ghadawy0 · 2 years
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صممت نموذج #pomodorotechnique يساعد في الدراسة حاليا متوفر في الموقع @dreamshop.sa #pomodoro https://www.instagram.com/p/CebjAqwDqXd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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manoasha · 3 months
Mastering Your To-Do List: Effective Task Prioritization Techniques for Better Efficiency 🚀
Hey there, productivity enthusiast! 🌟 Today, let’s embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of effective task prioritization. Think of me as your friendly guide, here to share some practical tips that can significantly boost your efficiency in daily life. Understanding the Chaos: Why Prioritization Matters Life is a whirlwind, isn’t it? A never-ending to-do list, constant notifications, and…
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masteryminutes · 4 months
Can Deep Work Really Unleash Your Productivity Potential?
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Dive into the whimsical journey of a fictional character as we unravel the secrets of deep work principles. From efficient strategies to immersive techniques, discover how to unleash your productivity potential and achieve peak efficiency through the magic of focused concentration.
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Once upon a time in the bustling town of TaskTopia, there lived a quirky character named Max. Max was known for his eccentric ways and his knack for finding unconventional solutions to everyday problems. One day, Max stumbled upon a mysterious book titled "Unleashing Productivity Potential: Deep Work Principles." Little did he know that this discovery would transform his life forever.
The Revelation of Deep Work Principles
Curious and a bit skeptical, Max delved into the pages of the book. As he read about the principles of deep work, a light bulb went off in his head. Could focusing deeply on tasks really unlock his untapped productivity potential? "Unleashing productivity potential through deep work? Sounds like a magic spell," Max thought, chuckling to himself. Little did he know that the principles he was about to uncover would indeed feel like a productivity enchantment.
Efficient Work Strategies: Max's Experiment
Armed with newfound knowledge, Max decided to put the principles of deep work to the test. He transformed his cluttered workspace into a haven of concentration. No more distractions, no more constant buzzing from his phone—just pure, undisturbed focus. "Time to see if this 'deep work' thing really works," Max said to his pet plant, who, as far as we know, is an excellent listener. Max's journey into the world of efficient work strategies had officially begun.
Mastering Deep Work: A Comedy of Errors
In his attempts to master deep work, Max faced some hilarious challenges. There was the time he tried meditating but ended up snoozing on his yoga mat, and the time he attempted a digital detox only to find himself hand-writing tweets on sticky notes. "Mastering deep work is like training a mischievous cat. It has a mind of its own," Max exclaimed, wiping away tears of laughter.
Productivity Through Focus: The Unlikely Hero Emerges
Amidst the chaos and laughter, Max stumbled upon the true hero of his deep work journey—focus. He realized that, contrary to popular belief, focus wasn't a mythical creature but a skill that could be honed with practice. "Who would've thought? Focus is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets," Max proclaimed, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
Unleashing Potential Through Deep Work: Max's Transformation
As Max continued his deep work adventure, something magical happened. His productivity soared, and tasks that once seemed daunting became manageable. The book's promise of unleashing potential through deep work was coming true. "I'm like a productivity wizard now. Maybe I should get a wizard hat," Max mused, reveling in his newfound efficiency.
Effective Concentration Techniques: Max's Toolkit
Max discovered a toolkit of effective concentration techniques that became his secret weapons. From the Pomodoro Technique to mindful breathing exercises, he wielded these techniques with finesse. click here to read about Pomodoro Technique. "Who knew a tomato-shaped kitchen timer could be so powerful? Take that, procrastination!" Max exclaimed, proudly displaying his tomato timer.
Immersive Work Principles: Max's Epiphany
In the midst of his deep work journey, Max had an epiphany. The immersive work principles weren't just about tasks; they were about immersing oneself in the joy of the process. "It's not just about getting things done; it's about enjoying the ride. Deep work is like a rollercoaster for productivity enthusiasts," Max declared, waving his hands in excitement.
