#ppl using it for eugenics??? like cloning the ‚right’ people so that they can get rid of the kinds of ppl they dont want living on earth
boygun · 4 months
My part for the trade with @imjustabeanie
Okay, so you’ve given me quite a task. Finally, I’ve settled on one. I fell asleep typing so I’m posting this now instead of last night. Second place belongs to Vox, but that’s a differed story. As for the official verdict, I match you with…
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Lucifer! He strikes me as a guy who’d give you plenty of space but would definitely care. In his own way. Sometimes, he’s not all that great with words, but he’d try to show you that he cares (even if he can't always be around either because of his duties or depression-) with gifts and doing things for you. Not in a babying you. And he’d treasure every single thing you give him. It could be the weirdest thing, but we’ve seen this man’s house - putting your craziest gifts up on display won't make the aesthetic any more whack with those ducks around.
In my opinion, the N/S mbti dynamic works well and he has some S vibes. That sort of thing gives the relationship balance without being too contrasting.
And, please, your cold demeanor and irony matched with the King of Hell who’s this warm, enthusiastic guy is iconic. When people hear about you two, they assume they should be cautious of him. Then they meet him and he’s literally just a guy. But the second they say some bullshit he just lets you go at them and obliterate them verbally. That's when they find out they were intimidated by the wrong person. True scary dog privileges.
For the most of the show he’s put in a pretty compromising position where he can't do much for his loved ones (mainly Charlie), but you are bound by no deal. Go, get those Exorcists! A real power couple.
Though his bluntness is expressed in a different way from yours I feel like that shared trait could be one of the things that connect you two. Like, sometimes he needs to hear your deadpanned comment to get himself together.
Sometimes, he can be all over the place when he feels like he’s been put in a tough spot, but don’t dread him coming to you all whiny and helpless. His dread is his to know and he usually deals with it in private. What he does come to you finally, it’s usually for levelheaded advice and normal discussion.
Your curiosity woks well with his an his creative soul definitely fuels it. Not only does he know a lot (he was around for a long time, come on; also asking questions is kind of his thing, much to his detriment) but he enjoys having someone to recount some stories to. And the way you detailed how you cannot stand failure paired with him being so tied (at least in actual religion) to Pride is kind of nice as a concept. Like, a running theme I guess? I mean, would be cool in the show, you know.
This man is a disaster when it comes to dealing with negative feelings and I’m a firm believer that having someone to relate to you is way better than the whole ‚I can fix him’ thing. So you guys could just communicate at your own pace and it would be nice not to have that other person pressuring you to just ‚open up and be vulnerable☺️🌸’ like it’s something everyone should do with ease and pleasure.
And this man has the craziest True Crime stories, you can’t convince me otherwise. Don’t put on a podcast, let him talk and enjoy your evening. He’s seen wild things and has no issue with recounting them.
If you’re up to it, he’d definitely get you into doing some inventions/projects together, even if you just ‚fuck around and find out’ he would find it rather charming to have another perspective. Just spend some time with him and play around in his work space (not really sure what that room is at this point, but there is a ton of equipment on the walls, so it could double as some sort of study). You could even just draw alongside him while he works on his ducks. And he would love it if you ever wanted to make a project for him of a duck. The man would make it in SECONDS I swear. He’d find your little ‚collab’ so cool.
Additional he knows how to deal with loneliness without giving you any pity, he’s been there, he knows things suck sometimes and he’s far from overbearing about it.
Sure, Lucifer might be ‚nice’ but he’s THE King of Hell. If you told him about that DNA-related dream of yours ethics wouldn’t be much of a concern, he’d try to help you to figure it out. I mean, he might be a little reluctant about making more humans, cause like, from his experience there’s one out of three chance it will be a disaster. But cloning isn’t technically the same as creation, so it should be fine? That’s yours to find out!
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brw · 4 years
when did this fandom collectively decided to hate on hank (mccoy) and reed richards? i feel like a lot of people who hate on reed do simply out of pack/follow mentality bc at this point the xfandom decided that he is a mutantphobe sentinel-maker and a bad husband to sue but new people just accept it as the ultimate truth.
like. idk where they're getting this idea that reed is mutantphobic! like yeah he supported the superhero registration act but talk to ANY fantastic four fan and they'll tell you that was out of character. his literal back story for his powers is him going "no <3" to the government and stealing back his rocket like??? why is he suddenly NOW sucking government cock it makes no sense for him??? and within ff stories he's almost always been supportive of mutants! the fantastic four were SUPER close to the x-men. jean looked up to sue and reed especially. jean and johnny almost dated. it's only in zdarsky's x-men/ff run (which again, ask ANY fantastic four fan and they'll tell you that was not flattering for the characters in the SLIGHTEST. like events like that are not the best way to get introduced to a character! you can't make hard opinions on a character you've read 4 issues of lmao please for the love of god actually talk to people) where they decided to make reed and the rest mutantphobic. and i HATE that that was the introduction most x-men fans had to reed and sue. usually they're a lot better lmao i can assure you all that.
