#pomni is a GIRL KISSER
nobody-nexus · 8 months
She can't escape the girl kissing allegations
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spitinsideme · 9 months
for @painted-night-sky ask ... two giels can in fact om purpose kiss ... you and me babygirl lets make it happen 💪💪💪 ALSO RAGATAH AND POMNI !!! first girlkissers in the worls
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i keep on deting asks accjdmely bit this is the ask i recekved .. im putting it in becajse i like the image k think kts funny
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ask--the--ragdoll · 8 months
what do you think about Pomni?
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"Well, i think she's great! Shes a bit..well, not pathetic, just..jittery! Yeah, jittery. But she makes great company!"
"Don't tell her i said this, but she's really pretty."
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 10 months
Ragatha, ik you have a crush on pomni, also I dare you to tell everyone your secret that you've been hiding from them...
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"I didn't know how Caine found out? He just teleported in my room one day, blew confetti everywhere, and congratulated me for 'being true to myself'?"
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gravitycavity · 5 months
Sunshine (Pomni x Ragatha) Chapter 6 - Radiant
[Click here to read from the beginning on AO3!]
Cover art by @blukiar
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Vanilla and dried leaves and crisp morning air. 
Ragatha savored the feminine aura that enveloped her, hands shivering as they strangled the silky fabric of Pomni’s tunic. She leaned in, pressing harder. A delightful, breathy sound snuck out of the corners of her mouth as Pomni’s lips yielded to hers. They were soft. Sweet. The warmest thing she’d ever tasted. 
“Pomni…” Ragatha drifted at last from the cozy embrace, breath shuddering in sync with the rest of her body. Her good eye peeked open just a crack. Her hands turned slack and listless. One-by-one, her fingers lost their grip on Pomni’s tunic until, inevitably, she felt herself falling. 
Pomni caught her, of course — Ragatha knew that she would. 
Safe and secure in the arms of her fearless knight, Ragatha pulled her legs toward her core, making herself small. Her eyelids dragged fully open. It had felt like an eternity since she’d last looked at that gorgeous face, and she couldn’t stand to wait a single second longer.
Pomni’s hesitant smile, framed by her perennial blush, regarded Ragatha from up above. Ragatha’s face bloomed to match it. The jester brightened, too — just a little. 
God. Radiant. 
“Um…” Pomni’s expression dimmed again as she swallowed, her pupils wandering here and there. “How was that?”
Wonderful. Absolutely, unbelievably, impossibly wonderful. Ragatha had never felt this particular kind of rush before — the kind that made her head feel fuzzy, that made her limbs start to tingle, that made her heart beat so quickly and unendingly that it actually hurt. 
If any of her past romantic rendezvous were any indication, Ragatha had been sure that all those romance novels she used to read on her lunch breaks had been exaggerating. She didn’t think it was actually possible to become breathless at the mere thought of another person. Or that a single pair of eyes could actually make the whole world cease to exist — yet here she was, cuddled up in this little woman’s big, strong arms, stupidly in love. 
There was no chance in hell she’d actually say any of that sickeningly-saccharine fluff out loud, though. Goodness gracious, could you imagine? No, Ragatha’s love language was a little bit more subtle than that — and, contrary to her usual way of conducting herself, a tad meaner, too. 
“Hmph.” Ragatha crossed her arms, pointing her face toward the ballroom’s lofty windows. She pursed her lips to conceal a sly smirk. “Just as I suspected…”
Pomni crinkled her brow. “Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, it’s nothing! Just…” Ragatha spun her ankle, “Nevermind.”
“Nevermind!? What do you mean ‘nevermind’? You can’t just leave me hanging like that!”
“I just did.”
“Ragatha!” Pomni stamped her foot, “If you’ve got something to say, then say it!” 
“Well, alright. If you insist,” Ragatha pretended to force out a hard sigh; in reality, she was barely able to contain her boisterous laughter. Teasing this girl would never, ever get old. “Don’t get me wrong. Kissing you was a dream come true, but,” she paused, “and please don’t take this the wrong way—”
“Spit it out, already!”
“— I wouldn’t call you a particularly…gifted kisser.”
Pomni thrashed backward; her face was fully boiled. “WH-WHAT?!”
