#poor sanji he cannot do anything without the crew being all over him
beanghostprincess · 5 months
Imagine Sanji in the kitchen of the Sunny, in a bad mood, because the day before was a moment, witnessed by the full crew, of him chickening out of confessing his feelings for Usopp, even though it was obvious for everyone.
Now Sanji is making dinner but has a pesting captain in the room, who thinks he's subtle in asking questions but they are quiet obvious like 'What do you like in a partner?' because Luffy wants them (SanUso) to be together.
Well, Sanji is fed up and calls for Zoro to come and remove his freak of a boyfriend (their captain) (ZoLu is out) or there won't be dinner that day.
Luffy is protesting about no dinner but Zoro easily picks him up to take him away and tells Sanji:
"I'll do what you can't do, (being an attentive boyfriend)
so you can do what I can't." (living in denial) (or cooking)
Sanji is fuming, his cigarette is fuming, the dinner is fuming. Dinner is almost ruined by Sanji slightly burning it.
This is not his day.
Honestly, in his defense, he tried to confess in private but he wasn't brave to do it and everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) was listening through the kitchen door because they don't know what personal space is and the second Usopp got out of the room they stormed inside and started making fun of Sanji or telling him to go tell Usopp the truth already because they were going to fucking lose it.
Luffy is just trying to get them to be together because he doesn't understand why they're keeping their feelings hidden if they feel the same way. It's stressful! It doesn't make sense! And it's making both of them unhappy! Their captain is just trying to be of help but Sanji needs time to be ready, okay? He just- He just needs more time.
And Zoro would definitely say that and Sanji would go, like, fucking insane. It's his last straw, really. I think he confesses that same night because I don't think this man can handle more of this shit.
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flamingo-writes · 5 years
Fluffvember! Pls consider: Zoro getting flustered and blushy when seeing his girlfriend in one of his sweaters
A/N: This....is not exactly what was requested. I got a bit carried away writing this XD.I hope you enjoy it. 
Fluffvember Post
Wordcount: 1K
Warnings: mentions of smut.
Hoodie — Zoro x Reader
(I believe I already used this gif but I’ve written so much Zoro, there arent enogh gifs of him for my imagines jcldkfj)
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The thing about cold was how inconvenient it was. Sweaters, hoodies, coats...they weren’t precisely among Zoro’s favourite things to wear.It was harder to move in them, and specially when he tried to train. If he tried training without one whenever the Strawhat pirates were at a winter island, everyone would yell at him, telling him how he was both nuts and was going to catch a cold. Everyone was always nagging on him about his poor life choices. 
However, this time, words cannot express how he felt about sweaters and hoodies when he saw you walk into the kitchen for breakfast. Sure, it was freezing outside, but that didn’t stop you from running to the kitchen with your shorts and a hoodie that fit too loose around your body, covering your shorts, making it look as if you weren’t wearing anything underneath. 
Zoro felt flustered at first. Usually you’d wear his clothes while you were alone either up in the crow’s nest or in either of the girl’s or the guy’s room during the y when they were empty for the most part. Seeing you wear his clothes felt so intimate to him. Adding to the fact that he thought you weren't wearing anything underneath, only made him feel more flustered. His face instantly got too blushed for his taste, specially with everyone around. 
It was just him, though. 
No one in the crew really minded. It was no secret that you guys were dating, and you constantly spent time together alone. It didn’t come as a surprise to anyone, that you wore one of Zoro’s hoodies. Hopping inside the kitchen with your hands in the hoodie’s pouch, you sat next to your boyfriend. 
“Morning!” You sang happily, looking around at both everyone and everything on the kitchen, it was then you noticed how Zoro was looking away with a faded blush painting his tan face “You okay?” 
“Please tell me you’re at least wearing underwear underneath my hoodie” He muttered in a voice so low, you could barely hear. 
“Really?That’s what worries you? Not even a ‘Good morning, babe’ or a ‘You look pretty this morning;? Yes, I am wearing something underneath” 
Zoro quickly grabbed his cup of coffee and took a big sip, wishing it was either sake or beer.  
