#because then when the hyperfixation hits i can ride that into productivity
hellenhighwater · 2 years
"Also I'd really love to get into cheesemaking, but that seems like a bit of an undertaking."
*remembers reading other times Hell swore not to do The Thing*
...so, cheesemaking, when?
Honestly it's probably inevitable. I love cheese as much as one would expect from someone with my mayonnaise skin tone, especially soft cheeses, so it'll almost certainly happen eventually. But I think what I'd like to do is find someone who has milk-producing cows or goats and leave it for then.
There's any number of hobbies that I can see coming for me on the distant horizon of my life. I've accepted that a day will come when the latent interest in pottery rises up and I have to buy myself a kiln; stained glass work will come just as soon as I have a window that demands it, and at least with the food hobbies there's a relatively small investment in infrastructure for them. And my house has a positively enormous kitchen for its age, especially when I'm mostly only cooking for one.
That's honestly part of why I'm getting more interested in canning and preservation--I'm used to cooking for crowds, so single portions of stuff is weird, and also high-effort for one or two meals. I'm terrible with leftovers so I inevitably waste food by making too much. I'd like to start doing things in large batches and preserving single portions so that if I decide I want to open a jar of spaghetti sauce I'm not stuck with that for every meal for a week. I want little jam jars of pasta sauce. I want baby food jars of jams. I want little tiny amounts of things ready to go when I want them without paying stupid amounts of money for it.
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Stupid fic asks @lavenderlevetan part 2/3, “all the twos not divisible by 3”
38: how many stories do you work on at one time?
Do I have to answer this one. You’ve seen the 40 WIP list. Of those I’ve actually started like a dozen. So I guess ACTIVELY, like a dozen because I’m insane and have undiagnosed and unmedicated ADHD
40: best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
Idk if it counts as feedback per se, but to the person who read the one (1) chapter of the cyberpunk au that’s out and proceeded to buy the game because of it—I have not stopped riding that high. I love you. Hand in marriage?
44: any writing advice you want to share?
DON’T EDIT AS YOU GO! DON’T BURN YOURSELF OUT! Take your time with your chapters, and edit once you’re done. You will thank yourself later
46: what time are you the most productive when it comes to writing?
Probably between 8 pm to 2 am <33
50: do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
Fly by the seat of my pants 🫡 My plans are loose and very flexible
52: how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
Basically already answered this. Ideas, I have a list of 40. Current active WIPs, posted and unposted, is somewhere around a dozen
56: five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
Writing more fic. Probably will hit 100 ideas by then because I’m insane. Hopefully I’ll have made progress on my novel by then!! Maybe even finished it, who knows. Here’s to hoping for halfway
58: what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
The plots of various Cyberpunk 2077 side quests so I can stay true to the game inspiration (but obviously without directly copying)
62: what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
Fucking. Startha. Stupid fucking lieopleurodon making me feel emotions. /j unless I’m not
64: what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read? 
Okay well for one, Bloodletting fucking slaps as a title. Also, Love Seeping From Their Guns in part because I got to help choose it and in part because it fucks
68: how long will you spend on a story or scene before you give up?
Depends on the scene LMAO. I have certain hyperfixations that tend to change that too. Anything werewolf-y or sci-fi tends to stick way too long, several months even. Wild West and fantasy are always come and go, they’ll stick for a few weeks. I’ve spent years on old stories that eventually get dropped. I think my oldest is from 6th grade, so 8 years? Still might revive that bitch
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ok idk how coherent this is because I finished it at like one in the morning but!
luca is so cute he’s reminding me why I want to teach younger kids for a living😭
the way he just say and blew bubbles????
the one fish chewing on the lady’s hair haha me (also he loves his fish so much)
the way he was daydreaming??? dare I say… neurodivergent?? (honestly his whole family seems neurodivergent too)
can I get some trans luca headcannons? can I PLEASE get some trans luca headcannons
wait alberto is awesome too
“SIR YOU FORGOT YOUR HARPOON” this line is killing me
I love these two
i’m never gonna get over this movie am I
wait having a coherent thought- “relax is this your first time?” “yeah i’m a good kid!”
