natalie668 · 1 year
Background AvengersPoly!xReader
You smiled, looking at your mates who were happy, and all together for the first time in weeks we all had time for ourselves. No people needing saving; you were free to just relax and make the most of it.
You snuggle against Thor who is sat next to you, you're wearing your favourite snoodie and you're lovely and toasty and away from the flying popcorn. Yawning away Thor notices and leans down and kisses you.
"Ready for bed my Love?", he asks streaking your hair from your face. Smiling you nod, escaping the room before more than popcorn can fly, you both make your way to Thors bedroom suite.
As you both step in he leans in, his hand lifting the hoodie from off your body, "you shouldn't hide this beautiful body my Love. I wish I could worship it at all times." He says as he kisses across your collar bone. His large hands travelling past your perk nipples which have hardened to the touch.
You lean in pressing your lips against your Gods, "I wish you could too, sweetie." You say as you lift his T-shirt from off of him, you guide him backwards towards the bed.
"Lie back and let me worship you," you say with a smirk on your lips, you begin to kiss down his toned chest, his hands tangling in your hair.
He's groaning beneath you as you nip your way down his chest, pulling his grey sweats down his thighs you take in his bare body beneath, he had omitted wearing boxers. Your mouth waters at the sight.
He's hard and ready for you, his cock laid against his abs, you feel yourself salivating at the sight of the huge cock in front of you. It's always a pleasure for yourself and Thor when you attempt to take the huge thing in your mouth.
You lick from the bottom to the top taking him in as far as you can go, he sucks in a harsh breath, his fingers digging into your scalp. "Yes my mate. Take as much as you can, I believe in you my love; take it like a good girl." He says as he strokes down your throat where he can feel his cock bulging in your throat, you've been trying desperately since getting together to attempt deep throating him but unfortunately you still haven't managed to get the hang of it without almost being sick.
You use your hands to help, sucking him down as much as you can, your hands doing the rest of the work. You stare up into those sparkling blue eyes which have lightning sparks glinting. You fondle his balls in your other hand, his hands keeping you from taking him too much. You can feel he's getting closer.
"Hum a little, let me feel those vibrations, Good Girl," he moans as he feels himself about to explode down your throat.
"Swallow every drop," he says as he holds you there so you'll take every drop. You take as much as you can in your mouth, you feel the hot cum shoot into your mouth. Swallowing it down while looking up at him, you lick the little bit escaping his softening cock.
"Gods, your amazing baby girl."
You can't help but to smile and cuddle against him, tired out and ready for some sleep. He wraps his large arms around you tight, you can now sleep knowing you've satisfied your mate. You are so thankful for your Soulmates.
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idv-simp · 4 years
Joseph & Aesop with a shy S/O
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You had developed huge feelings for both Joseph and Aesop while you were at the manor.
And somehow, the hunter you got paired with the most was Joseph.
Which only escalated your feelings somehow, you weren’t really sure how as he was the *hunter* and his job was to capture you guys,
But that didn’t matter to you. One thing Joseph liked was taunting you and chasing you around rather than just hitting you straight up.
I mean, you both knew he could get you in an instant if he wanted to, but he didn’t seem to want to. He always used to try to get you last, too.
Naturally, you being shy, you were intimidated of him a little bit. It wasn’t fear, per se, but damn did he look scary chasing after you.
And it didn’t help that he always seemed to target Aesop alot in rounds you were paired up with the both of them in a match.
After time, you started to notice both of them being a bit weird, usually around you. Not weird as in obvious i like you weird,
But more of they knew the other liked you. You were clueless, though. Joseph always seemed to target him first, and Aesop seemed fed up with it.
See, the thing was, they actually both confessed to liking you at the same time one day after a match after a slight argument.
You were surprised as all hell. I mean… *Both* of them??? You ended up confessing too on a whim.
Then they asked you which one you’d choose. You said that you didn’t have to necessarily choose just one.
They were confused, and then you explained Polyamory and how it could work out. They agreed somehow.
I mean, it was a little weird for the both of them, considering they’ve never been in such a situation before,
But you guys made it work. In a duos hunter match, Joseph always makes sure the other hunter *KNOWS* not to touch you.
Aesop always follows you around in matches to make sure you’re never hurt or taken. He always chooses to save you with the rebirth ability he has so that if you’re ever caught, you won’t die with him around.
Joseph still targets Aesop though, but it’s more of just a for fun thing rather than an out of spite thing.