“You look cute…” Zoro murmured. 
“Nope. Too late now, darling. It doesn’t count” You mocked hitting him gently with your elbow. 
Breakfast went over as usual, the ever comforting noisy calmness in the Thousand Sunny. You ate, you joked, and you laughed loudly as ever. Until everyone was finished and a handful of the crew helped Sanji clean up the breakfast mess. Zoro had disappeared after breakfast while you helped Sanji wash the dishes. 
You went to the crow’s nest, knowing Zoro would be there training. And he was, indeed, training in the hot crow’s nest, despite the dead cold outside. You walked in a comfortably sat on a nest of pillows and covers you’d been slowly gathering to be comfortable whenever either of you wanted to spend time with each other far from everyone else. 
“How is it going?”  You asked cheerfully. 
“Almost done” His voice was husky with tiredness, yet he still lifted weights like a champ. 
You looked at your shirtless boyfriend, his gorgeous tan skin shiny with sweat. There was something so awfully sexy about seeing him like that. And specially when you walked in while he was still training. Watching him lift crazy heavy weights always made your hormones skyrocket instantly.
“Wanna know a secret?” You said in a rather playful voice, a voice Zoro knew all too well and it only meant something good was going to happen afterwards. 
“You lied when you said you were wearing something underneath?” Zoro asked. 
“I wasn’t lying about the underwear. As a matter of fact, I was wearing shorts on top of them, your hoodie is just too big” 
“Then?” Zoro chuckled. “What was it then?” He looked over his shoulder to look at you sitting on the cornered pillow nest. 
His heart beat faster and stronger when he saw you sitting, turning your back at him as you took off his hoodie, leaving your back bear for him to realize you weren’t wearing a bra. As much as he suddenly wished to run his hands up and down your back, he shook his head and continued to count his reps, thinking how the sooner he was done with his routine, the sooner he’d be able to join you in the corner. 
“Put that on” He said, smiling to himself. 
“Excuse you?” You scuffed jokingly. 
“When I said you looked cute, I meant that” He said. 
This time, you were the one who blushed. You silently nodded and put back on his hoodie. 
“Okay, then…” 
“It was... a bit weird for me to see you with my hoodie at breakfast today. I’m not used to see other people see you wear my clothes…” He confessed
“I’m...did that make you uncomfortable? If it did, I’m sorry… I didn’t—” 
“No, it’s okay. I actually enjoyed it…” Zoro said putting down his dumbbell. “It was weird. I felt awkward at first. But to be honest, you look better with that hoodie than I do…” 
“You’re saying I should wear them more often?” 
“Yes. But, you know that seeing you wear my clothes invites me to take them off you, right?” Zoro smirked looking into your eyes, the set of eyes he loved so much.
“It’s a price I’m willing to pay” You said winking at him. 
Zoro sucked at this flirting game, it always ended with him looking away shyly, not being able to keep the intense eye contact. He chuckled softly and stood up from the bench he was sitting on and walked towards the pillow nest, where you were looking at his with a welcoming smile and inviting eyes. 
You lied on the pillow nest as he crawled on top of you. Before anything else happened, he hugged you, burying his face in your neck, and breathing deeply, catching his breath after his training, and breathing in the familiar smell he adored. The smell of your hair, the smell of your skin mixed with his own scent from his hoodie. 
You wrapped your arms around his back, and your legs around his waist, squeezing him gently against you. His eight on you, as you felt the rise and fall of his breathing. 
“I love you, [Name]” He breathed. 
“I love you too” You whispered back at him and kissed his bare shoulder. 
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Straw Hat Parent Headcannons
So while I was writing Sanji’s headcannons I was thinking about how much I love parent child relationships and now I can’t stop thinking about the Straw Hats as parents.
