#pomni and balan
The Amazing Digital Wonderworld.
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Pomni tripped on her heels as she exited the office building, growing annoyed as her sketches and drawings for the upcoming virtual world video game slipped through her fingers.
“Today is not my day!” She groaned, leaning over to pick up the delicate work. “It couldn’t get worse…Could it?”
After the poor young woman finished her sentence, a heavy downpour of rain descended on her, drenching her from head to toe. Pomni uttered an exasperated cry and quickly cradled her wet sketches against her chest, desperately trying to salvage what she could.
The unforgiving rain continued to pour, washing away her carefully crafted designs and leaving them as smudged ink on soggy paper.
Sighing deeply, Pomni looked at the gloomy sky with frustration and resignation. It seemed like the universe was determined to test her patience.
She wrung out her drenched hair, feeling the cold water trickling down her back, and started walking towards the nearest shelter.
Her soaked heels squelched under her weight with each step, causing her balance to waver dangerously. She couldn’t help but shake her head and chuckle bitterly at the irony.
As a game designer, she had spent countless hours creating immersive virtual worlds, yet she struggled to navigate even the simplest of situations.
She walks down the city streets, a car driven by Pomni tires hits a large puddle, sending a wave of dirty rainwater splashing onto her already-soaked clothes. Pomni gasped in shock and frustration, her clothes now drenched in rainwater and muddy sludge.
She then felt a snap.
Her left heel broke, sending her stumbling forward and landing on her hands and knees. The pain shot through her foot as she tried to gather herself, but she just ended up sitting on the wet pavement, wholly defeated.
Passersby glanced at her with sympathetic or amused looks, but no one offered a helping hand. Pomni felt a surge of anger rise within her, fueled by her current state and the accumulated frustrations of the day.
Tears welled up in her eyes, blending with the rain on her face as she felt a deep sense of injustice wash over her.
And then, from the corner of her blue eyes, she noticed a minor and very furry-looking creature.
It was small, yellow, and round; it also had the beak of a chicken and the ears of a bunny.
“What…the?” Pomni whispered, tilting her head to the side, as the fuzzy…whatever wanted her to follow it.
Curiosity getting the best of her, Pomni slowly stood up, wincing at the pain in her twisted foot, and cautiously followed the strange creature down a narrow alleyway.
The rain continued to pour around them, but Pomni ignored it, intrigued by the mystery unfolding before her.
They walked deeper into the alley, the creature began to lead her toward a hidden theater that blended seamlessly with the brick wall.
Pomni hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect, but the creature nudged her forward with a determined look in its eyes.
“Chu!” the creature cooed, encouraging Pomni to follow it farther.
Pomni did so, her curiosity being cured once the creature leads her to the outside of the theater.
The outside door was weathered and covered in peeling paint, giving it a mysterious and neglected appearance.
As Pomni approached, she noticed the faint sound of music seeping through the cracks. The creature nudged the door open, revealing a dimly lit corridor with flickering lights leading to a hidden world within the theater.
With a mixture of hesitation and excitement, Pomni stepped inside. The interior of the theater was unlike anything she had ever seen before.
The walls were adorned with vibrant artwork, showcasing scenes from fantastical virtual worlds and characters brought to life. The air was filled with a warm and comforting energy, contrasting the gloomy weather outside.
In the center of the room, Pomni realized a man sitting quietly humming a soft tune.
“Maybe he works here?” she thought, feeling her heart beginning to pound with anxiety, and now questioning herself if she had made the right choice in following that animal.
Then the man stood up from his chair; Pomni’s eyes doubled in size once she noticed how tall he was.
He wore a white, red, purple, and gold magician’s shirt with a red ascot and a navy vest, a white top hat that has a red mask-like hat band, long, white trousers with red accents, and gold and navy trim/hues and white low heeled shoes. He also wore white gloves with gold, ring-like accents, and frilly red cuffs.
Pomni noticed he had long cyan-green-like dreadlock hair and black charcoal skin.
And he wore a broad smile across his face.
