#poppy x dali
snowshinefivez5 · 9 months
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So many ships 🚢 Ask away if curious about any of them or the characters in general ✨️
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CFWC Nerd Week Masterlist
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Day 1: Superheroes
"Convergence" - Kenji's Story | Eva x MC, Poppy Patel x Dax Darcisse - @sceptilemasterr
The Royal Romance/Rules of Engagement
The Order Of The Five Kingdoms: In His Honor | Leo Rys x Madeleine Amaranth, Liam Rys x MC - @lorirwritesfanfic  [adult content]
Day 2: Time Travel
Desire & Decorum
Somewhere In Time | Hamid x F!OC - @missameliep  [adult content]
Day 4: Supernatural
Making It Right | Jax Matsuo x MC - @lorirwritesfanfic
Desire & Decorum
Desire & Decorum & Zombies | MC, Briar Daly, Annabelle Parsons - @missameliep​  [adult content]
Day 5: Tech Stuff
Open Heart
Attack Of The BloomBots | Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @appiomofchoice
Day 7
Revelations | Grayson Prescott x F!MC - @lorirwritesfanfic [adult content]
Endless Summer, Hero, The Elementalists, Perfect Match, Most Wanted
Point of Convergence | Eva x F!MC, Estela Montoya x M!MC, Jake McKenzie x F!MC, Shreya Mistry x F!MC, F!Hayden Young x M!MC, Samantha Massey x Dave Reyes, Diego Soto x Varyyn - @sceptilemasterr
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phantom-nen · 4 years
Ooo how about angel and melody?
i already did angel here hon!
melody - favorite artists?
  i have too many to count!! i’m gonna categorize bands/musicians, composers and artists just for funsies!
vampire weekend, Mitski, japanese breakfast, mannequin pussy, princess nokia, HAIM, cupcakKe, Rina Sawayama, babymetal, Poppy, Jazmin Bean, Kimya Dawson, the B-52′s, AURORA, Allie X, the buttress, the beaches, bully, ABBA, FKA twigs, girlpool, girl in red, foo fighters, MARINA, Megan Thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, type o negative, squirrel nut zippers, diablo swing orchestra, tennis, the white stripes, every jojo’s bizarre adventure opening, moominvalley soundtrack, GALNERYUS, egoist, Lady Gaga, cabaret soundtrack, chicago soundtrack, fiddler on the roof soundtrack
there are many more but i can’t think of any others. i have a eclectic music taste but i highly recommend listening to all of them!
Niccolo Paganini, Eugene Ysaye, Fritz Kreisler, Jascha Heifetz, Claude Debussy, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Pablo de Sarasate, Giuseppe Tartini, Dmitri Shostakovich, Gustav Mahler, Brahms, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, Franz Schubert, Joseph Haydn, Franz Liszt, Sergei Rachmaninov, Hector Berlioz, Jean Sibelius, Phillip Glass, Georges Bizet, Richard Wagner, Johann Sebastian Bach, Henryk Wieniawski
the list goes on and on
Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keefe, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Carvaggio, Titian, Sandro Botticelli, Modigliani, Raphael, Donatello, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Edward Hopper, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Alma Thomas, Augusta Savage, Rene Margritte, Salvador Dali, Marc Chagall, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Fransisco Goya, Georges Seurat
fun fact: when i saw one of claude monet’s ‘water lilies’ for the first time irl and i just started weeping. 
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idthellyeah-blog · 4 years
A totally timely and significant review of Rancid’s “...And Out Come The Wolves”
(I honestly don’t remember when I wrote this, maybe 2015. Definitely just got jacked up on something and decided that I needed to write a track by track review of an album I loved when I was a cool punk teen. It has just been sitting in my Google Drive patiently waiting to be posted.)
