#power book 2 3x07
powerfashionblog · 1 year
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Who: Paige Hurd as Lauren Baldwin What: Maison Margiela Cropped Printed Cable-knit Cotton Sweater - Sold Out Where: 3x07 “Deal or No Deal”
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italwayshadtobeyou · 2 years
@fratricidesam Starting this as a separate thread, not because I don't like your thread, but because the details of Biblical angels are tangential to your original point, and also I suck at long threads.
it's interesting that the writers didn't actually depict the Christian apocalypse. i understand taking some liberty, though. what you said about the Christ is interesting because - insane theory alert - in 3x03 Kubrick, a Christian hunter, says, "Sam Winchester is... the adversary," and in 3x07, gordon walker says, "Sam Winchester's the Antichrist," and i've wondered since then if that makes dean a type of Second Coming. it's dumb, i know, especially considering gordon didn't know about the angels or the apocalypse, but it lingers at the back of my mind.
First, regarding the appearance of Biblical angels: Angels appear in different forms in the Bible. They can appear as humans, although it isn't their true form. The Book of Hebrews warns against failing to show hospitality by strangers, since they might be angels in disguise.
As for not-disguised angels, the Book of Ezekiel describes seeing cherubim (singular: cherub) as accompanied by, rather than resembling, sparkly wheels, which, along with the cherubim's bodies, are covered in eyes. Each cherub has four faces: Of a cherub (doesn't help much), a man, an eagle, and a lion. I'd say that Zachariah's "four faces, and one of them is a lion" boast was something of a self-own for such a supposedly high-ranking angel, but I doubt that the writers looked into it that deeply.
The Book of Isaiah mentions a different kind of angel, the seraph(im), each of whom has six wings. Christians have, for a long time, interpreted them as higher-ranking than cherubim, although I'm not aware of any basis for this, other than the number of wings.
The widely-accepted canonical Bible gives us very little detail on archangels' appearance. (IDK about the Apocrypha.) They do, however, appear as powerful warriors and messengers. Virtually all Christian denominations accept Michael and Gabriel as archangels; Catholics accept Raphael as well. I grew up assuming that Satan was an archangel, even though I can't recall any verse which states it, so it's probably a common interpretation. I think that some of the smaller Christian denominations, in North and East Africa and Asia, believe there are more archangels, but I don't know the details.
Second, regarding Dean as the Second Coming: I've got to say, I did not see this one coming.
Christians differ widely on what they consider to be the details of the apocalypse, including the basic order of events. However, a few points stand out.
No major denominations subscribe to the idea of reincarnation, or believe that Jesus will return as a human. He had to live a human life to perfection in order to take away humans' sins; he doesn't have to be human to judge the dead and resurrect his true followers.
2. If Jesus did return as a human, he would have to be without sin. This doesn't apply to Dean, who is pure only in that he lacks demon blood.
3. Most of the series' obvious messianic imagery is attached to Sam, who ends the Kripke era by sacrificing himself at Stull. The religious parallels and imagery that do attach to Dean associate him with Michael. Michael is a powerful angel-- and, if you're working with Millennialism, it makes sense for him to be the one who enforces Satan's thousand-year timeout--, but he isn't God. Conflating him with Jesus would be as idolatrous as worshipping Lucifer.
4. The Antichrist and Jesus aren't equal and opposite forces in balance. To make a much-debated topic simple, ancient Christian texts exist which support the idea of a corrupted or animalistic man with some powers who uses miracles to set himself up as a ruler, pretends to be a messiah, persecutes people who refuse to worship him, and gets taken out by Jesus's light. But he's an Antichrist in the sense of being literally against God and of being a fake Christ, not being the other side of God's coin (although High and Late Medieval writers portrayed him as such in every way except his power level; e.g., they theorized that, since Jesus was born to a virgin, the Antichrist would be born to a prostitute). There's no reason for Jesus to be his brother, or even have a more personal relationship with him than he does with any other evildoer.
EDIT: I should have clarified that some smaller denominations (like the Jehovah's Witnesses) think "archangel" should be translated as something along the lines of "chief over angels" rather than "highest-ranking angel." Since the highest authority in Heaven is God, they believe that "archangel" doesn't mean a kind of angel, it refers to God in his capacity as lord of the Heavenly host. So, there are people who believe that "Michael" is another name for God. What nobody believes is that he is both an angel (which SPN and most denominations present him as) and God.
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“I think the universe is trying to tell me something and I’m finally ready to listen.”— 3x07, One Minute
(Main Post)
To understand how Hank’s trauma transforms him over the course of the show, let’s start by thinking about what Hank is like at the beginning of the show.
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At the beginning of the show, Hank is the picture of toxic masculine arrogance. In the Pilot, Walt envies Hank for his power and confidence. Hank is cool, successful, manly, and everything Walt feels he is not. But we as the audience see how Hank’s ego is hurtful to those around him: he is callous, racist, misogynistic, and focuses more on the power involved in his job (the ~thrill of the bust~) than his potential to do good. What we don’t yet see, initially, though— and what it takes a great deal of trauma to reveal to Hank— is how his masculine arrogance, his obsession with himself, is also hurtful to himself.
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Over the course of the first 2 and a half seasons, Hank experiences several traumatic incidents of witnessing and inflicting violent injury and death. First, Hank kills Tuco in a shoot out. Then he witnesses the tortoise explosion in El Paso. And he reacts to this trauma by engaging in increasingly reckless violent behavior— starting with bar fights, and ending with his brutal beating of Jesse.
Why does Hank react in this way? I believe it’s because, up until his beating of Jesse, Hank’s ego prevents him from properly coping with his PTSD. Hank is shaken by the violent incidents he is involved with in the field— exhibiting clear symptoms of PTSD. He has panic attacks and insomnia and startles at loud noises. Hank interprets all this as his mind and body failing him, failing to live up to his idea of a proper man and a proper cop. To accept that he has PTSD, that he has reacted to these situations emotionally, rather than brushing these violent instances off like a Real ManTM, would be to totally shatter his image of himself. So, he doesn’t accept this. When Walt suggests Hank talk to a therapist upon returning from El Paso, Hank immediately rejects the idea, saying “[if you] start going down that road, [you can] kiss your career goodbye” (2x 08, Better Call Saul). He has so built himself up in his own mind, that he believes if he admits any weakness, he will lose everything— his job, the respect of his wife and friends, himself. He won’t confront his trauma, and he won’t confront his reaction to it, and he certainly won’t confront how his natural reaction to the trauma makes him feel (frustrated, humiliated).
So he turns the anger and frustration he has with himself and his failing mind and body outwards. He is violent and reckless. In episode 3x03, I.F.T, Hank has a panic attack in a bar bathroom, from thinking about the possibility of being sent back to El Paso. And then he proceeds to pick a fight with two other patrons, under the guise of DEA business, but clearly actually because he needs to outlet his rage and panic. And Hank’s reaction is even worse when he believes Marie has been hurt (after Saul places the false call in Sunset). He is first thrown into a panic, and then into an uncontrollable rage— leading him to brutally beat Jesse. But this turns out to be the turning point for Hank, the moment when he truly, authentically changes in response to his trauma.
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Let’s focus in on the brief moment in between Hank’s beating of Jesse, and his grueling near death experience with The Twins. The crucible moment when Hank’s transformation as I have described it— his decentering of the self— begins. This moment is actually one episode, and it’s one of my favorites: 3x07, One Minute. In beating Jesse as he did— blatantly outside of the boundaries of his job, Hank realizes he has gone too far. This violence touches his personal life— he fears for Marie’s life, and reacts by beating a civilian as a civilian— and so it is harder to make excuses for it as just another part of being in the DEA. Hank knows what he did was wrong. And this is (forgive the metaphor) the Jenga piece that makes the whole pile topple. He finally admits to himself (and to Marie) that “ever since that Salamanca thing” he’s been “unraveling.” He admits that his shooting of Tuco and the El Paso incident are the reasons for his violent and wrong behavior— that they have damaged him. He finally admits that he has been traumatized, and he has reacted to it poorly.
And after admitting this, Hank does something incredible. Something unprecedented in terms of who we have seen him to be previously in the show. He admits fault, he takes responsibility, and he quits the DEA. We see Hank truly and honestly humbled— he admits to both his weaknesses and his wrongdoings, with an unparalleled level of grace and self-awareness. He starts to become a better, more honest, more responsible, less arrogant person. He even weeps openly in front of Marie. This episode is Hank’s high point of the series, in terms of integrity and strength of character.
But then, oh then, there is fresh trauma for Hank.
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Hank’s violent injury at the hands of The Twins, and his grueling recovery, hammer home even harder the fears and insecurities Hank had when his trauma was just emotional. Hank’s injury brings him to his lowest point— he is bed-bound, unemployed, and needs his wife’s help to take a shit. Everything Hank was feeling before— about the failure of his mind and body to live up to his masculine ideals— comes back with a vengeance.
And this does continue to humble Hank in the positive sense I described above. I believe that the incredible detective work that Hank is able to do in seasons 4 and 5 is enabled by this increased humility. I think it’s very apt when Hank says, in One Minute, “the universe is trying to tell me something and I’m finally ready to listen.” Hank’s strokes of investigative genius — first those that lead him to Gus Fring, and then the pivotal revelation that Walt is Heisenberg— could well be described as him simply listening to the universe, in a way he wasn’t ready to before. Gus had primed the DEA to never suspect him with his cop-loving act, but Hank was able to get outside of that bias and make that mental leap when all the other officers refused to believe it. He listened to what the evidence told him. And, though you could argue that Hank finding Gale’s book in Walt’s bathroom was purely random, I think Hank’s willingness to even consider Walt as a potential Heisenberg (let alone to extrapolate that possibility from a set of initials and a visually identified handwriting match on a random book) shows significant growth. There are countless moments before that in the series of incredible dramatic irony, where the idea of Walt as a drug dealer would occur to Hank, and he would immediately dismiss them as ludicrous. Because, of course, if Walt were a criminal, Hank would have to be an idiot to have been fooled by him for so long. There was a barrier of ego that was keeping Hank from considering that possibility. And only when it was removed, was Hank ready to listen to what the universe revealed to him.
But, the effects of Hank’s injury on him are not all positive.
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Hank is brought SO low, and is SO humbled by his injury, that it moves to the point of humiliation. And he reacts to this by turning his attention away from himself and towards his fanatic obsessions. He decenters himself, by centering his whole life on something else. First there are, of course, his minerals. Then, he becomes obsessed with taking down Gus Fring. Then, finally, he becomes obsessed with taking down Walt.
This fanaticism is bad for Hank. His fanatic obsession with minerals almost destroys his marriage. His legally dubious pursuit of Gus Fring threatens his fragile career (and, unbenknownst to him, puts him on Gus’s hit list). And his fanatic pursuit of Walt eventually leads to his death. This fanaticism goes so wrong for Hank because, I would argue, fanatic external obsession ignores the self, where true humility accepts the self in all its flaws. Think back to Hank’s humble behavior following his beating of Jesse. Hank actually thought a lot about himself— he analyzed the patterns of behavior he’d had since his encounter with Tuco, admitted to his weaknesses, and took responsibility for his actions. He deflated his ego by taking a look at himself honestly, rather than by refusing to look at himself at all. But, after his injury, this is just what Hank does— refuses to examine himself, instead spending all his energy on something else. And that turns out to be Hank’s fatal flaw.
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If Hank had examined himself instead of buying so many minerals, he would have seen he was ashamed of his physical disability and was taking that anger out on his wife. And he could have rectified that much sooner. If Hank had examined himself instead of relentlessly investigating Gus Fring, he would have seen that he was going back to the same type of crooked police work that he previously realized he was doing and quit the force because of. And he could have conducted his investigation more safely and ethically. If Hank had examined himself instead of fanatically pursuing Walt, he would have seen that he was furious with himself for failing to see Walt was Heisenberg sooner, and felt a need to redeem himself. And then maybe he would have been humble enough to ask for help from other DEA agents instead of going it on his own. And maybe, he would have survived.
