#post pfl au
gunmetalgreenmp3 · 1 year
my toxic trait is that when i make an au i dont share anythign about it. at all. it stays cooped up in my brain and drives me mad for 5-7 business days straight before im allowed to be normal about anything again
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fishfingersalad · 11 months
Posting a lot today but heres my red vs blue warrior cats au
Rainclan (Blueteam)
Leader: Stormstar: Scarred dark grey tom with blue eyes (Wash) Apprentice: Lemonpaw
Deputy: Sandnose: Siamese she-cat with blue eyes (Kimball)
Medcat: Bonetail: White and grey she-cat with amber eyes (Dr Grey)
Warriors: Cloudpelt: Pale grey and white fluffy tom with green eyes (Church) Darkclaw: Black she-cat with yellow eyes (Tex) Silvermoon: Dark brown tom with blue-green eyes (Tucker) Apprentice: Minnowpaw Sunheart: Dark grey tabby tom with amber eyes (Caboose) Apprentice: Riverpaw Brightwhisker: Cream she-cat with yellow eyes (Kai) Apprentice: Spiderpaw Firefang: Ginger she-cat with green eyes (Carolina) Apprentice: Rainpaw
Apprentices: Riverpaw: Brown tom with blue eyes (Andersmith) Minnowpaw: Grey tabby tom with blue eyes (Palomo) Lemonpaw: Cream tom with green eyes (Matthews) Rainpaw: Grey spotted tom with blue eyes (Epsilon) Spiderpaw: Black tom with blue eyes (Junior)
Fireclan (Redteam)
Leader: Bloodstar: Shaggy scarred grey tom with yellow eyes (Sarge)
Deputy: Rustwhisker: Dark ginger tabby tom with green eyes (Simmons) Apprentice: Sweetpaw
Medcat: Berrystem: Dark grey tom with amber eyes (Doc) Apprentice: Sharppaw
Warriors: Persimmonstripe: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Grif) Apprentice: Sourpaw Rosepelt: Scarred pale ginger tom with amber eyes (Donut) Mudburr: Brown tom with brown eyes (Lopez) Oliveclaw: Scarred shaggy brown tom with green eyes (Locus)
Apprentices: Sourpaw: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Bitters) Sweetpaw: Dark ginger she-cat with green eyes (Jensen) Sharppaw: Dark grey tom with yellow eyes (Omega)
Moonclan (Pfl)
Leader: Rainstar: Dark grey tom with green eyes (The Director)
Medcat: Coldwhisper: Dark brown tom with amber eyes (Counsellor)
Warriors: Quickwater: Blue-grey tom with blue eyes (Florida) Snowwhisker: White tom with black spots and blue eyes (Wyoming) Apprentice: Beetlepaw Stoneclaw: Big white tom with amber eyes (Maine) Apprentice: Thornpaw Dusttail: Pale brown tom with amber eyes (York) Apprentice: Fernpaw Pinenose: Cream and white tom with blue eyes (North) Apprentice: Bouncepaw Sparktooth: Cream and white she-cat with blue eyes (South) Apprentice: Skypaw Haretail: Brown and white she-cat with amber eyes (Ct) Apprentice: Cloudpaw Eaglewing: White and black she-cat with yellow eyes (479er)
Apprentices: Fernpaw: Gray tabby tom with green eyes (Delta)  Thornpaw: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Sigma) Beetlepaw: Brown tabby tom with green eyes (Gamma)  Cloudpaw: Grey cat with yellow eyes (Eta) Skypaw: White cat with blue eyes (Iota) Bouncepaw: Dusty calico tom with blue and yellow eyes (Theta)
Rogues: Shark: Brown and orange tom with amber eyes (Sharkface) Felix: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Felix) Lightning: Black tom with white streaks and blue eyes (Temple)
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january-summers · 1 year
Well, it's official, Agent Washington is my new hyper-fixation. How do I know for sure?
Because I just spent half an hour staring into space and running a WashingMaine AU in my head.
it was both hilarious (to me), and very messed up.
Spartan!Maine, ODST!Wash, no PFL, Wash still gets his brain damage, post war retirement (they served together for a few months then parted ways and Wash got brain wrecked just before the war ended) they both get really nice retirement packages and coincidentally for plot reasons end up retiring to the same town on the same planet.
Maine spots Wash and recognises him right away but gets a case of the shy, so instead of communicating like a person, he stalks Wash instead. Wash... takes a while to notice because he has the forgetfuls and when Maine breaks in to touch Wash's stuff, just assumes he forgot moving things.
Then Maine decides to kidnap Wash, which doesn't go as well as Maine was hoping and he has to leave him tied up in the root cellar of his very nice hobby farm farmhouse.
Which Wash promptly escapes, but much like when you leave one room and enter another and forget why you were doing that, Wash's brain damage decides the whole kidnapping thing is irrelevant news, and so Wash is standing in the entry hallway of a strange house when Maine returns from his very urgent errands.
Wash freaks out because he thinks he broke into someone's house, Maine accidentally convinces Wash they're housemates (Wash is in the process of moving in) and Wash just forgot... because he has a spare room with a closet full of Wash's stolen clothes.
And thus begins their domestic farm life, where in the most exciting thing that happens is Maine getting scarily determined to win best cake at the local farmer's market competition, and Wash convincing him they need a cat, and then the cat having kittens.
(Wash doesn't recognise Maine at first because he never saw him without his spartan armour, so it takes a while to click, and by the time it does, he assumes he already knew that but forgot.)
And then a year later while they're quietly reading Wash suddenly gets up without a word, grabs a flashlight, heads down to the root cellar and finds a small blood stain left behind from his kidnapping.
"Maine, buddy, I'm not mad, but I need you to tell me the truth: did you stalk and kidnap me, or is that a crazy dream I had?" *Guilty silence* "Okay, not mad, but probably don't do that again, okay big guy?" *nods, chastened* "Cool, hey is it lunchtime yet, I'm hungry."
and they move on with their lives not addressing the kidnapping thing because they are fail-people who deserve a soft epilogue, dammit.
