#heavy barnaby
snowshinefivez5 · 1 year
This is why Barnaby is so protective of his Medic (Wally)
Some of the frames
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ch3rie-pop · 6 months
So I looked through my art tag and realized I never posted this and it’s a little weird to understand if you’re not familiar with my version of WH Y/N but all it’s really about it sad boi hour comfort
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Who doesn’t need a big squeeze from an oversized teddy bear (dog) every once in a while?
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cakedye · 10 months
a skunk, if you will
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« Whatever could you mean, neighbor? We are still having fun. »
he said, deadpanned
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garrison-alcidae · 9 months
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Ah yes, a mixture of my current two favourite things
tf2 and welcome home
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roxxeatzgravel · 10 months
only 2 ships in this world make me absolutely insane
Heavymedic and Wallaby (also space girl and sugar skull)
so when i saw an AU combining both i went feral
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Tiger & Bunny 2 - Cour 2 - Various Thoughts Post - SPOILERS!!!
I've watched Tiger & Bunny 2 Part 2/Cour 2 and now I want to write up some posts with my thoughts on the cour. Of course, SPOILER WARNING FOR TAIBANI 2 PART 2 / COUR 2! All thoughts will be placed under a Read More.
First, I'm going to start with the smaller thoughts that I have. I want to get the more misc. thoughts up first before I forget them, I'll likely also talk about the plot stuff here, since for me the action and actual plot stuff isn't as important as the thematic and character focused elements of the series.
Then I want to talk about the handling of familial relations in this part of the cour, similar to how I talked about it in regards to cour 1.
The final post I'll get up will be my thoughts on how they handled relationships in general, and how I feel about the ending.
I'll likely also discuss where I think they could take the series if they were to continue it, though, I will say right now, that how they ended this second season makes it so that I feel they could just comfortably end it here as well. Even though I would want more. Not an endless amount of content, but just a bit more. If they never do that though, I'll be okay too.
So, no to the more misc. stuff under the Read More!
1. I love how they opened with an interview with the top duo, just like they did with cour 2 for Season 1. They also focused quite a bit on FireSky this season and I loved how we got to see more of Nathan's business. Also, I fully expect a bunch of FireSky!Secretary!AU fics after this, lmao! I loved that.
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2. Seeing all of the heroes working together and using their own resources and smarts was really nice. T&B also handles exposition and explaining plans and ideas in a very interesting way. They don't explain anything mid-battle like a battle shounen would, but they don't do a complete all show, no tell approach either. They give you, the watchers, all the clues first, then set up situations where explanations need to be given to other characters within the show itself, so those who may not have figured things out on their own (for whatever reason) could be caught up at the same time as the characters.
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3. The series did a great job of avoiding deus ex machina. Aurora easily could have been this. But they worked around that. That being said, I do feel that Barnaby's injury being okay after using Kotetsu's suit. It seemed like too easy of a fix, and a part of me really did want to see both Kotetsu and Barnaby retiring from being superheroes in the end and/or the idea of Barnaby dealing with a debilitating injury, since that is a very realistic scenario and could have provided some interesting commentary. But, I do also understand the direction they wanted to take the series in this regard. I'll talk more on this later.
4. I didn't really have any interest in the whole plot for this cour. The stuff with Gregory Sunshine and stuff was kinda meh for me. Like every time he was on screen, I just wanted him to be off it, lol. I *did* like his interactions with the Ouroboros lady (though, her backstory did feel a bit rushed and wasn't that well done, but it was sufficient enough for me). The way they handled his sexist actions and remarks, and kind of had the two characters in a power struggle with each other, though, was quite interesting and well done to me. We need more anime that do this to pathetic, gross, sexist pervert characters:
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Like, please! It's also in these moments that you can really tell that the director is a woman this time as opposed to S1.