Ironically, Hank’s attempts to think less about himself and his problems, actually ended up letting those problems rule his life.
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Hank’s story is, in the end, a tragedy. We see the kind of positive growth Hank is capable of. His reaction to his trauma— the way he uses it to become a better person, husband, and detective— is often inspiring. By season 5, because of this growth, Hank arguably becomes the hero of the show. But, painfully, he isn’t able to grow quite enough. His ego remains involved in his detective work— though this time in the opposite direction (he frantically tries to ignore himself, rather than inflating himself, but this ends up involving him too much in his work nonetheless). And this, among the various sins of other characters, leads to Hank’s death. Which is so painful to see, because we know what Hank was capable of in terms of self-reflection, growth, and integrity. We know what he fell short of.
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llewellynwatts · 5 years
If i desperately need to watch a show with a gay jewish detective but cant commit to 200+ eps do you have a list of recs for episodes of murdoch mysteries im weak for gays in period dramas
Just know getting into it that they don’t really focus on either of these things in the show (currently only one episode where he discovers he’s jewish and a brief mention in another ep +  he’s confirmed gay three seasons after he’s introduced) BUT even minus being a gay and jewish icon Watts is still the best character and he’s been acting gay since he was introduced lol 
It’s week by week mysteries though so honestly you can tune in whenever and you won’t be lost. Watts is introduced in season 10 and I’ve included and italicized all the episodes he’s in below. The show is great not just for Watts though so if you want to get more into it without watching all the episodes here are some from each season that hit more major plot points or are just super good in our opinion:
Season 1
1x01 Power
1x05 Till Death Do us Part (also gay)
1x08 Still Waters
1x13 The Annoying Red Planet
Season 2
2x05 The Green Muse
2x06 Shades of Grey
2x07 Big Murder on Campus
2x13 Anything You Can Do?
Season 3 
3x01 The Murdoch Identity
3x03 Victor, Victorian
3x05 Me, Myself and Murdoch
3x06  This One Goes to Eleven (James Pendrick x Murdoch is my favourite non-canon ship on this show tbh)
3x07 Blood and Circuses
3x08 Future Imperfect 
3x12 In the Altogether
3x13 The Tesla Effect
Season 4
4x03 Buffalo Shuffle
4x06 Dead End Street
4x13 Murdoch in Wonderland
Season 5
5x01 Murdoch of the Klondike
5x03 Who Killed the Electric Carriage?
5x07 Stroll on the Wild Side pt. 1
5x08 Stroll on the Wild Side pt. 2
5x09 Invention Convention
5x11 Murdoch in Toyland
5x13 Twentieth Century Murdoch
Season 6
6x01 Murdoch Air
6x04 A Study in Sherlock
6x13 Crime & Punishment
6x13 The Murdoch Trap
Season 7
7x03 The Filmed Adventures of William Murdoch (only watch this if you end up caring about pendrick as much as we do or like sillier episodes lol)
7x04 The Return of Sherlock
7x08 Republic of Murdoch
7x09 Midnight Train to Kingston (only if you like Gillies)
7x16 Kung Fu Crabtree
7x18 The Death of Dr. Ogden
Season 8
8x04 Holy Matrimony Murdoch
8x07 What Lies Buried
8x12 The Devil Wears Whalebone (Emily Grace x Lillian Moss, a canon wlw couple starts here -Lillian is in 8x08 and 8x10 but she doesn’t play a huge role. I’m not including all their eps cause their interactions are brief and skippable in most)
8x14 Toronto’s Girl Problem
Season 9
9x03 Double Life 
9x05 24 Hours to Doomsday (again only if you like Pendrick)
9x07 Summer of ‘75
9x10 The Big Chill
Season 10
10x04 Concocting a Killer (Watts introduction episode!!!)
10x05 Jagged Little Pill
10x10 The Devil inside (it’s not good but you have to watch if you like Gillies)
10x11 A Murdog Mystery 
10x012 The Missing
10x15 Hades Hath No Fury
10x18 Hell to Pay
Season 11
11x01 Up from Ashes
the book of jackson online webseries
11x02 Merlot Mysteries
11x03 8 Footsteps
11x06 21 Murdoch Street 
11x07 The Accident
11x09 The Talking Dead
11x10 F.L.A.S.H (Pendrick is back and he has a gay assistant. a win!) 
11x12 Mary Wept
11x13 Crabtree a la Carte
11x15 Murdoch Schmurdoch (Jewish Watts!)
11x16 Game of Kings
11x17 Shadows are Falling
11x18 Free Falling
Season 12
12x01 Murdoch Mystery Mansion
12x04 Murdoch Without Borders 
12x06 Sir. Sir? Sir!!!
12x07 Brother’s Keeper 
12x11 Annabella Cinderella
12x12 Six of Best
12x17 Darkness Before Dawn pt.1
12x18 Darkness Before Dawn pt.2
Season 13
13x03 Bad Pennies
13x06 The Philately Fatality
13x08 The Final Curtain
13x09 The Killing Dose
13x10 Staring Blindly into the Future
13x13 Kill Thy Neighbour 
13x16 In the Company of Women
13x17 Things Left Behind
13x17 The Future is Unwritten
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aislinceivun · 4 years
Table of contents with summaries for The Cat and His Boy.
The summaries may include spoilers, so I don’t recommend first-time readers to check this out. I wrote this up more as a guide for those who want to re-read just specific parts of the fic rather than go over all 100 chapters again :’D 
which includes me, even I can’t always tell which chapter title goes with which event, and on AO3 you can only skim through the chapter titles really xD
1. EASY – As Natsume sleeps, Madara studies the Book of Friends.
2. PLEASANT – This new body of his has some interesting reactions.
3. SIGHT – If Natsume lost the ability to see them, what would Madara do? inspired by ch10 / 1x08
4. DELICIOUS – Youkai don’t necessarily need to eat, but they can still hunger.
5. ROUTINE – Madara has a daily routine, now.
6. NIGHTMARES I – Natsume’s nightmares are not about ayakashi.
7. CLAIMED – The mid-ranks apparently noticed that Natsume smells a bit different.
8. FAMILY I – The Fujiwaras clearly adore Natsume. So why does he still have doubts?
9. SCENT – Natsume’s scent wraps around him the same way his own scent clings to the boy’s skin.
10. REPLACED – Madara can’t believe Natsume replaced him. inspired by 1x11 (which is based on special #3, though this particular moment was anime-only)
11. WARNING – The horse-faced bastard has “concerns”.
12. PROMISES – Madara may have forgotten about an old deal.
13. STRANGE – Madara isn’t familiar enough with the reproductive habits of humans to know what this means.
14. DEAL – How Madara really got that sealing mirror. inspired by ch18 / 2x07
15. UNFAMILIAR – Arguments are familiar. These other moments are… not.
16. DOWNPOUR – Madara doubles as a rain shelter.
17. CONNECTION – Madara and Tanuma share a moment.
18. BEAUTIFUL – Reiko was beautiful, Madara objectively knows as much.
19. RAGE – Red rage and bloodlust. inspired by ch26 / 3x07
20. CONCERN – Even when healing, the prospect of Natsume hurt wakes him in the night. inspired by ch27 / 3x09
21. DENIAL – Hinoe is wrong. (She isn’t.)
22. NIGHTMARES II – These days, Natsume’s nightmares are about his precious people getting hurt.
23. CHASTISED – Natori, chastised by a brat. What a sight.
24. FROZEN – Madara is immobilized by a talisman. It brings back unpleasant memories.
25. EMBARRASSING – Curse that damned squirrel!
26. LIES – They share words they both understand to be lies. inspired by the anime version of ch36 / 4x02
27. PHOTO – A familiar stranger. inspired by ch44 / 4x11
28. BRAIDS – Madara did not sign up for this.
29. APPEARANCES I – Madara briefly considers his humanoid youkai form. inspired by ch51 / 4x06
30. STUDYING – Madara didn’t want this getting out. But—surprisingly—they don’t make a big deal out of it.
31. MUSINGS – Perhaps, in another universe, Natsume Reiko and Natsume Takashi exist at the same time.
32. FAMILY II – After a run-in with a kemono resembling Madara.
33. HIGH – Natsume inhales a bit too much youkai incense.
34. WEAK – The Chuukyuu pair laments on how weak humans are. inspired by special #12 / 5x11
35. CHOICE – Madara didn’t really think about it when he went for Natsume instead of the Book. Somehow, that just makes it worse.
36. CALL – He intended to ignore her call, but… it’s been a while. Well before Reiko’s time. Why not?
37. QUESTIONS – Humans find acquiring long-term mates important, and Natsume is afraid of being left alone. So he should be looking for one, shouldn’t he?
38. UNEXPECTED – Madara finds Natsume dozing against Hinoe’s shoulder. They’re wearing matching flower crowns
39. SHIFT – “It was quiet without you.” inspired by ch70 / OVA “Party of Fun & Games”
40. STUCK – Madara is stuck in his true form for a week.
41. REASONS – Madara was waiting for Natori to say something. inspired by ch73 / 6x11
42. CRUSH – Shibata keeps stealing glances at Natsume with pink cheeks. Madara finds it incredibly amusing. inspired by ch74 / 6x03
43. BIRTHDAY – Last summer, Madara saw how the Fujiwaras celebrated, and he didn’t care.
44. MEMORY I – Many summers ago.
45. INTRODUCTION – Apparently, Natsume’s recklessness has been rubbing off on Tanuma.
46. BOUND – Even without his memories, the boy seems to be able to hear the things Madara is not saying. inspired by ch78 / 6x01