“Sorry to burst your bubble, Sweetheart, but I’m too nice to lie to you. That kiss could have gone better.” Ragatha smirked, seizing hold of Pomni’s tunic once again. She tugged her body closer, utterly captivated by the nervous panic spreading across the jester’s cute little face. “I have a lot to teach you…”
“W-Well…!” Pomni squirmed, sweat beading on her brow, “You are pretty good at that! Teaching, I mean…”
“So I’ve been told~” Ragatha laid down a trio of smooches across Pomni’s cheek, giggling all the while. With each gentle embrace, Ragatha’s lips treaded closer to Pomni’s until, at last, they briefly met again.
Pomni squeaked. 
“Now, then,” Ragatha broke off her smooch, “We’ll start with the basics, and work up from there. How’s that sound?”
Pomni was as red as a tomato. She responded with a dazed, stilted nod. “S-Sure…”
“That’s the spirit.” Ragatha bopped Pomni on the snout, despite her steadfast efforts to resist.  This girl was just too cute. “First things first. Your kiss was great — very warm, very passionate, very genuine — but I have to say, you seemed awfully nervous.”
“Way too tense. It’s a kiss, Sunshine, not a job interview. Just relax, hold me close, and press your lips to mine. That’s all there is to it.”
Pomni chewed on her lip for a few silent moments. Soon, her dominant hand was wandering up the length of Ragatha’s back, settling firmly between the ragdoll’s shoulders. Then, exploiting her new leverage, Pomni moved her face closer.
Ragatha was fully prepared to swoon, but something strange — the slight pang of discomfort simmering behind Pomni’s eyes — gave her pause. 
Ragatha drifted away, consciously or not. Her face reflected Pomni’s uneasy mask.
The brightness with which Pomni’s eyes had shined mere moments ago had dimmed almost completely.  Was it anxiety? Reluctance? General melancholy? Was Pomni just playing the part of her usual worrywort self, or was something the matter…?  
No, no. Don’t overthink it. It was probably just nerves. That dorky new girl just had her first kiss, after all — people always get that stupid look on their face their first time.  
Ragatha’s train of thought skidded to a halt, however, as Pomni clumsily shoved her lips into hers. Twice as quickly, and thrice as ungracefully, the awkward jester tore her mouth away from Ragatha’s like her very life depended on it. 
“Th-There.” Pomni wiped her mouth. Her eyes diligently avoided any contact, “Better?”
Ragatha cleared her throat. Somehow, that was even worse. Maybe even the least satisfying kiss of her entire life. How to let her down easy…? 
The dolly helped herself to a few patient breaths. “Let’s begin with the positives. You took the initiative this time, which was nice. And there was less, um…” Ragatha squinted, “...suction. Always a plus. As for the things you could improve…”
Ragatha rocked her head back and forth, starting, stopping and re-starting the same sentence a half-dozen times before finally finding the right words. “Sweetheart,” she finally said, “do you think you could try giving me a little bit…more?”
“Look, I don’t mean to split hairs, but that was more of a peck than a kiss, don’t you think?”
“I… guess so.” Pomni deflated, looking more like a lost puppy with every passing moment. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m cut out for this. I should’ve never even asked to kiss you in the first place—”
“What? No, no, no! It wasn’t bad, Pomni! I just wished that it had lasted a little bit longer. You pulled away so quickly, I barely had any time to enjoy it.”
“Y-Yeah…” Pomni sighed. 
Ragatha tilted her head with a soft, reassuring smile. “Let’s try again. I’ll lead, you follow. Before you pull away, try counting to two in your…”
…her voice trailed off, suddenly distracted by a strange sensation. Pomni’s arms were trembling. Trembling hard.
“Oh, dear,” Ragatha’s mature voice cracked with compassion. There was something wrong. “Pomni, what’s the matter? Your arms are…”
“N-N-No, th-th-that’s-s-s n-n-not m-m-me!” Pomni stammered — and for once, her pesky nerves weren’t the ones to blame. Wobbling on one foot like a clumsy cartoon character, she craned her neck forward, trying to see the ground over her hefty armful.