There was a bonus story-line in the background, where Carolina had worked with Wash and was keeping a part-time long-distance eye on him because his brain damage, and noticed he'd been kidnapped and lead a task force to find him, only to find him living in domestic bliss and her determination to see justice done to the monster who'd kidnapped her teammate crumbling in the face of Wash showing off his new kittens and their prize winning pumpkin.
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tvckerwash · 3 months
me: I should really figure out what the actual plot line of my ct lives au is so it can be a cohesive story instead of a bunch of random vaguely connected events (that also aren't properly fleshed out)
also me: what if I wrote part of ct's psych evaluation for pfl in the style of the washed hands interview that may or may not ever be revelant because of the above reasons???
[Sound of knocking on a door]
Counselor: Come in.
[Sound of door sliding open]
Counselor: Oh, you're early.
Tays: Sorry, sir. I finished my duties earlier than expected. It's not an issue, is it?
Counselor: No, it's not an issue at all, Reine. May I call you Reine?
[Sounds of chair moving across the floor]
Tays: I prefer Tays.
Counselor: Of course, my apologies. Do you often finish your assignments ahead of schedule?
Tays: I suppose…
Counselor: There is no need for you to feel defensive, Tays. This is not a test.
Tays: Isn't it though? I’m not some stupid kid, I know how your type works. The evaluation started the second I walked in the door.
Counselor: Would you like to elaborate on what you mean by ‘my type’?
Tays: You know what I mean, Counselor. Or should I call you [Audio Redacted].
Counselor: …
Tays: Yeah, that’s what I thought. I know you’re going to drop some bombshell revelation from my past on me at some point in an attempt to catch me off guard, so it’s only fair that I do the same.
Counselor: I see. I will not bother with the pretenses then, though I must say that I do not believe it was a wise decision to reveal your trump card so early in this evaluation,Tays.
Tays: …
[Rustling papers]
Counselor: I see from your body language that you are realizing the mistake you have made. Your personnel file tells me that this is not the first time you have made such a blunder. Let’s talk about the incident at your last post, shall we?
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doubleodonut · 4 months
do you have any more thoughts on the old PFL!tucker au? the art that you posted is so good :0
NOT REALLY UNFORTUNATELY im not really the kind of guy to make fully fleshed out aus and such, i just like coming up with a few scenes in my head and drawing cool shit, yknow? i'm a lover, not a writer.
that saiiid..i kind of envisioned it becoming a "loop" in the same way church "time traveled" back in the bgc- like, you came back to "fix" things but actually, whoops, you're helping put everything that already happened into motion, it's all inevitable, etc.
SHRUGS i really didnt have much concrete as far as i can remember. alpha and tucker hanging out In Secrets. tucker being one of the ones helping fuck shit up during the freelancer break-in/crash of the moi, using the moi's sputtering slipspace engine during the crash to travel back to the present in a kind of cool "dash through the ship" sequence. tiny things
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voidedbattery · 2 years
VoidedBattery Directory
A post for the most important stuffs I find!
Reblogs/Sources (NOT MINE!!!):
Jorge getting caught in an alleyway which is also the coast of some lake
Jorge nightmare thingy
Jorge headcanons
Jorge HCs with Kat actually being caring due to plot reasons
Carter headcanons
Jun headcanons
Emile headcanons
Kat headcanons
Miscellaneous Halo Stuff
Noble Six's name is Toni
The name Capenelle
Jorge troll
Jorge leg day post
Jorge being tagged "himbo"
Jorge lifting Emile
Spartan lifting marine
UNSC Recruiter Meme
Jorge and Noble Six
Rookie x Reader
ODST Post card
Sleeveless ODSTs
More Sleeveless ODSTs
Rookie's First Words
Halo 3: ODST Voice Lines
Rookie in Bed
Rookie art (again)
Rookie art
Rookie art 4
Rookie art 5
Rookie art 6
RvB Charon Industries Stuff
Kyo's facecanons
Kyo shirt graphic
Link to Taking it Home to Go it Alone
The above, but with an alternate link (oh thank you tex)
Epilogue of S9 E17 maybe
The one where Sharkface yells at 'grove
TOWSYA'G Epilogue
Terence and Hannah fight over pizza
The one where they get drunk
Restyle that makes Sharkface look half-pig
Poll with 49 votes
Sleeves doodles
the first sleeves art that i have seen in a long time
Sleeves art
RvB Roleswap AU
Sleeves doodle
The Stickere
Posts to use around my community
RvB Height Chart
RvB PFL Zodiac Thing
RvB BGC Zodiac Thing
Red Team Patriot
RvB Misc
Other Maine Ramble
Maine eeping
Names I find interesting from peoples' ocs
Misc (fr)
COD MW2 convo that absolutely sent us
My stuff (I think)
Rambles and longish posts
CT Dream
Agent Maine Dream
Halo Reach AU Dream
Halo Reach Lego Jorge Dream
Halo Reach ODST and CE Dream
Halo Reach Jorge and ODST Dream
Agent Maine Ramble
Tiny memers
Skip-proof ads
Robot s
Me, meh, mah...
Demoman without his bandoliers
Jun birtb hday post 2023
If anything from the reblog/source sector disappears, please let me know so I can redirect it to a reblog or something similar.
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redvsbluemicrofic · 6 years
Filthy Yorkalina Advent Calendar 2K18
It’s that time of year again!
It’s December and @lostlegendaerie and I are going through our extensive backlog of fic hanging in limbo, giving them a bit of a touch up and releasing them into the light of day! 
Most of these are going to be from an AU where York and Carolina escaped before/during the crash of the Mother of Invention and go on the run, eventually finding safety and settling down together out in the middle of fucking nowhere. 
First up is “Pulse” -- York playfully nudges Carolina’s blood kink button, and then is all surprised when it detonates.
We did say it was filthy.
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Taglist: @averagejoey2000
Original Inspiration / Masterpost
Chapter 5 / Chapter 7
Theta!South AU. I Guess.
