squishranger · 1 year
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kirbtober day 7 - headcanon, prompt courtesy of paintpanic obligatory explaining under cut
Galacta Knight and Aura Knight, the Nymphalis twins, were the GSA's highest-performing soldiers on Planet Portalia, having trained hard to earn their ranks. still young, though, they had a lot to learn about the world - thus, they were each assigned apprentices.
while Aura Knight's mentee, Collibe, was straightforward if not a bit shy, Galacta got a challenge. Twinkle was born with a genetic condition making him notably small, and it meant he would likely never grow wings or horns. being his little sister, Collibe tried to keep him in high spirits, but he was generally uninterested in staying positive.
Galacta and Aura would frequently take their apprentices to the Popberry fields they used to play in as children, sometimes to train, sometimes just to take in the sights. today, Twinkle is again very disappointed in himself over something he will, for sure, one day learn to overcome, being the chosen wielder of Galaxia.
...nowadays, if you ask the GSA about the whereabouts of Galacta or Aura Knight, they'll tell you, "some things are best left unspoken". even Meta Knight, Galacta Knight's former apprentice, refuses to speak on the matter. even if HIS peculiar apprentice keeps finding themselves dragged into remains of Portalia's past...
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kumiko-panda · 2 years
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おはよう⤴︎🤗✨💕 🗓2022.07.15 💖 Pop Pods 練り香水パフューム 1,320円(内税) 💟ポップポッズは 🔸アルコールが入っていない 🔸ほのかに香る 🔸小さくコンパクト 🔸漏れたり、かさばることなく携帯出来る 💟髪の毛先に塗ると 歩く度にふんわり香る💕 💖フルーティーブーケ 桃とプラムの香りがほのかに広がり、 フレッシュなやわらかさを加え続いてエレガントなムスクが香り、 華やかさを包みます 💚ジャスミンガーデン 新鮮なベルガモットの香りが 清涼感と活力を与え、最後はムスクとサンダルウッドの香りで ほのかに柔らかい印象です 💛キャンディフローラル 甘い桃が最初に香り、その後に華やかなジャスミンとグリーン ノートに、 最後にウッディなバニラの 香りが深みを加えます ー*..ー*.. ー*..ー*.. ー*..ー*.. 💄コスメコンシェルジュ 💖Kumikoの感想💖 ベタベタせず サラッとした使用感で 香りは強すぎず かと言って付けたかわからない様な物では無いです👍🏻✨ アルコールがダメな方にはとっても良い商品ですね🌈✨ 練り香水は香りが飛び散らないからどこでも付けれるのが良いです👍🏻💕 💚ジャスミンガーデンは、男性でも使用できる香りだと思います 気になる方は チェックしてみて下さいね🤗✨ @popskin_cosme ではまた🤗💕✨ #ポップポッズ #poppods #パフューム#ポップポッズ フルーティーブーケ #フルーティーブーケ #ポップポッズ キャンディフローラル#キャンディフローラル #ポップポッズ ジャスミンガーデン#ジャスミンガーデン #爽やかな香り #大人の香り #韓国 #韓国コスメ #popberry #popskin #PR #ポップベリー #練り香水 #フラグランス #香水 #love #photography #smile #japan #me #workout #instagram #instagood #beauty #アラフィフ #アラフォー #アラサー #アンチエイジング #大人女子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgB0CIDuV-V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mulberry-jam-story · 6 years
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ハンドメイドネタじゃなくすみませんー 今年のチャンピオン ウチの桑は #ポップベリー という大きな実がなる種類なんだなー これから砂糖につけてジャム作るよー!! #mulberry と #popberry 悩んだんだよなぁー ・ ・ #ジャム #くわのみジャム #桑の実 #桑の実ジャム #ジャム作り
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princesspandi · 7 years
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I want Summer!