AND HANK. like i... i get the hate he gets! and honestly i am SO pissed he is now the x-writer's genius of choice to make fuck ups. like i hoped with sinister in krakoa (which makes no sense bc he is a mutate but that's a WHOLE different rant) hank could catch a gotdamn break listen to some oingo boingo make some fun little machines go on a date with his avengers bf but nope! they made him a fascist! AGAIN!!!! LIKE JFC HASN'T HE SUFFERED ENOUGH???????? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. like as much as x-fans like to dunk on the avengers (which imo is bullshit tbh like. events never make characters look flattering you can't read avx and decide that that is the most canon version of the characters that has ever been lmao) hank in my humble opinion was probably at his best there. smart, but not the go-too smart guy. he was shown to like fun and go on dates and go to parties but also still was very well-read and intelligent which especially recently x-writers haven't seemed to be able to balance. like ok. i admit i love hank's feline design its the one i use whenever i write him BUT. the personality change? vile. i mean it was realistic at first but its been drawn out wayy too much and i am just so tired. hank has always had a little bit of mad scientist in him but he was never a fucking fascist lmao. it doesn't make sense! anyway. yeah. hank is a good character and honestly deserved better treatment from fans. it's not his fault none of the recent writers like him 😔
now here i get to answer your question with my humble thoughts! i think both of them are hated on so much, reed especially, is because they're autistic coded. again, reed especially, who is mostly shown as low-empathy, which non-FF fans repeatedly like to make fun of and dehumanise him for. like tbh the AMOUNT of people who say "oh he's abusive because he doesn't love sue he loves science" like bro i. i'm begging you read a comic. or "he's abusive for not wanting franklin to go to krakoa" like bro the island is a cult. they have orgies. both apocalypse and sinister, both of which who believe in eugenics and "survival of the fittest" theory, one of which who has notably manipulated people into sleeping with each other to create the most powerful mutant possible to the point of creating a clone, are both given government seats. like can you NOT see what's wrong with that??? not to mention like. one of the first of franklin's powers to manifest was precognition. precogs aren't allowed on krakoa like its straight up not safe for franklin. like i agree he shouldn't have microchipped him w/o concent but again. talk to an ff fan please...
anyway yeah. a lot of it is refusing to actually read the material and deciding that after having read like 3 events/crossovers that you know everything about a character that's been around for 60 odd years. honestly like. have a lot of x-mutuals who i love to death so this isn't directed at them but tbh the x-comic fandom here is the most toxic out of all the comic fandoms here. like for the love of god stop acting like you know everything about a character n their opinions after reading one event. like if you can understand bad writing when it comes to your fave... maybe listen to people who are fans of that team or character when they tell you its ooc??? just a thought.
anyway reed richards and hank mccoy good they deserve SO much better then what they get. it's not cool to hate on autistic coded characters n you just make autistic people feel alienated and awkward. and listen to people who actually read the comics on the ppl ur insulting before you make any anti posts tbh like it is SO annoying
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Reply Post Work Of Ages - For Rosa
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Final version of my summer palette sim! Holiday Guava Smoothie (or...”
She's so pretty ♥️
Thankies :3
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I'm so happy ;___;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: *fangirling intensifies*”
Same Blaze same
so you’ve been there for their original selves? :o sometimes I feel like it’s been an actual lifetime! (no offense to their mum)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: Why did they not let me bring my child…”
That's too bad :c
Well I snuck in a pic a while ago ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Surprise guest! This lovely lady actually made her way into TS4 xDI...”
I KNEW IT (see I checked it out :p)
YOU DID tumblr only showed me a small bit of these but now my crazy activity line makes more sense xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meet the last baby of gen 5 (and our heiress), Monarch! Thanks to...”
Here's another adorable child ;__; ♥️
that you’ve seen before :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Father and son ;_;”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Pointy grew ♥”
Too cute ♥️
she was highkey my fave for quite a while tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Bryony found this pirate and his first mate at the library! Sadly, no...”
A bit disappointing but it makes sense they came there to read xD
*gasps* how dare
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Glow had a bad day at school :/ he was stressed about an exam and then...”
Aww poor baby :c
I have a lot of feels for him ♥
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Telling an adventure story.”
Why are they all so cute ;____;
Idk man. The Miracles have always had a certain kind of magic about them...
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: *gasps* That good? F: *laughs* Quite. I think it’s good that you’re...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Aureus? Could you come over here for a moment?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Please, save me.”
He grew up so fast ;___;
he actually did because I never have any patience xD longer life spans would mean 3 times as many pics as I have now, and I could not handle posting that.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “GUESS WHO GOT AN A”
I love him ♥️
duuuude same
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “rly”
How can you actually reject this adorable tiger ;___;
Idk man, Shimmer had some serious issues as a tot...and I’m talking REAL serious.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Now he’s shy.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Oh man, that movie though! Shine please, I really need a hug. S:...”
