#poppy patridge x y/n
jessie-pop-post · 5 months
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"You may now kiss the groom"
expectation vs reality :P
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Extra: Dancing 🎵🎶🎵🎶
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Unfortunately, y/n couldn't refuse Poppy's kindness. Therefore, y/n had to accept the treat politely. 😔
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Quick sketch of Sunny and y/n 😙
Au belongs to: @sketchquill
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yasashii-leaf · 6 months
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Welcome home mob Au by @clownsuu
if you don't know go see his art is incredible!
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misteria247 · 1 year
So a little bit of the Muppets concept for Welcome Home that I've come up with so far. Please bare with me as I can't actually write, write anything for this little au but I can ramble so hopefully it'll make sense-
The reader (you) are a tired, struggling adult just trying to get by in life. You've kinda forgotten about how wonderful the world can be, because of all the responsibilities and such that comes with growing up. You just live a mundane existence, go to work and just exist. And you're content somewhat, though not really.
You ended up getting the puppets from a local town auction house. The person who'd owned the home previously had passed away, leaving behind their precious treasures. Since they didn't have anyone in their will to inherit their prized possessions, the town council had decided to do any auction house to get rid of everything within it. You don't know exactly why you'd decided to stop by. Perhaps it was to try and change up your routine, or perhaps fate had a hand in it. Whatever it was you soon find yourself inside the vast, old red home surrounded by other potential buyers and looking through all the knickknacks that were being sold off.
You stumble over all sorts of things, from old records to folders full of drawings and designs. Old musty costumes and a lot of older merchandise that came from the 70s. You noticed that a lot of said merchandise was apart of one of those older shows, like the Muppets and Sesame Street, called Welcome Home. An old 70s children's show that had ended up being canceled due to the loss of funding and such before its existence faded into obscurity. It's while you're looking around that you caught sight of a puppet off to the side. That puppet would be Wally.
You go over and look at him and find seven other puppets, all of them in somewhat mint condition, save for a few rips and tears that you can easily fix. You don't know why these puppets of all colors and sizes caught your attention, but you did know this. You wanted to take them home with you. You'd hunted down the auctioneer who was holding the event and asked him for prices and such like their names. Unfortunately you didn't have enough money for all of them but the auctioneer decided to give you an offer, stating that if no one else showed any interest in the puppets by the end of the auction, he'd give them to you for the price you tried to offer.
Two weeks later you get a call, and soon you're bringing them to your home. Once they're settled in you're a bit reluctant about the situation, seeing how some of the puppets are bigger than you. However seeing them in their somewhat saddened states made your reluctance disappear. If anything these puppets would at least give you a project to do to spice up your normal, mundane routine. And so that's how it started. Every time you had spare time, you'd get out your sewing kit and begin to repair the rips and tears in the old soft felt puppets. You had to visit the seamstress store to get some materials and had to order some too, using what spare money you put back to cover the costs of all of it. This was how you spent a lot of your time whenever you weren't working or doing other things.
However during all of this you'd also began to notice rather strange occurrences. You find that sometimes your things go missing, such as your house keys or parts of your uniform whenever you'd have to get ready for work. Things were being moved around, and even a bit of food had started to go missing. Not only that but the puppets you were fixing up and taking care of began to pop up in random places that you didn't put them before you'd left the house or room. Soon you find yourself wondering if perhaps a stranger was secretly living in your house, and it made you incredibly uneasy. However nothing could have prepared you for the actual reasons as to why all the strange things had been happening.
You'd been let out of work earlier than usual, your boss having no need for you to be there. And after getting a few things from the store you'd made your way home and took out the key to unlock it. Only to hear someone on the other side of the door talking. Going deathly silent, you slowly open your front door, glancing around for the source of the voice. Grabbing a nearby vase to defend yourself, you slowly made your way towards the direction of the voice, raising the vase to be ready only to come face to face with Barnaby B. Beagle.