The fun dad
He’d probably have oopsie babies
I’d be really poetic if Luffy had three sons, that’d make my little heart explode
He’d love playing with his kids but his poor S/O would probably have to make sure he wasn’t being too rough with them
Luffy would cry the first time he got to hold his child
I think he’d be really proud of all their milestones and brag on them
He’d teach his kid to steal food from Sanji for him
I can imagine him carrying his baby around in one of those chest pouches (??) 
As his kid got older Luffy would probably let them do more dangerous activities, but I think he’d know where to draw the line
Not a super responsible parent, but still a good dad
Probably encourages his kid to be athletic
Has a strict schedule for them especially when the kid is little
Zoro puts his toddler on one of those baby leashes so his kid doesn’t wander away from him
Papa Zoro is the best to nap with
He has the best dad hugs
Zoro is overprotective and a strict dad but he tries to let his kid be independent as they get older
I think Zoro would have a hard time with the idea of his kid growing up, like that's his baby and they’re getting older and going off and having their own life. He’d never admit that though
Zoro is kinda like a sports dad so I think he’d have a hard time connecting with his child if they were a book worm or just not all that athletic
His kid would probably be tasting alcohol at a young age, they’re first real drink would be a very proud moment for Zoro
Responsible parent, but a strict bean dad
Her kid is probably an accident, or adopted due to bad circumstances
I think due to her past Nami would be more likely to adopt a younger kid
I’m not sure Nami 100% would want a baby or a toddler, but a six year old would be better for her
I could imagine Nami being like Whitebeard where she just adopts an army of children and she’s just their mom
Any child of Nami’s would learn how to at least pickpocket people
She’d never let them get to far into harms way though
Nami’s babies would be frugal as all get out and be finance experts by the time their ten years old, I swear
As her kids got older I think Nami would be less patient with them and start getting real sassy with them about their life choices
The most responsible dad out on the sea
Would not raise his kids the way he was raised, especially if their his daughters
His daughters are going to be precious princesses that much be protected at all times
He would of course love his kids no matter the gender (or lack of) they associated with
His kids would be taught to be well mannered at all times, manners are key to being successful
No toddlers in the kitchen it too dangerous
Carries his newborn child around in a baby sling?
Co sleeping at least for a few months
Every milestone is going to celebrated with cake and cookies and whatever else his baby wants
There will be tears
He’s going to be a nervous wreck, oh my lord
“The baby won’t eat! What if they die!?”
“I’ve lost my child”
I cannot express how freaking stressed his going to be this poor boy
Usopp won’t have a leash or anything but he’s probably thought about
“I’m the Great Dad Usopp!”
Getting his kids to fall asleep is hard because he gets too excited with his stories, but he can always entertain them
Usopp would be stressed when his kid was a newborn, but when his kid starts walking that’d be a while new level of actual stress
He’d follow his toddler around the ship making sure they didn’t fall over board
Helicoper parent to the max
Probably a lot more chill when his kids get older though
Yasopp will get so many letters begging for advice
His kid would probably a child he found that was really sick or injured that he got attached too
Chopper would be a worry wart but nowhere near as stressed as Usopp
At least every six months his kid would get a full body check up, just to be safe
He’d be sure his kid knows basic first aid and CPR
OHMY Matching hats; Chopper would totally try and let them have matching hats. Oh thats so cute
Chopper would 100% send a letter to Dr. Kureha that she’s a grandmother, this lady would totally cry
Chopper would try to dress his toddler up in little matching onsies a lot 
I think he’d cry when his kid got taller than him, which wouldn’t take long but still
Please allow me to introduce the best parent of the entire crew
she’s already the mom friend so like it’s time for a baby
I’d adore a Frobin baby but if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen
Robin would read her child to sleep every night even if she just read them a history text book
Her kid would be able to read poneglys and when the got older Robin would recruit them to help her learn more about the ancient writing
I think Robin would be absolute elated to have a baby, but I think she could experience a bit of post partum depression
I think she’d be extra careful when her kid is young. Robin deeply fears losing her baby or passing away and her child has to live on without her
She doesn’t want the past to repeat itself and she’ll do everything in her power to protect her child
Her devil fruit lets Robin be the absolute master at tickle fights
Other than Sanji’s kid her child would be the most well behaved
Best parent on the crew hands down
Dad jokes thx
Franky would be all over his kids.