47. WISTFUL – An ayakashi has been following Natsume around.
48. SOFTENED – Natsume has affected more than he knows.
49. WARMTH – He really has no business teasing Misuzu about going soft. inspired by ch82
50. FAMILY III – These people are not his, not like Natsume is… but Madara claimed them anyway.
51. GUEST – The moment the door slides open and he smells the guest, Madara knows. inspired by ch97
52. NOSTALGIA – Madara picks up a scent he wasn’t expecting to find on Natori.
53. APPEARANCES II – Tsk. Fancy, posh bastards who only accept kemono youkai when they appear civilized.
54. BRIBES – Taki drags Madara-as-Reiko on a shopping spree.
55. TREASURE I – A truth forcibly pulled into the light.
56. TREASURE II – It’s not the Book.
57. BELONGING – Ayakashi have no place in busy cities.
58. PAST – Madara will not apologize for who he is.
59. TROUBLESOME – Why does Natsume have to have youkai and exorcist friends, again?
60. ALMOST – “Oi,” he grunts, strangely unsettled.
61. NIGHTMARES III – For him, it’s a first.
62. FEAR – Madara has realized two things.
63. MINEFIELD – A familiar faraway expression.
64. KISS – “I didn’t like it,” Natsume whispers.
65. HELPFUL – It’s not that Madara is nice. He just appreciates her culinary skills.
66. HILARIOUS – “Run that by me again?”
67. THIEF – Madara wanted those damn macarons.
68. TENDER – “I knew you cared,” he says, all soft and smiley.
69. NAMES – Names have power.
70. TEASING – Takashi only has himself to blame.
71. SEALED I – An exorcist sets her eyes on Madara.
72. SEALED II – It’s dark and tight and even worse than he remembered.
73. SHAKEN – Madara didn’t take it this bad the last time.
74. VOW – Rather than stiffening at finding Madara like this, he just frowns. “Nyanko-sensei…?”
75. STORIES – The kids chatter about their post-high school plans.
76. PICKLE – “Oh! Who’s this?”
77. STRENGTH  – Apparently, some ayakashi believe him to be weak now.
78. STARSTRUCK – “It’s never occurred to either of you to tell me?”
79. SPEECHLESS – “Sensei! Are you okay?!”
80. SACRIFICE – His mind screeches to a halt.
81. GRIEF – Madara’s heart is all twisted up.
82. COMFORT – Tanuma and Taki spend the afternoon huddled up on the porch with Takashi.
83. GUILT – Madara is painfully aware that this is the result of his failure.
84. WORRY – Takashi is struggling, and all they can do is watch.
85. FAMILY IV – Watching them, Madara feels equal parts achy and warm.
86. CONDOLENCES – Matoba manages to shock them.
87. ONWARD – Life goes on.
88. SOARING – Madara could stay in the air with him forever.
89. NIGHTS – These days, nights are better. (Mornings are even more so.)
90. PLANS – “Let’s go on a trip together.”
91. FOOLS – Circumstances bring the four of them together for a night.
92. FRIENDS – Madara is fond of Takashi’s friends. Even if he’ll never say as much out loud.
93. PRESENT – Madara takes Takashi to a place he hasn’t visited in a long time.
94. CELEBRATION – “We heard you can finally drink alcohol!”
95. NOTEBOOK  – Madara snoops around and reads Takashi’s first short story.
96. VISION – Another name gone. Another memory received.
97. MEMORY II – Family? He had no answers for her. Not back then.
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cogentranting · 6 years
101 Great Captain Swan Scenes
“Have you ever been in love?” Emma and Hook climb the beanstalk (2x06)
“I don’t mean to upset you, Emma, but I think we make quite the team” Hook and Emma knock out the giant (2x06)
“I can’t take a chance I’m wrong about you” Emma leaves Hook on the beanstalk (2x06)
Emma and Hook fight beside the portal (2x09)
“If I had to pick dead guy of the year, I’d pick you” Emma visits Hook in the hospital (2x12) 
“You and I, we understand each other” Emma tries to convince Hook to stay (2x22)
 “Maybe I just needed reminding that I could” Hook returns to help (2x22)
Hook gives Emma Neal’s cutlass (3x01)
Emma and Hook share a coconut (3x03)
“Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it?” The first kiss (3x05)
“It was what the kiss revealed” Hook’s secret in Echo cave (3x06)
“When I win your heart...” (3x07)
Saving Hook from the Shadow (3x07)
“There’s not a day will go by I won’t think of you” “Good” Hook and Emma’s goodbye (3x11)
Hook shows up on Emma’s doorstep (3x11)
Hook crashes Emma’s date (3x12)
“Did you miss me?” Emma drinks the potion (3x12)
“You mean the monkey you were gonna marry?” (3x13)
“If it can be broken, it means it still works” (3x14)
Hook talks with Emma about Neal’s death and offers to help Henry (3x16)
Emma asks Hook to watch Henry and they flirt (3X17)
Emma uses magic to steal his hook (3x18)
“You can see a future here” Killian tries to convince Emma to stay (3x20)
“Killian, come back to me” Emma save’s Killian’s from drowning (3x20)
“Never thought I’d see one of those... a smile” Killian thanks Emma for saving him (3x20)
“One of these day’s I’ll stop chasing after that woman” Killian follows Emma through the portal (3x21)
“We both know I’m his type” Emma flirts with past Hook (3x21)
“Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing” Emma and Killian’s first dance (3x21)
“You’re depriving me of a dashing rescue” Killian finds Emma escaping the dungeon (3x22)
Killian comforts Emma after Snow’s “death” (3x22)
Emma and Hook in Gold’s vault (3x22)
“You traded your ship for me?” Killian and Emma get together (3x22)
“You want to go home and see what’s on Netflix?” Killian tries to get Emma to talk (4x01)
Emma and Killian cuddle after she escapes the ice cave (4x02)
“Everyone I’ve ever been with is dead” Emma opens up (4x03)
Emma asks Killian out (4x04)
Killian picks Emma up for their first date (4x04)
“I’d love to know more about your beginnings” Looking through Emma’s childhood things (4x05)
“Wounds that are made when we’re young tend to linger”  Emma and Killian talk about their childhoods(4x06)
“I just wanted to be a better man for you” Killian calls Emma to save her from Gold’s plan (4x08)
“I’m a fan of every part of you” Killian realizes Emma is safe (4x09)
“I’m not a tearful goodbye kiss kinda person” Killian and Emma say goodbye before the curse of shattered sight (4x10)
Killian breaks through Gold’s control to warn Emma (4x12)
Emma puts Killian’s heart back in his chest (4x12)
Opening daily routine montage (4x13)
“I’m gonna choose to see the best in you” (4x14)
“Don’t you know Emma? It’s you.” Killian reveals his happy ending (4x16)
“You have your parents, Henry--” “You.” What Emma has to live for (4x20)
“I like when people find their good hearts along the way” Killian and Emma talk on the shore (4x21) 
Emma teaches Deckhand Hook to fight (4x23)
Deckhand Hook dies in the alternate Storybook (4x23)
Killian’s alive when they return to the real world (4x23)
Emma tells Killian she loves him for the first time (4x23)
“This has to be her choice” Killian keeps Emma from killing Merida (5x01)
“Just because I’m the Dark One doesn’t mean we can’t still be together” Dark Swan shows Killian their house (5x02)
Camelot dance like ethereal king and queen of the fairies (5x02)
Kissing Hook to make the demons go away (5x02)
“Come on love, let’s sail away” Hook comforts Emma as she’s seeing Rumpelstiltskin (5x04)
Killian and Emma spy on Henry flirting with Violet (5x04)
Killian takes Emma on a horseback ride to a field of Middlemist flowers (5x04)
“Bring her home to me” Killian gives Emma Liam’s ring (5x07)
“You’re more than the Dark One” Dark Swan saves Killian from Arthur (5x08)
“All sins can be forgiven when someone loves you” Killian tells Emma about his rings (5x08)
Emma heals Killian’s wound after he save’s them from Arthur (5x08)
“The future’s nothing to be afraid of” Killian asks Emma to move in with him (5x08)
“That’s not enough for me” Emma save Killian by turning him into a Dark One (5x08)
“We can do this” Dark Hook and Dark Swan send each other’s demons away (5x10)
Dark Swan gives Excalibur to Dark Hook (5x10)
“That’s the man I want you to remember” *Sword through the heart and you’re to blame* Emma kills Killian (5x11)
“I will find you” Emma heads to the Underworld (5x11)
Emma tries to communicate with Killian at his gravestone (5x12)
“When you love someone, you know.” Killian sends Emma a message by saving Megara (5x13)
“I told you to let me go” Emma saves Hook from the river of lost souls (5x14)
“Knocked the handsome out of me” “No one’s that powerful” Emma heals Killian (5x15)
“Perhaps I do deserve saving after all” Killian agrees to come home (5x15)
“Love is worth it” Snow tells Emma saving Killian was worth the risk (5x17)
Emma tries to give Killian her heart (5x20)
“That’s true love” Emma and Killian pass the True Love test with True Love’s Tackle (5x20)
“We’ve already had more time than we were ever meant to” Killian and Emma’s elevator goodbye (5x20)
Emma reads the story of her and Hook, Hook uses the book to help her (5x21)
“I miss you” Emma’s goodbye at Killian’s grave (5x21)
Killian’s resurrection (5x21)
Lift kiss and the first peaceful “I love you” (5x23)
The couch scene (6x01)
Emma watches Killian play with Ashley’s daughter (6x03)
Hook and Henry sword fight with sticks (6x03)
“I have a closet full of red leather jackets I feel like I can make some space for black leather” Emma asks Killian to move in (6x03)
“I would have done the exact same thing” Killian confesses he kept the shears (6x06)
“Now remember who you are” Story time with Killian (6x07)
“I just really desperately need to kiss you” Killian distracts Emma (6x12)
“It’s just you and me” Proposal number 1 (6x13)
“I’m trying to get home to you” Seashell call (6x15)
“There’s one thing I want you to be certain of: that I will always, always be by your side” Proposal number 2 (6x17)
“I’m just... happy” The pancakes scene (6x18)
“After tomorrow, there’ll be no getting rid of me” Operation Best Man (6x19)
A Happy Beginning- The Wedding (6x20)
“We fought for our love and we won” Killian and David talk by the beanstalk (6x21)
The final shot in the bug (6x23)
Emma watches Hook teach Henry to fight (7x02)
Emma and Killian say goodbye to Henry (7x02)
The final shot of Emma and Killian and Hope (7x23)
257 notes · View notes
In this house we only stan LEGENDS #Alycia #Eliza
Vote For Most 2015:
1- Best TV Couple on American Series (Clexa)
2- Top TV Couple (Clexa)
The Best Poll 2015:
3- Best Couple on American TV (Clexa)
EOnline TV Scoop Awards 2015:
4- Best Kiss (Clexa)
5- Best Guest Star (Alycia)
EnStars 2015:
6- Which The LOO Ship Do You Want To See (Clexa)
Buzz Feed 2015:
7- Best CW Couple (Clexa)
EOnline TV Scoop Awards 2016:
8- Best Guest Star (Alycia)
9- Best Drama Actress (Eliza)
10- Best Fight (Lexa vs Roan)
11- Sexiest Moment (Clexa Making Love)
12- Most Heartbreaking Goodbye (Clexa)
13- Female Breakout Star (Alycia)
14- Throw Out Your TV Moment (Lexa’s Death)
15- Best Fandom (Clexakru)
16- Best Kiss (Clexa)
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AfterEllen March Madness 2016:
17- Best Actress in a Queer Role (Alycia)
Pure Fandom 2016:
18- Best SciFi Series (The LOO, this was prior to Lexa’s death in 3x07)
19- Best Couple (Clexa)
20- Best Kiss (Clexa)
21- Most Missed Character (Lexa)
22- Favorite TV Couple (Clexa)
23- The LOO Ship You’re Most Excited To See in S3 (Clexa)
People’s Choice 2016:
24- Which Character Would You Bring Back ASAP (Lexa)
Spoiler TV 2016:
25- Which Couple from “The LOO” Do You Ship (Clexa)
26- Performer of the Month, January (Alycia)
27- Performer of the Month, February (Alycia)
28- Performer of the Month, March (Eliza)
29- Greatest TV Power Couple of All Time (Clexa)
RadioTimes 2016:
30- Best SciFi/Fantasy Actress (Alycia)
EOnline 2016:
31- TV’s Top Couple (Clexa)
Zimbio TV Couples March Madness 2016:
32- Best TV Couple (Clexa)
Voice of TV 2016:
33- Super Couple of the Year (Clexa)
34- Most “Oh no you didn’t” Moment (Lexa’s Death)
35- Most Heartbreaking Death (Lexa)
36- Best Actress (Alycia)
37- TV Show That Let You Down (The LOO)
38- What Do You Want To See in The LOO (Better S3, Lexa lives)
Best of TV Awards 2016:
39- Best Recurring Actress (Alycia)
Geekiary 2016:
40- Fiercest Female Lead (Eliza): Eliza not only delivers the most fierce female lead as Clarke Griffin, but also the first ever bisexual lead character on network television.
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MTV Fandom Awards 2016:
41- Fan Freakout of the Year (Lexa’s Death)
Yahooies 2016:
42- Most Painful Death (Lexa)
Zimbio 2016:
43- Gone Too Soon (Lexa)
CarterMatt Awards 2016:
44- Top Actress (Alycia)
45- Best Couple (Clexa)
Playbuzz 2016:
46- The LOO Favorite Character (Lexa)
47- The LOO Favorite Ship (Clexa)
48- Favorite Clarke Scene (Making Love to Lexa)
49- The LOO Saddest Death (Lexa)
50- Best Match For Clarke (Lexa)
Tumblr Top Trends 2016:
51- 2016 Top Ship (Clexa)
52- 2016 Top Actresses (Alycia)
Spoiler TV Best of 2016:
53- Favorite Couple (Clexa)
54- Character You Will Miss The Most (Lexa)
55- Most Painful Character Death (Lexa)
56- Scene That Left You Shocked (Lexa’s Death)
57- Scene That Made You Cry (Lexa’s Death)
58- Favorite Actress (Alycia)
59- Best Love Story (Clexa)
Vote For Most 2016:
60- Most Beautiful American TV Series Actress (Alycia)
61- Best American TV Series Couple (Clexa)
62- Most Beautiful Hollywood Actress (Alycia)
63- Best LGBT TV Series Couple of All Time (Clexa)
64- Best LGBT TV Series Character of All Time (Lexa)
65- Best American TV Couple of All Time (Clexa)
66- Best The LOO Character (Lexa)
Book Trib 2016:
67- Who’s The Best Match for Clarke (Lexa)
Hypable 2016:
68- Clarke’s OTP (Lexa)
EW’s TV Season Finale Awards 2016:
69- Most Unforgettable Line (“Our fight is not over.” - Lexa)
70- Best Shipper Moment (Clexa Making Love)
71- Best Return By A Character (Lexa)
Playbuzz 2017:
72- The LOO Best Female Character (Lexa)
A Little Nerd Music 2017:
73- Who Do You Ship (Clexa)
Zimbio TV Couples March Madness 2017:
74- Best TV Couple (Clexa): Clexa not only became the first canon ship to win the crown two years in a row, but also the first f/f ship to win back-to-back.
