#praire johnson
This is mostly just my honest opinion but attitudes of entitlement begin so fucking early. Like 12-16 years old, especially when reaching the threshold of economic upperclass. I call them the “I’ve never been seriously told no or have had to/will have: to clean toilets, work minimum wage/customer service, worry about money and the cost of living or put my wants on hold just to afford basic necessities” kids. Their parents/guardians Have Money and unless they are unexpectedly cut off they will never fear things like having one bad week/month/accident (car crash, hospitalization, loss of income, home/apartment damage repair or loss, etc) and losing it all.
For context I work for a corporate coffee company (not naming names, but one with recent unionizations/backlash regarding corporate’s (very bad) reactions to unionizations). My store is located in Johnson County, Kansas. For those unfamiliar with Kansas and it’s socio-economic trends, Johnson County is the wealthiest county in the state predominately due to disproportionate wealth distribution. We’re the wealthiest county not because the overall average household income is higher across the board but because the three wealthiest areas in the county are also extremely high up on the list of overall wealthiest areas in the state. Those being Leawood, Praire Village, and Mission Hills which is The Wealthiest of them all (we’re talking the Elite of the Kansas/Kansas City Elite. Billionaires and NFL players and old money families with whole patches of college and university buildings and secondary campuses named after them.)
My store is located on the edge of what’s probably a decent chuck of the State Population’s total net wealth. My high school kids have classmates who make comments 100% serious about shit like “well it’s only $2000, that seems almost cheap really.” One had a classmate tell him that they couldn’t believe he had an after school job because working while in school, high school OR college, was “only for poor people.”
I deal with self-important “I’m better than you and my parents’ McMansion and the 2023 Lexus I got for my 16th birthday proves it” types on a regular basis.
They are the most entitled people I have ever met. Hell, there are literal elementary schoolers who come in more polite and better behaved.
I had a girl today try to order a drink that doesn’t actually exist and when I asked her questions to clarify what she was looking for and explaining what the different options that I could be were, because I needed to know if she just wanted me to add a different syrup or if it was some TikTok speciality “secret menu item”, got all pissed off and sped off because “well clearly you don’t want to do it”
Kid, I’ve seen drink orders out of the literal depths of hell, we’re talking stuff so far out of comprehension I’m not even sure they can still be safely consumed let alone should be, I could not care less about whatever make believe holiday concoction you’re trying to achieve. I asked you “is this a special recipe you’re looking for or are you wanting some of the sugar cookie syrup added to the regular cold foam” not to be bitchy and over complicated but because it’s an honest actual question to make sure you get the drink you’re expecting. Plus, our sweet vanilla cold foam is SWEET as the name implies and it’s a premade mix, I don’t pour all the syrups and milk together for each order I just have a pitcher of it on hand that just needs to blended up into foam, adding additional syrup is going to make it even sweeter and if that’s not what you want it’s going to be a potentially unpleasant surprise.
And these same kids make these weepy, “I’m the victim here” statements and complaints and TikToks about stuff that, in my overwhelming personal experience, is usually literally just “you asked a corporate coffee shop employee for something that doesn’t actually exist so they tried to work with you and you’re made I didn’t immediately know what, of the literal 100’s of 1000’s of fake “official secret menu drinks”, you were trying to actually order” or “you were told ‘no’ or ‘hey you can’t do that’ by a minimum wage working class employee and you don’t like that”
(Additional fun fact, not only does Mission Hills, Kansas have the Highest Median Household Income in the entire state, it also has one of the Highest Median Household Incomes in the country (according to Forbes it’s the third wealthiest municipality in the county and holds a median household income of roughly $250,000 annually as of 2020 with only a .225% poverty rate. In comparison, I live in Overland Park all of 5 minutes away which sits at approx $87,000 annually with a 4.31% poverty rate and the town I grew up in 1/2 an hour south sits at approx $70,000 with a similar poverty rate to OP. The Kansas total is approx $61,000 annually and 11.4% poverty rate)
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resurrectionfern · 1 year
When you found out I’m russian I hope you’ve had an association with Oxana Vorontsova/Oksana Ostankova aka Villanelle or with Nina Azarova aka Praire Johnson aka OA.
