#poor Sonic- give him a hug for me -w-'
callme-adam-iguess · 2 years
"Hey Jonah! Catch!" Adam threw the bat on Jonah,and he managed to grabbed it.
"Try all you want,He's still getting tortured anyway,Good luck apple boy.." As he walked away..
-SLAM!- "WHAT THE-" Ivan is shocked,as he saw Jonah with a fucking bat.
Jonah had opened the door with his bat,ready to kick Ivan's ass.
"Wooooohoo!! Get em' jonah!! KICK HIS ASS!"
(I'm making a sonic the exe survivor angst fanfic btw- he's about to tortured in his nightmare by xeno.)
Jonah swung his bat at Ivan, right into his side, AppleBoy is still trying to get the door open, Adam might wanna help-
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mahoutoons · 2 years
sonic frontiers thoughts
alright i just finished watching all the cutscenes of sonic frontiers and here are my unorganized thoughts.
non spoilery thoughts:
spoilery thoughts
sonic and amy both sounds like they're going through puberty
sonic is so powerful if he can handle being thrown a great distance by a titan without breaking at least a few bones
i love how sonic shows concern for his friends. like he asks them how they're feeling being ghostly.
sonic dancing every time he gets a chaos emerald is cute
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amy is just so kind, i love her. she wouldn't even abandon a koco.
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knuckles would punch a child for sonic and i think that's so romantic.
speaking of shipping, this game is really feeding the sonamy and sonknux shippers.
this will be my approach to sonic discourse from now on
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also love that knuckles told sonic he's useless underwater he went straight for the throat lmao
i love how they addressed the trauma of the events of forces, AND that one scene with tails. because forces was.... forces, we forget how traumatic it actually was. and sonic asking tails if he wants to talk because he's worried.... this is good stuff. i need ian flynn to rewrite sonic forces asap.
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sageee my poor baby girl :(
also that vocal theme that played during sage's flashbacks... someone give me the adoption papers i've got a child to adopt.
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also eggman being genuinely upset at sage's death.... :(
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also i'm gonna need an idw spinoff of that road trip between amy, cream, and sticks asap. get on it, flynn and stanley!
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OKAY FINAL THOUGHTS: god this was so much fun! i know others have already said it but SONIC IS BACK BABY!!! i love all the characters arcs flynn gave tails, knuckles, and amy. i love sonic's interactions with all of his friends. and sage, my god she's already become a fave of mine. she's such an interesting and tragic character. she may be a digital girl but she's still a child and all she wanted was to be loved. and she sacrificed herself in the end. and eggman did care about her, in his own way as sonic said. god the wait was certainly worth it.
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nayarablueglasses · 4 years
hello hello hello gay panic headcanonns for kirishima, bakugo, sero, shinsou, and iida is my request i saw your denki post and wanted to give you sumn attention miss ma'am
i was honestly not expecting this!! so sorry it took this long to respond, I don't know if you can tell but i wrote these in the span of a week because i got really really busy and was inturrupted everytime i sat down to start.
also... i do apologize deeply but my shinsou hc just wasn’t turning out right and in the end i decided it’s not worth posting. my apologies ;;
so glad you enjoyed my denki x male reader!!
here you go ♡♡
kirishima’s reader really likes strawberry milk and that’s the theme of it, vv sorry if you don’like strawberry milk ;; personally it’my favourite thing ever along with coconut bread
bakugo’s has a brief mention of a kick to the chest and the following nosebleed, it doesn't go into detail but if that bothers you then please do skip ^-^
and just a little author’s note, please enjoy and let me know what you think and if there should be other warnings ♡♡
☞☆ Kirishima
oh he’s mad
i’ll tell you why
you came out of your dorm today looking sad
so of course, being a manly man, he asks you what’s wrong
you’re out of strawberry milk and didn’t realize, it seems
manly man that he is
he found some more for you
that’s not why he’s angry
your eyes lit up and you got so excited
strawberry milk is apparently one of your favourite things
so you thanked him with a hug
but no that’s not exactly why he’s angy
he’s angy because all he said was “THAKOME”
“thakome" wtfl (what the fairy lights)
he was trying to say thanks for the hug and “you're welcome” for the milk
he ran away
and then began pondering how deep in the shit called love he was
turns out he’s very deep in love shit
now what does he do
he’s not afraid to like guys especially cos you're super manly
but what if you don’t think it’s manly to like men
just his luck
you invited him to your room to play games and there’s an lgbtq+ flag on your wall
he saw an opportunity and was super casually like “heY where can i get one cos liKE i gotta represent too y’know"
your eyes lit up again, stop that
then you two got to talking about how you realized you were gay
you shared your story and asked for his
took some convincing but manly men don’t lie so he told you that you're pretty much his story
highkey you teared up a little and told him you really like him
bakugo rolled his eyes when he saw you two holding hands and was all like
“about time you two dumbasses”
you just ignored him while kiri turned red and started mumbling
☞☆ Bakugo
what is attraction
no like he really doesn’t like people
but you two were sparring, right
and you were sweaty
and you were grinning
and you kicked him in the chest ^-^ look at you i’m so proud you landed a hit on bakugo
the exact moment he fell in love
and then you rushed over and you made the saddest face he’s ever seen
you were honestly so afraid he was hurt from the face he made
“holy shit”
so maybe you must’ve kicked him in the nose, not chest
because he’s got a nosebleed
it didn’t help that you help your shirt to his nose and you were leaning all close
he may or may not have exploded a little bit of the floorboards
don’t blame him, he has no idea how to communicate with words
so when he goes to recovery girl (at your insistence) he’s pissed
why does he keep thinking about you
literally what is the point, you’re shit at fighting anyways
poor baby
he doesn’t understand this
next time he sees you he’ll literally scream, “GET OUT OF MY HEAD EXTRA, WHY AM I THINKING OF YOU ALL THE TIME”
you’re confused
kirishima will have to coach him, with plenty of quips from denki and sero
so the next time he’ll confess with kiri’s teachings in mind
☞☆ Sero
you’re trying to tell me he hasn’t done this gay panic shit before?
he knows how this goes
he’s fully content to just sit here and look at your handsome face
he was scatter rained enough
but he’s not even listening aizawa-sensei anymore
you know what i’m talking about
it’s not creepy or anything, just
“pay attention, cellophane”
oh shit
play it cool
just pretend to be actually listening for a few
it’ll be fine
he’s been through that situation so many times
at this point the whole class knows
everybody’s certain that’s aizawa’s way of wingman-ing
except you never look up on time
you catch him looking sometimes but he plays it cool and points at mineta with a grin
it works every time, mineta is always trying to perv someone >:(
he likes to imagine what would happen if he confessed
his favourite is where you butterfly kiss him
he has less nice scenarios in his head but that one always makes him smile
once in the dorm kitchens you asked him why he’s smiling
you said it super innocent and it sounded so neutral he didn’t stop himself from answering
“just because i like you”
aizawa stopped telling him to pay attention after thfe irst time he saw you holding hands in the hallways
sero will never stop smiling
what a goof but you love him
☞☆ Iida
oh boy why you gotta confuse sanic like this huh??
and when i say confused i mean he doesn’t understand this at ALL
don’t get it twisted, he knows what “gay” is
sanic just didn’t realize HE was gay
and boy is he
see, sanic is well put together
he knows exactly who he is
and then you
y o u
you gave him some art you did of him
he was like ??? thanks for the art??? when did you draw this???
he’s supportive of this new artistic talent but it’s  n e w  to say the least
so you went “oh i just look at you all the time”
you said it so casual
but you ran away after that as i would
not as fast as sanic but he wouldn’t have gone after you
because he was dumbstruck anD i MeAn he was struck dumb
you??? look at him?? aLL tHe tIME? like??
so being the responsible class rep that he is
he had an existential breakdown
came face to face with the fact that his friendly feelings towards you are’t as friendly as he’d been convincing himself
denied it
accepted it
and then ran after you in the five seconds after you ran off
oh boy words are awful because how do people confess? i don’t know but don’t ask him, because he butchered it BAD
but at least the words left his mouth
honestly this boy didn’t even stop to consider what would happen after he confessed
he just word vomited
which is why he’s extra happy when you hug him and tell him you feel the same
in more simple words of course
“i like you too, tenya!”
sonic’s in heaven please hug him some more
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 7
a/n: im sorry but takeru could take my uwus like hes so adorable yall 🥺😭
-LETS BE HONESTTT WITH OURSELVES. oikawa bringing takeru to practice cuz he forgot he promised to watch him n so he asks you to watch him while he rushes off to change— and then takeru goes OFF after he hears that YOURE the person uncle tooru keeps talking about. he basically just exposes oikawa, gets on your good side w all the embarrassing blackmail material he can provide, and oikawa comes back to you grinning like a madwoman HAHAHAHAHA c,:
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-‘ Omg Takeru spills to his mom and grandmother how Oikawa had a crush and how awkward he is around this girl. Which leads to them inviting her over without Oikawa knowing. He comes home one day, a lil upset because yn wasn't at practice only to hear her giggling with his mother and sister while having tea ‘
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uwu yes i love this req so lets start
so basically
two words:
uncle oikawa
bahahaha no not really but yes really tho
this is going to basically be the scenario where takeru has accepted you as his auntie
so sit down my little grasshoppers because this is finna be a long one
it all started when oikawa forgot his promise
oikawa prides himself in being a know-it-all and being ‘responsible’ or shit like that but hes,,,,, far from that
like how he was currently running towards the gym where takeru’s volleyball class was at because he forgot that his sister made him promise to pick his nephew up since she was working overtime today
oikawa tooru didnt care about his appearance and the way he huffed as he sonic nyoomed his way there since he was more scared of what his sister would do to him if she finds out he was late
the sight of the gym door has never felt so good
he yelled and a head peaked out that belonged to the one and only boy
‘uncle, youre so loud’
he chided and tooru rolled his eyes before grabbing his hand
‘hey, go get your stuff. im late and y/n is going go kill me if im not there’
takeru rolled his own eyes and went at a snail’s pace as he packed up his knee pads and his water bottles
‘hmm,, dont lie uncle. you just want to see the pretty goddess nee-chan’
so basically,,
its been mentioned that you call the boys a lot or its them calling you and oikawa happens to be the one who calls you constantly
and takeru lives with them and he’s usually up quite late so he hears tooru downstairs while talking to you
like one time, he couldnt sleep and his mom told him to drink warm milk to help him so he was just going down the stairs when he heard tooru laugh
now, dont get him wrong
hes heard his uncle laugh before so hes seen how he laughs around girls and it was like nails on a chalkboard
but this time, it sounded very genuine and his chuckles were almost,,, shy
and he figured that tooru was talking to a girl since he kept saying a girl’s name
‘y/n-chan~ youre so cute~ dont make me come over there and kiss you~’
oikawa cooed and takeru cringed 
so he was talking to you
he was no stranger to your name as he once teased his uncle for being whipped and got an hour long rant about how beautiful you were and nice and angelic and how you were just an angel on earth
so yea he knew you
tooru’s voice became clearer as he stepped foot into the kitchen
even a child like him could tell his uncle was basically in love with you
and he doesnt even really know what love is!!
the child said and tooru, who believes in ghosts and is the biggest scaredy cat, shrieked at the sudden voice 
‘oikawa-san? what’s wrong?’
your voice could be heard through his phone but tooru quickly told you good night and ended the call before he got off the chair and crossed his arms to stand in front of takeru
‘what did you say?’
he asked and takeru looked up at him, mimicking his pose
‘i said, its disgusting, uncle’
oikawa looked offended
‘what?! how could you say that?!’
takeru shrugged then he walked over to the fridge
‘yozora-kun told me that girls have cooties and we would die if we get it’
god it was such a childish thing to say but to an actual child like takeru, it sounded perfectly valid
‘its gross and nasty and he said you get all sweaty and you get a fever and ew’
tooru shook his head in disbelief before going over to help the boy get a glass
‘its not nasty or gross or disgusting, takeru. its actually,,, really nice. you dont die from it and you get sweaty when you get nervous and you dont get a fever, you just get flustered, thats all’
takeru still didnt believe him
‘well, he also said girls become monsters and they would eat your face’
oikawa chortled 
‘you heard me. all girls are monsters and you should protect yourself, uncle’
but when he met you, my oh my, you were no monster
you were,,,,,, really really really pretty
poor takeru doesnt really know the real meaning of beautiful so he settled on you being really really really really pretty
like when oikawa dragged him in the gym, takeru stared at you 
his mind couldnt process on the fact that someone as pretty as you even existed 
but that doesnt really say much since hes only like 8
oikawa was hurriedly shoving them both in the gym and he was annoyed that takeru was just standing there but he was really just watching you as you scurried around to give the team their towels
‘takeru! come on!’
tooru’s voice snapped him out of it so he finally walked forward
oikawa called out and iwaizumi was about to yell at him for being late but you already had your bad bitch face on and you were strutting over
‘oikawa tooru, do you know how late you are?!’
you scolded and pulled his ear down to your height
‘eeeehhhh~~??? y/n-chan dont be so rough! it hurts! dont hurt oikawa-san!’
he teased to ease your anger but you sucked in a sharp breath
‘ill make sure it hurts more’
oikawa turned pale and started pleading and stuttering
‘please pleaseplease y/n-chan, i had to pick up takeru and it was a total mess and-’
at the mention of takeru, you let go of him and you finally caught sight of the little boy
ohmygee he was so adorable and youre just a sucker for adorable kids so you kinda squatted to his height since the height difference wasnt that big
you gave him a big smile and waved a hand
‘hey, you must be takeru. im y/n’
the poor kid’s face turned red unknowingly and he stiffened before nodding aggressively
‘my name is oikawa takeru and i am 6 years old’
he hand out his hands to prove his age and you giggled before nodding
‘my name is l/n y/n and i am 16 years old’
you held out 10 fingers then switched to having 6 up like he did
‘waaaa youre,,,’
the boy paused to subtract with his fingers before looking up at you with wide eyes
‘youre 10 years older than me!’
you sweatdropped at the sudden thought of being old 
‘hmm i guess i am’
you tilted your head to the side and continued to talk to the boy, completely oblivious to the stares from the others
they all sported a bright red blush and red ears at the thought of you being so good with kids and what if it was their own?
kindaichi gasped and held his hands to his face to cover the burst of all shades of red that decorated his entire face
‘ne, nee-chan, i know you’
takeru spoke as you led him to sit down on the bleacher, away from the practicing team and from any rogue balls
‘oh? you do?’
‘eung! uncle talks about you all the time! and he calls you too! i live with him, see, and nana yells at him for being on his phone during dinner because hes talking to you’
takeru admitted and you turned red, suddenly flustered
‘he talks about me? what does he say about me, take-chan?’
the little boy paused, holding his chin to think, then he lit up
‘he calls you beautiful goddess y/n-chan!’
‘he does?’
you asked, wholeheartedly surprised
takeru violently nods his head
‘yes! uncle talks about you all the time! my friend yozora wants to meet you too!’