Let's just say that you used that vase and by God did it do it's job. You also may have screamed and ended up making the other puppets come running which may have freaked you out a little bit more. Once they'd managed to calm you down from your panic attack and you began to question if you were finally losing your mind cuz puppets can't talk??? Much less walk and eat????? Yet here they were, doing exactly that and watching you with borderline concern. It was a very strange and awkward day for you after that. But little did you know that these puppets would become some of the most important people within your life.
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misteria247 · 11 months
The Muppets concept (Welcome Home) Halloween addition weeee-
You never expected to be experiencing Halloween like this. Surrounded by several puppets who were actually alive and where now your current roommates. Your home was filled with happy chatter and infectious laughter, making your heart swell up with warmth hearing it. You grabbed one of the trays filled with sweet treats to take to your companions, being greeted by bright smiles and a few grabby hands from some.
"Hold on, hold on there's plenty for everyone!"
You chirped brightly setting the tray down on your coffee table. Almost immediately your felt little friends grabbed some of them and began to settle down, chatting and enjoying the Halloween eve. You glanced around at your friends, a small smile coming onto your face. You saw Julie sitting on the sofa next to Sally, her expression beaming as she talked a mile a minute to her friend, who listened with amusement. Over by the TV sitting on the floor was Frank and Eddie. The smaller puppet was talking about something or another and Eddie listened with a soft, fond smile. You had to bite back your giggle at how sweet Eddie was being on Frank before turning your attention towards the doorway of the living room.
Barnaby was joking around with Howdy, the two giant puppets laughter booming out loudly as they sipped on some warm cider Poppy and you had made earlier. Over by the chair was the very bird in question, Poppy was sitting with her small knitting kit, knitting little Jack-o-lanterns into a scarf. Sitting at her feet, with a small smile on his face was none other than Wally. The smallest puppet was content helping her, occasionally nibbling on his candy apple whenever his hands were free. You stared at them all, taking in their bright costumes and dazzling smiles and buzzing excitement for tomorrow. It was nice seeing these friendly little neighbors relaxed in your home. Back when you'd first purchased them from the auction and had discovered their sentience, they'd all been rather subdued. They were quit, and filled with a looming sadness it seemed. It was as if they were afraid to interact with you. Which looking back made sense given they'd just lost their creator and caretaker at the time to old age.
But as time went on, they slowly started to warm up to you and you to them. Before you realized it, your home was being filled with a bit of sunshine and fun times as you all grew closer. It was an unplanned surprise but a welcomed one, especially when you had those days where adulthood was weighing you down something awful. Having these loving neighbors around helped make things better and now here you were, surrounded by warmth and affection and happiness. You were pulled out of your musings by Sally calling you over, Julie joining in as they made room for you on the sofa to sit with them. You went eagerly, a bright smile lighting your face as you joined your small family in the festivities.
You never expected to celebrate Halloween like this, but you were happy. And you were looking forward to many more bright and warm Halloweens to come.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Muppets concept madness but mainly involving our favorite gal Julie cuz I adore her fight me-
If you were to ask Julie Joyful what her favorite thing about you was, she'd say it was your smile.
To Julie, there's nothing more wonderful than seeing her friends and loved ones smile. When they smiled, it meant that they were happy and joyful. And Julie loves nothing more than to see it. She's literally sunshine and chaos, and she'll do whatever she can to see the smiles of those around her.
Back when she and her neighbors still lived with their original caretaker, Julie always did her best to bring fun and smiles to their faces. So it's no surprise that when she warms up to you, she extends the fun and joy to you.
When she'd first gotten to see your smile, the one that wasn't halfhearted due to life and adulthood, but a genuine real beaming smile. She'd been over the moon. It's not far fetched to say that in a way she fell in love with your smile, just as she fell in love with her friends' smiles and made it her personal mission to keep you smiling like that.
Which is why she's also the first one to notice when your smiles start to become strained. The first to notice how the light in your gaze dwindles due to stress and exhaustion. And for Julie that simply just won't do. So she does the best thing she's known for.
She let's her chaotic nature take the wheel and tries to bring that wonderful smile back.