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 I remember the first time I ever heard/saw Rancid was when the video for “Salvation” off of their second album “Let’s Go” premiered on MTV. Such an 80’s/90’s kid thing to do, discovering a new band by seeing a music video on TV, ugh. I thought the leather clad mohawked bad boys were amazing and perfect and so cool...that I immediately tried to spike my hair using gelatin (tru punx only) and got a leather jacket (did not look that cool and was very sweaty).  When “...And Out Come The Wolves” came out the next year (1995, I’m old AF) I was totally enamored and had found my #1 favorite album of all time (that lasted for like a year until music got better).  I was supposed to go see Rancid at a big show in Omaha, I lived in a small town called Columbus that was roughly 90 minutes away from the big city...but the day of my mom didn’t let me go because I had bad math grades.  I reacted the way any entitled white teen did, by laying in the garage and crying and playing their album.  That show wound up being a huge to-do when fans tore up seats in the venue and threw cushions at the band leading to Rancid not playing Omaha for a long time.  I missed out on some cool bad-ass punk rock shit, first world problems. Fast forward to today when I decided that I, Ian Douglas Terry, needed to write out a song-by-song review of this quintessential punk album.  I’m a real music nut, and obviously very good at structured writing...so here we go!  (Rock on)
1. Maxwell Murder - Oh boy, this one starts with like a subway train sound and then the beginning of a killer/complicated Matt Freeman bass line.  That dude SHREDS the bass, and even has a wild solo in this song.  That’s tight.  Why did they stop letting him sing?  He sounded like a fun Muppet on their first album and I loved his songs.  Maybe he wanted to focus on just shredding the bass and using tons of pomade.
2. The 11th Hour - This song is great.  It is poppy and upbeat and about a woman having dreams and demanding answers.  Hell yeah.  I love good punk music that supports women and feminism and figuring out where the power lies (spoiler alert, it starts and ends with you).  Remember how Brody from The Distillers left Tim Armstrong for the dude from Queens of the Stone Age? And then he got all fat and got a beard?  I can completely relate to that, and have been there sans beard.
3. Roots Radicals - This song RULES.  I had to look up what “Moonstompers” were and who “Desmond Dekker” was.  I remember trying to relate to this like it could somehow compare to living in a town with 20,000 people and the nicest Wal-Mart in the tri-county area.  Remember how there was that Spanish language cover of this on one of those “Give Em The Boot” comps that Hellcat put out? That was real tight.
4. Time Bomb - Hit single baby!  This had a huge hand in getting punk kids into reggae/ska for sure.  Killer organ solo, lots of rude boy shit going, I loved it so much.  Tim Armstrong totally re-used lyrics from the song “Motorcycle Ride” from the previous album...which is hilarious.  Like c’mon dawg...you should know your own lyrics.  I learned how to do the solo from this and felt like a guitar god (it is a very easy solo, like almost too easy).
5. Olympia, WA - I love songs like this that are about cities that the band isn’t from...so you have to fire up your imagination (or just read the lyrics) and be like, “What went down in Olympia, Washington????”.  Turns out it was mostly hanging out on different streets in New York and playing pinball with Puerto Ricans while wishing you were with a person who you were sleeping with in Washington.  Hell yeah, just like Shakespeare.
6. Lock, Step & Gone - Songs about docks were HUGE in my youth.  Dropkick Murphy’s had like eight songs about boys on them, and this Rancid song alludes to them.  I loved all of the blue collar, working class ideology that had nothing to remotely do with my comfortable upper middle class (not sure if that’s accurate because my parents were teachers, and like is there even a middle class any more?) life. This song definitely sums itself up at then end when it says “There’s a whole lot of nothin”.
7. Junky Man - Another theme that I could definitely relate to in a town of 20,000 people with like ten people who did meth...Junkies!  This song is pretty great because the dude from the Basketball Diaries does some sick poetry in it...that movie was nuts.  I like that song that he later wrote/sang about all the people he knew who died. The only way poetry can be cool is if the person is an insane drug addict with cool/sad stories to tell. Otherwise it is just loud diary reading.