Chapter: 6
Words: “I’m actually having a lot of fun with this” (2,700)
“That’s it!” South shouted, mongoose screeching to a halt. Every time one of the A.I. units disengaged their cloaking, her helmet would buzz slightly, but whoever kept creeping out of their hiding place clearly didn’t want to get caught. “Who keeps decloaking? Theta, I swear, we’re almost there, but I will turn this ride around and drive straight into the Met-”
“Apologies, Agent South, I disengaged my cloaking. Theta is still cloaked, as you requested at the last base,” Delta said, projecting from her helmet. He wasn’t integrated to her armor, but that didn’t make his lack of signal cloaking any less concerning.
“You of all people know better than to decloak out here,” South grumbled, the mongoose whining as she sped down the open stretch of dirt road. “Get back inside, it’s only an hour or so more,”
There was an abandoned Freelancer outpost up ahead, according to Delta’s last scan. They had leapfrogged bases for a few days, just barely outrunning the pelicans her suit’s scanners would pick up. There was no sign of the Meta, but that wasn’t cause for celebration. They knew he could hide himself from their scanners, so their only safe bet was to keep moving until they found the planet’s civilian settlement.
“I wanted to ask you something,”
“I thought you were supposed to be the smart one, besides D, it can wait ‘til we get to base,”
“But-!” Delta’s voice cracked, his projection flickering. South could tell something was up, but she wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. “I…do not want Theta to hear it. While he is in storage now would be the best time for me to ask my questions.” An alarm on South’s helmet beeped.
“Pelicans are getting close again. Storage until we get to base,” Her voice softened as she increased the mongoose’s speed, leaving a faint trail of dust in her wake. “I’m sure I can find time to put the kid somewhere safe and we can talk without him hearing, ‘kay D?”
“Acknowledged. Cloaking for storage now.” His projection dissipated into the air, and South focused on the road ahead. Despite every fiber of her being telling her this was not going to be a pleasant conversation, she was undeniably curious.
“Alrighty, we should be good for the night, what do you think Theta?”
“It’s a lot nicer than the last one,” He said, projecting from her helmet as she walked around the empty building. The floors were carpeted, muffling South’s footsteps as she passed by a rec room, abandoned game of pool left unfinished. “It’s…kind of creepy though…”
“Agreed. Creepy as fuck. Let’s find the control room and get some lights on, that sound like a good idea?”
“Yeah, want me to go back into storage?”
“No, actually,” South said as the tiny purple A.I. paused mid log off. “Could you sync up? Just until we find the control room. Don’t want to get ambushed in here,”
“Oh, uh, okay,” Theta said, projection leaving her helmet and voice magnified as he engaged her neural implant. She wouldn’t lie, it felt good to have an extra set of eyes on her scanners, watching her back. Probably because she missed North having her back. Theta shrank away from the thought of North, murmured apologies in the back of her mind.
“Keep an eye on my thermal scanners, will you? The Meta might be able to cloak his suit’s energy signature from motion trackers, but Maine’s still a living breathing human.”
“They have a much smaller range than the motion trackers,” Theta muttered, South’s HUD displaying the limited field of the thermal scan, barely reaching the rooms around her.
“That’s all right, just watch ‘em for me. Control room is on the next floor…” The stair case had been obliterated, a gaping hole in the concrete wall and scorching pointing to a bomb as the cause. The floor had also partially collapsed into the basement below, water reflecting back the helmet flashlight. 
“Important question Theta: could I make that jump?”
“Uh, probably not, Delta could give you the numbers faster but, uh, no I don’t think so,”
“Then how about this idea: we use my bubble shield. Expand it to fill up the gap and walk across.”
“It…it could work, but I’ve never tried that before, it’s not really how the shield is supposed to be used…”
“C’mon Theta, we’ve got this, it’ll work,”
“If it doesn’t you plummet…at least two stories into however deep and cold water. Delta isn’t integrated, his compartment would short out, and you might die, and then I’d be all alone-”
“Or, we walk right across. Easy peasy.” Theta didn’t feel any more confident.
“Your suit is running low on power as it is, to support a whole bubble shield of that size…you’d have less than three seconds before it started failing, then Delta would be locked into storage until the suit got power,”
“Then why don’t you prioritize the shield pieces that I’ll be walking across. Like, how you focused power on those shield pieces for North with the turrets in the training session,”
“I…I could try,”
“That’s the spirit! Okay, can you make the shield now?” South smiled as the golden glow illuminated a narrow pathway across the abyss. But suddenly her mouth was dry and hands cold. The last time she had seen a bubble shield was the last time she saw North. Theta reacted to her thoughts, the shield immediately collapsing.
“I’m-m sorry South I didn’t mean to – I shouldn’t have-”
“Theta, it’s…it’s okay, I just, froze up,” South swallowed the lump in her throat. She needed to focus. They both needed to focus. “Can you make the bridge again?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, we need to get to the control room. We’ve got this. Try it again, I’ll run right across. On three. One, two, three!” The bridge solidified, South took two long strides, and she was hiking up what was left of the stairs.
“See,” South breathed aloud, looking back into the darkness as the bridge disappeared. “No sweat,”
“South, I’m picking up motion in the floor above us,” Theta said, panic lacing his words. South checked her scanners. Sure enough, at least one live suit reading. Freelancer.
“Fuck!” She whispered, gears in her head turning as she communicated with Theta faster than she could form verbal sentences.
“Change of plans, we’re going down,”
“Freeze!” A voice shouted, South spinning on her heels and raising her hands as helmet light cast a circle of white around her. She knew that helmet. Why would they send him? She didn’t have time to think about that, stepping down the not-so-structurally intact stairs.
“Down. Shield. Now!” She stepped back again, falling back into the abyss. Two stories. Water could be only knee deep or keep going for another two stories. Delta would short out.
The bubble shield ricocheted the bullets from the Freelancer above her, forming around her to cushion the impact of the water below.
