in mechanical engineering.”
“Maybe not, but she does have a gala dinner to get to, tonight.”
Linnea’s head jerked back, making a loud thud when she hit it on the bonnet of the car.
“Shit!” She rubbed an oily hand on the back of her head, undoubtedly smearing oil everywhere. “I mean, shit.”
Linnea looked up at the sky. It was just starting to darken. “I didn’t realise how late it had gotten. I thought I’d have it done by now.”
She turned to Afina. “You look beautiful, by the way. I’d come over there but…”
Linnea waved her oily fingers in Afina’s direction.
“Thank you, dear. Enjoy your night of putting the car back together again.”
“You guys can always borrow my car, you know.” Linnea said, turning back to the car.
“That’s okay. I believe Zarina is already getting Ginevra’s keys.”
True to Afina’s words, Zarina stormed out of the house with Ginevra’s car keys in her hand.
“My car better be in one piece when I get home or we’re getting a divorce.” Zarina said hotly before offering an arm to Afina and starting to escort her down the drive way to Ginevra’s car.
“Car are never in one piece, that’s not how they work. Also we’re not married. You’re living a life of sin!” Linnea called out, getting the last line in before Zarina slammed the car door shut.
With both of them gone, Linnea turned back to the car. She had only gotten back to working for a little while before something soft hit her back. She turned around to find one of her old hoodies crumpled on the ground and Ginevra leaning against the front door.
They had good lighting outside, which was probably why Linnea hadn’t noticed the sun start to set. But it also meant she could work on projects well into the night.
“I don’t think Zarina is very happy with you.”
Linnea shrugged her shoulders. “I meant to have it done before her and Afina needed to leave but I just kept finding small problems.”
She nodded towards the car. “It was making weird noises when Zarina and I went to get the groceries earlier. I didn’t want her driving it until I’d made sure it was safe.”
“I’m starting dinner, how much longer will you be?”
Linnea looked at all the parts around her. “I’m just putting it all back together now. Shouldn’t take too long. I’ve still got that stack of tests to mark.”
“Good. Get finished and then we can have dinner and do our paperwork together. After you have a shower.”
“Oh boy!” Linnea said with a roll of her eyes. “Zarina takes Afina to a gala dinner and I get paperwork. You sure know how to treat a girl, Ginny.”
Ginevra just smiled and made her way across the lawn she pressed a kiss to Linnea’s cheek.
“Play your cards right and I’ll join you for that shower.”
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ificouldbegin-to-be · 7 years
//honestly if polydiamonds is canon I don’t mind. MY fear is that people will start hating on me and shit for being homophobic because I don’t want to change my au. I like the relationships I established and I’ve grown more attached than you would believe to my family au
but I just know I’ll get hate for that
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Family Drabbles
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sHdJzC
by AlexRyzlinGold
A series of drabbles, mostly from tumblr asks, based around my human!Au with polydiamonds and polygems.
Words: 686, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Family Matters
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Multi
Characters: Pink Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), White Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe)
Relationships: Blue Diamond/Pink Diamond/White Diamond/Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sHdJzC
0 notes
cerezsis · 4 years
Pastels and Mobiles
Polydiamond Family AU
Chapter One
Summary: The diamonds wish to expand their family.
           The happy shrieks of human children rang in the ears of everyone in attendance of what Steven had called a “backyard birthday party.” The small gaggle of adolescence chased each other through the grass, past the two large trees with the colorful balloons tied to the trunk, and the large banner that hung between them that read “Happy Birthday Lisa!”
           White watched everything unfold from the comfort of the otherwise empty party table. Yellow had shrunken them down so they could attend the party, but she felt so out of place that she might as well have stayed her natural size. Blue and Yellow had gotten swept into a conversation with a pair of humans she didn’t recognize, and Spinel was having the time of her life with the children, leaving White to feel even more isolated in the sea of humans and Crystal Gems.
           A small but sudden tug on her skirt brough White out of her thoughts. She looked down just in time to see the light green toddler climb onto her lap. Before she could ask what she was up to, Mint grabbed a handful of the nuts that were set out on the table, shoved them into her mouth, and ran off without ever uttering a word.
           White chuckled as she watched her daughter run back over to the human children. Seeing her next to Steven’s two children, it amazed her how quickly humans aged compared to gems. Lisa and Dominic were only eleven and nine, but despite Mint’s older age of twenty-five, she was physically and developmentally at the stage they were at the age of three.
           While she watched Mint play, White saw out of the corner of her eye that someone had sat down at the table with her. She turned, expecting to see Yellow or Blue, but was surprised and delighted to see the half-diamond man who invited her to this party.
           “Oh, Steven!” White grinned.
           Steven smiled, politely, back at her.
           “You know you don’t have to sit here all day. You could join the party.”
           Of course she knew that. Of course she knew she knew she could, but the thought of leaving her little corner filled her with a sense of dread.
           “Oh, I’m perfectly fine right here,” White said, masking her anxiety with a smile, “I enjoy watching the children have their fun.”
           She looked back over at the group of kids, noticing that Mint and Dominic were no longer with the group. While the older kids playfully hit each other with balloon swords, Dominic had taken Mint aside to sit in the shade and blow bubbles.
           “Your Dominic is such a kind child,” White grinned, “He reminds me so much of you when you were younger.”
           Steven smiled. “I think he’s still shy around Lisa’s friends. She’s a bit caught up in her birthday right now, but she usually tries to help him feel better.”
           White nodded and grinned. She loved hearing him talk about his children, and she especially loved the bond the two of them shared. Ever since Dominic was born, Lisa had been very protective of him. Steven had loved to tell the story of how when he’d brought Lisa to see Connie and baby Dominic in the hospital, she had the most starry-eyed look upon seeing her baby brother for the first time. The way he told it was so precious, and White hoped to see something like that for herself one day.
           The day went on, and the party began to wind down. The diamonds gathered Mint and Spinel, said their goodbyes to Steven, Connie, and the children, and boarded their ship, where Yellow restored them to their natural size. From the monitor, they could see the humans that were still at the party staring up as the ship began to take off. Blue and Yellow put their hands together to make their ships form a heart shape, and then they quickly took off, much to the amazement of the small crowd.