Everything his kids did would be worth celebrating. Each milestone woud be absolutely super
I can only imagine how much he’d purposefully embarrass his kids when they’re teenagers
Franky is crying all the time. His kid is born; crying. His kid starts walking; crying. His kids first word; crying. You get the picture
Franky would film his kid in shitty home videos all the time. ALL THE TIME.
He made a specialized baby pouch on his body so he could carry his child around
This kid will not have pants on. A pantless child will be running around the Sunny
Dad Franky is going to be giving his kids fun hairstyles on the daily
Probably the most involved Dad other than Usopp maybe
He’d be the type of parent to fight PTA Moms and stuff but also bring cookies to the little league games
I’m sorry but I cannot imagine this man with a baby. Like... I dunno if it’s because he’s a skeleton but I can only imagine him with a bunch of cats. I think Brook would take in a child if need be but I just don’t think he’d want one of his own. I honestly just can’t really imagine it. I think he’d be a decent baby sitter and the fun weird uncle that everyone has tho
Alright so user, Sanny-chan5 mentioned that Brook is like a grandpa and omfg yes. I didn’t think of that so now I have Gramps Brook Headcannons for ya’ll
Weird pocket candy
Tells the same like six stories over and over again to his grandkids
Special grandpa-grandbaby music lessons
“You wanna comb my Afro?”
Grandpa Brook just 100% for carrying his grand baby on his shoulders
They could wear his hat and he’d cry
Brook likes to make his soul exit his body to scare them but he’d feel bad if they got real upset
Is the crews official grandpa
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517-519: "The Beginning of the New Chapter! The Straw Hats Reunited!", "An Explosive Situation! Luffy vs. Fake Luffy!" and "The Navy Has Set Out! The Straw Hats in Danger!"
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The hat is back on!
I was excited about this. Was also oddly excited to click on the “Fishman Island” arc on CR, finally, after so long on Marineford.
These episodes were another curve ball for me. I thought the timeskip would go one of two ways: either they’d all meet straight away at Sabaody, group hug, then sail off into the New World, or we’d get a training montage for each Strawhat before the meeting.
Then I remembered you guys mentioned there would be a mini-arc and I cursed myself for being dense.
There’s not much plot to it. Some fake Strawhats are blighting the real ones’ good name and reputation. Unfortunately for them, 3D2Y is kicking off and the real Strawhats are gathering on Sabaody like the Avengers Assemble. Plus, pretending to be an infamous pirate crew isn’t a great idea when the Marines and World Government are after them.
I think I can see what’s coming. The fake Strawhats are light-hearted fodder, there only to show off their real counterparts’ training. And bring some lulz. No idea how it’ll unfold, though. That’s half the fun of watching One Piece, to be honest.
It was good to see Oda hasn’t tinkered with Luffy’s design too much. (Saying that, I liked the Strong World outfit).  He still has those flip flops and cut offs, but now the red vest has sleeves and is open at the chest. (Gotta expose dat 8 pack and scars, right?) 
Of course, the iconic straw hat was picked up at the beginning of the episode. He was ready! Hancock and the Kuja pirates were there to see him off. Hancock packed Luffy half a year’s worth of supplies in a massive pack and gave him a handy-dandy Groucho Marx disguise in case any Marines spotted him prior to sailing out.
(Is it me, or does Luffy finally realise Hancock likes him? He kept saying, “I’m not getting married.” Though I did like the part when he refused to say goodbye because he wanted to see her again. That was nice of him. He acknowledges just how much Hancock helped him - and she helped A LOT. You could argue Luffy is as indebted to Hancock as to Rayleigh, Jimbei and Ivankov.)
Then, he set off! The next time we saw him, his massive backpack nudged Fake Luffy. There was an altercation. 
Of course, Luffy couldn’t retaliate. Drawing attention to himself and bringing the Marines down on his head before he reunited with his crew would be a Bad Idea.
