#popular taxi firm
cxrrodedcoffin · 2 months
Don’t Call Me Kid - Aaron Hotchner
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“don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby, look at this godforsaken mess that you made me.”
Likes are always appreciated but reblogs and feedback keep artists going!
Summary: Reader confesses their feelings for Hotch, they have an angsty yet adult conversation about it.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: I was originally not going to give this a happy ending but I got too sad writing it and changed my mind, also yes i’ve been writing a lot don’t criticize me lol
TW: alcohol mention, angst, age gap, slight physical touch (all respectful, nothing sexual), slight implied daddy issues, fem reader
Rating: G
Aaron Hotchner was not a man one could approach without a level head. He was rational, always thinking of the most reasonable course of action, weighing every outcome before making any decision. He had to be, as hasty decision-making had cost him more than he cared to discuss.
You knew that, you’d worked under him for two years now and although he didn’t discuss his private life all that frequently at work, these weekly team meetups at the local bar taught you more than enough about him as a person. The usual stoic head of the team was kind, funny, encouraging, albeit a bit quiet until he knew you a bit better.
About a year into your time with the team you let slip that you’d never explored the city, and Rossi wasted no time letting Aaron know about it. A week later he was driving you around, explaining the history behind the popular monuments you had requested a visit to, then spending an hour at the Folger Shakespeare Library to admire the historic architecture and impressive selection of literature, and ending the day at the Moongate Garden, watching the sunset on a bench surrounded by cherry blossoms.
From that day you knew if there was anything you needed, all you had to do was ask. He’d shown you your favorite restaurant, the coffee shop you sat in every free morning you had, reading books he’d suggested you read. You didn’t want to admit it, but you had fallen hard for him, and over the last year those feelings became harder and harder to push down.
It was 2 a.m. and the bartender had announced last call, earning a disappointed groan from Penelope.
“We were just getting started!” She whined, her speech slightly slurred.
“You’ve had more than enough for tonight Babygirl, let’s get you home.” Derek caught her waist, steadying her as she rose from the booth the team had been sitting in.
“I better get going too, Will has to work early so I have to take Henry to school in the morning.” JJ added, playfully rolling her eyes.
The rest of the group finished up their drinks, wrapping up the current conversation before shuffling out of the bar. You said your goodbyes, giving parting hugs before pulling out your phone, ready to order yourself a rideshare home. Your cell service was almost non-existent and the app was taking forever to load, the chill in the air causing goosebumps to form on your bare legs. You raised your phone in the air, trying to gain a better signal as you walked back and forth in front of the bar, growing increasingly frustrated.
Aaron exited the bar as you made another pass by the entrance, tripping as your ankle wobbled in your heels. He was quick to catch you, helping you find your footing once more.
“Do you have a ride home?” He asked, offering you his suit jacket for warmth.
“I’m trying to order a taxi but the app won’t load.” Your frustration was evident, each tap of your finger against the glass of your smartphone just a little too firm.
“You don’t live far, correct? I can walk you home.” He offered, his hand still lingering on the small of your back to steady you. You weren’t drunk, not by a long shot, but you didn’t handle your liquor the best and although you were mostly there mentally, your center of gravity had been better.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to go out of your way for me.” You countered, always raised to decline at least once when offered anything to remain polite.
“I want to make sure you get home safe, it’s really no trouble.” You knew he was earnest, always such a father figure to every member of the team. You put your phone in your bag, throwing it over your shoulder before turning to walk down the street that led to your apartment building.
You walked in silence for a while, his hand hovering behind you just in case your clumsiness kicked in along your walk. His suit jacket was surprisingly warm, the stiff fabric shielding your bare arms from the cold. You weren’t sure why you’d chosen to wear a short sleeved blouse when it was nearing the end of fall, but you suspected it subconsciously had something to do with how well the v-neck showed off your cleavage. You felt a bit pathetic sometimes, finding any way you could to attempt to pull his attention. It never worked, Aaron respected you too much to stare at your figure no matter how provocatively you dressed.
After a few blocks your heel caught on a storm grate, making you stumble forward. His reflexes were impressive as ever, his arm reaching out to catch your waist.
“I swear I’m not usually this clumsy.” You joked, straightening your skirt as you started again on your journey home. He didn’t say anything, but the slight smile his lips formed told you he found your try at humor in an awkward moment amusing.
“It’s just around this corner, I’ll be fine from here.” You tried to wave him off, dying to disappear into your apartment to prevent further embarrassing yourself.
“I’m walking you up to your apartment, I need to see you home safe.” He stated, turning the corner with you. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, his domineering yet caring tone making your heart race. This was all becoming too much, the protectiveness, the slight touches, you could feel something burning in your chest, the urge to spill your guts growing stronger by the minute.
He waited for you to punch in the code to the front door of your apartment building before holding it open for you, following you to the elevator up to your floor. You took the quiet ride up, him continuing to follow you down the hallway to your apartment when the doors opened. You opened your bag, fiddling around for your keys for a moment before finding them, your hand shaking as you tried to unlock the door. You finally got it, pushing open the front door and stepping into your messy living room.
“How are you getting home?” You asked, setting your bag on the small table next to the door.
“I’ll order a taxi, I’m just glad you’re home safe.” He began to pull out his phone, and the liquid courage coursing through your veins told you to invite him in.
“Do you want to come in while you wait?” You offered, handing his suit coat back to him. He stepped inside, shutting the door behind him and making sure to lock it, never too cautious.
He laid his suit coat over the back of your coach, taking a seat before taking out his phone again to order his ride.
“It won’t be ready for another 30 minutes, I hope I’m not overstaying my welcome.” He was far too courteous, and all you wanted to do was tell him how badly you wanted him to stay forever.
“You could never.” You told him, kicking off your heels before sitting next to him on the couch. You took a deep breath, trying to settle yourself as you picked up the book that was resting on your coffee table. You watched over the top of the pages to see him glancing around the room, scanning the contents until he stopped on the media console across the room. He stood from his place next to you and walked over to it, taking a knee to get down to the same level as your record collection.
“You have impressive taste.” He stated matter-of-factly, his long fingers brushing across the spines of each album. You gave a quiet ‘thank you’ as he began to pull a record out, and you placed your book down again to see what had caught his eye.
“I didn’t know you listened to The Beatles.” He held up the jacket of the band’s white album, looking to you in slight disbelief.
“Of course, The White Album is one of the greatest of all time.” You were excited to talk music with him, it was a topic you’d never discussed before and you were always eager to learn more about him. That may have been to your own detriment, because the more you learned about him, the harder you seemed to fall.
You knew a relationship between the two of you could never happen, he was your superior, not to mention twenty years your senior, but something felt like it was pulling you to him no matter how many guys you tried to distract yourself with.
“You never fail to surprise me.” He smiled, the outer corners of his eyes crinkling just so. You could’ve died right there, content to collapse into a puddle of yearning. You didn’t know what came over you, but you found yourself clearing your throat as a rush of adrenaline coursed through you.
“Aaron, I have to tell you something.” Your voice shook, but you remained strong in your conviction.
His faint smile turned to a look of concern, quickly rising from his knee to join you on the couch again.
“What is it?” He questioned, brow furrowed as he angled his body toward you.
“I-It’s, nevermind.” That burst of adrenaline quickly faded, his eyes on you feeling like a cigarette burn.
“Y/N, whatever it is, you can trust me. I understand if you’re not comfortable telling me, but don’t let fear hold you back on my account.” He reassured you, resting his hand on your knee sympathetically. You had to do it, there was no way you could face him every day if you brushed him off without an explanation.
“I’m in love with you.” You blurted out, hanging your head, too afraid of what his reaction would be to dare look him in the eye. The silence that sat between you two felt like it carried on forever, tension thick enough to cut with a knife. After what felt like an eternity he cleared his throat, still holding his hand on your knee.
“Why do you feel that way?” He asked, trying to understand where this was coming from. He couldn’t deny that he had felt chemistry between you, but it wasn’t something he could ever entertain acting on.
“Over the last year I’ve gotten to know you in ways I never dreamed I would, I’ve never felt this way for anyone before, even those I once thought I loved in the past. You’ve been so kind, Aaron, you’re an incredible friend, father, leader, how could I be anything but amazed by you?” You felt as though you were rambling, but he seemed so invested in your answer that you didn’t care if what you said was rational.
“I understand.” He confirmed, turning silent as the gears turned in his mind. You could tell he was fighting something internally, the look of concentration on his face seeming almost painful.
You pulled your knee out from under his hand, your nerves convinced that he was looking for a way to fire you without creating an HR nightmare. As quickly as you pulled away he had moved closer to you, his hand finding its place on your knee once more.
“Look at me.” He said, thumb rubbing soothing circles against your skin. You did as you were told, tears threatening your waterline as you did your best to hold his gaze.
“I’m not going to lie to you, you are a very charming young woman and I’d be honored to pursue something more intimate with you, but we can’t. I’m your superior, and you’re young enough to be my daughter.” He explained, the pain in his expression serving to break your heart in two.
“I don’t care.” You were not thinking rationally in that moment, your heart speaking for you instead of your head.
“You should, this is your future.” His tone held frustration this time, finding your childish response disappointing.
“I am not a child Aaron, I can make my own decisions.” You told him, a tear slipping down your cheek as you grew increasingly frustrated with his stonewalling.
“I know that, but you’re young, you have so much to experience and you shouldn’t put that on hold for me, or anyone else for that matter.” Even through his anger he was just trying to steer you in the responsible direction, thinking more about your future than whatever desires he held.
“I have all I’ve ever wanted, my dream has always been to work for the FBI. I don’t have any delusions of grandeur, I never have. I want a job where I’m doing good and a family to come home to when all is said and done.” You explained, and it wasn’t a lie. It’s not that you weren’t driven, you clearly had to be to even make it to the bureau, but that was as far as you wanted your drive to take you.
“For this to work, I can not be your boss, and I won’t ask you to step down.” He continued evaluating each possible risk in your dynamic, and for once you were one step ahead of him.
“You don’t have to, I put in for a transfer to the financial crime unit last week.” You finally let the other secret you’d been keeping slip, and you watched his face drop in disappointment.
“The team is going to miss you more than you know.” He told you, wishing he had known so he could have convinced you otherwise.
“I know, but I couldn’t bare the thought of being around you every day while I feel like this, and I was fascinated by the way their team handled the case we partnered with them on last month. The timing felt right.” You explained, needing him to know that it was not his fault, but a conscious decision you made.
“I just want to try.” You pleaded one last time, hoping he’d let his walls down just this once.
“If this is really what you want, I’ll take you out next weekend. If we’re going to do this, I’m going to do it the right way, you deserve that much.” He gave in, letting himself do something personally risky for the first time in years.
“I would love that.” You agreed, all of the anger and frustration that had been building up over the last year finally starting to dissipate ever so slightly.
How it would pay off, only time would tell, but for now, you were content to just get to know him more and show him who you are the best you can.
Part 2 can be found here
Tag List: @pleasantwitchgarden @lover-of-books-and-tea
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alharamaintours · 14 days
Efficient Taxi Service in Makkah for Business Travelers
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Introduction :
Although Makkah is known as a religious destination for thousands of pilgrims, it's becoming a popular destination for business travelers. The city's growing infrastructure, expanding opportunities for investment and hosting numerous events and conferences makes Makkah an ideal place for professionals to visit. For business travelers it is essential to be punctual. importance, and effective transport is crucial to keeping on track and maximizing productivity. A reliable Taxi Service in Makkah could be the key to making sure smooth travel for business experts in Saudi Arabia.
Here's the reason why choosing a dependable taxi service is vital for business travelers who visit Makkah.