South hit the water hard, the bubble shield not exactly streamline to enter the deep pool, making the impact all the more forceful. The bubble managed not to shatter, but its integrity was faltering. She barely had a chance to catch her breath.
“Theta, do we have a scan of these tunnels?”
“Working on it, okay, yes, they, they go for miles, probably connect to other bases before draining into a local water body-”
“Got it, upload to my HUD, can you get the bubble shield to protect Delta until we’re further away? My suit should be able to filter enough air for us to get some distance between us and the recovery agent.” The bubble shield shrank away, though she could feel its gentle golden glow behind her head, protecting the storage units from the water.
“On it,”
“Good, now log off, and keep quiet. My suit’s still off their active register, right?”
“Good, I’ll find a safe place to surface and we’ll get back on the road,”
“Your suit is running low on power, you won’t make it to the next base before it shuts down,”
South had an idea. An idea Theta did not like very much. But to save power, he stayed quiet, and kept the suit’s power usage to a minimum as she swam through the darkness, not even a helmet light to illuminate the way.
“I still don’t like this idea, what if you get caught?”
“I won’t,”
“What if they or – or the Meta find’s Delta?”
“They won’t,” South sighed, stripping off the last of her armor in the inky blackness of the tunnel. It was freezing, in only her black bodysuit, but it would have to do. The armor was going to run out of power in only a few hours, and that was if it was kept on minimum life support. After that, it would be a useless heap of metal, until it was powered up again.
“You’re – you’re so confident but what if, if it goes wrong? You – we aren’t bulletproof anymore, without the armor,”
“We weren’t entirely bulletproof with it, you know,” South stretched, looking down the stretching of water she had swam, and would have to swim again. She hoped the agent, or agents, had moved on, or at least were searching for her elsewhere in the caves. “Besides, I’m faster and more flexible without that stuff, and, also, stealthier,”
“Yeah, ha, orchid pink maybe wasn’t the best idea-”
“I was talking about how loud the boots are and you know it,”
“Yeah, I’m just, nervous,”
“Relax, stay quiet, and watch my six,” South said with a sigh, slipping back into the water. The water was much colder than she remembered, but she needed to get a power cell. Fast.
“I can’t do much without your suit. Are, are you sure you don’t want Delta? He’ll be able to scan a room through your eyes faster than me,”
“I want you, Theta,”
She could tell him Delta had been acting strange. That she was wary of his activity during the past few days, the late nights she saw his projection pacing terminals or muttering softly to himself. But she didn’t need to say any of that. They shared a mind after all.
“Is Delta…okay?”
“I don’t know, but we need to be somewhere safe to find out.” South dove into the water, ignoring the icy shock and swimming as quietly and as quickly as she could back towards the base.
She waited below the staircase for a long time. Watching. Listening. Waiting for the glow of a sniper’s aim to illuminate the darkness, or for the stutter of machine gun fire to pepper the water. It never came. Theta was listening too, analyzing every sound she heard for recognizable patterns of footsteps or armor movement.
Nothing. The agent either left or was just that good at hiding their presence. 
“Think we’re good?”
“I’m not picking up on any familiar patterns. Please be careful,”
South scrambled out of the water, looking up the wall. Two stories wasn’t that far to free climb, but that didn’t make it any less dangerous.
“South maybe we should find another way up,”
“It’ll take too long, just, trust me, and maybe stay extra quiet, I’ve got to focus,” South thought, climbing the first few feet, the pitted and cracked wall offering many handholds. Her hands were cold, she was tired, and Theta would occasionally echo her subconscious thoughts, making for slow going.
“Don’t look down…not that one it’s structurally unsound…hungry…”
“Shush, keep an ear out for the Freelancers. I need to focus, remember?”
“Right, sorry, can do,”
Hand, foot, pull. Hand, foot, pull. Over and over again, groping around in the inky black for each handhold and ledge. About halfway to the top South got her second wind, reaching the still intact portion of the staircase. She was exposed, and if the strike team showed up, she was completely vulnerable to attack. She needed to move. Fast.
The base was still pitch black, every step shadowed from view in the oppressive darkness. If Theta hadn’t stored the base’s blueprints in his files, she would have quickly gotten lost in the labyrinth. The control room was easy to identify, terminal glowing gently, still in sleep mode.
“Just grab the power cells and run, I don’t like this place,”
“If the recovery team is gone we can at least get some data from this base,”
“…Delta usually uploads to terminals,”
“You can do it too, can’t you?”
“Yeah…I guess so, I, I just don’t want to be left behind, if they come back, or if the Meta-”
“Theta, you know me,” South thought, reaching to the back of her neck to remove his chip. “I would never leave you behind,” Just as the small chip was between her fingers, a gun’s safety clicked. She sighed, rolling her eyes, thoughts spinning in a desperate search for a quick escape.
“Put your hands behind your head, Agent South,”
“Or what?” She said, keeping her tone light and movements slow as she turned around. She casually leaned back on the terminal, slipping Theta’s chip into it’s A.I. port. “You going to shoot me, Illinois?” The agent said nothing, holding his rifle steady, finger off the trigger.
South kicked the rifle away in one fluid movement, the gun clattering to the ground. Illinois was startled enough for her to get a solid kick to his gut. She winced, ankle twisting unnaturally as her foot connected with armor. It probably wasn’t hard enough to wind him, but it did knock the Freelancer off balance.
She dove for the rifle, but a swift jab from Illinois connected with her ribs. Something probably broke. She hit the ground hard and unbalanced. South didn’t have time to catch her breath, Illinois already reaching for the rifle. She kicked it away, metal screeching against the concrete as she jumped back to her feet, catching Illinois’ helmet with and elbow. That was going to bruise.
The terminal hummed gently, the blue screen flickering purple briefly. Theta was synced. Unfortunately, the brief moment she was distracted was enough to Illinois to land a solid punch, square between her eyes. A rush of warmth came to her face, tears instantly welling in her eyes as she fell back in a daze. 