Once your guys’ relationship becomes a little bit more intimate, (not *THAT* way, i’m speaking affection wise) You get matching shirts for you three.
They’re a bit confused, and hesitate at first but they still occasionally wear them whenever you want to because if you’re happy, they’re happy.
Aesop isn’t really a petname type of guy, so he’ll rarely ever call you pet names. Usually just nicknames if he wants to. However, Joseph on the other hand…
‘Mi amor’, ‘Love’, ‘Dear’, ‘Darling’, ‘Dearest’, ‘My love’, anything like that, he’ll call you. It always makes your heart melt, and he loves to see your expression once called that. He finds your shyness adorable.
For your first date with Joseph, he takes you to an empty map in the red church, and you don’t know how, but he gets Antonio to play the violin there, too. He kind of spoils you, to be honest.
However, Aesop is content with going to darker places and just hang out with you there. He’d definitely take you out to one of the maps at night if he wanted to, maybe bring a few snacks, but he’s not really a dinner & candle type of guy.
I mean if you really want it, he’ll definitely do it, but he also just likes being there with you in places in general.
Aesop has a HUGE soft spot for you, as does Joseph, but Aesop is more expressive with it.
Neither are really a cuddle type, but if you fall asleep on one of them they won’t move you or complain.
Infact, since the three of you are together so much, sometimes that happens. They usually talk about you if that happens.
Aesop really loves your hair. Like, he’ll definitely play with it if you allow him to.
Joseph often kisses your hand whenever he sees you. It’s really adorable and all that, but he usually does it just to see you blush.
Joseph. spoils. you. I said it once, and I *will* say it again. He spoils you. He brings you constant stuff from the manors side or anything fancy he can find for you.
Like if he sees a ring, he’s gonna buy you one. Not necessarily for marriage, but just as a gift in general.
Even though you guys are dating, you’re still kind of shy around them. They try to encourage you and reassure you that you can be whoever you want to around them, as they won’t judge you.
Honestly? You weren’t expecting them to like you back at all. but at the end of the day,
You knew you wouldn’t trade it for the world, and neither would they.
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polyxreader · 7 years
Trunks x Female!Reader x Android 17
So this is gonna be the first part of two request about Trunks x Female Reader x Android 17
Firstly, I need to say that I'm gonna be writing these request on our normal universe 7 timeline (Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super timelines). Obviously, this is going to be far from the current DBS plot, because Trunks must grow (and suppose that 17, being the super-android human that he is, ages slowly, so it would just be in the perfect time). 
And of course, this is an AU: There is no Mai, there is no C17 wife. Fine? Fine.
Okay. For this point I must say that there are probabilities while writing Trunks, I take some traits of the Dragon Ball GT Trunks. I'm sorry if you do not like this series or that version of the character. Personally, it seems to me like a possibility that shows one Trunks that lives in a real world where there are no battles anymore. The reason, why some nuances of that version of Trunks could interfere in my writing, is mainly because it is a Trunks that I read and wrote for many years. Even if I want to get away, that's the personality that for so many years (before DBS) I conceived. So I hope it's not so bad.
Okay! And the last point to clarify is that the reader in this story will be human (you have not indicated me otherwise).
But if you want to order something else, do not hesitate to send it! And if what you wanted was this scenario to be in the mirai timeline, do not hesitate to tell me and I'll do that version (it will be quite interesting and angsty)
Trunks X Female!Reader X Android 17
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  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Let’s go! 
❤ You met Trunks at the Capsule Corp. You were doing an internship in your main career interest ;) and you were also very interested in ecology and all the problems that the earth was facing.
❤ So when your mainly project (relationated with your career and with your ecology passion) (to which you had dedicated your soul) resulted very successful, your reward was the opportunity (and responsibility) to present it to the Capsule Corp CEO: Trunks Brief.
  ❤ Was it an instant crush? Maybe, If you wanna call it like that.
❤ But the truth was that Trunks was simply amazed by your genuinity and by the passion that you show in every detail of your work. You had the spark of life! And Trunks was someone with such a vitality that was being represed by his current enviroment and by his lack of sense.
❤ Trunks not only realized that you were not like the majority of the girls who were chasing his money; He also realized that he was heartly happy when he was with you: his smile became truly bright, and the ache in his chest (sometimes caused by a blood that needed to fight, but that no longer did; and other times caused by the darkness of a future that although it no longer existed, it still weighed) diminished, being replaced by a conforting warmth.