Deep Work Mastery: Max's Grand Finale
After weeks of trials, tribulations, and a fair share of comedic mishaps, Max achieved deep work mastery. His once chaotic life transformed into a well-oiled machine of efficiency. "I've cracked the code! Deep work is the secret sauce to mastering the art of getting things done," Max shouted from the rooftops, much to the confusion of his neighbors.
Maximized Productivity Through Focus: The Moral of the Story
And so, dear reader, Max's story teaches us a valuable lesson. Unleashing productivity potential through deep work is not a mythical quest reserved for the chosen few. It's a journey filled with laughter, challenges, and the joy of discovery. "In the end, it's not about working harder; it's about working smarter. Deep work is the key to maximizing productivity through focus," Max concluded, wearing his imaginary wizard hat with pride.
Concentration Principles for Productivity: Your Turn to Embark
As we bid farewell to Max and his whimsical deep work journey, the question remains—will you embark on your own adventure? The principles of deep work are waiting to be explored, and who knows, you might discover your own productivity magic along the way. "Are you ready to unleash your productivity potential? The journey begins with a single focused step," Max whispered to the wind, leaving behind a trail of laughter and the scent of productivity in the air. Read the full article
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blastkat · 7 months
Metaverse Time Management App, Dote Timer x 0.8 Liter
#Sponsored @dotetimer #dotetimer #StudyApp Metaverse Time Management App, Dote Timer gives me a different perspective on my day. It allows me to track my daily activities as well as to schedule future tasks. It gives me the ability to time myself while I complete these tasks in the least intrusive manner. I add the task to my list, select the task, and flip over my phone. Dote Timer keeps track…
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factflow · 9 months
Are you ready to become a productivity prodigy and unlock unparalleled success in your life?
Join us on an exhilarating journey as we reveal the top 10 life hacks for supercharging your productivity and achieving extraordinary results. From mastering time management techniques to harnessing the power of morning rituals, we'll equip you with the tools and strategies needed to maximize your efficiency, focus, and overall performance. Dive into the Pomodoro Technique, learn the art of effective delegation, and discover the transformative impact of healthy habits for mind and body. Get ready to eliminate distractions, build a supportive network, and adopt a growth mindset that propels you towards greatness. It's time to unleash your full potential and embrace the path to unparalleled success. Don't miss out on these life-altering productivity secrets – hit that like button, share with fellow go-getters, and subscribe to our channel for more empowering content that fuels your journey towards productivity mastery ProductivityHacks SuccessStrategies TimeManagementTips GoalSetting MorningRituals PomodoroTechnique DelegationSkills HealthyHabits EliminateDistractions SupportiveNetwork GrowthMindset UnleashYourPotential AchieveGreatness ProductivityMastery MaximizePerformance DriveForSuccess PerformanceEnhancement SuccessMindset HighAchievers GoalGetters MindfulProductivity ProductivityBoost SuccessFormula AchieveMore PeakPerformance PowerOfFocus SuccessPrinciples SuccessTips PersonalDevelopment fact flow
#ProductivityHacks #SuccessStrategies #TimeManagementTips #GoalSetting #MorningRituals #PomodoroTechnique #DelegationSkills #HealthyHabits #EliminateDistractions #SupportiveNetwork #GrowthMindset #UnleashYourPotential #AchieveGreatness #ProductivityMastery #MaximizePerformance
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nithurdp · 9 months
3 Steps for Daily Progress and Goal Success | Get out of the Truck
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To achieve daily progress and success in reaching your goals, you can follow these three steps: Firstly, start your day with intention and purpose. Set clear, achievable goals for the day and prioritize them based on importance. This will help you stay focused and organized throughout the day. Secondly, take consistent and deliberate action towards your goals. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and stay committed to completing them. Embrace productivity techniques, such as time blocking or the Pomodoro method, to maximize your efficiency. Lastly, practice self-care and mindfulness. Take breaks when needed, engage in activities that rejuvenate you, and be kind to yourself throughout the journey. By implementing these steps, you can make significant strides in your daily progress and move closer to accomplishing your long-term goals.