A dissonant aria of creaking wood sounded as a slight, but persistent tremble shook the stage. A handful of musician’s chairs toppled over around the girls, solidly-crafted frames harshly smashing against the weathered timber floor. A half-dozen music stands fell over next — a prelude to the disjointed melody that disgraced the air as a handful of musical instruments crashed, clanked, and clanged against the floor. 
But in no time at all the quizzical trembling was all said and done.
Pomni just stood there in the aftermath, utterly dumbfounded, wearing the world’s most clueless expression. Ragatha did much the same. 
“Well,” Ragatha scratched her temple, “that was weird—”
A second, dramatically stronger earthquake — so strong that the stage beneath the girls suddenly crunched in half — rocked the digital plane. 
“Pomni!” Ragatha yelped like a frightened kitten, clinging to Pomni’s waist as needle-thin splinters sprayed forth like wooden shrapnel. 
“D-Don’t worry! I’ve got you!” Pomni held Ragatha as tightly as she could, planting her legs in a wide stance. Taking a moment to find her balance, she dashed away from the swarm of timber shards, leaping off the collapsed stage with total confidence. 
Unfortunately for her (and by extension, Ragatha), that confidence was in no way earned. It was far easier to leap than it was to land, and Pomni, not exactly being the athletic type, did so in a heap, skinny frame roughly impacting the hard marble dance floor. 
Ragatha grunted in pain, feeling a few more stitches pop as she tumbled out of Pomni’s arms. She rolled across the floor and came to a rest a stone’s throw away. 
Eventually, the world stopped spinning, and the dazed dolly blinked her eyes open. For a moment, she was seeing double — but a quick rattle of her head cleared up her topsy-turvy vision.
Pomni practically launched toward Ragatha. “Oh my gosh!” she fell to her knees, “Ragatha! Are you okay!?”
Unable to stand up by herself, Ragatha could only lie on her back, staying motionless like a discarded ragdoll on a playroom floor. Painfully aware of what made that hilariously sad, she tried not to laugh, staring up at Pomni’s panicked face from her upside-down point-of-view. 
“Ragatha! Hello? Are you alright?”
“I am now.” Ragatha ended up laughing anyway, twisting a red curl around her finger. Maybe the blood was rushing to her head — or maybe she just felt like doing it. 
Pomni’s face was red. “Be serious!”
Ragatha snorted. “I’m okay! I promise you.”
Pomni let out a huff, brushing away a thicket of splinters that had embedded themselves into the many folds of her padded musketeer costume. Thankfully, none of the fibrous projectiles had managed to pierce through to the skin. “I’ll probably be a little sore in the morning, but I’m okay, too.”
“Well, that’s…good.” Ragatha stretched her arms and legs. “Hey, Pomni?”
“Yeah?” Pomni scooted closer.
“Your greatest fear wouldn’t happen to be earthquakes, would it?”
“Trust me. If I was bothered by earthquakes, you would know by now,” Pomni rubbed her chin, looking pensive, “To tell you the truth, I was about to ask you the same thing.”
“Nope. My fear is centipedes. It’s always been centipedes.” Ragatha shivered, quickly discarding the thought. She examined the carnage around her — a stage split in two, dusty clouds sulking about, a hostile sea of shattered ceramic and broken glass drowning the dance floor. It didn’t add up. “So, then…what’s going on?”
“Maybe the earthquakes are just set dressing? There’s lots of things we’ve encountered that had no real significance beyond confusing us or creeping us out. Remember that room with the theremin-player?”
“He really did just sit in the corner, doing his thing.” Ragatha nodded — she had to give her that one. “But what if the earthquakes aren’t just incidental? What if they have something to do with the key puzzle? We still haven’t solved it, have we?”
“Oh!” Pomni perked up. “Oh.” Pomni frowned. “Oh…” Pomni’s face twisted into an exaggerated caricature of itself. “Like… maybe the room is telling us we did it wrong? Or maybe we’re running out of time, and the room is collapsing in on us?! Oh, God! And maybe—”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake!” The ether trembled, disturbed by the ghastly vibrations of a familiar, haughty voice. “Are you lot really that daft!?” 
Pomni and Ragatha let out a yip and a yelp, respectively. Both heads swiveled on a dime. 
Who but Margarethe MacGuffin — the malevolent matriarch of MacGuffin Manor herself — could be looming overhead? Practically snarling, the ghostly socialite cocked her signature book parallel to her face, ready to chuck the hefty tome through — not at — the nearest head. 
