tortoisesshells · 1 year
the straight path to the end of my days (T, ~1400 words, PotC:CotBP, no particular warnings, canon-compliant Elizabeth Swann character study)
Elizabeth Swann decides the expedite their rescue from Rumrunner's Isle. The details are a little annoying.
Was Will even alive, still?
Elizabeth dug her fingers into the sand, through the thin layer still warm from the sun to the startlingly cool dampness beneath. He couldn’t be dead. There was a silly thought, buzzing louder from the scant mouthful of rum she’d swallowed and the exhaustion of the day – a silly thought, that in old songs and stories, lovers knew the moment of the other’s death. An inventory of her thoughts revealed no such pangs or pains that had no natural accounting. And so – she told herself sternly – she would not believe that Will had died.
This was desperation, but it was spite, too – Captain Barbossa, with his heavily-embroidered coat and extravagant hat eaten to nothing, spat at her that she was in a story, now. Why should not such story-conventions here apply?
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the fact that i, and my favourite movie, pirates of the caribbean, are (almost) the same age.
i not only grew up with those movies i age with the curse of the black pearl.
fucking unbelievable.
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veronica-rich · 3 years
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humanedisaster · 7 years
Me, ten years ago: *obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean*
Me, now: *obsessed with Black Sails*
Me: Wow, I'm such a different person now.
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arrthurpendragon · 3 years
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❆ ❆ ❆ OC ❆ Ficmas ❆ #98 ❆ ❆ ❆
WIND IN THE SAILS - @themanypagesofhannah - (I wasn’t sure if this is your story or you were just recommending it. haha)
Arabella Fenn, 21st century girl, finds herself thrown back into the 18th century with only one guaranteed way of returning - complete Tia Dalma's bidding. With a time limit and annoying pirates it's certainly going to be a difficult task for Arabella to complete. Eventual Jack Sparrow/OC. Follows PotC:CotBP
Tag: @ocappreciationtag ❆ @booty-boggins   ❆ @trashcankitty12 ❆ @darksideofparis  ❆ @raith-way  ❆ @anotherunreadblog ❆ @vivis-ghost-wife   ❆  @fandomdancer  ❆  @hoqwaarts  ❆  @zoeliemyers  ❆  @darknightfrombeyond
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barbossas-wench · 4 years
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I did a little crossover of POTC/DW
Did you know Jack Davenport (actor of James Norrington) and Michelle Gomez (actress of Missy) are married irl. I really want ed to do their characters from different universe interacting.
For the quote by Missy is actually from Keira and Jack's commentary on POTC:COTBP,
Jack mentioned he looks like a n ice cream sundae lol
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frumfrumfroo · 5 years
I saw you had a Sparrabeth tag. I'm an OG Sparrabeth who remembers when the PotC writers sh*t the bed and didn't follow through with the arc they had clearly set up narratively between Elizabeth and Jack (I didn't think they'd end up together, but I didn't think E would end up where she did either). Obviously, no one can predict bad writing, and I don't think Reylo will go the same way, but I'm interested in your take on sustaining the narrative arcs in trilogies - when they work and don't.
Well, it’s not a good comparison for much the same reason the MCU films aren’t. PotC:CotBP was a stand-alone film with completed characters arcs and a definitive ending. It’s not a ‘writers’ film, it was written by like fifteen people and much of its genetic make-up is owed to other creative forces than the script. It was like a twenty car pile-up which somehow defied all laws of physics to spontaneously smelt into a decked out spaceship. Every single thing had to go wrong in exactly the right way to end up at this cultural phenomenon.
The sequels were tacked on and the writers obviously didn’t quite understand some of the key aspects that made it so beloved. I mean, there’s stuff in DMC that I love (MY SHIP MADE OUT! UNEXPECTED! BARBOSSA’S ENTRANCE!), but it’s a mess and Jack is not right at all for a lot of it.