‘hah? who is that?’
takeru sheepishly scratches his cheek
‘yozora-kun told uncle that girls are gross but uncle got mad and told him you were different because you were pretty and nice and yozora wants to see if you really were’
you laughed at the childish claims of this yozora boy
‘well,,, take-chan, do you think im gross?’
you asked, making the boy flustered again
‘no,,,, nee-chan is really pretty’
he mumbled while twiddling his fingers and you squealed before hugging him
‘oh, take-chan! you should visit more often!’
takeru nodded, smiling at how warm you were
‘eung! i love nee-chan! see? i can say i love nee-chan because im not a coward like uncle!’
you pulled away just slightly with a raised eyebrow
‘what are you talking about, takeru?’
the child puffed out his chest and his lip took on a smug angle
‘uncle talks to the mirror every morning! he says hes practicing! he takes forever just saying he loves you in the mirror and he doesnt let me pee! but its okay! because uncle can keep being coward but i get the pretty nee-chan!’
a disbelieving smile settled itself on your face and you absentmindedly caressed his smaller hand
‘what else does uncle do, take-chan? you see, nee-chan wants to tease him!’
takeru paused then lit up
‘oh! before i was born, mama told me uncle ate flowers because he thought his fart would smell like roses!’
your cries of shock made the boy laugh and you joined in with him
‘also! iwa-nii made me a tree house, right?! and uncle wanted to go in but he was too big so he got stuck at the front door! iwa-nii had to take the front part out and used soap to get him out!’
your cackles attracted the now ready captain and oikawa had an uneasy look
that little brat mustve told you some embarrassing stories based on how you laughed
‘oi! takeru! you shut your mouth right now, young man!’
he shouted and quickly stomped over to you at the bleachers
but you held the boy close, protecting him from the angry brunette
‘no! you stay away, oikawa-san! nee-chan will protect you, take-chan!’
you proclaimed and takeru was more than happy to snuggle closer and stick his tongue out at his uncle
you had a similar mischevious look and a wide but scary grin on your face that spelled nothing but trouble
was he,,,, being blackmailed right now?
tooru was scandalised at the thought and the act causign him to lunge over to you, tickling your sides so you could loosen your grip on the child
but you held on, giggling loudly causing takeru to also laugh when tooru’s fingers would touch his side too
‘no! stop-! ack-! tooru!’
you shouted but tooru was able to find an opening to grab takeru by under his arms and you reached over to grab him back but he was already lifted high
‘now what did you tell her, you brat?’
takeru shrieked but tooru hummed, not quite believing him
‘i dont think so’
tooru sat down on the floor and placed takeru on his lap with his fingers quickly hitting his ticklish spots
‘NOOO!!!! UNCLE!!!!’
you giggled and joined over, completely forgetting where you were and what your responsibilities are
okay can we take a second on how cute this moment is?
like despite the team practically being in love with you, they couldnt help but think of how much you guys looked like a family
iwa herded everyone to stop staring and keep practicing bc he knew that this was the first time tooru has been truly happy in a very long time
by the end of practice, you and takeru were practically best friends already
you were very sad to have to let him go home but he promised to come back soon
tooru gave him over to iwa so he could talk to you while you were packing up
you were putting on your jacket when you felt him tap your shoulder
with a smile, you turned around and he mirrored your grin
well,,, it was more like a shy and bashful grin
from behind him, you could see takeru being lifted by mattsun and his laughter echoed in the wind
tooru noticed your gaze then chuckled softly
‘thank you for,,, yanno,, keeping him busy’
you waved your hands around with a laugh
‘nonono! its okay! really! hes so adorable that i look forward to seeing him again!’
he let out a relieved sigh then placed his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet
‘y/n,, youre really good with kids’
that comment made you flustered but you waved it off
‘nah, i just connect with them more. theyre so easily entertained and the innocence is nice’
‘well,, youll be a great mother in the future’
you chuckled then ruffled his soft hair
‘youll be a great father in the future then oikawa-san’
at first, he was just going to laugh it off but then the image of you playing with a child who possessed chocolate brown locks and beautiful e/c eyes appeared
he turned red and he fumbled for a response, completely speaking gibberish with no idea of what to even say
unfortunately for him, the team was not in a far distance and they could hear oikawa sputtering nonsense so to ‘help’ him, they started shouting for you guys to hurry up
‘come on! lets go, you guys! the bakery closes in a 10 minutes!’
makki yelled and you perked up and waved to signal you were going
‘come on, oikawa-san!’
you grabbed his hand and pulled him along
takeru noticed his uncle’s red face and a cute sly smile creeped up on his face
then he started a plan
and wow god must’ve wanted him to succeed because its like the fates and the stars and the universe just aligned
takeru was walking with his mom around a supermarket when he noticed your familiar h/c hair
‘y/n nee-chan!’
he shrieked before he could even stop himself and you were startled, wildly looking around for the person who said your name
takeru shouted again, running away from his mom towards you
yall what is oikawa’s sister’s name? lets name her ‘tara’
tara shouted for her son and ofc ran after him when he didnt listen
you greeted back and winced a little when the force fo the little boy crashed into your legs
‘nee-chan! momma, look its nee-chan!’
takeru said when his mother caught up to him
‘oikawa takeru! you never run in the store like that again, you hear me?’
she scolded but then smiled up at you
‘oh hello darling, you must be y/n. im tara, tooru’s older sister and takeru’s mom’
she outstretched her hand for you to shake so you awkwardly shook it
‘uh-im l/n y/n’
‘momma! shes the pretty nee-chan i told you about! and shes the one uncle talks to every night!’
you cringed a little when takeru was excitedly talking as he was attracting other people with his loud voice
tara bless her heart noticed your discomfort and told you to go and follow her to the checkout if you were done
she ended up paying for your stuff despite your protests but she excused it as ‘consider this as payment for putting up that idiot brother of mine’
takeru wanted to show off so he held your bags but you still held on to their own to help tara out
‘ne, nee-chan! why are you not with uncle? its practice today, right?’
takeru asked as you three walked down the street
‘natsu’s sick so i was picking up some porridge for him to eat. i excused today because i wanted to take care of him’
takeru lit up
‘nee-chan! you should come over! nana wants to meet you too!’
tara rolled her eyes at her son with a smile
‘no, take-kun. nee-chan needs to go home to look after-’
‘ah, its okay, oikawa-san! natsu wont be awake for a while so i can spare an hour or two’
tara made small talk with you while takeru hummed in front of you
‘thank you so much for putting up with my two boys, y/n. i heard from hajime that you kept takeru company while tooru practiced’
you nodded
‘it wasnt a big deal though. i love takeru, hes a sweetheart. and oikawa-san takes good care of him’
tara chuckled
‘as much as takeru loves to poke fun at tooru, he really does appreciate him you know? without a father, i worried on who would be his male figure. but tooru lived up to his title and takeru wants to do everything he does. like say, volleyball’
you followed along and you could see the little bits of tooru even by the way takeru walked
the little skip that his uncle had seemed to copy itself on to the nephew with even the happy humming
‘oikawa-san is,,, a really great person’
you off-handedly mentioned and tara looked at you from the corner of her eye 
warmth blossomed in her chest because although she knew how much of an insecure and rash person her brother was, he deserves someone who talks about him with such love in their voice
even the look in your eyes was enough to make her think,
yep, you are the one
omg nana oikawa is ltr head-over-heels for you already
the love for y/n is an oikawa thing
when takeru opened the door, nana oikawa rushed to greet her grandson when she saw another person
a girl
‘nana! nana! this is y/n nee-chan! uncle’s pretty goddess!’
uwu nana knows who exactly you are
lets just say shes exactly like takeru and has witnessed her son lovingly talk to some y/n girl at 3 in the morning
and her son has expressed his love and admiration towards you every chance he can
so yes lets just say she knows who you are
thats why nana brightly smiled and quickly ushered you into the house
‘oh come in! come in! takeru-kun, go lead y/n-chan to the couch and make her comfortable! ill get tea!’
takeru nodded and he grabbed your hand with his small one to go to the living room
you awkwardly sat stiffly, not exactly knowing what to do as this entire family seemed to know who you are
takeru settled himself beside you and was actively talking about what they did at volleyball practice today
you were enamored in his story that you didnt notice nana walk in with a try of tea with tara trailing behind her with cookies
you moved to help her but nana shook her head with a gentle smile before sitting down at the chair beside the couch
‘here you go, dear’
you bowed slightly and held the cup of green tea
everyone was now settled and you were nervously tapping your finger against the cup
you dont even know why youre nervous
its like youre suddenly meeting your boyfriend’s family without your boyfriend actually there
you jumped a little at the voice of nana and she smiled at you
‘oh dear dont be so nervous! we’re not that bad! we dont bite’
‘unless you want us to’
takeru whispered and you giggled, ruffling his hair with your free hand
‘so youre the famous y/n-chan then?’
you nodded again
‘takeru told us all about his adventures at seijoh the other day and, well,, he likes to tease his uncle but,, we believe him’
tara smiled, remembering her son’s words
‘nee-chan, i told them that uncle was very weird and shy and awkward and it was so weird’
he whispered, yet still able to be heard by everyone in the room
‘oh my, when we heard that we couldnt believe a person, much less a female, could even do that to him! i worried that my son would never develop interest in any girl but it seems i was worrying for nothing!’
nana giggled and you couldnt help but smile, realizing her laugh sounded exactly like tooru’s
‘you know, y/n, tooru’s never really had a crush before. and believe me, id know but even with his last girlfriend, which was also his first, he didnt seem interested at her in that way-well, maybe he was but he wasnt exactly enamored with her like he is with you’
you knew little about tooru’s first and last girlfriend
it was the butt of mattsuhana’s jokes all the time but you never partook bc you could see how,,, sad,,, tooru looks whenever its brought up
but you turned red,hand waving at her last comment
‘oh nonono, youre wrong. uhh, how do i say this,, oikawa-san,,, he just appreciates me bc,, i,,, reject his advances,, and,,, bring him milk bread,,, and banana milk,,,, and such,,,’
you trailed off and the two older women shared a look behind their cups
heh, it was refreshing to have tooru do the chasing this time
‘you must be wondering how, we, you know, know you, right?’
you nodded at nana’s question
she chuckled then placed her tea down
‘you see, we are aware of tooru’s,,,, expiditions. and by that, we mean the interest of others in him and his returned interest. but hes our family so we know that his interest is,, actually fake’
you looked down, knowing exactly what shes talking about
‘especially with girls, we see his annoyance, his ignorance, and we’re not proud of it. but with you, when he talks about you, its as if he was talking about the,,, the love of his life!’
you were startled, not sure if you should be proud of that or confused about that
‘mom! dont say that!’
tara nagged but nana shrugged her off
‘no, i want to express my gratitude for this girl. y/n, i want you to know now that,,, my son is damaged’
‘takeru cover your ears’
tara hurried and the boy shot his mother a confused look but still did it anyways
‘tooru,,, feels that he shouldnt burden us as he’s now the man of the house after his father and i’s separation. and,,, perhaps its the past of his father’s but,,, he doesnt let anyone in, except for us and hajime’
nana oikawa’s eyes held sadness
a raw emotion that shouldnt be shown to a stranger but by how much and how often tooru talks about you, she practically knew you already
‘and he refuses to do anything that isn’t necessary. he hates doing pointless things unless they will serve him purpose in the future thats why he focuses on that damn sport so much, even giving himself injuries! i worried and worried for him but then,, you came along. all the sudden, i see the life in his eyes that was wrongly taken from him, be replaced and its all because of a girl. ive never heard tooru talk about someone else other than his team or hajime so it was quite a surprise for us that he found someone who was, what he considers, worth his time. and the way,, the way he looks when he talks,,, y/n, i believe you are what he says, an angel’
a sudden wave of tears appeared as nana oikawa looked up to meet your eyes and you let out a stiff laugh but you tightened your grip on your cup
‘you are,,, my son’s angel’
the conversation was quickly shifted by tara as she could see the conflict in the way your eyebrows furrowed and the rapid movement of your pupils
she knew that you were probably still at a stage that you didnt realize your captain’s real and authentic feelings for you and she didnt want you to find out this way 
tara knows how emotional her mother can get regarding her son so she switched to another topic to not get too in deep with the whole situation
next thing you knew, you were giggling and laughing at nana oikawa’s merciless onslaught of her son’s childhood events
you attempted to hide your laugh by sipping your drink but it still came out wholeheartedly
‘yes! i wondered for a whole week as to why my roses were disappearing and i never would’ve thought id find my son eating them at 6 in the morning!’
nana cackled while takeru was so laugh-tired that he slumped over to your side, completely breathless
‘oh! dont forget the mickey mouse one! you see, y/n, we spent about a week at my aunts house and tooru saw a mouse! the poor child woke everyone up at midnight, screaming about a mouse sleeping next to him! and just to top it off, we visited disneyland and, whew, we just know now to avoid mickey mouse. to this day, that child is still traumatized by that cartoon’
meanwhile at seijoh,
oikawa was sneezing nonstop and iwaizumi has bonked him many many times now
tooru irritably snapped and iwa was even surprised at how snippy he was
‘oi, what crawled up your ass and died today’
oikawa pouted then stomped his foot like a child
‘y/n isnt here today’
‘oikawa shes taking care of her cousin! she has a life outside of us you know?’
makki teased but flinched when tooru stomped his foot harder
‘but im her life! im all she needs!’
the entire team sweatdropped at the sight of makki and mattsun holding back their bara arms vice captain from beating up their captain 
‘ill be sure to give him mickey mouse stickers next time!’
you teased and they laughed
there was still remaining giggles left when the door handle twisted and the front door opened, revealing the man of the hour himself
takeru perked up and ran to the door to greet his uncle
‘uncle! uncle!’
he exclaimed and tooru sighed before grinning at him
his ears twitched at a familiar muffled giggle but he thought nothing of it by excusing it as him missing you so much that hes now hearing you
the thought of you dampened his mood again
‘uncle is too sad to play with you, takeru’
takeru’s head tilted to the side and one eyebrow was raised
‘heh? why? iwa-nii bonk you too hard?’
tooru shook his head solemnly
‘no. my darling wasnt there today and-’
‘oikawa-san, welcome home’
you emerged into the small hallway and tooru’s jaw dropped
then he snapped out of the surprise and ran straight towards you, picking you up and twirling you around
he cheered and you giggled, trying to hold on to his shoulders to stabilize yourself
‘dont be so loud, oikawa-san’
you chided but with a smile
tooru calmed down however he still held you in his arms and was looking up at you with a grin, completely missing the fact that youre even at his house
‘its so nice to have y/n-chan greet me at the door. its like i have a wife! you wanna be my wife, y/n?’
you blushed a deep red and flicked his forehead
‘oikawa-san, your mother and sister is-’
you whispered harshly but a sudden shout made you both turn
you and oikawa looked at each other exasperatedly but with a fond look in your eyes
you whispered
‘avenge me, oikawa-san’
that was enough for him to drop you gently and run to tackle takeru, who was giggling and kicking the air
you returned to your spot on the couch but shrunk back at the smirks the two oikawa women were directing to you
nana oikawa wanted you to have dinner with them so you stayed and oikawa held your hand under the table
even though they could obviously see it but yanno just stay quiet
‘y/n-chan, as much as i love you being here and meeting my family, how did you get here?’
takeru proudly raised his hand and swallowed his food
tooru nodded and reached over to ruffle his head
‘thank you, takeru! you turned uncle’s bad day to a good one!’
you turned to him with a worried look
‘huh? did something happen while i was away?’
tooru shook his head and pouted at you with his puppy eyes
‘y/n-chan wasnt there at practice today and oikawa-san missed her very much and-’
‘oikawa-san, please refrain from speaking in third person’
again, the two oikawa women shared a look
yep, you are the one
oikawa naturally took it upon himself to walk you home by saying ‘y/n-chan shouldnt walk home by herself!’
but in reality, he just wanted to spend more time with you because he didnt get to do that today
he just wanted his daily fill of you
you both were walking down the street, hand-in-hand
‘i love your family, oikawa-san’
you said and he giggled
‘well, just wait a few years and youll be a part of it too’
you blushed and smacked him on the chest making him wince and exagerrate an ‘ow!’
‘your mom,,, really loves you. and your sister, and takeru! theyre really nice and im happy your family loves you so much’
‘what about you? do you love me?’
you hummed
‘eung! i love oikawa-san! and the boys! i love all of you!’
oikawa had a sad smile on but he didnt push any further
‘well! you met my family already so now its my turn to meet yours!’
you turned to give him a deadpan expression
‘oikawa-san, my father chased you with a broom. i dont think its safe for you to even step foot at my front porch’
oikawa scoffed and puffed out his chest smugly
‘hah! your oikawa-san is a strong man! he doesnt get scared over some broom!’
‘oh! oikawa-san! i need to get your opinion on this! i want to give iwa-san this mickey poster but-’
noticing that oikawa was no longer walking beside you, you turned around to see him staring at the spot you were previously at 
he didnt answer and you giggled
‘oh? is it mickey mouse? you scared?’
you neared the phone to his face and then his eyes settled on the terrifying face of the disney character
oikawa screamed
anyways, how yall been? i know ive been gone for a hot sec but uwu hey!!! 