           White breathed a sign of relief as they began to leave the stratosphere. As much as she loved seeing Steven and his children, she was elated to finally be heading home.
           “Mommyyyyyy,” a tiny voice came from behind.
           White turned around to see Mint staring up at her.
           “When can we go back to Earth?” Mint asked.
           “As soon as Steven invites us next.”
           “When will that be?”
           “Mint, come here for a moment,” Blue gently urged, knowing that Mint would just keep spouting off the same questions she always did if she wasn’t distracted.
           Mint turned and ran over to Blue. Blue picked her up and took her to sit by the controls. White watched as Blue explained what all the controls did, and every now and then having to stop the toddler from pressing buttons.
           A few hours later, they were finally back on Homeworld. White looked at the view of the world from the screen as the ship landed. The sun had almost completely set, but many gems were still walking the streets. A certain gem caught her eye; a howlite that she recognized as once belonging to her court, happily pushing a pram down the street. White couldn’t help but smile to herself. Just a couple decades ago, seeing a juvenile gem was considered to be a once in a lifetime experience. Now, you could hardly turn a corner without seeing a gem with an infant in her arms or holding hands with a toddler. Seeing the old-fashioned method of gem production becoming popular again was wonderful, both because it meant their population growth wouldn’t fall too much now that they weren’t using kindergartens anymore, and because it meant Mint wouldn’t be short on playmates.
           As the diamonds and Spinel exited the ship and entered the palace through White’s bubble, Mint let out an audible yawn. Looking down at her, her mothers took note of her droopy eyes and sluggish movements.
           “It looks like someone’s ready for bed,” Blue said, gently patting Mint’s head.
           The little diamond’s eyes snapped fully open as she looked to her mothers with the most hurt and betrayed look on her face.
           “Nooo!” Mint whined, “I’m not tired!”
           “It’s already past your bedtime, Mint,” Yellow pointed out, “And you look very tired to me.”
           “Noooo! I’m not tired!”
           “How about this, Minty,” White offered, crouching down to her level, “If you just get dressed for bed, you can stay up a little longer while I tell you a story.”
           Mint nodded, excitedly agreeing to the deal. Blue and Yellow glanced at each other as White scooped her up in her arms.
           “We’ll meet you in the common room after she falls asleep,” Yellow told her. White nodded before carrying Mint up to her room.
           Mint’s bedroom looked like it was plucked out of a fairytale forest. Artificial leaves and flowers clung to the walls, and a shallow pond reflected the light given off from the starry ceiling. Wooden shelves in the shape of freshly chopped logs lined the walls with dolls, books, and toys, many of which were also scattered across the shiny, wood floor. Against one of the flowery walls sat a set of drawers in the shape of a large tree, which, once opened, revealed all the clothes that Mint was not yet able to project onto her form. Once White helped Mint pick out nightgown, she carried her over to the little nook of trees that cozily surrounded her leafy-green bed. Sitting down on top of the luxuriously soft bedding, White stroked the little diamond’s hair as she began her story.
           “Once upon a time, the Gem Homeworld was ruled by diamonds,” White began, “White, Yellow, Blue, and the littlest diamond–”
           “Pink!” Mint tiredly but proudly finished.
           White smiled and ruffled her hair a bit. For the next hour, she wove a wonderous story about the time Pink had managed to sneak an organic creature off one of Yellow’s newest colonies, and tried to keep it hidden in her room. She told of how Pink didn’t even make it a week before entering her room, only to find White Diamond waiting for her, asking what the alien creature was doing there. Of course, Pink looked down at her feet and claimed she didn’t know. In telling the tale, she left out all the begging and pleading, and a few tears Pink shed before White reluctantly agreed to let her keep the creature, reasoning that Mint didn’t need to know that part of the story right now.
           Finally, Mint had fallen asleep. As carefully as she could, White placed her under the covers and gave her a gentle kiss goodnight. Quietly making her way across the room, she spared one last glance at her little girl before dimming the lights and leaving the room.
           As promised, she met Blue and Yellow in the common room. The two of them sat across from each other in their cushioned chairs, in the midst of idle conversation, which stopped once the third diamond entered the room.
           “I take it she’s finally asleep?” Yellow asked her.
           “Yes, it turns out she was tired after all,” White said, taking her usual seat across from them.
           ���We’ve talked about this, White. You need to stop coddling her.”
           “She’s old enough to put herself to sleep,” Blue agreed, “If we want to nip this attitude she’s developed–”
           “I know, I know,” White admitted, not meeting either of them in the eye, “I just… I like making her happy.”
           “We know you’re trying, White,” Blue assured her.
           “But if we’re going to have another baby, we need to get Mint used to having limits,” Yellow added.
           White nodded. She could almost laugh at the irony of Blue and Yellow telling her to stop spoiling their child. Finding a balance between not repeating the past and not having Mint end up a spoiled brat wasn’t an easy task for any of them, but the added difficulty of the lingering guilt White felt for the rocky start she had with Mint made finding that balance all the more harder.
           Not wanting to linger on that thought too much, she decided it was time for a subject change.
           “Only a few more cycles until we can start trying,” White perked up, meeting their eyes once again.
           “And you’re still certain you want to be the one to carry the baby?” Yellow asked.
           “We understand if you’ve changed your mind. You had such a… less than ideal experience last time.”
           “I can assure you both that I have not changed my mind. If it means getting a baby sooner, then I want to carry it.”
           “Two years isn’t that long of a wait until I have my cycle,” Yellow pointed out.
           “I appreciate your concern, both of you, but I assure you this is what I want. I want another baby. I’m in a better place than I was when I was pregnant with Mint. I’m confident in my abilities as a mother now. It’ll be a better experience this time.”
           Blue and Yellow looked at each other, before turning back to her and grinning.
           “Alright, but if you change your mind before your cycle starts–” Blue began.
