#possibly kimchi? im growing a lot of cabbage
hellenhighwater · 2 years
"Also I'd really love to get into cheesemaking, but that seems like a bit of an undertaking."
*remembers reading other times Hell swore not to do The Thing*
...so, cheesemaking, when?
Honestly it's probably inevitable. I love cheese as much as one would expect from someone with my mayonnaise skin tone, especially soft cheeses, so it'll almost certainly happen eventually. But I think what I'd like to do is find someone who has milk-producing cows or goats and leave it for then.
There's any number of hobbies that I can see coming for me on the distant horizon of my life. I've accepted that a day will come when the latent interest in pottery rises up and I have to buy myself a kiln; stained glass work will come just as soon as I have a window that demands it, and at least with the food hobbies there's a relatively small investment in infrastructure for them. And my house has a positively enormous kitchen for its age, especially when I'm mostly only cooking for one.
That's honestly part of why I'm getting more interested in canning and preservation--I'm used to cooking for crowds, so single portions of stuff is weird, and also high-effort for one or two meals. I'm terrible with leftovers so I inevitably waste food by making too much. I'd like to start doing things in large batches and preserving single portions so that if I decide I want to open a jar of spaghetti sauce I'm not stuck with that for every meal for a week. I want little jam jars of pasta sauce. I want baby food jars of jams. I want little tiny amounts of things ready to go when I want them without paying stupid amounts of money for it.
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