this hits deep as a queer person
awww and now he can’t stop thinking about it I love him your honor
he can’t walk😭
I can’t wait for this movie to emotionally destroy me🥲
ok i’m sorry in what world is this not an analogy for the queer experience
“i’m sorry but I really have to go” *two hours later* THEY. ARE NEURODIVERGENT. !!!!!!!!!
his grandma is an enabler and she knows it (in a good way)
“you just have a bruno in your head” n e u r o d I v e r g e n t
(basically i’m queer and neurodivergent and that’s literally all i’m getting out of this)
“and allllll the whale carcass you could eat!!!” N O
grandma knows what’s UP
not them being hyperfixated on vespa man/vespas in general
when adults make fun of kids. and I want to end them forever. because you. don’t. do. that. to. children. ever. 🙃
I love giulia so much😭😭😭
(also neurodivergent we love to see it)
they just want to ride off into the future on their vespa together and I want them to succeed😭
GUILIAS DADDDDDDD (and the cat!!!!)
“we’re great at this humaning stuff” me pretending to be an adult💀
lucas parents on land rip💀💀
ok but ercole is literally just every popular boy in a small high school
their training montage is so cute
once again. don’t threaten kids
…i’m not saying their neurodivergent, i’m just saying that i DEFINITELY am and that is literally how I react to espresso (and giving my friends caffeine is also my usual method for getting them to be productive lol)
his parents got a spray bottle😭😭😭
alberto has an adopted dad now we love to see it (also the sibling rivalry dynamic with alberto and guilia
I still love the cat
awww the found family is falling apart SJSKKDKSKSKSKSSMSMS
“risking your life for a vespa?” (hyperfixatingggg)
yep i’m crying. I knew this was going to destroy me
he’s afraid of being abandoned???? his dad?????????? SILENZIO BRUNO?!?!?!😭😭this is destroying me
aksksksskd the whole race scene got me it was amazing🥺
sea monster lesbians?!?!??!?!!?!!?!?!
they got their vespa!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭
“some people, they’ll never accept him. but some will. and he seems to know how to find the good ones.” this is about being neurodivergent and queer and found family and accepting people and in this essay I will
(also the best part was all of guilias cheese saints)
I thought I was done but HE SOLD THE VASPA?????? TO BUY LUCA A TRAIN TOCKET TO SCHOOLLLL!?!?!??? 😭😭😭
they love each other so much and i’m not even talking solely romantic love you can just tell that they mean so much to each other and they care so much about each other and it’s so sweet to see true love romantic and platonic in a kids movie like this
all because of alberto 🥲
it didn’t even occur to luca that alberto wouldn’t go (they love each other)
alberto has a father figure now this is amazing
*insert I see this as an absolute win meme*
“but I can’t do this without you” “but you’re never without me!” 😭😭😭
ok I literally just cried through the last ten minutes without writing anything because this was amazing and it changed my life and now it’s super late and I need to sleep💀 but also the art during the credits was so cute and I will need approximately twelve sequels and three seasons of a tv show literally just of the underdogs living their best life and being happy please and thank you
i love these all so much you’re so right
all the yelling about their neurodivergency is a big fucking mooooood
i love them so so much and reading this was so much fun :D
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poisonedapples · 4 years
The sides except they go to a tech school
This is extremely self indulgent but I apologize for nothing
Roman’s Program: Digital Media
Roman’s big dream is to be an actor, but he also has a very intense need to know a whole bunch of stuff about the production field and be a jack of all trades, basically
He’s also autistic and has a huge special interest in movies, so he’s just on cloud nine
He had a really hard time making friends at his home school, which is also another reason why he most to go to the tech school instead. He wanted a second chance and to meet new people who loved the same stuff he could never seem to shut up about, but he’s also very nervous and just really wants to make some friends this year
He’s also extremely salty that Remus followed him to his new school. Remus was always the talk of the school and Roman was always in his shadow, so this time, his strategy is to pretend that Remus doesn’t even exist
Remus will not take this as an a solution, but Roman’s not giving up anyway
He also met Patton, Logan, and Virgil in his College English class. Their seats were assigned next to each other, but it was Patton that actually started getting all of them to talk to each other
Speaking of Patton, him and Patton went together like a moth to a flame. They hit it off day one and have acted like the best of friends since, and it makes Roman extremely happy
Roman and the others also became closer friends because of a Digital Media project Roman did about the different programs around the school. Since all his friends are from different programs, he interviewed them all, and it was the most fun project ever because of everything they did behind the scenes
They mostly just goofed off when not on camera. It was lovely
He refused to let Remus take part in that project though. RIP to Remus
Patton’s program: Cosmotology
Patton’s biggest dream is to mostly help people feel better about themselves. He wants to make people feel happy and learn a little more self love, because nothing makes Patton happier than seeing other people enjoying themselves
He’s also an extremely sociable person, so a need to help people like who they are mixed with lots of talking? Without getting a master’s in psychology? A perfect mix to become a hair stylist!