It doesn't take long for her to figure out the perfect way to do it. And added with the help from the others, it just makes her plans become even better. All she has to do now is sit back and see how her plan comes to fruition.
You get a taste of this plan when you wake up one morning and open up your cabinets to get something for breakfast only to find a note tapped to the inside of its door. Curious you peeled it off and opened it, being greeted by Julie's handwriting.
'You're absolutely amazing-!'
You smile a small smile at its message and already feel like the days getting better. Only it's not just the day that gets better. Soon you realize that there are other notes hidden within your home. Each one holding a different message and different handwriting belonging to the other puppets.
As the week goes on, your eyes brighten up and your smile comes back. As each new surprise note is discovered by you. And with each discovery it lifts your spirits, which in turn makes Julie giddy with glee.
Once all the notes are found and their messages read, you hunt down Julie and the others and hug them with all your might. Thanking them for the notes. And it's then that you smile the smile that Julie's been looking for and all's right in her family once more. And Julie continues to do this little trend, whenever you're having a bad day or are struggling there's almost always a treasure hunt of notes that follows shortly after.
And Julie doesn't mind it at all. After all if it gets you smiling a real smile, then it's worth it each and every time.
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misteria247 · 1 year
What's this? More insane ramblings about the Muppets concept for Welcome Home? More likely than you think fellas. A bit of a warning here, it's kinda sad and it involves death fair warning-
The original owner of the house that was put up by the town council, was actually the creator of Wally and his friends. Back in the 70s, they were in charge of designing them and keeping them up to maintenance. They did this with a tender hand and a large amount of care, making sure that each puppet was unique and wonderful in their own special way. And it was because of this love, this care that they still took the cast of colorful puppets into their home when the show went bankrupt.
For many years afterward, they took care of Wally and his beloved friends. Always stitching them back up whenever they needed it or taking them outside to interact with some of the neighborhood children who seen them from afar. However behind closed doors the family of nine spent every moment together.
Julie loved to think of games with their caretaker, while Frank would look through their books in their vast library. Eddie would collect the mail and read their letters out to them, and Sally would hold beautifully extravagant plays to entertain. Howdy and Poppy took care of things such as cooking and buying necessities, and Barnaby told jokes to make them laugh. And finally Wally himself would sit with them and paint, or quietly talk to them about his day. And for many years they remained in this welcoming, warm setting that they'd called home.
However this also proved to be somewhat of a problem in many ways. One of them being Wally and his friends witnessing just what exactly happens to humans. As the years dragged on, they all began to notice many things about their caretaker and creator. Their hair began to turn grey, and their face and hands began to wrinkle as time went on. Things that were once easy for them to do slowly became a struggle, and the once steady hands that stitched them back up could no longer hold a needle and thread without shaking slightly. Their eyes no longer being able to see such tiny details that accompanied it. The puppets soon stopped going outside to interact with the children whom would eventually forget about them, instead choosing to stay with their aging friend.
Soon it was them taking care of their beloved companion. And they did it with little complaints, instead wanting to make life easier for the person who'd done the same for them. And as they watched their human caretaker grow more older and frail, it became more clear to them just what exactly was happening. They were losing their friend, their family member. Now death wasn't something that they were naive too, after all they worked on a children's show once upon a time. And with it came the responsibility of answering hard questions and difficult topics, such as death. However knowing it and actually experiencing it were two very different things.
The day that their caretaker had passed had been a sunny one. The children who were now adults roamed the town streets with little ones of their own or were grandparents, the town blissfully unaware of what was waiting in that little red house. It was Julie who found their caretaker first, resting peacefully in their bed. It was when she'd tried waking them up that she just knew that they wouldn't. And that was when her cries drew the others to her, realization hitting them almost immediately upon entry. That day was spent with tears and grief and grim acceptance amongst the eight puppets. Their caretaker died peacefully in their sleep, content and happy to be with their precious puppets.
It'd only be a day later that more humans would begin coming into their house, taking their caretaker away from them forever. And a month later of sitting in the dark, lonely shell of what was home that humans would once again come inside, unaware of the sentient puppets who were torn and ripped in some places watching them from where they'd been placed. Soon the house was straightened up and then put up for auction with everything inside.