“You solved the puzzle! The. Door. Is. OPEN!” she shrieked like a ghoul, “It’s been open for five minutes! If you two sapphic scoundrels would quit necking each other long enough to look up at your surroundings, perhaps you would know that!”
Pomni nearly fell over backwards, hands splattered all over her beet-red face. “Uh…! U-Uh!”
Meanwhile, Ragatha squealed like a stomped chew toy, waving her hands frantically across the marble floor, “Miss MacGuffin! I don’t know what you think you saw, but we weren't—’ she stammered, “We aren’t—”
“Save your breath.” Margarethe squared her tome against her hip. “I couldn’t care less about your love life — what do I care about is my brooch, and I’m growing quite tired of watching whatever awful soap opera you two are dead-set on re-enacting. I mean, forgive me, but it is just terrible. Absolutely horrifying.”
Ragatha’s entire face contorted in horror. “You were watching us?!” 
Margarethe wagged her finger in Ragatha’s face, barely missing the ragdoll’s triangular snout. “Hold your tongue. I’m not finished.” Another small tremor shook the mansion. “I humbly suggest that you two pick up the pace before I end up kneeling before the gates of hell, begging to be let back in. And before you end up failing this entire mission.”
“Failing?” Pomni shot a panicked glance toward Ragatha, then flung her gaze back toward the phantom. “Wait, we can fail?! No one told us we could fail!”
“Hmph! So typical — absolutely no accountability taken.” Margarethe tutted, “Really, it’s my own fault. I shouldn’t have expected some pampered whelp from the swing generation to have a grasp on personal responsibility.”
Pomni squinted. “What year do you think this is?”
“Change the subject all you want, it’s not helping your case.” Margarethe casually inspected her monstrous manicure, “nor is it going to change anything about your deliciously-dire circumstances.”
“What circumstances!? What case?! You’re not making any sense, lady!”
“Pomni!” Ragatha raised her voice. “Were you raised in a barn?! Mind your manners!”
“What are you, my mom?”
“If I were, I’d be ashamed.” Ragatha crossed her arms. “Now quit running your big mouth before we get into even more trouble!” 
Ragatha took a moment to compose herself before turning her attention to the ghostly hostess. The fact that she was still laying on the floor didn’t seem to phase her. “Miss MacGuffin,” she said with a calm, controlled cadence, “I’m afraid we don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Why exactly do we need to hurry?” 
Pomni rolled her eyes. “Kiss-@$#.”
Margarethe lifted her chin approvingly, cracking open her spellbook. “...See, I could try explaining with words, but your little pet here seems to be a few cents short of a dollar. How about I just show you — that way, her little peabrain has something exciting to look at while the adults are talking?”
Pomni’s mouth warped into a sharp-toothed grimace — but Ragatha, thinking fast, deftly raised her voice overpower the string of swears that came barreling out. “Gosh, th-that sounds like a wonderful idea, Miss MacGuffin! Whatever would we do without such a hospitable hostess?!”
“Oh, heavens. Don’t talk me up too much, now.” Margarethe batted a hand, beaming with pride. “There’s a good reason hell doesn’t want me.”
Licking her finger, the phantom flipped through the pages of her voluminous tome before finally planting her nose inside. She squinted. Her voice took on a low, scratchy timbre as she uttered the hex inscribed upon the yellowed paper. 
“Hallowed spirits beyond the pale!” she bellowed, unable to defy the programming that commanded her to ham everything up to the highest degree, “Hear my call!”
The lights went out all at once, plunging the ballroom into complete darkness. One by one, they flickered to life again. A wave of rollicking flames lit the retinue of charred wicks garrisoned throughout the room — the candelabras upon the tables, the towers of wax planted in the sconces, the tea candles suspended beneath the chandeliers in little glass bowls. 
Ragatha rubbed her eyes. The light show was impressive, if nothing else. 
Margarethe’s spell continued on its course. “Oh, wise spirits, on this most terrible All Hallow’s Eve, lend us the unparalleled, awesome power…” the phantom cast a single, outstretched hand straight into the air, “...of the developer console!”