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Pure Fandom Shipper Showdown 2017:
75- Favorite The LOO Ship (Clexa)
76- Shipper Showdown Champion (Clexa)
Post Apocalyptic Media 2017:
77- Best Post Apocalyptic Ship (Clexa)
Buzzfeed 2017:
78- The LOO Saddest Death (Lexa)
79- Who Does Clarke Belong With (Lexa)
80- The LOO Best Season (S2)
81- The LOO Worst Season (S4, ratings agreed #Karma)
Vote For Most 2017:
82- Most Beautiful Hollywood Actress (Alycia)
83- Most Beautiful American TV Series Actress (Alycia)
84- Most Beautiful Woman in the World (Alycia)
EOnline TV Scoop Awards 2017:
85- Best Fandom (Clexakru): The second consecutive year that Clexakru has won the title of Best Fandom.
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86- Best Drama Actress (Eliza): Also the second consecutive year that Eliza has won the title of Best Drama Actress.
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Radio Times 2017:
87- Favorite SciFi Actress (Eliza)
Spoiler TV 2017:
88- Performer of the Month, October (Alycia): “She’s the first and only POTM winner to land on the winner list for two separate characters.”
CarterMatt Awards 2017:
89- Most Underrated Actress (Alycia): “After winning a different category last year for her portrayal of Lexa, this is the second straight year Debnam-Carey emerges as a victor, this time it’s for her fantastic portrayal of Alicia Clark.”
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CarterMatt Unsung Hero Showdown 2018:
90- Favorite Unsung Hero (Alicia Clark)
271 notes · View notes
sanoiro · 6 years
I was watching 3x09-10 today with my husband (he's trying to catch up and watch the finale when it airs 😊) and he has this theory (sorry if it was discussed before, I couldn't find it). What if Pierce (the first murderer) really is trying to make Lucifer kill a human (as you said on a post the other day) and turn him into the first angel murderer. Maybe he knows something we don't about the repercussions of that? Idk... Just a thought.
First of all, I love your husband! 
Now, this might be a long post I have no idea yet but I read you Ask when I was just about to go to bed and something just stuck with me although I forced myself to sleep instead of replying you. Good thing I did because now I’m feeling like I can analyse anything you tell me to. 
Okay, so long ago I had posted Lucifer’s line from S2 where he said that judgment day is only a couple of years away. 
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So I always thought what if Lucifer and Chloe had something to do with it? If we think about it Mum almost caused the end of the word. Last night I also wrote a post where I was thinking that perhaps the 3x16 line on the jock the princess and the nerd corresponded to Dan, Charlotte and Ella because as far as I see it, everyone will have an important task in their hands and some may even fall because of that. I’m mentioning the above because I made a weird connection last night… Can Lucifer by killing a human start an apocalypse? I’m not sure and I doubt we will get there but there is something that I overlooked as it didn’t make much sense at the beginning. The Z prophesy said that the magma of the Earth is blocked and if the magma was not released soon we would have a big magma apocalypse. 
This may sound a bit overstretched but… What is holding Lucifer’s Devil face back or worse his eyes? Why do they glow amber and only two times this season? Was the dagger the only way to let out his light-bringing power? I always believed that his red glowing eyes since S1 were a sign of that power within him. As you may have guessed I’’m wondering on whether Marcus is trying to manipulate something inside of Lucifer. His purpose might have never been to die… Perhaps a revenge then towards God’s favourite son? 
I still don’t buy the favourite was Amenadiel and I presume that Marcus knows that. I have mentioned the following question before that the metal book in S2 was written by whom exactly?  It was written in Sumerian according to Amenadiel and remember what Lucifer said in 3x16 regarding Abel? 
Lucifer: Whilst this is all very illuminating, Maze, how do we find Abel? Keep an ear out for someone babbling in Sumerian? - Lucifer 3x16Lucifer: So whatever language this is- Amenadiel: It’s Sumerian. Unlike some of us who had everything handed to him, I actually spent my youth studying. - Lucifer 2x17
Again who wrote the book that dates back to Abel’s murder according to the timeline Lucifer gives us? Or better yet who was still alive to write it? Cain. At least that’s what I see here. 
If all the above are true what does that tell us about Marcus so far?
- He knows more about divinity and mystical objects than Lucifer, Amenadiel and even Mum. -He knew about the medallion of life and perhaps he has possed himself with it in order to acquire that knowledge as the page of the medallion was at the left side of the book and the flaming sword at the right side. -He knows about Lucifer’s light-brining power. -He knows who the favourite son is… 
But let’s go a bit further. 
Marcus in 3x12 - All About Her, told Lucifer that when he found out that a human had made the Devil bleed so he had to check and that he had high hopes because that would help him find a way to die. I believe that all, meaning wanting to die that is not true. Or at least not entirely true. (Half truths Lucifer 1x04 - I don’t lie but I don’t say the whole truth either.)
Marcus knows that Lucifer bled early on as that was the scene the production went within the flashbacks shown in 3x12. Not 1x13, not 2x13 but 1x04! Meaning that he could have been in Los Angeles immediately when that happened but he didn’t. 
So we get to S2 where Azrael’s blade comes to L.A. and even if Marcus never found out about Uriel (doubtful) he knew about the blade by the episode 2x08 - Trip To Stubby Town. If he wrote the book or was around for millennia he knows that the blade can not only kill him but also vanish his soul once and for all. 
Marcus claimed he experienced no guilt for what he had done so he wouldn’t go to Hell but that would leave only Heaven as an option. Thinking about it, an internal life in Heaven is it really a good thing for him after so many millennia? Wouldn’t be wise to just kill yourself with the blade and be over with it? 
Let’s not forget that Dad probably has a saying even in the afterlife so why would Cain ever subject himself to go to the same place where his torturer is? It doesn’t make any sense… But how about taking revenge on the favourite son of Dad? That is a high possibility but why now? Because Lucifer has something to lose and can suffer. Additionally, his light-bringing powers might be something that can be used against God? Who knows…Okay, so around 2x13 if Marcus knows about it, the Devil dies for a human… Did the hospital had any footage? No idea some do but they require a special order to be turned on. 
Now see this… in a very weird way, Earl Johnson in 2x16 was committed for giving away all his money and because he had been delusional a few months ago (02/03/2017) by his wife…
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If you go back a few episodes you will realise that this happened around the time Azrael’s blade was on the move (2x06-2x08) or when Chloe was poisoned (2x11-2x13). So was Earl Johnson planted somehow? I mean why would a guy from Odessa, Texas end up being committed at a ward in California? I may be going a bit too far but what if Marcus was manipulating things since S2 and wanted Lucifer to start a new war against his Dad along with Mum?
Now in 2x18 Mum is gone, the blade is gone but in less than 2-3 hours later Marcus has someone Devilnap Lucifer. Miraculously Lucifer ends up with wings so that makes me wonder if the light-bringing power can be harvested somehow and reused… 
Too far? Okay, think of this. Marcus had 2 seasons to act and he does it when A) Mum is gone, B) the blade is gone, C) Amenadiel’s powers may be returning but not really, D) Maze is out of Lucifer’s house and E) Marcus has proof that Lucifer can summon the light-bringing power. 
All the above get us to S3. 
How did Marcus or the Sinnerman brainwash that guy in 3x02 into thinking he had killed Lucifer’s kidnapper because of his girlfriend? Why do we always forget that? Sometimes I wonder if the original Heart Break Killer was manipulated by the 1950s Marcus… 
Moving forward we get to 3x04  - What Would Lucifer Do?, where Marcus is shot but was he really trying to test his mortality around Chloe? That was a bit too rushed and it doesn’t make much sense… It seems almost as if Marcus wanted some time off to set up a new game… 
3x05 - Charlotte comes back and perhaps Marcus steps away as he wants to see the lasting effects of Mum and how a Hell damned soul is reacting back to her earth body… I do wonder if Charlotte acted as a live experiment for him in a way. 
3x06 and 3x07 are the standalones but Lucifer and Chloe are coming closer something that perhaps does not fit Marcus plan whatever that is. He needs Lucifer in pain. Like Linda said in S2, Lucifer had to feel his pain and indeed in that way, he ignited the blade so… - I believe this has been mentioned before at least once on a basic level? - 
3x08 - Marcus returns and all of sudden in 3x09 The Sinnerman starts to slaughter Lucifer’s old favour recipients. The mafia boy was a recent deal but the woman with the hair products was a few years old deal/favour. I remind you that only Marcus has the archived files on the celestials. 
In 3x10 we get several enigmatic clues and the first arc finishes with Marcus shooting Sinnerman. Now the weirdest part for me was that Sinnerman had kept their photo together photo in a pristine condition with him… Why? It will be answered for sure but… Sometimes I wondered if Marcus could have children for some purpose or if there is something more in there…
The next episodes 3x11 aside, seem like a big joke something like getting the Devil a colour book and let him have some fun. They do hold a deeper meaning but what interests me more is 3x16 for one more reason. Marcus knows that his brother by returning to Hell will fall again into the punishment loop. 
What had me thinking was why didn’t Marcus ask from Lucifer to bring back his brother after Abel was run over? How cruel can you be to let your brother, who you claim to care about at the end of the episode, return to Hell? If that’s not sadistic I don’t know what is. 
Everything I have written so far, of course, do not answer your question if we do not take them as one unit with unseen yet existing connections. 
Marcus is using Lucifer. Chloe has a gift there is no question about it but as Sinnerman said, it has to be you aka Lucifer. We might not know the motivation and the real reason behind Marcus’ actions so far and we might find it out only when the scene is aired but what we should remember is that no matter how precious is Chloe, Lucifer is the object of interest here… 
Which makes me think this. Lucifer is supposed to punish the guilty so was Cain’s mark under Lucifer’s influence? Just a random idea here though…
So your husband is partly right in my opinion. Marcus is forcing people to spin around themselves and do things they would never do… Killing a human as you remember is an Angel 101, no-no. Also, do remember Gaudium… taking a pleasure out of the idea of the committed sin and by reliving that sin and not the sin itself…
I know that this post has been a bit all over the place and I apologise for that. It’s just you gave me an opportunity to go back to S1 and rethink certain coincidences or what we assumed they were at the time. Thank you both! 
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This week in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
3x05: Stronger Than Heaven trailers: Official Promo.
3x05: Stronger Than Heaven sneak peeks: Alec and Magnus discuss next steps, Who’s sabotaging Simon.
Should Izzy Have Reported Raphael To The Clave?
Shadowhunters In The News
Promotional photos & Synopsis for 3x05: Stronger Than Heaven: Official Press Site, Spoiler TV. [1]
Promotional photos & Synopsis for 3x06: A Window Into an Empty Room: Official Press Site, Spoiler TV. 
Promotional photos & Synopsis for 3x07: Salt In The Wound: Official Press Site, Spoiler TV.
Reviews for 3x04: They Soul Instructed: BSS, Spoiler TV, Starry Mag, With An accent, TV Guide, TV Source, TV Line, Fan Bolt, Carter Matt, When Nerds Attack, TV After Dark (fan roundtable).
