#portland coffee
vudoo-child · 1 year
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madewithonerib · 1 year
5.] Relational Black Holes
But I can't think of two more vivid images of these alternate definitions of love right? [25:45] 
So we have a love & art culture that's primarily about desire & affection, and of course if I desire and have affection for you—you're going to benefit from that.
But if it's ultimate source is self-regard…
What you bring or offer is like what satisfies & brings meaning & purpose to my life. Well odds are that's not going to last very long.
Then all of a sudden, you & I become these relational black holes—constantly drawing each other into our own character flaws & our own search for meaning/purpose/love & affirmation..
So not only do I end up as this bottomless pit of needing affection and affirmation, but odds are you are going to be pretty miserable, as you get drawn into my black hole.
Relational black holes
This is what humans are, but the way of JESUS is different—it's like this commitment that's driven out of this inner life source of perpetual others focus
—& the word that JESUS & Paul used to describe that is agape, is perpetually outward oriented & the paradox of love Is that the more I give out of myself to others, the more I become truly human & discover myself
5.1] Definitions of Agape Love
That's the vision that Paul's describing here
So get those two fixed in your mind & let's turn to these 16 part definitions of agape..
There's nothing for it but to just think through it.. this is the kind of thing that you might read through & be like that's inspiring & cool
#1 Kindness
—but I want to slow down & just ponder, so pretend you have a cup of tea.. look at v.4
   1 Corinthians 13:4 | ⁴ Love is patient, love is kind.    It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
Oh I forgot, so the first two things Paul turns to is that JESUS style love is patient, & kind-patient & it's kind..
Think about this in terms of the images.
So love is something that gives time like a cell, it just has time to give & you flip it over then of course so impatience is this inability to give people the time that they need or want
So that's what you're giving: Time
So love has this discernment about the other that I might even know what's good for someone—but if I don't do it in the right time, it's not love
So I have time to give time, to be patient.
Do you see this?
It is about a focus on the other, & what they might need or what they might require—all of a sudden you realize like:
Yeah that's what impatience is, it's like I have a timeline for how the next hour is going to work & showing up at one of Portland's coffee shops
—where it's like eight minutes to get your cup of coffee & you go in there, & like you dilly dallied at home & you're late…& now you're late to work or whatever.
Then all of a sudden the eight minute coffee which is the normal experience here in Portland—it's quiet delightful when you're expecting it.
You guys know what I'm talking about the slow coffee experience?
Do you guys live here? What's wrong you?!
You don't know what I'm talking about!
It's wonderful isn't it? Unless you've been wasting your time or unless well I'm not going to say you're not a loving person.
How to Love like JESUS P1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | Tim Mackie [1 Corinthians 13:1-13]
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tyresdeg · 1 month
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andiatas · 3 months
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Photo by Cole Keister.
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Coraline's Curious Cat Trail in Portland, Oregon
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gingerbredman1989 · 8 months
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Ginger muscle having coffee at a cafe in Portland, Oregon.
ChatGPT with DALL-E
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lilmaplesworld · 8 months
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PNW Coffee
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dapperbasil · 3 months
Ventrues Gambit + Sweets
This was honestly a tough one to answer because Zacharias doesn't like sweets very much, while Tammy has a sweet tooth. However I did have one cute one come to me while thinking on it.
Tammy learned early on that Zacharias doesn't like sweet things. Whenever she would cook for them, he would hardly ever eat more than a few bites of dessert, just enough to be polite. He would insist she finish his serving, never outright saying that he doesn't enjoy sweets.
After some trial and error to see if there was anything she could bake that he would enjoy she locked in on his preference for bitter flavors and made a dark chocolate cake for Valentine's. Every year since he's asked her to make it again, and they've taken to baking together on occasion to try more dark chocolate recipes.
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Coffee Mug Things October 7, 2023
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dustyandsilver · 3 months
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heic-format · 6 months
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View On WordPress
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zodiacsea · 8 months
made it to payday with exactly $23 in my bank account and then immediately spent $12 on a tasty breakfast
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camerafilia · 9 months
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Photo credit: @jimhair
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happy friday the 13th!
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its-jackiemcsoup · 1 year
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BEC on an everything DONUT?
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