5. Agnes not ending up skinny by the end of the season was beautiful, I loved it! I also love how, like with S1, Agnes pulled through for the heroes at the end, but, like always, she isn't doing it because she necessarily cares about the heroes (though, I do think she does on some level), but because of how much blood, sweat, and tears she has put into HERO TV, lmao. It's honestly so refreshing to have an adult female character in an anime have this sort of personality.
6. I really liked the inclusion of these plush toys:
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It reminded me of the toy bears from Season 1, though this time Kaede likes them too (she has one on her phone).
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I also got teary eyed at Barnaby responding “Maybe,” when the doll asked, “Are you happy?” That may not seem like a positive answer, but for Barnaby it is. I feel that answer is what gives me hope that we might get some more T&B in the future. And I'll talk about that some more in a later post.
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7. I'm so, so glad that they *finally* addressed Karina's crush on Kotetsu. I'll discuss this in far more detail later, but just, thank goodness. It was like they had to spell it out to all the dudebros out there that Kotetsu only ever saw Karina as a child that he cares about. He related himself to an uncle, so he views her like family - like a niece, and that is *never* going to change.
“I’ll be like your uncle that says, “Have fun, but bring her back before her curfew.”
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8. This part of S2 really said ACAB. Especially when they have Agnes being like, "You're shitty ass apology and realization, and eventual help, doesn't negate the fact that you basically sabotaged the heroes and caused a lot more harm than good." She didn't say it quite like that, but that was what she meant, lol. I loved it.
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9. I like the way they hadbRyan deal with Gregory Sunshine, since that was a personal matter for him. I also like that they didn't have Kotetsu use the drug. I was never a fan of that theory, because there was no way I could see it working with Kotetsu's personality without either a *very specific* set of situations or with him just being OOC. It also felt redundant and a bit pointless, since the drug was just to enhance preexisting powers, not magically fix them. So I am a big fan of how they had Kotetsu go into berserk mode instead and lose his powers completely that way. It just personally works better for me.
10. The stuff with LL Audun was okay. His character seemed a bit cheesy, but like that fits. He was like a mix of an actual X-men (appearance-wise) and that old school superhero cheesiness that we sometimes think of. The English dub gave him a voice that really fits an older era as well. It was a nice touch.
11. That being said, I didn't really care for how they had him come to the realization that the heroes were good and that he didn't need to punish them. It felt a bit like lazy writing, but I also think they did a good job of making it clear that this particular character wasn't all quite mentally there anymore.
12. Having Kotetsu confront the truth of Mr. Legend! YES! I have a lot to say about all of that, and it will be in my post on familial relationships in this cour.
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13. There was another time skip and you can really see that in Kaede and her friend. They both look older and just the way Kaede was talking and corresponding with Kotetsu - so much growth on both of their ends. I’ll be discussing this some more in another, later post.
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14. The angle of Gregory's powers being perceived as an unknown contagious disease was quite a choice and made me think of two things: COVID and AIDs (especially given the fact that Cour 2 takes place in the 80s, specifically 1981, which is the same year that the AIDs epidemic started). 
15. Karina, Nathan, Pao-lin, and Lara all have a very physical and visible reaction when they hear that Gregory's powers are supposedly activated via hugging (all agree with the power being odd and they all mimic hugging themselves). None of the male characters do this. It's something I've never really seen before in an anime, but I appreciated that small touch. It's a small detail that I feel really highlights how a female perspective was directing this season.
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16. Mattia with Saito killed me! lmao I feel we’ve all been in a situation like that, where you have trouble understanding someone, but you feel silly or embarrassed about that, so you just kinda nod your head and go with it. But Mattia is legit trying to answer Saito’s questions and it is a mess, haha.
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17. Speaking of Mattia, I really like how they wrote the situation with him. It was really creative to have him be the “betrayer” character, but also not at the same time. Also, the way they incorporated him working with Saito afterwards was nicely done.