           “I won’t, I promise you.”
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cerezsis · 4 years
Pastels and Mobiles
Polydiamond Family AU
Chapter Three
Summary: White Diamond gives birth.
WARNING: This chapter contains descriptions of birth complications. Tread cautiously.
           “How many babies are in mommy’s tummy?” White asked the little gem sitting at her side.  
           “Two!” Mint replied, proudly holding up two fingers.
           White smiled as she ran her fingers through Mint’s hair. The young gem rested her head against her mother’s bump, giggling as one of the babies kicked at her face. Leaning back against the sofa, White tried not to let on just how much she was fighting to keep her eyes open. Now that she was in the final stretch of her pregnancy, tiredness seemed to be her default state. She spared a glance out the window, taking note of how low the sun was in the sky. Mint’s bedtime was soon, as well as her own scheduled rest time. As much of an inconvenience it was having to sleep, she couldn’t help but look forward to tonight’s period of uninterrupted rest.
           “Alright Minty, it’s about that time. Go on off to your room. Mommy should be waiting for you.”
           Mint pouted. “But mommyyyyy!”
           “What did we talk about, Mint?”
           The little gem crossed her arms and scowled. “Bedtime will make me grow big and strong.”
           White smiled and kissed her forehead. “I love you, sweetie. Go on to your room, please.”
           Still pouting, Mint climbed down from the sofa and dragged her feet all the way out of the room. White waited for her to be out of sight before attempting to get up herself. It was truly astonishing how difficult such a simple task was these days. After three failed attempts, she finally managed to push herself to her feet, and began making her way down the halls.
           As she was walking, she caught a glimpse of herself on the reflective surface of the windows that lined the halls. She groaned internally as she turned her head away from the reflection. As happy as she was to be having these babies, she didn’t enjoy looking at herself these days. She especially hated how others stared at her when she was in public. Normally, she welcomed admiring stares, but the way others gawked at her swollen belly felt less than admiring. She was well aware of how starkly it contrasted her natural build, and the lingering eyes of others didn’t exactly help.
           Finally, she made it to her chambers. Waddling inside, she found Blue sitting on her bed, already waiting for her.
           “How are you feeling, White?” she asked, a tender smile of her face.
           “Like two small boulders have been tumbling about inside of me,” White flatly stated as she tiredly sat down on the pillowy bed.
           “Have you had any more pains?”
           White forced herself to suppress a sigh. As much as she appreciated the other diamond’s concern, all she wanted to do was lay back and go to sleep. “Not since this afternoon.”
           “Are you certain? Not even any small ones?”
           White groaned as she laid back against the pillows. “No.”
           Accepting that she would not be getting a more extensive answer out of her, Blue nodded and laid down next to her. White felt a little guilt for brushing her off so quickly, but the pains had been coming and going for several days. The first time she felt them, all three of them had rushed to the delivery room they’d had constructed –  the quick progression of her labor with Mint on the forefront of their minds – only to be met with several hours of nothing. The twins were clearly in much less of a hurry than their big sister, and on top of that, she was just so tired. Describing her latest false labor pains wasn’t exactly her top priority.
           Turning onto her side, White wrapped her arms around Blue and closed her eyes. As tired as she was, she found herself struggling to get comfortable. Normally just having someone with her was enough to make this sleeping thing easier, but being full term with twins tended to throw a wrench in that system. After a half hour of squirming and adjusting her position, she finally started to drift off, when a strange feeling between her legs caused her to suddenly snap wide awake.
           “Blue, get up! My water’s breaking!”
           Snapping awake as well, Blue wasted no time scrambling out of bed. As she helped White get to her feet, the small trickling quickly escalated to a large gush. White’s cheeks grew warm as she cringed at the unusual sensation.
           “Stars, that feels so disgusting!”
           Blue stared at her for a moment, her mouth agape. They had planned extensively for this very moment, but now that it was happening, she suddenly found herself unable to remember any of it.
           “White, the babies are coming!” she finally managed to choke out.
           The realization hit her as suddenly as it hit Blue. A nervous smile crept across her face. Finally, it was happening!
           “We better get going, then!”
           The two of them wasted no time getting to the delivery room. Mere moments after calling for her, Yellow rushed in, her normally put-together demeanor replaced with a mix of nerves and excitement.
           “I’m here! Has anything happened yet?”
           “No, they’re both still in here,” White said, both hands on her bump. Almost as soon as the words left her mouth, a familiar pain began spreading across her lower abdomen. Cringing inwardly, she reached out for her lovers’ hands, unable to speak more than one word. “Contraction.”
           Immediately taking her hands, Blue and Yellow sat next to her on the bed.
           “Slow, deep breath in,” Blue reminded her, “Now another one out. Great job!”
           White kept her eyes tightly closed as she followed Blue’s instructions. Finally, the tightening in her abdomen began to ease, and she loosened her grip on her lovers’ hands.  
           “Ok, it’s passed.”
           As she let out a final breath in relief, Yellow let go of her hand.
“Have you checked your dilation yet?”
           White shook her head. “Not yet.”
           “Do you want me to do it, or do you want to?”
           “I’m doing enough work right now, thank you.” Laying down against the pillows, she phased out of her cape and leotard, and into a simpler, loose-fitting sleeping gown. She spread her legs and tried to relax as Yellow checked her.
           “You’re about halfway there,” she informed her, “Since your water already broke, I don’t imagine it’ll take too long.”
           “I’ve been in the first stage of labor for four days. I don’t think–” She was cut off by another twinge of pain. “Stars, help me!”
             The hours passed slowly. White’s contractions were increasing with intensity and decreasing in time in between. Her gown clung to her body from how much she was sweating, and she found it difficult to catch her breath. She’d spent the last few hours cycling between pacing the room with the help of Yellow and Blue and resting in the bed, but now the pain had increased to the point where she refused to leave the bed.
           While she laid on her side, Blue sat to her left, rubbing her back, and Yellow sat to her right, holding her hands. As she breathed through more contractions, they both offered constant words of encouragement. She was so thankful for them in this moment, unable to imagine what she’d do without them. She’d have to remember to tell them this once she was able to speak more than few-word sentences.
