#poor sad cerus
whumpflash · 1 year
Can we see some cerus before his fall?
:) time for actual cringefail overlord?
Umbra: Beginning of the End
cw: war/death mention
Penumbra Masterlist
"The rebels are gaining ground."
The scroll was small; brusque and to the point. In the last year alone, there had been dozens just like it, ill tidings scrawled across each one.
"The dissidents prevailed today."
"The rebellion has spread to the western end of Feyadel."
"The eleventh legion has fallen, sire."
Cerus tossed the small, curling piece of parchment into the fire, watched it smolder and redden and turn to ash. Defeat was closing in, like the sun setting over the course of the day, spreading slow shadow that would soon cloak the world in an all-consuming darkness.
The end was surely coming for him. It had started with his father's death. Sudden, a broken neck at the bottom of a staircase, leaving Cerus gripped more with fear than grief when he looked upon the corpse for the last time.
For what was he to do now?
He'd been the royal high mage, boosting his father's power with magical means. His father, who was supposed to live for many more years, who was supposed to grow old and hand over the throne gradually, giving Cerus time to learn and grow into the role. His father, who was now a body in the ground.
Most of King Hollowthorn's bannermen left before the grave was even filled in; the rest filed out one by one in the coming weeks. They knew the people of Feyadel were unhappy with the crown, only kept in line by the king's schemes and careful pressures. They knew Cerus had none of his father's experience, that he was weak. That the people would see his faults and find within them an opportunity. Cerus knew too, but now he was alone.
He'd gathered some meager support, elevating a handful of knights to generals and battalion leaders in preparation for the war that was sure to come.
 He'd been lenient in his early months as king, conceding to the demands of a few villages for lessened taxes and a lift on the poaching ban. He'd even raised the damned dead in an attempt to cow his subjects into submission. But it wasn't enough.
It never would've been enough.
The first large-scale revolt was in a small town a hundred miles away, on the eve of his coronation, and more acts of rebellion were swift to follow.
No matter how many dead were raised, the spirit of the people outmatched the unfeeling relentlessness of his ghouls.
For six years, he'd sat anxious on the throne, lost sleep over lost loyalty, watched as his hold on his birthright was broken bit by bit.
And with it, his hopes of emerging victorious.
Soon his treacherous subjects would reach the capital city, and then there would be nothing left.
So he'd fortify it. Pull back forces and protect his last true stronghold. If he expended all his energy, he could summon enough undead that it would take all the rebel forces had to oppose them. Even if he was outmatched, his ghoulish soldiers didn't need food, nor rest, nor tending to their wounds, unlike the rebel armies. He'd wait. Let them drain their supplies before launching a counterattack. He still had a chance.
And then when the battle was won, and he stood triumphant over the bodies and the curling smoke, he'd be king of the nothing.
He'd heard some were calling him Shadow King, and whether it was a description or an insult, he didn't know. But if he won, that was all he'd ever be. King of the shadows, of the ruin that would remain of Feyadel.
How had things turned so foul? Hadn't there ever been a time where he thought he could be something more? A better king than his father? A mage that could deal in something other than death and decay?
It mattered little now, if there was ever a chance at all. Could've beens would change nothing. Cerus had to hold on to what he had, what little power remained.
And if he couldn't, he'd die fighting those who dared try and take it from him.
@whumpwillow @rabbitdrabbles @kixngiggles @honeycollectswhump @chiswhumpcorner @whatwhumpcomments , @dont-look-me-in-the-eye , @turn-the-tables-on-them , @pigeonwhumps , @itsmyworld23 , @andromeda-liske , @starlit-hopes-and-dreams , @haro-whumps , @kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpedydump , @mannerofwhump
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ghostfan3 · 6 months
I said I wouldn't publish this short story but my friend convinced me to do it... It's all on you @negativerockstar (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
I hope that @skylertheminish forgive me for using characters of Ceru, Arma and Carer in my short story.