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Sonic catches Amy reading / writing sonadow fan fiction?
Sonic was over at Amy’s house, enjoying some cookies and tea, because goddamnit, her double chocolate-chip cookies were to die for.
  “Thanks for inviting me over, Ames. These cookies are sooo good!” Sonic moaned in delight. Amy giggled.
   “You’re welcome, Sonic. I made some for Tails, but the poor little guy was up all night working on an invention, so I put some cookies on the counter for him, and wrote a note, so he knows I made them.” Amy said, as she put the tray down on the coffee table. “Anyways, I’m going to change, you can turn on the T.V. Okay?” Sonic nodded. She went to her room, and Sonic watched as her sway her hips. He got a little excited, but controlled it. He turned his head back and turned on the T.V. Please be Comedy Chimp, please be Comedy Chimp-
And it’s a drama. Wait no. It’s a play. It’s Hamilton. Wait, wasn’t it supposed to be on Disney Plus on July 3rd? Oh welp, might as well watch this. Sonic remembered the time he and the gang found Amy’s script, and they acted to it. He looked in the drawer that it was originally in, only to find a book labeled ‘Sonadow.’ Curious to what it was, he opened it, and skimmed to a random chapter. It said ‘Pregnancy Test.’ He started reading until he realized that Shadow and himself were the protagonists of the story. Shadow was the pregnant one. This book was in Amy’s house. In. Her. Drawer.
   “Okay I’m back-” Amy stopped in her tracks when she saw Sonic holding the book. She immediately thought of excuses and stories to why she had that book. She wrote it, but was glad that she hadn’t written her name down in the book, otherwise it would get very weird between them. “That’s n-not mine...” Sonic appeared quite flustered.
    “Then who does it belong to?” Sonic asked, his eyes twitching in what seemed to be anger.
    “...Would you believe me if I said it belonged to Lyra?” Amy replied, hoping Sonic would actually fall for that.
   “Makes sense, I guess. I mean, I thought she shipped...well...us?” Sonic blushed deeper while saying.
   “S-she has many ships, so don’t expect her to have just one...” She knew that Lyra had OCD’s when even thinking about Sonadow, but it was the only reasonable excuse she had, she didn’t want it to become awkward between them.
  “O-Oh...y-you haven’t read this, have you?” He asked her.
  “I saw the title and understood immediately...” She said cautiously. She knew Sonic very well, but at a time like this, she was very confused as to what his reaction would be.
  “That girl is going to publicly humiliate me one day.” Sonic nervously chuckled. Amy repeated his actions, not sure of what to do now.
  “I-I’ll give it back to her later, why don’t you just eat the cookies and pretend you never saw that?” Amy said in a rushed expression. Sonic noticed and decided not to think too much of it.
  “...Okay...” He hesitated before saying.
- TIME SKIP!!!! -
Amy was sitting in her room, doing something on her laptop that had her complete focus, Sonic observed. He made some sounds on purpose to see how Amy would react, but she didn’t even seem to notice.
   “What is she doing? She’s never this distracted.” Sonic thought out loud, only to hear Amy giggle while typing something in. She looked like she was about to swoon. She started cracking up, and put the laptop on the edge of the bed, which was on the other side, and she got on her back and tried to take deep breaths. Sonic snuck in through her windows, which have no glass and are covered by tapestries. He started reading whatever she was typing and saw Shadow’s name.
  “Ah~ I just love Sonadow~ It has a better chance of being canon than SonAmy will ever have.” She said, completely unaware of the second person in her room. Sonic got up and cleared his throat. Amy’s eyes immediately widened, her eyesight never leaving the ceiling. “IS SOMETHING LYRA WOULD SAY HEHEHEHEH...” Amy nervously continued saying, before taking the computer.
   “Then how come you were writing it?” Sonic asked in a disapproving tone.
    “Uh...Lyra was asking me to edit it, so I was helping?” Sonic still looked unconvinced. he yanked the laptop out of her hands.
   “Why the fuck do you think that SonAmy has a less chance of being canon compared to Sonadow?” He questioned, waving the laptop in the air.
   “Well, you would never like me, and you’re always arguing with Shadow and you just seem like you enjoy his company more than when you’re with me.” Amy replied sadly, her ears drooping.
  “Ames, I enjoy your company! I just tease him that he’s slow, that’s all. No romantic feelings for him. Just rivalry and friendship!” Sonic exclaimed. Amy giggled.
 “But wouldn’t you like to be more with him?” Amy asked, scooting closer.
  “Eww, no. He’s too emo. I prefer girls.” Sonic said, dropping the laptop on the bed, and putting his hands behind his head.
   “Yeah, I know. I see how you always flirt with them...” Amy responded with a melancholy tone. Sonic noticed this and got an idea.
   “Welp, I gotta go...run, and stuff like that.” And with that, Sonic zips off to who-knows-where. Amy quickly grabs her laptop and clicks the publish button.
Sonic went to Lyra’s house to get something, and he went back to his hut in less than two seconds.
  “Okay, Sonamy. What are lemons...” Sonic zoned out, wondering what on Mobius citrus had to do with Sonic and Amy. Sonic wasn’t a huge fan of having anything with lemons in it, and he knew that Amy doesn’t really make sour or bitter foods. He clicked on what said Sonamy boom lemons, and saw that there were a lot of chapters. He went to the first one, and started reading. “Oh. OH. OHHHHH MY CHAOS, HOLY SHIT! THAT’S A LEMON?! AND WHY THE FUCK IS MY DICK ONLY FOUR INCHES IN THIS STORY?! IT’S MORE THAN THAT-” Sonic stopped himself when he realized that he was upset over his member size and not the fact that Amy was taking control of him in this story.
   “I need something...AH! Here! This is perfect.” Sonic smirked at his idea, and then ran to Amy’s house to bring his idea to action.
  “Sonic?” Amy answered the door, and her face was showing shock. Sonic walked towards her, until she was leaning against the back of her couch.
  “My beautiful Ames, my gorgeous Rose, how would you like to go on a date with me?
   “I-I-I-I...what?” Amy asked flustered at the sudden and definitely unexpected question.
   “Did I stutter? If anything, you were the one stuttering. I know, I’d be stuttering too, if I were to ask me out on a date~” Sonic repeated himself, adding a witty comment in that.
  “Are you Sonic?” Amy cautiously questioned, hoping this wasn’t another prank by Morpho.
  “I am, Amy. Sonic the Hedgehog, Fastest Thing Alive.” Sonic proudly stated. Amy giggled.
  “So you are. Why are you asking me out on a date? Is this to prove that you’re not into Shadow?”
  “No. I’m asking you out because I want to, and you better say ‘yes’ or I’m just going to nag you until you do.”
  “Okay, okay. Yes. I’ll go on a date with you, but what’s up with your sudden flirtiness? You never act like this, let alone with me.” Amy inquired. That made Sonic smirk.
   “Why not? I have to be your dream hedgehog, otherwise you’d ship Silver with Shadow.” Sonic responded. Amy shook. Sonic got worried by her weird uncharacteristic actions. “Amy! Why are you shaking? Are you okay?” He saw that her eyes were glossed with tears. “Amy! Are you crying?” He honestly didn’t know what to do, hug her? That’s what Amy does whenever someone’s crying. He wrapped his arms around her, genuine worry crawling over his features. Amy flinched as soon as his hands touched her, and she backed away after taking in everything.
-----------STOP HERE------------------- There are two endings for this story. Right under this is the humorous one, and below that is the one for hopeless romantics.
      “Okay Sonic, game’s over. What do you want?” Amy asked after attempting to ignore the weird twitch and tingles in her body.
     “Whatever do you mean, Amelia?” Sonic responded in a dreamy tone. Amy rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.
    “Do you even like me? You only flirt with every other girl, apparently not me...unless you’re trying to get or prove something...” Amy hesitatingly tells him, puzzled as to why he was acting charming to her. Sonic’s cheeks and ears turned a deep shade of red.
   “...Maybe, but I only flirt for a reason-”
   “Don’t give me that shitty excuse, Sonic the Hedgehog. You’re a terrible liar, and I don’t want to hear it.” Amy sassed out, which wasn’t surprising to Sonic, because ever since they all moved to Hedgehog Village, her attitude changed, as so her habits.
   “But it’s not...I actually like you! And if I have to chase you for the rest of my life to prove it, so be it! I’ll run everywhere just to look for you! I want you~!” Sonic whispered in her ear, after giving it a nip and kiss.
   “Please don’t. I don’t want our reputations tarnished because you decide to run after me like some kind of weirdo. Honestly, I should’ve written that you were the pregnant one,” (anyone noticed the fanfiction reference? :D) Amy stated bluntly. Sonic took two steps towards her. He leaned his face in her’s.
  “Say that again, Pinky.” Sonic warned as her arms went around his neck. He heard a ‘POOF,’ and sweatdropped.
   “What did you call me, Blue Boy?” She queried. Sonic started to sweat and blushed once again at the sudden closeness. His confidence then returned out of nowhere.
   “I called you, Pinky. What’s the matter? Don’t like it?”  Sonic smugly replied. Amy glared at him.
   “It’s not that, it’s just that I’m getting turned on by the second~.” Amy lustfully said, biting her bottom lip. Sonic widened her eyes.
  “W-WHAT?!” Sonic shrieked out, not knowing whether to pounce or to run away.
   “Why are you acting all jumpy? You literally just bit my ear in a seducing tone!” Amy yelled out at him, her sexy act forgotten. Sonic looked heavily disturbed at Amy’s choice of words.
   “Seducing?!” Sonic squeaked. Amy was trying her best not to swoon at how adorable she found that squeak to be.
    “Yes! Don’t you want me?!” Amy hollered, her own cheeks burning up.
    “Okay, fine! Yes! Now can we get to the part where we say how we feel and kiss?” Sonic uttered out.
     “I love you!” Amy exclaimed. You shouldn’t be shocked by her boldness, as she’s been like that all her life.
    “I-I l-lo-love you too!” He responded. There was practically steam coming out of their ears by the amount of blushing that was happening.
    “Let’s kiss!” Before Sonic could respond, Amy pounced on him and tackled his lips. They both felt fireworks soar through their body, shivering at the new sensation that they gave each other.
   “Give me a strip show, baby~” Sonic inaudibly murmured in her ear.
   “Only if you use protection.”
   “What’s the fun in that?!”
HOPELESS ROMANTIC ending----------
   “I-I’m sorry.” She breathed out in a troubled voice. She slammed the door shut, and ran to her room sobbing. Sonic was confused. What did he do wrong? He knocked on the door, before remembering that this was Amy Rose. She never opened the door when she was upset, she just wants to be alone.
  ‘Well, not today!’ Sonic thought, as he broke down Amy’s door. He was going to have hell to pay, but it would be worth it. He went to her bedroom door and heard her crying. He did the same thing that he had did with Amy’s front door, and saw her face-first on the bed. He tip-toed towards her, and crawled on top of her. She looked so fragile in this state, that he just wanted to hug her sadness away.
  “Ames, if you’re ready to talk, why are you crying?” Sonic gently raised her chin up and asked.
  “Haven’t you wondered why I even like Sonadow fanfiction?” Amy asked her love interest. Sonic thought for a moment, and realized that not even he knew why she liked it. It was probably the most random thing she’d be into, and the ship itself was very random.
  “Never really thought about it during the thirty minutes in which everything happened. It actually makes me think about it now.” Sonic told her. She wrapped her arms around his torso, which caused Sonic to stiffen. After a few moments, he began to rock her side-to-side to calm her down.
  “I thought you’d never love me, so I tried to keep my mind out of reality...” She said, sniffling in between. “At first, I started reading fanfiction. I saw SonAmy fanfiction, and it broke my heart seeing it. I read Sonadow, and it still hurt, but I just couldn’t get enough of it, next thing I know, I’m writing a popular story on Fanfiction platforms and the compliments and comments I get makes me feel happy. Even though it injures my heart too much...” Amy sobbed. Sonic lowered his eyelids.
  “Amy, if it’s giving you a heart-ache, then why do you still do any of that?” Sonic queried. Amy gave an emotionless chuckle.
  “People say that I make them happy writing the fanfiction. They smile, and I’m happy that I make them happy. Even if it pains me to do it.” Amy smiled. (Lmao don’t worry, it doesn’t happen to me) Sonic couldn’t tell whether it was because she was happy genuinely, or her clouded, closed mind was telling her that she was happy. She clearly wouldn’t be happy if it gives her pain.
  “Then stop it. It hurts you, so you should stop. You’re basically telling yourself to feel the pain.” Sonic told her while stroking her quills gently. He kissed her forehead and continued. “Start connecting with your friends and soon-to-be-boyfriend, please.” Sonic said, trying to keep a straight face as he felt her jolt up.
  “When you say soon-to-be-boyfriend, do you mean, you?” Amy asked, trying her hardest not to wag her tail in excitement.
   “Who else? Plus, don’t hide your tail, I wanna see it~.” Sonic lustfully whispers in her ear. She took her hands off her of her tail, letting it sway in happiness. Sonic, being a perverted, hormonal 19 year old, got an idea.
  “SONIC! WHAT THE FUCK-” Amy squealed as Sonic actually had the nerve to pull her tail.
   “I wanna see more~”
   “You wanna see more?” She mused. She raised up her dress a little more...
    “YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TO MARRY ME IF YOU WANT TO TOUCH ME!” Amy exclaimed, taking Sonic off guard.
   “SO?! IF YOU WANT THIS BODY, THEN YOU’LL HAVE TO VOW TO IT!” Amy continued. Sonic made a face.
   “WELL I LOVE YOU, MY BEAUTIFUL ROSE!” Sonic unexpected shouted.
And they all lived happily ever after, (Eggman is in his lair fangirling with me) THE END.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #480: Teens React to a Bunch of Adults Acting a Fool in a Soccer Game (SSBU)
Mario: (Starts Growling in Anger....Only to Calm Himself By Take a Few Deep Breaths on Screen)
Ren: Wow.....Guess Mario really doesn't have it in him to be legitimately angry anymore, huh?
Sonic: It's a lot better than the way he acted in Toadstool Tour that's for sure.
Makoto: It's his way of maturing, I suppose.
Luigi: (Grits his Teeth and Glares at the Screen While Having One of his Eyes Twitching) I am..... Luigi.....
Pit: You know.....This might be the first time I've EVER seen Luigi this mad.
Yoshi: (Genuinely Surprised by his Father's Behavior on Screen) Tell me about it. Dad always been calm and collected for the most part.
Futuba: (Eyes Widened While Discovering Something Interesting) Wait a minute. Pause the video!!
Tails: (Pauses the Video) Why? What's wrong?
Futuba: (Points at the Screen) That glare....('GASP') Is this really how Luigi's Death Stare originated from in the first place?!!
Dark Pit: (Raised an Eyebrow Towards Futuba) Luigi's what now?
Futuba: His Death Stare! You know....The one he uses after he hits an item at someone in Mario Kart 8? That HAS to be where it came from!
Ren: I dunno, sis....This might be just a coincidence if anything.
Futuba: (Pouts at Ren While Groaning)
Ren: Hey, don't give me that cute pouty face, young lady. I'm just speaking facts here.
Peach: (Starts Pouting, Stomping Around and Crying on Screen)
Sonic: I had no idea mom would be an actual drama queen in this.....(Chuckles Lightly) It's actually pretty funny now that I think about it.
Ryuji: Princess Peach as a drama queen.....(Chuckles Lightly) Now that's something I'd never expected to see up until now.
Peach: (Yells at her Teammate While Stomping Around in Anger on Screen)
Ann: (Shrugged) Maybe the fame and royalty finally gotten to her at that point.
Yusuke: It's a possibility.
Daisy: Hot Stuff! (Place her Thumb on her Butt...Which Sizzles on Screen) Yeah~
Ren: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Disbelief) The hell did we just watched?!
Makoto: (Covers her Face Into Ren's Shoulder and Hugging it While Blushing) You're guess is as good as mines, Ren........
Tails: (Eyes Already Covered) What is it? What's happening on screen?