A vast, white smile…
As the man stood up from his chair, Pomni took a step back and was about to run away without a second thought, and then the man spun around on the toes of his shoes and pulled her into the nook of his arm.
“Ah, my dear, you’ve finally arrived,” the man said in a smooth and enchanting voice. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
Pomni’s heart raced in her chest, unsure of what was happening but unable to break free from the man’s hold.
“Who are you?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
“My name is Balan!” Balan greeted himself, quickly losing his smile after he witnessed Pomni fainting, her still body collapsing against his wooden floor.
With a loud and heavy. THUD!
“Chu!” exclaimed the same creature that led Pomni to Balan’s theater, looking cross and angry at the tall man.
“No! I wasn’t being over dramatic with my greeting!” Balan argued back, “Now, let’s get this poor girl into bed!”
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artscheese · 8 months
Woah!! More doots!!
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pawsometoons · 9 months
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nyxierinasarts · 7 months
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I've been seeing a lot of Swap!AUs for The Amazing Digital Circus and I thought I'd take a crack at it.
Most Swaps just kinda have Pomni in Caine's clothes. But I thought that it'd be more interesting if Swap!Pomni was closer to Caine, in not having a full face. So Pomni here is really just some floating eyes on a hat with hair. Cursed? Probably.
I might do Caine and the rest of the circus in the future. Who knows.
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almond-tofu-chan · 7 months
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shadowqueen402 · 4 months
TADC affected by the Maestro Hiccups please!
Here you go! Just as I promised! You're going to love this!
"Balan, welcome back," Ragatha greeted her new maestro friend. "I haven't seen you in a while. But I guess that means that things are going great?"
"They were, for the most part," Balan said. "Lance and I had just helped a Visitor find their—HIC!" Suddenly, Balan hiccuped and released some of his magic at Ragatha.
"Gah, Balan!" Ragatha yelped once the magic faded. "What just happened…!?" She found herself looking down for some reason and gasped in shock.
Instead of her usual dress, she was now in a frilly, blue princess dress. Her black shoes were now replaced with glass slippers.
"Ragatha, Pomni's having one of her episodes again…" Jax said, casually walking to where the stage was. He stopped when he noticed two things; Balan's presence and Ragatha's new outfit. He snickered in pure amusement. "Getting all dolled up, aren't ya, Dollface? Did ya look in the mirror?"
Ragatha rushed over to the mirror. When she looked in the reflection, her mouth parted in surprise. Her ribbon was also gone and it was replaced with a silver tiara.
"Jax, her appearance isn't her own doing, but rather my own," Balan explained to the purple rabbit. "My hiccups can—HIC!" And Balan unleashed another hiccup…right near Jax. A cloud of positive magic flowed over him.
When it faded away, a small rabbit with periwinkle fur sat in Jax's place. Its little nose twitched as it looked around. "What's going on!?" The rabbit, that sounded exactly like Jax, demanded. "Why does everything look so large!?"
Ragatha resisted the urge to squeal. But she gently scooped up the small rabbit. "Aww, Jax!" She said. "Look at how adorable you've become!"
"I'm NOT adorable, Dollface!" Jax argued. "I'm— WHAT THE!?" His small, yellow eyes widened when he gazed at the mirror. Balan's hiccup had turned him into an actual rabbit.
Just then, Pomni entered into the main room. She seemed to have calmed down from her previous episode. "What was all the noise earlier?" She asked before noticing Ragatha's and Jax's new appearance. "What happened to you guys?"
"Pomni, you must get to safety," Balan tried to warn. "Ragatha and Jax's new looks were both caused by—HIC!" Another hiccup was released, causing a wave of magic to head toward Pomni.
When the magic faded, Pomni opened her squinted eyes. She looked down to see that she no longer wore a jester outfit. Instead, she bore a schoolgirl outfit. "Ugh, what just happened? What did you do, Balan?"
"My hiccups are far from normal, my dear friend," Balan answered, flashing an apologetic look toward her. "When in contact with one, you will change drastically to—HIC!" He let out another hiccup that hit both Zooble, Bubble, and Caine this time.