#if you're going to give just one person the ultimate credit for being the lightning strike that made this thing happen#it's Johnny Depp#the writers didn't create that character he did#you can tell because they had no idea how to write for him as he ultimately existed#but many of the actors were bigger factors than they usually are in a big movie like this (esp the supporting pirates)#CotBP feels like a real Golden Age of Hollywood swashbuckler with the amazing ensemble cast they used to have but neither sequel does at all#Bruckheimer was a big factor#Gore the director was very important#potc#the original was collaborative chaos where no one knew what they were really aiming at and that obviously wasn't/couldn't be replicated#also the CotBP deleted scenes are amazing and they need to be canon everyone watch them#if you ship Sparrabeth already this will be glorious vindication for you#Elizabeth would be so bored to tears with both of her stupid endings that was always the film's only flaw for me#well that and being a bit bloated in the climax#and Bloom#anyway fuck them for what they did to Norrington as well#Elizabeth Norrington and Jack suffered most though at least Elizabeth didn't have her characterisation ruined#Jack is another one of my favs forever illustrating the principle that my favs will never be written correctly again after the first install#instalment- no matter what#this is a truism about my taste in favs#there's Ben so far but I don't count him because the trilogy is one thing and the intention is continuous#and lo and behold he has literally never been portrayed very well by the EU material#the truism holds#I fully expect the post-ST stuff not be great on him either#(as an adult I mean - the baby content has been solid gold)
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havithreatendub4 · 5 years
#video #POTC:COTBP #Jack and Elizabeth on the island #scene
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metazensae · 7 years
PSA - Top 4 Now Top 5
I've had to expand my top 4 favorite characters of all time to a top 5. Now the list goes: 1. Capt Jack Sparrow (PotC:CotBP) 2. Iwamine Shuu (Hatoful Boyfriend) 3. Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX) 4. Khadrim (Cursed) 5. Akechi Goro (Persona 5) The criteria here is that I want to BE them and/or be WITH them. Honorable mentions bc they have also made me physically ill with lovesickness: - Athrun Zala (Gundam Seed) - Setsuna F. Seiei (Gundam OO) - Lockon Stratos /Neil Dylandy (Gundam OO) - Kuja (FFIX)
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tortoisesshells · 7 months
Writing Pattern Game
Thank you so much for tagging me, @shoshiwrites <3
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor in Haven
It wasn’t that the sun set any earlier in the mountains than it did in similar latitudes; the sky stayed day-bright, hours after Haven fell into darkness.
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Haven
“There’s no mystery to it,” said Sophy, around the pins in her mouth, “Do you know how many Trevalyen children there are?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & party in Crestwood
“So, Hero,” said Varric, leaning back in his chair, as Blackwall threw another log on the fire, “Wish you were back in Skyhold yet?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Skyhold
“Respectfully, my lady Trevalyen,” said Blackwall, speaking between swings of a maul, the thud of split wood falling against the warm soil, “Solas – or even Pavus, or Madame de Fer – would be better able to answer such a question.”
Who something lost, the seeking for Is all that's left them, now - (1899, pre- Clémence/Jérôme)
“It’s unusual, that’s all I’m saying,” said one of the men at the oars to another, shivering.
half-built and half-rotted (potc: dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, james norrington in tortuga)
Tortuga had been a new place, but all new places could be learned: a small island and a smaller port, half-built and half-rotted, alive in the same way that bloody-faced vultures and mushrooms were.
some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home (potc:dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann cannot figure james norrington out)
Truthfully, she never expected to see James Norrington again, and in some ways Elizabeth is not sure she has: there is a man in a hammock who answers to that name, who has a captain’s coat, and the same sharp-tongued disdain for what irritates him – but (and here, when she has thought on it, she has struggled) either there is some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home.
stood in the twilight (timeless, five sentence prompt fic, lucy preston and garcia flynn contemplate the sublime, and frostbite)
“Have you ever seen anything like it?” Lucy asked, thinking she would have gestured to the fading light in the sky if she could have borne unwrapping her heavy wool shawl for the half-second it would have taken to point – but they did not call 1816 The Year Without A Summer for nothing.
irrevocably altered (potc:cotbp, five sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann at odds with her old life)
There was comfort, if only in the physical attributes of the King’s House in Port Royal: her feather-soft mattress, food not gone rotted in the cask, windows wide to every wandering breeze – things which Elizabeth had always understood, vaguely and without much in comparison, to be luxuries.
a pass-port for her presence (mercy street, five sentence prompt fic, henry hopkins struggles with emma green's indirect words)
It was easier to know those you didn’t than those you did, Henry Hopkins had thought at some distant, drunken point in the past – a practice as straightforward as prayer, to copy a man’s words exactly to send to his family, or to recall who and which had requested some concession or another.
A prompt specifically for five sentences brings out the worst in me, length-of-sentence-wise.
I love dialogue as a starter, particularly "Indirect Observation," Specific Description of Speaker/Speaker's Actions, "Indirect Observation, Continued And/Or Refined."
I think I try to establish who the POV character is pretty quickly - maybe too quickly?
what is it with me writing fics where someone's chopping firewood, or fussing with firewood. i'm not that cold all the time.
Tagging: @boltlightning, @johnbly, @theonlyredcar, @aloveforjaneausten, @jomiddlemarch, @sagiow, @enchi-elm, @ramiroangel, @admiraleyk, and anyone else who wants to play!
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tortoisesshells · 3 years
Suffer A Sea Change (T, ~5400 words, canon pairings, warnings for language, references to past child abuse/James Norrington’s frankly terrible childhood of debatable canonicity, minor naval shenanigans, canon-typical supernatural goings-on, canon-atypical levels of self-reflection; special shoutout to @theonlyredcar for being a tireless friend, co-conspirator, beta, and cheerleader!)
For @lieutenantnorrington, who gifted me with two phenomenal edits & is a true rock of the PotC fandom - thank you for everything you do, Elle!