Amy: (Covering Tails' Eye while Looking Away Blushing a Little Herself) It's nothing, sweetie! Don't worry about it!
Morgana: (Eyes Already Covered) Futuba, do you have any idea what's going on right now?
Futuba: (Covering Mona's Eyes..... While Having her Eyes Covered as Well) I don't know, man. My eyes are covered already.
Haru: (Covering Futuba's Eyes While Blushing) I'm really sorry, you two! But I really think it's best that neither of you see this.
Dark Pit: (Sees Yoshi Getting Up from the Couch and Tries Storming Off) Where are you going?
Yoshi: Somewhere to bleach my eyes out!!
Ann: NOOOOOO!!! (Got Up with Haru and Futuba, to Stop Yoshi from Leaving the Living Room)
Yoshi: (Cries in Defeat While one of his Teammates Pats him on the Back for Emotional Support on Screen)
Sonic: (Smirks at Yoshi) Here you are. Back on your cuteness again.
Yoshi: ('Groans in Embarrassment') Don't remind me.......(Turns to Ann, Haru, Futuba, Who are all Staring at Him) What is it?
Ann: (Opens Her Arms Wide Open)
Yoshi: (Sighs Once He Immediately Realize The Girls Wanted) Come here.......
And just like that, Ann, Haru, And Futuba begins to give Yoshi a Group Loving Hug while telling him that everything is going to be okay.
Dark Pit was about to make a snarky towards the dinosaur.....only to be silence completely once Makoto gives him the Cold Niijima Glare.
Donkey Kong
DK: (Starts Whimpering While Running Off in Shame On Screen)
Futuba: (Frowns Sadly) Awwww.....Poor DK....I wanna give that gorilla a big hug on of these days.
Amy: (Feels Bad for DK as Well) Me too now that I think about it. He looks so sad when he runs away....
Ryuji: Eh. He'll be fine. He's the King of the Jungles.
Diddy Kong
Diddy: (Cartwheels Victorious on Screen)
Pit: So uhh.....Was Diddy really a psychic at one point or.....
Dark Pit: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Psychic? What makes you think that?
Pit: Well, I mean I kept hearing this psychedelic music through his winning animations. (Shrugged) So I thought maybe he might have some pyschic-ness in him.
Dark Pit: Well.... I've seen that chimp rap before. So I guess you're not too far off from that assumption, Pit-Stain.
Wario: I give up.....(Holds a Bob-Omb Right Next to his Face and it's Explode on Screen)
Everyone: (Eyes Widened in Complete and Utter Shock)
'Complete Silence'
Dark Pit: .............................Damn. Wario took that Bob-Omb to the face like it was nothing........
Ryuji: Dude.........Did he seriously let all of that happened? All because some soccer game that's not even over yet?
Futuba: That man's crazy!
Yusuke: Perhaps he doesn't take too kindly to losing that much.....
Sonic: This is Wario we're talking about here.....
Waluigi: (Does his Waluigi Dance with his Teammates on Screen) Wa-Lu-igi! Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!!
Ren: Never thought I see the day Waluigi started his own dance craze.....
Tails: (Shrugged) Good for....him, I think?
Yusuke: Do you think his dance has gotten popular in public at one point?
Futuba: Probably not, Inari.
Waluigi: (Glares Directly at the Camera and.....) Cheese! (......Punches it on Screen)
Dark Pit: (Genuinely Surprised) Jesus! Where the hell was all of this pent up anger went when he didn't get invited to Smash?
Yoshi: (Shrugged) Your guess is as good as mines.....
Bowser: (Starts Finger-Tenting with his Sharp Claws Evilly on Screen)
Futuba: You know, seeing Bowser's sharp claws got me thinking.......What if I have one for my-
Ren/Makoto: No.
Futuba: (Eyes Widened) What?! Why not?
Ren: Cause you'll hurt yourself.
Makoto: And we don't want that.
Futuba: ('Uggggggggggh') You guys are acting like a complete Sojiro right now!....
Ren: (Hugs Futuba on his Side) Hey, we may act like boring parents every now and then, but we're like this with love and care.
Makoto: (Hugs Futuba on her Side) We love you, Futuba and we want you to be safe.
Futuba: (Sighs in Defeat and Hugs Ren and Makoto While Blushing a Little) I know......I love you dorks too.
Bowser Jr.
Bowser Jr.: (Starts Kicking the Goalie's Net......Only for him to Start Crying in a Bit of Pain on Screen)
Haru: Awwww........
Morgana: You feel like you wanna hug him right now?
Haru: (Nodded Sadly)
Morgana: (Sighs a bit Heavily While Rolling his Eyes) Yeah...... I'd figured you would want to do that.......
Haru: (Turns to Morgana) Mona-Chan, are you starting to get jealous of Bowser Jr-Kun right now?
Morgana: (Immediately Starts Blushing) N-No!! O-O-Of course, not!! That's ridiculous!! W-Why would I be jealous of Junior here!!! That's crazy talk, I tell ya!!! CRAZY!!
Haru: (Giggles Softly of how Cute Mona is Being to her Right Now) It's okay, sweetie-pie. I promise I'll give you all the love you need later on today. (Gives Morgana a Kiss on top of his Head) Okay?
Morgana: (Immediately Starts Calming and Begins to Hug Haru's Arm right Beside Him While Blushing a Little) Okay, mom.... Thanks.
Futuba: (Smirks Playfully Towards her Kitty-Bro) Ha ha. A Jealous Kitty-Kat~
Morgana: (Rolls his Eyes) Shut up....
Haru: (Softly Glares at Futuba while Gently Rubbing the top of Morgana's Head) Futuba, don't make fun of Mona-Chan please.
Futuba: ('Sigh') Yes, ma'am.
Petey Piranha
Petey: (Starts Taking Part in the Limbo Dance Victoriously on Screen)
Tails: You know, now that I think about.....(Smiles Softly) Petey's starts being less scary the more we see him like this.
Amy: (Smiles Softly) I'd say. He looks so cute when he's happy.
Sonic: (Smiles Brightly While Giving a Thumbs Up Towards the Screen) He's pretty good in some Limbo action too.
Petey: (Starts Eating his Teammate for a few seconds before Spitting Them Out and Starts Whimpering on Screen)
Tails: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Okay. So maybe he's not completely harmless after all....(Hugs Amy for Comfort) Should've known better.....
Amy: (Hugs Tails Comfortly and Lovingly)
Reaction Over
Ren: Sweet Arsene....I didn't think Mario and the gang would act even more crazy in this one.....
Makoto: I know, right? And it's all over a soccer game nonetheless.....
Dark Pit: (Crosses his Arms) It's a shame, really. Might be a downright disgrace even.
Futuba: Okay. But can we all agree that this game is just freaking awesome in general?
Everyone: (Immediately Starts to Agree) Yeah. Yeah.
Ryuji: (Smiles Softly) It was pretty badass.
Yusuke: (Nodded in Agreement) And Visually pleasing.
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) I love Strikers. I wish it comes back someday.
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
“I have numerous science-based questions” I mean, same. It also sets up that Huey is gonna be out of his element this episode
“I AM THAT CHAMPION.” A bit full of yourself there. I couldn’t hear this line without saying “I’M. THAT. HERO.” Oh VeggieTales, you’ll always be with me
I like that Louie does a finger gun when Scrooge gets to him
Like I said earlier, I DO NOT care Scrooge already putting pressure on these kids
Poor Dewey seems like he’s the unfavorite, which is probably how Donald felt as well
Huey makes a good point and I do NOT like how dismissive Scrooge is of the twins
That being said...they totally killed someone in battle
Why didn’t Launchpad crash? I know he can land w/o crashing but it’s usually when he lands in water. THIS FEELS IMPORTANT SOMEHOW though it probably isn’t
Birds with beards look odd
“Yeah, sure. Of course.” Poor Huey, magic and mythology aren’t his strong point
I love that it says Odin’s Closet over the shirts. It’s the little details
“Guess Louie knows what Louie’s doing today.” And then he disappears into the shirts. I can appreciate someone who knows what they’re about
I want ALL the shirts from this episode!
“WHOA, IT’S WRESTLING!” He looks so dang happy, it’s ADORABLE
“THIS IS AWESOME!” Chanting is fun
“So these guys just copied professional wrestling?” Huey, you’re form of logic is not welcome here
Does that mean Scrooge told someone about his battles and inspired them to create pro wrestling? I’m gonna go with that
“And they will love me for it!” Dewey, sweetie, that’s only how it works half the time
I loved all the man-snake stuff. Made me giggle
Man snake be THICC. HOT DAMN
I love the little pig ref. HE’S SO CUTE
Jormungandr knows how to pump up a crowd
So, like, is everyone in the audience technically DEAD?! That makes this episode slightly darker. I dig it
 I wonder if Jormungandr sees Earth’s destruction as a good thing for Earth. Like if he genuinely thinks they’d be better off in Valhalla. Or if he’s just a bastard who wants to watch the world burn
Scrooge is a bit too into playing the heel
The way Scrooge moves and the faces he makes as the Millionaire Miser remind me of Glomgold
“I watch a lot of wrestling while I fly.” “Wait, while?” This exchange always cracks me up
“Uncle Scrooge is the greatest hero of all time.” “Huh, I guess not everyone thinks so.” I feel like this is foreshadowing later events
RIP Announcer Puffin
“DIBS ON ANNOUNCING!” A dude just got KO’d bro! Have a bit of respect
And the return of the dynamic sports announcer duo. Glad Huey got his badge
Strongbeard is DOPE
“How did you know that?” “Just calling it like I see it. WRESTLING!” The real reason Launchpad knows is because he’s actually Thor but doesn’t remember. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
“What matters is I’m doing the right thing.” I don’t know, you really seem to enjoy being a heel
This whole match is great
Dewey, there ARE NO RULES IN WRESTLING. Plus you aren’t the ref, so you can’t make that call
I have very inappropriate jokes go through my head when only one arm absorbs the beard energy
“I am so confused.” CONSTANT MOOD
I like that Scrooge dives onto him the same way he dives into his bin
LP is so excited he pushes Huey out of the way for NO REASON
All the bone cracking in this episode made me uncomfortable, as in my bones hurt during it
“He is such a good guy.” I’d say he’s a fair guy, not necessarily a good guy
“Which two of you will fight for me?” Webby has been waiting for this moment her WHOLE LIFE
Louie, always taking time to make that money
Who gave him a shirt cannon?!
I love that the dude comes up wearing the shirt
Dewey just slaps Scrooge in the face
Champ POPular! Too cute! I love his hair and outfit. Though I don’t think Champ POPular’s “too popular to hate.” If anything he might annoy people due to his popularity
I thought he was gonna pull out yo-yos as his “finishing touch” and I was sad when it was lollipops even though that makes more sense. BRING BACK THE YO-YOS!
“Do all the fighting and make sure he doesn’t die.” That is a valid concern
Huey taking notes is adorable
“Just in time for the tag-team round.” “Wait, they’re playing tag now?! MAN!” I love how Danny says MAN
How does Huey not know what a tag-team is? It’s a pretty common term
I love Launchpad’s reading face
Dewey has red, blue, and green lollipops. Cute
“HE’S THROWING LOLLIPOPS BECAUSE HE THINKS WE’RE SUCKERS!” That took me off guard and I laughed so hard
“I’ve known you my whole life, I kinda knew how this would play out.” Louie is genre savvy. Perhaps too savvy. He’s gonna figure out he’s in a tv show
“More like Champ POP..ulation zero because he has no friends...in Friendtown.” I fail to see how that was any worse than LP’s “more like Champ UN-POPular.”
“WE HATE YOU NOW!” Tough crowd
Huey’s face after that. I just want to pinch his lil cheeks
It TOTALLY went over my head that they censored Hela with Hecka (at least they used her better than the MCU did. WE COULD HAVE HAD SO MUCH BETTER)
I would let her pin me to the mat and crush my skull in
“Oh, COME ON, THIS is what you like?! A creepy goth and her pet dog!” SHUT UP, DEWEY, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT! I’m surprised Webby didn’t slap him for the “creepy goth” comment seeing as Lena is goth and misunderstood
Poor Huey, he’s doing his best. Hope he takes a shower later because he got pretty sweaty
Why did Huey have all those corn puns?
“YOU’RE THE WORST! YOU’RE THE WORST!” It’s just not Huey’s day
“You don’t have to try to make it sound great, it already is.” Did this remind anyone else of Dewey’s “don’t overthink it” advice to Launchpad from Double-O Duck? He’s doing his best to help Huey
Poor Dewey
“EMBRACE YOUR INNER HEEL!” Cuz being a heel is fun!
I like that Fenny has knee pads on
“A classic ‘who’s a good boy?’ gambit!” AND I’D FALL FOR IT TOO! SUCH A GOOD BOI
“Wait, am I the Launchpad here?” Bitch, you WISH
“YOU CAN’T GIVE CANDY TO A DOG!” This is why you don’t have a pet, Dewey
“WHOA, back from THE DEAD for the QUEEN of the DEAD!”
Kind of a dick move, Louie
Jormungandr looks like a Masters of the Universe knock-off toy
“With a toxic personality” I think you’re projecting a bit, Jormungandr 
How does Huey not know what a battle royale is? That is a very common term! Hell, there is a well known book and movie with that title!
“I’m just a humble, noble snake man of the people.” Why does the term snake man make me laugh so much?  
Dewey needs a hug! And some therapy would probably be a good idea
Scrooge’s speech started on a good note then went downhill FAST
“And lastly, I’ll use the dust of your bones as sweetener in my tea.” DAMN
SHE GAVE HIM THE CHAIR! I think this CONFIRMS Beakley as a wrestling fan
“I know we’re supposed to take over for Scrooge one day, but do you ever wonder if maybe we’re not cut out for it?” YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO WONDER THOSE THINGS AT ALL! 
“Be LP” My new mantra
Aw, Louie sees Dewey as a hero. Like how LP saw Drake as a hero. I think @drakepad is onto something, this scene and the fight scene seem WAAAAY too much like Drake’s intro to be just a coincidence
I keep saying this, but Louie should consider a career in motivational speaking. He knows what people need to hear
“Let’s do this!” “I don’t know.” “Let’s Dewey this?” “I’m in.”
“I’LL SHED YOUR SKIN FOR YOU!” If he hadn’t of had an old man back moment that would have been a BRUTAL CUT
OMG WAS LAUNCHPAD WEARING THAT THE WHOLE TIME? You see his clothes fly off when he jumps in the ring
“Whoa. In a COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED TWIST, the announcer was Captain Crash THIS WHOLE TIME!” LP does underground wrestling matches in his spare time, TELL ME I’M WRONG
“YOUR CATCHPHRASES ARE FORCED!” I agree, Dewey could have done WAY BETTER
I like Louie just GLARING at the dude who insulted Dewey’s catchphrase
LP looks so proud of Huey
“I don’t care at all, why should I?” Methinks the snake man doth protest too much
I like how Jormungandr’s pupils are thinner during the climax. It shows off his true nature
Dewey should have been the one to do a spin attack, ya know, cuz he’s Sonic? I’ll go now
“The Pop never Stops.” That was better
I LEGIT thought Strongbeard was gonna throw Dewey his axe and I was like Dewey wouldn’t be able to lift that
I like the ice pack on Launchpad’s head. Just because he can take a lot of damage doesn’t mean that LP is immune to pain
I like that the crowd CHANGED THEIR BANNERS! Nice
LP tearing up
“A true people’s hero” I feel like that phrase will come back in relation to other characters (cough DW cough)
Scrooge is such a little shit, it’s kind of adorable
This was a SUPER FUN EPISODE! I couldn’t really tell where they were going and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I wish we had gotten Huey in some wrestling gear but maybe next time. I like the message that doing the right thing isn’t always popular but I kind of feel like Dewey getting the crowd on his side muddled the message somewhat. Poor Dewey needs therapy or something so he doesn’t feel like he needs CONSTANT approval. Again, he’s 11 YEARS OLD and shouldn’t be put into such a serious position. LP was VIP this episode. I’m bummed we’re on hiatus again, but WHAT an episode to end on!