Advanced reviews for 3x05: Stronger Than Heaven: Spoiler TV, Fandemonium Network.
TV Guide (interview): Shadowhunters' Matthew Daddario Previews "Rough" Times Ahead for Malec.
TV Insider (interview): Matthew Daddario Warns Malec Fans of 'Frustration' to Come.
KSite TV (interview): Matthew Daddario on season three.
Hollywood Life (interview): Malec Will Face New ‘Problems’ In ‘Emotional’ Episodes Ahead.
ET Online (interview): 'Shadowhunters' Star Harry Shum Jr. Reacts to the Possibility of Malec Moving in Together!
TV Line (article): Shadowhunters Star Matthew Daddario Applauds Quieter 'Malec' Moments in Season 3, But Warns They Will Be 'Short-Lived'.
Hidden Remote (article): Did Matthew Daddario just reveal [SPOILER] about Shadowhunters season 3B?
Hidden Remote (article): 5 burning questions we have after watching Shadowhunters season 3, episode 4.
Hidden Remote (article): Everything we learned from the new Shadowhunters photos for episodes 6 and 7.
Affinity Magazine (article): Why Maryse Lightwood’s Character Development on ‘Shadowhunters’ Is Important.
Teen Vogue (article): 29 Asian Actors You May Not Know About but Should.
Pure Fandom (article): 24 thoughts we had during “Thy Soul Instruct”.
SpoilerTV (article): Best Siblings on TV.
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Matt (Alec), Isaiah (Luke), and Harry (Magnus) do a livechat before episode 3x04.
Short video of Matt (Alec), Isaiah (Luke), and Harry (Magnus) from their livechat after episode 3x04.
“Your favourite little sorceress is on set today” Ariana (Madzie) shares a video of herself on set of season three.
“That’s a wrap!” Ariana (Madzie) shares one last photo of herself on set of season three.
“When it comes to Lilith ...more is more is more!” Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a video of Anna (Lilith) getting ready for a scene in season three.
Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec) and Emeraude (Izzy) from on set of season three for national siblings day. [2]
“Last concept meeting for Season 3, wait until you get a load of what's still to come.” John Rakich (location manager) shares a photo of the season three finale script.
Kat (Clary) shares a video of herself and Taylor Mallory (writer) on set of season three.
Kat (Clary) shares behind the scenes photos of herself and Dom (Jace) from episode 3x04.
“Sharing a bite.” Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself with Tess Mossey (Heidi) from episode 3x04. [3]
“This set was inspired by a long abandoned apartment in Paris.” Matt Hastings (director) shares a video of Anna (Lilith) giving a tour of Lilith’s apartment.
Nuno De Salles (trainer) shares a photo of Matt (Alec) training for season three.
“Parabati.” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec) and Dom (Jace) from season three.
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Alberto (Simon) and Chai (Jordan) getting ready for a scene.
Lisa Berry (Sister Cleophas) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself and Will (Jonathan).
“Clace moment.” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) and Dom (Jace) from season three.
“Be very, very quiet! @Kat_McNamara is hunting vampires!” Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) from episode 3x04.
“She made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself and Anna (Lilith) from season three.
Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary). [4]
Lindsay Wolfington (music supervisor) shares a still of Simon from episode 3x05.
Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of David (Raphael) from episode 3x04.
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Tess (Heidi) from episode 3x04.
Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec) from episode 3x03.
Brian Miller (writer) tweets: “Why hide the title when it's as spoiler-iffic as "Malec on a Tandem Bicycle"?”, episode 3x04 was written by Jamie Gorgenberg and directed by Emile Levisetti.
Claire Hupy (writer) tweets: “My favorite thing about #Shadowhunters fans is sometimes you guys keysmash so hard and with so much joy that twitter offers to "translate from Finnish" 😂“, “In case you didn't know... Jace had some pretty ticklish shoulders in this elevator scene.”, “Funny Story-So at one point, Standards&Practices said that a #shadowhunters character couldn't say "prick"  I asked why we could say "prejudiced dicks" but not "prick."  Turns out, it's because Dick is a nickname for Richard. Can you imagine Maia saying predjudiced Richards?😂”, “BTS - The Billboard was specifically placed by production so the sun could come up slowly... "like a deadly Xerox machine".
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweets: “5 reasons to watch episode 3x04: 1) @jamiegorenberg wrote it. Guaranteed goodness. ✍️ 2) Simon has a stalker... 👀 3) JACE IS THE FREAKING OWL?!?! 🦉 4) #Clizzy unite! ⚔️ 5) New character(s) alert! 🕵️‍♂️“, “By the power of Edom, you are undone.” 😱”, “Werewolves age like Shadowhunters and mundanes. Vampires, warlocks, and Seelies are immortal. #TheMoreYouKnow 🌈”, “Tough to choose, but the Simon/Jace scenes are up there. @bmillikin does a great job capturing their quirky almost-friendship. @arosende & @DomSherwood1 have so much fun together & it shows. #Jimon #CoFA”, “Meanwhile, beneath the red paper lanterns...”.
Jamie Gorenberg (writer) tweets: “Heidi’s up to no good. When Raphael raised her from the dead, he didn’t realize what he was in for... “, “Anyone want to meet up at the Hunter’s Moon tonight?” , “Luke, watch what you say. This girl is on fire.”.
Joshua Butler (director) tweets: “It’s a wrap on @ShadowhuntersTV 318!!! Thanks to @TayMals for her amazing script and for being so awesome on set. And eternal gratitude to @MattDirector @DSwim and @Toddzer1 for welcoming me once again into the #Shadowhunters family. #DirectorPride”.
Matt Hastings (director) tweets: Prep for the season finale has begun, “You guys, this is nothing but epic epicness.   Get ready to meet the REAL #Lilith! Plus... #feels!”.
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets: “Lots of beautiful moments, horrifying scares and gasps that will leave you breathless #bloodmobilescanbedangerous  #parabataicomeback #jaceandluke”, “A phlebotomist is considered a fairly safe job... unless you're Leo #therewillbeblood #iloveleo #awifewithabadshoehabit @EmileLevisetti directed this incredible chapter #helloheidi #hiowl”, “Prepare yourself. The emotions are at a high pitch. Their love has never been so intense. @DomSherwood1  @Kat_McNamara will break your heart”, “Izzy is in fine form cause the girls are back together! Iz and Clary on the hunt together tomorrow night, kicking ass and helping each other deal with life issues #thatswhatsistersarefor #girlsthereforgirls”, “Okay book fans. If you haven't already figured it out, show Heidi = book Maureen #adaptationmadness #enjoy”, “It's not always easy being immortal @MatthewDaddario @HarryShumJr bring it in a big way #malec #whoneedsatailor”, “Yes!!! I've said it before, I'll say it again. Sizzy will happen and it will wow you in ways you can only imagine. But it takes time - like a good roast, a tasty chocolate mousse, a fine red wine #sizzy #patience”, “Favorite Simon song of series @arosende proves that Simon is not only a singer/songwriter but a performer extraordinaire”, “@AnnaBananaHops shows you so many sides of our dear mother #strongerthanheaven #motherofalldemons #istillloveher”.
In Other News
Kat co-hosted the the Childhelp Wings Fashion show. Here are some highlights: Kat at the fashion show via Todd Krim’s instagram, photos of Kat at the show and on the read carpet via her twitter.
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I'm behind on meta so please feel free to ignore this if it's been already talked about, but I thought it was interesting how - as weird or sort of unusual that fight scene was with dean and the demon, or at least i don't recall anything like it - by making it look sexual and obviously violent, it kinda parallelled Mary's struggle with that asshole hunter. What weirds me out is that it puts Sam & Lucifer in the same role of saviour which is never good, but maybe they just wanted to connect them
like that bc they both want a connection w/ Jack, maybe even see themselves in Jack, who knows lucifer;s side, since they were unable to provide dialogue 4 him besides repeating how Mary is weak bc she gets tired & is all humany and they need to get out and he might need her. ANYWAY, shitty writing aside, do u think it was a parallel and if so what are they trying to say? Was it to show that maybe Sam’s intentions aren’t the purest either, not in an evil way but like bc he’s so intent on gettingMary back that he might be blind - for different reasons than Dean - to Jack as a person? He’s trying so hard & almost doesn’t even entertain the thought that Jack might be corrupted by his power at some point, or by Hell which we see almost happens bc of lack of info. Sam seems to hold on to as much hope as he can, while Dean is at the opposite end of the spectrum (hmm I wonder who could balance it out?). But what do you think of Sam having been weirdly aligned w/ Hell like, he even unwittinglygave the info to Amodeous about how powerful Jack is, while Dean, without even trying, seems to be Jack’s role model for Good (& I love how Jack has a Dean decoder built in) and he even throws him a Bible to read (which, if presented without commentary can be risky, he’s better off reading the Supernatural books, but still, it’s the Holy Book).
Hi! What an ask :D Also I am ALSO so behind on meta so I’m just going to answer this like it’s all new to us, sorry everyone who has already been over this, me and anon are going through this together ;)
To go through chronologically because I’m super tired so I need to break this down…
Yeah, awesome weird fight scene. I loved it - Tink said something about them having a new fight coordinator? There’s been 2 incredible fights back to back for Dean so far and I’m loving it. This one was great I think with the director as well - I feel like he of all of them takes liberties with BL scripts and puts in extra nuance and missing implications that their writing didn’t pick up… He’s 99% responsible for the crypt scenes for example, and in 11x21 included ALL the nuance that made the longing retcon magic happen between Amara, Cas and Dean, just by visual implications. He also super digs the prison imagery and bunker porn and generally using the locations really well… I don’t know much about all the different directors but I’ve learned that seeing his name means it’s time to get excited and nerdy about what I’m going to SEE :D
So yeah, good combo. It made a great parallel with Mary’s fight which I liked first of all just for the Mary and Dean paralleling, especially as she needs connections back to the main storyline just for asserting she still exists, because as you say it was pretty bad writing especially around Mary in that episode, where she just dragged herself around after Lucifer and needed saving. Putting Dean in a parallel situation somewhat defuses it in overall handling of the nonsense, even if I don’t like that it was written this way in the first place. I have still not had time to explore my dash much but I hope people have been making posts about the parallels to female fight scenes, especially Black Widow in the marvel movies… In my notes I just commented he was straddling people to death and left it at that (even though that obviously wasn’t what he was doing - it was a shorthand for the fight style :P) but really it also mirrored 10x15 and Dean in that weirdly charged scenario with whatisface, where he got straddled and had the worm coming out Cole’s throat while leaning over him etc and it put Dean in a very submissive role to all that. In the same way, having Dean fight back by getting his legs around the guy and ending the fight literally *cowering* on a bed with the demon standing over him with the phallic knife, was a fascinating staging of power dynamics where he actually looked more vulnerable than Mary did.
I think Lucifer nice guy’d it - he said he needed Mary and when she wouldn’t go along with him, immediately started whining more and hurt Mary just to make her complacent and remind her that he was still in charge and more powerful than her. Sam of course has no such dynamic with Dean, but I think overall he’s going to be more assertive this season and carrying on - according to the PR - with having more of a leadership role in the dynamic. He’s definitely making the better choices right now while Dean urgently needs a personal day or six. So I think first and foremost it’s a compare and contrast rather than a direct parallel. There’s a great gifset I reblogged somewhere or other about Lucifer in 12x23 saying hurr blurr I can’t raise my son from a prison cell, and then Sam in the cell with Jack just captioned “HOLD MY BEER”, and Sam currently is the only positive father figure - and actually the ONLY father figure *on the board* for Jack, since the pool is Cas - dead, Lucifer - in the AU, Dean - not interested right now… Meaning Jack is pretty much Sam’s sole responsibility and the Lucifer vs Sam stuff may be being played as an oppositional thing. So Lucifer being a dick to Mary after saving her but doing it conditionally and in an attempt to make her go along with him (and that he only wants her to trade for Jack anyway) vs Sam just saving Dean because they love and trust each other already forevers and there being no terms and conditions except for not wanting his brother dead for well duh reasons is… nice. 