“Agent South, where is your armor?” Illinois asked, voice still calm and breathing even as he slowly picked up his rifle. He hadn’t even broken a sweat. South crawled to her knees, blood still gushing down her face and puddling on the concrete.
If she had her armor, and hadn’t been exhausted from the past few hours of swimming and running and climbing, South would have knocked his lights out. Probably. But, she didn’t have her armor, all she had was a broken nose and new bruises.
“Safe. For now. Delta’s with it,” She said between pants, pulling herself up to her feet. He held his rifle tightly, finger hovering above the trigger. “So if you kill me, the Meta will probably pick him up before you find it.”
“Where is you armor, South, ”
“Why would they send a demoman like you on a recovery mission? Do they think I’m stupid enough to hole up in some fortress and try to wait you out?”
“South,” Illinois stepped forward, the barrel of his rifle grazing her face. “Your armor. Now.”
“Did they promise you something?” She asked, his helmet obscuring any expression. “Maybe that ridiculous retirement plan you’d always talk about. Island chain planet all to yourself with enough booze to drown your ghosts. They promised me something too, y’know.”
“Agent South, I will not ask you again, where is your-”
“They promised me North would be safe.” Illinois froze mid-demand, taking a heavy breath. Something from the terminal beeped, and the base was illuminated, light’s harsh and cold. South’s eyes were drawn to an entrance to the control room, blood draining from her face. The recovery agent followed her gaze, the figure growling softly.
The Meta.
Illinois turned his rifle on the figure, gunfire deafening as South yanked Theta’s chip from the terminal and grabbed a power cell from the below the monitor before sprinting to the exit. The bullet’s continued to ping against concrete as she scrambled down the collapsed stairs, slamming Theta’s chip into her implant. She felt the same wave of relief that came over him as they synced.
“Please tell me you got the power - oh, ow, what-?”
“Yes, I got the power cell. Yes everything hurts. Please tell me power cells are waterproof.”
“They are,”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Theta’s pleas were ignored as South jumped off the staircase, diving into the deep water below. She surfaced, swimming down the dark tunnel to her suit. At least it washed most of the blood off her face.
“If we’re lucky the Meta didn’t find Delta, and we’ll have enough time to get out of here-”
“Actually…that wasn’t the Meta,”
“Illinois will figure that out soon, I didn’t even add animations, so we still need to get back to Delta as fast as possible,”
“Wait, you, you…made that? It looked so real,”
“Yeah. I have…had been working on my projections with, with North for a while. And we had a lot of data and imagery of the Meta from past encounters, so I was able to throw together a distraction and use the base’s projection cameras to make a hologram,”
“That’s fucking awesome Theta,”
“Uh, thanks,”
“Seriously little buddy, you saved both our asses back there, and Delta’s too,” South could feel the pride Theta felt.
“I, I guess I did, but, uh, we really do need to move. I don’t want that guy to catch us, again.”
“He won’t. I promise.”
Ooooo I am having too much fun with these chapters. Don’t worry, next chapter’ll be much more Delta-centric. Lil green bugger’s got some of his own issues to work out. 
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trannydean-moved · 4 years
What I’m supposed to be doing: Preparing the next chapter of Retaliation, brainstorming about what’s going to be happening in this series of fics, maybe even beginning to write the next chapter to give me a headstart for tomorrow
What I’m doing: Coming up with another AU, hyperfixating on this one particular AU, trying to hold back the urge to begin writing this AU and gradually failing
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robopastry · 2 years
silly fake rvb season post bcuz im mentally ill and love my pfl!donut aus 😭
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razmerry · 2 years
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Saving the biggest for last! Maine was never my favorite RvB character, but I can always appreciate him as the first real villain of the series. Plus, as a dragon kid, I do love drawing a big funny lizard. 
Here’s some information about this silent scaly spectre:
- To get the obvious out of the way first, he’s the least humanoid out of any of the characters thusfar. I personally really like the Gorn, and I think they’re an underappreciated species. Post-TOS Trek doesn’t seem to appreciate their characterization as an intelligent species! I wanted to play with that for Maine’s character; he seems to fulfill the stereotype about Gorn as animalistic and beastly, but really he’s just quiet and very strong. He’s got that methodical cleverness that Meta really displays in the show. 
- One of my other favorite things about making Maine a Gorn is the wonderful justification for his canon growling communication. It’s much simpler than in RvB; after the fall of Freelancer, his universal translator broke, and he didn’t have the resources or motivation to get a new one. So he’s really just speaking in his own language. The reason Wash can understand him is because when they were friends in the Project, they each learned some of the other’s native language outside of translator specifics. (their friendship really means so much to me,,)
- Meta is on the opposite spectrum of Borg experiment failures like Wash, because Meta was fully plunged into a Borg hivemind state. Except it was a little successful, and along with the rampancy of the assistant AI programs, Meta went completely off the rails and is now seeking to assimilate any other lifeforms he comes across. Of course, since he’s not really part of a Hive, this usually ends up pretty bloody, and he’s also after the missing AIs like in canon. 
- One small note about Maine’s uniform is that it had to be custom made by PFL, since he’s much bigger than anyone else in the Project, and also has knees that face a different direction. I based his uniform off traditional Gorn clothing, with the leather materials of the other PFL uniforms. 
- Something I wanted to explore with Maine/Meta’s character was the tragedy of it all, especially in relation to him being a Gorn. The Federation seems to have a lot of stereotypes about the Gorn, and Meta ends up being twisted into a lot of them by the abuse at the hands of the Project. Because of the damage to his brain by the Borg tech and the AIs, he can’t control his salivation, and his universal translator was destroyed, meaning he can’t communicate. Maine as a person is quiet and smart, a good teammate and a hard worker. As the Meta, he’s a growling creature blindly seeking out destruction, and that’s how he dies.
 What the hell! Why is Project Freelancer so angsty! I miss my silly little Reds and Blues. 
But speaking of which, Maine is the last of the Freelancers! I know I haven’t technically done all of them - but this is also my own AU and I can do what I want. CT and Wyoming are both very boring to me, and I didn’t have interesting for Florida. The Director and the Counselor both look the same as they do in canon, so there’s not much point to drawing them. 