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((Sometimes, ya just gotta draw a womf hanging out at the bar with a mocktail.  A nice tall glass of sparkling popberry juice.  This was also a great excuse to draw a profile view of Kyung’s face, AND draw her in a dress that I saw in a “Draw Your OC” challenge.  I can’t find the original source of it, tho. QQ))
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
εїз εїз εїз ((YEET! I hunger for some looooore 👀))
1. This one will be a two in one.
Context before I begin: Popberries were an item featured on the Dear Alf segments and it was hinted that he was very fond of them. Possibly a scrapped piece of flora from the Munch's Oddysee days. Me love working scrapped content into the world building. while the berries themselves have been worked into the blog before, there's some info about them that have not been featured as of yet.
I head canon that the reason they were named Popberries was because when you bite down on one, they pop with a perfectly tart yet sweet juice. They are great for baking or juicing.
Dokk can make smoke bombs from popberries. he calls them berry bombs. The juice becomes a mist and can temporarily choke and blind people. Perfect for a quick escape if you become detected.
2. Areas that were Magog Cartel Property on the Mudos Map have been altered. Some places having been completely shut down due to Oswald taking office. Some were refurbished to follow stricter rules and guidelines for harvesting and taking care of the land.
Such as Lumber mills taking only a certain amount of trees and often hiring a few of the native mudokons to plant new ones after felling them.
Oswald works very closely to establish peace treaties with Mudokon Villages and will often work side-by-side to obtain and give goods.
because of this, Moolah is being introduced to the natives more, but spooce is still the primary currency between native and native transactions.
3. This one was from one of the Lore streams that had Lorne on board for interviewing. I've shared this with a few people privately, but not publicly I don't think.
When Free Breeder Queens were more common, the practice if you had a confirmed female in the brood and they need an heir for the future, they will remove the female from the clutch. The males get to spend time with their queen mother as soon as their gender is confirmed. Fertile females are often removed from the queen mother's care for a brief period until it is safe to return the child to the mother. This keeps their fertility in tact and they can grow to become the next breeder queen for their tribe, or to grow and marry into another tribe. Not all females were stripped of their fertility. They take great care to select the best female from clutches to raise to queen status.
Since the queens are now so rare due to Glukkon tampering, every female that is born from a free queen is quickly removed from the queen mother until it is safe to return the child to the queen mother without losing their fertility. That scarcity has led to some of the tribe leaders to become desperate for heirs to save their populace.
This played a part as to why Elli had her... *Cough* event that scarred her to this day over relationships. She is very happy in her current relationship but the fear and paranoia that this is too good to be true still lingers in the back of her mind.
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themudokonmessiah · 3 years
{Elli} " 'Ey Alf. Abe's been getting lots of people givin' him food and i gave him a cupcake too not too long ago.
didn't forget about you hon!
In comes Alf after hearing Elli in the room, jaw dropping when he sees the cake Elli made for him. Oh, he has the most awesome girlfriend in the entire world. Elli was going to be repayed for this.
"Babe? You made my night. Whatever you want, you can have, darlin'. It's on me."
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Abe smirks. "Don't go showing yourself off now."
The older brother looks at Abe with a pout. "Oi, you. Eat your treat. Don't you be startin', mister."
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nemorialex · 4 years
(late) Gifts
Each year, Alex would make holiday pies to send to people. Flavors were requested, based off of favorite flavors, or if nothing else one of 3 neutral options (pecan, pumpkin, or apple.) This year, between getting ready for holidays and keeping watch of at least one Temple of followers, Alex was running behind. Which was just as well, because the time left room for retaliation...
Sky sent a whole bundle of goodies, which included things like soft dragon figures, knitted baby clothes, and lovely cookies which were disappearing at an alarming rate! Alex would add a photo- The redhead holding Toby in their arms, both wearing the new, soft gifts- to the gift basket assembled for him. 
Alex crafted a chocolate silk pie topped with glazed strawberries in a way that looked closer to a fancy fruit tart. There were also two spherical bottles of shimmering potion, one with a red ribbon (and a label of “Leather (?)”) the other with a green ribbon (this one labeled “Feather”) and a note explaining that these Wing Potions were made with a new recipe that will “hopefully last a tad longer on the shelf as well as on the self, heheh” 
Colin’s pie (also made unfortunately later in the season) was a fresh mango pie! The smooth texture of keylime pie and the color of lemon. Little dots of meringue and mint leaves to act as another flavor, or at least as a neat little decoration. There was also a small gift in the form of a mushroom themed night light. 