When the magic faded, Jax bursted out laughing at Caine's new appearance. Instead of being an AI, he now took on the form of a nutcracker. "Love the new form, Chatters."
"Speak for yourself," Zooble said, sounding both confused and unamused. "I now am made from parts of a quilt." She eyed up her body, taking in the new details. "So this is how Gangle feels when it comes to her hands, body, and feet."
"That reminds me…" Jax still was the same mischievous person despite his new form. "Kinger! Gangle! Come here!"
"Jax, no!" Ragatha warned, but it was too late. Kinger came out of his pillowfort. And Gangle entered into the room. She yelped when a marble that was the size of Bubble almost rolled into her. But thankfully, she got out of the way.
"Kinger, Gangle, I must warn you!" Balan tried to warn. "Getting close to me while I'm in this state you really ought not—HIC!" And Balan released a hiccup at Kinger and Gangle.
When the magic faded, Jax laughed again. Kinger now resembled a wax figurine of a king. But Gangle's ribbon body now resembled slinkies. The moment Gangle tried to move, she yelped when she found herself bouncing.
"I have a feeling that this is Wonderworld related," Zooble guessed.
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lib-cious97 · 6 months
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One and only...
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I just finnished and hope u all my pretties love this! Have a good day :]
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maccachibchan · 4 months
Valentine’s Day 2024 Theme: Family
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Hope you all have a beautiful and wonderful Valentine’s Day! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖤🩶🤍🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝🥰😊
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charlie-horses-blog · 29 days
I find it funny when some artists draw pomni more attractively like she ain't built like a balan's wonderworld character
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lovelyteng · 8 months
My Crossover Cast as The Amazing Digital Circus (My Version)
Brawl Stars Colt as Pomni Mortis as Caine Pearl as Ragatha Chester as Jax Nita as Gangle Colette as Bubble Stu as Kinger Edgar as Zooble Barley as Kaufmo
No Straight Roads Eloni/Green 1010 as Pomni Mayday as Caine Haym/Yellow 1010 as Ragatha Zimelu/Red 1010 as Jax Yinu as Gangle Ellie as Bubble Neon J as Kinger Eve as Zooble Sayu as Kaufmo
Balan Wonderworld Emma Cole as Pomni Balan as Caine Eis Glover as Ragatha Sana Hudson as Jax Lucy Wong as Gangle Lance as Bubble Cal Suresh as Kinger Cass Milligan as Zooble Attilio Caccini/Princess Marey as Kaufmo
Cuphead Mugman as Pomni Chef Saltbaker as Caine Baroness Von Bon Bon as Ragatha Goopy Le Grande as Jax Sally Stageplay as Gangle The Pawn as Bubble Dr. Kahl as Kinger Rumor Honeybottoms as Zooble Beppi The Clown as Kaufmo
Luigi’s Mansion 3 Steward as Pomni Morty as Caine Ginny as Ragatha Clem as Jax Nikki as Gangle Polterpup as Bubble Dr. Potter as Kinger Amadeus Wolfgeist as Zooble Hellen Gravely as Kaufmo
Welcome Home Howdy Pillar as Pomni Wally Darling as Caine Julie Joyful as Ragatha Sally Starlet as Jax Eddie Dear as Gangle Barnaby B. Beagle as Bubble Poppy Partridge as Kinger Frank Frankly as Zooble Home as Kaufmo
Bendy Series Henry Stein as Pomni Joey Drew as Caine Wally Franks as Ragatha Shawn Flynn as Jax Norman Polk as Gangle Daniel “Buddy” Lewek as Bubble Grant Cohen as Kinger Susie Campbell as Zooble Bill Danton as Kaufmo
Mixels Camillot as Pomni Flain as Caine Snoof as Ragatha Zorch as Jax Wuzzo as Gangle Torts as Bubble Dribbal as Kinger Gurggle as Zooble Berp as Kaufmo
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shadowqueen402 · 7 months
Hey There! I have a fic request! Balan (with his own magic) ends up in the Amazing Digital Circus!
Ooh! That would definitely be something! Here you go! It's so good to receive an ask from you after a long while.