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aiexpressway · 10 months
The Ultimate Procrastination Time Management Technique
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inspiration30000 · 10 months
Mastering the Clock: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Manage Time Effectively
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Time is a limited resource. Once used up, it is lost forever.
The capacity to manage time properly is more important than ever in today's fast-paced society. Knowing how to manage your time dramatically enhances your productivity, stress levels, and general quality of life, whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to get the most out of each day. This in-depth tutorial will study the art of time management and offer practical tips and tricks to help you become a clock master.
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Managing your time involves more than just completing tasks faster.
 It ensures that you're concentrating on the right things, the activities that make a difference, rather than merely busy work that consumes your time and energy without helping you achieve your objectives. Working more innovative rather than demanding is the goal. The most crucial aspect is striking a balance that enables you to live a fulfilling life while pursuing your aspirations.  
An Overview of Managing Time Effectively
  Why Time Management Is So Important   Why Is Effective Time Management Important?   Time management is vital for many reasons. You can achieve more in less time. It lessens stress and helps you succeed in your work. Additionally, since you have more time to consider your alternatives, it aids in decision-making—good time management results in higher output, a better work-life balance, and a happier existence. But in addition to these advantages, good time management provides significant psychological benefits. It increases your self-confidence, gives you control over your life, and lessens worry and feelings of overload. Knowing that you are making the most of your time makes you feel more capable, in control, and content with your life.  
Understanding the Time Management Concept
  The technique of scheduling and regulating the amount of time to devote to particular tasks is known as time management. It entails planning, setting priorities, and choosing what to accomplish and when. You may improve your ability to concentrate, efficiency, and overall productivity by managing your time well. But grasping the idea of time management is just the beginning. You need to go deeper and comprehend the theories and methods that support efficient time management if you want to master this ability completely. Prioritizing activities, avoiding procrastination, managing distractions, and maintaining a good work-life balance are all skills you must master. And that's what we'll look at in the following parts.  
Disclosing Time Management Secrets
  The Art of Setting Priorities   Prioritization's Function in Time Management   Setting priorities is a crucial component of time management. It entails selecting the things that are most crucial to complete first. You may enhance productivity, focus on what is essential, and minimize stress by prioritizing your chores.   Prioritization, however, entails more than simply rating activities according to significance. Understanding the distinction between urgent and significant activities is also vital. While important jobs support your long-term goals and ideals, critical chores need immediate attention. We frequently miss essential duties because we are so preoccupied with urgent ones. However, to properly manage your time, you must balance attending to immediate matters and pursuing your long-term objectives.  
The Secret to Time Management Is Organization
  How to Set Your Work Up to Improve Time Management   Another critical component of time management is organization.    A tidy workstation and a well-thought-out strategy may significantly increase your productivity. Use calendars, planners, and task management applications to keep track of your projects and deadlines.   However, being organized involves more than simply keeping your physical area neat. It also entails planning and arranging your ideas, tasks, and plans. It consists in dividing up difficult work into smaller, more manageable pieces. It involves establishing specific, achievable objectives and formulating a step-by-step strategy. Additionally, it involves periodically assessing and changing your procedures to guarantee that you stay on course.
Setting goals is essential for time management.
  Setting SMART Objectives for Time Management Success   A key component of time management is setting specific, attainable goals.    Set your goals using the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Your time management will improve as a result of having a defined direction. But simply creating goals won't cut it. Additionally, it would be best if you committed to them. They need to be your top focus in life. And to achieve them, you must consistently take action. Keep in mind that a goal without action is only a wish. While your dreams may inspire you, your efforts will move you closer to your objectives.