           With the latest contraction passing, White turned onto her back to adjust her position. As she did, her breath hitched, and her body stiffened.
           “White–” Blue began.
           “I need to push!”  
           Without wasting a beat, Blue and Yellow helped her into an upright position, and spread her legs. Blue stayed at her side, holding her hand, while Yellow moved down to her lower half. She went to check her dilation, and quickly pulled her hand back.
           “Yep, she’s coming! Start pushing on your next contraction.”
           White nodded. As soon as she felt the first twinges of pain, she started to push, her grip on Blue’s hand tightening. Time somehow seemed to slow even more as the pain began to increase.  
           “You’re doing great, White,” Yellow encouraged, “She’s crowning!”
           Gritting her teeth, White let out low groans as her grip on Blue’s hand tightened even more. Just moments later, a high-pitched cry filled the air. White peaked her eyes open in time to see Yellow hold up a pale blue baby.
           “She’s beautiful!” Blue cried, tears already filling her eyes as Yellow placed the baby on White’s chest.
           While the other two diamonds helped clean her off, White took the time to take in everything about her new daughter. Her hair was such a pale blue that it was almost white, strands of which clung to the five-sided gem on her forehead. Still waling, the little one’s eyes opened a bit, revealing light gray irises and white pupils. Tears of joy in her own eyes, White gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.
           “Welcome to the world, Hope Diamond.”
           Once most of the gestational fluid and sediment had been cleaned off, Blue took the baby from White, stepping away to wrap her in a clean blanket. Still beaming with pride as she watched her lover handle the little one, White wondered if she had time to nurse her, but a sudden and familiar pressure answered the question for her.
           “The other one’s coming!”
           Yellow hurried back between her legs, while Blue continued to tend to baby Hope. White quickly started pushing again, getting lots of encouragement from Yellow as she did so.
           “That’s it, White, you’re doing great. Almost–” Suddenly, she stopped. Too suddenly. Her eyes widened in horror, and she couldn’t stop her next words from coming out in a yell. “White, stop pushing!”
           White opened her eyes, alarmed by Yellow’s panic.
           “What-What’s wrong?” she shakily but urgently asked.
           Yellow didn’t respond right away, her words stuck in her throat. Putting Hope in her cot, Blue hurried over and looked between White’s legs, unable to stop herself from letting out a horrified gasp.
           “Oh my stars!”
           “One of you tell me what’s wrong! Now!” White demanded, much more aggressive this time.
           Shaking, Yellow looked up at her. “She… She’s turned sideways. Her arm just came out.”
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cerezsis · 4 years
Chapter Two
Summary: White struggles to adjust to motherhood.
           “She certainly took to the bottle quickly,” Yellow said as she looked down at the feeding baby in her arms.
           Laying on her stomach on the table next to them, Spinel kicked her feet as she stared at the unexpected arrival.
           “Do they not usually like bottles?”
           “From what I’ve read, gemlings typically feed better when they’re nursed,” Yellow explained, “They’ll take to the bottle eventually, but at this age they prefer their mother’s breast. Since White is… it’s just good that she likes the bottle.”
           Spinel nodded. It had been just barely a day since the light green baby came into the world, but everyone was adjusting the best they could. That is, everyone, except for one person. While Blue and Yellow hurried to get everything in order, sending frantic requests to their gems for clothes, toys, and furniture to be made, White insisted on keeping her distance. To say this disconcerted the other diamonds would be an understatement.
           Once the last bit of formula was gone, Yellow carefully removed the bottle’s nipple from the baby’s mouth. The little one yawned and stirred, settling down for more sleep just as Blue entered the room.
           Yellow lifted her head. “How’s White doing?” she asked, though Blue’s expression told her everything she needed to know.
           “She’s… about the same,” she confirmed. Walking closer to them, her expression softened. “Is she still doing well?”
           “Very much so,” Yellow grinned as she sat the bottle down on the table. Trying to be helpful, Spinel stood up and stretched her arms around the diamond-sized bottle, wrapping around it several times, and waddled off to have it cleaned. Their current supply was only so plentiful, after all.
           A small smile upon her lips, Blue gently stroked the infant’s blue-green hair, leaning into Yellow as she did so.
“I still don’t understand why she didn’t tell us.” Her short-lived smile faded away as she looked up at the other diamond. “Did she think we wouldn’t be happy?”
           “I know as much as you do. I can’t understand it either.” Yellow stood up, careful not to disturb the sleeping baby. “We won’t get answers just sitting around. Is she awake?”
           “She was when I left, but I wouldn’t count on getting answers from her. I tried to get her to talk, but she didn’t say much of anything.”
           “Ok, no talking, then.” She looked down at the baby, then back up at Blue. “If we could just get her to hold her, we might be able to establish a starting point.”
           Blue nodded and followed Yellow out into the halls. They quickly arrived at White’s room, where they found she hadn’t moved since Blue left her. She laid on her side, curled up under the blankets, facing the wall. They couldn’t quite see her face, but the points of her hair were clearly visible behind the mound of blankets.
           “White, sit up for a moment,” Yellow requested.
           White lifted her head. Seeing the bundle in Yellow’s arms, she sank back down, keeping her eyes fixated at the dark wall.
           “White, please,” Blue pleaded, her and Yellow moving to her bedside, “Just hold her. Just for a moment.”
           The larger diamond refused to give any kind of response. A thought coming to mind, Blue put her hand on her shoulder.
           “We think we’re going to call her Mint,” she said, “Mint Diamond. Do you like the sound of that?”
           White stayed silent. After a moment, she pulled away from Blue’s touch.
           “Leave,” she finally said, fatigue heavy in her voice.
           “White, she’s your daughter,” Yellow insisted, “She’s our daughter. You need to–”
           “I said leave,” White insisted, her tone much sharper.
           Glancing at each other in defeat, Blue and Yellow sighed.