“The—” Ragatha did a double take, “The #$@&ing what?!”
Like magic, an old-fashioned film projector — paired with a matching typewriter —  popped into existence in front of Margarethe. The cobweb-covered machines floated freely in the air, bobbing with a slight, satisfying rhythm. 
“Display…adventure…stats,” Margarethe thought out loud, her long, ghostly fingers loudly tapping the typewriter’s keys. With one final, dramatic keystroke, a lengthy list of dull statistics was projected onto the wall in black-and-white. 
“There we are!” Margarethe draped her arm across Pomni’s shoulders; her ghostly aura dragged the temperature down by at least fifteen degrees. “Let’s have a look, shall we? Team one: Zooble and Kinger — Adventure status: Complete. Time elapsed: 3.9 hours,” she quoted the list aloud, “Team two: Jax and Gangle — Adventure status: Complete. Time elapsed: 5.3 hours.”
Ragatha glanced at Pomni. Pomni looked down at the floor-bound dolly, waving with an awkward half-smile. Ragatha felt her face take on a warmer hue as she returned a flirtatious wave of her own.
“Ah, look! Here’s you two!” Margarethe pointed, cackling precisely according to her villainous programming. “Team three: Ragatha and Pomni — Adventure status: Incomplete. Time elapsed: 13.1 hours.”
Ragatha balked. “Thirteen hours?!”
“Huh?” Pomni winced like she’d just stepped on a nail, “Is that bad!?” 
Margarethe snapped the makeshift computer out of existence, replacing it with a rusted, palm-sized pocket watch. “Well, it certainly isn’t good.” she remarked matter-of-factly. 
The mansion shivered with another soul-churning tremor as Margarethe calmly examined the watch’s ticking hands. Ceramic shards and broken glass showered the floor as the ballroom’s finely-set tables toppled over two-by-two, three-by-three, four-by-four.
“I really have to spell every little thing out, don’t I?” the phantom clicked her tongue. “Ladies, thanks to your incessant indolence, your persistent procrastination, your dormant dilly-dallying…” she thumbed the timepiece closed, “I’d give you about one hour, give or take, before this whole mansion comes crashing down.”
“You’re kidding me, right?” Pomni snapped, “There’s a TIME LIMIT!?” 
“So sorry to disappoint~” Margarethe batted a hand. “As much of a treat it is to haunt — er, host — you two, all good things must eventually come to an end. And I’m afraid our time together is fast approaching that inevitable conclusion.”
“But! But that’s not fair! You can’t just—” Pomni grunted. She grabbed Ragatha by the waist, holding up the ragdoll like a human shield. “Ragatha! Tell her!”
“Well-l…” Ragatha cleared her throat to make way for her ‘teacher’ voice — the gentlest, most placating delivery she could possibly manage. “I appreciate your passion, Pomni. I really do. But to be fair, I did mention this once before…”
Pomni shoved her face closer to Ragatha’s. “You did?”
“Well, just that there’s a time limit. I never explained why.” Ragatha said. She would do her best to explain it in simple terms. “The Digital Circus is a computer game — and not a particularly well-coded one. If I recall correctly, the game’s internal logic suffers from something called a ‘memory leak’, and because of that, adventures can only persist for a certain length of time.”
Pomni seemed intrigued.  “Memory leak…?” she said, finally getting around to actually picking Ragatha up off the floor. She hooked one hand beneath woman’s back, one beneath her legs. 
“I think that’s what Gangle called it.” Ragatha replied. Closing her eyes as she was lifted off of the ground, she took a moment to organize the ins and outs of her explanation. “I’ll put it this way — think of a computer’s memory like your desk at work.” 
“Ugh.” Pomni rolled her eyes, now standing fully. Once again, Ragatha was cradled safely in her arms. “Can we not?”
“No.” Ragatha huffed. “We’re going with the desk analogy, so listen up.”
“Thank you. Now consider this — you only have so much space on your desk to keep your things, right? If you run out of space, things pile up, and it becomes harder and harder to keep track of everything you need. Your staple remover gets lost, then your extra box of staples, then the stapler itself. You have to resort to binding documents together with paper clips like some kind of deranged lunatic, but then even those get lost in the shuffle.”