Top Time Management Techniques
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TOP TIME MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES What are the Top 3 Time Management Techniques?   First method: The Eisenhower Box   The Eisenhower Box is an effective time management tool that aids in task selection and prioritization based on significance and urgency. It helps you identify less vital and urgent jobs that you should delegate or skip altogether.   This method is based on a quote attributed to Dwight D. Eisenhower, who said, "I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent." By differentiating between these two types of tasks, you can concentrate on what matters most and avoid getting distracted by less significant tasks.   Pomodoro Technique, a second technique   Using a timer, the Pomodoro Technique divides work into periods, usually 25 minutes long, with brief rests in between. It can increase mental flexibility and make time management simpler.   This method is based on the notion that regular pauses enhance mental agility. It also rests on the idea that focused attention and purposeful pauses may boost output and creativity. You may maintain high productivity while avoiding burnout and retaining originality by working in brief sprints.   Third-party Time Blocking Method   Using the time management approach of "time blocking," you may plan out particular time blocks for specific daily jobs or activities. It makes it possible to prevent essential chores from being completed at the last minute and to complete everything on time. Time blocking is particularly useful for complicated jobs that call for intense concentration. You may ensure you have the attention and energy required to complete these chores by designating a particular block of time for them.  
Techniques for Time Management Improvement
  What are the five-time management techniques?   First tactic: The 80/20 Rule   This guideline, often known as the Pareto Principle, contends that only 20% of your efforts will provide 80% of your outcomes. Determine which tasks produce the most important effects and concentrate on those. The 80/20 rule is a potent idea that increases your effectiveness and production. You may do more with less effort by concentrating on the activities that produce the best outcomes. It increases productivity and frees time for other crucial pursuits like leisure and personal growth. Second tactic: the ABCDE method   This strategy includes grouping jobs into five categories, ranging from the most significant (A) to the least important (E). It makes concentrating on essential activities easier and ensures you use your time wisely. It's easy but effective to prioritize your work with the ABCDE approach. You should constantly focus on essential activities by classifying your jobs according to their priority and urgency. It increases your output while giving you a sense of control and fulfillment.   Third tactic: the time audit   Tracking your time on various tasks is part of conducting a time audit. It can aid in your understanding of how your time is paid and the areas in which your time management could be improved. An audit of your time might open your eyes. It can show you how much time you spend on different things, including those that don't help you achieve your objectives. You can decide how to spend your time more wisely by clearly grasping where it goes. The Four Ds of Time Management is a fourth tactic.   Delete, Delegate, Defer, and Do are the four Ds. Using this method, you may choose the appropriate course of action for each task.   The Four Ds of time management offers a straightforward structure for handling duties. You may make sure you're spending your time on the things that matter and aren't being bogged down by less critical responsibilities by determining whether to delete, delegate, delay, or perform each activity.   5th tactic: The rapid planning approach   The Rapid Planning Method (RPM) is a time management technique that emphasizes the outcomes you want to attain more than the activities you must complete. You may manage your time more successfully by concentrating on results rather than actions. The Rapid Planning Method encourages you to think in terms of results rather than in terms of chores. You may match your errands with your goals and ensure you're constantly heading on the correct path by concentrating on what you want to accomplish.  
Time Management in Various Situations
  Managing Your Time at Work   Time Management Techniques for the Workplace   In the workplace, efficient time management may boost output, reduce stress, and improve job satisfaction. Strategies to keep the mind flexible include prioritizing work, creating clear goals, and taking regular pauses.   Effective time management may enhance teamwork and collaboration at work.    You can make sure you keep your obligations and help your team succeed by successfully managing your time. Additionally, efficient time management may improve your professional standing and create new job opportunities.  
Students' Time Management
  Important Student Time Management Advice   Successful time management may be the difference between stress and success for students. Techniques include:   Making a study timetable. Segmenting activities into digestible pieces. Employing memory aids like flashcards and mind maps.   Effective time management will enable you to balance your personal and academic obligations as a student. You'll be able to keep up with your schoolwork, cope better with test stress, and find time for fun and leisure.  