           “We’re here if you need us, White,” Blue said, before turning around and leaving with Yellow and Mint.
             Weeks went by. Blue and Yellow tried again and again to get White to talk, or at least bond with baby Mint. White only grew more distant, both physically and emotionally. Wherever Mint was, she made sure to be on the opposite end of the palace, silently wandering in a dissociative daze.
           The other two diamonds worried greatly for her, as she only seemed to be worsening. Finally, in a last ditch, desperate attempt, they found her wandering near Pink’s old wing of the palace and cornered her.
           “White, you need to talk to us!” Yellow half-pleaded, half-commanded.
           “It’s been almost a full cycle, and you haven’t even held Mint,” Blue added, “Please, you have to let us in. Why didn’t you tell us you were pregnant? Why did you hide it from us?”
           White was shaking. She stayed silent, almost unable to speak, staring intently as the pink pillars around them.
           “White, please,” Yellow pleaded again, “Mint needs us. All of us. You can’t avoid her forever. You’re her mother!”
           Still refusing to look at them, White spoke at a volume just barely above a whisper. “No. I can’t be her mother.”
           Surprised but elated to finally have something to work with, Blue and Yellow leaned in closer.
           “What are you talking about?” Yellow asked.
           White wrapped her arms around herself. It took a moment to find the words, anxiety impeding her thought-to-speech process, but eventually she choked it out.
           “Do you really think she’d fair well with me as her mother? I ruin everything I touch; I hurt both of you, I made Pink so miserable she faked being shattered just to get away. Even Steven hates me.” She paused as she started to tear up. “I can’t. If I try to be her mother, I’ll just ruin her too. I know I will. I can’t be trusted with her. I can’t be trusted not to ruin such a precious little thing. I–”
           Before she could process what was happening, she was cut off by Blue and Yellow hugging her. Stiff with shock, she found herself unable to speak.
           “You weren’t the only one who made mistakes, White,” Blue assured her, “Any one of us could’ve said something – could’ve done something differently.”
           “We won’t let the past repeat itself,” Yellow added, “But we have to be a team to make that happen. That includes you.”
           White was silent. Tears trailing down her cheeks, she returned their embrace, and buried her face in their shoulders.
           “I don’t even know how to be a mother,” she said, her voice shaky.
           “Neither do we, really,” Yellow admitted, a small grin on her face, “It seems to be a learn as you go process.”
           “Another thing we’ll figure out together,” Blue added.
           White found herself smiling. She hugged them closer before pulling away, looking them both in the eye as she wiped away her tears.
           “Ok,” was all she said.
           Grinning, Blue and Yellow each slipped one of their hands into hers, and the three of them walked down the halls, making their way towards the nursery. White grew tense as they stepped inside, her eyes locked anxiously on the round, dark colored crib, adorn with green and white patterned bedding. Sensing her unease, the other two each gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
           “Go on,” Blue gently nudged.
           Swallowing her nerves, White let go of their hands and walked over to the crib. Looking down, something knotted in her chest as her gaze fell on the soundly sleeping baby.
           “What if I wake her?” she asked, nervously.
           “She’s a surprisingly good sleeper,” Yellow said, “It should be fine.”
           Hesitant, White reached down into the crib, lifting the infant upwards. Despite Yellow’s assurance, Mint stirred and started to wake, causing White to nearly panic. Just as she was about to put her down and admit defeat, Mint opened her eyes, in turn causing White’s own eyes to widened. It was only then that she realized she hadn’t yet seen her with her eyes open. Mint’s irises were a very pale, almost translucent-looking shade of green, and her diamond-shaped pupils were white, like the gem who carried her. White smiled, feeling a sense of pride, as well as a new, joyous feeling that she couldn’t quite pinpoint. Her nerves melting away, she held her daughter close to her chest.
           “Well hello there, little one,” she said, softly, “I’m your mommy.”
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cerezsis · 4 years
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There’s this poem read by Christine Ebersole that we tend to play on loop on Discord. I’ve wanted to draw White reading it to Mint for a while, but since it would kinda be spoilers for the fic, I had to wait a bit.
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cerezsis · 4 years
Chapter One
Summary: White gets a painful reminder about why denial isn’t the best coping mechanism.
           Denial was something that came almost too naturally to White. Despite her efforts over the years to move away from it, old habits die hard, and given her current predicament, it was far easier to slip back into her old coping mechanism than it was to face reality.
           It started with pounding headaches around her gem. Odd, but I’m sure it’s nothing, she convinced herself.
          Soon, her fatigue levels started to rise to the point it was hard to stay awake most days. I’m just working too hard, she again told herself.
          After a few months, her belly started to grow – a stark contrast to her naturally slender build. Out of sight out of mind, she thought as she shape-shifted back to her usual form.
          Finally, tiny but strong kicks started coming from her abdomen, something that only increased with frequency as the months passed. It’s fine. It’ll go away. You’re still fine.
           To her credit, it would eventually go away, but not without a painful reminder that she couldn’t just ignore her pregnancy forever.
           She told herself she just needed a warm bath. Her body ached everywhere, almost like she had the human ailment Steven referred to as “the flu.” Phasing off her clothes, she slipped into the warm water, telling herself that she’d feel better after a soak.
           Closing her eyes, she sank further into the tub. The warmth of the water felt like heaven, but her body still felt off.
           Just give it some time. You’ll feel better soon.
          Not ten minutes later, a debilitating pain rippled through her abdomen. Her eyes shooting open in terror, she gripped the edge of the large, in-ground tub. She tried to lift herself out of the water, but only got as far as leaning forward with her elbows on the tub’s edge.
           No no no! she thought, frantically, This isn’t happening!
           The pain started to ease, but it started up again almost as soon as it stopped. She cried out, gripping her midsection in a futile effort to stop the feeling of her insides being ripped in half. Overwhelmed with panic and pain, White was no longer be able to hold her shape-shifted form, causing the swelling in her belly to reveal itself.