But yeah it does also put Sam in a weird place where he’s being paralleled to Lucifer in any way and he has that long history with him. And I think by and large this is supposed to be positive for Sam and all but I agree with you that Sam can and maybe will fuck it up, and being oblivious to the dangers is the main way. In the “Donatello” conversation he doesn’t notice that Donatello switched from “Jack’s nature wins” to “let’s try moulding him” which was Asmodeus’s idea (and Sam’s) - but because Asmodeus was AGREEING with Sam and Sam was assuming he meant for the better, then he didn’t notice that Donatello was suddenly agreeing with him.
I think it’s pretty inevitable Jack’s going to have some sort of wobble - we’ve seen Lucifer is a tiny bit in his head even if he already picked Cas as his father and it’s clear he has a good heart, Asmodeus showed how easily some trickery and the path of good intentions can open a portal to hell (aww season 4 Sam) and that is something Sam himself has to deal with and his his hugest character thing overall - his arc led to that, and then on the other side of it has been about repenting for it and feeling awful that this was what he was basically raised to do >.> He should hopefully be a good influence on Jack to guide him away from repeating his mistakes but only if he can see the problem in the first place.
(Also yeah I love Sam and I’m excited and positive for his relationship with Jack but like you I think we do need to think about the problems, Sam’s lack of experience, this being a complicated time for him to take charge of a thing when historically almost every time he has been in a position of responsibility or strength he’s fucked it up when handling things himself, or else gone down some really dark paths… I think he CAN help Jack and ultimately WILL but that doesn’t mean it might not be rough along the way and I think people need to be prepared for that if they’re getting invested in it… Maybe even more so than the people who want Dean to be good with Jack and are getting upset about how hard it is because in a way that is a much more obvious problem and we were warned about it from the start, while Sam and Jack seems like such a good and pure thing it might be easy to let your guard down that the show can easily insert trouble and darkness into it…)
I wonder if there will be some tension to come between Sam and Dean about Jack kinda latching onto Dean though? Because I’ve wondered before that he is the moral centre of the show and Jack was mimicking him because he’s sort of needing Dean’s approval too, not just in a survival way but because Dean is so SURE of what is right, so being like Dean is default being right. (I think Sam has said something similar in 3x07 about always following Dean around trying to be like him when he was young? In that “i know when you’re scared” argument) And of course Dean being so sure of what is right and Jack not meeting that standard by default has been a massive part of why Jack levelled up in Winchester self-doubt and self-hatred in just a few days. Took less than a week to ruin him and Dean’s standards are probably a large part of it >.> So yeah, I hope Sam understands all the nuance of why Jack might have been mimicking/idolising Dean when Sam is the one trying to be the positive role model to Jack, just because he knows the force of Dean’s personality. I hope he doesn’t take it as a bad reflection on himself, ESPECIALLY if/when Jack fucks up as I feel will inevitably happen. 
I think it does sort of reflect Sam and Dean’s long-standing alignments though… I just remember the season 6 poster where Sam has the snake and Dean has a literal freakin’ halo because subtlety? What is that? :P
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powerfashionblog · 1 year
Tumblr media
Who: Alix Lapri as Effie Morales What: Sacai Twill And Nylon-paneled Jacket - Sold Out Where: 3x07 “Deal or No Deal”
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theyhaveacavetroll · 7 years
Your top 3 episodes from each season of Black Sails.
ooh, tough question, Anon! I might actually have to rewatch the whole series to answer - how terrible! =D 
From Season 1 - I really, really love the first episode. It just - sets the scene so nicely and it had my attention from moment one. And then of course we have 1x06 and 1x08, both of which were favorites of mine because there was just so much going on and I look back on them now and think wow - what a masterful job they did of setting up themes that were going to appear again in the show (not to mention that Flint spent a lot of those episodes being fascinatingly complex and awfully pretty). 
And then we get into Season 2 and - well, where do I start with S2? It’s one of the best seasons for me personally, and I love all of it to tiny pieces, but my favorite episodes from it have got to be 2x01 through 2x05. I can’t choose between them, they’re all too good, I’m sorry, I’m claiming five favorites from this season instead of three, because there’s nothing about the London flashbacks that I don’t adore. It’s wonderfully politicky, and complicated, and heartfelt, and I adore that whole story arc. And then, of course, you have the fact that those episodes contain James Flint at his most amazingly intelligent and dangerous and really makes you understand why people fear and respect him. 
Season 3 actually personally was not my favorite season, especially not at first. I like it better now, just it needed time to grow on me. I really, really love Flint’s speech to the Maroon Queen in 3x05 about “lives, loves, labor, spirits, homes,” because it’s everything that he believes in - literally everything, all in one speech. It’s the crux of what he’s fighting for, right there, and it’s a vision of a world that I find damn near impossible to look away from because it’s worth fighting for. Similarly, I love Vane’s speech in 3x09, because it’s a reminder that power derives from the consent of the governed, and that how we respond to fear is a choice, which I think is a powerful reminder we all need right now. Finally, last but certainly not least I love the tavern scene in 3x07, because that version of Long John Silver is the one that I recognize from Treasure Island. That is the man that had Billy Bones quaking in his boots twenty years on, and it really sets him up as Flint’s equal in rage and as the darker figure that he’d been growing into all that season. The John Silver that walked out of that tavern, book in hand, scares the shit out of me and that’s what he’s meant to do. 
For Season 4, my favorite episodes have got to be, in order, 4x04, 4x02, and 4x10. I remember watching 4x04, getting to that part and sitting up, making an inhuman noise, and then going “WHAT??!!!!” They got me. They got me good, because I was about in the same place as James, thinking Thomas was dead and I’d never see him again in the series, and then they did that. It was a great moment. 4x02 I loved because - well, because that’s probably the last time I could like Woodes Rogers and Eleanor together even a little. For a little while there, they had something that was starting to be good, and I really, really felt for her when he left because there was just a sort of foreboding that she was never going to see him again. It was really well acted, it was heart-rending, and I also liked the talk that Jack and Teach had in that episode re: Vane and the conversation that Rackham had with Anne about Max. It was an episode with some really good character development. And then of course 4x10, you know why I like it already, but I’ll say this as well - I’ve never known an episode of a television show to affect me that deeply. That episode grabbed hold of me, shook me by the shoulders, and snapped, “wake up, damn it, it’s time to remember how to fucking FEEL things again!” And even if I don’t like 100% of the things that happened in the episode - even if they ripped my heart out of my chest and had it for dinner, pretty much - I can appreciate the power of the story they told and the way that it affected me and a lot of other people. I mean - it’s what, four months later, and we’re still arguing and crying and not ok as a fandom? That’s one hell of a story, regardless of how you feel about any aspect of it. 
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
Here is a list of thing I want to see happen on Scorpion in s4: 
Things I want to see/know/hear about in S4: 
Quintis talking about the events of past year and/or talking about “when is the right time” aka proper conclusion to the Cd-baby plot with them talking about..things. And deciding when the right time would be, and what option they will choose (bio kid, adoption)
Quintis pregnancy plot or adoption plot (I would prefer a pregnancy plot...after the events of 3x07, but I’d also love an adoption story, which is still very fitting for them)* #ep403getstheballrollingkinda
If there is a Quintis pregnancy, I hope we don’t jump from “month 1″ to “month 9″ fast, but instead get to see the whole, or at least most of the, journey. because this plot gives opportunity for some pretty great comedy (grumpy, tough mechanic with a big belly putting everyone in their places who think a pregnant lady cannot work. a’la Brennan/Bones style + using Toby as an errands boy) + some sweet Quintis moments (Toby will go all out and do all that "sweet/annoying” stuff like talking to the belly, and reading to the baby, and so on...) And we’d get emotional plot...with her worrying that something could happen during childbirth (like it did with her mom), and worry about the genius/normal possibility, plus worrying about becoming parents... even if that was addressed already during the s3 Cd-baby plot... 
If there is a Quintis baby, then I personally hope he/she will be a genius (even if they won’t know for a little while). Though two geniuses raising a “normal” would also make an interesting story, I’d love to see Quintis & The Team raising a genius & teaching him/her... their skills (like they’re doing with Ralph, though they started with him only at age 9...now we could start with age 9 days...)
If there is a Quintis baby, then unless they name him/her Marcus or Grace, they better come up with a great name. Also.. my vote still goes to baby girl, because the team needs more girls-power, and the team’s already growing a boy-genius (Ralph), so they need a girl-genius (Baby Quintis), too. 
NEW! Since we know there will be a Quintis family plot (pregnancy or adoption...is the question...) and we know there have been several mentions of Toby’s gambling past, and since Happy’s emotional storyline lead to the Quintis wedding, then it’s only logical that it’ll be Toby’s emotional storyline thatll lead to a Quintis baby. And I hope that they’ll use of of these “dramatic” scenarious: a) have Collins be the threat (to pregnant Happy, to their newborn baby or their adopted kid); b)  Have Collins play some more mind games and “drive” Toby to gambling/almost gambling...and we’d explore the addict storyline this way; c) have “Bruno” or someone from Toby’s past be a threat...demanding payment...now that both Quintis & TeamScorpion are extra broke + Quintis is planning to have a child. Making him just stressed or actually gamble.; d) Have there be some fertility issues or Quintis thinking this isn’t happening for them, but then happening for real  (opposite of S3 Cd-baby plot: in s3 they were excited aboiut a baby that never was...in s they would then be unhappy (worried, anxious) about not having a baby, when there actually would be one... That’s as far as I want them to go with “fertility issues” for these two. Drama is loved by tv writers, and it looks great on screen, but 100% “no” is in my books not an option for these two. If I have one wish...it’s that the show would let them have also a bio kid...
If there is a Quintis baby... Allie could be the first “nanny”...until Patrick is out/back again. Or they could bring back Ray...again. ETA: Or expand Patty’s (Sly’s team-mate for his other job...as the Alderman) job description.  Or Ada, who will be cured by then. (Ada could replace Happy in the field til she’s on maternity leave/stuck in the garage and/or be the babysitter for a while) Or someone else from the past.. Or the team could just stay in the Garage, to babysit the littlest genius, one member at a time (different team member in each ep/during each case...they’ve used this option a lot in s2 & s3 already...) Basically... if they wanted to..they could make it work storyline wise (and production wise...with working with small humans on set) The logistics, both for the fictional characters and the real world production team might be a lot to handle, but it can be done! 
The Quintis place (that we will finally see Happy’s place/... now Quintis place/home) - that set has to be built for S4, and I want to see it...how they’ve combined their stuff, and what their home looks like after they’ve settled in. I just want to see Toby’s hat hanging on a coat-hook in the hallway, and their things “mixed” (Happy & her tools, Toby & his books) - their two personal styles combined, creating a new...”their” place... I cannot wait to see the set for their house/apartment. 
Quintis “domestic” scene - not a “bedroom” scene as some mean it, but them just being home, casually - watching cop shows on tv together, reading books, playing board-games, building something, teaching each-other each others skill sets, just talking or bickering or “fighting” about little things (”no the picture goes on that wall” ...”no, it goes on THAT wall...”), waking up together (we gotta get confirmation if Happy is the little spoon or not...after 2x13 we gotta know)... 
Toby carrying Happy to bed (or to the sofa), and covering her up with a blanket, after she’s fallen asleep 
Happy taking care of a sick Toby/Toby taking care of a sick Happy 
Quintis movie-nights (it’s been hinted that they’re both movie fans, and love watching tv shows, so...) - seeing them watch a movie/tv marathon...
Happy wearing Toby’s clothes (his Harvard-Tee, his hoodies... works both for pregnant Happy...whose clothes don’t fit her anymore, and for non-pregnant Happy ...who just likes “to feel him close” that way)
Quintis "You can leave your hat on” scene...where this song plays and/or Happy says this to Toby...before we cut to black (end of scene/ep). We know she secretly loves the hat, and we know they (both!) love to dress up for “alone time”, so... this is in character.  #weneedaconfirmationabouthowHappyreallyfeelsaboutthehat #iloveyourhat #icanseehistupidhat 
Quintis dancing to “Shiny Happy People” at their home/in the extra baby room/in the Garage/on the rooftop... recreating the 2x13 Patrick & Grace Quinn - Happy’s parents - scene from the VHS tape Happy watched. Bonus points if Happy is pregnant during this dance scene. 
