#things on the Hell Wants To Make list
hellenhighwater · 2 years
"Also I'd really love to get into cheesemaking, but that seems like a bit of an undertaking."
*remembers reading other times Hell swore not to do The Thing*
...so, cheesemaking, when?
Honestly it's probably inevitable. I love cheese as much as one would expect from someone with my mayonnaise skin tone, especially soft cheeses, so it'll almost certainly happen eventually. But I think what I'd like to do is find someone who has milk-producing cows or goats and leave it for then.
There's any number of hobbies that I can see coming for me on the distant horizon of my life. I've accepted that a day will come when the latent interest in pottery rises up and I have to buy myself a kiln; stained glass work will come just as soon as I have a window that demands it, and at least with the food hobbies there's a relatively small investment in infrastructure for them. And my house has a positively enormous kitchen for its age, especially when I'm mostly only cooking for one.
That's honestly part of why I'm getting more interested in canning and preservation--I'm used to cooking for crowds, so single portions of stuff is weird, and also high-effort for one or two meals. I'm terrible with leftovers so I inevitably waste food by making too much. I'd like to start doing things in large batches and preserving single portions so that if I decide I want to open a jar of spaghetti sauce I'm not stuck with that for every meal for a week. I want little jam jars of pasta sauce. I want baby food jars of jams. I want little tiny amounts of things ready to go when I want them without paying stupid amounts of money for it.
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puppyeared · 4 months
i wanna post my skip to loafer art but i cant do it knowing ppl are gonna put it on tiktok and pinterest bc itd be like. bringing an invasive species ykwim
#my meds just kicked in so im feeling talkative but truly idk how to explain it#its like. with anything else id be more than happy to introduce it to ppl like monkie kid and mp100. witch hat maybe but its personal to me#but skip to loafer is special to me. and i feel bad for saying this bc other ppl do deserve to watch smth they will enjoy#hell the reason i got into it was bc my friend was kind enough to lend me her copy and i got hooked#its so ironic im saying this esp given how insecure i am abt depicting characters wrong. but i really dont want to look thru the tags#and see them on a 'can i copy your homework' tier list. or ppl getting mad abt why egashira mitsumi and shima cant just be a throuple#its just!! i wont stop you if thats how you like to engage with the show or how you interpret it bc ill just ignore it and leave u alone!!#and theres no objective wrong way of doing it!! and i know that interacting with the work is what forms a community after all!!#but keeping it tight knit is just easier for me bc nobody has to worry abt making each other laugh and we can enjoy it for what it is#fully aware im saying this as someone whos drawn monkie kid art with text post memes and owl house draw the squad templates#but at the same time i just. dont want to explain myself or give ppl reasons why shima and mitsumi are ace coded just bc it 'feels right'#fandom is a communal thing and it feels so hypocritical thinking this. too many conflictng thoughts that idk what to act on#yapping
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magniloquent-raven · 1 month
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yall mfers need to stop
#gay characters written with a straight audience in mind are a thing im not denying that#like 95% of one-off queer storylines in the early 2000s were just#''hello i am a gay. i have just enough personality to pass as human in the eyes of the audience.#now let me explain why you should treat me like a person''#but my god have people taken this phrase and run all the way into hell with it#if i see one more person saying heartstopper is for straight people im gonna start biting throats out#it was created by a queer person first of all#and second of all they did not write an entire subplot about there being no age limit on discovering who you are#for STRAIGHT PEOPLE#that wasn't for them!! it was for all the people in their 30s who watched the first season#and cried their eyes out because they were seeing all the things they never got to have#im so tired yall#i stg any queer media that's even remotely lighthearted or optimistic#is immediately called ''sanitized'' or rejected as some fantasy aimed at straight ppl who dont want to deal with harsh realities#when that just isnt fair at all#also side note the post i saw that prompted me to make this also put ''pretty much all queer media made in asia'' on the list#of queer media for straights#which. feels racist.#i really dont have much of a frame of reference for queer anime/kdramas/cdramas etc. but the generalization feels sketchy#idk man i feel like there's a certain segment of the community who will just say anything they dont like is not For Us#like just because it isn't for YOU doesnt meant no one in the community can relate to/enjoy it ffs
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soldier-poet-king · 17 days
