#powerpuff headcanons
puffskeeter · 3 months
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Purple and Gold, Because shes royalty
Screenshot edits! one of them is a redraw but whatever.
(im posting kind of old art soz🥲) (soz but in a IDGAF way)
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teacupballerina · 3 months
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Some of my headcanons for The Powerpunk Girls and Viletown
Viletown isn't just an alignment swap, although that alone causes a butterfly effect of madness.
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stinkymicrowavedfish · 4 months
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I’m 4eva a ggg lover 💚💚💚💚💚
if they have no fans I am DEAD
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itspkuwu · 1 month
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Since it’s been shown that Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup can survive lava, acid, etc, I like to think that all these knock off puffs are still alive. And with professor Dick now defeated and dead, they’re all just kinda chillin in that abandoned factory with nothing better to do. Plus, they really don’t deserve to die. They just existed to be sold.
And unlike Bunny, they actually WERE made with sugar, spice, and everything nice. So they wouldn’t explode from being unstable.
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askthe-ppgs-rrbs · 2 months
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boomer and butch have no clue what they’re gonna do w/ him
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geniousbh · 14 days
laurinha, tava tomando banho e lembrei da sua dissertação sobre os meninos com vibe pai te mimando e tals, então pensei em algo...
me veio na cabeça blas/pipe que passa horas te vestindo, arrumando seu cabelo e até (tentando) fazer uma maquiagem (imagina o rostinho dele super concentrado em não estragar sua maquiagem 😭😭) e quando termina ele te come com força te deixando toda bagunçadinha enquanto fala que você a bonequinha dele, falando o quanto mesmo você sendo pequeninha ainda consegue levar ele tão bem, que ama te destruir e ainda termina te chamando de linda enquanto admira a obra de arte que ele fez (você burrinha e ofegante toda descabelada, com a roupa toda fora do lugar, maquiagem borrada e óbvio com a bucetinha lotada de porra)
*discretamente pegando o telefone e ligando pro 190 dps da tentativa de homicidio contra a minha pessoa* 😨😨😨 anonis!! oi pode ir mandando mais
isso é tão eles dois, ficariam no quarto te vendo se trocar com as roupas que eles escolheram do seu guarda roupa que é cheio de frufrus e quando terminasse pediriam pra você dar uma voltinha e aiiii não se aguentam, te pegando no colo com você dando uma risadinha gostosa e te beijam o rostinho todo. "vai borrar a maquiagem!!!😖" e eles - que conseguem ser bem estupidozinhos as vezes - diriam "mas você não é a minha bonequinha? pensei que eu podia brincar do jeito que eu quisesse" com a maior expressão de injustiçados, bem falsos e aproveitadores tsc tsc
e você fica sem argumentos, mas forma um beicinho tão inflamadinho que eles acham graça. se é um dia que vcs não têm compromisso isso ai vira uma coisa bem maior, uma das demonstrações de dominância por parte deles. vão te forçar os ombros pra baixo até estar ajoelhadinha de frente e vão tirar o membro da calça, punhetando, fazendo crescer e ficar tesudinho. "chupa", "mas", e assim que isso sai da sua boca eles levam a mão até o seu cabelo enrolando e segurando firme, se curvando pra soprar "desde cuando muñequita replica, eh?".
você nem consegue fingir braveza, ama quando eles são mais agressivos, ama quando eles se impõe mais já que a maioria dos dias é só amor e beijinhos🎀. sabe aquela frase alguma coisa it makes me humble, ent. por isso quando tá com eles na boca se dedica ao extremo, mesmo que seus lábios fiquem ardendo nos cantinhos pelo tanto que tem que abrir, mesmo que o batom e o rímel virem uma meleca quando eles gozam no seu rostinho e batem com o pau na sua bochechinha espalhando a porra ainda mais.
e pensa que acabou? apesar de eles demorarem um pouquinho pra ficarem duros de novo vão te mandar deitar na cama e dedar vc mesma sua bucetinha, se mantendo bem abertinha pra eles poderem assistir. "no seas mala, sí? coloca os dedos dentro, bebita... isso, assim". e é lógico que iriam reparar na sua resistência em gozar porque não quer se sujar ainda mais, e é quando eles sobem sua blusinha e ficam beliscando e rodeando seus biquinhos. "você é tão lindinha, poderia fazer isso aqui por horas, sabia?" cruéis demais😔👍🏻
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acrobattack · 2 months
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throws fankids at you and runs
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lordofshitposting · 1 year
Brick: Started seeing someone.