1. Punctuality: Stay on Schedule
Business travelers are often working within short schedules, ranging from conferences and meetings in between site trips and social events. In such instances, dependable transportation is vital. Effective taxi service in Makkah are punctual, and will ensure that you get to your destination in time.
Taxi firms that cater to business travelers understand the importance of sticking to schedules and serve services that satisfy your particular requirements. If you book your rides in advance or make a request for a taxi on demand and minimize the chance of having to wait for delays. Taxi services often offer real-time GPS tracking so that you can track the driver's arrival, and warrant your trip will be timed to perfection.
2. Streamlined Booking Options
Business travelers' efficiency is the top concern. Taxi services that are efficient in Makkah provide streamlined booking methods that allow you to book your taxi through mobile applications or websites, or even over the phone. If you require transportation between the airport and your hotel or from your hotel to a conference You can plan everything ahead of time to avoid the hassle of locating the last-minute transportation.
The majority of taxi apps will also save your history of bookings which makes it easy to go back and repeat routes you've used frequently or set preferred destinations, and also manage diverse bookings when you're planning transportation for a group of coworkers.
3. Corporate-Friendly Services
Taxi companies that cater to business travelers typically provide corporate-friendly solutions, including corporate accounts as well as invoicing options. These options allow companies to simplify travel expenses and focus on providing transparent the process of billing.
With a corporate bank account, companies can easily monitor employee transportation costs, which will result in an accurate report and reduce expenses. Invoicing services make it easier to pay for business travelers, since they do not have to fear managing credit or cash while on the move. Instead, they are able to focus completely on their job.
4. Airport Transfers for Hassle-Free Travel
A new city and having to navigate the transport options could be difficult especially after a long flight. Effective taxi service in Makkah deliver seamless airport transfers that ensure business passengers are promptly picked up and transferred to their destinations without difficulty.
Makkah is served by the close King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah which makes the use of a well-qualified taxi service essential to make the long commute Jeddah as well as Makkah. There are many taxi companies that offer meet-and-greet options where a driver is waiting for you at your airport arrival, aids with luggage and gives you easy transportation from your home, hotel office and conference location.
5. Privacy and Professionalism
Business travelers frequently require an intimate and competent space to commute whether it's for making calls, checking emails, or getting ready for meetings. Taxi services that are efficient in Makkah recognize how important privacy is and security for business clients and impart the most private, cozy setting during your journey.
Taxi drivers that cater to professionals at work keep a high standard of professionalism. They provide an enjoyable and peaceful ride that allows passengers to concentrate on their work without interruptions. Furthermore, premium services typically include luxury vehicles that are equipped with Wi-Fi, which allows passengers to stay connected even while driving.
6. Competent Drivers, Familiar With Business Districts
A great taxi service doesn't only focus on taking you from one place to B, it's about doing it using a well-qualified approach. occupational taxi driver drivers from Makkah are well-versed in the city's major business districts including hotels, corporate offices, and convention centers. They know the best ways to get around traffic at the peak times and assure punctuality in arrivals.
Furthermore, skillful drivers are aware of the desirable spots for passengers to be dropped off and parked close to businesses, which ensures seamless transitions with no long walking or delays. Business travelers attending events at large venues like Makkah Convention Center Makkah Convention Center or luxury hotels, well-qualified drivers bring an additional level of comfort.
7. Flexible, 24/7 Availability
Business conferences and meetings aren't always in line with normal working timings. It doesn't matter if it's an early morning gathering or a late-night networking event, professional taxicabs from Makkah provide 24/7 service, providing complete flexibility to business travelers. With this 24/7 availability, whatever time you require transportation you can count on well-qualified transport to meet your schedule.
If there are any last-minute modifications to the plans you have for your trip the majority of taxi service providers allow quick cancellations or modifications to your reservations, making sure that your travel plans remain as efficient as possible.
8. Group Travel Made Easy
For businesses that have teams traveling together, organizing transportation for a group can be a challenge. Taxi services that are efficient provide larger vehicles that cater to groups which makes it easier to take teams for meetings, visits to sites or corporate events.
If you require a large SUV, van, or a luxurious vehicle for business travel, taxi firms in Makkah impart various choices to meet the needs and needs for your team. It ensures that your group is in sync and punctually, eliminating the logistics headaches that come with several taxis or rental vehicles.
9. Eco-Friendly Transportation Options
Since businesses are continuing to implement eco-friendly practices many are seeking sustainable ways to transport their employees for business travel. To meet this increasing demand, a number of taxi service in Makkah are now offering eco-friendly vehicles like electric or hybrid taxis.
If you choose an eco-friendly taxi company, corporate travelers are able to cut down on their carbon footprint, while still maintaining the same efficiency and convenience. This opportunity is not just in line with the sustainability objectives of companies but also allows travelers to help protect the environment while in Makkah.
ConclusionEfficient Taxi Service in Makkah for Business Travelers
Business travelers that are in Saudi Arabia reliable Taxi Service in Makkah play an important part in ensuring smooth, efficient trips. From prompt transfer to airports and skillful drivers to eco-friendly and corporate-friendly solutions, these taxi services are specifically designed to meet the demands of professionals. When you're going to networking events, meetings, or a conference, picking the best taxi service will improve your travel experience by making it more comfortable, efficient, reliable, and effective.
For More Information: Alharamaintours.com
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mariacallous · 1 year
If you live in Russia, there’s no avoiding Yandex. The tech giant—often referred to as “Russia’s Google”—is part of daily life for millions of people. It dominates online search, ride-hailing, and music streaming, while its maps, payment, email, and scores of other services are popular. But as with all tech giants, there’s a downside of Yandex being everywhere: It can gobble up huge amounts of data.
In January, Yandex suffered the unthinkable. It became the latest in a short list of high-profile firms to have its source code leaked. An anonymous user of the hacking site BreachForums publicly shared a downloadable 45-gigabyte cache of Yandex’s code. The trove, which is said to have come from a disgruntled employee, doesn’t include any user data but provides an unparalleled view into the operation of its apps and services. Yandex’s search engine, maps, AI voice assistant, taxi service, email app, and cloud services were all laid bare.
The leak also included code from two of Yandex’s key systems: its web analytics service, which captures details about how people browse, and its powerful behavioral analytics tool, which helps run its ad service that makes millions of dollars. This kind of advertising system underpins much of the modern web’s economy, with Google, Facebook, and thousands of advertisers relying on similar technologies. But the systems are largely black holes.
Now, an in-depth analysis of the source code belonging to these two services, by Kaileigh McCrea, a privacy engineer at cybersecurity firm Confiant, is shedding light on how the systems work. Yandex’s technologies collect huge volumes of data about people, and this can be used to reveal their interests when it is “matched and analyzed” with all of the information the company holds, Confiant’s findings say.
McCrea says the Yandex code shows how the company creates household profiles for people who live together and predicts people's specific interests. From a privacy perspective, she says, what she found is “deeply unsettling.” “There are a lot of creepy layers to this onion,” she says. The findings also reveal that Yandex has one technology in place to share some limited information with Rostelecom, the Russian-government-backed telecoms company.
Yandex’s chief privacy officer, Ivan Cherevko, in detailed written answers to WIRED’s questions, says the “fragments of code” are outdated, are different from the versions currently used, and that some of the source code was “never actually used” in its operations. “Yandex uses user data only to create new services and improve existing ones,” and it “never sells user data or discloses data to third parties without user consent,” he says.
However, the analysis comes as Russia’s tech giant is going through significant changes. Following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Yandex is splitting its parent company, based in the Netherlands, from its Russian operations. Analysts believe the move could see Yandex in Russia become more closely connected to the Kremlin, with data being put at risk.
“They have been trying to maintain this image of a more independent and Western-oriented company that from time to time protested some repressive laws and orders, helping attract foreign investments and business deals,” says Natalia Krapiva, tech-legal counsel at digital rights nonprofit Access Now. “But in practice, Yandex has been losing its independence and caving in to the Russian government demands. The future of the company is uncertain, but it’s likely that the Russia-based part of the company will lose the remaining shreds of independence.”
Data Harvesting
The Yandex leak is huge. The 45 GB of source code covers almost all of Yandex’s major services, offering a glimpse into the work of its thousands of software engineers. The code appears to date from around July 2022, according to timestamps included within the data, and it mostly uses popular programming languages. It is written in English and Russian, but also includes racist slurs. (When it was leaked in January, Yandex said this was “deeply offensive and completely unacceptable,” and it detailed some ways that parts of the code broke its own company policies.)
McCrea manually inspected two parts of the code: Yandex Metrica and Crypta. Metrica is the firm’s equivalent of Google Analytics, software that places code on participating websites and in apps, through AppMetrica, that can track visitors, including down to every mouse movement. Last year, AppMetrica, which is embedded in more than 40,000 apps in 50 countries, caused national security concerns with US lawmakers after the Financial Times reported the scale of data it was sending back to Russia.
This data, McCrea says, is pulled into Crypta. The tool analyzes people’s online behavior to ultimately show them ads for things they’re interested in. More than 300 “factors” are analyzed, according to the company’s website, and machine learning algorithms group people based on their interests. “Every app or service that Yandex has, which is supposed to be over 90, is funneling data into Crypta for these advertising segments in one form or another,” McCrea says.
Some data collected by Yandex is handed over when people use its services, such as sharing their location to show where they are on a map. Other information is gathered automatically. Broadly, the company can gather information about someone’s device, location, search history, home location, work location, music listening and movie viewing history, email data, and more.
The source code shows AppMetrica collecting data on people’s precise location, including their altitude, direction, and the speed they may be traveling. McCrea questions how useful this is for advertising. It also grabs the names of the Wi-Fi networks people are connecting to. This is fed into Crypta, with the Wi-Fi network name being linked to a person’s overall Yandex ID, the researcher says. At times, its systems attempt to link multiple different IDs together.
“The amount of data that Yandex has through the Metrica is so huge, it's just impossible to even imagine it,” says Grigory Bakunov, a former Yandex engineer and deputy CTO who left the company in 2019. “It's enough to build any grouping, or segmentation of the audience.” The segments created by Crypta appear to be highly specific and show how powerful data about our online lives is when it is aggregated. There are advertising segments for people who use Yandex’s Alice smart speaker, “film lovers” can be grouped by their favorite genre, there are laptop users, people who “searched Radisson on maps,” and mobile gamers who show a long-term interest.
McCrea says some categories stand out more than others. She says a “smokers” segment appears to track people who purchase smoking-related items, like e-cigarettes. While “summer residents” may indicate people who have holiday homes and uses location data to determine this. There is also a “travelers” section that can use location data to track whether they have traveled from their normal location to another—it includes international and domestic fields. One part of the code looked to pull data from the Mail app and included fields about “boarding passes” and “hotels.”
Some of this information “doesn’t sound that unusual” for online advertising, McCrea says. But the big question for her is whether creating personalized adverting is a good enough reason to collect “this invasive level of information.” Behavioral advertising has long followed people around the web, with companies hoovering up people’s data in creepy ways. Regulators have failed to get a grip on the issue, while others have suggested it should be banned. “When you think about what else you could do, if you can make that kind of calculation, it's kind of creepy, especially in Russia,” McCrea says. She suggests it is not implausible to create segments for military-aged men who are looking to leave Russia.
Yandex’s Cherevko says that grouping users by interests is an “industry standard practice” and that it isn’t possible for advertisers to identify specific people. Cherevko says the collection of information allows people to be shown specific ads: “gardening products to a segment of users who are interested in summer houses and car equipment to those who visit gas stations.” Crypta analyzes a person’s online behavior, Cherevko says, and “calculates the probability” they belong to a specific group.