8. Listed MIA - At this point I wholeheartedly agree with this song, “I’m checking out”.  I don’t know if I ever really liked this song or if this was just part of the “I accidentally left it playing after the first four songs that I liked were over”.  Lars says the derogatory f-word for homosexuals in it, because people called him that word...that doesn’t seem cool man.  I get that it rhymes with “maggots”, but maybe give white dudes in the Midwest less reasons to sing that word out loud.
9. Ruby Soho - This is one of the best songs ever, hands down.  It is beautiful and you can barely understand what Tim Armstrong is saying but it is wonderful.  I feel like deciphering his lyrics led me to be able to understand most speech impediments, so hell yeah.  This song is about loving someone a lot but having to leave them because it isn’t working out. This song was the blueprint for every romantic relationship I’ve ever had in my entire life so it might be a gypsy curse.
10. Daly City Train - Oh hell yeah, fun Reggae drums!  Through punk and ska I grew to appreciate Reggae, but through being bummed out about that culture’s deep seated homophobia and the fact that most of it is super repetitive and boring and for dad’s on vacation.  I’m just glad that 311 taught me to love those smooth Caribbean sounds again (oh god am I joking or am I serious, I can’t tell any more please save me).
11. Journey to the End of the Easy Bay - I can still play this bass line and was very proud of myself the first time I half-way pulled it off.  It doesn’t sound as smooth and nuanced as the way Matt Freeman plays it, but goddamn it I think that was the height of my skill as a musician.  This song rules themes about needing to belong and finding a place with people who thought and felt the same as you...and then losing it as everyone grows out of it.  This was most of my early 20’s. I grew up in a scene with similarly minded people, it eventually ended and I still have contact with some of those people but that point in my life will never be replicated. I finally belonged somewhere and was part of something bigger than me.  Now I do comedy and it is bleak, entitled, and sad and mostly alcoholics talking about their dicks.  Please take me back.
12. She’s Automatic - This is not a bad song but a very confusing way to describe a woman.  I get that it means she is effortless in “the way that she moves” but maybe I’m not giving Lars any poetic license because he looks like a guy who punched books. This woman sounds great though, and I’m sure they dated for three months.  Revisiting this and that era reminds me that I almost had sex with a girl at the first X-men movie...man, being punk ruled.
13. Old Friend - Back to the Raggae!  This song is pretty great, but they really missed an opportunity of selling this to a heartburn medicine company.  “Good morning heartache, you’re like an old friend come and see me again”...that would be perfect for a commercial of a guy eating a giant plate of lasagna and making a “Oh boy, I did it again!” face.  The Transplants sold a song to that fruit shampoo, maybe this is something I can retroactively help negotiate.
14. Disorder and Disarray -  I love when punk bands have songs about “business men” being evil and the industry being bad.  Like when Against Me were part of an Anarchist collective and then on a major label putting out really bad music.  Rancid was at least on Epitaph, which while arguably not “cool” it was at least run by a kind of punk dude who is responsible for the biggest/shittiest corporate garbage of a festival, The Warped Tour.  This song has a part towards the end where they talk to each other like David Lee Roth would do in Van Halen songs, that rules.
15. The Wars End - I get that this is a song about little Sammy being a punk rocker but at this point I think they should have admitted this album was fine with 10-12 songs and maybe some of these were super repetitive and unnecessary.  It's like you’re forcing it. I can’t imagine the dude who recorded it had a lot of fun and he probably fell asleep and was startled awake and had to pretend like he’d been paying attention the whole time.
16. You Don’t Care Nothin - This starts out with the exact chord progression from Journey To The End Of The East Bay….c’mon guys. You Don’t Care Nothin about being succinct and making your songs individual expressions of art! The themes even seem like something they’ve already gone over.  I’m going to eat some soup, brb.