18. The main news channel spreading misinformation, discontent, and hatred...As an American with two parents who love a certain Faux News Channel (and watch a certain podcast - all a bunch of stuff that just spews misinformation everywhere)...That really hit close. Also, if I’m not mistaken, the news caster was Lara’s mother’s tennis rival (and ex-friend), which added an extra element to it. Especially when Lara’s mother told her that she was going to be changing (which I’m going to talk about more later) while her rival seems like she is just going to stew in a hateful way of thinking and viewing the world.
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Finally, to end on a sweeter note, let’s talk about the flowers in the new ED (which is beautiful and has a gorgeous song to go with it) :
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The flowers are daisies. 
The General Flower Language Meanings: New Beginnings, Love, Hope, Affection, and more. 
 White: Purity, Innocence 
Yellow: Friendship, Joy, Get Well 
Pink: Gentle Admiration, Affection, Adoration 
All of these meanings fit Kotetsu and Barnaby’s bond and the themes of S2 Cour 2.
That’s it for this section. I’ll have my post on familial relationships and then the buddy relationships (and other relationships - looking at you Antonio x Agnes) up later. So keep an eye out for them. Also, feel free to add your thoughts to these posts, as always, and thanks for reading all of this! <3 
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zimithrus1 · 7 months
Break 💔
A dark-centered Taibani fic 🐯🐰
Summary: ‘Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.’ It’s a saying that Barnaby has said, breathed and practically lived for as long as Kotetsu’s known him. He’s heard it so often it might as well be hard-wired into his brain. As normal and often as he’s heard it said, time and time again… This time feels wrong. Key Tags: Interrupted Suicide Attempt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Loving Reassurance, Angst With A Happy Ending
🔖Read chapter 1 here on ao3🔖
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a-casual-egg · 2 years
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nerdystarlightlove · 1 year
Hey howdy hey, neighbors! ❤️
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I made some ACNH custom designs for Welcome Home! <3 I've become really invested in the ARG, and it inspired me so much that I just had to make something for it! I'm still working on Frank, Barnaby and Poppy, but I was too excited to wait until all of them were done, so please take these! :0D
(Also: I know the name of the Custom Design Creator is different from the name in my bio, and that's because I made these designs on my sister's profile, which is the only profile on our island with connection to the internet and stuff like the Custom Design Portal. I just felt the need to clarify! <3)
Most importantly, all of the artwork - not to mention the wonderful Welcome Home ARG as a whole - belongs to @partycoffin! Their work is seriously so amazing, and I highly recommend checking them out!
If you're considering getting into Welcome Home, please be aware that it's a horror ARG with elements such as gore/blood, heavy eye contact and staring, unreality/derealization, and puppets/mannequins. It's still being developed, but if any of these may trigger you, then it's probably best to avoid it so as to keep yourself safe!
That's all for now, friends! Bye! :D
Edit: Frank’s Custom Design is now done! It can be found using the link below! ❤️
Edit: Barnaby and Poppy are finally here, meaning that the neighborhood is officially complete!
Also! Some of you have mentioned that you can't access these because you don't have Nintendo Online, so if you'd like me to post pictures of the patterns themselves in order to replicate them on your own account, then let me know and I'll be more than happy to do so! ❤️
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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beaglepillar heavy comic i’m working on…… what if barnaby meets howdy’s family and he introduces barn as his Boyfriend…. WHAT IF….
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snowshinefivez5 · 9 months
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So many ships 🚢 Ask away if curious about any of them or the characters in general ✨️
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aerkame · 1 year
Just a silly thought...and more
Just a silly little thought I had on Wally headcanons while I was trying to take a nap. EDIT: This turned into a short fanfiction, I will now have to make this a full one, there's too much potential.
So like Wally comes off as super out of it when it comes to our world almost. Like he's never been outside of the show, he's so used to being in Welcome Home with all his friends. Wally also seems like he's the only one truly sentient of himself within the show and the outside world.
He also seems pretty smug, or some other version of him does, No doubt Wally's ego has to be through the roof with being the center of attention all the time. Not only that, but he gets to spend all day with each and every one of his friends!