🎵 Gangle and Zooble and Kinger too 🎵
🎵 Ragatha, Jax, and there's Pomni woo-hoo 🎵
🎵 Day after day after day we fly🎵
🎵 Past the moon and the sun and we don't know why🎵
Caine and the others were busy rehearsing the theme song for The Amazing Digital Circus. So far, everything was going nice and smoothly for the gang.
But while they were busy performing, they failed to notice a cloud of magic puffing. Standing on the stage was none other than Balan himself. His usual grin was still evident on his face.
"Aha—I knew that this trick would lead me here!" Balan said. "Now I wonder what other colorful worlds might be near…"
That said, his voice was what caused the performance to suddenly stop. All eyes were focused on Balan himself. "Caine, is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker?" A tall purple rabbit asked a floating AI with a humanoid body that had a large row of teeth and heterochromatic eyes. "Because if it's a new character, we're going to have to redo this whole theme song."
"I'm not doing that again," A mix-and-match toy said to Jax, her arms crossed while she looked unamused.
"Uh, who is this guy?" A small jester asked. From the sound of her voice, Balan knew that the jester was a female.
"My, my, it appears a new human has entered this realm!" Caine, the aformentioned AI, announced as he floated toward Balan.
"I am not a human, I must confess," Balan said. "Rather, an entirely different being that found his way into this mess."
"Wait, is it just me or is that tall man rhyming whenever he talks?" A ragdoll asked everyone.
"And if he's not a human, then what is he supposed to be?" The mix-and-match toy asked, uncrossing her arms.
"Does he also know how we can leave?" The jester asked, causing the rabbit to roll his eyes.
"Who might you be, newcomer?" Caine asked Balan.
Balan did a graceful bow in front of everyone. "Why, I am Balan, maestro of Wonderworld; a place where emotions play an important aspect of healing. As a maestro myself, I am able to determine all of the positive emotions that you may be feeling."
"You remember where you come from?" The jester named Pomni asked, shocked. Even the others were rather baffled. "What else do you remember? Family?"
Balan chuckled. "Of course I remember my family. Why would I forget about those that are close to me? I have a twin brother who I hold very dear. And two cousins; one playful and one that will fill you with fear."
"Fill us with fear?" A ribbon-like being with a comedy theater mask for a face eyed Balan with curiosity. "How scary is your cousin, to be exact?"
Balan's smile faded and was replaced with a frown. "It is best that you put that question to rest."
"I'm going to guess that your cousin is not a polite person, yes?" The ragdoll nervously laughed.
"Of course not, dollface," The purple rabbit said. "By the way, I wonder if his cousins would like pranks…" A mischievous grin formed on his face.
"Jax, don't you dare…" The mix-and-match toy warned Jax before turning to Balan. "Sorry about him. He likes pranks way too much."
"One of my two cousins enjoys pranks too," Balan revealed. "So this should be good news for you." He looked at Jax who was already brainstorming prank ideas.
"I hope your cousin's pranks aren't as dangerous as Jax's," The ribbon-like being stated, trying to approach Balan. But Jax decided to push her down to the ground, causing her comedy mask to fall off and break.
"Really, Jax?" The ragdoll glared at Jax. "Leave Gangle alone, will you?"
"Oh my, let me help you with your mask," Balan said to a crying Gangle. "Fixing it is a simple task." When he snapped his fingers, Gangle's comedy mask was suddenly good as new much to everyone's surprise.
"Impressive!" A king chess piece spoke. "How did he do this? And what else can he do?"
"More importantly, where can we find this Wonderworld?" Caine asked.
"Follow me—and you all shall see." Balan gave everyone a wink.
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shadowqueen402 · 7 months
Hello again! If you want to, can you continue on with the idea of TADC cast being introduced to Wonderworld? (And for Pomni, a way to escape)
Sure thing! I can already imagine how that will turn out.
When Balan led the seven to Wonderworld, neither of them were expecting much. But they were curious as to why Wonderworld took place inside a theatre building.
But when they entered into a world with a wide green land and thirteen different lands, neither of them were prepared for any of this.