Next week I’m starting on the Chorus arc! Felix is up first >:)
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donut-entendre · 3 years
for the character ask thing: church
w. which one. I am going to assume α-Church
Why I like them:
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I can't give an interesting answer for why I like him he's just. Church is The character ever do you NEED reasons to like him. Are you fucking kidding me. He is hilariously unobservant about himself and a total fucking nerd if you need literally any statements. It's so funny that people actually think he hates the reds and blues. Like riddle me this fool would YOU sacrifice yourself for some guys you weren't even AROUND at the time if you didn't care about them? Huh? He is constantly fighting off the empathy demons with a stick to maintain his uncaring guise but it doesn't fucking work because he keeps pulling shit like 'make potentially competent medic get to new idiot at all costs' and 'worries very hard about sick teammate' and we can't FORGET about 'would hold their hands if they were dying in a visceral and gross way despite voicing he didn't want to go near the sick one just moments ago and was worried that said visceral death might happen in the first place' Are you fucking kidding me. Why do I like Church. He's so fucking ridiculous and tragic. Love that dude he is so Adjective
Why I don’t: Not applicable. If I had to pick anything it would be how he treats his friends but I'd still have to acknowledge the nuance in that psychologically he COULDN'T accept that he cared about people because of the PFL bullshit.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I cannot choose. You cannot make me because I am incapable of this.
Favorite season/movie: See above.
Favorite line: 'any of his pissed off screaming lines' for 500. Also when O'Malley went into his head and he was just that post that's like 'if a demon possessed me I'd just be like whatever man your turn I'm out'
Favorite outfit: Halo 3 armor FTW buuuuut also he dresses like a slutty goth cowboy. Prove me wrong. You can't. I'm the only person here who knows how people dress in the south I'm the authority on this matter /j
OTP: Church x Happiness is the real ship. Uhhhh if I had to pick a ship to become canon though It'd be chucker or chuckboose
Brotp: ... Chex tbh. Literally imagine them being ex's AND friends. I know canon is already kinda like that but Imagine. Church and Grif are also bros they make fun of shitty sci-fi movies that Simmons would scream at together
Head Canon: The blues draw silly faces on all his helmet visors and he will find every excuse to not get rid of them. Also I am a fat αlpha Church truther. And Church was shorter than Tucker by an inch or two at first but is exactly ONE inch taller than him as Robot #2. EXACTLY one. and he's all smug about it too
Unpopular opinion: I can't BELIEVE this is unpopular but he's not actually angry most of the time, just irritated. There's a difference. Church is ANGRY when Caboose dies in the time loops, he's IRRITATED when he's in a stupid argument.
A wish: PSA's with Church? PSA's with Church pretty please? I don't care if he's dead in the main show the PSA verse is implied to be like. They're actors of themselves. PSA's with Church I want to see him. Give him soup and fresh bread
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: ... But do NOT bring him back, worse if it's just to kill him again. I'm a slut for Church lives au's but he shouldn't come back in canon either. They got to say bye, let it stay bye.
5 words to best describe them: In denial, Irritable, needs therapy, softhearted, selfless
My nickname for them: Horrible little cuddlebug. Dickhead McDumbass. LL Church. Shouty McLoud. Baby blue bitch. I'm fucking with you only 2 of those are nicknames I use lol
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january-summers · 1 year
Dear Brain, I hate you with the force of ten thousand suns. Stop making things worse, stop making things horrible, stop hurting Agent Washington. No love, January.
So, this post right? Feral Wash Awol Murder Rampage through Covie Forces Au?
My brain went: but what if we made things suck even more for poor David? Like, a lot?
Cause I was thinking, right, how would I tell that story if I wrote it? Well, I mean there was five other thoughts happening simultaneously, but the end result was:
Warnings for below the cut: injury, murder, semi-graphic descriptions of injury and death, brief mentions of suicidal thoughts, events which might be considered self harm, aspects of unreality, excessive use of 'David' instead of 'Wash(ington)'
no beta, I die like all the freelancers who aren't Wash or Carolina (Or California.)
this implies a somewhat slightly less feral Wash/David than the previous, and got a bit rambling and somewhat very dark, and I really need to stop hurting Wash/David, and spend time in much happier AUs, like a soft PFL AU where things are nice and the worst thing to happen to Wash is that during an undercover op, out-of-armour Wash is outed as a former rockstar by a fan.
We start with David in the psych ward, a therapist is with him while he tells them he doesn't remember, he doesn't stop asking he can't remember!!! The base was attacked, and they were fighting and now he's here, everything was just a blur between all that, stop asking for details, he doesn't have them!
But the therapist asks him to try, to start at the beginning, what's his name, his rank, his serial number, tell them about his team mates, no you can't see them right now, please answer the questions.
So David answers as best as he can, (and at this point I would like to take a small hilarity break to suggest his last name is actually something very normal, like Cooper, or Campbell, or Church, or anything that makes his initials D.C.) and slowly starts recounting the story, with prompting from the therapist when he falters.
He talks about the base, how they (he and his team) would hang out and train and prepare for the covie forces to arrive, and how they arrived without warning, swept over the base and would have killed everyone inside if David hadn't disobeyed his Sargent's orders. But he'd survived, he falters as he tries to get through the attack, tries to put into words the fear he'd felt at losing sight of each of his team mates, and lets the therapist slowly wheedle him into telling how he'd found each and every member, banged up but alive, how they'd fought and run and fought some more and blown up so many of the damn covie bastards until there was silence at last.
How they'd walked through what remained of the base looking for any survivors and finding only the Sargent. Hiding.
David stops here, again, and the therapist tells him that it's okay, they already know, there was camera footage recovered, they know what David did, but they want to hear it in his own words.
So David confesses. He'd dragged his Sargent through the blood and scorch marks, made him look at the dead, and then he'd beaten his Sargent's face bloody, hadn't stopped until his face didn't look like a face anymore, and then he'd let the Sargent crawl away just far enough to think he had a chance before putting a single bullet through the back of his head.