“Wow…” Pomni closed her eyes. Her breath ebbed and flowed at a gentle, meditative pace, “It’s like I’m really there…”
“The point is, you get overwhelmed trying to keep track of everything.” Ragatha said. “Computers work the same way. A well-designed game would free up the ‘desk space’ — or memory — it uses the moment it’s finished using it. But Caine’s adventures don’t do that. AI, physics, lighting — it all just piles up, never getting cleared away, until—”
“Until the adventure crashes?”
Ragatha nodded, wincing a little. “It’s not an issue as long as adventures get completed in a timely manner, but around the 13 hour mark, things start to become unstable…”
“And…” Pomni bit her lip,  “And what happens after a crash?”
“I…don’t really know, to tell you the truth. It’s never happened to me.” Ragatha glanced up at MacGuffin Mansion’s resident ghoul. “Miss MacGuffin?”
“Well, don’t look at me.” Margarethe crossed her arms, “13 hours ago, I didn’t even exist. How on God’s green Earth should I know?”
Another tremor rattled the mansion’s foundation. Windows shattered. Furniture fainted. A hairline fissure flashed across the western wall and began a slow, deliberate crawl toward the ceiling.
Holding Ragatha closely, Pomni peeled her shoe off the checkered marble, retreating by a single, wobbly step. “N-Not good…” she mumbled. Her pinwheel pupils tightened toward the centers of her eyes, smothered by a sea of white. “Not good, not good…”
“Ah! But fear not, honored guests — you may just complete this terrifying adventure yet!” Margarethe flew into the air, punctuating her announcement with another flamboyant spin. “For I, the great Margarethe MacGuffin, have graciously decided to lend a helping hand. A shortcut, if you will.”
“Shortcut…?” Ragatha placed her hands over her stomach — her stuffing was stirring.
Margarethe winked. She snapped her fingers. In the blink of an eye, Pomni, Ragatha, and their ghostly hostess were zapped out of the ballroom. A split-second later, they reappeared in an entirely new environment: a long, dark corridor, lit only by the moonlight peering shyly from the windows. 
Pomni flinched. “What?!” Her head snapped here and there as she tried to make sense of her new surroundings. “Where are we?”
“Why, we’ve skipped to the good part, darling.” Margarethe’s cheshire grin stretched all the way across her ghastly visage. 
“G-Good part?”
“You see, I had some other rooms planned out for you two, but at the rate you’re going, you’d never, ever make it through them in time. So,” she shrugged, “seeing as you’re likely going to fail anyway, I might as well get some free entertainment before this pathetic attempt of yours crumbles to pieces…” Margarethe’s eyes lit up as another shiver shook the mansion. “...literally.”
Cracking up at her own joke, Margarethe keeled over, shattering the corridor’s windows with a high-pitched cackle of masochistic delight. “I’ll see you on the other side, darlings! That is…” she snickered, cupping her cheeks with childlike glee, “…if you survive!” 
In the blink of an eye, she was gone.
My Ko-fi - Tips are very much appreciated! :)
[First Chapter] [Next Chapter]
A bit of a shorter chapter this time! I decided to just post the one scene I had finished as chapter 6 and push everything else I had drafted for this chapter into chapter 7. So, on the bright side, Chapter 7 is almost finished, too! :)
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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know-it-all-and-all · 5 months
I'm soooo ready to do more buttonblossom content omg! I love how Ragatha is and how more of Pomni personality was show.
[spoiler's ahead]
JAX is the asshole I always knew he would be, and the way he left on the funeral was all I was waiting for, he is trying to be hated so when his funeral is no one will miss him OMG! Also he just genocide a town full of npc bro detonate the nuke in fallout 3 I'm sure of it.
GANGLE is so funny to laugh at her misadventures, poor girl she just can't take a win if her life depends on it, I want her to be happy, but overall nice to see more of her.
KINGER i love him, i love him, I [#$ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ!%] love him, he is the most wise/oblivious character I know, I love he is still there inside his head he still remember sometimes.
ZOOBLE yeah I get why they didn't want to go to the adventure, they was the most shock about Kaufmo abstraction that they stay to prepare everything I love them so much, they really care for the other's.
CAINE ... I guess he really is a ruthless IA without consideration about humans feelings, he doesn't even try to comprehend them and just do. I gonna miss Gummigoo.