Managing Your Time Professionally
  Developing Time Management Skills to Advance Your Career   Professionals who care about their time well may advance in their careers. Setting long-term professional goals, prioritizing work associated with these goals, and routinely monitoring and modifying your calendar as necessary are techniques.   As a professional, how well you manage your time significantly influences where you end up in your career. You may position yourself for promotions and other job chances by proving you can manage your tasks successfully.  
The Effects of Good Time Management
  Time Management to Increase Productivity   How Effective Time Management Boosts Productivity   Effective time management boosts your productivity by enabling you to do more tasks in a shorter time. Clear goal-setting, task prioritization, and distraction removal are some techniques.   One of the most obvious advantages of good time management is higher productivity.   You can accomplish more in less time, meet deadlines, and progress more rapidly if you manage your time well. It can increase success and pleasure in your personal and professional lives.   Utilizing Time Management to Reduce Stress   Time Management's Function in Stress Reduction   Good time management may help lower stress by avoiding job overload and burnout. Regular breaks, mindfulness exercises, and preserving an excellent work-life balance are a few strategies.   A typical side effect of ineffective time management is stress.   It's simple to feel anxious and overwhelmed when you're continuously racing to meet deadlines or juggling too many responsibilities. However, time management may lighten your burden, avoid burnout, and have a more laid-back and optimistic mindset.  
Managing Your Time for Work-Life Balance
  How to Balance Work and Life with Effective Time Management   By ensuring that you have enough time for work, personal pursuits, and leisure, effective time management may help you achieve a better work-life balance. Techniques include establishing position and personal life boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and scheduling leisure activities.   The ability to combine work and life is crucial to overall well-being. You may prevent ignoring any aspect of your life by carefully managing your time. You may schedule appointments, leisure, relationships, and personal development time. Increased pleasure, good health, and life satisfaction can result from this.  
The Road to Effective Time Management, Conclusion:
  Time management mastery is a journey, not a finish line. It necessitates ongoing learning, adaptation, and development. But with the appropriate methods and approaches, you can maximize your time, boost your output, lower your stress levels, and enhance your quality of life. Keep in mind that time management is about more than just increasing productivity. Additionally, it aims to raise your standard of living in general. The key is finding a balance that enables you to accomplish your objectives without compromising your health, relationships, or pleasure. Therefore, when you set your path to good time management, remember to look after yourself and have fun.
Essential Lessons for Effective Time Management
In today's fast-paced environment, effective time management is essential. You may significantly enhance your capacity to manage time by realizing its importance, studying different methods and tactics, and using them in various situations. Remember that improving your quality of life is a goal of time management, not merely becoming more productive. So, when you set your path to successful time management, remember to look after yourself, have fun, and recognize your accomplishments.   Read the full article
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urkel-digitals · 1 year
10 Simple Life Hacks to Boost Your Daily Productivity
Being productive every day is a challenge that many of us face. Whether you're working from home or at the office, there are always distractions and obstacles that can hinder your productivity. However, there are some simple life hacks that can help you stay focused and get things done. Here are 10 life hacks to help improve your daily productivity:
Create a to-do list: Start each day by creating a to-do list of tasks that need to be accomplished. Prioritize the most important tasks and tackle them first.
Set specific goals: Set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for the day, week, and month. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
Take breaks: Taking regular breaks can actually boost your productivity by helping you recharge and refocus. Take a quick walk, stretch, or do some deep breathing exercises.
Eliminate distractions: Identify and eliminate distractions that can affect your productivity, such as social media notifications, phone calls, or unnecessary meetings.
Use the Pomodoro technique: The Pomodoro technique involves breaking your work into 25-minute intervals followed by five-minute breaks. This can help you stay focused and avoid burnout.
Prioritize self-care: Prioritizing self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones can actually boost your productivity by reducing stress and improving your overall well-being.
Automate and delegate: Automating repetitive tasks and delegating tasks that can be done by others can help you save time and focus on more important tasks.
Use productivity tools: There are many productivity tools available, such as time tracking apps, project management software, and note-taking apps that can help you stay organized and focused.
