#poor hopeful alex
so I personally needed a compilation of the Kara “I can be subtle” Danvers moments from @supergirlpolls and I made this
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Frankenstein: The Read with Alex Kingston
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piastrispastry · 3 months
Logan Sargeant does not deserve what happened today and this is my rant about it.
Firstly, and this is extremely obvious but Logan didn’t crash the car. Alex did. Logan didn’t make the mistake. Alex did. If you crash the car to the point they can’t repair it, it is your responsibility to suffer whatever consequences which come of that.
Now Williams are the only team to do something like this in recent years (to my knowledge) on the off chance they score points? Alex has not scored points this season yet and that is not due to the talent it is due to the car, so it doesn’t matter who drives it at this point in the season the car is just not up to scratch.
I am also a firm believer that if Logan didn’t have that steering issue in Bahrain he would have at least scored a point, so it is not due to a lack of talent on Logan’s part it is due to a lack of faith from Williams.
Another thing to note that jumped into my head is Qatar 2023. Carlos Sainz had an issue with the fuel tank. Despite Carlos being a recent race winner Ferrari did not tell him to jump into Charles’ car did they? Because other teams know that if it is an issue with one driver’s car then it is not the responsibility of the other driver to bear the brunt of the aftermath.
This is not just Logan paying for Alex’s mistake this is Logan paying for the entirety of Williams’ lack of preparation. It is their fault they don’t have a third chassis, it is not Logan’s job to be stood there with a checklist in the manufacturing or transport stage to ensure they are prepared. Why should he suffer?
This also shows a massive lack of trust in Logan from the entirety of Williams, especially James Vowels. Why would you resign a driver, claim that you believe in him when you are going to give him the obvious second driver treatment? This could have been a great opportunity for Logan to build up confidence but instead Williams broke him down inside out.
They can preach all they want about giving Logan another chance. This is a sport. Words mean nothing. Unless you practice what you preach it is honestly worthless. It’s a fat load of good saying you believe in a person if when push comes to shove you decide to kick them out of their own car.
Also, I don’t think Alex could have said no to taking Logan’s car. Maybe he could have protested, and he should have, but it was team orders at the end of the day. But, if he could have said “no this is wrong, it is my mistake I should pay for it” then he definitely should have and if he didn’t then that’s on him.
Ultimately, Logan didn’t deserve any of this and this says more about Williams than it does about Logan. I personally hope he scores points at Suzuka just to stick it to the team.
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lonelydiary · 1 year
Lena, nursing a drink: I hate my last name.
Kara, drunk: You can take mine.
Alex, standing quickly: O~kay! Time to go home!
[Later that night]
Nia: *looking at Kara and Lena all snuggled and cozy together, lost in their own world* Should we tell them they're already married?
Alex: No, let them be. At least they're not all over each other. I wish I can erase last time I walked on them from my memory. *shudders* Luthor is SO paying for my therapy!
[Supercorp are starting to make out]
Alex: Oh no! Not again! You know what?! I just...*walks away*
Nia: *snickers*
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poscariastri · 9 days
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logan getting absolutely slandered by the f1 article writers
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areyoudoingthis · 9 months
it's the scene with stede when they're finally on the revenge that does it for me. it's when he tries to shift the blame for what he did onto stede "you and me did this to him" because he can't accept that he did it, not stede, and he needs stede to absolve him (which he won't, not in a million years. it'd be antithetical to stede's nature to do that.) it's the contrast between "you know me better than anyone has ever known me, and I daresay the same is true for me about you", an assumption that has had the most fucked up consequences we've seen on this show so far, and stede's calm and assured "he was going to watch the world burn or die trying (and I love him and I don't care and I just want him to be fine)". it's the echo between "I'm here. I'm here. you're safe" and "I should've let the English kill you. This, whatever you've become, is a fate worse than death"
it's the way the show set up izzy and stede and their relationships with ed as narrative foils from the beginning and then said "watch what happens when each of them leads the dance." and then fed us a banquet
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infriga · 7 months
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While watching that freaky movie with Casey in it after the movie theatre level I couldn't help but think of this meme.
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italictext · 5 months
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Drew Alex as an apology to the poor people who followed me for tlos but got dn instead. I promise I'll draw more!!
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iwontmakeuasandwich · 2 years
Ned Fulmer you are such a goddamn fucking idiot. You literally had THIS standing by your side the entire time and you fumbled the bag. I cannot believe that this is what you would choose to do, that this is how you chose to throw everything away. Your career, your fans, your friends, YOUR FAMILY… all for some mid homewrecker??? An EMPLOYEE??? A WOMAN WHO WAS ALSO ARIEL’S FRIEND AND WHO HAD A FIANCÉ AND PARTNER OF HER OWN FOR TEN YEARS???
Disappointed in both you and Alex. Idk what else to say, just so disappointed. I hope you figure things out, and more importantly, I hope your wife and kids are okay.
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schumi-nadal · 3 months
Just watched the replay of the F1´s FP1, and what the fuck? Like why Logan should let Alex drive his car when his teammate was the one crashing ? That’s so disrespectful. 🤡
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glorious-blackout · 2 years
Just completed the final proof-read of my Big Bang fic, so now’s as good a time as any to post Chapter 2 😊 
Thank you to everyone who has read or expressed interest in this story! I hope you enjoy this part 💖
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T: “...face full of shit.”
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lonelydiary · 1 year
Lena, about Kara:
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Also Kara, after they were dating literally a week:
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*Alex in the corner, facepalming hard, after finding out that Kara is trying to propose*
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neishroom · 9 months
Can you explain your legacy background? I'm a lost a little bit. I love your content!!!
take a seat cus this is gonna be pretty long... :[
rocky pacheco is my original founder, shes originally from evergreen harbor and moved to henford-on-bagley to study plants and become a farmer. she met her current wife, harvey and they adopted 3 kids, alex, zion and augustus. during my gameplay of gen2 I wanted zion to be my heir but I didn't want to play through university again so I made alex my heir so thats probably why it got confusing.
the family is pretty blended as well I think that part is a bit confusing. rocky is african american and harvey is southeast asian ( they fostered 3 kids of different backgrounds then adopted them cus I feel like that's the most lesbian thing to do LMFAO). alex is latina, I head canon her as mexican, zion is african american and augustus is white. alex married her now ex-husband, ben and he's Italian LOL. so cleo and leo are mexican-italian. so that's also why family events can sometimes look blended esp since my main focus/family are yt!
also ty for sticking around loll for my legacy <33
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Thanks to bookofviking_ on Instagram for sharing this clip ♥♥
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multivstx · 2 years
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no, take me
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