Between Rumrunner's Isle and Isla de Muerta, Elizabeth Swann and James Norrington independently realize how far beyond their respective understandings of the world they’ve travelled, and grapple with the futures they're choosing. Jack Sparrow is not quite as unhelpful in this as he might be.
Appropriate. That was the word that her mind supplied, looking around the great cabin of the Dauntless. Entirely appropriate. Neither extravagant nor Spartan, neat as the proverbial pin, with nary a perfectly-polished trophy sword out of place – wide windows ceremoniously admitting tidy squares of light into the room, at regular angles to the regular black-and-white checkered floor cloth. If any man could organize the world so that the patches of sun appeared to be at perfect right angles to his painted canvas floor-coverings, it would have been James Norrington.
Elizabeth Swann did not huff or sigh or stamp her feet, but only because (clad only in a filthy chemise or not), she was the well-bred daughter of Weatherby and Portia Swann – and yes, because years on, she still vaguely felt as though the late Mademoiselle Dupont was hovering like a great malign crow – always ready to drill Elizabeth on her comportment at the earliest signs of mutiny from her ungrateful, bull-headed charge. Her head was spinning, and all the sins and fears of the past several days were coming home to roost; she was sun-burnt, exhilarated, exhausted, extraordinarily thirsty; while Jack Sparrow had been snoring into the sand, clutching a coconut in an entirely inappropriate way, she’d worked through the humid night to build herself a signal-fire.
She had earned the right to rest, dammit. And she would be marrying the Dauntless’s commanding officer soon enough, so he could damn well lend her his cot for an hour.
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tortoisesshells · 4 years
@broadwaybaggins​ & @ultrahotpink​ tagged me to list seven of my comfort movies. In a vaguely ranked order:
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
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A Matter of Life and Death (1946)
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The Music Man (1962)
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Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
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The Princess Bride (1987)
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Persuasion (1995)
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National Treasure (2004)
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I think everyone I know’s been tagged by now, but on the off chance you haven’t and you’d like to think about comforting things, please, consider yourself tagged!
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veronica-rich · 7 years
old POTC fic
From an old missing-scene POTC fic I posted many years ago, called “Raconteurs” and one of the ones I’m in the process of moving over to AO3 from LJ:
“-And then there was the kraken,” Jack started in at some point, hands wide apart to indicate the monster’s eye size. “This big – no, THIS big. Whole was big as a ship – not one of those lil’ Navy girls like th’ Interceptor, but a real ship. A pirate ship, a proper one like th’ Black Pearl.” Turner seemed to think for a moment, as if trying to remember, leaning forward, yawning and holding his head up, eyes at half-mast as he stopped nodding along. “Barbossa’s ship, right?” Jack looked pained and glared at the oblivious boy. “Aye, her.” He sucked in a breath, another sip of rum, and plunged forth. “Thing’s tentacles are at least thirty feet long. Were. Were.” The look on his face clearly said what he really thought of the questionable idea a beast that size might be dead. “Was thrashin’ around, wavin’ those fifty-foot arms around, suckers big as dinghies-” “I thought they were only thirty feet long.” Turner was tracing a bead of liquid up the side of his mug, now giving Jack a hooded, suspicious look. “You said thirty.” “I didn’t swim over to measure th’ bloody things!” Jack stabbed a forefinger almost into Turner’s face. “It’s an educated guess. You wan’ finish telling this tale?” The kid snorted, tapping his wet finger on the rim of his mug. “Could probably do better ‘n you makin’ up th’ stuff you’ve yammered all night.” I tensed my leg muscles, prepared to slide under the table; Hurricane Jack looked about ready to make landfall! His face flushed an interesting shade of dark, and the finger didn’t move. Turner simply crossed his eyes to stare down at it, frowning as I guess he was trying to focus on it. “It’s not customary to question your captain, boy,” Jack warned him, his voice dropping, sounding fairly cold despite the slur. “Or have you found another way to get to your bloody strumpet?” That seemed to dissolve the tension; Turner cleared his throat uncomfortably, I thought, and blinked. “Fifty feet, you say?”
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havithreatendub4 · 5 years
#CONGRATULATIONS from the #Hollywood Vampires new release "Rise"
"...And after just a few short years in your narcissistic pavilion
You will shrivel and wither like a humiliated grape
Anyone ever tell you you talk too much..."
🎬 #Benny & Joon #raisen #scene #deleted scene #POTC:COTBP
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veronica-rich · 6 years
Every time I watch the first POTC movie, I’m reminded of how rare it is to get a villain who isn’t a cartoon cutout with one or two dimensions only. In all the times I went to see this in the theater 15 years ago, never once did the audience cheer when Jack killed Barbossa. It was always dead silence; everybody got why his story and end were tragic, even if they realized he had to die the way he did for the story to play out.
Good character, good actor. Not easy to get in a supposedly gimmick Disney children’s film.
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