"This is Wonderworld?" Ragatha asked, looking around. "I've never seen a world such as this before!"
"And what might those be, Balan?" Caine asked, pointing to the thirteen different lands.
"Those are called stages, Caine," Balan explained. "They're places that my thirteen fellow friends reside in order to confront their personal pain."
"So basically, your friends come here to emotionally heal, correct?" Zooble guessed. Just then, she suddenly felt something touch her leg. When she looked down, she spotted a bunch of colorful, round creatures approaching her. "Don't tell me that your place is infested with Gloinks too!"
"An insect collection?" Kinger asked, glancing down at the creatures with curiosity.
"I don't think those are insects," Gangle pointed out. At this, Kinger yelped despite the fact that Gangle was literally right next to him.
"These are not Gloinks nor insects, you see." Balan scooped one of the creature up into his hands. "These creatures are called Tims; worry not, they're super friendly."
"Alright, I've had enough of these things," Jax said, averting his eyes while looking mildly annoyed. One yellow Tim had hopped up and was now nuzzling his cheek. This caused Ragatha to stifle a giggle.
"Come on, Jax," Ragatha said, scooping one up gently. "That little guy sure likes you."
"Dear brother, I heard voices from within." Another male's voice immediately grabbed everyone's attention. "I wasn't aware that you brought Visitors in."
Everyone turned and stared in awe at the person who entered the room. He was a man who was as tall as Balan. But unlike the behatted maestro, this man had black, tentacle-like hair and long tentacles emerging from his back. His outfit was purple and black. And his eyes were blue with a yellow sclera. By his feet was a small black creature with a white mask that looked like a squirrel.
"Dearest friends, meet my twin brother," Balan said, walking over to Lance. "Despite us being different, we still look out for each other."
"Is he a maestro too?" Ragatha asked.
"While Balan himself is the maestro of positivity, I am Lance, maestro of negativity," Lance explained. "Together, we work to give every Visitor a chance. To help them mend their hearts and regain their balance."
"Whatever you say, Gloomy," Jax said, smiling mischievously at Lance, who wasn't amused by the nickname that was given to him.
While everyone was talking to the two maestro brothers, Pomni looked around silently. She stopped when she saw them; two doors with some light flowing inside. Now was her chance! She could finallt escape!
Pomni waited until everyone was distracted. Then, she quietly snuck off and made her way out of the Isle of Tims and down the corridor. She was so close! She could finally leave! Once she opened those doors, she would be back home and into her normal life!
Pomni reached out for the doorknob. But to her dismay, something stopped her. She was suddenly knocked over and was snuggled by a bunch of Tims. "GAH!" Pomni yelped. This drew everyone's attention as Balan walked over to Pomni.
"My apologies, Pomni," Balan said while scooping up the Tims. "My dear Tims mean no harm, really." Jax, in the background, was heard snickering at the sight.
"Y-Your Tims…?" Pomni asked, backing away from them as they chirped at her.
"They must have assumed you wanted to play," Balan guessed. "When it comes to affection, Tims sure have their way."
Pomni stayed rooted where she was. All she could do was eye those Tims in curiosity and fear.
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lib-cious97 · 6 months
Here comes the king!
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shadowqueen402 · 7 months
Hello again! Can I request another TADC X BWW Fic?
This time, with everyone meeting the Negabosses...and Caine thinking they're Abstracted
Pfft! The idea of Caine thinking that the Nega Bosses are abstracted is hilarious! 🤣
"I didn't know that Wonderworld had a place as dark as…this," Zooble replied, crossing her arms.
"This realm is the birthplace of all negativity," Lance explained. "And it is ruled by one particular person; me. Now that you're all here, I'd like to introduce you all to thirteen individuals that you've never met. They may appear scary, but they mean well if you want my bet."
"If you say so, Gloomy," Jax replied, smirking at Lance's slight annoyance. He knew Lance didn't like the nickname which was why he used it.
Without a word, Lance snapped his fingers. Suddenly, thirteen dark enormous beings appeared in front of the group, surprising them. Gangle yelped in terror. "What's happening!?" She cried.