Blossom: As in dating or hallucinations?
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moccimu · 7 months
Mojo Jojo's Later Years
I like to imagine Mojo Jojo chilling out in his later years and stepping back from being a villain. Nowadays, he just wants peace and quiet.
He still enjoys the occasional robbery or two but he mostly prefers to stay out of crime...often found simply playing chess with the Professor at the park.
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As far as friendships with the girls, he doesn't mind them. They understand his "don't mess with me, I won't mess with you" attitude. However, every now and then, he likes carrying around Bubbles' bags during her many shopping sprees.
She pays him with pretzels. As far as evil monkey warlords go...it's not a bad trade-off.
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seconds-2-midnight · 6 months
Totally Normal Gangreen Gang HCs
Grubber is extremely porous and can be used as a sponge in a pinch
Ace is a flat-earther, but only because he doesn't understand geometry
Once, the gang mistook a funko pop for Lil Arturo and switched them out for a week before they noticed
The 'D' is Sanford D. Ingleberry stands for 'Delinquent'
Billy knows the nuclear launch codes but isn't really sure what that means
Once, Lil Arturo got worms from eating chicken nuggets out of the McDonald's dumpster and they gave him cat dewormer (it worked)
Ace may be wearing an untucked shirt, but he does have a secret leotard underneath it
Grubber is a modern dance prodigy
Snake's nose makes for a very effective doorstop, and yes, they have tested it repeatedly
Billy's one eye is fully functional but it does see dead people
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puffskeeter · 4 months
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We'll start off with somethin simple, Rowdyruff Boys outfits!
Butch is 6'2, Boomer is 5'11, and Brick is 5'3. Theyre supposed to be 15-18 y/o's throughout the 2010's, Turning 15 in 2015.
Tumblr makes no sense to me but i want the nostalgia it gives me so someone should remind me to be active 👍 thanks
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teacupballerina · 3 months
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The Powerpunk Girls were created specifically, intentionally, with an ingredient passed down through a centuries-old bloodline.
"Come along, you three. We've got work to do."
The Oppressor did not bother to name the girls at first, seeing them only as tools.
But they eventually earned their titles...
Brute came first, just after their birth. Brat soon followed, defying Plutonium in her typical manner. Berserk was named last, after proving her worth to her sisters and father.
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shylittleunicorn15 · 4 months
whenever i gain interest in a fandom and find a certain character i use as my comfort character(whether they are down right horrible or not) i make an au of it and i take them and slap so much character development and design on them im pretty sure(at least i think) they could literally be classified as oc that were made inspired by the character.
i have no idea why i do this
i also have a list of my comfort characters, the ones i say goodbye to when i fell out of the fandom, and the new ones i say hello to when i get into a new fandom.
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volcanixsworld · 1 month
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scene redraw w my hc for the teen ppg!!!
i specifically like how bubbles came out lol 😭 might redraw the scene w the rrb too 🤷‍♀️
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bugeyedfreaks · 5 months
Serious question: What if Lumpkins have extra-fluffy winter coats, and Bubbles helps Fuzzy tend to his throughout the winter???? I’ve been thinking about this all month. 😖
okay the first image that popped into my head at the general mention of tending to fuzzy’s fur coat was this and I had to immediately, crappily draw it:
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Haha, but that’s honestly a super cute idea! Bubbles would be the kind of person to totally help Fuzzy out in his time of need, helping him brush and maintain his beautiful, luxurious coat (even if his fur’s not long enough to make a hair bunny out of) even if he’d be ornery while she did it (but as we all know, especially from the Second Chances IDW comic… he is a softie underneath it all 😭). And then later on she can keep the trimmings from his eventual spring shave to make a coat for next year!
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perpetual-canon · 3 months
can i request some snake x ace doodle if you don't mind....... i really like your style and snake in it is so cool i can't-
thank you! т-т here you go
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basement band
I actually couldn't stop drawing them when I started, so here's another one, and also the old drawing I found
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