My favourite character just died horribly in the space torture book, finally free, potentially confessing his love for the protagonist, the protagonist having to /mercy kill/ his first and closest friend, the knives, the intimacy, the devotion, the trust in a man capable of being terrible because he is so grimly devoted to trying to be Good, the sheer rage and despair and hope of it all
I think I'm going to. Die. Thanks
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ly-pleiades · 2 months
"sorry to be annoying again" *proceeds to send me a 180 word paragraph*
my brother in christ did i not tell you to leave me alone literally yesterday
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whilomm · 8 days
i need a fucking linguist to gve me a list of acceptable pronunciations of this literal nonsense word that was primarily type based rather than spoken based on accepted english rules bc my god there see to be quite a few
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perilegs · 11 months
i’m making huge generalizations here but idk i feel so much more comfortable just existing around trans (and some gnc) people than i do with people who are cis (and gender conforming) bc of the way we view our - and other peoples bodies. i hear trans people talk about bodies with so much love and adoration. like sure hating your body is a big thing for most trans people but most of us also learn to accept what we look like. and the acceptance often turns to genuinely liking yourself. especially if you make changes you want to to your body. it’s just. idk i feel like only a trans person could see my body for what it is
#ive seen a lot of trans art recently and its all been so lovingly made and with clear adoration towards bodies that look like yours#idk im not very eloquent and theres a lot more nuance to this entire thing#but like. i personally love my body like yea i have parts im insecure about we all do but also i have been able to choose to do things to m#body that make me happy! and  i dont just mean surgery and hrt bc thats not for anyone but also choosing to do whatever the hell i want to#with my hair and getting piercings and dressing in a way that feels good#i know being able to dress etc the way you want to is a privilege#and im so grateful for it#i can't believe there was a time when i wasnt allowed to cut my hair or wear boy clothes and i had to dress up as a girl#and got constantly reminded of being a failure of femininity etc. and now that i dont talk to my mom anymore im so free#i can exist in my body and i actually feel like my body is mine and not there just for show if that makes sense#like i look in the mirror and go that me!#and also like seeing myself like that has obviously made me appreciate others bodies as well#bc when you have for a long time always payed attention to the positives of a certain thing you start noticing positives more!#just like how idk going for a walk and finding 5 nice things you appreciate or looking#in the mirror and listing things you like about yourself#out loud. even if you feel uncomfortable#it helps#can you believe you're happier when you fall a bit in love with everything around you#there are so many wonderful things on this earth and you have to condition yourself to notice them and its hard work that never stops#but it is so worth it#i have lost the plot of my post#leevi talks#anyways i love how trans people love bodies
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artemx746 · 22 days
really hope it becomes much more clear in the future of fool's gold that the foreclaimers aren't bad because they don't have empathy, but rather because they based their society on people having a set "value" and killing people who aren't "Valuable enough". Plus they also tortured a god for 300+ years
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
There’s something extremely funny to me about gaining F/Os from NSFW Media. I play a Hentai game and come out the other side like “I still would not fuck this guy, but I could smooch him very gently on the mouth and listen to him tell me his deepest fears and sooth his soul like no one else could”
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storybounded · 2 months
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Thank you for your patience while I transfer my muse bios over. It is a TASK and a half, but it is desperately needed for my sanity. I'm the type of person who will usually hyperfocus on something until it's done, so if I am missing any starters, asks that require thinking, discord rps, or IM's, it is NOT on you. Hi, It's me, I'm the problem. It's me.
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orcelito · 2 months
Since I've got some life insurance money now, I keep ordering packages. Birthday gifts, household necessities/utility things that I've wanted but haven't bought b4 now for whatever reason (an electric kettle, a portable speaker, more outlet strips, wood cleaner, some cubbies for one of my new cabinets, etc), and Also a few frivolous nice things for myself (like the figurine, and the dice, and some comic books)
I'm expecting it to slow down after I've gotten things more settled, but I rly wonder what the post ppl think of me rn. Like "this bitch again?" I'm sorry post people I am simply trying to sort out my life rn. I promise I will be less annoying in time.