He loves all the different styles you can do and how different everyone’s hair can be from another person’s. The program also has you learn stuff about makeup, and he loves putting makeup on people as well. He practices on the girls in the program a lot, and they always get so excited when they see the finished product. It fills him with happy butterflies
He doesn’t tend to wear makeup on himself, though. Not because he thinks boys can’t wear makeup, he just hates the feeling of it on his skin. Hence why he will take any willing participant to be his canvas
His extroverted energy also shows a lot in his academic classes. The first day of English, he immediately turned around and started talking to the kid with a camera
It took him a little longer to get the boy sitting next to him to talk to him though. Apparently “We have the same glasses!” Isn’t an acceptable conversation starter
He did, however, get the kid named Virgil to agree to let Patton to put makeup on him. Patton started that conversation by asking about his eyeshadow, but nope, apparently those were just eyebags
Though Virgil still liked makeup anyway, so score, Patton still got what he wanted
Now if only he could get Logan to laugh out loud and cut the serious act. Then he’d be a winner for sure
Logan: Mechatronics
Logan’s a nerd. A huge nerd. Hence why he fits in with the mechatronics program so well
Logan has always loved robots and tinkering with technology. More than anything, he wants to work on space aircrafts as a mechanical engineer, hence why he’s in the mechatronics program
He also has ADHD and his biggest hyperfixations are in robots and space, so he’s completely in his element. It’s nice to spend most of his day in a class where he can talk about spacecrafts and how they worked, and not only will people listen, but they’ll also care about it almost as much as he does
Though, he’d prefer to keep his closet full of robotic kids toys he keeps breaking apart and fixing again to himself. At least for now
Though because he’s in mechatronics, he’s required to be in all advanced classes for his academics to get college credit. Which he doesn’t mind at all, but in his college English class, he definitely sits next to quite...the eclectic bunch
He acts like they inconvenience him, but he actually enjoys their company. Even if Roman can be a little loud, but him and Roman actually hit it off quite well with their debates and frequent conversation jumping
(It’s the ADHD-autism solidarity)
Logan also has quite the liking to Virgil, mostly because they’re both looking into the engineering business and have similar interests with space
Logan pretends like Patton annoys him, but he’s not very good at it. He hates that Patton knows he has a secret love for puns and keeps using it against him to try and make him laugh. How dare he
(Patton just keeps trying because he knows Logan likes it and he’s also a bit of a little shit)
Logan hopes that all three of them consider him one of their closest friends as well. Because actually, now he has more to look forward to in his English class than just the poetry and seeking for alternate meanings for things in text
Now, most of his entertainment comes from saying “Romeo and Juliet is an awful love story” and seeing Roman go off an a rant about how it’s not even a lOVE STORY it’s about THE GENERATION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARENTS AND KIDS and it’s STRUGGLES, CALCULATOR WATCH-
...It’s quite amusing
Virgil’s Program: Aviation
Anxiety is fight or flight. Well...Virgil literally just wants to take flight
His dad used to take Virgil out on vacations quite often when he was younger and his dad’s job was more focused on traveling, so Virgil has flown in planes a lot. He’s always been an anxious kid, always afraid of so many things, but for some reason...flying was one of the things to calm him the most
Except for going through security, fuck airport security
But still, there was never anything more satisfying than looking through the window on a plane. He’s always loved it, and he’s known since a very young age that he wants to learn to fly things, even if he decides not to become a pilot
He’s seventeen now and still wants to be a pilot, even if his shyness has turned into an anxiety disorder. It’s been a while since he’s been on a plane since his dad is now a psychologist, but he still loves it and misses it almost. So when he heard his district’s tech school had an aviation program, he signed up so fast
His teacher has to practically pry him away from messing with the drones and planes when they need to do other stuff, it’s kinda funny