POMNI I love how she managed to give Gummigoo some sense to his existence, she really doesn't want to feel like nothing and don't want anyone else to feel like that, and the funeral bring her some calm to not feel herself like nothing.
RAGATHA she really is my favorite for a reason, she really wants Pomni to enjoy at least her new existence, she is such a good ragdolly. And I'm glad she is a girl kisser lmao.
GUMMIGOO my god, this guy go beyond everything I ever had in mind is going to be the episode, I was so sure Jax was going to be the depress one in the episode, well this guy left me speechless, I hope he comes back in a future episode and his character arc go to the garbage.
LOOLILALU she was there in the beginning and in the end, Rip.
FUDGE He is a chaotic evil monster.
THE LAD'S they are a funny duo.
KAUFMO rip you magnificent clown.
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Hopefully this is sfw enough. But, for an y/n question uhhh, what kind of kissers, are all of the gang? Also what place on their partner do they like to kiss most? 👀
A/N: I've been expecting this 😏 (also is this a y/n request? The wording is lost on me)
How and where do the gang like to kiss?
CAINE: His teeth, gums, and tongue are all sensitive to touch, but the tongue is the most sensitive. He hasn't had the chance yet, but he would love to kiss with the tip of his tongue. It would be sloppy, but enthusiastic.
His favorite spot is anywhere. He just wants his partner against him. Please give him affection. He's starving.
POMNI: This girl goes back and forth from being a nervous kisser to the most confident kisser depending on when's the last time she raced. She loves to kiss her partner breathless. Her favorite spot has to be teeth- no, tongue- no, lips. Yeah, totally human lips...
RAGATHA: Slow kisser. She likes to take her time and savor her partner's affection. Her favorite spot is the clavical, front top of the chest.
JAX: Such an aggressive kisser. Will bite. His favorite place to bite kiss has to be the neck. He can really hear what it does to his partner.
GANGLE: She kisses so very gently. Such a polite kisser. Her favorite is the lips. Classic and enjoyable.
ZOOBLE: They press the center of their face to their partner and it just works. Don't question it. Video game logic. Their favorite spot is their partner's cheek.
KINGER: He's a romantic, but in the same boat as Zooble. He presses his face to his partner and it works. He loves kissing his partner's hand, shoulder, cheek, etc. teasing his partner by intentionally avoiding their lips.
GUMMIGOO: He's still figuring the whole kissing deal out, but he does know that he likes to call the shots. Whatever kind of kiss he and his partner are locked in, he loves to be the one directing it.
His favorite spot is very romantic. Center chest, over where the human heart would be. It's a sentimental gesture that always melts his partner.
LOO: Fun and flexible, she's down for whatever her partner wants, both in kissing style and place. Though, one of her favorites has to be holding her partner from behind and kissing their cheek. It's just cute.
SETH: His partner against a wall, his tongues down their throat is his absolute favorite. Where? Uh...[%$!#REDACTED%$!#]
P.S- that wasn't a typo
ABEL: Never going to happen. BUT IF IT DID... He would love to take his partner by surprise, kissing the gasp right out of them. However, his favorite spot is the neck. He would leave the worst hickies.
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pomni-xddcc · 11 months
Pomni ain't even denying her girl kisser-y anymore
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localfandom · 2 days
ok so one chapter in and pomni is so me, like i also want to entertain ppl but BY GOD the stage fright is unbearable
And also the fuckin urge to say "uhm actually pomni also means remember in Bulgarian ☝️🤓" is crazy
Tbh while reading i was like "wait is she a boy or girl kisser" idk why
Ok but like her going "it's nothing like anime!" MIGHT be 1st grade me realising how shit school actually is
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jaxfromthatcircus · 11 months
Which one is gayer Pomni or Ragatha
which one is gayer the lesbian or the girl kisser?
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gravitycavity · 5 months
[Preview] ☀️ Sunshine (Pomni x Ragatha) Chapter 6
[Click here to read from the beginning on AO3!]
Ragatha drifted away from the cozy embrace, warm breath shuddering in sync with the rest of her body. Her good eye peeked open — just a crack. Her hands turned slack and listless. One-by-one, her bulky fingers lost their grip on Pomni’s tunic until, at last, the ragdoll felt herself falling. 