“For Crypta, each user is represented as a set of identifiers, and the system cannot associate them with a natural person in the real world,” Cherevko claims. “This kind of set is probabilistic only.” He adds that Crypta doesn’t have access to people’s emails and says the Mail data in the code about boarding passes and hotels was an “experiment.” Crypta “received only de-identified information about the category from Mail,” and the method has not been used since 2019, Cherevko says. He adds that Yandex deletes “user geolocation” collected by AppMetrica after 14 days.
While the leaked source code offers a detailed view of how Yandex’s systems may operate, it is not the full picture. Artur Hachuyan, a data scientist and AI researcher in Russia who started his own firm doing analytics similar to Crypta, says he did not find any pretrained machine learning models when he inspected the code or references to data sources or external databases of Yandex’s partners. It’s also not clear, for instance, which parts of the code were not used.
McCrea’s analysis says Yandex assigns people household IDs. Details in the code, the researcher says, include the number of people in a household, the gender of people, and if they are any elderly people or children. People’s location data is used to group them into households, and they can be included if their IP addresses have “intersected,” Cherevko says. The groupings are used for advertising, he says. “If we assume that there are elderly people in the household, then we can invite advertisers to show them residential complexes with an accessible environment.”
The code also shows how Yandex can combine data from multiple services. McCrea says in one complex process, an adult’s search data may be pulled from the Yandex search tool, AppMetrica, and the company’s taxi app to predict whether they have children in their household. Some of the code categorizes whether children may be over or under 13. (Yandex’s Cherevko says people can order taxis with children’s seats, which is a sign they may be “interested in specific content that might be interesting for someone with a child.”)
One element within the Crypta code indicates just how all of this data can be pulled together. A user interface exists that acts as a profile about someone: It shows marital status, their predicted income, whether they have children, and three interests—which include broad topics such as appliances, food, clothes, and rest. Cherevko says this is an “internal Yandex tool” where employees can see how Crypta’s algorithms classify them, and they can only access their own information. “We have not encountered any incidents related to access abuse,” he says.
Government Influence
Yandex is going through a breakup. In November 2022, the company’s Netherlands-based parent organization, Yandex NV, announced it will separate itself from the Russian business, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Internationally, the company, which will change its name, is planning to develop self-driving technologies and cloud computing, while divesting itself from search, advertising, and other services in Russia. Various Russian businessmen have been linked to the potential sale. (At the end of July, Yandex NV said it plans to propose its restructuring to shareholders later this year.)
While the uncoupling is being worked out, Russia has been trying to consolidate its control of the internet and increasing censorship. A slew of new laws requires more companies and government services in the country to use home-grown tech. For instance, this week, Finland and Norway’s data regulators blocked Yandex’s international taxi app from sending data back to Russia due to a new law, which comes into force in September, that will allow the Federal Security Service (FSB) access to taxi data.
These nationalization efforts coupled with the planned ownership change at Yandex are creating concerns that the Kremlin may soon be able to use data gathered by the company. Stanislav Shakirov, the CTO of Russian digital rights group Roskomsvoboda and founder of tech development organization Privacy Accelerator, says historically Yandex has tried to resist government demands for data and has proved better than other firms. (In June, it was fined 2 million rubles ($24,000) for not handing data to Russian security services.) However, Shakirov says he thinks things are changing. “I am inclined to believe that Yandex will be attempted to be nationalized and, as a consequence, management and policy will change,” Shakirov says. “And as a consequence, user data will be under much greater threat than it is now.”
Bakunov, the former Yandex engineer, who reviewed some of McCrea’s findings at WIRED’s request, says he is scared by the potential for the misuse of data going forward. He says it looks like Russia is a “new generation” of a “failed state,” highlighting how it may use technology. “Yandex here is the big part of these technologies,” he says. “When we built this company, many years ago, nobody thought that.” The company’s head of privacy, Cherevko, says that within the restructuring process, “control of the company will remain in the hands of management.” And its management makes decisions based on its “core principles.”
But the leaked code shows, in one small instance, that Yandex may already share limited information with one Russian government-linked company. Within Crypta are five “matchers” that sync fingerprinting events with telecoms firms—including the state-backed Rostelecom. McCrea says this indicates that the fingerprinting events could be accessible to parts of the Russian state. “The shocking thing is that it exists,” McCrea says. “There's nothing terribly shocking within it.” (Cherevko says the tool is used for improving the quality of advertising, helping it to improve its accuracy, and also identifying scammers attempting to conduct fraud.)
Overall, McCrea says that whatever happens with the company, there are lessons about collecting too much data and what can happen to it over time when circumstances change. “Nothing stays harmless forever,” she says.
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ianmitchellking · 2 years
Example of Crisis Management
The process of identifying, assessing, comprehending, and dealing with a problematic issue is known as crisis management.
External causes, such as a natural disaster, a security breach, or false rumours that harm an organization's brand, can all contribute to a crisis.
Companies should build a comprehensive crisis management plan to respond to these situations, regardless of the reason. This will help to safeguard the company's reputation and personnel.
Johnson & Johnson's approach to the Tylenol issue in 1982 has become a model for how a firm may get it right amid a crisis. Seven people were poisoned after eating cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules, the company's most popular product.
Unlike many other corporations at the time, J&J prioritized consumer safety before financial considerations. The corporation collaborated with police to investigate the mystery and offered a reward for any information leading to the culprits of the crime.
The issue also aided the corporation by increasing public trust in the product. Customers who had questioned the safety of over-the-counter medications began to use them again, and Tylenol's market share surged.
Whether you're waiting for a taxi or a bus, every clock ticktock matters. That's why the smartphone app Uber devised the concept of a 'uber' service to eliminate the pain of queuing and simplify travel.
But, cab firms and government officials have criticized the company's controversial business model, which charges drivers extra for peak-hours rides. It also incentivizes fares to climb at peak demand periods, such as New Year's Eve, which has sparked customer outrage.
Employees have also accused the corporation of sexual harassment. And CEO Travis Kalanick was filmed berating a driver.
United Airlines had a big public relations crisis in April 2017 when video evidence of security officials violently removing a passenger surfaced. During the incident, Dr David Dao, 69, was taken from his seat and bloodied by security agents.
The airline made a series of tweets and remarks in the hours following the tragedy. Instead of apologizing, they reiterated their previous statement, calling the passenger "disruptive and confrontational." This is a textbook case of poor crisis management.
P&G has a long history of adapting to weather interruptions by utilizing its IWS culture. It was critical in the company's successful navigation of COVID-19, which affected every plant worldwide.
In Egypt, for example, the corporation had to make decisions about how to keep its operations operational and its employees safe while coping with political unrest and violence.
The company's reaction was textbook crisis management. It acted fast and responsibly, gaining widespread support through lighter humour.
When Procter & Gamble faced a weird internet challenge in which teens filmed themselves eating Tide Pods, they knew they had to act immediately to defend their brand. They also ensured that they were completely honest about the facts and not at fault. This was a crucial lesson for other businesses since realizing that unanticipated disasters might occur without your company's fault is essential.
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alvinstrat · 5 days
A Quick Review Of The 7 Platform Business Articles Among The 10 Most Cited Articles In 2023 In The Strategic Management Journal
A quick review of the 7 most cited articles on platform businesses (also called ibusinesses or more generally known to the public as apps and digital business) which are quite popular in strategy science these days.
This is unsurprising given the proliferation of many successful platform businesses from Google to Facebook to Tiktok to Alibaba over the past 2 decades. A lot of contemporary research has been focused on analysing these businesses to try to understand in detail how they work and what are the ingredients that facilitate business success.
Platform ecosystems as meta-organizations: Implications for platform strategies – Tobias Kretschmer, Aija Leiponen, Melissa Schilling, Gurneeta Vasudeva
This is an special feature introductory review of the meta-organisational features of platform ecosystems. It is interesting to me because it focuses on areas such as motivation, authority and governance, which are not that well understood yet.
Liminal movement by digital platform-based sharing economy ventures: The case of Uber Technologies – Raghu Garud, Arun Kumaraswamy, Anna Roberts, Le Xu
This is the famous case study of Uber. I have read it a few times previously.
It is basically describing the marketing and PR of Uber as it navigates governments. The authors focused on the non market strategies of Uber and found that Uber used a series of interrelated market and nonmarket strategies, which they label as liminal movement, to generate cognitive and sociopolitical legitimacy as it disrupted the taxi industry worldwide a decade ago.
Mutualism and the dynamics of new platform creation: A study of Cisco and fog computing – Saeed Khanagha, Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari, Sotirios Paroutis, Luciano Oviedo
This is an interesting case study of Fog and Cloud, 2 competing platform businesses involving Cisco. Cisco is a complementor (basically this means it is not the owner but a participant) on Cloud while on Fog it is the owner.
The authors developed a process model to reveal how a firm in a peripheral role in a platform ecosystem can reposition itself through a dynamic mix of material, symbolic and institutional actions to develop and legitimise an alternative platform.
User preferences and strategic interactions in platform ecosystems – Claudio Panico, Carmelo Cennamo
This is a study on ecosystem innovativeness (complement novelty and quality) vs ecosystem size (number of complementors/complements).
From proprietary to collective governance: How do platform participation strategies evolve? – Siobhan O’Mahony, Rebecca Karp
This is a study on how platform participants (also called complementors as above) adapt their strategies when a platform leader changes the rules governing access and control.
Platform governance matters: How platform gatekeeping affects knowledge sharing among complementors – Yuchen Zhang, Jingjing Li, Tony W. Tong
This is a study on how gatekeeping affects complementors' knowledge sharing. The authors find causal evidence that a lapse in gatekeeping reduces knowledge sharing among iOS app developers and the effect is mitigated among developers with greater knowledge complexity but magnified among those with greater knowledge routineness.
Platforms for the people: Enabling civic crowdfunding through the cultivation of institutional infrastructure – Danielle Logue, Matthew Grimes
This is a case study of a civic crowdfunding platform drawing upon institutional theory where the authors created a process model of social-mission platform creation.
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laurenetuttle · 15 days
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Japan Day 5 (September 10, 2024)
Well, today was quite the adventure! Liz reported that she had the best night sleep of the trip. I personally am glad to be done with the firm beds of that first hotel. We both woke up before our alarm clocks sometime around 6 AM. We slowly got ready for the day and packed up all of our stuff. And we enjoyed one last breakfast at the hotel buffet. The hotel that we stayed at was very nice and I would highly recommend to anyone traveling to Tokyo. It was in a quiet neighborhood and right across the street from a subway station. And the hotel itself seemed very new with lots of modern architecture and spacious rooms. we enjoyed having the provided slippers and the heated toilet seat.
After breakfast, we checked out and grabbed all of our belongings and headed to the train station. We both packed all of our belongings in a backpack and tote bag so that we wouldn’t have to deal with roller bags cross all of the flights of stairs with public transit in Tokyo. I had done some souvenir shopping so I also now have a third bag so it’s a little rough all the walking around with all of our stuff. But it’s ok. #worthit. We took the subway over to the main Tokyo station. We had an idea of where the bus terminal was, but didn’t exactly know. We followed signs to the bus terminal. Unfortunately, when we got there, we realize that we were in the wrong spot. Apparently there are multiple bus terminals at Tokyo station. we asked a security officer for help and he helped direct us to the correct location. We were thankful that we built in extra time to our schedule just in case something like this happened. We gave her an extra 30 minutes to make sure that we found the right spot. so after making it to the wrong terminal, we finally made it to the terminal and thankfully it wasn’t too far away. And we pretty easily found the correct platform. The bus showed up maybe about 10 minutes prior to departure. And we had assigned seats and was very comfortable with a bathroom on board. Then headed out for the 2 1/2 hour bus ride to Fujiyoshida. Was a very pleasant bus ride through the countryside of Japan. We went through rolling hills of lots of trees and greenery. I listen to a podcast on the bus and Liz listen to some music specifically Taylor Swift.