I'd imagine that if one day some poor unfortunate reader just accidentally brings home all of the puppets thinking they're ordinary puppets and wakes up early in the morning to these very odd and colorful strangers in their house. Like the puppets just came to life looking like their cartoon versions of themselves and also became life-sized, even some of the shorter characters just tower over you easily, and Barnaby can hardly fit through any of the doors!
Wally is sitting at the edge of your bed staring at you with Barnaby sleeping against his legs, Frank is looking at your shelves reading through books, sketchbooks, etc, Sally being more interested in the sketchbooks, Julie found some workout equipment and is playing with a jump rope, both Poppy and Howdy are rummaging through the kitchen, already antsy about needing to make stuff, Eddie is pretty interested in your printer, and you're sitting up in bed getting ready to scream bloody murder.
You don't scream though, but you're ready to. You can't tell if you're dreaming or not. Dreams are usually a pretty trippy falling feeling right? This feels real though. Where's that weird falling feeling you get when dreaming? Why are you able to think so clearly? Your brows furrow in deep thought.
Wally just sits there smugly smiling at you, leaning forward to give you a hello, he's so tall you feel like a small child compared to him. "Hello, I'm sorry that we had to meet like this, I hope you don't mind." His voice sounds soothing, monotone, and deep, and he isn't blinking. Instinctively, you slap your hand on his face and keep it there, feeling his expression scrunch up in confusion.
Nope, not a dream.
He gently takes your hand in his and removes you from his face, a small red area showing up where you slapped him.
It took about an hour of talking you down from being freaked out for Wally and the others to introduce themselves. They had sooo many questions of course. Like "What is this thing that makes colored paper come out?", "Why do you have these heavy thingies?" Sally holds up a 50lbs dumbbell with one hand like it's nothing, or "Why aren't you more colorful like us? Ooo can we cover you in paint?"
Needless to say you also had a lot of questions too, none of them were really answered though as all of the colorful characters were busy inspecting your house or were preoccupied with asking you about all sorts of items, they were like little kids. Wally was the only one that seemed to be the more mature one here though, it felt off, like he already knew you or like he was used to this.
At dinner, you went ahead and made food for everyone while also showing Poppy how you cook in this world. You noticed Wally didn't touch anything but the food simply disappeared right before your eyes, leaving you slack-jawed and speechless. "Oh don't worry, that's just how he eats!" Sally waved off your concern. This was starting to freak you out a bit.
After dinner you did your best to find places in the house for everyone to sleep until Wally suggested they all just sleep in your room like one big sleepover...something told you that he just wanted an excuse to be closer to you or to be able to keep a close watch though. Que you being squished in between these giant softies like a kid hiding in a giant pillow fort. Barnaby did make for a comfortable pillow though, and Poppy's feathers were so soft...and..and..you dozed off, not taking notice of Wally's staring eyes.
Sure, Wally has his friends to keep him company, and Welcome Home is such a cheery and colorful world! But it's missing just one thing. You.
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chamonabis · 10 months
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It looked sad a little bit, but the warmth was still there, next to Kotetsu, is Barnaby.
A shoulder rest, showing confidence and heaviness.
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A fist, neither tight nor loose. They trust each other, make sure that the other will not let go.
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cvlutos · 1 year
hey there! I just commented on one of your posts and as I was reading it, I had an idea and was wondering if I could brainstorm w you cause I wanna fan girl w someone
Imagine if Reader always tries to escape the Neighborhood. Every time they get past the Neighborhood, they only ever manage reach the edge of the woods. And then everything goes white.
And they wake up as a different person in the show. A newly introduced character and every time, they have to fight to escape again.
When R first wakes up in the neighborhood, they retain all their memories of their past life for only a minute and then they disappear completely.
pls lemme know if you have any thoughts on this!!