He did get his own back. Just not in a way that would draw attention.
When Fake Luffy fired the gun, I cheered because Real Luffy gave us a teaser of his new power. Observational Haki! Armament Haki! Conqueror’s Haki! He deflected the bullet, dodged it, then floored the Fakers without lifting a finger.
Honestly, I cannot wait until Luffy’s next big fight. Sentomaru has returned with some Pacifistas. I hope the Strawhats get their rematch. Oooh, maybe the Pacifistas will be fodder now....
Nami and Usopp
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Look at them.
Look at how beautiful Nami and Usopp are. 
It seems that over the course of two years, certain Strawhats have ended up with less clothes than they started with.
Nami has lost her t-shirt, but at least she has that bikini, right? Like Luffy, Usopp has buffed up and has a shirtless look to show off his gainz. They both have longer hair too - and it looks good on them.
Not sure about this comment from Usopp, "I don't belong to the weak trio with you and Chopper. I became a warrior who is not fazed by anything!" I guess (or I hope) it was acknowledged by all three that they were the weakest members of the crew, but it’s a bit much saying he’s graduated to a higher tier. Especially since he doesn’t know what Nami and Chopper have been doing. I like that Usopp has found some more confidence, but don’t find it at the expense of your friends.
Or, it’s classic Usopp overcompensating because he’s underconfident. Or he’s just joking. 
Nami must have quiet confidence in her fighting ability because she sat at that bar in Sabaody on her own and talked back to Fake Luffy who had just shot someone. She can control the weather and summon thunderclouds indoors. That is not someone you’d mess with.
Usopp has some new weapons in his arsenal too. He’s weaponised the plants from Bowin Island and I’ll bet he has much more than carnivorous plants up his sleeve. 
I love how casually they walked out of the bar, talking about their training, “Yeah, so I was studying new weather tech on a Sky Island...” while thunderclouds tore the bar apart in the background.
And Nami was driving a hard bargain for a discount. Never change, Nami. Never change...
Zoro and Sanji
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Never realised how much I missed these guys and their bickering until I had a genuine laugh-out-loud moment (in 519, I think?)
I love Zoro’s new design. I think it’s my favourite out of the new outfits. The green robe looks great. It gives him more gravitas, as though he has now graduated from Sword Training School and is allowed to wear the academic gown. Not sure what kind of garment it is, but it’s definitely more traditional.
Sanji is still in a suit. I liked his previous style, so I’m kind of glad Oda didn’t mess with it too much. Sanji and suits are like Luffy and flip-flops, you know? He’s changed his shirt, has grown a goatee (which, of course Zoro noticed and roasted Sanji for it) and maybe his hair’s a bit longer?
Zoro arrived at Shakky’s bar first. This was a source of woe for poor Sanji, who arrived seventh after Franky, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Brook. (Robin was eighth because she had to shake some CP goons off her tail.)
The fact that Zoro arrived first was nothing short of a miracle. I’m still not sure how he managed it. Maybe Perona dropped him off right at the door. When Sanji arrived, he was overcome with emotion at the sight of women to the point his enthusiasm freaked out a couple of innocent ladies. Then Sanji met Duval (I love how they’re friends now) checked out the kitchen and went food shopping.
On the way, he met Zoro.
Zoro wanted to go fishing. Rayleigh and Shakky shouldn’t have let him out of their sight. Instead of getting on a fishing boat, he boarded a pirate galleon and fell asleep. Sure enough, the ship set sail with him on it. “THAT IDIOT!” Sanji yelled. But it was okay. Of course Zoro would do something like that. At least the ship was headed for Fishman Island and they knew where Zoro would be.
I was annoyed for a half a second (rob Zoro of the big reunion? How dare you!) But then he showed off some of his new skills. Mihawk-esque skills. He sliced an entire pirate galleon in half. It was awesome. He still has great lines too. “I ruined your New World dream? No. It was your fault for allowing a plague on your ship.”