           Forced to face the reality of the situation, White found herself unable to move. Time didn’t seem to exist anymore. Nothing existed anymore, outside of her bubble of pain. She couldn’t even hear her own thoughts over her own hyperventilating. Warm tears ran down her cheeks and dripped off her chin into the water as the horrible pain kept coming on.
           Suddenly, she felt something. Pressure. Intense pressure between her legs. Her hyperventilating escalated, and pathetic cries escaped her lips. She’d never felt so alone or vulnerable.
           Without any warning, an urgent knock came from the other side of the chamber’s door, breaking the deafening silence.
           “White, are you alright?” Yellow’s worried voice called out.
           White froze, a whole new kind of panic crashing over her. As terrifying as it was to be alone right now, having someone see her in this state somehow seemed worse.
           “Everything’s fine!” she half-screamed, unable to stop her panic from slipping into her voice.
           “We’re coming in, White!” Blue’s equally worried voice insisted.
           Oh no. They were both here.
           “No, please!” White desperately pleaded, “Don’t come in here!”
           The door opened anyway. Blue and Yellow rushed in, but abruptly halted upon seeing her. White forced her head down, unable to hide her shame and embarrassment. Even without seeing them, she could feel their gaze burn into her as their eyes locked on her swollen abdomen.
           “Oh my stars!” Blue cried out.
           “White, why didn’t you tell us!?” Yellow pleaded.
           Still forcing her head down, White couldn’t have answered her even if she wanted to. Without waiting for another word, Blue and Yellow sprinted over to her and each took hold of an arm.
           “Let’s get you out of –”
           Yellow’s words were cut off by White suddenly screaming.
           “No no no no no!” she cried, holding onto their arms with a death grip.
           Blue’s eyes gazed down between White’s legs.
           “Oh my stars, she’s starting to crown!”
           Without a second thought, the two of them jumped into the water with her. As White continued to hyperventilate, Blue and Yellow helped her get into position, and each took hold of a hand.
           “Start pushing, White!” Yellow ordered.
           Too overwhelmed to not obey, White’s grip tightened around their hands, and she let out another scream. Yellow placed her free hand on her shoulder, and Blue gently rubbed her back.
           “You’re doing great, White,” Blue told her, trying to keep a gentle tone, “Keep it up.”
           Screaming with each push, White couldn’t tell if minutes or hours were passing. Eventually, Blue broke free of her vice grip, and moved down closer to her lower half.
           “Just one more,” she assured her.
           Another scream, and the pain and pressure suddenly eased. In one quick but gentle motion, Blue lifted a light green baby out of the water. The tiny diamond stirred and began to cry, a small reflection shining off the five-sided gem on her chest. Shaking and tearing her hand away from Yellow’s, White buried her face in her hands and sobbed hysterically.
           No one said a word as they got out of the tub. Blue wrapped a small towel around the baby, and Yellow wrapped a larger on around White. Still silent, aside from White’s sobs, they helped her to her room, where she promptly curled up on the pillowy bed. Yellow sat beside her, gently rubbing her back, while Blue stood beside the bed, doing her best to attend to the baby.
           Eventually, White’s sobs died down, and she managed to fall asleep. The room now dead silent, Blue and Yellow looked at each other, and then down at the baby, sound asleep in Blue’s arms.
           “Well… we have a baby now,” Yellow said.
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cerezsis · 4 years
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Adult Mint Diamond
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cerezsis · 4 years
Pastels and Mobiles
Polydiamond Family AU
Chapter Two
Summary: After trying for another child, the diamonds get a big surprise.
           Having the curtains drawn made the room appear dreary and desolate, a state that bothered White these days, but the bright light from the outside world was more of a bother to her at the moment. Even the light given off by her own form was further irritating the painful pressure surrounding her gem, forcing her to lie in her dark room with a cloth covering her eyes.
           Despite the discomfort, a part of White couldn’t help but feel a hopeful joy. Headaches were one of her first symptoms when she fell pregnant with Mint, and given that she, Yellow, and Blue had spent all of the previous cycle trying for their second child, White was very hopeful that this meant she’d conceived. She wanted more than anything to rush down the halls and scan for conception, but she knew well that it was too soon. Her cycle had only just passed, and a scan at this stage would be too unreliable.
           Without any warning, a high-pitched scream pierced the air. White groaned and rubbed her temples, but froze as the cry of “I WANT MOMMYYYYY!” followed. No longer caring about her headache, White bolted out of bed and hurried through the halls to Mint’s room. There she found the little diamond thrashing about on the floor, kicking her legs and crying as Yellow stood over her, arms crossed and an unimpressed look on her face.
           “That’s not how we get what we want, Mint,” she reminded her.
           Mint let out another shriek, along with a string of “I WANT IT!”’s and “I WANT MOMMYYYYY!”’s.
           White flinched at the screaming and massaged her pounding head. It was then that Yellow noticed her in the doorway.
           “Mint, you need to quiet down,” Yellow said, her voice firm but gentle, “I told you, mommy has a headache.”
           Mint peaked up from the floor, intending to check if Yellow was still watching her, and spotted White in the doorway. Still crying, she picked herself off the floor and ran to her, hugging and burying her face into her legs.
           “Mommyyyyy!” she sobbed.
           Despite the pounding pain in her head, White looked to her sympathetically, and pat her head.
           “What’s wrong, Minty?”
           Mint choked out a few more sobs before answering. “M-Mommy won’t give me snaaaaacks!”
           “You already had your snack, Mint,” Yellow reminded her, “You can wait until your afternoon meal in an hour.”
           Mint sobbed harder, burying her face deeper into White’s legs as she sputtered incoherently. White could feel Yellow eyeing her. As much as she wanted to comfort her daughter, the need to ease the pain in her head was overshadowing her usual urge to give into Mint’s tears.
           “Mint, please let go of me and listen to mommy,” she told her as she rubbed her throbbing head, “Mommy has a bad headache right now.”
           Mint’s head sprung up, looking her mother in the eye. Her pale green eyes were puffy with tears as she looked to her in betrayal.
           “But mommyyyyy!” she begged.