Quintis team-work during cases! Happy getting to show off her mechanic skills & Toby getting to show off his doctor skills. And vice versa/in reverse - Toby showing off what he’s learned from her & Happy showing off what shes learned from him. #ep405 #ep410
Quintis teaching each other their skills (a’la 1x13 deleted end scene style: Toby teaching Happy about noticing human behaviour -- like he did in 3x22 with that hand placement comment and medicine & Happy teaching Toby mechanics, buildings stuff, etc...)
The return of significant little things/presents - the dollhouse from 2x04 (that they worked on together in season 2), the rocking chair (from 3x06 that Toby “built” for Happy and their kid), the “attaboy” key-fob (that Happy gave Toby as a present in 3x11), the “Sparking Mike ” toy robot (that Toby gave Happy as a present), the “Toby Dick” framed picture (from 3x22)...among other things. I want to see all those items in the Quintis home...and their places in their home... Several can be used as decorating the “extra room” aka future baby Grace/Marcus Quinn-Curtis room. #ep407
Married Quintis being the same two adorable genius dorks, bickering, and being simply themselves... (confirming that simply signing some papers doesn’t mean that a person’s personality changes completely, and they still remain themselves, even if they do change, and adapt to each other more and more...) #everysingleepisode
Quintis still adapting to living together & being married. Fun storylines and scenes about them getting used to the “changes” in their lives. (They moved in together, officially, in ep 322, and got to cohabitate only for a month til their wedding day & the 3-week “deserted island” adventure aka their “honeymoon”... so it’s still kinda new for them...
Quintis honeymoon... a proper one. Not really seeing their honeymoon (they, and the whole team, really need a long vacation after the year of crazy events they’ve had...so 6 weeks off is a must...and good reason for a timejump on the show...) but seeing them leave for their vacation, and returning after... #idontthinkthiswillhappenforthem
Quintis duet! Quintis singing....together. Or one of them playing the piano/an intrument, and the other one singing... #kinda
Quintis high5-s, Quintis fist-bumps, Quintis foreheard/top-of-the-head kisses, Quintis hugs, Quintis kisses #LittleSweetQuintisMoments#401 #402 
Quintis nicknames! More nicknames from Toby. But also from Happy! #getcreativewithnicknames #401 #402 
Quintis Garage Rooftop scenes! Quintis/Team at Kovelsky’s scenes
Flashback to 2x13 rooftop cuddling in the tent (what happened after the ep ended)
Flashback to the moment when Quintis became official - the when, how... revealed in detail (either shown visually as a flashback, or revealed in words/by someone telling the story)
Quintis planting an oak tree (their tree, “a mighty love oak”) and/or tend to one they planted on their wedding day/during/after the honeymoon  PS. If it’s not a topic in S3 finale/wedding ep, then definitely in s4, please
Toby’s “new” car! After his old blue convertible was blown up in last seasons premiere... did Happy fix it up, or did Toby already got a new car (or have they just carpooled/both drove Happy’s truck), or will he be getting a new car... will they be getting a new car (a “family car”) soon? 
Perfect Quintis Christmas! 
Quintis book-club! Toby reading two books at once (and Happy admiring the sight) and Happy reading a book and/or Toby/Happy both reading a book... #bookreadingdate #quietnightathomeorinthegarage 
Quintis as the support team in the Garage (a la 3x08) - both Toby & Happy staying behind during a case, and being together in the Garage, communicating via comms with the others. 
Toby’s new computer and mobile phone backgrounds/wallpapers to be shown. The old/usual “playing cards decks wallpaper” replaced with something else, possibly Happy/Quintis/team related. 
A Valentine’s day episode! Quintis Valentines day! 
Quintis anniversary! Quintis 1st wedding anniversary (May 2018....a year after their May 2017 wedding), Quintis 1st date/get together anniversary... 
Happy (and the team) having to save Toby’s life during a case (kind of like Toby did in 2x13 in the South Pole, and/or the team did in 2x12 at the dam...but not like 2x06...where she kinda did already...)
Toby and his gambling past - Bruno & his debts (payment plan) story line brought back/continued and finished. Learn to identity of Bruno, and learn more about Toby’s debts etc.  PS. If it’s not a topic in S3 finale/wedding ep, then definitely in s4, please
NEW! (added after s4 premiere) Quintis/TeamScorpion Vs Collins. He’ll be back...we all know it. And while I think he’ll go after Walt/Paige/Ralph...I kinda wish that maybe he’ll go after Happy (pregnant Happy) or Quintis kid... so we’d get a great emotional storyline. And see again the fierce Happy. Cause they’re all scared of Queen Happy...also Collins. She is a worthy opponent to him, and after 224 she would so extra scary if the bearded trickster tried to hurt her/her gamily again. 
Sly and “Megan Dodd Pediatric Care Unit/Ward” - that plot was dropped too fast (no explanation given why & no mention of this plot or why it was “forgotten” in any of the interviews or dvd extras...or anywhere), with no resolution at the end of s2. One way to bring it back (after so much time, and make it seem natural) is simply to have it be related to Quintis baby - they visit the place when the baby is born (it’s obvious Quintis baby is gonna be born “in the middle of nowhere, during a mission”..but after that they will go to the hospital for a checkup, and it’d be a great time to “casually” mention MDPCW, and give “closure” to that “dropped” plot, with just one little scene)
Storyline for Sly! #ep401 #ep402 #ep403
Storyline for Cabe! #ep402 #ep403
Ada (Happy’s mechanic friend, Ada Pearce, from 3x18) to be mentioned or returning. Either we hear how Walt’s search for a donor match goes and how her life in the bubble/after getting out of the bubble has gone OR we actually get to see her again. Ada would be a perfect “replacement” on the team on the field while Happy is stuck in the Garage. As in: for the Happy/Quintis pregnancy plot (that is coming..in the future) Cause while Toby and others (as seen in 3x16, 3x14, etc) have picked up things from Happy’s skillset, it would be better to have a “mechanic” on the team during missions. Or just extra member of the team (like Tim was for a while - two federal agents instead of one) Or...she could be the nanny/babysitter. 
More (mentions, at least) of the Mechan-Chicks! website and the mechanchiks and their fun adventures/teamwork. They helped fix Ada’s house after the 3x18 case/events. They must do similar projects..more often..now... 
The return of old “fan fave” characters: Collins as the teams main opponent and the shows main villain, Ray #Ray-turn, Allie, Ada, Maya, Megan (in flashbacks...somehow), Patrick (Happy’s dad), Drew (Ralph’s dad), Walt’s parents, Patty (3x15) etc... #Patty403 #Allie403 #Ray405 #Richard405 
Allie returning (since she obviously isn’t really a fan of working for Patel, then she might enjoy another job change), and she cold become the Scorpion “office assistant” or the (Quintis baby) nanny/babysitter while others are on missions. 
The return of Mark Collins. Collins vs Cyclone (in whatever form, please) #ep401 #ep402 #
Team Scorpion VS Team Anti-Scorpion. The Team facing an enemy, who are geniuses & like them, only with bad intentions. Two teams of geniuses going against each other. The team meeting their match(es).
Grandpa/Dad Cabe & his kiddos (the team) scenes/moments/storylines.... 
More Ralph/Team, Ralph/Quintis, Ralph/Sly, Ralph/Walt...scenes and storylines.
Ferret Bueller - seen again, or his fate mentioned. #
A team origins episode (story) - how everyone met (in detail) We’ve gotten glimpses of the backstory and “how I met everyone” in past episodes - 1x02, 1x03, 1x10, 1x22, 3x23... but we don’t know all the details and haven’t really seen the “flashbacks” to the first meetings or the early days of the team...when they were still “building the company”
A case involving a baby/toddler/child that the team has to protect & take care of (babysit, take custody of during the case), and Quintis is tasked with looking after the kid. (a la Peraltiago in 4x16 with Terry’s kids) And this leads to them having the “babies” talk and/or be a test-run for their future (if it’s already conformed they’re going to be parents)
Cases with animals/living creatures (deer in 4x03 already confirmed). Unless they’re saving the case with scorpions for the shows series finale/last season, I hope to see also a case involving a scorpion...soon. 
Happy building stuff! Happy making more presents to her family members (like she’s built stuff for Sly & “Megan” & Toby - Birdroni, photo phrames, comics humidifier, wedding band, keychain) & Toby “building” stuff... #ep402
The Curtis Clan - an episode/storyline focused on Toby and his family/parents - finally meeting his dad/mom/parents/family. He’s the last team members whose parent(s) we haven’t met. Or heard much about at all. PS. If it’s not a topic in S3 finale/wedding ep, then definitely in s4, please
The story behind Toby’s fedora/hat - when did it become his signature look, and the reasons behind it...etc
The story behind Toby’s “bracelet” - what’s the significance of it?
*Here’s one scenario for the Quintis pregnancy/baby plot (reveal) IN A SEPARATE POST 
This is the first, very initial list. More things will be added to the list...with time. 
PS. This list does not include anything about the shows lead ship/main couple... on purpose. Not because I don’t have thoughts on them (the Ralph, Walt, Paige family & dynamic... because I do), but because I’ve decided not to blog about this ship, hence leaving out anything related to their storylines. Also from this list.
Post created/Last update: April 25th, 2017/Oct 6th, 2017
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Seriously, who’s Billy?
I didn't want to write about my feelings or interpretations towards the show cause it takes me a lot of time, but I am going to do it anyway because I need to get rid off them and because Billy needs some support.
I haven‘t read almost any meta this days and maybe I am repeating something that has been writen before. So, sorry if I discusse about something that’s been discussed before. Also, I want to thank to all the people who write their opinion about the show because I know that my headwanks wouldn’t be so fucking dense if I hadn’t read your headwanks or analysis before, so thank you for that, and as always, make yourself comfortable, this is going to be long...
These past  months (ever since I started on Tumblr) I've wrote about what I expected to happen in this season. As I told in some other post, I didn't care if I was right or wrong, cause I love being mind-fucked, but as I see, there are some things that I was right about.
I knew that Billy was going to be countering Flint the way he does; I knew that Flint (and the audience) was going to be shocked about Billy's changes; I knew that their interactions were not going to be like before (Flint teasing Billy and Billy being manipulated by Flint); and I knew that Silver or Madi were going to be questioning this relationship. I also intuid that the prom image where Flint and Billy are in a room with Maddi and Jacob was a pre-conversation of the "trailer scene" (AKA when Flint and Billy fight) and that maybe Flint was warning Billy about a dangerous plan.
I don't want to be throwing flowers to myself about it, cause of course I was wrong in lots of other things. But what I want to say is that I am not surprised by Blint's interactions, I am excited by them and I believe that we might have some Blint hope (I know I'm being optimistic, but that's what I feel, I can't help it)
It seems that everyone is blaming Billy (in the show and in this fandom) for everything that's happening, and for all the nonsense that's going on throughout the chapters and Blint's interactions (and of course in Billy's mind).
People doesn't understand why Billy is acting the way he does, or why Flint is not mad at him at all (well of course he was mad at him when they meet in the beach after losing Silver, but that was not Billy's fault).
And all I can say is that all this nonsense only supports my main theory about Blint: What it is not shown speaks louder than what it is shown. I mean, everybody is like: “Billy, what the fuck???”  and I’m like: “Yeah baby show Flint (and the audience)  WHO YOU REALLY ARE!”  cause this situation between this two doesn’t make sense!! And people are freaking out, and I’m excited cause this is the fucking elephant in the room, the fucking walrus in the ship, the fucking eye-fuck in the middle of the chaos of a fight (AKA 4x03)!