"It's just Gloomy's friends." Jax didn't coddle the frightened Gangle.
"Should we run or…?" Ragatha asked, shielding a petrified Pomni.
"Friends, meet the Nega Bosses," Balan explained. "They're a group of individuals who represent the Inhabitants' doubts and losses."
"An insect!" Kinger exclaimed, eyeing Wormsworth.
"Kinger, that's a Nega Boss," Zooble replied. "But I can see why you would think it's an insect."
Kinger looked at Zooble and yelped. "Oh, it's just you, Zooble!" He breathed a sigh of relief.
Caine, however, had a different reaction. "They've abstracted immediately!?" He exclaimed. "Into the celler they must go!"
"Are you nuts?" Inkabelle scolded Caine. "We're not abstracted… Whatever that is."
"Who even are these people, Lance?" Anjellica asked. "And why do they look so different from your cousins and our friends?"
"Uh, you're not going to hurt us, are you?" Pomni asked.
"No, why would we?" Barktholomew asked. "If Balan and Lance welcomed you guys here, that must mean that you're not here to cause trouble."
"We're not," Ragatha assured. "Jax, on the other hand…" She eyed the grinning jackrabbit with suspicion. "He's rather mischievous…"
"Don't worry, dollface," Jax said. "I'll go easy on these guys." But his grin suggested otherwise.
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shadowqueen402 · 6 months
The Maiden And The Huntsman: Epilogue
The crowd of people gathered around outside of the castle. The sound of an organ was heard playing in the background. What was happening on this particular fine day? A royal wedding was taking place. Princess Aria and Reala were officially getting married.
"I've never been to a wedding before," Gangle said with excitement. "I can't wait to see the princess and Reala!"
"Neither have I," Jax nonchalantly replied, gazing at his new armor with silent admiration. As a reward for aiding in catching Queen Primrose, Jax was given new armor that was styled how he wanted it. And so did NiGHTS as well.
"Look!" Kaufmo exclaimed, pointing at the royal gates. "Here they come!"
Everyone turned and cheered to see Reala and Princess Aria exiting the castle. Princess Aria was now clad in a white dress and a white viel. Reala was in a white and red prince outfit. He held Princess Aria's arm like a gentleman.
"Wow!" Bianca sighed in awe. "Look how beautiful Princess Aria's wedding dress is."
"It's really gorgeous, isn't it?" Phil asked.
"I agree," Clem replied. "Reala's outfit looks amazing as well. The colors suit him completely."
King Roy and Queen Esme exited the castle. They both smiled in joy at the sight of their daughter marrying the one person who awakened her.
"Looks like both Reala and Princess Aria finally got the happy ending that they deserve!" Leo said.
"I agree," Pomni said. "This is a wedding I will never forget."
The crowd watched with smiles as Princess Aria and Reala kissed each other on the lips. Then, the crowd cheered and clapped at the sight.
"I knew he loved her," Jax said to himself. Though, he didn't applaud, he did watch the wedding occur.
It really was a fantastic happy ending for everyone.
The End.
Aria and her parents belong to me.
Bianca, Phil, and Clem belong to @sundove88
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shadowqueen402 · 7 months
Ooh! Ooh! Saw that TADC×BWW. I love it! How about a Fic of the Circus Gang(TADC) meeting the Costume Representatives.
Dusk Butterfly, Dynamic Dolphin, Tornado Wolf
Ooh! That would be pretty interesting. To make it better, each individual member will meet a certain Representative Costume.
[With Pomni 🎈]
Pomni cautiously looked around Fiona's stage. "H-Hello?" She called out. "Is anyone here?"
"Are you lost, new Visitor?" A female's voice grabbed Pomni's attention, causing her to jump. Pomni cautiously turned to the source of the voice and stopped.
Standing there was a dolphin-shaped being. "W-Who are you?" Pomni asked.
"I am Dynamic Dolphin," The being explained. "I am what Visitors call a costume."
Pomni seemed to calm down a bit. "A…costume?"