No cause this would be so interesting! Was supposed to write a drabble and instead wrote a whole thing. Oops
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✦ | Apr.08th.2023 | —K |
✦ | Wally Darling | Gn!Reader
✦ | Chasing | Your Trapped | Yandere | No Chance of Escape |
✦ | Synopsis: How many times must we do this, neighbor? |
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"Stop it!"
Your voice is hoarse, panicked, angry, frightened. Once pristine black shiny shoes covered in dirt and mud, your clothing rip and torn, as your nails claw and push against the tall, almost fake pine trees. Desperate to get away, needing to get out.
Trees bend and sway, shivering and jumping as the ground begins to change, turning soft and grabbing the soles of your shoes, the edge of your clothing, pulling you—yanking you—tugging you into the ground that swallowed you. You scream, cry out in utter pain, hands clawing at the gooey surface, your body frantically fighting. Ink-like hands grab at your face, pulling your cheeks and dragging you downward, muffling your screams, digging into your eyes. Your vision blurs into pure white.
'How many times must we do this, neighbor?'
You awake with a jolt, you don't have time, tumbling out of your bed with shaky steps, nearly throwing aside your large night stand as you fumbled for a heavy sharp piece of wood, drawing a shaky tally into the wall, your breathing is erratic as the door to your home opens and footsteps near closer to your bedroom.
You don't have time.
Your vision is spotty, salvia slipping past your lips desperate, exhaustion filling your bones as you slump to the floor. A soft sigh drawing your attention as he stands in your doorway, you can make out the smallest smile and wave, before sleep overtakes you.
The note is written with a red crayon, spelled out with a multiple different signatures. Julie, Barnaby, Frank, Poppy, Sally, Eddie, Howdy, & Wally. You can't help but smile at the kind letter, each of your new neighbors taking time to greet you, even though they've never met you. You dust off your colorful clothing, tightening the straps of your red shoes, and fixing your hair as you make your way towards the front door, taking time to inspect your familiar forever home, everything was perfect.
Perfect, Perfect, Perfect.
With familiar perfect colored walls and perfect sized windows. Yet before you can do much more, someone knocks. Once, then twice, before a final three times. Each knock following a musical pattern, that makes you bound happily on each step as you open the door. The sun is bright and shining, the birds always singing as you come face to face with someone you immediately know.
"Hi Neighbor!"
"Wally Darling!" You call his name, like you would an old friend, since that's what he is! Your best friend, your closest friend in the whole wide world. He matches your happiness, tipping his head to you as he elegantly bows, "the one and only."
You smile widens at his antics, watching him stand again and straighten out his blue cardigan, fixing the yellow buttons to all line orderly. "Welcome Home, Neighbor! Now, let us not dilly dally, the others are excited to finally meet you!" He gives you no other second, taking your arm in his as he ushers you out of the house. He walks you down the familiar roads, pointing out all of your neighbor houses, and all the interesting things to do throughout the day.
Things you're familiar with, things you've done before.
"Wally! And Neighbor!" Before you can react, a big ball of blue takes over your vision, lifting out off your feet and hugging you, voices all shouting in chorus, one you've heard before.
"Welcome go the Neighborhood!!"
Time and Time again.
There's a certain unease that follows. Another tally. That lingers behind you like a shadow after every step you take in your ruby red shoes. Another tally. A feeling that tells you over and over and over and over, that something isn't right. Another tally. He isn't right.
You aren't right.
These blue shiny shoes aren't yours. Another tally.
These glittery hair pens don't belong to you. Another tally.
These eyes. This hair. These clothes. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This isn't you. This is you. This is you. This is you. This is you. This is you.
'How many more times must we do this, neighbor?'
It was a mere accident, ripping up the wall paper behind your night stand, revealing the large wall filled tally marks. Each line ffranti, hazardously marked as if whoever wrote them was doing so quickly, with escape written in messy letters.
This is how it always begins. Every time you find this wall, every time you see the tally marks, a tally mark you once drew, you remember. You're trapped and must escape.
"No matter how many times we do this, you always remember... I don't understand why you want to leave, Neighbor."