The therapist thanks him, and tells him he did really well, and that David should rest now. Outside David's room, the therapist talks to others, arguing that their work isn't done, not only was David found so many miles away from that base that he should have been able to walk it in the month he was missing, there were all those destroyed covenant bases, he might have information! Plus, his confession wasn't accurate, several key details were wrong. (what they don't exactly say, by they mention the footage, talk about whether or not David knows he was lying.)
The therapist gets an allowance, they have until the court date of David's court-martial to get anything they can out of him, but he's confessed enough to the crime he's being charged for, everything else is just filler.
Over the next week or two, the therapist gets the story out of David in bits and bites, of how he and his team had discovered their comms were fried beyond repair, then made the decision to try and hoof it to the next base after salvaging whatever they could from theirs. Covie and UNSC weapons alike.
The discovery of the next base being wiped out. No comms. Low supplies. Plenty of tracks to follow.
They'd decided to take revenge against the covies, hadn't expected to walk out, but they had. First one covie away team, then two, then scout and small teams, then finally a base.
Always waiting for each fight to be the one that kills them.
David talks slowly and with morbid humour about how he'd used the weapons he'd stolen to kill the covies in increasingly creative ways.
Sitting by a river trying to wipe dark blueish-purply blood off of his... everything.
"I have some very important notes on the minimum safe distance to reach after shoving grenades down a gator's throat, by the way."
How one base had been in a large indent in the rock, not really deep enough to call it a cave, to tall and exposed at the front, but he really didn't know what else to call it. David stops to laugh as he recalls the conversation right before he'd begun the plan for that base.
"This is the worst life choice I have made. Ever. Of all time," David had complained, tightening the rope's knot to make sure his makeshift harness was secure. "Your worst life choice ever, of all time, so far!" His team mate had corrected him before David had jumped off the cliff, running along the rock face to swing out across the opening, so high up no one would have expected it, shooting out the bases shield generators despite being upside down and swinging very fast and not having very long to locate and terminate before they were adjusted to cover his surprising angle. The clamber up the far side of the opening, back onto the small outcropping to load the makeshift bomb (a lot of grenades duct-taped together) in his hastily abandoned harness so he can throw it over the edge. One of his team mates frantically praying as David judged the swing to cut the rope so the bomb would release right into the center of camp. The explosion and the realisation the ridge wouldn't hold as the cave collapsed, his team racing ahead and calling back for him. Getting caught in the rock slide and coming to with one arm pinned beneath stone. Stuck there in the sweltering sun until his team had found a stick to lever it off of him.
The therapist takes several breaks over the course of the interview/interrogation, to talk to their own team, who've been watching via live camera feeds.
"You really believe this kid and his team did all that?" one of the therapist's team asks. "Some of what he said contradicts, you had to have noticed. And where's this team of his? I thought he was the only one they picked up?" "You haven't noticed?" another asks the first, amused, and perhaps a little condescending like they're waiting for the first to catch up. "That David seems to be the star of it all, the big hero making all the plans and taking all the action? His team is a supporting cast of two-dimensional characters? No alarm bells ringing for you?" "So he's making himself out to be the hero?" "He knows he's lying," the therapist says, staring into the ether, replaying David's words and actions as he'd retold the events. "He knows exactly when he's lying." "So what, he never did any of it? His team carried him? or none of it happened? How'd the covies die then? Rogue Spartan?" "Hahahaha," the second team mate laughs like they can't believe the first can be so stupid. "No, but seriously, how did you get a job here, was it nepotism? Go back and watch the footage, look at his body language, his body keeps telling the truth even when his mouth is lying to us."
The therapist perseveres, helping David tell the story in his own time, how tired the team had gotten, how hard it had been to sleep, how they'd discovered that one type of covie ration was edible for humans but it was also, for humans, a space weed brownie, how they'd accidentally discovered certain types of polarized lenses could... not entirely reveal active camo, but would show more obvious signs of it than looking straight on.
"It's not something you can use all the time," David says, holding his hands up like he's using two pairs of something (sunglasses) to act like a active camo radar. "You're better off waiting until you have reason to believe they're there... even if they show up unexpectedly it's not, it's just not feasible to use them all the time, and besides, the real trick is making the shot, you've either gotta turn away from the reflection at shoot where you think they should be, or make the shot using the reflection to target." He extends his right arm up and behind him, keeping his eyes on his left hand as he mimes a gunshot.
The first of the therapist's team mates comes to a conclusion. "Okay, I understand, he got his team mates killed along the way, that's why they weren't picked up with him, they didn't survive his insane theatrics in the field!"
"Ooohhh, partial points," the second tells them. "Right track, but you got off at the wrong destination, you're a little early... or late in this case."
Finally, two days before the hearing/trial/court-martial, they reach the end of the story. And the therapist asks:
What happened on the first day, what happened during the attack on the base?
"I told you." David says, "I already told you, stop asking. I told you what happened."
"Where is your team?"
"No, no I don't want to. Don't make me look." David hides his face in his hands, body curling in on itself. "If I look it's real. I'm not ready yet, it can't be real yet."
"David please, tell us what happened to them, tell me what happened during the attack on the base?"
And David looks up, looks at the therapist, looks at his team standing behind them. They smile, give him encouragement, and for a moment he hates them for it.
So David starts again, retells the beginning, the base, the quiet before, the surprise attack, the fear as he loses sight of his team one by one, and then finds them.
Riddled with crystal needles, burned, crushed, one of them torn in half at the waist (David had thought for a moment that one was fine until he'd moved far enough to see...), and one of them he almost hadn't found. Wouldn't have found, if it hadn't been for the sight of their lucky rubber duck half fallen from the torn pocket of a headless corpse.
He retells the desperation of the battle, determined to take as many of the covie bastards with him as he could before he joined his team mates.
The absolute rage he'd felt at being denied when the last covie had fallen but David had remained.