It's basically the short story to the picture I posted of Cassandra the Mismagius trying to adopt the smol knight.
"Galar, region know for it's league, tea, extensive history and many castles and ruins around the land. Willow was mostly interested in ruins aspect of the region since many ghost types made they home in them. She really wish she had time to study local ghost living in this ruins, but unfortunately this was not the reason for her current visit to the region. Local organisations specialized in pokémon rescue, call her asking for help with tough case of ghost type that proof to be too difficult for their staff. She made an appointment with a representative of the organisation to visit the following day to assess the situation and possibility of taking this pokémon under her care. At the moment she was doing her best to be ready just in case in this difficult sytuation, but with her trusted team she manage to get everything she may need. Warden the Dusknoir got all kinds of medicine and herbs they may need to calm the overwhelmed with sytuation ghost. Onyx and Jade, her knight fire brothers got all kinds of foods and ingredients to cook a delicious meal. Right now the only missing in action was Cassandra the Mismagius who was supposed to bring berries and sweets. Willow was walking around looking for her, hoping she just got disorientated in the crowd. Shade her trusted shiny Gengar, her ace and best friend try to calm her down as she started to panic a bit. Thankfully, she spotted a familiar witch pokémon among the crowd, only to notice her in company of particular kind of pokémon.
-" You must be joking..."- Willow quickly approached her Mismagius who was sharing bought berries and sweets with young pokémons. Shade was fallowing behind in Willow's shadow a knowing smile on his face.
-"Missss?"(Can we?)- Cassandra ask floating beside two small knights as Willow stop in front of the group and took deep breath.
-Oh for the love of Arceus... NO! You can't adopt them!- Willow said tiredly, after yet another attempt by Cass to adopt some baby pokémons. Worst part the little ones weren't even aware of what was going on.
Willow breath big sigh of relief when the trainer of the little ones was not that far away. He was kind young man that even have small laugh when white hair girl explained the sytuation to him. He even allowed himself to be invited to a afternoon meal at a nearby café as a apology for all the fuss. A ghost specialist bought both meal for a gentleman and little ones. She smile as small knight were playing with both Cassandra and Shade while she and their Carer have a pleasant small talk. She must have caught a lucky strike from Victini since the Carer of small knight work for organisation that call her. After explaining who she was, young man rember that someone mentioned to him that they call a specialist to help with recent ghost type case. Before soon conversation came to topick of little Ceruledge and Armarouge
-"Premature evolution you say...."- Willow look at little Ceru with sadness in her eyes. She wished it was a first time she heard of such think but unfortunately it wasn't. Her memory quickly moved to the little Froslass she took care after taking her from trainer who evolved only few hours old Snorunt, poor baby girl at lest she was doing better now. That at lest explained how such young Ceruledge could actually exist. Arma story wasn't better.
-"They doing better now, but there is still a long way to go"- said the Carer.- "Anyway you look a bit lost earlier, are you not familiar with city?"
-"Not particularly"- Admited Willow.-"Most of me time in Galar was usually spent in ruins and other wild areas, I'm not familiar with city layout accept for shops and pokémon centers locations."
-"If you like I could be your guide for now and give you a lift to organisation headquarters tomorrow"-Carer offered.
-"Oh? I would not want to cause problems..."
-"It's not a problem, beside Ceru and Arma seems to be already fond of your Pokémon, I'm sure they would like to play with them again."
White haired girl couldn't deny it. Cass already in her big auntie mod adopted small knights into their little family. Willow thank Carer for a offer and promised to repay him somehow. But before she could ask what she can do in return, she felt a tap on her leg. She looked down to noticed Ceru looking at her with her arms up. How she could not fulfil this adorable request? She pick small Ceru on her arms and was meet with happy chirps in return. Look like her pokémon got her into another big adventure with new friends again. Willow giggled as she couldn't argue this adventure definitely wouldn't be boring one."
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