17. As Wicked - Is this a different song or a weird breakdown?  Oh, it’s a different song.  Well...this soup is pretty good.  Chicken Noodle, but the chunky kind.  It isn’t amazing but it is good. I should really cook more.  Maybe I’ll order Chinese later.
18. Avenues & Alleyways - I don’t really have a problem with this song because it has the “Oi oi oi” chant that the bands I was in during High School would do and we had no idea why other than popular bands doing it.  It is very catchy.  It sounds like the other two songs were just building up to finally getting your attention back. Plus it has a breakdown with people clapping, that is always fun.  This has to be the last song right? It is the perfect last song on an album!
19. The Way I Feel -  FUUUUUUUCK!  What? Really should have ended the album on that last song, it had a good “anthem” vibe and at least wrapped this up into a somewhat sensible endeavor.  This song could have been stuck in the middle somewhere, or maybe just not recorded with about seven others?  The Way I Feel about this album is that there are some parts that hold up and are still fun to listen to, but the rest of it just seems like I’m being forced to read my own teenage diary and it is boring and sad. Nostalgia is a bummer, I can’t imagine having Rancid still be my favorite band.  I’d probably still wear a chain wallet and spiky bracelet and be one of those obnoxious old drunk weirdos I see at shows that stick out like crazy sore thumbs. Bummer dude.
    Oh wow, what a journey (to the end of the east bay, am I right?)...I’m glad I was finally able to get this review out so people could finally know what this album means to me and my generation of lazy weirdos. This took me six months to write and I should be congratulated for being a journalist with tons of integrity and great taste.  True punks never die, they just eventually chill out and shop at Kohl’s.
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melkinbear-blog · 7 years
More about me.
Artist | Hobbyist | Literature Current Residence: France. Favourite genre of music: Electronica, Synthwave, Metal, Nu Wave (Visage, Depeche Mode...), sometimes weird Electro like Björk. Favourite photographer: Pierre et Gilles. Favourite style of art: Expressionism, Art Brut, Body Art, Dadaïsm. Favourite cartoon character: Hellboy. Personal Quote: "Aucun délice n'égale la terreur" — Clive Barker. Favorite visual artist : Egon Shiele, Gina Pane, Hans Bellmer, Andres Serrano, Max Ernst, Saldadore Dali. Favorite movies: Suspiria from Dario Argento, The Neon Demon by NWR. Favorite TV shows : Tales from the Crypt, American Horror Story, X-Files, Brother Cadfaël. Favorite bands / musical artists : Rammstein, Aurora, Carpenter Brut, Giorgio Moroder, The Vision Bleak, Powerwolf, Nina Hagen, Vitalic, Kraftwerk, Woodkid, Lana Del Rey, Daft Punk, Kawinsky, Enigma, Cliff Martinez, Röyksopp... Favorite books : Coldheart Canyon from Clive Barker. Favorite writers : H.P. Lovecraft, Clive Barker, Serge Brussolo, Edgar Allan Poe, Phillip K. Dick, Charles Baudelaire, Anne Rice Poppy Z. Brite. Favorite games : Bloodborne, MGS, The Evil Within, Catherine, Dishonored, Haunting Ground, Heavy Rain, Rule of Rose. Favorite gaming platform : PS4. Other Interests : Horror movies from the 70s-80s, giallis, chess, eroguro, Video Games, Roleplaying Games, history (especially 18e France, 40's-50's Japan, WW2). Other infos : Presumed Aspie by friends, true fixation on History, Bleu Klein color and Grammar. Have hyperacusis, hate noisy people, crying baby, crowned places. Without filter, weird sense of humor (dark, very personal). Sometimes a real pain in the arse, sometime a real lil' bear cub fill with tenderness.
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snowshinefivez5 · 7 months
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and goodbye 👋🏼 Welcome Home was a fun journey, but I don't have much content for it being with the main cast anymore. NGL may be a while or never again that I draw them but this is my goodbye to the main cast and soon enough with Dali to Welcome Home.
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