Upon arriving in Fujiyoshida, we realize that there were multiple bus stops in the region. The hotel had told us to get to Fujisan station and they would send a free shuttle to come pick us up to bring us back to the hotel. Unfortunately, apparently there are more than one station with this same name. And I had booked the bus ticket to the other station with the same name. When we went through the correct station, it was actually named Mount Fuji station so we didn’t get off the bus there. Shortly after we’ve passed that stop, but we realize that that was actually the correct stop and we were heading past where we wanted to be. So we discussed, which do we want to get off at and the likelihood of us being able to find a taxi to take us to the hotel. of the bus stops we’re kind of in the middle of nowhere. We ended up getting off the bus at the stop where I had booked for us to get off the bus. Amazingly, they dropped us off on the side of the lake so it was beautiful. There was also a 7-Eleven there where we were able to go the bathroom and pick up some lunch. I tried my first egg sandwich, which are very popular in Japan. I also tried my first onigiri, which was tuna and mayonnaise flavored which was pretty good. Liz had cup of noodles. And we both enjoyed some apples. Even though we were lost in this region outside of Mount Fuji, we happen to be dropped off right next to a taxi station. So after we quickly ate lunch, we walked over to the taxi station. We were able to easily get a taxi to take us to the hotel. Thankfully, we weren’t lost for very long and didn’t have to struggle for very long. It can’t be memorable trip without some mishaps. We are very thankful that we ended up getting off the bus where we could get food, the bathroom, and easily find a taxi.
We subsequently made it to the hotel maybe around 1:15 pm. Our rooms weren’t available to check in until 2:30 pm. So we decided to explore the complex. There are massive gardens on the backside of the hotel. It’s all very Zen. Lots of Koi fish and water features and plants. We then went to the tea house for a tea ceremony. They gave us a sweet gelatinous snack and Matcha to drink. And we drink this while overlooking the river and hearing the rushing water. We then took another walk around the garden and explored further. We cross the bridge over the river. This whole area is so beautiful. we explored the inside of the hotel a little bit more. We walked around some of the ballrooms. I think that they host a lot of weddings here. Also the souvenir shop and walked down some of the hallways. We were able to check in and someone took us to our room and pointed out all of the important Spots. We’re staying at almost the top floor of this resort. We have a very spacious room. There are free drinks in the refrigerator, pajamas, sandals, for walking around the resort, and tiny towels. We then decided to put our bathing suits on and had to the pools outside. We put our feet in the foot onsen outside, which is basically a hot bath just for your feet. We then decided to go over to the pool and hang out in the pool for a little bit. Thankfully the pool was a little bit cooler. Everything that we’ve done so far is just been very hot. Thankfully, the area around here is a little bit cooler and Tokyo. Also, during most of the day today we did not see any other guests at the hotel. We were the only ones in the garden and the only ones in the pool. It’s all very zen. We then headed back up to the room and we have a hot tub/onset on the porch. So we both got in and had a relaxing afternoon overlooking the sunset and the fields. The porch also looks out towards Mount Fuji. Unfortunately, clouds obscure the view of Mount Fuji all day today. Tomorrow, we’re gonna try and wake up early to see if we can catch a glimpse of the mountain before the clouds roll in.
After our relaxing afternoon, we rent off and went and picked up free yucatas to wear around the resort. We then headed down to dinner. Dinner was a multicourse traditional Japanese meal. We sat in our own room for this multicourse meal. The meal was very heavy on fish both cooked and uncooked. There was also some soup and tofu and rice. One dish was Wagyu beef with mashed potatoes. I am proud of both Liz and I for having tried a lot of new foods today. Though I don’t think either of us left dinner feeling very full. The last dish was dessert which was a sweet potato thing and grapes in gelatin. Japan seems to be obsessed with grapes and gelatin. We have had a lot of both on this trip. overall I’m really glad for the experience for the dinner. Though I wouldn’t say it’s been my favorite meal here.
After dinner, we watched a Japanese drum show put on by the hotel. It was cool to see a cultural show here. After the drum show, they put on bingo for the guests. It’s hilarious to say that we came to Japan and played bingo. Unfortunately, neither Liz nor I won bingo. However, we still had a great time. After bingo, we went into the wine lounge. There they had snacks and wine all for free! So we had some cheese and rice, crackers, and chocolate, ice cream and free wine. It was the perfect end to a fabulous day. We are now getting ready for bed. We hope to wake up really early tomorrow morning to see if we can catch the sunrise with Mount Fuji. Fingers crossed there are no clouds tomorrow morning. And then we leave here to make for Kyoto!
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rajasthantourtaxi2 · 16 days
Jaipur Food Tour By Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company
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Food Tour Jaipur By Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company
An Introduction Apart from its great castles and energetic culture, Jaipur, the Pink City of India, is well-known for its rich and varied gastronomic legacy. From royal Rajasthani thalis to hot street cuisine, the city's gastronomic scene is as vivid as its past. The ideal approach to discover the real tastes of the city and guarantee a neat and comfortable experience is the Jaipur Food Tour by Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company. Whether you enjoy trying new cuisine or are a seasoned foodie, this food tour guarantees to transport you on a gastronomic adventure through the finest restaurants in Jaipur.
1. Why would one want the Jaipur Food Tour? In the city of Jaipur, eating is quite important in the culture. Foodies will find paradise in this special fusion of Mughal inspirations, local ingredients, and traditional Rajasthani cuisine. Offering a sample of everything from street cuisine to royal dining, the Jaipur cuisine Tour by Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company is meant to take you to both well-known restaurants and hidden treasures. The trip guarantees you to enjoy the best cuisine Jaipur has to offer with informed guides and hassle-free travel.
2. Why should one choose Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company? Perfect service and local knowledge are well-known traits of the Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company. The firm guarantees you a flawless and fun food trip with cozy cars, knowledgeable guides, and a well-organized schedule. Their thorough awareness of the gastronomic scene of the city will help you to avoid tourist traps and concentrate on real flavors by visiting only the most authentic and recognized restaurants.
3. Top Chef Stops on the Jaipur Food Tour: Rawat Misthan Bhandar Seeing the renowned Pyaaz Kachori at Rawat Misthan Bhandar completes a journey to Jaipur. Local favourite are these fiery, deep-fried pastries packed with onions and spices. Rawat is also renowned for its array of sweets, particularly the Mawa Kachori, a sweet variation packed with khoya and dried fruit.
Laxmi Misthan Bhandar (LMB) Laxmi Misthen Bhandar is the location to visit if one wants to savor classic Rajasthani Thali. Local cuisine like Dal Baati Churma, Gatte ki Sabzi, Ker Sangri, and Bajra Roti makes this thali a magnificent occasion. Especially Ghewar, the delicious offerings are not anything to miss.
c. Masala Chouk One-stop shopping for a whole street cuisine experience is Masala Chowk. Some of the top street food sellers in Jaipur are gathered in this outdoor food court in one location. From Gol Gappa (Pani Puri) to Pav Bhaji and Samosas, there is a great range of street cuisine to suit any pallet.
4. Street Food Highlights a. Gol Gappa, or Pani Puri. An experience in and of itself is the explosion of tastes from the tart tamarind water in a crispy puri. Although the Gol Gappa stands of Jaipur are all over the city, the tour brings you to the most well-known ones where flavor and cleanliness are first concerns.
b. Mirchi Vatta If you enjoy hot cuisine, Mirchi Vada is really worth trying. Stuffing huge green chilies with a fiery potato mixture, dipping them in gram flour batter, and deep-frying them to perfection produces this popular street dish. This produces a crunchy, fiery delight best eaten with tart tamarind chutney.
c. Chai and Pakoras Tapri Central Without a tea break, no food trip in India would be complete; Tapri Central is among the most famous tea venues in Jaipur. Here you may overlook the beautiful city while savoring a cup of Masala Chai along with delicious Pakoras. Modern take on classic tastes is provided by Tapri's fusion appetizers, Khakhra Pizza and Palak Patta Chaat.
5. Rajasthani Traditional Food A. Dal Baati Churma Consisting of firm wheat balls (Baati) served with lentil curry (Dal) and a sweet, crumbled wheat dish (Churma), Dal Baati Churma is one of the most iconic cuisines of Rajasthan. This meal, which captures the simplicity and heartiness of Rajasthani food, must-try.
b. Gatte-ki Sabzi Made from gram flour dumplings heated in a sauce based on yogurt, Gatte ki Sabzi is another classic meal. Usually presented with Bajra Roti or Missi Roti, this is a staple meal in Rajasthani homes.
C. Ker Sangri Made from dried berries and desert beans, Ker Sangri is a traditional Rajasthani treat rare elsewhere. Perfect with Bajra Roti, this dry, fiery meal is bursting with tastes that mirror Rajasistan's parched terrain.
Desserts and Sweet Pleasures: A. Ghewar Made from flour and steeped in sugar syrup, Ghewar is a classic Rajasthani sweet with honeycomb shape. Usually topped with rabri (thickened milk), this celebration favorite is particularly popular during Teej and Raksha Bandhan. At LMB, you will sample some of the greatest Ghewar.
b. Kachori, Mawa Mawa Kachori, a sweet take on the savory kachori, is deep-fried and steeped in sugar syrup after being packed with dried fruits and khoya—milk solids. Unique to Rajasthan and a must-try for anyone with a sweet taste is this delectable delight.
C. Rabri Made from less milk, Rabri is a thick, creamy dessert sometimes scented with cardamom and saffron and topped with chopped almonds. Found at numerous traditional sweet stores all across the city, it's the ideal way to finish a delicious Rajasthani feast.
7. Summary Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company's Jaipur Food Tour provides a whole range of the gastronomic variety of the city. From royal Rajasthani dinners and mouthwatering sweets to fiery street snacks, the trip provides everything a food enthusiast could ever dream of. For everyone visiting Jaipur, this tour is a must because of the mix of street food, contemporary twists, and historical flavors. Rajasthan Tour Taxi Company can let you easily explore the food scene of the city, therefore guaranteeing that you will experience the most real cuisine Jaipur has to offer.
1. The Jaipur Food Tour runs for what length of time? Depending on the number of stops and your tastes, the culinary tour usually runs 4–5 hours.
2. Is it possible to alter the trip to fit dietary restrictions? Indeed, the trip can be tailored to suit dietary choices like vegetarian, vegan, or other ones.
3. When should one embark the cuisine tour? The Jaipur Food Tour finds evening hours perfect since most street food vendors open after dusk and provide the freshest and most delicious cuisine.
4. Should one consume street food in Jaipur? Is it safe? Rajasistan Tour Taxi Company guarantees that every meal stop is selected based on quality and sanitation so you may enjoy street food without thinking twice.
5. Are food supplies something we could get on the trip? Indeed! To keep mementos, the tour offers chances to purchase snacks, sweets, and other food things to take home.
Trabuco Canyon Fire: A Devastating Wildfire in Southern California
The Trabuco Canyon fire was a significant wildfire that caused widespread destruction in Southern California. Located in the Santa Ana Mountains, the fire burned through parts of Orange County, threatening homes, wildlife, and natural resources. Like many wildfires in the region, the Trabuco Canyon fire was exacerbated by dry conditions, high winds, and the region’s susceptibility to fire outbreaks.
Cause and Spread of the Fire
The exact cause of the Trabuco Canyon fire has often been attributed to the typical factors that lead to wildfires in California— a combination of human activity, environmental conditions, and weather patterns. Although many wildfires are started by natural causes like lightning, human-induced factors such as unattended campfires, power lines, and even arson have been known to ignite such fires.