These items were gathered in a large wicker basket with red and green ribbon woven in. There were also a few last minute things added, like a small terracotta pot, a baggie of dirt, and another baggie with little white seeds labeled “popberries!” and homemade jars of fruit products labeled things both familiar (pumpkin butter, apple sauce) and new (popberry jelly, firemelon jam)
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purfectprincessgirl · 4 years
star emoji lol
PopBerry TwistFizzle
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abstract-al · 7 years
Mr Caltrop’s Caretaker
                                           Artistic Provisions
  I have to admit Mr. Caltrop looked rather dapper today, better than the potato-sack he wears around,what he calls,"The Hovel". It is anything but, actually. A 66 acre estate with gardens and classical sculptures, a gothic mansion with spiraling turrets and knife arched windows, all cut into and surrounded by a dense forest of blood red pines is anything but a slum. Yet, he insists day to day, as he scratches around the grounds, to wander barefoot and burlapped carrying a jar of pickled piss that he splashes in the face of any unsuspecting maid or groundskeeper. He'll do a "jig 'n twirl", and prance off into the nearby wood, while the victim is left in gagging convulsion.
  Today though he looked dapper. Today he stood out in his double-breasted charcoal-black frock coat, slim eggshell leggings, two-toed tweed boots, and his favorite oil-slick plastic bell-pepper top hat. We were heading into town today for art supplies and to mail a very important letter. We were almost to the awaiting ubercarriage, when a pale-faced servant rushed over the cobblestone walkway.       "Your cane, sir, you musn't forget your cane!"
    "Thank you, Jefferies," he gave the man a sharp knock. The pale man ran back into the house holding his left eye, leaving a trail of little red puddles.
    "And don't get blood on my Kashmir carpet." he said. He was complete now; he was a hero.
  The ubercarriage careened into town with no signs of stopping. Mr. Caltrop had left the driver in the dust at the grounds of his estate. I bounced around inside like a cannonball, bruising my knees and just trying to keep the door closed. The two Clydesdale horses were being whipped around every corner, and the slower townspeople weren't fast enough to get out of the way. The deafening scream of a woman being trampled to death widened my eyes, but I pretended not to notice.
     "Urgent business," he shouted, throwing chili-candies to all the crying children he'd just orphaned.
  The ubercarriage found it's brakes and I flung myself out the door and into the gutter. There were tufts of matted hair and jellied blood bits stuck to the bottom of the horses' hooves and wheel rims. The undercarriage was a wash with crimson stains. I hurled my breakfast with ease from the bowels of my stomach, a curdled cheese torrent. I could have put out a building fire with my gush.
     "If you were sick you should have stayed home. I don't need to lug around the dead weight of the diseased and dying while I make my errands."
     "Yes, sir," my voice was shallow and my eyes were spinning.
     "Meet me at the pigment place with the new rabbit hair brushes. I must deliver this letter post haste! And clean yourself up along the way, you look dreadful and shan't be seen next to me in such a state."  