It’s also great that he met Logan in his English class, because Logan loves engineering and aircrafts like Virgil does. One of Virgil’s backup plans is to be an aerospace engineer, so their conversations are always fun
He also has no idea how Patton figured out his secret love of makeup but now he’s being used as a canvas, apparently
Plus, Roman asked if Virgil could fly a drone for him to get an aerial shot for some digital media projects, so holy shit Virgil made three friends in one day when he’s been trying to make one friend for YEARS
He just bursts into his house like “DAD GUESS WHAT I MADE F R I E N D S”
His Dad is very proud but also very concerned
Virgil just ignores that though and sends memes to the new group chat with all four of them in it
Remus’ Program: Auto Collision Technology
Remus loves broken stuff. Especially big broken things, like cars
Of course, there’s no job for purposely wrecking stuff, but looking at damage in cars and how to repair it is exciting enough for him. His parents are just happy he found something to put more...positive energy into, instead of always causing trouble and getting popular for being “the bad boy”
He had lots of friends at his home school, lots of which he still talks to, mostly because his chaotic energy entertains a lot of people willing to deal with it. He has that same effect at the tech school, but the one person he’s never been able to get more on his side is his own brother
Remus has always been a bit too chaotic for Roman’s liking, and he knows that Roman wanted to go to the tech school for a fresh start. But Remus won’t stop himself just to make his brother happy, so it Roman’s salty about Remus doing something good for himself, then so be it
(Remus is a little salty about Roman being salty, but they’re brothers, what do you expect)
But Remus doesn’t need him anyway! Twin brothers are overrated! He’s got plenty of other people in his programs!
But his closest friend he’s gotten since coming to the tech school? Janus. Him and Janus go together like two chaotic peas in a pod, even if Janus has a whole lot more braincells than Remus ever will
Though, Remus has never had more fun with a friend than with Janus. He’s had lots of friends that come and go once they’re bored of him, but Janus feels real. He feels genuine, and Remus...really doesn’t wanna get rid of that
He likes Janus a lot, hence why he invites Janus over and lets Janus into his super secret eating spot he goes when he doesn’t wanna act like a crackhead at lunch. It’s actually quite nice
Roman just has to deal with the fact that, if he’s gonna be a salty bastard, then Janus is his new ride or die
(Please someone help these twins they’re saltier than the Dead Sea)
Janus’ Program: Firefighting Technology
When Janus was a young teen, he got trapped in a house fire that scarred the left half of his body. Firefighters were the ones that saved him, and since then, he’s always had a huge respect for them. Enough so to really want to become a firefighter
He’s always been very focused on self care and secretly very empathetic, so that mixed with past experience from being saved from such a dangerous event actually makes him a great candidate for a firefighter. He’s not one giant on talking, but he’s still good with teamwork when others want him to work with them
He has a good set of friends in his program, but his best friend was someone he met during lunch when trying to get away from the noise of the actual cafeteria. He also noticed that same kid was also in his anatomy class, so...destiny, I guess?
Remus can definitely be an eclectic person, but Janus secretly thrives on a good set of chaos. It makes life interesting, and Remus can definitely be described as interesting
He’s also the only person Janus has met that thinks Janus’ scars are cool as hell, so double win
It’s also immensely entertaining to join Remus on his quests to constantly annoy his brother. If he had a brother he’d probably do the same, honestly
Mostly, he’s just here for the chaotic ride. He gets to be a sarcastic bastard with a secret love for the dramatic flair and somehow make friends at the same time
He still needs to find a way to get under Patton’s skin, though. Patton never gets bothered by Janus, but that’s probably because Patton has known Janus as his neighbor for literal years
Damn him. Janus will get him some time
Though for right now, Remus gets most of the wins of weirding out Patton. That is, until Roman shrieks and chases them both off
Yup. Janus chose a good best friend. Even if he’s a chaotic, salty bastard
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