The fire spread rapidly due to Santa Ana winds, strong, dry winds that blow through Southern California, often fanning the flames of wildfires. These winds carried embers over great distances, causing the fire to jump across roads and natural firebreaks, making it difficult for firefighters to control. The dry brush and vegetation in the canyon served as fuel, allowing the fire to grow rapidly in size.
Firefighting Efforts
In response to the fire, firefighting crews from across California were dispatched to contain the blaze. Over several days, hundreds of firefighters, aided by helicopters and air tankers, worked tirelessly to control the flames. The rugged terrain of Trabuco Canyon presented additional challenges for ground crews, making it difficult to access certain areas where the fire was burning most intensely.
Efforts were further complicated by the unpredictable winds, which shifted direction frequently, causing flare-ups in areas that had previously been considered under control. Despite these difficulties, firefighters worked round the clock to protect homes and evacuate residents from areas that were directly threatened by the fire.
Evacuations and Damage
As the fire continued to spread, mandatory evacuation orders were issued for residents in the path of the fire. Several communities in and around Trabuco Canyon were evacuated, with emergency shelters set up to accommodate displaced residents. While firefighters managed to save many homes, several structures were lost to the blaze.
In addition to property damage, the fire had a devastating impact on local wildlife. The Santa Ana Mountains are home to various species of animals, many of which were displaced or killed by the fire. The destruction of habitats added to the long-term environmental consequences of the wildfire.
Environmental Impact
The Trabuco Canyon fire left a lasting impact on the landscape, destroying vast areas of vegetation and forest. The aftermath of the fire also posed a significant risk of mudslides and flooding, as the vegetation that typically holds the soil in place was gone. Without this natural barrier, the area became vulnerable to landslides, especially during the rainy season, further threatening the homes and communities in the region.
The Trabuco Canyon fire serves as a sobering reminder of the growing threat of wildfires in California. The combination of dry conditions, high winds, and human factors continues to fuel devastating fires across the state. While firefighting efforts successfully contained the fire, the damage it caused underscores the need for continued focus on wildfire prevention, preparedness, and recovery in vulnerable regions like Trabuco Canyon.
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ladybirdtaxis · 29 days
Exploring Camberley: The Best Places to Visit with a Taxi Service
Camberley, a charming town nestled in Surrey, England, offers a delightful blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, exploring Camberley's attractions is a breeze with a reliable Camberley taxi service. In this guide, we'll highlight some of the best places to visit in Camberley and how a taxi service can enhance your experience.
Camberley Theatre
Start your exploration with a visit to the Camberley Theatre. This local gem hosts a variety of performances, including plays, musicals, and live music events. It's a cultural hub for the community, providing entertainment for all ages. With a convenient taxi ride, you can enjoy a hassle-free evening out and avoid parking concerns.
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
A short taxi ride from the town centre will take you to the prestigious Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Known for its rich history and impressive architecture, the academy offers guided tours that provide a glimpse into the training of future military leaders. Its historical significance and grandeur make it a must-visit destination.
Frimley Lodge Park
For those who enjoy outdoor activities, Frimley Lodge Park is an excellent choice. This expansive park features beautiful gardens, sports facilities, and scenic walking paths. A taxi can drop you off at the park's entrance, allowing you to explore the tranquil surroundings without the worry of finding parking.
Camberley Town Centre
Camberley Town Centre is perfect for a shopping spree or a stroll. With its variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants, it's a vibrant area for shopping and dining. Use a taxi to travel comfortably and make the most of your time exploring the town's retail and culinary offerings.
The Atrium
The Atrium is a popular shopping and leisure complex in Camberley. Featuring a range of retail stores, dining options, and entertainment facilities, it's an ideal destination for a fun day out. A taxi service can provide a direct route to The Atrium, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable visit.
Camberley's Local Parks and Green Spaces
In addition to Frimley Lodge Park, Camberley boasts several other green spaces worth visiting. From small local parks to scenic nature reserves, there are plenty of places to unwind and connect with nature. A taxi can easily transport you to these peaceful retreats, making it convenient to enjoy the outdoors.
Ladybird Taxis: Your Reliable Travel Companion
When navigating through Camberley, consider using Ladybird Taxis for your transportation needs. Known for their reliability and excellent service, Ladybird Taxis can ensure you reach your destinations comfortably and on time. Their friendly drivers and well-maintained vehicles make them a top choice for exploring Camberley.
Camberley Taxi Firms: A Range of Options
In addition to Ladybird Taxis, Camberley is home to various taxi firms that offer dependable services throughout the town. Whether you need a ride for a special occasion or just daily commuting, Camberley Taxi Firms provides a range of options to suit your needs. Comparing services and choosing the right taxi provider can enhance your overall experience in the town.
Camberley is a town rich in attractions and experiences, from historical sites and cultural venues to beautiful parks and modern amenities. Utilizing a taxi service, such as Ladybird Taxis or other local Camberley Taxi Firms, can make your exploration of this charming town both convenient and enjoyable. So, grab a taxi and embark on an unforgettable journey through Camberley's finest offerings.
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centurytechsolution · 30 days
How to Build a Successful On-demand Delivery App?
These days the use of online taxis is a common custom if we decide to go out. The mobile apps such as GrubHub, DoorDash, Postmates, Airbnb, and Uber that offer on-demand service have radically changed the movement of individuals by commuting. 
 The on-demand delivery app development has now enabled customers to acquire their goods with the quickest and most flexible means possible, something that would be made impossible under normal business models. By pursuing non-conventional enterprises, the development of on-demand
According to a report by Statista:  
The platform delivery market worldwide is predicted to experience significant growth in revenue. The projected figures indicate a staggering US$282.60 billion by 2024.
The growth is expected to continue at an annual rate of 4.79% (CAGR 2024-2028), resulting in a projected market volume of US$340.80 billion by 2028.
The above statistics show that the on-demand delivery apps have become the new face of the market, because of their popularity over the last few years. And why not? Afterall, who wouldn’t want the simplicity and convenience of getting anything and everything at your favorite place? 
When you're a business owner and you want to make an on-demand delivery mobile application, first, you should compete only with the other companies and identify the technology required to develop a user-centric on-demand delivery app.
   So, in this post, we will take a look at how an on-demand delivery app can be built. But before we move ahead, let’s first understand more about on-demand delivery apps.  
What is an On Demand Delivery App? 
  We are well aware of the fact that technology has simplified our day-to-day activities, we are always with our smartphones, it is quite possible that you have been getting a on-demand delivery app delivered to your place at least once.
These applications allow you to hit hotel reservations, food orders, and even enjoy a ride with just a few taps on your phone. On-demand food delivery app is such an easy and convenient tool that it can provide services only when you need them. You can order anything you need with just one tap.
On-demand apps have two parts: One is the group of people who ask for different services, and the other is the businesses or people who do the work and finish these requests.
Different Types of On Demand Delivery Apps
Similar to other utility-focused mobile apps, we can group on-demand delivery app development into 3 main types:
Business to Business (B2B) 
In the B2B category, business is aligned with one another on the common principle of supply and demand, but as technology has advanced, the face of B2B on-demand delivery apps has greatly transformed. 
Some notable B2B on-demand delivery Apps include Bolt, Metro wholesale, and Walmart wholesale.
Business to Consumer (B2C)
In the business-to-consumer (B2C) frame, firms offer services directly to those paying for it. For example, apps specializing in food delivery offer ready-to-eat meals. Even if the firm does not have a kitchen, they can create an app where their audience can access their partnered kitchen as they make a choice. A few of the leading business-to-consumer (B2C) apps for on-demand delivery are TaskRabbit, Easy Taxi, and Uber Eats.
Consumer to Consumer (C2C) 
P2P, an abbreviation of person-to-person, is the more common name for the C2C category on-demand delivery apps. These apps are popular with consumers and provide trust and security. A few examples of C2C on-demand delivery apps are Local Guddy, GLOCALZONE and many others.  
Small businesses are a bigger priority for on-demand delivery apps, but consumers should not be overlooked. C2C on-demand delivery apps are out there for someone if they can find an effective way to enter the market. 
Key Benefits of On Demand Delivery Apps for Businesses 
On-demand delivery application solutions have increased in utility and both ways, including three specific impacts like speeding up ROI within organizations, providing numerous benefits, and creating appealing consumer opportunities to boost sales and improve consumer satisfaction.
Here are some other key benefits of on demand delivery apps for enterprises: – 
It Simplifies the Business Process
Interactions with customers are important for any B2C business. On-demand delivery app solutions offer a seamless online space for connecting with customers who need immediate services delivered to their location.
When an app offers features like seeking services nearby, booking services online, connecting to service providers, and multiple payment gateways, it makes it incredibly convenient for the customers, which they can access just with a few taps. Additionally, 
On-demand hotel delivery apps development, can also provide businesses with a way to show off their offerings, discounts, and new arrivals. This way, businesses can take care of all operations online and quickly, saving a lot of time and resources at their disposal.
Helps in Achieving Financial Targets with Increased ROI 
Currently, to be successful, small companies and enterprises need to tackle current issues and modify everything in line with customer demands. Mobile applications have become an essential tool to meet the demanding needs of customers and that is why investing in an on-demand delivery application is a valuable investment to make.
The on-demand delivery app gives you full flexibility of providing custom services offered. This provides an opportunity to make well-informed decisions, and make adjustments in your strategy, pricing based on current market scenarios.
If you run a business such as a grocery store, food services or restaurant services, service delivery or transportation and logistics like a taxi service, etc., an on-demand delivery app can help you scale your business activities and not just increase your ROI.
Improves Visibility and Helps You reach the Target Audience 
Businesses allocate a large portion of their revenue to advertising and marketing efforts to achieve business growth and awareness, which can be quite costly. Utilizing on-demand delivery services is a way to overcome this challenge by tapping into an already existing network of potential customers both including a variety of people.
If you are thinking of investing in digital solutions to better the visibility of your current business operations and simultaneously increase scalability then building an on-demand hotel booking app is a great option. Here’s a guide.
Gather Important Customer Data
Users need to have an account with on-demand delivery apps where they can either login or signup to use the services provided by the service providers, this allows app owners to get their valuable contact details like Name, Mobile Number, Email-Address & Location etc.
Such kind of information helps the businesses to segment their customers on various bases such as age, lifestyle, behavior and choice and hence they could be able to relate themselves with their customers more effectively by providing them with the products or services having inbuilt features(which suits better to their needs and wants) that can satisfy their demands and choices.
For example, you can use this data to do email marketing where you send right offer at right time or add more customer centric features in app.
Better Cost Efficiency for Businesses 
There are many advantages of a delivery app as it helps in reducing operational costs & human dependency because with the help of digital automation you can simply your entire process right from taking orders, resolving queries to delivery & payment.
Cost-Effective: On-demand apps are cost-effective because with the help of on-demand app it becomes very easy to run a business in this advance technological world.
Moreover, the on-demand delivery apps also help in cutting down the promotion and advertisement cost. The enterprises can promote their offers, discounts and update notifications within the app which reduces the need of other advertisements.
On Demand Delivery Apps: Use Cases Across Different Sectors  
When we say on-demand apps, especially delivery apps, there’s hardly any industry which has not witnessed the rising popularity of on-demand delivery service apps.
From on-demand insurance app solutions to on demand courier app development, the services are reaching heights across the globe.
Here are some use cases on how on-demand delivery apps have been used across different sectors: –
Travel and Tourism Sector 
It is impossible to talk about building a successful app without mentioning the travel industry, especially when brands like Uber have laid the groundwork for successful on-demand taxi booking app development solutions.
 Online Food Delivery Sector  
One of the most trending models in the real-time delivery industry is an on-demand food delivery app development. Brands like UberEats, InstaCart, GrubHub and many others have been in the space leading this path for a while, and now plenty more are joining the industry.
Home Services Industry  
Home Services on demand apps are not as trendy compared to the others but these are hitting the vibe.