Pomni caught her, of course — Ragatha knew she would. 
Safe and secure in the arms of her darling, the dolly pulled her legs toward her core, making herself small as her eyes dragged all the way open. It had felt like an eternity since she’d last laid her eyes upon her dashing knight, and she couldn’t stand to wait a single second more.
She was just that beautiful. 
Pomni’s hesitant smile, framed by her perennial blush, regarded Ragatha from high above. Ragatha’s face bloomed to match it. The jester brightened, too. Back and forth they went, reflecting the other’s expression until each woman’s face had been sculpted into a mask of pure radiance.
“...So?” Pomni beamed. A hint of pride had snuck into her grin while Ragatha wasn’t looking, “How was that?”
Wonderful. Absolutely, unbelievably, impossibly wonderful. Never before had Ragatha felt this kind of rush — her head fuzzy, her limbs tingling, her heart beating so quickly that it actually hurt. 
If any of her past romantic rendezvous were any indication, Ragatha had been sure that all those romance novels had been exaggerating. She didn’t think it was actually possible to become breathless at the mere thought of another person. She didn’t think the sight of a single pair of eyes could actually make the whole world cease to exist — yet here she was, cuddled up in the arms of another, stupidly in love. 
But there was no chance in hell she’d actually say any of that sickeningly-saccharine fluff out loud, of course. Goodness gracious, could you imagine? No, Ragatha’s love language was a little bit more subtle than that — and, contrary to her usual personality, a little bit meaner, too. 
“Hmph.” Ragatha crossed her arms, pointing her face toward the wall. She pursed her lips to conceal a sly smile. “Just as I suspected…”
Pomni’s newfound confidence cracked just like that, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s nothing. Just…” Ragatha teased, spinning her ankle, “Oh, nevermind.”
“Nevermind!? You can’t just say that!”
“I just did.”
“Ragatha!” Pomni fumed, “Tell me!” 
“Alright, if you insist,” Ragatha pretended to force out a hard sigh, barely able to contain her boisterous laughter. Good lord, teasing this girl would never, ever get old. “Don’t get me wrong. Kissing you was a dream come true, but,” she paused, “and please don’t take this the wrong way—”
“Spit it out, already!”
“— you aren’t a very good kisser.”
Pomni's whole body thrashed backward; her face was fully boiled. “WH-WHAT?!”
“Sorry, to burst your bubble, Sweetheart, but I’m too nice to lie to you. That was pretty bad.” Ragatha smirked, seizing hold of Pomni’s tunic once again. She pulled herself in, utterly captivated by the nervous panic spreading across the jester’s face. “Looks like I have a lot to teach you…”
“W-Well…!” Pomni squirmed in place, sweat beading on her brow, “You are pretty good at that! T-T-T-Teaching, I mean…”
“Yeah?” Ragatha laid down a trio of smooches on Pomni’s cheek, giggling all the while. “So I’ve been told~”
“Y-Yeah…!” Pomni clumsily nodded. Eventually, at the end of a long, winding stream of swallowing, stammering, and shuddering, the awkward young woman finally found her words. “So, um,” Her voice was small, and shrinking by the second,  “maybe, if it’s okay with you, you could sh-show me the right way? Using that special teaching method of yours…?” 
Ragatha blinked. “Special teaching method?”
“You know! Your, um…” the heat radiating off of Pomni’s face nearly fogged up the ballroom’s grandiose windows, “...hands-on approach?” 
Thank you for your patience! I'm working hard on chapter 6. Tell me what you think of the preview! :)
[Click here to read from the beginning on AO3!]
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pomni-xddcc · 9 months
pomni x gangle?
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I mean..a girls a girl. Girl kisser. I mean..
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pomni-xddcc · 10 months
nothing wrong with being a girl kisser hehehehehe,,,,,ADMIT IT-
anyways hru Pomni?? your style is so slay
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pomni-xddcc · 11 months
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Pomni I drew you! <33
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pomni-xddcc · 11 months
Pomni, are you...
A girl kisser? >:) *cough* Ragatha *cough*
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Yes, yesss..I am.
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pomni-xddcc · 11 months
Hi Pomni! Are you a girl kisser??
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