           “It’s not up for debate, Mint.”
           Defeated, Mint let go of White and flung herself back onto the ground, resuming her kicking and screaming. Sensing it was time to step in, Yellow came forward and picked up the flailing toddler, nodding at White in thanks.
           “I’ll take it from here.”
           White nodded and went back to her room. Even with the distance, she continued to hear Mint’s muffled cries for the next half hour. Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, as if it would ease the worsening pain, she made a mental note to make sure the new baby’s room would be outside the range of Mint’s screams.
             The weeks passed. Finally, White stood in front of the monitor, holding Blue and Yellow’s hands as they anxiously awaited the results. Less than a minute had passed since the robinoid scanned her form, but every second that passed felt like an eternity.
           “Remember, it’s not the end of the world if the results aren’t favorable,” Blue comfortingly reminded her, “We’ll have plenty of chances to have another child.”
           White nodded but didn’t look at her once. Of course they’d have more chances to try for a child, but this was her chance. She needed this chance. She needed to set things right after all she’d put them through; from hiding her last pregnancy, to the eons of misery she’d put them through with her need for perfection. If she could give them this child, perhaps they could forgive her. Perhaps she could even forgive herself.
           Finally, there it was. White’s silhouette appeared on the screen, closing in on her pelvis and revealing a tiny, but very much there, bright mass of energy. White squeezed her lovers’ hands as a smile stretched across her face.
           “Our baby,” was all she could think to say.
           Before she knew it, the two other diamonds, beaming with equal amounts of joy, wrapped their arms around her. As she embraced them back, she spared another glance at the monitor. Suddenly, her face dropped, and her body stiffened.
           “What’s wrong?” Blue asked, her and Yellow pulling away in concern.
           White struggled to choke the words out, unable to take her eyes off the blinking purple box that had appeared next to her silhouette.
           “There’s an abnormality.”
           The happy atmosphere in the room was gone in an instant, replaced instead by overwhelming dread and a deafening silence. Her hands shaking, White tapped the box, causing a large wall of text to appear, as well as a higher quality image of White’s womb. The bright mass that would eventually become their baby was on full display… or rather…
           “Oh my stars, it’s twins!” Blue gasped.
           The dreadful tension in the room faded almost as quickly as it appeared. Blue and Yellow were smiling again, but White couldn’t shake her lingering worry.
           “Twins are rare indeed, but that alone shouldn’t trigger an abnormality warning.” She tapped the wall of text, further enlarging it so that it filled the entire screen. Her stomach dropped as she read through the text as quickly as she could.
           “Heterosired superfecundation,” she read aloud, “They… They have different sires.”
           Blue and Yellow didn’t react right away, needing a moment to wrap their heads around her words.
           “So…” Yellow began, now looking at the monitor to read through it herself, “What you’re saying is one is sired only by myself, and the other is sired only by Blue?”
           White nodded. “Yes.”
           She couldn’t bring herself to look at them. Why did her body have to betray her like this? The purpose of this was to carry a child sired by both Yellow and Blue, not have one child sired by each of them. How was having a child that belonged to one but not the other making it up to them?
           “Is that at all dangerous?” Blue asked, “Do they have any health complications because of this?”
           White shook her head. “No, they appear to be healthy otherwise.”
           Blue and Yellow looked to each other, then back at White. The elder diamond still refused to look at them, just stood there waiting for them to be upset.
           “Ok…” Yellow trailed off, “Ok, good.”
           Blue grinned. “I can’t believe it! Twins! Such a novelty. Mint’s going to be so happy. She’s going to have two baby sisters to love.”
           White looked up at them, unable to hide her bewilderment. “You’re… You’re both happy?”
           “Of course we’re happy!” Blue confirmed.
           “Why wouldn’t we be happy?” Yellow asked, “We wanted another baby, and now we’re getting two.”
           White smiled, her posture finally relaxing.
“I’m so happy to hear that.” She once again took hold of both of their hands. “Let’s go tell Mint and Spinel.”
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cerezsis · 4 years
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made this on Aggie.io and I kinda don’t hate it 😁
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alexryzlingold · 7 years
For a prompt, how about that one time Yellow arrested White and how White sweet talk her way out of it?
Oh boy was this fun to write! Also this is the second most requested prompt I have. The other is this AUs version of Pink being shattered. Which I am working on.
Up now, what was Zarina’s last name before she changed it to Diamond? Find out below the cut!
Zarinawas tired. It was so close to the end of her shift that she could practicallytaste it.  As her radio crackled to life,Zarina could also taste despair. She was, of course, the closest respondingofficer. Apparently there had been some sort of a bar fight and the owner hadcalled the police. Zarina had expected a lot more destruction and blood.
In allhonesty the bar, one that Zarina had visited once or twice in her off hours,was pretty normal. The constant chatter was slightly quieter, but everyone wasstill happily drinking while giving a man and two women a wide space.
The manhad a red face, and thinning hair. He also nursed a rather impressive black eyeand a glare. It wasn’t a particularly effective glare however. The two women hewas glaring at didn’t really seem to mind too much. One of the women wore jeansand a light pink shirt with long blonde hair, while the other seemed to havestraight from work, despite the fact that it was close to ten at night, and woreher hair short and slightly spikey.
Zarinasighed and approached the bar tender to get the story. Apparently the man hadhit on one of the women and the other one had clocked him for it. Sheapproached the women first.
“My nameis Officer Tala and I was called over an assault charge. What happened here?”
One ofthe women giggled. “Oh, that would be Ginny. Kevin over there got a littlehandsy and she’s always been a little over protective.”
“Iprefer Ginevra.” The other woman said. “And Linnea has it about right. Hedecided to bother her, got angry when she told him to leave and got punchedwhen he didn’t. Apparently he’s not great at dodging right hooks.”
“Okay. I’mgoing to have to ask you to come down to the station with me to make astatement.” Zarina said with a sigh.
“Ohsweetheart,” Linnea said softly. “It’s not going to be that easy.”