  The next hour was a warranted change, peaceful in it's setting. I gathered my senses from a powdered danish vendor; milk-jam oozed down my chin and I laughed. I danced with the street-fools and gambled with the die-shooters. A young child tugged at my pantaloons inquiring of me, and to the nature of his engendered soul. Not I. His mother knelt for the lad, apologizing. I could see right down her blouse and into her heart. I beamed my pearly whites and she grinned a gummy gash. I moved on from the square and the excitement, down the butcher's alley. Freshly hung red fleshed rabbits swung on hooks. I caught a butcher in the act, paying for scalpings and all. I could have easily gone to fur alley and purchased the finest lemur hair, or even scooped up a few whole-made brushes from a master maker. But Mr. Caltrop's instructions were specific, he would pack his own brushes with rabbit hair and use a special libido ointment to stiffen the bristles. He would eat the corpse for dinner.     The little fur coat and carcass, wrapped in parchment paper, slapped my thigh as I slung it on my belt for the ride. I gave the butcher an extra silver coin for his trouble and he high-fived me. I felt good. The next stop was the pigment shop, where we were to meet up. The perpendicular alley crossing to get there was a shimmy of a path, and half-way across carved into the wall was an alcove and an old man washing fresh canvas. I ventured a price for the roll, but upon hearing the cost I knew I wouldn't have enough left over for any pigment. I needed canvas for my own experimental painting style, I called "Stabstraction". An idea crossed my mind at that moment; I would purchase the roll and barter the pigments with the rabbit I had. Fool proof. Mr. Caltrop would even be impressed with my trading skills. Only he wasn't there when I arrived at Percy's. I perused the pigments with pleasure. The ding of the entrance-bell still rang in the air.
     "Ullo thar, Devin! Fancy a toot ov me finest Leadening-Soda?"
  His mustache was covered in a thin dusting of  shimmering white powder. Normally I would have declined his offer but I thought it might  increase my chances of bartering the pigments by sharing in his camaraderie. I took a few bumps off my thumb knuckle, but he felt dissatisfied with his own hospitality and drew out two healthy lines end to end, placing a grey pea in the center. We would race to the pea, which would stop up the straw, declaring you the winner. I agreed, thinking only of the hard sell of the rabbit to a drug fiend mineral seller. It was inevitable he reach the pea before I but what I didn't expect was the kiss his thick wet lips planted on mine. He laughed and said I taste sweet. I sputtered and gagged. He smelled like rotting fish ass stuffed in horse shit thrown into a sulfur-mine. I managed a laugh for the sake of the sell to come.
  The Lead lifted me up and up threw the roof and into the clouds, and from this vantage I could see further than I had ever seen before. I viewed over the town square and alleyways through the red pine trees and beyond the Caltrop estate to the coastline horizon and back. Not only could I see outward I could see the intricate beauty of the inward. My site zoomed into a mosquito's bunghole as he struggled to remove himself from the blood-sap of a Red Pine. If I stayed there too long I too would be stuck I felt. I scurried back to my body catching a glimpse of Lady Gummy's plump bosom along the square. I would take a hand-jammy, gum-job from her in a heartbeat right about now.
  I corkscrewed back into my body. I could feel my feet again. I was alive! I had to shit! I ran out the door with a ding and into the alley, where I defecated with relief, my back pressed firmly against the auburn bricks. I felt no shame and no one seemed to notice, so I unraveled the parchment paper from the bloody red bunny and wiped furiously. I entered the shop with a smirk feeling fresh as a daisy-dollop. I felt I could take the world on my back and swim across the rivers of time in the endless ocean void. So the barter came easy; I was quick and brimmed with wit. I showed off the lean nature of the beast, the heavy tendons and hump of back fat had its uses too. The durable tendons dried and lubricated efficiently made long-lasting bands, and the mass of fat behind the head boiled down to a slow burning oil. This healthy and firm meat stewed properly in purple grass trimmings with popberry jelly, produced such a pleasant aroma that was sure to bring in straggling traffic from the smell alone. He was practically sinking his teeth into the darn thing. His only objection was that he had no means of storing it, but I knew that the Leadening-Soda he snuffed daily doubled as a preserving agent for most produce and would do the same in this regard. He was sold! He gave me the run of the mill, any and all pigments on the bottom and middle racks. If I had the wherewithal to package more than three pigments I would have cleaned the shelves. He even threw in a few chalk sticks.