❤ For your part, you realized that you could notice a change in Trunks. Every day that you spent together working on your project, he felt better: more alive. And that was something that you just wanted to treasure forever: the happiness of Trunks.
❤ By the time both of you realized, the feeling was already mutual: both of you were already in love. Each of you only wanted the protection and the happiness of the other.
❤ Trunks and you started a relationship. And you were more than welcome to the family of the Z warriors.
❤ On your second year of relationship, you were working on an environment project, and searching for an adequate ecosystem. That's when Goten (of course being Trunks' girlfriend meant that you became the new female bestfriend of Goten) suggested you to work on the island that he and Trunks protected years ago.
❤ Was it the best or the worst idea ever? Probably THE BEST.
❤ Being only a scientist (one of the best, in fact, because Bulma being Bulma adopted you as her apprentice first and as her second daughter later) you unexpectedly met with the protector of the island.
❤ (An Android with unlimited energy?!?!? what the hell, Goten!?!? Can't you just remember a detail like this?!?!?)
❤ But of course said Android was not (anymore) a killer, he was just working and protecting the island! Moreover, you recognized him as Android 18's brother!
❤ He offered himself to help you with your work... that was more like a kind of silent threat: little scientist, I do not care if you come from the Capsule Corp, you will not do what you want on this island while I stay alive.
❤ Holy shit! His presence was just overwhelming. And even though you wanted to just call Trunks at that time, there was something fascinating about him that made you stay and follow his silent commands.
❤ By the end of the day, the Android had realized that you not only did not intend to harm  the island or the nature, but that you were in fact a very noble human being.
❤ You spent the next weeks working on the island accompanied by 17.
❤ And he discovered two things. One: the island had twice as much life if you were in it! And two: He, who had managed to understand compassion and pain by projecting those feelings into nature and animals, could not help but feeling something similar for the first time for a human being.
❤ The android had believed in the past that humanity was something he could play with. But now, he could not help but feel that your humanity, that your kindness and that your fragility were something that should be protected. And that he would protect.
❤ On your part: You had met Trunks and you were in a relationship with him. Trunks was the man you loved. And precisely because of that, it was that you knew there was a moment in his life, when Trunks's eyes were lifeless.
If there was something that made your heart ache, it was precisely the fact that the eyes of Android 17 had much less life than those of Trunks had had in their worst moments.
❤ You knew there could be something that hurt 17. And although you did not understand why, you knew that it hurt you and that if it were for you, you would do anything to avoid that pain.
❤ It was precisely on one of those days of research on the island that Trunks went to pick you up! (Normally you spent the night together, but after work)
❤ That was the moment when both men met again.
❤ "He looks good." Trunks thought.
❤ "Is that TRUNKS?!"  The Android thought.
❤ After that moment and with the constant visits of your boyfriend to your work, Android 17 (feeling a special affection for you and a nascent attraction for Trunks) could not help but know that although Trunks did not bother him precisely, he just did not want to lose the attention you gave him.
❤ And picking up that playful and rebellious personality so of him, but that sometimes he left aside by the calm that gave him the natural environment in which he worked, he began to challenge Trunks!
❤ Trunks took your eyes off for a while: he would take advantage to get close to you a little!
❤ Trunks returned his sight to you: he would take advantage to approach the double to you!
❤ Flirting and compliments? He was neither as refined Trunks nor as presumptuous as his sister, but for you (and for fucking Trunks) he could become a gentleman.
❤ Sweet nicknames related to your ecology studies: YEP (only because of you)!
Kitten, beautiful bird, little fish, baby lion, tigress.
❤ The nicknames become sweeter (or hotter) if Trunks was closer: DEFINITIVELY.
❤ But most important of all: The three of you know that there was something playful and not threatening in all that? YES!
❤ The android enjoyed teasing Trunks. (And if with that he could made you laugh, he enjoyed it twice!)
❤ On the other hand, Trunks sometimes felt a tick in the eye when that happened. But there was something so absurd in all that flirting, that he could not help but felt fun and fake a false annoyance.
❤ And you: well, you had not smiled or laughed so much in years! Both the foolish flirtation and the even more foolish fights between that pair made you feel alive.
❤ The three of you surrounded by nature; smiling and... living.
❤ The two of them knowing that they could (both for their dumb game and for real interest) fight and not have to hold back. Both were worthy rivals for each other.
❤ You almost died of a heart attack the first time you saw a fight between a saiyan and an android with unlimited energy.