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Being Best Friends With the Doctor (9-12) Part One
Heyo! So I’ve been reading a bunch of Doctor Who Imagines at one in the morning (please don’t ask if you value your sanity) and I’ve always wondered what it’d be like being that one, constant friend throughout the Doc’s regenerations that always loved him for who he was no matter the flaws.
Alright, enough of my fan-crazed rambling, lez get this show on da ROAD!
(Also this is a headcannon)
the Ninth Doctor
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whenever he randomly shows up in my backyard looking like he just went through a blender, I sigh, shake my head, drag him inside
 “But-” “You know what I do to ‘but’s, right, Doc? I kick ‘em until they do what’s best for them, now go get in that shower or no tea for you.”
sit him on the couch and wait for him to open up
there’s no point in trying to get this guy to talk about his feelings by prying, he’ll talk when he wants to talk
and when he does it’s like the Flood all over again
waits patiently for him to finish
and then gives sage advice I totally stole from his future incarnations
During Adventures:
we bounce ideas back and forth
sass and snark at each other playfully
but somehow or other, we always come out on top
(if travelling w/ Jack and Rose) flirt shamelessly with Jack to annoy the regeneration energy outta the Doc.
we simply live for it
tease the Doc with Rose 
and help her convince the Doctor that we simply HAVE to go shopping
Chilling on the TARDIS:
read in the library
repair the TARDIS
just talk about anything and everything
Physical Display of Friendship:
knuckle noogies from the Doc
fist bumps
high fives
me being used as an armrest (i’‘m 5′3″)
the Doctor giving me piggy-back rides when I’m to tiered to walk
random one-armed hugs
and light shoulder punches
the Tenth Doctor
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When in Need of Emotional Support:
doesn’t even bother landing in the yard
just up and lands in my living room and stumbles out looking like someone just killed his dog
I take one look, stop what ever I’m doing and go over to hug him
the poor puppy is ridiculously touchy feely
starts sobbing nonsense into my shoulder for 15 minutes straight
afterwards, he slumps onto the couch and I make him tea
no more words are spoken
we already know each other so well words aren't really needed
when he raises an arm that usually means he wants physical contact
and by that I mean some seriously hardcore cuddling
(cuz just look at that loveable puppy! he begs for snuggles!)
he usually spends the night
and by tomorrow morning he’s back to his happy-go-lucky self
During Adventures:
desperately tries to keep up with the techno-babble
but fails miserably
usually has to talk our way out of messes he got us into
run like crazy every ten seconds
and toss the Sonic back and forth when one of us needs it
Chilling on the TARDIS:
same thing with Nine
Physical Display of Friendship:
lots of playful pushing around
if the Doctor and I were siblings he’d be the awesome big brother we’ve all wanted
hugging each other while walking
hand holding cuz we can
and lots more spontaneous hugs
forehead kisses for me, cheek kisses for him
trading Chucks (I have a totally awesome medium blue pair and they’re gorgeous)
and all the stuff with Nine too
I’m really hoping that I can get part 2 up soon. please reblog as much as you want my lovely fellow Whovians! and remember: “Never cruel or cowardly, never give up and never give in”
Please let me know if I messed something up and I need to fix it. Positive critic welcomed!
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
Recalling when Sonic called off his race with Tails just to get eggs for Amy, I can't help but think that maybe their relationship developed into something of slowly going romantic where they'd act couple-y without even realizing such as when Sonic fetched eggs for Amy like the "good boyfriend" would or a hypothetical scenario: Sonic wants to taste something Amy is eating, so Amy hands it to him and Sonic just bites it down casually. How's that for a headcanon? Or is it too far-fetched? XD
Please remember that Prompts are on Shutdown! Do not send me any! Sorry! I still have a lot to do!
“W-woah!” Amy was attempting to shimmy across the thin, tree-plank that led to where her and her friends were adventuring to retrieve a valuable artifact disturbed by Knuckles’s antics. While trying to move across, she saw a bug and lost her usually perfect balance.
“Amy! Take my hand!” Sonic, just ahead of her, stopped and reached back. She immediately, while moving left and right on one leg, grabbed it and sighed, seeing him lift it up to the rope above their heads.
“Thanks, Sonic. B-but now-!” the rescue caused a shift in the rope as well, shaking as Amy placed both hands on the rope.
“Grrr…” Sonic judged the situation quickly, biting his teeth down as he looked around him. “Okay.” He nodded, then lowered Amy’s hand that he was holding so they were down in the middle of them. “Just use one hand to cross, I’ve got you.”
“Alright.” Amy nodded seriously, and the two continued to scoot across the branch.
Sticks narrowed her eyes behind her, “Hmmmrrmmm…” she seemed to be sizing up their activity…
Sonic was in the market place, looking over things before seeing something shiny and pink. “Hey! It’s a bracelet!” he looked it over before a goofy smile skimmed his cheeks. “I bet Amy would like this.” He placed it in his chart, and on the other side of the market place, Amy was eyeing a blue watch that made racing car noises. “Haha!” she giggled into her hand, “Oh, Sonic would love this!” she placed it in her basket and walked on.
Sticks, popping her head out of the ‘expired/no good’ waste bin dumpster growled once more, narrowing her eyes at the two…
-Another time~-
“Oh! These cookies just don’t look right.” Amy frowned, wearing the pink bracelet as Sonic was fiddling with the blue watch, making it create car engine noises.
“Hehehe…” he giddily fixated on it’s endless fun, but Amy’s sigh suddenly drew him away and he looked at her cookie tray she had placed out of the oven. “What’s wrong with it? It smells great!” Sonic sat more upright, lowering his knee that was up a moment ago and turning more directly to Amy.
His eyes stayed glued to hers as she spoke, “Oh, it’s just that… well, the picture made them look so good… I hope they’re okay… I was going to give them to those poor, sweater-less orphan penguins but…” she put her hands to her hips, “I can’t give them these!”
“What about these?” he picked one up, “Ow! Hot, hot, hot!” he shook his hand, burning his glove a little bit on some melted chocolate on the side of the cookie.
“Oh no! Here…” Amy reached over, about to bite on the gloved-finger to get the chocolate off.
“Hey! This chocolate’s mine!” Sonic immediately withdrew the hand and sucked on it himself. “I went through all the hard work of getting it!”
“Oh, but it would have burnt your finger!” Amy protested, but he just shook his other pointer finger at her, as though telling it ‘nuh-uh, this one’s all mine!’.
Then, his eyes widened. “Emmm~ These are good!” he went in for another, taking a bite. “Amy! You can’t give these to the children!”
“H-huh? Why not! I thought you said they were good!?” Amy quickly took the tray away, holding it back from him and examining them. She placed it by the window as he continued-
“Because they’ve got to be all mine!”
He laughed, thinking himself funny but Amy just rolled her eyes, “You really like them? I mean, I guess I could add some ‘flare’ to them, that way, their presentation is a little more decent…”
“I say let the kids have them the way they are!” he relaxed back, smiling brightly to her in comforting optimism. He placed his hands behind his head, closing his eyes, “They’ll be shoving them in their mouths before ever having the time to look at them!”
His cheeriness brightened up her insecurity, “Ohhh… You!” she jumped over the table to hug him, disorientating him a moment as his arms flailed out from her sudden affection.
“H-hey! I was only stating my opinion here! Ames!”
“Hehehe~ And I encourage you to state it as much as you want!”
“Well, that’s a first.”
Amy laughed. The two were distracted so much, they didn’t see Sticks’s camouflage into a plant’s top-level foliage as she growled and reached in, grabbing a cookie and ducking back down into position.
-Tails’s place, again, at a later date-
“I don’t get it, Tails. It’s like a conspiracy… but it isn’t.” Sticks gripped the table, looking angry for some reason.
“Is this about aliens and the government again?” Tails didn’t even bother looking up from his inventions, but Sticks just snarled on the side of her mouth.
“Grraawwwhhhh… It’s not about the government, Tails!” she flung her arms up, “This is of a whole new caliber of lies and deceit. It’s been right under our noses… no… this has to do with a company… a friendly sort of company of friends… friends who can’t even noticing how deceptive they’re being towards each other and their other friends!” she gripped her head, showing her own confusion as Tails’s ears finally perked up.
“Sounds like corruption in the market, if you ask me.” He thought she meant a literal company…
“Ugh.” She shook her head, seeing he wasn’t getting it. “Whatever, I’ll keep eyeing the two before I make any further assumptions. But I’m tellin’ ya!” she rose a finger up. “Something fishy is going on with Sonic and Amy! They’re all giggly lately, talking about each other from across the way, trying out cookies recipes and the like!” She threw out some words that made Tails finally lean up, away from his gear.
“Wait… you mean… they’re not fighting or anything, right?” Tails seemed concerned on her second comment.
“What? No! I said giggly! Weren’t you listening to me!?”
“D-don’t get offended! You said they were talking about each other behind their backs… I got worried.” He put his hands up, covered in black gear-gunk to try and calm her down.
“Oh. I said across the way! Not behind their backs!” she defended, “Just come see for yourself.” She started to waddle to the door, looking more ticked off than ever before…
Tails finally followed her, giving her to her ‘spying’ ways and saw the two walking down the street.
“They just look like they’re talking.” Tails seemed a bit skeptical, hiding with Sticks in a bush. “Doesn’t this invade their private friend-life?”
“Ohhhh, it’s far from being started yet, Tails.” She passed him the binoculars. “Destruction of trust between friends in 5….4….3…2….” she pointed as suddenly a puddle came out in Amy’s way.
“Oh no!” she flinched her foot up, but Sonic bowed graciously and suddenly dived backwards, turning at the last moment with Amy’s gasp to push himself up and create a bridge over the puddle.
It was so extra, it made Amy giggle girlishly, covering her face a bit from her blush and walk over him.
It was a terrible idea though because even though Sonic was showing off his strength and chivalry, it also caused discomfort walking over his quills that poked or scratched up against Amy’s ankles.
“Ow, oh, ee!” she passed and then smiled down to him as he got up and looked over at being separated from her by the other side of the puddle.
He could have easily spin-dashed over it, but to be dramatic, he pretended to reach for her, throw more rocks in the water to create a bridge, and then hopelessly despair as Amy continued to laugh at his jokes.
Tails’s mouth hung down as Sticks’s anger peaked, tapping her finger on her folded arms. “They’re so adorable… it’s like they lied to our faces and then each others!” she was about to jump out of the bush. “YOU TWO ARE LIARS-!” she was thrown back into it by Tails.
“No, Sticks!” He held her down as she tried to struggle back up from his grasp.
“Let me at those lying, good for nothing-!”
“Calm down, Sticks! They probably don’t even know what they look like!”
“How can they not know how it looks like!? If they’re together, they should at least have the decency to tell their most trusted friend ever—that is to say me. But instead, they lie to our faces and continued to call each other ‘a good friend’. If THAT’S a good friend, I want to know what they think a dating dance looks like!” Sticks gestured furiously over to them, showing she didn’t buy that crap for jack!
Tails sighed, shrugging with his shoulders slightly. “Honestly… I’m glad they’re getting along so well. It wasn’t always like this… They probably just don’t want to ‘rock the boat’, so to speak.” He nervously twiddled his fingers a moment, blushing. “I-I kinda get that, you know? When the friendship’s going so well… you don’t really want to disrupt it by asking something kinda embarrassing like that.” He smiled over to Zooey, working daintily at her stall.
“I-I-It might ruin the great, wonderful… charming interactions you already have with each other…” he melted as the red on his face grew brighter. “Y-you know what I mean?” he looked around, seeing Sticks had disappeared suddenly. “S-Sticks?”
“Move, loser. I have some so-called ‘friends’ to bust.” She tried to move around a dude holding flowers out in front of her.
“B-b-but-!” the poor boy was ignored completely as she side-swiped around him and dashed to Sonic and Amy, his arm held out to her as she took it and they walked towards a movie theatre, just chatting excitedly to each other.
“No! Sticks!” Tails took off after her, “Oh, pardon me!” he maneuvered around the boy, before seeing how disappointed the stranger looked and realized…
Sonic and Amy weren’t the only ones who didn’t notice blossoming romances that were right in front of their noses…
The stranger nervously ran behind a wall, “Phew, that was close! If Sticks knew who I was then…” The boy took off his covering, revealing his intern-self. “Then I’d have to introduce her to my mother. And after all the times she’s come to Meh Burger and asked for extra fries… I don’t know, man. My mom might think it’s serious!” He clutched his head in fright.
Ever since that plane ride, her asking to ‘get closer’, he’s never looked at her the same way as all the other customers…
But that’s a misconstrued story for another day.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
... I found a Zi-O raw!
More thoughts below! Warning: this is ESPECIALLY long! (please do not feel at all obligated to read the whole thing)
Sougo driving the bike off the road and then ducking beneath the curb to hide from Geiz reminds me of Emu, in full golden-dreadlock mode, hiding behind a corner from the people-turned-bugsters and peeking out like a little kid.
The small twelve year old--er... Sorry, sixteen year old--is playing hopscotch w/ the dead guy. That they just... Left there? I guess Geiz popping up did distract everyone.
And... As I suspected, he’s back. Well--suspected bc preview images, but... Ya know.
Woz! That actor is having a lot of fun and I appreciate it. I’m wondering if they had to do that scene multiple times bc he had trouble pulling the hood up smoothly.
The fact that he disappeared from the outside the temple just to appear immediately at Sougo’s house is both unnecessary and hilarious.
Also: ‘I Woz-proofed my house, but he still got in!’
Aw, Geiz is a good boo. I guess maybe he and Tsukuyomi were going back to find Another Build when... Another Build found them.
And another aw, she’s worried about him! They’re cute. I love friendship.
Oh! Baseballs this time! Does that mean he found a Best Match?
And Sougo’s here! Yeah, thinking about it, saving his life is probably one of the best things you could do to make Geiz pause about killing you--given that future you tried to kill him, it’s an antithesis, so... Did that make sense?
On that note, I think Woz told him were they were/that Geiz was fight Another Build? I know he said Geiz’ name while invading Sougo’s house. Where was Junichiro in that scene, anyway?
On that note, apparently Sougo is vaguely okay at baseball.
Oh my god, the dramatic music, and then the damn eye shine... If we could have seen Geiz’ face, I’m sure it would have been ‘WTF???’
Oop! He Rider Kicked! Congrats on the first one, Sougo! Though... It may not have stuck.
And then he just runs off, in full transformation. Oh, my baby, my loser. Well, Geiz and Tsukuyomi can keep it busy so there are no new victims.
Wait. Did he just run... All the way to Nascita? I guess... I guess they’re in the same city? Huh. ... Do all KR series take place in the same city? Is this all just supposed to be Tokyo? ... No, that can’t be it.
I love how he just kinda tried to dive into the fridge.
Aaaaaaand.... Here are the dorks! Wait... Shouldn’t Misora and Souichi be here? Eh, maybe they couldn’t get the actors back (or couldn’t afford to w/ everyone else they were planning/wanted to bring back).
You know, while I do mostly agree that maybe they coulda waited an ep before diving into the Build cameo, I think they may have been trying to use it to establish the ‘schtick’ of the season so to speak (at least the beginning schtick--like how w/ Build it was ‘find and fight Smash’ and w/ Ex-Aid it was ‘find Bugster Virus patients’) using a Rider that, as it had just finished, everyone was already familiar w/. Though in regards to that, obviously they start w/ Build bc he’s the most recent. But the point is, I’m thinking it may have been meant to be the ‘tutorial’ or ‘introduction’ incident of the series. I could be wrong ofc, and like I said, I do think would probably have behoved them to wait an episode, I think I get why they did it this way. That... May have made no sense. I’m sorry.
God, even in this small scene, the chemistry between these two remains amazing. Glad Eiji and Atsuhiro seem to be having fun.
So... I accidentally paused it at a moment where Sento looks like a scared rabbit and Ryuuga looks like he’s being protective. Cuties.