And the cold, burning beyond fury when he'd found the Sargent, how he'd broken the man's knee and dragged him through the base, through ash and blood to each and every member of David's team, to make him look at them, how he'd beaten his Sargent's face, demanding he apologise, until the man finally agreed.
"I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry, Please, stop, I'm sorry!" "No," David had said, "Not to me." He'd stood, given his Sargent enough room to turn over to see where David was pointing. To the team's youngest, staring wide eyed and unseeing, looking almost untouched... above the waist where there was still a body to see. "You apologise, to them." And the Sargent had, crawling and begging for forgiveness. David had sighed. "No." He'd denied the Sargent's pleas for forgiveness and put a bullet through his brain. "We don't get to be forgiven for this."
David is sent away, off to face military justice, and left behind in the psych ward, the psych team unwinds.
"I don't get it, did you read it in a file, about the team already being dead?" The first team mate asks. The second team mate lets out a long, drawn out sigh of annoyance. "Go back and watch the footage, watch the way he moved his body. For the most part, he's contained, small movements, fury, fear, frustration, all held in check. When he made big movements it was in two types of situation. First, when he was demonstrating something-" second mimics David's illustration of reflective lenses and shooting behind themselves "- and second, when he talked about the team having active roles in events, like when he was pinned under the rock? Or when he found each of them "alive". go watch, imagine the story without the team, his body will show you what happened." And the team mate does watch, piecing together events with the story and how David moves. How his shoulder had twisted and his leg had stretched like he wanted to pull something closer with it. How his arm had turned and legs had gone uneven in a way that hadn't made sense... until first team mate puts themselves in David's position, pinned under a rock by one arm and desperate, desperate enough to use his own legs as a fulcrum to leverage the rock off his arm.
They won't see David again. In several months they won't particularly remember him, not with the number of patients who come through their doors, cycling through as the war drags on and on and on.
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sharkface-daydreams · 3 years
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@donut-entendre u are a blessing 🙏 are u sure tho there's a lot lol and I like all of them
things lurking in my half-assed rvb wips repository:
post-s13 locus alien baby au with side order of grief-induced hallucinations (2 versions- with and without magic alien temple fuckery for revivals because I love to suffer, this one might actually make it to one-shot status idk)
noPFL Charon sharkprice meet-cute coffee date
locnut Iowa farm family rivalry au, Sam's got two dads, Sarge and Butch, and Donuts got his two moms. rivalry started bc donuts ma stole Butch's usual blue ribbon for pies at the county fair one year and escalated in the usual passive aggressive Midwestern way ever since
shark vs Tex bar brawl, grief processing and drinking buddies. they don't have to hold back fighting bc they're both at least 50% metal
past PriceChurch pfl where price grows a conscience and steals alpha before they can start torturing him and turns Leonard in to the authorities but Alpha ends up in the hands of Charon anyway and it's Worse tm
metadocnut meet-horny ELNOD au with plural meta and do℅malley. they raise bees and donut starts a scented candle business at the farmers market (I've got a lot written for this actually but also bc plural stuff it's a bit personal too)
triplets x trio survival shenanigans with sharkprice frame, when Sharky mentions something about his ex Darryl getting sent to some ice shit hole planet and never hearing from him again, Aiden realizes they never extracted the triplets from the distraction mission bc pfl imploded so they set about trying to rescue the Charon agents and Freelancers
saving private loco verse with blues n reds prison hijinks tryna bust Lorenzo out of storage bc he's a teammate, not an object
SharKey au (same as the crappily drawn comic I made lol) where the sword gives shark the edge over the freelancers he needs and Chorus Loses bc they can activate the purge (might get around to writing this actually I've got some more ideas)
yet another Shark and Felix live au where Sharky gets his grappling hook back and yoinks Felix out of the sky before he can splat but Locus already made his decision so Felix is suicidally reckless and suspicious of everyone especially sharkface who is licherally just trying to help their side survive. I made a diagram for this one but I'll admit I know nothing about physics
I like them.... I like to think about them.....
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artsilon · 2 years
Do you have a post or something explaining pfl 2.0 and the lore/story? I'd love to check it out :)
Sure! This is pretty old - you'll probably notice I don't do a ton of rvb any more, but I don't want to change up my UN - but I do have this:
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rambird · 3 years
i had a dream about a rvb AU where temple was alpha!church back at the end of feburary that i thought i posted but i didnt so here it is under the cut anyways. fair warning i dont know how to organize my thoughts so its just a ramble
im not entirely sure of the rvb timeline so this probably doesnt make sense (but also this was a dream so it didnt have to) however i think the blues and reds have been operating for a few years and its also been a few years between s6 and s15 in canon so this maybe could have happened
the emp didnt kill the ai and instead just sent them offline for a lil but wash and thus the reds and blues thought it did. church merged back with the fragments but somewhat messily so hes not. doing that great. trauma TM. anyways temple is obsessed with PFL stuff and would prob be ecstatic to steal from wherever they were storing the ai (probably as evidence against the director) gets his hands on a!church but cant get him to project/talk anywhere cus hes busy dealing with getting his shit together and trying to smooth out his newly whole edges since the fragments merging was basically like trying to fit a puzzle piece in its place that has changed shape, temple implants him so he cant hide anymore and he can get PFL secrets to help with his revenge scheme
except church kinda. accidentally takes him over? like when he was implanted in private jimmy and he doesnt know he did so/it was a accident. its a lot less complete/unintentional than his last host implantation so he still thinks hes temple just with some church memories/bits in there and he maybe continues his revenge quest because now that he has omega back he can feel angry about what was done to him properly + it was what temple wanted to do so badly. then the reds and blues show up and hes like... oh... i cant hurt them. i like them for some reason. and also avoids freezing wash and carolina in the murder room because i know washington??? (that and the thought of dead freelancers makes him feel kinda sick but temple’s influence was there enough for alpha to ignore it for the ones he hadnt took a roadtrip with) and wash is like "hey... i know that high pitched anger voice..... CHURCH?" and then i woke up so im not sure what happens next
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