But immediately you thought that it was the most fascinating thing you had ever saw. With that vision your legs failed you and you stayed reclined in the softness of the sand, with your eyes bright and your lips wet. With something intense vibrating strongly in your chest.
❤ Trunks and 17 fought with a force that had been repressed for many years. And the moment they saw you ... oh god.
You were the most dazzling beauty that both had ever seen.
And best of all: the sublime expression you had had been caused by both. Together.
❤ That night, 17 could not but think selfishly that he no longer wanted a life without the two of you.
❤ And you and Trunks, could not help but feel (for the first time in many years) incomplete.
Under the moonlight, while you and your boyfriend made love, you both understood what was missing.
❤ And although there was very little left for your investigation on the island to end, neither you nor Trunks were going to let go of the person who made both of you happy.
That person was not going to let you go either.
*To be continued*
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hq-cuties-pls · 6 years
That Time of Year Again!!!
Now that Tumblr has stopped imploding (for now) it’s time. Yes, time!! Naughty List part 3 is a go!! And things are going to be a little different this year, but rest assured, I love doing this as my special gift to all my followers. I know I haven’t been as active this past year (and I’m sorry about that) but know that I appreciate everyone who was here before I took over and everyone who has come and gone since then. I love all of you--the people who continue to request and like and reblog and support me and my fellow admins... you guys really are a treasure!! 
Rules for 2018′s Naughty List 
Request as many boys as you like, anyone you like (so long as they have more than a few frames in the manga) I can’t guarantee I’ll get to everyone, but go nuts!
The only requests that will count are reblogs and replies on this post!! This is important--any that are sent to the ask box will sadly get deleted (regular requests are still open and totally fine!) 
While you can suggest prompts for your boy(s) [Or girls, I’m bi and not picky] I maintain the right to go with my inspiration (that’s the fun on the naughty list, after all
And, for the first time ever.... Feel free to request ships for PolyxReader for the list!! 
Please request before December 23
Thank Everyone, and Happy Holidays!!
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Hey everyone!
This is an OW writing blog.
Wrote on @have-some-mercy before but decided to split RP's and 'Imagines' for simplicitys sake.
Rules are tagged as rules and have more info.
For the saftey of the minors, all of my nsfw will be labeld,tagged,have a "keep reading" link bar, and have the nsfw setting before submitting it so you can be safe.
I do HCs for everything both sfw/nsfw/platonic/readerxcanon/canonxcanon/polyxreader
Match ups/best friend match ups/ and kink matchups
Fic. requests for readerxcanon, polyxreader,nsfw,canonxcanon, anything
More info. In my rules tag.
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polyxreader · 7 years
I am currently working on some of your requests!
So I guess you are going to have some Dragon Ball stuff this weekend!
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Lgbtqna friendly, no hate nor omnic hate.
I do Matchups, Headcanons, fic requests, and smut requests for all three.
Anything NSFW will be tagged such, and have a "read more" bar on it so if you are underage do not click "read more".
It will have a warning above it before as well so you will be safe from being exposed to it unless you click into it. I'll also mark it as NSFW via submission so you most likley will not be able to see it regardless.
Please note I use mobile more then my computer. Unless it's a fic. it will most likley be done via mobile tumblr.
I write for all characters, for reader x canon characters and canon x canon characters.
No matchups [unless you state its just best friend matchup request (b.f.m. req.)] will include Orisa, Bastion, or married Torbjörn.
As above I also do BFM matchups, like regular matchups, just with the results for your bestie.
If you put both/bi/pansexual for a normal/nsfw match up, i will include both a male and female version as the results.
For a nsfw match up, list your kinks and interests and like the regular match ups I'll list who you would be most compatable with.
Note: If you add w/ships I'll give you results with ships, for normal match ups its you being in a polyamorous relationship, same for kinks, for a bestie result its which ship would you be besties with.
Will do all characters
All pairings
Readerxcanon included
Polyxreader included too
Nsfws as well
Basicaly will give a hc for anything you ask. Even dumb ones for lets say, torbs turret or something.
Fanfic requests
Normaly will be dabbles, short-ish but it could turn longer if im inspired for it
From canonxreader to canonxcanon
Poly or not, just like headcanons and evrrything else, ill do my best.
Same for nsfw
Please note, this is a hobby so I have the right to refuse some if i dont know how to write something or it just doesn't appeal to me.
I also do go to college so I might not get to everything right away.
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