Minimize multitasking: Multitasking can actually decrease productivity and increase stress. Instead, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention.
Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for productivity. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to feel well-rested and energized for the day ahead.
In conclusion, increasing daily productivity requires a combination of focus, discipline, and the right tools and strategies. By implementing these 10 life hacks, you can improve your daily productivity and achieve your goals more efficiently.
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ollies-studyblr · 1 year
Hey there, fellow learners!
Studying is an essential part of academic success, and everyone has their own methods of studying. While some techniques work better for certain people than others, there are several studying techniques that have been proven to be effective. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing a few of these techniques and how they can be applied to different subjects and learning styles.
Mind Maps: Mind maps are a visual way of organizing information. They allow you to see the connections between different concepts and ideas, making it easier to understand complex topics. Mind maps can be created on paper or using digital tools such as MindMeister or Coggle.
Flashcards: Flashcards are a tried and tested method of memorizing information. They can be used for anything from vocabulary to formulas, and they’re great for testing yourself on the material you’ve learned.
Practice Questions: Practice questions are a useful way of testing your knowledge and understanding of a subject. They can be found in textbooks, online, or created by yourself. Practice questions can help identify areas where you need to focus your studying.
Pomodoro Technique: The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that involves breaking your studying into short, focused sessions, usually 25 minutes each, followed by a short break. This technique helps to improve productivity and focus.
Group Study: Group study is an excellent way to share knowledge and ideas. Studying with others can help you understand concepts better and provide a fresh perspective on difficult topics. Group study can also be a great way to motivate each other and keep each other on track.
Mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids that help you remember information by linking it to something else. For example, the acronym HOMES can be used to remember the names of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior).
In conclusion, these are just a few of the many studying techniques that you can use to improve your academic performance. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you and your learning style. Remember, consistency is key, and practicing these techniques regularly can lead to better retention, comprehension, and recall of the material. Happy studying!
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health-care2023 · 1 year
The Pomodoro Technique: Boost Your Productivity and Focus in Just 25 Min...
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howtological · 1 year
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Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Try the Pomodoro Technique! Here's how it works: 🟡 Choose a task you want to accomplish. 🟡 Set a timer for 25 minutes. 🟡 Work on the task until the timer rings. 🟡 Take a five-minute break. 🟡 Repeat the process for four "Pomodoros" (25-minute work sessions) in a row, and then take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. The Pomodoro Technique helps you break down large tasks into manageable chunks, stay focused on your work, and avoid burnout by taking regular breaks. Give it a try and watch your productivity soar! #PomodoroTechnique #ProductivityHacks #TimeManagementTips https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyIoT7skBe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lizasplanner · 1 year
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Trying the Pomodor Technique. I'll work solids on my project for 25 minutes, and then take a 5 minute break. I'll repeat this 3 times. I'll do this once in the morning and then in the afternoon. . . . #pomodoro #pomodorotechnique #pomodoromethod #timeblocking https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1FtkxupZw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ppldynamics · 1 year
The Pomodoro Technique
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Have you tried the Pomodoro Technique? Here's how you stay focused with fewer distractions and less stress.  
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sweettomatosalad · 2 years
Learning how to learn
Dr. Barbara Oakley is a professor of engineering at Oakland university. She is also the author of the Coursera MOOC: Learning how to learn. And many books on the subject of learning, you can find them on her website. After high school, Barbara enrolled in the US Army. It is there she had to learn the Russian language. Then she served as a signal officer. At the end of her military service, two things motivated her to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). First the job offers weren’t good ; second, she was wondering if after all this time learning language, she could learn a totally different field. That’s how she completed a B.S of Electrical engineering at the University of Washington in 1986. Then in 1995 and 1998, she received respectively a M.S of electrical and computer engineering and a Ph.D of system engineering at Oakland university.
In 2014 Barbara and Terry Sejnowski, created the Coursera MOOC on learning how to learn. The course was one of the most attended of all Coursera (with about 3.3 million students attending it).