People use these apps to solve problems like doorstep cleaning, beauty and wellness in as well movers and packers across the world.
Health Care Sector
The healthcare industry is experiencing growth in on-demand delivery as well. The use cases for the on-demand health care is highly extensive.
An on-demand doctor appointment app will allow you to bridge the gap between the doctors and patient in real-time or build an on-demand delivery of medicine type apps where people who want medicines and hospital equipment can get them at their door-step.
How to Develop an On-Demand Delivery App: Key Features and Capabilities 
The on-demand delivery app functions change as per the stakeholders are described in next section. We will, however, delve into them one by one now.
1. Admin Features 
Content Administration  
With this function, the information about the product or service from price to contacts, your schedule and everything that users can consider important for themselves.
Management of Orders 
This component keeps track of all orders placed, delivered, feedback, and payment information on the system. 
2. Customer Features 
Simple and Easy Log In  
The first thing you see when starting the app is called a landing screen. They either sign up or log in to the app for more info.
Placing Order  
Once the users select a product/service, they make way to order it or book an appointment for service. Making it easy to place an order same day or schedule out a later service.
Since users can choose how to do the payment either paying at home or through a card of any kind. Users are offered so many other options for Payment methods.
Location Tracking 
This feature allows customers to track the delivery man, etc well in advance and accordingly arrange things.
Push Notifications  
Utilizing this feature consumers can check-in & monitor real-time progress of the orders. It can even be seen as major app marketing tactics.
Ratings and Reviews 
This is the instrumently that permits individuals to discern and quantify on services they have accepted. You can give them choice to comment rather than just passing Star ratings.
Technologies Used to Develop On Demand Delivery Apps 
In order to create a successful on-demand delivery application that works without issues, you need the right set of technologies. It is cost-effective and accelerates the development process.
Let’s look at the technological factors that are required to build an effective on-demand delivery app: – 
Front-End (Client Side) 
An application's client refers to its user interface, the component with which the end user interacts. The following technologies are commonly used to create front-end applications for iOS, Android, or the Web:
Swift, Objective-C, and Swift UI for iOS 
React Native, Kotlin, and Java for Android 
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and Angular.js for the Web.
Using these technologies, you can design a visual and user-friendly interface for your application.
Back-End (Server Side)
All application work is done in the back end. Connects to databases and external programs, manages data and implements business strategies.
In back-end development, the following technologies are commonly used: – 
Programming languages such as Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Elixir. 
Web frameworks including Phoenix, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. 
Server platforms like Nginx. 
Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platforms such as EC2, S3, etc.  
Using these techniques, a reliable foundation can be created for the required transportation equipment.
3. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) 
APIs play an important role in connecting the backend and frontend of an application. They also make it easy to integrate external services into your application.
APIs define how different parts of your application talk to each other. RESTful APIs and GraphQL are two popular technologies for creating APIs.
In short, the collection of technologies required to create an application-based application is a combination of front-end, back-end, and API technologies. The best technology for each model should be used to ensure a smooth development process.
How Much Does It Cost to Develop an On Demand Delivery Application? 
Without fully understanding the details of your services, it is impossible to provide an accurate price estimate for food delivery equipment, food delivery equipment or pharmaceutical delivery equipment.
Factors such as application complexity, development team,  platform, and strategy all play a role in total cost.
However here is the average cost to develop an on-demand delivery app: – 
Basic App: $25,000 – $50,000 
Medium Complexity App: $60,000 – $80,000 
Highly Complex App: $100,000+ 
To estimate the cost of your desired delivery program, contact our business experts today and share your business idea.
From the information above, we can conclude that on-demand delivery software can be useful for any business, regardless of size.
On-demand delivery software businesses continue to grow in a variety of industries, including healthcare and logistics. Therefore, various founders and entrepreneurs enter this industry.
If you are planning to run an on-demand app as well, you can follow this post from start to finish as we have provided you with accurate and detailed information to help you out.
So why wait any longer? Contact a reliable mobile app development company in USA and start your project today.
Build Your Own On-Demand Delivery App with Century Tech Solution
From the  information above, we can confirm that a demand generation program can be an important part of any business, regardless of  size.
Century Tech Solution is a mobile and we ased company based in USA and India.
Work with Century Tech Solution a delivery company in the India, to create your own application that offers recommendations that use the latest technology and the best user experience.
With our mobile app development experience, we can bring  app ideas, enabling your business to succeed in this ever-changing digital market. View our portfolio to see how our customized solutions can transform your business. Don't miss  the opportunity to make your business successful, contact us today and start your journey to innovation and growth!
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shynim · 1 month
Exploring Kozhikode: Your Guide to Car Rental
When it comes to discovering the scenic beauty and rich culture of Kozhikode (formerly Calicut), the best way to navigate its bustling streets, picturesque beaches, and serene backwaters is by renting a car. This vibrant city on the southwestern coast of India, known for its historical significance and stunning landscapes, offers various attractions that can be conveniently explored with a rental vehicle. In this blog, we'll delve into the advantages of car rentals in Kozhikode, tips to find the right service, and must-visit spots you won’t want to miss.
  Why Rent a Car in Kozhikode?
1. Flexibility and Freedom: Renting a car gives you the freedom to explore Kozhikode at your own pace. You can make spontaneous stops, plan your itinerary according to your preferences, and avoid the constraints of public transportation schedules.
2. Access to Offbeat Locations: While Kozhikode has its popular tourist attractions, renting a car allows you to venture off the beaten path. You can discover hidden gems, quaint villages, and serene landscapes that you might miss otherwise.
3. Comfortable Travel: With a car at your disposal, you can enjoy traveling in comfort. Don’t worry about crowded buses or taxis; you can relax in a space that feels like your own.
4. Group Travel: If you're traveling with family or friends, renting a car is often more economical than booking multiple tickets for public transportation. Plus, you can share the driving responsibilities.
  Tips for Car Rental in Kozhikode
- Choose the Right Rental Company: A variety of companies offer car rental services in Kozhikode. Look for reliable providers with good customer reviews. Companies like Zoomcar, Savaari, and local firms can be great options.
- Check for Insurance and Terms: Before finalizing the rental, ensure that you have a clear understanding of the insurance coverage and rental terms. This includes details about mileage, fuel policy, and any additional fees.
- Inspect the Vehicle: Always do a thorough inspection of the vehicle before driving off. Check for any existing damages and ensure that everything is in working condition. Take photos as documentation.
- Know the Traffic Rules: Familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules and drive cautiously, especially if you’re not used to Indian driving conditions. Traffic can be hectic, particularly during peak hours.
  Must-Visit Attractions in Kozhikode
Once you’ve secured your rental car, it’s time to explore the rich offerings of Kozhikode:
1. Beach Visits: Start your journey at Kozhikode Beach, where you can enjoy a stunning sunset and savor local snacks from the beach stalls. Don’t forget to visit the beautiful Kappad Beach, where Vasco da Gama landed in 1498.
2. Historic Sites: Explore the historical landmarks like the Tali Temple, Mananchira Square, and the Maharaja's School, which reflect the city's rich heritage and architectural beauty.
3. Cultural Experiences: Visit over 100 handloom shops in the city known for its textile industry. Engage in local culture by trying the famous Kozhikode biryani and sweets at local eateries.
4. Natural Wonders: Take a drive to the nearby Wayanad district, which is known for its lush green landscapes, tea plantations, and wildlife sanctuaries. It’s a perfect day trip destination while you’re in Kozhikode.
5. Shopping: Don’t miss shopping in local markets like the SM Street (Sweet Meat Street), where you can find everything from spices to handcrafted goods.
Renting a car in Kozhikode not only enhances your travel experience but also allows you to immerse yourself in the diverse offerings of this picturesque city. With its blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Kozhikode has something for every traveler. So, buckle up, hit the road, and get ready to create unforgettable memories in this enchanting corner of Kerala. Safe travels!
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mariacallous · 2 years
Western sanctions and the public outcry over Russia's war in Ukraine has meant that many foreigners have already left Moscow.
Those that remain are mostly long-term residents with families or those who've not let the conflict cloud their appreciation of the city.
“It’s not a perfect place,” one Moscow expat told Euronews. “But no matter what anyone says Moscow is still one of the greatest cities in the world.”
Life for expats who are still there has changed immeasurably. 
With the Russian banking system heavily sanctioned, accessing and transferring money has also become a constant struggle.
Most foreigners have started using cryptocurrency to access money that they hold abroad.
And with constant rumours circulating around the city and often cryptic government announcements, expats have heavily relied on online forums for information and advice.
One man posting asks which European city he should relocate to with his family; another asks what airline will allow them to take their pet. Conversely, one man considering moving to Moscow and enquiries about what the IT job market is like at the moment.
Lengthy waits and interrogations
Foreign nationals, particularly those with American, British, and Ukrainian passports, say they are facing lengthy waits and interrogations when they enter Russia.
“Nearly every time I've come back during wartime has been different,” said Mark, a British man still living in Russia. “The longest I was held was five and a half hours.”
He says border officials at the airport he travels through in Moscow usually take his fingerprints and check the applications and messages on his phone. 
They have also on occasion downloaded information from his phone, he claims.
Another expat in Moscow said that if the foreigners don’t speak any Russian, the border officials at the airport will simply detain them until they have someone who can translate for them.
As a result, many Europeans -- instead of going by air -- are now leaving and entering Russia via the land border with Estonia and Finland.
Direct flights to Europe ceased earlier in the year due to the ban on Russian airlines travelling through European airspace.
It means the cost of flights to the few European locations still available has soared.
Matters were exacerbated by the Kremlin’s announcement on 21 September that an initial 300,000 reservists would be called up to serve in Ukraine.
Authorities claimed those drafted would come from the existing pool of military reserves, aged between 18 and 27. However, there have been widespread reports online of men above this age and with no military experience being ordered to report to their local drafting centre.
Exact figures for how many Russian men have left the country since the mobilisation began are hard to obtain.
Kazakh Interior Minister Marat Akhmetzhanov said that at least 200,000 Russian men had arrived in Kazakhstan alone since September. 
Russian men working in the banking and IT sectors have so far been exempt from the mobilisation, as Russian authorities reportedly believe there would be too much disruption to the Russian economy if workers in these sectors were subject to the draft.
'A friend of mine got a knock at the day'
Foreigners in Moscow are also seeing the impact of the mobilisation and mass exodus of young Russian men.
One German who works at a professional services firm in Moscow said younger men from his office have all left and were now working remotely outside of Russia.
“Delivery men have disappeared overnight and there are a lot more women driving taxis and Yandex [a popular ride-sharing app in Russia],” the man adds.
With the arrival of the cold weather and the mobilisation, Moscow is “much gloomier”, Mark says. “During the daytime, the city’s completely dead.”
“A friend of mine got a knock on the door and was handed a draft letter,” says Mark. 
The friend was not Russian and only renting the apartment, “so the letter was meant for the landlord’s sons”.
“My friend had to call up his landlord and tell him that papers had been issued for his sons. The landlord then had to try and get his sons out of the country before they could be given the papers,” says Mark. “There’s a lot of that going on.”
Medical exemptions are also increasingly hard to obtain. Doctors are reportedly reluctant to issue the letter for fear of repercussions from the Russian authorities. 
“And even when you do get the letter, you can’t be sure that the draft officer will accept it,” says one Muscovite.
Doctors and other medical professionals, including women, are themselves at risk of being drafted and sent to treat soldiers on the frontline.
“If you’re any sort of medical profession in this country there is an expectation that if there is a war you will join up,” says Mark. “I know a female doctor who is Russian, and she was told she couldn’t leave the country.”
'I don't know anyone willing to die for this war'
Whether dual Russian citizens will be drafted or whether Russian spouses will be allowed to leave the country with them has been a regular discussion among expats.