"There are plenty of costumes for you to wear in all of Wonderworld." Dynamic Dolphin smiled. "I happen to be a specific costume called a Representative Costume. These types of costumes represent the Inhabitant that resides in the stages. But, like all costumes, I grant the wearer a certain ability."
"What ability will you grant me if I wore you?" Pomni's fear almost disappeared completely. She was now mostly curious.
"I can allow you to swim in those water pillars." Dynamic Dolphin pointed to the pillars that were made entirely out of water. "Now, some costumes can grant you two abilities. Jellyjolt can not only let you swim in these pillars, but she'll allow you to surround yourself in electricity in order to deflect electric-based attacks."
"Would it hurt?" Pomni was a bit unsure.
"Of course not," Dynamic Dolphin replied. "Shall I introduce you to the other costumes? I'm sure that they'll like you."
[With Jax 🐇]
"Alright, I've had enough of this," Jax said, glaring at the snow. It was the fifth time that he'd almost slipped on the icy paths.
"I wasn't aware that we were having company." A female's voice spoke, grabbing Jax's attention. He looked over and saw a creature with light blue fur and deer antlers staring at him.
"Who are you, snowball?" Jax asked, smirking at the being's frown.
"I am Frost Fairy," The being said, not amused with the nickname Jax gave her. "I am what you would call a costume. Basically, when you wear me, I will grant you an ability to use. But I'm no ordinary costume. I'm a Representative Costume as I represent the Inhabitant of this stage."
"Cool." There was sarcasm in Jax's tone. "Anyways, where can I meet this Inhabitant?"
"She's not here at this moment," Frost Fairy said. "So you're going to have to wait until she comes here."
"Aww, don't be such an icicle, snow fox," Jax teased Frost Fairy. But suddenly, a snowball was thrown at him which caused Jax to be temporarily frozen into a 6'2 ice block.
"Something tells me that Iben won't like this guy," Frost Giant said, frowning at the frozen Jax.
[With Gangle 🎭]
While she enjoyed the view of Haoyu's stage, Gangle was not fond of the strong winds that blew from the fans. Unfortunately for Gangle, a strong gust of wind blew off her comedy mask, causing it to fall to the ground and break in half.
"My comedy mask is broken," Gangle said, immediately sobbing. While she was sobbing, she didn't notice a being approach her while holding her broken comedy mask.
"Excuse me, but is this mask yours?" A male's voice caused the crying Gangle to look up. It was a being with bat-like wings and was dressed as though he was ready to fly an airplane.
Gangle sniffled. "Yeah. The wind from the fan blew it off and it broke. And Balan had just fixed it."
"Oh, don't worry," The being comforted Gangle. "It was an honest accident. But strong winds are a downside to this stage. I'm Aero Acrobat, a costume of Haoyu's stage. A Representative Costume, to be exact."
"A costume?" Gangle asked.
"Basically, we give Visitors a certain ability if they wear us," Aero Acrobat explained. "I allow the wearer to land direct hits on targets while in midair. I'll have to demonstrate it to you some other time. But right now, let's worry about your mask. Haoyu has some glue that he can use to fix it. I know where he is."
"Okay…" Gangle sniffed. "Thank you."
[With Zooble 🪅]
"Out of all the possible themes, why did this stage have to be fire?" Zooble asked, looking around. There was lava in the majority of the stage.
Which meant Zooble had to be careful when walking. She was not risking having her parts being burnt.
"Coming through!" A male's voice shouted as he rushed past Zooble. He was a being that resembled a fire hydrant where a firefighter's uniform. He approached the lava and started shooting water at it, creating a temporary path. Then, he looked at Zooble.
"You might as well walk on it while you have the chance!" He said to her. "It's not going to last long!"
With a shrug, Zooble rushed over to the path and made it to the other side. And it was just in time as the path started to fade away into the lava.
"How did you do that?" Zooble asked the being.
"It's a gift," The being said. "I'm Water Blaster. I'm a being known as a costume. As you can see, when you wear me, I give you the ability to blast out water in order to help you safely cross lava without getting burnt. But unlike other costumes here, I'm a Representative Costume."
"The difference being?" Zooble raised a brow.