Also, I guess the Time Jackers are stealing the powers long-distance? Speaking of Evil Cutie Baby Boy (that’s his name, right?) there was a shot in the trailer of him freezing Build and Cross-z in time to harass Sougo. Wonder if that’s in this ep? (it probably is, and then I’ll be too lazy/stubborn to delete this bullet point later)
Oooooooo! And we get Geiz’ Rider Kick! That was interesting!
The teleporting Ride Watches strike again! Seriously, who made those things? They get around faster than mosquitos! ... Maybe.
So... What, it just had to get double-Rider Kicked, or just Rider Kicked twice to die? I am the confused.
Pfffft. Sento and Ryuuga screaming when they realise they’re hugging. Well, half hugging.
Oh! So... Something just rewrote time? So Sento giving Sougo the Build Ride Watch in 2018 creates a stable time loop for something that’s going to happen in 2017, which 2018 Sento remembers bc it’s his past, but that Sougo doesn’t understand bc it’s his future. Time travel.
Wait... Are we just completely nixing Sento’s actual first meeting w/ Zi-O? Bc even if it’s from Sougo’s future, it’s from Sento’s past (the movie), and the Sento of now should remember it. Maybe. Though maybe that got retconned so he forgot. Again. Time travel.
Oh! It did come back! Wait... Why did Sento and Ryuuga’s memories change when Geiz kicked it? Or... Maybe they just ‘reset’ like that every time it’s destroyed, and then when it respawns they get rewritten again. Or maybe talking is a free action.
Aw, poor Geiz has Rider Kicked too many times and worn himself out.
Oh. So they have to use the power of the Rider that the power was stolen from to destroy it?
Sougo correctly identifying Geiz as his secondary and handing him the Cross-z Ride Watch. Love them.
Speaking of which--have I mentioned I love Geiz?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I said I would stop doing that. I just really love secondaries, okay!
Geiz is taller than him and he’s gonna be the grumpy big brother and it’s cute! Fight me.
No, no, again, please don’t. I’m a mess rn, I’ll cry.
Aw! They ran Fast Like Sonic together! I think Sougo saving their lives is what’s making Geiz willing to work w/ him temporarily--not to mention the, er, Another Rider attacking people. Geiz is a good boy. But I’m sure he’ll get more hostile again once the situation is over.
It’s is Time Majin! I feel so deceived.
Oh! Hey, it’s the Best Match Boys again! Can they transform? Maybe. I honestly don’t care anymore. Not in a negative way, though. I’m more not bothered bc I’m enjoying this--if that makes sense?
So the format seems to be--they meet the Riders somehow (be it in the past, or in the present). A Time Jacker, meanwhile, goes back in time and creates Another Rider. So what our heroes have to do is find the Rider in the present and fix their memories--even temporarily--to get the Ride Watches from them and create a stable time loop of some kind, then go back to that time period (again, if they’ve been there before) and destroy the Another Rider there to set things to rights. So maybe more like the Riders are lending them a portion or piece of their power rather than it being ‘taken’ or anything, and they’re not really effecting the original flow of the previous story, just adding a scene were ‘monster that wasn’t a MOTW showed up and then some time traveler folks did, too.’  Ofc we’re only part way through the ep, so there could be other effects, I don’t know yet.
OH. MY. GOD. Another Build sees Ryuuga and then just... GLOMPS him. And shouting ‘BEST MATCH!’ While Sento just kinda is like ‘WTF?’
But oh boy is he probably gonna be mad at Ryuuga for rejecting him...
I guess the guy also got... Connected to Build’s memory somehow? Bc he was able to identify Ryuuga as Cross-z w/out any outside clues, and I don’t think it was common knowledge? After all, he was still a wanted criminal at that point, right?
Oh! They can transform, but it’s glitchy as hell. I see... But why is Ryuuga being glitched? I get Sento being effected, bc Another Build is, well, right there, but there isn’t Another Cross-z, so what’s happening w/ Ryuuga?
Well, either way, it’s still nice to see Cross-z’s original suit again. Shoulda said that last ep, too. That was a damn good suit. Glad they were able to keep it active, even just for these few eps. Might get scrapped after though. Still grateful, however.
The other dork boys! Are here! Yay!
Ah! Evil Cutie Baby Boy! Also, hey, there’s that scene I was talking about. No, I’m not going to delete that bullet point out of spite. Spite for what? Don’t ask me.
Geiz is like ‘... Oh. You.’ at Uhr. Like, that’s his expression. I love it.
Meanwhile, Sougo has no clue what’s going on.
I should note that I don’t actually know if Geiz knows who Uhr is, bc he didn’t say anything like Tsukuyomi did w/ Woz. I just drawing conclusions from my reading of his expression.
This boy has the cutest damn smile I wanna hug him to pieces I’m dying here. He’s clearly a shit but he’s got such a baby face and he’s just a kid and I’m feeling parental for evil murder children someone help me.
I thought only Schwarz could freeze time, though? Well, maybe he can just doing over a wider area for longer.
Well, Sougo’s response to Evil Cutie Baby Boy seems to have won him some points w/ Geiz... You’re doing a good job making up for your poor communication in ep 1, honey.
Actually, one thing that bothers me about Uhr’s appearance is that the strand of his hair w/ the feather in it (that all the TJs have--yes, they’re TJs now) just cross right across his forehead and never moves and it’s kinda distracting.
Aw, look, boys, you’re already synchronised in putting your Drivers on. Ya’ll are gonna be friends whether you like it or not!
Four Riders, no waiting!
Oh, no... They got de-Ridered!
Well, we now know that Sougo can’t swim, I guess. Or... Maybe just not in the suit? Also, awwwww, Geiz pulled him out.
Woz here on par w/ Kogure for unexplained abrupt entrances. If there’s a crossover between Zi-O and LuPat, I really hope there’s a scene where they do it to each other or something.
Sougo looking around like ‘Ah! Where’d he come from!’ is really funny, too. He even looks up at the damn sky.
Also, I’m just gonna assume he’s got a Time Majin hidden somewhere. Unless there’s another way to jump through time they haven’t shown yet.
He did it!
Ah, so this is the memory that Sento had earlier.
Oh and, hey, Woz smiled! Not sure if that was a good thing, but he’s got a nice smile.
And... There he goes again.
Oh, wait... Are we gonna get Geiz’ reaction to Woz? Admittedly, Tsukuyomi only got to act surprised and ask what he was doing there (and got no answer), but Geiz hasn’t seen him yet. Does he know him, too?
Okay, I’m really liking the trend of people ignoring Woz’s speeches to do other things. Like the first time when Sougo was wondering at his transformation, and here where Sento whispers to him. It’s funny and I hope they keep doing it. I’m also hoping one day (if Woz shows up to do this every time Sougo gets a new Ride Watch) that some day someone (probably Geiz or Tsukuyomi) is gonna shove him aside or at least tell him to shut up and he gets offended. Double funny if they cover his mouth.
Sento and Ryuuga just watching the math move slowly along. Sento doesn’t seem pleased. Ryuuga just looks confused.
Oooooh! I see! Now this adds to the formula. They give the Riders the Ride Watches in the past, so that they carry them w/ them and it... I dunno, learns about their power, or is just there and ready in the future present/when they’re needed. And that’s why Sento and Ryuuga had them in their pockets! Rest of the proposed format still holds.
Eh? Katsuragi? Though... His personality doesn’t seem different at all? And he’s still on good terms with Ryuuga... And... I don’t see how what happened there would change him into Katsuragi? Maybe... Something went wrong w/ the Another Build power return? Plus, when Sougo went to see them at Nascita earlier in the ep, it seemed like he was Sento then, didn’t it? I could have sworn Ryuuga called him that? So it’s not actually that big a change? I’m confused.
Geiz is just like ‘Tsukuyomi, I literally saved him earlier, I think it’s pretty clear I’m taking a pausing from being terminator for the moment.’
Hm. So he’s going to try and investigate why the alterations are happening? So maybe he figures it out and that’s why Sento is still Sento in the present? You know what, I’m not gonna worry about that stuff, it’s just gonna give me a headache.
Oh god, he comes downstairs and they’re both in his house, I love it. I guess Geiz saw the sign at some point, and when he decided to hold off on the killing Zi-O plan was like ‘oh hey, that could be useful!’
Tsukuyomi, nailing the fake introduction. Geiz here being a grumpy bear (though he still nails the fake introduction, just as a grump). I love this so much.
Sougo has the ‘I just woke up’ excuse for any nonsense he might accidentally say.
Tsukuyomi denies the handshake and Geiz is just like ‘hi, I’m gonna threaten you now’ (I assume that’s what he’s doing).
And then Geiz and Tsukuyomi reacting to the food (I guess it’s not what they’re used to--can’t tell whether it was a positive or negative reaction though).
Oh, hi Woz! are you the narrator?
EMU! So you’re a full-on paediatrician! Good on you!
Excited for next ep! Looking forward to seeing my grouchy emo surgeon son and his gamer ray of sunshine again! Seems he’s calling Emu ‘paediatrician’ instead of ‘intern’ now, hee hee. More primary-secondary friendship, give me more, MORE! Ahem. I also just really loved that particular relationship and I hope they get friendship interactions. Though I don’t think there’s been a Brave Ride Watch? Maybe there has and I missed it.
Sorry for the long post! Imaginary cookies and a hardy handshake for anyone who actually read to the end.
... Have I mentioned I--JK.
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meanxandxgreen · 8 years
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Hey, dudes and dudettes! Me and the boys are sendin’ out some big-time thank yous to all of our friends and partners who make coming on here something we look forward to every day! You guys are the most radical people out there, and we wouldn’t trade our time with you for anything in the world! Not even pizza. You’re the best, and thanks again! We look forward to raising some more shell on your righteous blogs!
@riff--raph - Rae, I’m so glad to be friends with you, even though we’ve known each other for such a short time! Your portrayal of Raph is wonderful, and I’m so happy you’re a part of our crazy turtle community. Love ya, friend! <33
@tenderborn - Miles you’re so amazingly sweet and nice and I just ADORE your Mikey blog!! I hope we can get a thread going real soon, and thank you for being an absolute ray of sunshine, just like him! *u* Love ya.
@splinter-jr - *MEGA HUGS* You're a sweetheart, and your portrayal of Leo has me astounded! I also love your Harley blog too, and you’re so talented and awesome with your writing! Always a pleasure to see you on my dash!!
@donnietechno - We haven’t spoken yet, but I just want to say how awesome I think your blog is, and I’d love to interact sometime, if it’s okay! Your Donnie is precious. <3 Stay fantastic!!
@steadfastspirit - Sweet, you’ve stuck by me since day one. Your support and kindness to me is just unbelievable and amazing. ;w; You brought Sonic back into my life when I thought I’d never get back into the fandom again. You just embody all of the coolness and pureness that he is, and I’m so very honored to call you my friend. Love ya lots, and thank you again!! 
@2014barabrothers/ @accioturtur​ - OMG LET ME GIVE YOU ALL MY LOVE AH!! You’ve been nothing short of beautiful to me since we met a few years back, and I’m soooo happy that we’re still in contact here! We gotta get our boys to do some more stuff together, I’ve really missed their interactions. <3333 You’re the best!
@maniacal-shxllxd-genius, @redxhulk - O M G I miss you guys so very much, I’m so sorry I haven’t been here! T-T I hope we can find the other two dark fruits, ‘cuz I miss the Light and Dark turts snarking each other constantly. I love you guys!!! <333
@insurrxctioniist - YOUR POOR MIKEY AH I WANNA CRY AND HUG HIM HE’S BEEN THROUGH SO MUUUUCH. ;~: And you dear are fabulous. You’ve been so nice to me and I’m glad to have you as a friend!!
@hockeyvigilante - OH DEAR I’VE MISSED YOU LOTS!! *big hugs* I hope we can get a thread going ASAP, and thank you for being such a great person to talk to!!
@donatello-technobabbles - Miss you a lot, Den! Your Usagi and Donnie blogs are top-notch as always, and I hope we can talk again soon! <333
@honorandshame/ @wildwiseguy - Can I say how much I love you and seriously miss you? ;w; YOU’RE AN AMAZING WRITER FOR MIKEY AND MNT LEO AND YOU’VE BEEN THE MOST SWEETEST PERSON I’VE MET HERE. I hope you’re still around! <3333333
@dutyvshonor - You created the art for my OC, you’ve been the most supportive friend ever, and your Karai is just perfect. I hope you come back soon dear, and I miss you!
@middlekidsyndrcme @lets-get-dxngerous @huntersgonnahunt @mindmxtters @wabbitseezon @hoopsheartthrob @rgbvenkman @blowthehousedown @rxseblanche @priincessofcorona @schneelein @youngestwarnersib @hopeful-hugz @bblogan @honoreflected @lccnatic @jakeitude @cxttontail @theghostkiid @skeletonwithabowtie @roxanneiisms @everlastingvxw @foggedkarma @level-headed-goof @ambrostikal @masterprotector @winningsmile @twistingdcvil @deputydakota @tokingdomscome @ducktectiveus @crashlandiings @txchyon @puddytxt @betelgeist @neverwaryy @moonhowled @the-littlest-inkblot @inkyrcbbiit @happygolxcky @artcatsocmultiverse @mxssmouse @courcgecus @outlcwed @hannah-the-small @themisfitmouse
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #529: Shadow, The Ultimate, Precious Lifeform (SBBU)
9:45 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.........
Ann/Haru: Awwwwwwwwwww!!~ So Preciooouussssss!!~
Makoto: (Smiles Softly) That was very sweet of you for what you did for the children last night, Shadow-san.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) I know, right?! It was one the best Goodnight Kisses Mona and I ever had!
Morgana: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I'm honestly kind of glad Futuba talked me into going up to the halls with her.
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Ah dude! Compared to Ren-Ren over here, you really are the ultimate big brother.
Ren: Aside from that blatantly inaccurate nickname, Ryuji kind of have a point here. (Gives Shadow a Playful Smirk) As a fellow big bro myself, I would like to invite you to the Official " Cool Big Brothers Club" Population.......Just me.
Shadow: (Rolled his Eyes While Blushing in Embarrassment) Appreciate the invitation, Joker......
Sonic: (Place his Arm Around Shadow's Shoulder While Giving him a Playful Smirk) Look on the bright side, faker, at the very least, no one would think of you as an edgelord anymore. Just another softy with a heart of gold.
Shadow: (Glares at Rouge, Who is Sitting Next to Him) I blame you for this.......
Rouge: (Smirks Playfully Towards Shadow While Enjoying her Mug of Coffee) Oh don't be like that now, Shadow. You know just as much as I do that deep down, you're a huge sweetheart.
Futuba: That's right! You maybe a Edgelord to everyone else in the world....(Hugs Shadow from Behind) But you'll be our Ultimate Precious Sweetheart of a Hedgehog!
Shadow: Kind of tired of being called that really......
Yusuke: (Raised an Eyebrow in a Bit if Confusion) "A Precious Sweetheart"?
Shadow: No. It's being called "Edgelord". The more I hear people keep calling me that, the more I feel like the way they used that name as an actual insult to me. It almost feel like being called one in the first place, is the only thing I am to everyone...... Including you guys....
Ann: (Eyes Widened in a Bit of Shock) Seriously?
Haru: (Frowns Sadly) Oh, sweetheart.....We never think of you like that all at.
Makoto: She's right, Shadow-san. We know that you are far more than what everyone else think you are.
Shadow: You.... really mean that?
Ryuji: (Gives Shadow a Reassuring Smile) Yeah, man. I mean....You and your crew always fought for the what all of you believed in.
Morgana: You would always go to extreme and risk your lives to complete a mission and save those who are in harm's way.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Even when the world itself would always give you a hard time, you never once thought about giving up on them. Even now.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) You're basically already a hero!!.....An anti hero, but still a hero!!
Shadow: (Couldn't Really Believe What He us Hearing)......You all really think that highly of me, do you?
Sonic: (Smiles Brightly) Of course we do, man. You're practically an inspiration to everyone at this point. (Gives Shadow a Thumbs Up) That alone shows how way past cool you really are.
Rouge: (Gently Place Her Hands onto Shadow's Cheeks) I already told you, didn't I? (Gives Shadow a Sincere Smile) We love you just the way you are, Shadow. That will never change.