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yoohyeon · 1 year
Gonna leave my CV to my maybe futur job later today
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youssefguedira · 1 year
rolling stone's list of top 500 albums of all time etc and lists like it are subjective and i do get that and i'm not gonna be like well MY favourite album is not on here so this is a bad list but only 2 of the albums on the version i saw were not in english (that i could tell) and like. ok. i get that not everyone has the same musical interests as i do and it's not like i'm expecting everyone to listen to all music before making that kind of thing but. i feel like people can overlook stuff so easily just because we don't get very much exposure to non-anglophone music (in anglophone countries that is but i'm mainly looking at you us/uk) and so much of it is so so good and again i know it's subjective but is your list really the greatest of all time if it only includes 2 albums from non-anglophone artists
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pepprs · 1 year
ok hi. not to be stupid about this publicly once again but it’s 5:34 am [update it is now 5:53 am] and i have gotten absolutely HORRIBLE sleep tonight. first bc i was so stressed that i couldn’t fall asleep until 1:30am. then because my sister is sleeping in our room again (long story) which is good for her bc she’s making progress w her ocd but it means that she comes in with h the flashlight on after 2am and has to check the room and she leaves the bedroom door wide open which distorts the white noise from the sojnd machine which is right in front of my bed. and she’s like laughing at stuff on her phone too so all the subtleties of sound and light disrupt me and wake me up and throw me off. and also it’s freakishly hot so i woke up a couple times bc of that. and now im awake at 5:30ish after barely sleeping for 4 hours bc im stressed bc it’s Passover and my moms bday and im leaving work early today and tomorrow for the “””””Seder””””” (which again literally is not a seder it’s just dinner w my grandpa) and barely have time to get anything done at work and haven’t done anything for my mom and have to clean the house for my grandpa to come over and we literally don’t even have a dinner table yet likr idkw aht the fuck we’re going to do.. and also im fucking STARVING. because guess what!!!! we have to stop eating bread!!!! and i usually have 4 slices with avocado / guac on them before i go to sleep but there were only 4 slices left in the whole house so i had 2 so my brother will get to have the other 2 during the day. and my stomach is howling rn. and we have other things to eat like fruit and stuff but nothing that’s not going to throw me off.. like im not about to eat an orange at 5:30am it’s going to set my throat on fire with the acid this early in the morning. and we don’t have any snack foods in this house or like anything that can be made without having to prepare it for a while bc of our diet (lol). and we don’t have any flatbread or tortillas or whatever yet. so im going fucking crazy and feeling resentful abt passover again and wondering what the hell im going to do going into work and not being able to eat bagels for breakfast after not being able to eat my bedtime snack and being this hungry and stressed and miserable for a week on top of everything else. lol
#purrs#food#religion tw#(sorry lol)#delete later#ive had a lot of conversations in the last few days (some of them w other jewe) and everyone’s assuring me it’s fine if i keep eating bread#if it’s for health reasons and im not going to experience kareth for that. esp bc i already do things on the kareth list and also gay sex is#on there too and there’s a lot of stuff on there abt ppl being impure for having their periods too so.. just my two sent’s but i think thats#all ​fucking insane and a clear sign that those rules were not made by god and that they were made by prejudiced human beings. bc i believe#in spinozas god i think. and spinozas god would not punish humans for being humans. and would not want humans to suffer and suppress#themselves out of worship. though im not saying that you shouldn’t suffer or suppress yourself or whatever or find meaning in that if you#want to like im thinking abt Yom Kippur and stuff. but idk. im so conflicted. i stirred up this whole big crisis for myself about being#jewish and it’s very embarrassing and i don’t want to die or doom my future children or go to hell or whatever but apparently that’s already#gonna happen to me for like.. not observing shabbat and almost certainly cutting fruit during Shabbat so. whatever. but continuing to eat#bread during Passover feels like a totally different thing to me. but also i know actual jewish ppl who do not observe passover and i don’t#judge them for that or think they’re doomed to kareth. so idk. it’s all so fucked up. i want to be full and i want to go back to sleep and i#want to stop worrying about religion and constantly being afraid im invoking cosmic consequences for living my life and wanting to make#choices that feel good for me. bc it s already so fucking hard to make choices when im worried abt my moms judgment and trying to not hurt#my family ang more than i already do by existing and feeling my way. bringing god into it too is a whole other level of distress and misery
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cleromancy · 8 months
the post thats like "as a bette enjoyer i understand jason likers just making stuff up but dont you want something good dont you want something that delivers" is so goofy like. yeah i fucking do and i want jason to deliver it
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