Has Zoro taken a Mihawk level in edginess? I think so.
Then they started arguing on the way back and I honestly laughed out loud at their shit-flinging contest. 
“Stay with me, or you’ll get lost!”
“Who’re you talking to, moustache eyebrow!”
“Shut up, lost moss!”
“How could number seven talk bossily to number one?”
They love to pretend they hate each other, don’t they?
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Aw, Chopper. He has definitely take an level in cuteness.  Chopper is a rare example of more clothes. He has acquired a cute, stripey shirt and red shorts. The hat is okay. It’s huge. Maybe to accommodate his massive brain (because he has absorbed the contents of all those medical books, right?) Must say I prefer his old hat. Mainly because Dr Hiluluk gave it to him and it’s a huge part of his identity. Parts of it are still there, but I guess it’s difficult to change Chopper a lot, so the hat is an obvious target.
Haven’t seen any of his new abilities yet, so Chopper hasn’t changed at all personality wise. He still loves cotton candy and, like Luffy, is still absolutely hopeless at seeing through lies and bad disguises. The part when Chopper was running after the Fake Strawhats and crying out at them to rescue Fake Robin was a bit daft. I mean Chopper did admit later on to Nami that the Fake Robin, “didn’t smell familiar.” But then, that’s the gag. It goes all the way back to Sogeking, so I’ll let it slide. :)
He really thought the Strawhats had changed so much, though. It was  interesting to see that he’d stick to his principles and go rescue Robin himself: a real marker of Chopper’s new determination and confidence in his own abilities!
After that stressful moment, it was nice to see how glad Nami and Usopp were to see him, hugging him and telling him how much softer his fur was, how much bigger he’d grown. And Chopper’s outrage once he realised there were impostors about: “WAIT, NOW I’M MAD!”
Even though he’s stronger, kind, innocent Chopper hasn’t changed that much.
Robin and Franky
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Again, how good do these two look? Robin is the most drastic change out of all the Strawhats. Could you believe I actually didn’t recognise her at first? (Only the eyes and the voice acting finally gave it away.) The blunt bangs/fringe/whatever you call them were iconic to her look, so it’s a definite departure. She looks great, though. Similar to Boa Hancock.
I’m 100% being Franky’s new look. The colour scheme is the same (red/blue) and he has his loud fashion sense, but the chunky cybernetic enhancements, the sharp shades and the buzz really add an intimidating edge to Franky that he was missing pre-timeskip. And apparently, the Sunny has some new weapons as well as a Full Underwater Coating courtesy of Rayleigh. Can’t wait to see what nightmarish destroyers of ships Franky has constructed! >:D
Franky injected some tension into the narrative, which was cool, even though I am 99% certain it will turn out fine in the end. While losing the CP9 goons trailing her, Robin picked up a poster for Brook’s concert. Quite rightly, she WTF’d over it and asked Franky if he knew what was going on.
“Brook's quite the star now. From the lonely shadows to a place where everyone cheers for him. He might not come back to pirating again.”
Surely Brook would not be so ungrateful to abandon the friends who lifted him out of loneliness into the spotlight again?
Nah. Brook’s not like that. I’d bet money it.
Soul King?
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Brook has now graduated from garage band Slash-wannabe to issuing health and well-being advice via the genre of soul and the medium of arena tours. 
He has acquired a manager. Before the gig, Brook had something to tell him and I’ll bet it was about quitting. 
I’m still wondering how Brook got away with becoming so famous. Wasn’t he identified at Sabaody when Kizaru kicked their asses two years ago? Hasn’t his bounty poster been updated since? Did not a single Marine think, “Hey, there was a talking skeleton in the Strawhats’ company at Sabaody. Here is another one on TV. Coincidence?”
Love that we got to hear most of the song, though. Brook hasn’t changed that much, either. He still loves those skeleton puns.
(I am very behind on replies, btw. I know. I will reply to every single one tomorrow. ^_^)
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“Move, bitch. Get out the way. Get out the way, bitch. Get out the way!” - Ludacris
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