Shadow: (Almost Speechless) W-Wow.....I-I-I....(Starts Blushing)....Had no idea all of you would think of me that way.......
Futuba: ('GASPS') You guys!!! Are you seeing this?!! (Smiles Brightly and Points at Shadow's Blush) He's blushing!!!~
Ann: (Eyes Widened in Surprise) Oh my god, Futuba, you're right!!! (Immediately Starts Gushing Over Shadow) It's sooooooo cuuuuuute!!!~
Haru: And precious!~ Please don't forget about precious!!~
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) Goodness. You really do look adorable, Shadow-san.
Rouge: (Shrugged While Smirking Playfully Again) What can I say, ladies? (Playfully Pinches Shadow's Cheek) This hedgehog here might be the most precious Ultimate Lifeform in the entire universe~ Isn't that right, Shadow?~
Shadow: ('Groans in Embarrassment')
Morgana: (Pat on Shadow's Back Reassuringly) Cheer up, Shadow. Being labeled as cute and adorable isn't too bad......Though, I'm gonna be honest....It's better you than me though.......
Haru: Mommy's gonna pinch your cute little cheeks soon, Mona-Chan!~ Don't you worry!
Futuba: I'mma pinch those cheeks too by the way!!!
Morgana: (Eyes Widened Before Sighing) Should've kept my mouth shut........
Yusuke: (Starts Staring at a Overly Embarrassed Hedgehog) Hmm...A Flustered Ultimate Lifeform.....Now that does sound fascinating already....
Ren: (Smirks a bit Evilly) Bet it makes you wanna make a painting of the whole thing, huh Yusuke?
Yusuke: (Pulls out his Sketch Book Out of Nowhere with a Somewhat Determined Look) Precisely.
Ryuji: (Burst out Laughing) Aha man!! That poor hedgehog gonna have a painting of him being cute and shit! This already too priceless!!
Sonic: (Starts Snickering) I'll do you one better.....(Turns to the Stairs) MOM! DAD! SHADOW IS OUT HERE BEING CUTE AND ADORABLE AGAIN!!!!!
Mario: (From Upstairs) TELL SHADOW WE LOVE HIM!!!
Sonic: WILL DO!!!! (Turns Back to the Gain with a Smirk on his Face) Look alive, folks. We're gonna make ourselves a Photo Album today.
Ryuji: ('Heh' 'Heh') (Gives Sonic a Fist Bump) Nice.
Shadow: I hate all of you with an immense passion right now......
Futuba: (Gives Shadow a Sad Puppy Dog Face) No you don't!!
Ann/Haru: (Give Shadow Sad Puppy Dog Eyes Too) You love us!!
Shadow: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, fine. I do love you people......
Futuba/Ann/Haru: (Smiles Brightly Again) Yay!~
Rouge: (Gives Shadow a Small Kiss on the Forehead While Still Pinching his Cheek) We love you too, Shadow. A lot more than you probably never realized
Shadow: ('Hmph') (Looks Away While Blushing a Little) Whatever........... (So.....This is what it feels like being with a group of people you considered as family......Hmph. This.....(Smiles a Little) Actually feels nice.....I like it. A lot.)
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hey Mayra !! It’s Alii, remember me? c: ((I go by Free now, so just call me that !!)) I was wondering if you could do a story where Modern Amy meets Boom Sonic, they actually hang out and maybe spar together? Modern Sonic jealousy is so cute !!
(x) (x) (x) (x) So, I enact my General Rules to resubmit links to similar prompts I’ve done in the past that match this one! :D Also, Hello Free, sweetie~ There’s actually a little something I’ll do for you, but please enjoy the links as well!
“Oh! He’s so thin! I could just-! EMMMM~” As Modern Amy dotted on this different dimensional Sonic, she embraced him and lifted him up off the ground, causing Boom!Sonic to feel his back was about to break.
“Ack! Y-yeah, I try and keep it together.” he says through limited air.
Modern Sonic didn’t think much of it, in fact, it was a bit of a nice break for him… until…
“Hey! We’re back!” Modern Sonic lifted a hand up, saluting a hello before Amy came bounding up.
It wasn’t surprising to see her as the first to greet them.
Boom!Sonic was surprised by her pivoting turn towards him though, and the resulting death hug.
“Y-you know… it’s nice to have an Amy who appreciates me.” He admitted, once again, his oxygen limited and tongue squeezed out.
Amy giggled and set him down, showing some pity. “Oh, you poor thing! I’ll give you more than enough!” she went on to praise his bandanna and overall ‘adventure look’, gesturing to his shoes and fawning all over him.
Taking in the open praise, Boom!Sonic suddenly got a big head, and stuck out his chest. “Nice to see that SOMEONE doesn’t think it’s a Halloween costume!” He shouted that for Modern Sonic to hear.
He rolled his eyes, folding his arms and shaking his head.
He lightened up when Amy seemed to turn and walk over him, her head dipped to try and see under his grumpy expression.
“And how are you?”
“Heh.” he closed his eyes, smirking. Thinking it was his turn for Amy’s praises and doting, he turned up the charm and winked to her, giving her a thumbs up.
“Come on, Amy! You know there’s nothing that can stop me!”
“Nor me!” she cooed, going for him as he got nervous and stepped back, but she lowered her eyelids and pivoted back to Boom!Sonic, embracing him again.
“Haha! You don’t sneak away!”
“Ah! H-hey..”
Modern Sonic’s frozen expression was priceless… he then gaped a minute and looked back to Amy.
He pouted and turned, not letting his jealous emotion reveal itself for too long… “Hrmph.” he folded his arms again, turning his head.
Amy giggled, whispering to Boom!Sonic. “Hey, hey… Do you get jealous?”
That’s when Modern Sonic zoomed in, with one arm, he lifted Amy up and gave her a closed-eyed smile, holding back his annoyance. “Haha! Got’cha!”
He turned back to Boom Sonic, “I’m sure he doesn’t need to be.” he teased, still holding Amy up with impressive strength and zeal.
She turned to look at the tight hold and her feet off the ground, and then hugged him back, squeeing and swooning.
You could swear there were hearts flying off her…
Modern Sonic stuck out his tongue and then turned to soak up her fawning as she held his head and laughed, kicking her feet out a little before he put her down.
“Alright, alright, you’ve had your fill.” he joked, as Amy nodded.
“But…” she cutely put her hands together, then up to her muzzle, looking pleadingly to Boom!Sonic.
“He hasn’t held me yet…”
Her puppy-dog eyes made Modern Sonic twitch without losing his stature, his hands still on his hips and looking confident, but his face showing how he didn’t appreciate Amy trying to get double for her money…
“That stone only hits one bird this time, Amy.” he spun her around, immune to her antics as Boom!Sonic was still startled by it, not seeing his Amy doing anything like ‘begging’ for attention like that. Well.. not without subtlety, anyway.
Amy laughed and agreed, trodding off as Modern Sonic sighed and shook his head, placing a hand on his forehead. “Sorry ‘bout that. She’s usually not this needy.. well, with company.” he gave Boom!Sonic a look. “I’m sure you know what I mean.”
Boom!Sonic then proceeded to feel inferior and lie about how much his Amy smothers him… to which all of his lies were replied with similar– real – responses from Modern Sonic commenting with a fond chuckle that he knew exactly the feeling…
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Sonic Forces where a pink haired female "avatar" starts hitting on sonic after he saves her in the death egg scene! XD
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(x Art submission presented by @mangaanonymous , please support her as well! And thank you for the artwork! :D)
‘Okay, girl.’ I gulped. My body moving further back until my back pressed against the wall. ‘Keep it together…’
The robots narrowed in. Honed on me. Their sights bent on destruction. Like so many of my other comrades before me…
Fear once again left me trembling… I hugged myself and closed my eyes, feeling myself shake… ‘Dang it!’
All I wanted was to be useful! To show that… that stupid Infinite that I wasn’t just some wuss! I wanted to prove myself to the team… to my friends… those that risked their lives before me…
Before tears could be shed, a sudden … I don’t know how to describe it, whirling sound broke the noise of the robot’s laser’s sent to burn my pink fur to a crisp!
That’s when I saw him.
I opened my eyes in awe, star-struck, and silently wishing I wasn’t such a dork.
There goes impressing anyone…
Sonic The Hedgehog… he truly was alive!
My heart was elated to hear that.
But then I grew uncomfortably nervous with myself. Like my self-esteem ate some bad eggs. Like my stomach felt achy and mushy all at the same time.
He just waltzed up to me though, dead robots in his wake, and offered his hand to me.
He spoke to me too!!!
‘Oh my chaos.’ I suddenly realized something, reaching for his hand, and hesitating.
‘I need to be cool.’
“Y-yo, glad to be of help to a fine man like yourself.” I took his hand and got up, and through my anxiety, I actually played the part of the flirt.
Was that my go-to? Wow, I was learning so much about myself.
“…O… kay?” Sonic seemed weirded out. I need to drop that.
I held onto his hand though, gripping it with both hands. This was simply to try and calm my racing heart down. For security purposes, and for the fact that he had just saved my life.
I immediately let go of his hand when he looked from me to my clasping hands having a sweaty death-hold over his poor gloved one.
“S-sorry!” I let him go while he continued to awkwardly move on and head off.
But for some reason, I kept feeling like I needed to talk.
That was a mistake.
“W-wow! You look even cooler in person! And I can’t see anything, but I bet you took out those robots with some major muscle power! Weren’t you tortured? Did you torture them right back? Do you even have abs? Do hedgehogs show their abs or are they covered by fur? Why am I talking this much!?” I threw my hands to my face, as he stopped walking ahead to slowly look over his shoulder at me.
‘Dang it, dang it all!’ I silently cursed myself. I closed my eyes. My knees were shaking like I had to pee or something! Well, I might need to after that scare— b-bu-but still!
Suddenly, he turned with a smile, as I peeked my eyes open and noticed a genuine look of pleasantry on his face.
“Honestly, I haven’t heard anyone’s voice in a long time! I’m glad it’s a cute and enthusiastic one to boot. Talk away! Haha! And yeah, muscles don’t always show through the fur.” Sonic winked at me… I felt heat soar up from what once was an upset stomach to now not having a stomach. Only air. And little air pockets burst every now and then.
My legs didn’t exist either. It was like his words left me in the moon’s false orbit.
I swooned without realizing and pulled away, pulling my hair down and over my eyes.
“…You… You really are as handsome and charming as they say you are…”
‘Ah geez. Now what am I saying!? I really don’t have a filter on this thing!’
Once again, a moment of thinking, before Sonic laughed again and put a hand to his head.
“Seriously! You’re making me crack up!”
He really was glad to have the company…
“Alright, enough sweet talk. Let’s get us out of here!”
I’ve never had a dude touch me before…
Let alone lift me up.
His hands were powerful but gentle. A firm grasps around my waist and under my knees… they kinda tingled there too a bit.
I looked up into his emerald eyes again, deadest on escaping…
I could hardly believe I’ve come this far. ‘Heh, first I got us through spider-zilla… and now saving Sonic The Hedgehog?’
“I really wish I was a hedgehog.” I smiled lightly up to him.
“Huh?” He looked down at me as he ran, oblivious to me falling for him.
“Nevermind.” I looked away but snuck my hands around his neck.
He didn’t seem to notice… should I really be allowed to get away with this?
What would the bosses think?
Knuckles and Vector… Oh Chaos, Amy…
So I did have competition.
My sweat all but intensified, before I felt Sonic pull me closer.
I literally died.
Okay, not literally, but I just became jello to a freakin’ legend!
Man… I wish I could be his damsel in distress…
As the communicator turned on, he set me down.
Knuckles… then Amy… their voices overlapped.
He didn’t seem to have much of a reaction to Amy’s voice… maybe I have a chance?
Well, I mean, there was a reaction, but would a man act like that with a girl he liked?
I gulped.
Time to find out…
We entered the spacecraft, heading down to the earth.
As I piloted, I kept glancing over at him.
Why did I want to be close again?
I shook again as he leaned over the controls, positioning himself directly behind me and practically having his magnificent chest over my shoulder where if I slyly lifted my right shoulder…
“Good and steady, Rookie. I know you’ve got this!”
I swerved right.
He shoved into me~
My life was made.
I know we had kinda just cuddled a second ago, but I’m pretty sure that counts as one of the bases. Though, in all actuality, I have no idea what those bases even are.
Gosh, I wish I played more baseball.
“Eh-heh… Smooth ride.” He teased, moving himself away from me, and steadying his feet. “You sure you know how to fly this thing.”
I smiled up to him, trying not to look creepy but my bright red muzzle probably gave it away with my shaky grin.
He must know now. I’ve been flirting with him since I met him, goodness!
But he just chuckled nervously and looked off into the window again.
‘For Pete’s sake! Does a woman need to launch herself at you before-!’
That’s when it hit me.
In that moment of slight impatience, I realized what Amy Rose must go through…
Another pink flirt.
Was it just the pink curse?
Pink haired girls fall for Blue haired heroes… typical love story.
I rolled my eyes, before looking away in shyness.
‘I guess I’m one of the freaks then…’
“Look out!”
Sonic grabbed my hand!
“…!!!” I must have turned beat-red, I had too, but he swerved the ship again and we dodged some on-coming disturbance.
“You two alright!?” Knuckles’s voice came back.
“Geez, what does it take to get a little privacy!”
….Did I really just say that out loud?
There was uncomfortable silence again as my eyes widened and my hand slammed against my mouth.
Oh chaos, oh chaos, oh chaos, oh chaos-
I dared to look up at Sonic, who was once again pushed closer to me because of his quick-reflexes to take the wheel.
He just stared down at me.
As if I wasn’t expecting it, he laughed and laughed. Slapped his knee even.
“We’re fine, Knuckles! This kid is a riot!”
“Yeah, well I’ve been trying to start a riot and keep it going! Get your butts down here!”
“Aye, aye, captain!” Sonic saluted, though he must’ve known Knuckles couldn’t see it. So I guess he was playing it up for me.
Or playing it off…
“Kid, you’re as bad as Amy!” he was toying with me.
I narrowed my eyes.
‘How dare he! He knows I’m flirting!’
“Well, give me a straight answer then!”
He stopped laughing and turned back to me.
“Cause I have a feeling we’re going to be spending an awful lot of time together!” I winked, smiling.
“You know,” Sonic seemed to have interpreted my smile as ‘I’m only kidding’ because the next line couldn’t have been seriously considered.
“I think you’re right.”
‘Great Chaos, I think I’m in too deep!’
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
#5 sonamy (whether it's classic, Boom or modern you decide) Please. Your stories are amazing 😄
Oh sweet chaos.. 0-0;
Whatever you say…
Prompt (Boom Universe)
“And what if I’m torn!?”
“Oh please! It’s piece of meat!”
Sonic gasps, “IT’S A CHILIDOG! You bag of bones!”
“Ah! You blue jerk!”
“How am I being the jerk? I~ didn’t insult the chilidog.” he gestured to the luxurious food in his hand.
She swiped it away.
He freezes, before diving for it, and then rolling to reveal it. “Nice save!” he complimented himself, before Amy growled and started storming off.
“You’re so immature! First I ask if you’re doing anything tonight, and the next thing I hear, you’re standing me up for a AMERICAN.” she gestures back to the food in his hands. “A freakin’ hotdog.”
“CHILIdog. Geez, you’re as bad as Eggman with identifying different species.” he scratched behind his head.
“Augh.” she rolled her eyes, and started to walk away again.
“Hold on!”
Sonic gripped her arm.
“I wasn’t done defending my friend yet!”
“Well, that friend certainly must mean more to you than your REAL friends!” she put her hands on her hips, leaning forward as she finally had it, stomping her foot one last time to the ground.
“OOHH! I’m so done with your attitude! Why are you so stubborn!? Do you want to go on a date or not!?”
“…D-Date? I thought you said we were hanging out?”
Amy widened her eyes, realizing her folly as she clammed her hands over her mouth.
“D-da-da-whaaat? PFft, boi please.” she leaned against the door frame, looking away. “That’s what the hip and happenings are saying now adays…” she bit her lip and sweated profusesly.