Zarinamet Ginevra’s eyes. “It’s late. I just want to get home. Don’t make thisdifficult for me.”
Ginevra’seyes lit up.
“UnlikeLinnea, I like to think of myself as quite easy.” Ginevra said with a grin.
Zarinajust raised an eyebrow. “Your partner is right there.”
“Goodpoint.” Ginevra turned to Linnea. “You’d say I was easy, wouldn’t you?”
Linnealaughed. “No. I told you when I was five that I was going to marry you and itstill took fifteen years to get a date.”
“Pointtaken, but you don’t have to be so rude, love. Don’t embarrass me in front ofthe lovely lady-cop.” Ginevra turned back to Zarina. “She wasn’t talking aboutme though. If little Kevin over there wants to lay assault charges we’re goingto have to lay sexual harassment charges and I don’t think he’s going to likethat. Honestly, let me give the car keys to Linnea and I’m more than happy tocome with you.”
Zarinastared at Ginevra for a second before deciding to ignore the lavish smile senther way. “Deal.”
Sheturned and stalked over to Kevin. He didn’t like the idea of ending his nightto go to the police station, and he liked the idea of being charged with sexualharassment even less. After a few minutes of intense argument and aggressivehand waving, Zarina simply forced his hands behind his back and cuffed him.
“Whatabout her?”
Zarinahalted Kevin in front of Ginevra and Linnea. “You coming?”
Ginevramade a show of tossing her keys to Linnea before standing up, placing a tip onthe bar and heading out the front door.
“Thatanswer your question, Kevin?”
The rideto the police station was full of Kevin swearing and Ginevra flirting. Zarinawasn’t sure which was worse. In the end though, Ginevra was polite enough toopen the cruiser door and the precinct door while Zarina man handled Kevininside and into a cell.
“Why isn’tshe in a cell?”
“Do yousee her resisting, Kevin?”
WhenZarina came back to her desk Ginevra was sitting in front of it, both feetresting on the corner.
“I seemto have you all to myself, Officer Tala.”
Zarinapulled a note pad towards her. “So, tell me your side of the story again, for therecord.”
Ginevrahad barely started her account of the night when Zarina stifled a yawn. It wasbarely noticeable, but it was enough to stop Ginevra from continuing.
“Whenwere you meant to clock off?”
Zarinaglanced at her watch “Forty five minutes ago. So come on, let’s finish this up.”
Ginevragently placed a hand over Zarina’s stopping her from writing. “I’ll sort thisout.”
Withthat she stood and made her way to the holding cell that Kevin was sitting in.
“Hey!Ginevra, you can’t just wander off.” Zarina had to jog to keep up with Ginevra’squick pace and long legs.
“I’ll makeyou a deal, Kevin. You drop your ideas of assault charges and we drop any sexualharassment charges. Deal?”
Kevinstood and leant against the cell bars in front of Ginevra. “No deal. Youpunched me. In the face.”
“I’llgive you a hundred bucks.”
“Deal.”Kevin said almost as soon as Ginevra had finished the sentence.
For the millionthtime that day, Zarina sighed. At least it would be all over now. Ginevra tookher wallet out of her back pocket and slapped a few bills into Kevin’s handonce he was set free. He left as soon as Zarina said he could.
Zarinahad thought that would be the end of it, but she found both Linnea and Ginevrastanding just outside the precinct. Zarina nodded to them as she started downthe road. Her ride had finished the same time that she was supposed to, butthere was a taxi rank a half block away.
“OfficerTala! Wait!”
Zarinapaused and let Linnea run up to her.
“How areyou getting home? I take it you don’t have a car if you’re not heading to theparking lot.”
Ginevraquickly caught up to them, looking just as curious for an answer.
“No, I’mcatching a taxi. My ride left when I was meant to clock out.”
“We cangive you a ride home.” Ginevra offered.
“No,that’s fine.”
“Atleast let us walk you to the taxi stand.” Linnea said quickly. “One way oranother it’s our fault you missed your ride.”
It wasprobably proper of her to decline, but Zarina just couldn’t bring herself tobother.
The walkwas mostly filled with Linnea chattering about the physics class she taught asGinevra guised them through the people on the street and eventually to a taxi.She leant in and spoke to the taxi driver quickly while Linnea opened the cardoor for her.
“It wasnice meeting you, Officer Tala. Even considering the circumstances.”
“Thefeeling is mutual, and you can call me Zarina.”
Linneasmiled softly. “That’s a beautiful name.” She said before she quickly shut thedoor and stood at the side of the road with Ginevra, waving Zarina off.
It wasn’tuntil the taxi pulled up in front of her apartment that Zarina realised Ginevrahad already paid for her trip.
The nextday a fruit basket appeared on her desk. The card was signed Ginevra and cameattacked with a note that said ‘last night was fun, we should do that againsometime’. A couple of hours later the fruit basket was joined by the bouquetof flowers, this time signed by Linnea. It also came with a little note. Thisone said ‘its okay, she wouldn’t have said anything if I wasn’t okay with it.We really should meet up again though’.
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alexryzlingold · 7 years
I really hope you continue your Bellow Diamond story! It's so good!
I certainly will! Also I'm really glad you like it. :DOnce I've finished the larger Family Matters (human au polydiamonds) story I'm working on, and smashed through some of the prompts I have in my backlog I'm going to open prompts up for both Family Matters and From Out Beyond Your Star.Then I'll work on a whole new larger story while also answering prompts because honestly I love my diamonds. They're great and such fun to write.
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alexryzlingold · 7 years
After dating for six months it’s finally time for Garnet and Amethyst to meet Pearl’s family. Human!AU. Polygems and polydiamonds.
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alexryzlingold · 7 years
Will you make a chapter where Yellow and Blue have a child/gemling in From Out Beyond Your Star AU?
Maybe? I've actually only got one chapter left for Bellow Diamond week and then I'm going to work on some if the prompts from Family Matters (polydiamonds human AU). After that though I'm going to open prompts back up again for all my stories.If they do have a kid, I won't go into the kid growing up cause it would be an OC.
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