Wally stands in your bedroom doorway, shoulders slack, as he lets out a sigh, his smile returning. "But it's okay Neighbor! You must really love this game. And I'll keep playing until your absolutely satisfied!"
He steps to the side, waving out his arm to you, motioning towards the open door, to the open exit.
And you run.
Another tally.
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ⓒ 2023 cvlutos — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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walliedarling · 1 year
I like to think that human reader is waaayyy more sturdier than anyone in the neighbourhood. If they are really made out of felt and fur, I think that pretty heavy winds are a big no for them. Except for the reader, as they can stand in the wind with no consequences. Maybe rain too? I feel like the reader helps around the town with their advantages. They may not be as tall as Poppy, Barnaby or Howdy, but give them a call and they will bring anything over to one place to the other in any condition. (Maybe during heavy winds, it’s the reader who helps Eddie?)
You're definitely far more sturdy than the others! I really really like this idea!!
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The other neighbours all hole up in their homes during bad weather, especially rain. Their bodies simply aren't meant to endure harsher conditions! The water sinks into their felt, messes up their hair, and makes it difficult to move. Since it takes forever to dry, if they're caught in a bad rain spell without an umbrella, their bodies are heavy and sluggish for days afterwards.
It's no fun at all, or so you've heard. (Imagine their surprise when they hear you can swim! It's a concept they simply haven't ever considered.) Getting soaked isn't exactly a party for you either, but at least you can just wipe everything off, or change your clothes.
You feel at your most useful during worse weather, and bad days. There is always at least one of your neighbours stuck all alone at home, so you brave the weather to go and see them! You go around making deliveries as well, whether they be groceries or letters. Just for the occasion, Eddie lets you wear his cap. He has the responsibility to deliver the post on time, and if that means temporarily passing on his duties to someone else, he'll do it!
As long as you leave your muddy shoes on the doormat, everyone is always eager to invite you inside.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
T&B Buddy Compatibility Based on Zodiac Years
Now that we have specific zodiac years associated with the heroes in Tiger & Bunny, I decided to check out each Buddy Pairs' compatibility, lol. So, here is a little thread going from most to least compatible, with the chart I used as a reference in the last post. Let's start!
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1st - Most Compatible - Lara & Pao-lin (Rat & Dragon) - 100% - Perfect. 
This makes sense to me, since Lara & Pao-lin's issues as buddies came from an external source (Lara's mother), rather than with any compatibility issues.
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2nd - Greatly Compatible - Karina & Ryan (Goat/Sheep & Pig) - 90% - Awesome. 
 This makes sense to me too. They have some issues, of course, but once they get each other - they get each other 100% and they have a lot of actual romantic chemistry in-series.
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3rd - Decently Compatible - Nathan & Keith (Horse & Rooster) - 60% - Workable.  
This buddy pair was really unexpected for like every Tiger & Bunny fan, and we saw that they were really struggling to understand each other for a while. But then, when they got it, they were good.
The rest are going under a Read More because of length.
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4th - Decently Compatible - Thomas & Subaru (Snake & Dog) - 60% - Workable.  
These two have a rough partnership. When they do get it right though, then they work quite well together. An outside influence (like Ruby) also makes their partnership work better.
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5th - Somewhat Compatible - Kotetsu & Barnaby (Tiger & Rabbit) - 50% - Average.  
I really like that Kotetsu and Barnaby's zodiac years aren't 100% compatible. I think it reflects how they had to, and still have to, work hard to reach the level of companionship that they have.
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6th - Least Compatible - Antonio & Ivan (Ox & Monkey) - 30% - Tricky.  
I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone, lol. Their Buddy Pair had the most work (even more than HIT & Black). They are completely different personality types. But do finally find some common ground.
Obviously, these aren't the actual zodiac years of all the T&B characters (since we still don't know the exact DOB for many of the characters). But these are the years they are representing, and the compatibility levels match up well, imo. Here is the image I used as a source:
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