  I made my way back through the town square, in all its lunacy, toward the ubercarriage. Three men stood atop each others shoulders, with what looked like a child crowning the scene. The crowd was throwing rotten eggs at the child trying to knock him off. The totem swayed in the melee and frenzy as grandmother and granddaughter alike tossed the spoiled eggs. A young gentleman, an inventor of sorts, sat with a contraption launching three at once, the gun swiveling upon stationary legs. A bombardment now as more and more joined in the fun. Many eggs were pelting the small man but he hung on for dear life, but a crack shot across the eyes sent him careering down toward the stone fountain, with a wise flop the fellow splashed into the foot of water. A gasp of the crowd, as they'd suddenly discovered what they'd done, was quickly rescinded with a hurrah as the little man popped his head out with a smile. The dwarfed man collected money from the crowd for his heroism. All the while I chatted up Lady Gumdrop, as I was caught in the swirling madness and feeling exuberant about it, I gave her boy a chalk stick to keep him busy as we ducked down an unoccupied alley for a quick gummee. Her toothless hole felt so good I gushed down her gullet right away. I was immediately aware of the site, with a slip and a slap I was off, back toward the carriage. She was, no doubt, looking for a good paternal person to influence and raise her young lad. I was not having any of that. I had to find Mr. Caltrop!
  I was hired as a caretaker for the man, as supplementary funds were needed to continue my own art endeavors. He took a page from my book wanting to challenge himself in the arts. He took up painting alongside me and we picnicked the countryside, portraying different regions of the state. We stood atop and peered down the endless chasms of the Broken Boulders. We rafted on our backs down shallow streams and over rocky waterfalls, the names of which escape me. We netted Budflies and were stung by Horners, as we made away with their sweet and sour honey. We even licked the blood-sap of the Red Pine and saw demons hiding under the roots, they nibbled our ankles as we ran. All this history and adventure and painting, but now he was gone. I waited another hour, long enough for the buzz to wear off, then drove the ubercarriage back up the hill to the estate.
     "Mr. Norris, what took you so long? I have been waiting for over three hours."
  Mr. Caltrop rapped his baboon-headed cane on the meaty part of the horse's hindquarters. He was standing in the middle of the gravel lane as I pulled in. There were three very worried looking servants he rushed away upon my arrival.
     " Sir, where have you been? I waited at the pigment place per your request. You never arrived."
     "Not now, Mr. Norris! Have you my things?"
     "Yes sir, here are the pigments and hair."
     "Hurry, Hurry! There's a man waiting in the study for you."
     "What man?"
     "A detective, I think. Don't delay!"
     "Oh? What about?"
     "Godammit man! Get in there and find out! You are such a pathetic little worm."
  I carried the roll of canvas under my arm, with a steady pace rushed to the door, thinking all the while about the questions a detective might ask me. I was relieved Mr. Caltrop had more or less forgotten about the rabbit. One less thing to worry over. Was it the Percy's excessive drug use that got him in trouble with the law and he had ratted me out for personal gain? No, no that is the paranoid after effects of the soda lead. What then? Was it my indecent exposures? Had some woman spied me from a window pinching a loaf, or worse getting nob from Lady Allgums? The aftermath was really fluffing with my brain. I could feel it eating away at my bone marrow. I was almost in the front door.
     "Mr. Norris!"
     "You weasel, where is my rabbit?"
  I had never seen such fury then in his eyes, wide and red with blood. He looked as if he might cry or breakdown at any moment. He bolted directly at me, his frock-coat tails flittering, his two-toed tweed boots giving him ample balance and grip. I froze at the sound of his rage and before I knew it he was on me, digging his heals into my thighs and biting my neck. My roll of canvas unspooled itself down the front steps, as we hurtled ourselves down the entryway past the kitchen and into the study. The door being open we fell right in and at the feet of Detective Felridge, who jumped at our entrance. The detective soon gained his composure, prying Mr. Caltrop loose. By this time he had been pummeling me over the head with his baboon stick and making bloody sport of it. I was holding in an eye, by the time the detective reacted. If he hadn't I'd most certainly be dead. Maybe that would be a good thing with what was to come.
     "Good god, Mr. Caltrop contain yourself," said the detective, "I know this is emotional and all, him being under your employ and most certainly having built a trust and friendship, with a person whom you would come to find no better than a scatological drug fiend, sexual deviant and most positively a cold-blooded murderer, with little to no conscience."