After the Kremlin announced the mobilization, the British Foreign Office issued advice that “British nationals holding Russian passports should be aware that they may be in scope for mobilisation, as the Russian government does not recognise dual nationality for Russian nationals in Russia and treats dual nationals as Russian nationals.”
One South American national who had applied for Russian citizenship this year was reportedly given his new Russian passport along with a letter telling him to report to a drafting centre shortly after the mobilisation was announced.
Euronews spoke with Daniel, a European living in Moscow with his family who had acquired Russian citizenship in 2021.
“I’m a few years above the draft age but it’s a big worry,” he says. “I’m hoping that having a large family will give me an exemption.” 
Traditionally, men with more than three children are exempt from military service in Russia.
“I don’t know anyone who is actually willing to die for this war,” says Daniel. “I know lots of people who broadly support Russia and that war but not enough to want to fight.”
Please note names have been changed to protect people's identities.
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alemad200 · 2 months
Exploring the Best Options to Rent a Car in Dubai
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Dubai, recognized for its lavish manner of living, famous tall buildings, and lively culture, is the kind of city that requires exploration. Renting a car provides unmatched convenience and versatility whether you are a traveler who wants to see the miracles of this cosmopolitan city or a citizen looking for dependable means of transport.. This blog delves into the benefits and options available for those looking to rent cheap car in dubai, with a focus on the top-notch services provided by Al Emad.
Why Rent a Car in Dubai?
1. Convenience and Flexibility
Renting a car in Dubai allows you to explore the city at your own pace. With a rent a car, you can easily visit popular attractions like the Burj Khalifa, Palm Jumeirah, and the Dubai Mall without relying on public transport or expensive taxis.
2. Cost-Effective Travel
Despite what many people think, it may be less expensive to rent a car rather than having any taxi rides booked for long distances traveled over the same period. With attractive pricing policies, firms such as Al Emad offer cheap car hire services aimed at fulfilling both long-term and short-term demands.
3. Wide Range of Choices
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How to Choose the Right Luxury Car Rental
Picking the right prestige automobile rental features other aspects aside from just selecting a high-end car; this involves determining what suits your needs-best, tastes and nature of visitation. Below, therefore is a comprehensive guide which will help you in making the best choice:
1. Define Your Purpose and Preferences
Purpose of Rental: Determine why you need the luxury car. Are you attending a special event, impressing clients, or simply exploring the city in style? Your purpose will influence the type of vehicle you choose.
Personal Preferences: Consider your preferences for car make, model, and features. Are you looking for a sleek sports car, a luxurious sedan, or an elegant convertible? Choose a car that aligns with your personal taste and the image you want to project.
2. Consider Vehicle Type and Features
Car Type: Decide on the type of luxury car that best fits your needs:
Sports Cars: Ideal for those seeking performance and excitement, with models like Ferrari or Lamborghini.
Luxury Sedans: Perfect for comfort and sophistication, such as a Bentley or Rolls-Royce.
SUVs: Great for space and versatility, with options like a Range Rover or Porsche Cayenne.
Convertibles: Best for enjoying Dubai’s beautiful weather, such as a Mercedes-Benz S-Class Convertible.
Features and Amenities: Look for additional features that enhance the driving experience, such as advanced navigation systems, premium sound systems, and luxury interiors.
3. Check Rental Terms and Conditions
Insurance Coverage: Ensure that the rental agreement includes adequate insurance coverage. Verify what is covered and any additional options you may need to add.
Mileage Limits: Check the mileage limits included in your rental agreement. If you plan to drive extensively, make sure the allowance meets your needs or consider options for unlimited mileage.
Additional Fees: Be aware of any extra charges, such as for additional drivers, fuel, or late returns. Understanding the full cost will help avoid unexpected expenses.
4. Evaluate Customer Service and Support
Reputation of Rental Company: Choose a rental company with a strong reputation for excellent customer service and reliability. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers.
Support Services: Ensure that the rental company offers support services such as 24/7 roadside assistance. This can be crucial if you encounter any issues with the vehicle during your rental period.
5. Compare Prices and Deals
Price Comparison: Compare prices across different rental companies to find the best deal. Luxury car rentals can vary significantly in price, so shopping around can help you find competitive rates.
Special Offers and Packages: Look for any special promotions, discounts, or packages that may be available. Some companies offer deals that include additional perks, such as complimentary upgrades or extra amenities.
6. Verify Vehicle Condition
Inspection: Before finalizing your rental, inspect the vehicle for any existing damage or issues. Ensure that the car is in excellent condition and meets your expectations for luxury and performance.
Documentation: Review the rental documentation carefully to confirm that all details are correct, including the vehicle model, rental period, and agreed-upon terms.
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Tips for Renting a Car in Dubai
1. Book in Advance
To secure the best rates and ensure availability, it’s advisable to book your rental car in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.
2. Understand the Rental Terms
Make sure to read and understand the rental terms and conditions. This includes information about insurance coverage, mileage limits, and fuel policies.
3. Carry the Necessary Documents
When picking up your rental car, ensure you have all the required documents, including a valid driving license, passport, and credit card.
4. Drive Safely
Dubai’s road network is well-maintained, but it’s essential to adhere to local traffic laws and drive cautiously. Be mindful of speed limits and parking regulations.
Conclusion Car rental in Dubai is an extraordinary way to explore numerous top sites of this beautiful city smoothly and comfortably. You may expect a smooth and pleasurable car rental experience with Al Emad’s extensive fleet, competitive pricing structure, and exemplary customer service. Whether you’re here for business or leisure, make the most of your time in Dubai by renting a car from Al Emad. Book your car today and embark on a memorable journey through this magnificent city!
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wholeworldworld · 2 months
Exploring Car Rental Services in Dubai: Convenience, Options, and Tips
Dubai, with its iconic skyline, luxurious lifestyle, and diverse attractions, is a city that practically demands to be explored. While public transportation is available, renting a car can offer unparalleled freedom and flexibility. This blog delves into the world of car rental services in Dubai, providing insights into the benefits, options, and essential tips for making the most of your rental experience.
Why Rent a Car in Dubai?
1. Convenience and Flexibility: Dubai is a sprawling metropolis with attractions spread across different areas. Renting a car allows you to explore the city at your own pace, without being tied to public transport schedules. Whether you’re planning a shopping spree in one of the city’s many malls, a trip to the desert, or a visit to cultural landmarks, having a car at your disposal makes the journey seamless.
2. Cost-Effectiveness: For tourists, renting a car can be more cost-effective than constantly hailing taxis, especially if you plan to explore beyond the central areas. Additionally, car rental companies offer competitive rates, especially if you book in advance or opt for long-term rentals.
3. Comfort and Luxury: Dubai is synonymous with luxury, and its car rental in dubai are no exception. From budget-friendly options to high-end luxury cars, you can choose a vehicle that suits your preferences and enhances your travel experience.
Types of Car Rental Services
1. Economy and Compact Cars: Ideal for solo travelers or couples, economy and compact cars offer affordability and fuel efficiency. These cars are perfect for city driving and navigating through Dubai’s bustling streets.
2. Luxury and Exotic Cars: For those looking to indulge, Dubai’s car rental market offers an impressive range of luxury and exotic cars. Imagine cruising down Sheikh Zayed Road in a Lamborghini or a Rolls-Royce. These rentals provide an unforgettable experience, albeit at a higher cost.
3. SUVs and 4x4s: Given Dubai’s proximity to desert landscapes, renting an SUV or a 4×4 is a popular choice for adventure enthusiasts. These vehicles are perfect for desert safaris and off-road excursions.https://emperiortech.com/
4. Family and Minivans: For families or larger groups, minivans and larger vehicles offer ample space and comfort. These cars are equipped with features like child seats and extra luggage space, ensuring a hassle-free trip.
Tips for Renting a Car rental agency in Dubai
1. Choose the Right Rental Company: Dubai boasts numerous car rental companies, both international brands and local firms. It’s crucial to compare rates, read reviews, and check the company’s reputation before making a decision. Some well-known rental companies include Hertz, Avis, Budget, and local providers like Diamond Lease and Thrifty.
2. Understand the Insurance Policy: Ensure you are fully aware of the insurance coverage included in your rental agreement. Basic insurance is typically provided, but consider additional coverage for peace of mind. This might include collision damage waiver (CDW), personal accident insurance, and theft protection.
3. Check the Fuel Policy: Rental companies in Dubai usually operate on a full-to-full fuel policy, meaning you should return the car with the same amount of fuel it had when you picked it up. Familiarize yourself with the location of nearby petrol stations to avoid extra charges.
4. Be Aware of Toll Roads: Dubai has several toll roads, known as Salik. Rental cars are usually equipped with Salik tags, and the toll fees will be charged to your account. Confirm the Salik fee policy with your rental company to avoid surprises.
5. Follow Traffic Rules: Dubai has strict traffic regulations, and fines for violations can be hefty. Speed limits are enforced rigorously, and using a mobile phone while driving is prohibited unless you have a hands-free system. Always wear your seatbelt and adhere to the rules to ensure a smooth driving experience.
6. Navigation and GPS: Investing in a GPS or using a reliable navigation app is essential for navigating Dubai’s roads. Many rental companies offer GPS devices for an additional fee, but using your smartphone with Google Maps or Waze can be just as effective.
7. Parking: Parking is generally abundant in Dubai, with many shopping malls and attractions offering free or low-cost parking. However, in busy areas, finding a spot can be challenging. Be mindful of parking signs and regulations to avoid fines.
How to Rent a Car in Dubai
1. Choose the Right Rental Company: Start by researching and comparing different rental companies. Read reviews, compare rates, and check the company’s reputation. It’s also important to consider the location of the rental office, especially if you plan to pick up your car at the airport.
2. Book in Advance: Booking in advance can often secure better rates and ensure availability, especially during peak travel seasons. Most rental companies allow you to book online, making the process quick and convenient.
3. Understand the Insurance Policy: Make sure you are fully aware of the insurance coverage included in your rental agreement. Basic insurance is typically provided, but consider additional coverage for peace of mind. This might include collision damage waiver (CDW), personal accident insurance, and theft protection.
4. Check the Fuel Policy: Rental companies in Dubai usually operate on a full-to-full fuel policy, meaning you should return the car with the same amount of fuel it had when you picked it up. Familiarize yourself with the location of nearby petrol stations to avoid extra charges.
5. Be Aware of Toll Roads: Dubai has several toll roads, known as Salik. Rental cars are usually equipped with Salik tags, and the toll fees will be charged to your account. Confirm the Salik fee policy with your rental company to avoid surprises.
6. Follow Traffic Rules: Dubai has strict traffic regulations, and fines for violations can be hefty. Speed limits are enforced rigorously, and using a mobile phone while driving is prohibited unless you have a hands-free system. Always wear your seatbelt and adhere to the rules to ensure a smooth driving experience.
7. Navigation and GPS: Investing in a GPS or using a reliable navigation app is essential for navigating Dubai’s roads. Many rental companies offer GPS devices for an additional fee, but using your smartphone with Google Maps or Waze can be just as effective.
8. Parking: Parking is generally abundant in Dubai, with many shopping malls and attractions offering free or low-cost parking. However, in busy areas, finding a spot can be challenging. Be mindful of parking signs and regulations to avoid fines.
Essential Tips for a Smooth Car Rental Experience
1. Inspect the Car Thoroughly: Before driving off, inspect the car for any pre-existing damage and ensure it is documented in the rental agreement. Taking photos or videos can also serve as proof in case of disputes.
2. Understand the Rental Agreement: Read the rental agreement carefully and ensure you understand all the terms and conditions. Pay attention to details such as mileage limits, fuel policy, insurance coverage, and return procedures.