It would be during this auction that they'd meet you. And it was this meeting, two weeks afterwards that they'd find themselves within your home. Not daring to reveal their actual nature, due to being unsure about you. But then they felt it, the familiar warmth that they'd once known. It was when you'd gently taken them into your grasp, and with a tenderness that they had almost forgotten, had began to fix their rips and tears that they'd been carrying for awhile now. It was the same as when their precious caretaker had done it. And at that moment they thought that maybe perhaps........things wouldn't be as grey as it had been.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Some more random silliness from the Muppets concept (Welcome Home) au yahoo-
After the vase incident Barnaby doesn't let you live it down. You're constantly bombarded with little jokes about your strength and smashing the poor vase into pieces. It embarrasses you each time because it really was an accident. Other than teasing you with the violent yet embarrassing first meeting, Barnaby also tells you jokes and puns, often times earning a laugh or a groan from you. But all in all you enjoy being around him.
You figure out quickly that Julie is a ray of sunshine, but she's also extremely chaotic. There was one time when you'd come home from work only to find her sitting on top of your fridge. Just cuz she'd come up with a new game involving climbing said fridge. Took you awhile to get her down but you had fun doing it. Even if you had to replace a few things that had gotten broken in her more erratic moments. (You made sure to keep bowling balls hidden from her afterwards).
Eddie likes to go get your mail and just sit down and chat with you. Since he can't exactly be a mailman anymore he's taken to telling you about all of his deliveries he's done in the past. You always find them incredibly interesting and are always asking him questions much to his delight. You'd even began to give him your letters you're planning to send out so he can take them to your mailbox. Often times joining him on the walk to just enjoy the morning air with him.
Sally has officially overtaken your spare room as the new theater room. She'll often be found in there practicing for her shows or writing a new play. She'll drag you into some of these sessions, asking for your thoughts and even including you in some of her plays. You always have a blast. And the costumes she gets her hands on are always a delight to try on and parade in them.
You and Frank surprisingly take a bit of time to get used to one another. Mainly because Frank is still lingering in the aftermath of their last home and what had become of their last caretaker. He's a bit distant with you however eventually he comes around like the others and talks to you about his bugs. Especially his love for butterflies to which you enjoy immensely. Seeing Frank light up about them makes you incredibly happy, knowing that he's warming up to you now.
You come to learn that Poppy is a bit of a worrier and it doesn't take long for her to start mother henning you as well as her beloved friends. She'll make delicious food and treats, help keep the house tidy and clean and has even made you a few hats, scarves and sweaters. You wear them all with pride and in return you try to help her out wherever you can. From chores to helping cooking dinner it becomes a special bonding time between the two of you.
Howdy keeps trying to persuade you into starting an online shop once he'd learned about the internet. It's an ongoing discussion between the two of you, mainly cuz you have no idea what he'd even sell. But eventually you do give him the reigns to get an online shop going and he becomes successful in no time at all. You learn not to question his unique abilities in selling things. Howdy just seems to have the magic touch and charming charisma that many salesmen wish they had. You also purchased a few things from Howdy's little shop much to his giddy glee.
After finding a few doodles here and there in your home, you'd come to realize that they were made by Wally. The smallest puppet was an artist and always seemed to be fiddling with pens or pencils he found around the house and draws on any scraps of paper he could get his hands on. He doesn't ask you for it, but you get him his own little art kit, with paints included. Let's just say he clung to your leg in happiness for a good half hour before gifting you a painting he'd made sometime later. It currently hangs on your wall.
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misteria247 · 1 year
For the Muppets concept of Welcome Home I'm thinking about it being a slice of life kinda thing. Just you (the reader) and our favorite puppet pals enjoying life. Good feel time of deal, campy fun and humor. Maybe a sprinkle of angst and seriousness from time to time, but mainly fun, easygoing shenanigans. I'm talking full on Muppets kind of thing, you know what I'm talking about.
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