“…Ames?” Sonic raised an eyebrow, holding the chilidog in both hands now.
He waved it in front of her face, as she avoided looking at it too.
“…You can’t lie to the chili…”
“Gr…erk…” she twitched.
“Alright! FINE!” Amy flung it out of her face, screaming as she threw her hands down in front of her. “I WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU! Is that too much to ask!?”
Sonic watched the chilidog fly into the air, as the two both watched as it soared through the air, letting little chunks of the chili-meat fly off every now and then.
Sonic rushed to save it again. “Nooooo..!” he slid for it.
Dropping to his knees, he caught it, and held it up high. “YES! Two for two!”
“You mean one.”
Amy stood outside the door, and slammed it.
He flinched at the wood against wood, before getting up. “..Wait.. Amy?”
Amy stormed down the dark street, and headed quickly home. “I can’t believe he almost found out! And he STILL cared more about that stupid… dumb chilidog! I mean, I made it for him, but he could have at least been thankful enough and-”
She stopped.
“I… I made it for him.” she looked up, realizing maybe the chilidog was more than just some hunk of meat with sauce on it.
She turned around, before shaking her head and rolling her eyes. “Grahh.. I won’t be the first to look back this time!”
“Good! That means I won’t need to go back!”
Amy was scooped of her feet.
Bolting into her home through her window, the two crashed down as Sonic rolled along the floor, landing face-first on the couch, and getting up.
“Phew. Definitely not my roughest landing.” he leaned up, happy for the soft terrain.
Unnnntil Amy swung a hammer in his face.
“You think you can waltz in here and make up for treating me second to a literal food product!?” she gestured to represent the chilidog.
“Actually, it’s more like…” he hesitated, but then took her arm and gestured it around his stomach. “Here now.” he sweat dropped as he smiled sheepishly up to her.
She looked annoyed.
“You didn’t give me a lot of time to enjoy it!”
“I wanted to hang out with you! Not have you drooling over the chilidog and say goodbye right after I graciously hand-delivered it to you!”
“You wanted to see me?” he looked up, smiling like a kid.
“Well, I… I mean, like anyone else would.” she looked away, growing self-conscious again.
“I~ remember when you first said you wanted a trip in my hammock, thinking it cool. You did the same thing when I said you could, but you refused to get on it with me sitting beside you.”
She turned away, a faint blush on her cheeks. “I hate how all of a sudden, you think you can read me.” she closed her eyes and continued to keep her head away from his peering eyes.
He smirked, “Come on, Ames. What do you mean by all this?” he drooped his eyes slightly.
“…Nothing. Now… get out of my house!” she sounded lazy as she swished her hand to the door.
“…Alright.” Sonic hit his knees with the palm of his hands and got up, dusting himself off and then looking Amy over.
“…You sure are cute though… when you’re mad.” He then started to walk out.
Instantly, Amy reflexed and threw him back towards her face.
“What… what did you just say?” she blinked, shock taking over her.
“I said please don’t hurt me and I swear I’ll never say it again.” Sonic looked terrified, she was holding him by his bandanna.
“No.. what? Augh.” she shook her head, “I mean the other thing…” she looked away and then back, losing her tough-girl attitude, and Sonic could suddenly see she wasn’t as scary as she usually is.
“… em… stop staring and just repeat what you said already!” she yelled out, as he suddenly knew what he needed to do.
He leaned down and lightly held a kiss.
Minutes felt like seconds as he pulled away.
“…I said… I don’t remember.” he looked away, his eyes looking frozen as he realized what he had just done.
“…I’m… I’m thinking there was something in that chilidog.” Sonic tried to excuse his behavior.
“I’ll have to find the recipe again.” Amy pulled him back in for another one.
He flailed a moment, before completely surrendering to the sensation of it.
She pulled back, and he was literally starting to melt down to his knees, leaning completely and letting her lift him by the scruff of his bandanna now. “Woah. Comedy Chimp lied. That freakin’ rocked.” he had drooped eyes, before shaking his head and looking amazed.
“Wait.. did I just..” Amy looked up, and dropped him like a hot potato.
“Whoah!” he fell flat to the ground, before leaning up. “Yeah. I would be freakin’ out too if I kissed me.”
What she didn’t see was his lips trembling.
“I… I .. I have to go!” she ran out the door, slamming it as she heard him getting up.
“H-hey, wait!”
He banged on the door. “Amy! Where will you go!? This is your house!”
She was spread up against the door, her mouth a deep, open frown with her teeth showing, spazzing.
She then realized the logic of his truth and swung open the door. “Oh yeah.” she kicked him out. “You should go!” she then tried to slam the door again.
“Wait-OOOOOWWW!” his foot got jammed by her.
“Oh my gosh! I am SO SORRY!” she opened the door, covering her mouth and looking around, “Uh.. Um… j-just come in.”
He hobbled in one leg, as she set him back on the couch, letting him lift his leg up.
“Ugh! I just- I’m so confused right now!”
“W-why..” he was rubbing his poor foot.
“Because!” she flung ice at his face.
“OOOWWW!” he held it to his eye, letting it slowly drag his face down as he pulled it away. “Geez, are you here to kill me or-?”
“I just hate how you’re making me feel right now!” she threw an apple at him, making him lean back to dodge it and catch it, ‘phewing’ as he did, before looking back at Amy.
She was gone.
“H-huh?” He looked around, “Amy?”
He slowly got up, watching his foot and hopping a few times, over to the kitchen.
Amy was huddled down, gripping her legs, head down.
He examined her for a moment before sitting down next to her, up against the island counter. “…Do you really hate me that much?” he side glanced over to her, lifting his good leg up and leaning forward, against it.
“Cause I sure as heck didn’t mean anything I said.”
She peeked up a little, and when he saw the small opening, smiled and continued, pretending he didn’t see her shift.
“I mean,” he gestured up. “I may get mad at you sometimes, but I would never say I hate you.”
Amy felt bad just then, and lowered her head again.
“Ah!” he freaked out, realizing that was probably bad. “L-look, that… thing …we just did? D-don’t worry about it.” he slowly moved to his knees, trying to comfort her. “I’ll just go now and we’ll pretend the whole thing didn’t happen, alright?”
Right before he was about to leave, she pulled his bandanna towards her again.
“If you leave now… I really will hate you forever.”
He gulped, blinking in his surprise.
“Oooo… k? Now I’m really confused.” He furrowed his eyebrows, leaning closer. “Don’t you want me to leave..?”
She pulled him back into a hug, and kissed him quicker this time, before pushing him away and covering her face, sending him half way across the room.
“WHHHAA!!” he hit his head. “Ughh… if every time that happens, I might need to start wearing a helmet…” his eyes rolled around, before he shook his head to keep them straight again.
She looked away, “Like you even want it to happen again…”
He leaned up, “Woah… what has made you so hateful today!? And… surprisingly… open too..” he touched his lips, still unsure of why he wasn’t, himself, overreacting.
For some reason… he wanted to make her more mad.
He got up, still twitching from the pain in his foot.
“If love’s a battlefield, you certainly give it a new meaning.”
She threw a hammer at him, and he just narrowly dodged it, spinning around before landing on his bad foot.
“AHHHH-ph.” he shut his mouth, closing his jaw and pushing his head down to do so. “Em.” he squinted his eyes a moment, enduring the pain as he looked back at Amy.
She glared at him, then looked away.
“…You.. You can be so violent!”
She threw another hammer, and he happily leaned back, almost all the way down to his lower leg, matrix style, and leaned up again. “Heh, but you’re no match for the fastest thing a-OFFPH!” he struck a pose and waved his finger around, signature grin, before she threw another hammer directly at his face.
“Owkawy. I swee whawt’s gwoinwg won.” he muffled through the hammer, as he tilted his head with it, as if it was permanently stuck there.
He gripped it and tried to rip it off, succeeding and then holding it just in case she threw more. “Ha… You’re fighting how you feel, right?”
She threw another hammer, but he deflected it. Smiling.
“You’re worried I don’t mean it. That I’m gonna somehow play ya and this whole thing will end in our friendship being ruined forever, is that it?”
She narrowed her eyes more, but this time, her frown was a sorrowful one.
“Well. I think you doubt me too much!”
“What are you saying!?” she finally blurted out, getting up and staring at him.
“I don’t want to be deceived!”
“Deceived?! Oh, is that who you think I am?!” Sonic looked angry, walking towards her and pointing a hammer accusingly at her.
“Well, maybe I don’t want to face defeat! Be rejected in front of the only girl I’ve actually cared about on this level.”
“Level!? So what, I’m a game to you!?” Amy stepped forward.
“With all the hammer’s you’ve thrown at my face, and my injured big toe, I would say YES. You’re probably the hardest boss I’ve ever had to face. Because I can’t face you. You’re unfaceable!”
“How so!?”
“Waiting to be fed!? Ugh, you’re so-!” she leaned forward.
“Yeah?” he stepped forward.
“REALLY!? Cause I really want to eat your face right now!”
“Then do it!”
They suddenly were so close that the two just launched at each other, completely dropping the act and the hammer, and were completely absorbed in one another.
A little while later, they pulled away, panting.
“…I… I don’t know what just happened.” Amy admitted.
“I do… thankfully.”
Sonic and Amy didn’t take their eyes off each other, or remove their hands from around the other.
“..What does this mean?” Amy gasped out.
“…It means…” Sonic stepped more foreward, putting his head to her forehead.
“I’m gonna need you to deliver some more chilidogs.”
“A.S.A.P…” he leaned in for another one.
“…You can be that hungry?” Amy leaned back, wanting to pull a fast one before he did, smiling.
He smirked, “Starving.” he shook his head with the motion, and the two were quite different after that.
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
Prompt Request
This prompt was asked me on Fanfiction:  Amy a Genie that Sonic (kinda an Aladdin) finds?  could you make amys genie vessel her bracelets so sonic can put them on. Will she sing to sonic friend like me?
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*not my pic
Here’s the prompt!
Sonic ran from on-coming enemies as he had stolen precious jewels from the king’s treasury with his friends, hoping to give them back to the people they were wrongfully stolen from.
Suddenly, while leaping from one building to the next squared roof one, Sonic became surrounded by the Sultan’s men.
He tsked, before rubbing on his bracelets, “Alright, Amy. This is your time to prove yourself!” He lifted his two bracelets upwards, “I summon the Genie!”
“Of love~?” Amy swayed out of the bracelets, as the men awed at first, some trembling out of fear, as Sonic smirked.
“Whatever you want to call it.” Sonic teased.
She hovered down and moved her hand around the bottom of his head, spinning and giggling as she did so, “Don’t you know, master? Love is the most powerful magic of all!”
“Don’t call me master..” Sonic gently moved her hand away, looking uncomfortable. “Just Sonic.” he smiled to her, and then looked to the men. “Amy! My first wish!”
“For you, all the wishes in all the world!” she cooed, and flipped in the air, doting on him.
He sweat dropped and awkwardly lowered his hand, “Eheh...heh...” he chuckled a bit, before shaking out of it and doing his pose again. “Send a massive wind to carry these guys off the roofs and down safely! Let me and my men fly across to our hideout!”
“Aww, so unoriginal.” Amy put a hand up to chin, as Sonic turned over, before getting up and looking insulted.
“So then what’s your big idea?!” He shouted up at her, as she grinned mischievously, having a plan.
“Well~” she snapped her fingers, and blue images that mirrored Sonic’s silhouette emerged from the ground.
When you’ve got a wish or two to make
and all you’re doing is standing amok!
The men’s knees started to shake as those silhouettes advanced, and suddenly held out their hands as floating swords materialized in their hands.
The men tried to run but smashed into each other, not being able to coordinate their escape better.
Amy sang around Sonic, floating around him, as her misty tail wrapped around him and Sonic was lifted above in the air.
Don’t you fret, my little pet, cause I’ve got some luck for you!
She placed her hands on the sides of his face, as he stared at her, not sure what was going on anymore.
You’ve got love in magic! Magic in love! With me by your side, it’s magic can’t hide!
Love in magic! Magic in love! All you’ve got do is say you’re true, and rub those bracelets~ Tenderly! It’s love in magic, magic in love!
She floated higher up, spinning as Sonic was spun downwards through her dazzling pink misty tail, though her legs were still attached to her body. “W-wo-woah!” he landed safely on the ground, but wobbled to the right and left, dizzy.
He shook himself off of it and looked to the men.
They were all holding one another and shivering, as the blue mirages drew closer.
Sonic smirked and leaped to the next building, racing to find his team.
When you’ve got somewhere to go, and just miss your little miss.
Amy zapped some magic out and created a run-way bridge for Sonic, as he now could go at top speed, above the crowds, and winked with a thumbs up to her.
I’ll build for you a highway, straight into my heart.
She dipped closer down to him, flying by his speedy side.
That way when ever you feel lonely, this magic will never fail thee!!!! Ohhh~ Oh, woah, woah! WOAH!
She swayed her hips a second while he jumped down to meet his escaping team on horseback, but they were pursued by other servants of the Sultan.
When tyranny  and lies are at your doors, please don’t feel remorse.
Amy spun around, eyeing the men angrily and suddenly spread her arms out, looking back at Sonic to make sure his team was going to get away safely.
I’ll plant on this barren ground, a spring of endless peace.
She suddenly grew forth a giant plant that opened it’s mouth and poured out a tidal wave of water, washing the men pursuing them back as she giggled, before feeling the bracelets pull her back to Sonic’s side, and trailed off after it’s call.
And we’ll call this~ Oasis~ Our very own safe, retreat! Yes! Because-?
Love is magic! Magic is love! All you’ve got do~ Come on! Is say you’re true, and gently wiggle, those funny fingers, over those bracelets! Gently now! Andddd~
The team smiled, seeing her come over as Sonic had rubbed the bracelets to summon her back to his side, and gave her a charming grin, as his team sang her last verse with her.
She zoomed into the air above his horse.
 lovvvvvvve is in! Maaaaaag-~
She set off fireworks, and then danced around the little group of righteous thieves.
GICCCCCCCCC!!!!~ magic in love! Yeah!
Upon getting to their base, the men all laughed, drinking as Amy floated behind Sonic on his big pillowed chair, and happily floated a grape into his mouth.
“Dang, Sonic! Ever since you found that Genie, we’ve been able to feed the poor!” Tails stuffed his face with food, as Amy smiled warmly to his comment, and then started to play with one of Sonic’s quills, gently stroking it.
“Yeah, shame she’s only got enough power for a few more raids.”
Knuckles’s comment broke her heart slightly, as she twitched her hand away and looked sorrowfully down.
“...Hmm... you’re right.” Sonic looked at his bracelets, then to Amy, and smiled.
He got up, adjusting them on his wrists, making her look up from floating over him like a neck-piece and straightened herself in the air.
“Sonic..?” she faintly questioned him, holding a hand out, before placing it on her chest.
“..Amy the Genie... I wish you still had your magic from love... but I want you to walk on this ground as a girl! Free of the bracelet’s power!” Sonic turned around, the bracelet’s shone, which meant his wish had to be granted.
Her smile slowly rose, as she saw her pink, sparkly, and misty tail suddenly wind up and spin around her.
She started laughing.
If love~ Be magic~ Then free me of these booonds!
The bracelets broke, as Sonic closed an eye and twitched back slightly, his team all awing at the moment.
Amy floated down, and her feet finally were able to touch the earth.
She outstretched her arms, grinning from ear to ear.
And let this magic love, live on!!!
Sonic walked forward, but she quickly took off and hugged him, as he laughed nervously and the team all dog-piled into a group hug.
Amy lifted her hand up and shot out a magical bolt to make the den of good thieves look like a palace room.
So that love will truly have no limitations, I’ll be here to keep you boys in good entertainment. Though my heart to, Sonic true~ I’ll still love every one of you! Let’s all be, then, good frrieeeends~
She spun with the boys all holding hands in a circle, before jumping into Sonic’s arms, and bending back, the big finishing number.
For you never had a girl, no you never had a girl, you’ve never-!
Had a-!
Swa-wah-wah-WAH! Yeah!
She winked.
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