Their relationship’s being so subtle, that now I feel like it’s exploding in our fucking faces.
I asked my boyfriend about his opinion about the evolution and changes in Blint's interactions (he knows I am a total trash about this two and he loves it, and though he doesn't see Blint and he just sees "pirates doing pirates things in a pirate show", he loves Billy's expressions when he's with Flint, and he even imitates him to make me laugh) and this is what he doesn't understand: the time that has passed between season 3 and 4. He can understand Billy's decissions and his behave if there was like 1 or 2 years in between seasons, cause he thinks that all what Billy has achieve (keeping the resitence in line, changing plans, maintining the crew or recruiting new members and them being so loyal to him...) is massive, and being far from both Flint and Silver for so long gives him more confidance about himself. He doesn't understand his behaviour, or Flint's and Silver's behaviour, if there was very little time between seasons, like, “Billy last month you were totally loyal to Flint and you wanted to support him, and keep him saved and liberate Vane, and now you’ve became into this massive leader who is done with Flint? Why?”
I think it's interesting this question and all what Billy has achieved until now. I mean, we know we can't get to see everything that's happened between seasons, but we all know what Billy's done to create the legend of Long John Silver.
And in my opinion, if it wasn’t for Billy, there wouldn't be John Silver nor Long John Silver... (I know I'm going to be hated by this, but I have to say and explain this, and believe it or not, I really like Silver):
-If Billy hadn’t created the legend of Long John Silver, people wouldn’t be afraid of him.
Billy wrote (with the rest of his writing club) the legend of LJS. He started using the “black spots”, then in (I think) the first episode he tells Flint the black spots didn’t work anymore and that they had to change plans. And in 4X04 when Flint is giving orders to another captain at the gobernator’s house and he doesn’t obey him, Silver comes, and only has to look at him in his eyes to make him obey. This is only because Billy and his men have been fighting in his name, making everyone in Nassau afraid of him, giving him the power of controlling peoples minds and keeping that fear in line.
Ok, you can tell me that people is afraid of him not only because of the legend Billy created, but because before, in 3x07, Silver’s walks into the Guthrie’s like a boss and also stomps Dufresne’s head. Yeah, that what badass, and amazing!! He became LJS in that moment, and people right from that moment stars to speak about him. All of this is true, but it only leads me to the next afirmation.
-If Billy hadn’t suggest changing the plans to recruit pirates in Nassau and didn’t think of Silver as the one going there, Silver wouldn’t have stomped Dufresne’s head.
At first, Flint’s plan is to go to the tabern with Billy and recruit more men. But then Billy tells him his plan ain’t gonna work, and suggests that Silver’s presence would give more impact than the ghost himself (AKA Flint, foreshadowing T.I.’s Flint’s ghost) before the astonished look of the other people in the room. And Flint obeys... just in the same way Eleanor suggests Rogers that Hornigold presence in the beach would make the pirates more comfortable with the pardons, and Rogers obeys... (relationship’s paralell arcs?)
So yeah, we have to thank Billy for sending Silver to the Guthrie’s and for creating the lengend. Cause Silver at that time was being the quartermaster of the Walrus and was trying to learn fast in order to his crew didn't see him as someone who doesn’t know how to deal with his role. I love Silver’s character’s arc and the way he has become what he’s now, but mostly how he became the quartermaster of the Walrus. Is after losing his leg (during Charlestown) that all the crew is supporting him and wanting him as quartermaster. But was that the real fate of Silver in that episode? Let me suggest you this:
-If Billy (and his brothers) hadn’t enter the cabin of the “Fucking War-Ship” while Vane’s crew was torturing Silver in order to know about the Urca’s gold, Silver would have died.
In that chapter we can see how Vane’s crew is thirsty of blood, and after Vane’s leaving, Silver’s accomplice in the Urca’s gold secret tells someone about it. Then they take Silver from Billy’s side not noticing that someone (maybe Billy? or any other) has taken their keys.
They show us how unmerciful Vane’s crew is when they shoot Silver’s accomplice in front of him, and they torture him. When Billy and the crew arrives, Dc.Hollowell says that he’s seen people die before with the same injuries as him, and that he must get his leg cut in order to survive. So yeah, Billy and his men saved his life. But was this his fate?
Before the crew arrived and saved him, Silver was inside a trap that he himself created. He stole the page and the gold from Flint twice! And then he is fucked by his accomplice when he tells someone about the gold in order to save their lifes! He’s trapped in his own lie! He can’t say what he knows about the gold, cause in one hand Vane’s crew will take every inch of it, and in the other hand if his own crew and his captain knew that he stole (again) the Urca’s gold, they would kill him! So his only destiny is to shut his mouth and maybe die keeping his secret.
But this is not happening cause the crew arrives at time. Also Silver’s been gaining points in the crew. He became a very wanted crew member and has gained the respect of his men. He has started using the “shame” theme with his brothers in order to keep them in line and under controll. Flint listens to him and tells him his thoughts as we are having all his flashbacks about his past and his love life until...
Wait, who’s back? Is that Billy? Yeah! Billy appears again after all those flashback. He appears with the pardons (so related to Flint and Hamilton’s plans) and Silver is what? Wanted by the crew? That can not be possible, right Randall? “Well, we like him...”. But why has Silver became wanted by the crew and trusted by his captain, if some chapters before he was just a fucking pain in the ass?? Well here we have another afirmation:
-If Billy hadn’t “died” Silver wouldn’t have become so important for the Walrus (nor quartermaster).
Remember who was the Walrus’ quartermaster in 1x06 and had to “die” when he discovered a letter from his captain’s “puritan woman who shares his love of books”? Yeah, Billy (so fucking foreshadowing).
Billy was the quartermaster of the ship once Gates becomes the captain of the Ranger. The morning of his second day as quartermaster (1x05) he has a very intense and kinda horny conversation with his captain. They’re talking about their new roles, they’re talking about chasing the Andromache and dancing the dance (I love that quote)...
They’re alone at last, and Billy is in charge. We can see what a natural leader he is. He has conviced his brothers, and even Dufresne about the attacking the Andromache, just as Flint told him to do.
When Flint gets to know about the letter, he ask about it to Billy. But why does he asks him about it while they’re trying to loose the ropes in the middle of a chase? Why couldn’t they speak about it another time? Because they can’t have a proper time to speak to each other. And when they have it, they get so close to each other, and they act so flirty with each other, that is obvious that they need an external element to make them come back to reality (cockblockers...). It’s imposible for them to have a proper conversation because they are both surronded by sexual tension (and that’s why I think Billy is acting so cocky and stupidly with Flint in this season, cause he has to prove himself that he’s not longer that bosun, that he’s not going to be afraid of him anymore and that he can also be as flirty as Flint with other men, why not? he has to be his equal!).
And where is Silver meanwhile?? Well, he is chained to Randall and a chair in Eleanor’s room being the little shit he is. Until Eleanor and Anne plan the attack to kill Max’s rapists and they need Silver to collaborate with them. Then Silver becomes untouchable to Flint, and has Eleanor’s support.
Billy’s death is the motor of the mutiny against Flint. Even Gates is against him, and he tells it to Flint: “Billy was not dispendable to me”. And when Flint kills Gates because of it and Silver finds it out, he supports Flint and becomes his shadow. But this is only possible cause Billy’s “dead”! When Flint is about to go to the Spanish War-Ship, he asks volunteers, and Silver offers himself (thinking that they are going to escape) and Flint gives him his best line: “you shit!”. I’m sure that if Billy was in that scene he would had gone with Flint (and that’s what Flint really wanted, to have Billy by his side).
So yeah! Billy’s death is the fucking motor of the mutiny, but also of the disclosure of Flint’s backstory with Thomas and Miranda. When he comes back home and yells at Miranda we (the audience) have to assume that Miranda knows Billy because she doesn’t bother to ask about him. They talk about their past life, about moving on, about England calling Flint a monster, and about a personal revenge.
We have the flashbacks, and what?!?! Thomas Hamilton in just exactly as Billy Bones?! He’s tall, blond, blue eyed, educated... the similarity is undenyable. And then when the flashbacks end, Billy comes back to his captain, supporting him, and facing everyone who’s thinking about betraying Flint?? Really Black Sails?? Really?
They are only adding plots to this relationship just to release it at the end of the show.
But how, if Billy is against Flint and wants, not very subtly, to kill him?
Well, Billy’s not trying to kill Flint. They fought, yes, but just because that moment was very critical for Billy. He was trying to play his role as the leader, acting confident in front of his men, and in front of his crush (or object of obsession)! Seriously, that’s a lot of pressure, and when he has Flint’s crew pointing at him while Flint’s giving one of his fucking speaches, he has enough. He’s being underestimated by everyone! And he’s the only one who’s beeing constructing Long John Silver’s legend and also influencing Flint’s story arc all the fucking time (Silver also helped and I’m grateful to him for that)!!
And Flint is unable to see him! He is blinded by Silver’s development, by their partnership (I’m sure it reminds him of what he had with Thomas), by his curls and smile... can’t see Billy for what he is. His fucking truest partner. And Miranda warned him in the dream: “you can’t see it. can you? You’re not alone”. When Flint looks at Madi and Silver kissing when they reunite, I think it’s kinda bitter-sweet for him cause it reminds him of what he has not. Love. He’s alone. Or maybe not...
Cause WHO’S BILLY but a principal kinda secondary character? Is he really important for the show? Why does it seem that Season4 Billy is another Billy, and not the cinamon roll anymore? Because Flint (and the audience) have to see him just as what he really is. A mighty man who’s always making the fucking dirty work (the ones that look kinda secondary and kinda obvious) and who’s done with everyone (and with one person in particular) and has to prove that he’s the right one.
Seriously, am I the only one who thinks that Toby Stephens was referring to Billy Bones as the character’s who is in the background and who ends up being loyal to him? Really? Am I being so optimistic? Well, Billy Bones is not a background character (well, maybe al little bit until now...) but the relationship between this two is not as evident as the one Flint has with Silver. So, he could also be talking about their background relationship... who knows..
But now that Thomas was mentioned in the last episode, I can’t really tell if Billy’s going to be that person, and if Flint-Thomas end game happens, it’s alright with me, I mean, I buy it. But what about Billy? What abouttheir relationship’s plot? About their interactions and influences in each others’ characters’ plots? And about all that subtle conversations about their relationship? Is that what it is in the background, as Toby said?
Cause as I see it,  and as I explained in the ropes know and saved by the sails about 1x05 interactions, right now they are dancing the fucking dance!!! They are playing the roles!! Cause the battle's begun!! And they still have hope to sight the Andromache!!!
The other day I realized that the Andromache has a very interesting anagram: hand romance, which means a handjob, a wank, a moment alone with your hand... yeah the act of masturbation!! They are chasing the Andromache (hand romance) in order to take their guns (cof, cof)  in 1x05, with all that horny conversation in the morning, and the "I think she can take it" (are you talking about yourself Billy?), and Logan’s question: "If we can shoot at her, and we can't get close to her, how do we board her?" and Billy's answer: "We go straight at her" (Are you guys talking about the hand romance?? While Billy is showing all his goods to Flint, and the latter can't help starring at him from behind??) Is Black Sails finally going to use all this scenes and interactions for the characters' good or not??
Are they gonna have the balls to do it?
Or am I seeing too much into this show and into these two characters?(which is possibly the case)
Thank you for reading everything until this point, and sorry if I explained myself in a messy way, but when it comes to this two I end up having a verbal diarrhea that I have to translate into posts. So thank you if you enjoyed it!
All kind of comments are welcomed, disagreements included!
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powerfashionblog · 1 year
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Who: Lovell Adams-Gray as Dru Tejada What: Parfums Givenchy patch-detail distressed denim jacket - $1,455.00 Where: 3x07 “Deal or No Deal”
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powerfashionblog · 1 year
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Who: Woody McClain as Cane Tejada What: Fendi Wool and Mohair Technical Vest - $1,455.00. HERE and HERE for $1,585.00 Where: 3x07 “Deal or No Deal”
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