     "And not to mention a foolish neglecter , he forgot my dinner! And prolly stole that roll of canvas from a poor old washer man! And threw away the rest of the money I gave him shooting dices!
     "Die." I corrected.
     "Did you here that? He threatened me!"
     "You can't trust nobody these days, best you leave him to us and next time do proper background checks on your help for everyone's sake. We have enough orphans in this town as it is. Come on, lad we'll get you checked into Saint Catherine's while you await trial."
     "Wait, what is this? I didn't kill anybody! I may have tooted a little lead, I admit, and even gotten a blowee from a single mother, but I didn't hurt no one."
     "Sure you didn't lad. You were driving that there ubercarriage, weren't you, with the mighty steeds? You were seen about town in all your nefarious ways. Percy's already made a deal. Druggin ain't nothin' compared to, MMERDARR! Even the Bosom Betty confessed on ya, lad. The carriage is covered in your dastardly crime."
     "But it wasn't I who drove the steeds, it was Mr.Caltrop, and all was done under his order, except the lead and nobbin, which I confess, but none to murder. I heard the whole thing, the woman scream. It haunts me even now."
     "You better confess, you weasel. You worm! It's the only way your soul will be set free and then maybe there will be some mercy."
  Mr. Caltrop stood just beyond the detective's shoulder eyeing me as if to convey some mental message. His lips moved in silent sentences. He was telling me to confess, and rubbing his fingers together, as if he would post bail and have the whole matter expunged. I took his lead. I was still reeling from the lead and woozy from the beating, so I wasn't thinking clearly. I confessed and Mr. Caltrop kept his word. He paid my bail and all subsequent court proceedings, he paid the judge's time and attorney's time in triple.There were kick downs for the detective and guards alike. The families of "my victims" were well compensated. I say victims because there were multiple injuries with one fatality, and once I was in custody they all came out of the wood work. Mr. Caltrop even supplemented Lady Gumdrop for a year. That is how rich he is. That a high profile murder case can be swept under the rug and the riff-raff from the woodwork can all be paid satisfactorily. There was one catch however, and this was the clincher. I wanted nothing more than to leave this town, leave the Caltrop estate, and never look back.
  When I was at St. Catherine's hospital/mental ward getting my cheek bone reset and my eye positioned back in my head, of which I have permanent minor vision loss, Mr. Caltrop visited me. He presented me with papers to sign as part of a plea bargain, which I had trouble reading, and understanding do to an opium-drip for the pain. After the whole debacle was over, I was relieved. I packed my things and expected to leave unimpeded. This was when Mr. Caltrop showed me the contract, a list of terms and agreements pending my release. One of which being a billion year servitude clause to the family of Caltrop. I laughed. He was dead serious and I knew at that moment I was stuck. The judge had notarized the document; he also coached little league rugby matches on Tuesdays. His duties fell well beyond public servant, in such a small town. Why I left the pollution of the big city for country air was self-evident. Why I took this job as caretaker was for the money, lots and lots of money. Caltrop was an old money name and it showed, but now a stipulation in the contract funneled my pay to officials in the town, so that I worked for less than room and board. I was to be under the watchful eye of Mr. Caltrop, and was essentially ward of the state, as acting caretaker. I was under house arrest for the eight months following my apprehension, then allowed to leave only under supervision of "you know who". The time spent here in the manor is worse than grueling, worse than hard time. In prison you know you are trapped and have a routine. Here on the grounds I might as well up and leave, but I know they'd find me, the town officials, house-servants and Mr. Caltrop himself. They keep odd hours and I see shadows lurking everywhere. I lock my door at night which is of some relief; I have a feeling they could get in if they really wanted. At least I have my death to look forward to, if only it wasn't going to be at the hands of these goons. I am doomed for a billion years, even in the afterlife I will serve the Caltrop's ghosts. Woe. Woe is me. FML.
                                               --Devin Norris(Infinite Caltrop Caretaker, ICC)
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