3. Carry Necessary Documents: When picking up the car, you’ll need to present a valid driver’s license, passport, and credit card. Some rental companies may also require an International Driving Permit (IDP).
4. Plan Your Routes: Dubai’s road network is extensive, and it’s a good idea to plan your routes in advance. This can help you avoid traffic and ensure you reach your destinations efficiently.
5. Stay Updated on Local Traffic Laws: Dubai’s traffic laws are strictly enforced, and it’s important to stay updated on any changes. Adhering to speed limits, wearing seatbelts, and avoiding mobile phone use while driving are essential for your safety and compliance with the law.
6. Be Prepared for Security Deposits: Most rental companies will require a security deposit, which is typically blocked on your credit card. Ensure your card has sufficient credit to cover the deposit, and be aware that it may take a few days for the hold to be released after returning the car.
7. Return the Car on Time: Returning the car late can result in additional charges. If you anticipate being late, contact the rental company to discuss possible extensions and avoid penalties.
8. Keep Emergency Numbers Handy: In case of emergencies, it’s important to have the contact numbers of the rental company, local police, and roadside assistance. This can help you quickly resolve any issues that may arise during your rental period.
Exploring Dubai by Car: Must-Visit Destinations
1. Burj Khalifa: No trip to Dubai is complete without visiting the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. Drive to the observation deck and enjoy panoramic views of the city.
2. Dubai Mall: Located near the Burj Khalifa, the Dubai Mall is one of the largest shopping centers in the world. With over 1,200 retail outlets, an aquarium, and an ice rink, it’s a destination in itself.
3. Palm Jumeirah: Drive along the iconic Palm Jumeirah, an artificial archipelago shaped like a palm tree. Visit the Atlantis, The Palm resort, and enjoy its water park and marine attractions.
4. Jumeirah Beach: Spend a day at Jumeirah Beach, known for its pristine sands and clear waters. The nearby Jumeirah Beach Hotel and Burj Al Arab offer luxurious dining and entertainment options.
5. Dubai Marina: Explore Dubai Marina, a man-made canal city with a stunning skyline. Enjoy waterfront dining, yacht cruises, and vibrant nightlife. Conclusion
Renting a car in Dubai can significantly enhance your travel experience, providing the freedom to explore the city’s many attractions at your own pace. From the affordability of economy cars to the luxury of high-end vehicles, there’s a rental option for every traveler. By choosing a reputable rental company, understanding the insurance policies, and adhering to local traffic rules, you can enjoy a hassle-free and memorable journey through this dazzling city
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buypbnbt · 2 months
Startups Disrupt Traditional Industries with Innovative Solutions
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In the fast-evolving business landscape, startups are emerging as powerful disruptors, challenging traditional industries with innovative solutions. These agile and dynamic companies are leveraging cutting-edge technologies, novel business models, and creative thinking to transform established markets. This article explores how startups are driving disruption, the industries most affected, and the broader implications for the business world.
The Rise of Disruptive Startups
Startups thrive on innovation, often operating with a mindset that embraces change and challenges the status quo. Unlike established corporations, startups are not constrained by legacy systems and bureaucratic processes, allowing them to experiment and iterate quickly. This agility enables them to identify market gaps and develop solutions that address unmet needs.
The availability of venture capital has further fueled the rise of disruptive startups. Investors are eager to fund promising ventures that have the potential to revolutionize industries. This financial support allows startups to scale rapidly and bring their innovative ideas to market latest business news.
Key Industries Experiencing Disruption
Several traditional industries are experiencing significant disruption due to the influence of startups. Some of the most affected sectors include:
The financial sector has seen the rise of fintech startups that offer digital banking, peer-to-peer lending, cryptocurrency trading, and mobile payment solutions. Companies like Stripe, Robinhood, and Square have transformed how people handle financial transactions, providing faster, cheaper, and more accessible services compared to traditional banks.
In healthcare, startups are leveraging technology to improve patient care, streamline operations, and reduce costs. Telemedicine platforms like Teladoc and Doctor on Demand enable remote consultations, while healthtech firms like Medtronic and 23andMe offer personalized medicine and advanced diagnostic tools. These innovations are making healthcare more efficient and accessible.
The transportation industry has been revolutionized by startups like Uber, Lyft, and Tesla. Ride-sharing apps have changed how people commute, while electric and autonomous vehicles are setting new standards for sustainability and safety. These companies are redefining mobility and challenging the dominance of traditional automotive manufacturers and taxi services.
E-commerce startups such as Amazon, Shopify, and Warby Parker have disrupted the retail landscape by offering convenient, personalized, and direct-to-consumer shopping experiences. Traditional brick-and-mortar stores are forced to adapt by integrating online platforms and enhancing their digital presence to stay competitive.
Innovative Business Models
Startups often introduce innovative business models that reshape industries. For instance, the subscription-based model, popularized by companies like Netflix and Dollar Shave Club, provides consumers with ongoing services or products for a recurring fee. This model has been adopted across various sectors, from entertainment to personal care.
The gig economy, driven by platforms like Airbnb and TaskRabbit, connects individuals with short-term job opportunities, offering flexibility and convenience. This model disrupts traditional employment structures and provides alternative income sources for many people.
Implications for Traditional Businesses
The disruption caused by startups presents both challenges and opportunities for traditional businesses. Established companies must adapt to remain relevant, which may involve adopting new technologies, rethinking business strategies, and fostering a culture of innovation. Collaborating with startups through partnerships or acquisitions can also provide access to new capabilities and markets.
However, the competitive pressure from startups can drive traditional businesses to improve their offerings and become more customer-centric. By embracing change and leveraging their resources, established companies can innovate and maintain their market positions.
Broader Economic Impact
The rise of disruptive startups has broader economic implications. These companies often create new job opportunities and contribute to economic growth. They stimulate competition, which can lead to better products and services for consumers. Additionally, the success of startups can inspire a culture of entrepreneurship, encouraging more individuals to pursue innovative ventures.
Conclusion Startups are at the forefront of disrupting traditional industries with their innovative solutions. By leveraging technology, creative business models, and agile operations, these companies are transforming markets and setting new standards. Traditional businesses must adapt to this changing landscape to stay competitive, while the broader economy benefits from the dynamism and growth spurred by these entrepreneurial ventures. As the business world continues to evolve, the influence of startups will undoubtedly shape the future of industries across the globe.
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minicabride · 3 months
Reliable Airport Transfers to and from Cardiff Airport
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Traveling can be a stressful experience, especially when it comes to navigating to and from the airport. Cardiff Airport, the busiest airport in Wales, serves as a gateway to the vibrant city of Cardiff and the beautiful surrounding areas. Whether you're arriving or departing, having a reliable and comfortable airport transfer can make all the difference. 
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles
One of the most convenient and popular options for airport transfers is taking a Cardiff Airport taxi or a private hire vehicle. Taxis are available at Cardiff Airport, with a dedicated taxi rank outside the terminal building. This option offers door-to-door service, making it ideal for those with heavy luggage or travelling in groups. The journey to Cardiff city centre typically takes around 30 minutes, depending on traffic.
Private hire vehicles, often booked in advance, provide similar convenience but can offer a more personalized experience. Companies like MiniCabRide LTD and local private hire firms operate in the Cardiff area, allowing you to book your ride via smartphone apps or by phone. Pre-booking your transfer can often save you money compared to hailing a taxi on arrival, and you have the added assurance of knowing your transport is waiting for you.
Airport Shuttle Services
Airport shuttle services are another excellent option for Airport transfers to and from Cardiff Airport. These services offer shared or private rides, often cheaper than taxis or private hire vehicles. Shuttle buses are usually available on a fixed schedule, providing regular connections between the airport and critical locations in Cardiff and surrounding areas.
One of the main advantages of shuttle services is their affordability, especially for solo travellers or small groups. Companies such as National Express and other local providers offer comfortable, reliable shuttle services with ample space for luggage. Some hotels also offer complimentary shuttle services for their guests, so it's worth checking with your accommodation provider if this is available.
is it easy to get taxi at Cardiff Airport ?
Public Transportation: Trains and Buses
For budget-conscious travellers, public transportation is a viable and cost-effective option. Cardiff Airport connects to the city centre and beyond via trains and buses.
The nearest train station to Cardiff Airport is Rhoose Cardiff International Airport Station, located approximately 3 miles from the terminal. A shuttle bus service operates between the airport and the train station, ensuring a seamless connection. Trains from Rhoose Cardiff International Airport Station run to Cardiff Central Station, with journey times of around 30 minutes.
This option is particularly convenient for those staying in central Cardiff or travelling to other destinations in Wales and the UK. Trains are frequent and reasonably priced, making this a popular choice among locals and visitors.
Several bus routes serve Cardiff Airport, providing direct connections to Cardiff city centre and nearby towns. The T9 Cardiff Airport Express Bus is a dedicated service between the airport and Cardiff city centre, with frequent daily departures. The journey takes approximately 40 minutes, making it a practical option for travellers looking for an economical and straightforward transfer.
Local bus services, such as those operated by Cardiff Bus and other regional providers, also connect the airport with various destinations. These services are ideal for travellers who prefer a more flexible schedule or are heading to specific locations not directly served by the T9 express bus.
Car Rentals
For those who prefer the freedom and flexibility of driving, renting a car is an excellent option for airport transfers. Cardiff Airport has several well-known car rental companies with desks in the terminal building, including Avis, Hertz, and Enterprise. Booking your rental car in advance is recommended to ensure availability and secure the best rates.
A rental car allows you to explore Cardiff and the surrounding regions quickly. South Wales offers a wealth of attractions, from the stunning Brecon Beacons National Park to the picturesque coastal towns of the Vale of Glamorgan. Driving also provides the convenience of direct access to your accommodation without additional transfers.
Limousine and Executive Transfers
Limousine and executive transfer services are available to and from Cardiff Airport for a touch of luxury and sophistication. These services cater to business travellers, VIPs, and anyone looking to add extra comfort to their journey. Companies offering executive transfers provide high-end vehicles, professional chauffeurs, and personalized service tailored to your needs.
Booking an executive transfer ensures a seamless and stress-free experience, with amenities such as in-car Wi-Fi, refreshments, and the option for meet-and-greet services at the airport. While this option comes at a higher cost, the added benefits and comfort can be well worth the investment, particularly for special occasions or business trips.
Ride-Sharing Services
Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are increasingly popular for airport transfers due to their convenience and competitive pricing. These services allow you to book a ride directly from your smartphone, with the fare calculated based on distance and time. Ride-sharing can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional taxis, especially for solo travellers or small groups.
The availability of ride-sharing services at Cardiff Airport may vary, so it's advisable to check in advance and book your ride upon arrival. These services offer a range of vehicle options, from standard cars to larger vehicles for groups, ensuring you can find a ride that suits your needs.
Cycling and Walking
For eco-conscious travellers or those with light luggage, cycling or walking to and from Cardiff Airport can be a viable option, mainly if you're staying nearby. The airport is located around 12 miles from Cardiff city centre, and while this may only be practical for some, it can be an enjoyable and healthy way to travel for those who are up for the challenge.
Cardiff and the surrounding areas have a network of cycling paths and pedestrian-friendly routes, making it relatively easy to navigate by bike or on foot. Some local accommodations and bike rental shops offer facilities for cyclists, including bike storage and repair services.
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Choosing the best airport transfer to and from Cardiff Airport depends on your preferences, budget, and travel plans. Whether you opt for the convenience of a taxi, the affordability of public transportation, the flexibility of a rental car, or the luxury of an executive transfer, there are plenty of options to suit every traveller. By considering the advantages of each mode of transport, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey, allowing you to focus on the more exciting aspects of your trip to Cardiff and beyond.
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