"Representative Costumes represent the Inhabitant of the stage they're in," Water Blaster said. "In this case, I represent Eis Glover, a real-life firefighter. The rest of the Inhabitants even have one of their own."
"Interesting," Zooble said. "I'm still getting used to this Wonderworld that Balan introduced me and the others to. Frankly, I hope Jax doesn't cause trouble…"
"Is this Jax a friend of yours?" Water Blaster asked.
"Something like that," Zooble replied. "Word of advice; if he asks you if you like pranks, walk away."
[With Ragatha 🩵]
"Wow, this is a really beautiful world!" Ragatha looked around Jose's stage. "There is a lot of vegetables, though." She took a closer look at the farming tools. "How long have they been lounging there?"
"Hard to say," A male's voice replied, startling Ragatha. "But don't worry, Jose still uses them."
Ragatha turned and slightly gasped. In front of her was a being that looked exactly like a wolf with red fur. "A-A wolf?" She was shocked.
"Not just any wolf," The being replied with a proud smile. "I'm Tornado Wolf. I'm a costume that will grant the wearer the ability to create tornadoes, hence my name."
"Costumes can do that?" Ragatha was now even more curious.
"In Wonderworld? Yes." Tornado Wolf smiled. "However, unlike the rest of the costumes, I'm known as a Representative Costume. These types of costumes represent the Inhabitants. I represent Jose Gallard."
"Who is this Jose?" Ragatha asked. "Does he tend vegetables?"
"He does," Tornado Wolf replied. "He's a farmer. So it would be his job to tend crops."
"Since you've mentioned that there are more costumes, could you show me them?" Ragatha gave Tornado Wolf a hopeful stare.
"I sure can do so," Tornado Wolf responded. "Follow me!"
[With Kinger ♟️]
"What is this place?" Kinger asked, gazing at the medieval-themed world that was Cal's stage. "Is there an insect collection here?" Kinger decided to walk and see what he could find.
"Excuse me, I didn't know that there was another white king chess piece," A male's voice said. Kinger turned and yelped at the small being that stood a few inches away.
"Sorry if I startled you." The being, which resembled a white king chess piece with four cannons, bowed to Kinger. "I noticed you came by so I decided to see what was going on."
Kinger breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, as a royal figure, I can assure you that you are forgiven. Could you tell me who you are? And what this place in Wonderworld is?"
"You're in Cal's stage," The being said. "I am Quad Cannon; Representative Costume of Cal Suresh. When people wear me, I give them the ability to shoot out cannonballs from all four sides."
"Costumes can have abilities?" Kinger asked.
"Yes," Quad Cannon said. "Every costume in Wonderworld will give the wearer certain abilities. This is to protect you from any threats."
"I must tell Caine about this," Kinger said.
"Who is Caine?" Quad Cannon asked. Kinger looked at the costume and yelped, causing the costume to sigh.
[With Caine 🎪]
"Well, this world is not like any I've seen!" Caine said. "Wonderworld is surely full of surprises!" He flew around Yuri's stage, taking in the scenery. Though it was a bit dark, there were some glowing mushrooms that helped Caine see.
Suddenly, Caine noticed a purple butterfly-like creature fly by. "Why, what an interesting creature!" He exclaimed.
His voice caught the creature's attention. "Oh, hi!" She greeted Caine. "I honestly thought Yuri came back today. But I haven't seen you before! Who might you be?"
"I am Caine, ringmaster of The Amazing Digital Circus!" Caine introduced. "And what might your name be?"
"I'm Dusk Butterfly," Dusk Butterfly said. "I'm a costume. When you wear me, you'll receive the ability to fly. But only in dark spaces. My power weakens in bright spaces. However, I'm a Representative Costume."
"What are Representative Costumes?" Caine asked. "Do tell, my friend!"
"Representative Costumes are beings that represent the Inhabitants!" Dusk Butterfly explained. "I represent Yuri Brand. Every Inhabitant has their own Representative Costume!"
"How marvelous," Caine replied, sounding impressed. "Too bad the circus doesn't have this! Wonderworld really is full of surprises."
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