This is too adorable ;___;
ikr ;_; I need to make a ‘fave Flame/Aur parenting moments’ poll XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “dun dun dunnnnnNNN”
Gotta love him ♥️
say it louder for the anti ts4 ppl in the back ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
They're seriously too cute ♥️
now I feel like I need to play them again and like a whole lot but I can’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Wow, I can’t believe I once was in there, too!”
That's deep Glow xD
Glow’s a philosopher ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photo
She's just perfect ♥️
Is it bad that I feel the same way even tho she’s my own sim
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A little private celebration ;_;”
I love them ;_;
me too man they give me life...to think Aur noped out of the whole thing at first is like...what
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Look daddy! I no throw food this time! Daddy proud? F: !!”
It's impossible to stay mad and not be proud ;___;
especially if you’re Flame, he’s the most chill dad
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
An adorable dad ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Oh, you mean this? G: *giggles* Dad noooooo! F: Ah, I understand....”
akdjfkddfjirk my heart oh god ♥️
;_; trust me I died writing these
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “LANI LOOOOVES YA”
And I love her ;_; ♥️
good ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He was right. F: How exactly is this baby coming out now? Dear...”
This is a question no one wants to answer xD
seems that way, looking at the comments xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
too precious ;_;
not exactly sure what this was about, but I’m assuming Flame, so yes
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Confident bump watch.”
I never knew I needed pregnant Flame in my life so much before this ;____; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: G-greetings, uh, Berryverse…this is…no, this is not clickbait, I...”
As if Aur could leave you forever!
Flame believes that, but at the same time there’s always this really small voice in your head you know? I mean, four children later he’s quite sure xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: And that would be my clue to leave.”
Poor Jewel xD
nah, they’re cool about it xD like it was them and Bonsai who made Aureus rethink his priorities, so. I’m sure these two will have a fangirling moment once Jewel gets home and tells Bonsai about how cute they are.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
zkdjkkfrild look at him ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “But don’t worry, I’ve got a feeling nobody can dislike Aur for too...”
Is it even possible to dislike him :o
Idk man, he has quite some opponents in politics too xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I could watch them play all day, honestly.”
Same ♥️
Good thing they do it professionally xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Greetings, Berryverse! This is it, the moment you’ve all been...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Introduction in some brighter light xD It was indeed four legs as you...”
afkdkdjfirk I know I've already seen them but they're so adorable ♥️
they are the preshest ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Solely for bump watch purposes.”
She looks so good while pregnant ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: The car…you fixed it. I-I like the colors. E: Let’s…not talk about...”
You freaking idiot x_x
he’s quite pathetic at times, it’s just part of his personality to use big phrases and to feel sorry for himself I guess xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “C: You know, with you…I think this whole immortality thing might not...”
My heart ;___; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Uuuuuuu… F: Girl. This better not be a scary time sickness, because...”
We all know what's going on
suuuuure but let me try at least xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “CALEB DON’T BE MEAN TO ADDIE ;_;”
Addie doesn't deserve this :c
well I mean she’s dating a chipmunk and still has impure thoughts about a moth so maybe she does
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meanwhile back home…”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I’m sorry, Ally. I should’ve never kissed you, hell, I should’ve...”
why u gotta do this ;__;
cause I gotta
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: It’s getting late. When are we going to sort out that stuff that...”
Gosh I'm so glad the queue didn't end on me xD
ah dammit you ruined everything xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I DIDNT KNOW YOU DANCED SO WELL!! A: NEITHER DID I! YOU SEEM TO...”
why are they so precious ;__;
cause I want them to be :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
akjfkjskzkj she's too cute ;___;
ngl this pic is actually one of my faves (it was Ally sniffing the flower I checked)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Your best friend is always more important than housework.”
Sometimes I feel like anything is more important than housework (plz don't think I never clean my house xD)
you’re right tho
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Is it just me, or is something going on here…?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
So beautiful ;____;
she’s a very pretty Caleb clone
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I think now is the time to stop ignoring it, Ally. A:...”
akfjdkdjfkgkg HE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS I'm just dead
he does sometimes, when my brain cooperates
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Please. Can we just cuddle and not think about anything that...”
akfkjdkdjfkfjdkf EUGENE OMG
he knows just how to woo the Allies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Button needs some soul food to process all this.”
Plz protect this child ;_;
I’m sure she’s safely hidden under someone’s bed ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Fable, I think Victoria might have adopted you… V: SHE’S SO SQUISHY!!...”
Who wouldn't want to adopt Fable tho
Idk man I could use her pro skills
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “V: Oh my, what a huge mess. I didn’t expect such a thing to ever...”
Capri Sun you pure soul ;__;
Capri Sun is the best and it’s gonna get better (wait spoilers? shhh you didn’t see anything)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Capri Sun, are you in? CS: Positive. Copying relevant data to your...”
I like Fable too ;____;
Idk why I thought she needed this part, but I’m glad I did because otherwise she would’t have gotten so big and I wouldn’t have had the idea for her story either!
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