The process of learning is the process of creating connections between neurons. When you practice a lot, you are thickening the connection between these neurons. You can differentiate 2 types of memory in a human being. The working memory that stores only what you are thinking at the present moment, it can’t store a lot and you tend to forget (it can be viewed as RAM on a PC). And the long-term memory, it is the memory you use when you want to remember something like the date of the French revolution, what is your father first name etc (it can be viewed as the SSD on a PC). The goal of learning is to transfer data form the working memory to the long-term memory.
It is why when you are learning a subject for the first time, you struggle a lot. Your working memory is overflowing. But as you get used to the activity, it gets simpler and simpler because you are only using the long term-memory and can use your working memory for other tasks. e.g driving a car, at the beginning you struggle, and then you can have a conversation when you have some training.
Some student say they fail an exam because of the exam stress, but this is actually only a proof of not revising enough. You store everything in your working memory, thus at the least stress, you overflow and forget what you were thinking about, such as the formulas.
A very powerful tool for learning is the use of metaphors. Metaphors although not strictly similar to our working subject, still constitute a basis for the rest of the learning. Teachers that use metaphors feel ashamed of doing so, because they see it as teaching things dumber than they are. But It is actually very efficient, it is the theory of the neuro-reuse.
Your brain can work in two main modes. The task positive network and the task negative network. The first one processes data when you are concentrated and focused on it. The second one processes the data when you are not thinking about it, when you are sleeping or showering or working but on another subject. When you struggle on a problem, and all of a sudden find the answer, it is the task negative network that has worked. It is highly underrated. There fore it is very important to take breaks, even though you feel guilty about it.
A very good technique to optimize your learning is the Pomodoro technique. It was formulated in the late 80’s. This technique tells you to work very focus for 25minutes, and then take a 5-10 minutes break. You must let your brain rest at the end of an effort. The idea is not to set an objective on what to learn, but on the time you’ll spend learning. If you are in the flow of what you are doing, you can do it for more than 20 minutes ; a whole day if you want, but at the end you must reward yourself. Memory builds in blocks. If you learn little by little words of another language, it is good. And if afterward you make a sentence with the words you have learned, it will help you fix the memory since they will all be linked together with the sentence. It is the glue of the blocks. People are sometime slower at learning than other. This is not a bad sign at all, it is even the opposite. The person learning slowly will take its time to understand in detail, or work on unrelated tasks. In the end your learning will be more thorough, richer and varied. Sometimes genius student have a hard time becoming adult, they were always used to get quickly the answer to simple questions, but when it comes to a complex system, they jump to conclusions easily and tend to justify their answer by a system error. Other advices to learn better are to practice a lot and to be consistent. It is also a good idea to talk about what you learned to other, try to re explain it. It is called the Feynman method. Speaking to others is like a debug. It is a good thing to interleave your learning, it allows your neurons to rest.
The MOOC is very popular, because instead of doing learning theory, it directly starts with neuroscience. This technical start allows you to understand better the techniques to learn better. MOOC are a very cheap class compared to regular classes, but they are not as thorough as the old school classes. Moreover, for hard subjects like math, a teacher will help a lot. MOOC are a proof of perseverance from a student, it shows they are motivated enough to undergo a class alone and stay interested. MOOC will not replace schools and colleges, but will complete them and enhance them. I found this subject interesting because I usually have a hard time to learn in classes, I wanted to know more about it. It reassures me, I think I am a slow learner.
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dispatchme · 8 months
Pomodoro Technique: How to Improve Concentration and Productivity While Working Remotely
With the advancement of technology and changes in the world of work, more and more people are transitioning to remote work. While this provides flexibility, it also presents challenges when it comes to maintaining concentration and productivity. One effective way to address these challenges is through the Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique is a simple and effective time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It is designed to enhance focus and productivity by breaking your workday into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Here's how you can implement the Pomodoro Technique to boost your concentration and productivity while working remotely. #PomodoroTechnique #ProductivityHacks #RemoteWorkFocus
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