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brittany · 5 years
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I was pressed down like coal. I suffered. That’s what an angel is. Dust pressed into a diamond by the weight of this world. You crushed me before I had the chance to become anything. You crushed me. But you didn’t destroy me.
THE OA (2016 ⁠— 2019), cr. Zal Batmanglij & Brit Marling
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witche-nerd · 4 years
Since the Oa was about human connection can I take comfort in the fact that our collective experience in reaction to the show's cancellation is visceral emotional pain?
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alvaroricos · 5 years
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“I got to see another version of my life here. One in which I was given everything: fulfillment of dreams, my father who loved me. As Prairie, I had none of these things. My life was one hardship after another, and then I met you. Nina saw the whole world. But I saw underneath it. I was pressed down like coal. I suffered. That’s what an angel is. Dust pressed into a diamond by the weight of this world. You crushed me. Before I had the chance to become anything. You crushed me. But you didn’t destroy me. I died and came back to life with something you’ll never have.”
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mulderscully · 5 years
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Homer, I want you to remember that we spent seven years under the ground. That we used to piss and shit and drink and bathe from the same stream. That our clothes were dish rags and we were cold all the time, and the only thing we could touch was glass. But you loved me.
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samosevie · 5 years
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What do the mafia and the pussy have in common? One slip of the tongue and you’re in deep shit.
The OA (2016– ) created by Zal Batmanglij & Brit Marling
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itsmymoniker · 5 years
OA Fans! If you have not looked at r/TheOA on Reddit you need to immediately. They have been organizing tons of things to try and push the show since its cancellation. One of the show’s writers, Claire Kiechel, has even been engaging with fans, asking for testimonials about how the show has impacted them. There is also an open call for gifs, photo sets, fanart, and other fan media to help promote the show and super charge the movement for renewal. If you’d like to see Parts III, IV, and V this is the community you need to be involved with! So, get your butts over there and get engaged with what’s happening. No tree survives alone in the forest and together we can do impossible things!
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shwdgold · 5 years
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zmeeley · 5 years
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One of my favorite visual scenes in season 2
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jasonsfolly · 5 years
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toruins · 5 years
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The biggest mistake I made was believing that if I cast a beautiful net I’d catch only beautiful things.
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I feel like BBA doesn’t get enough love
The boys obviously love her, as does OA, but we don’t talk about her that much.
We got a glimpse of her life in season 1, but now we know so much more.
Her father was abusive to her and her brother Theo, she ended up being a teacher and losing faith, her brother died of an overdose. She loses her job after everything comes out, and is seen as a “predator” for lack of a better word. And then we find out she has a sensitivity to the other dimensions, but she thought she was going crazy.
All that aside and she is the only real adult of the group. She is more or less responsible for the boys, and loves them with all of her heart. She’s constantly worrying that she is making the wrong decision, and she pays all of their expenses. If they were caught she would be the one facing charges. She always puts the boys’ well being before her own, without thinking twice.
I love that BBA was a bigger part of the story line, and I hope she continues to remain such a vital character.
She embodies the idea that you are never too old to find your passion. That we should listen to kids and take them seriously. She shows constant and unwavering love and support to the boys and OA. She is soft and strong, powerful and comforting, good and kind. She is fierce, and she deserves more love.
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f4sc1nat0r · 5 years
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witche-nerd · 5 years
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The OA part II  / Joanna Newsom, Sawdust and Diamonds
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jaehyuuunns · 5 years
the oa theory; in s2 there's a scene where the octopus told the oa that she have a brother who helps her in every dimension she's in so what if in s1 her brother was the fbi agent?? he helped her made her break through and then in s2 helped bba and the others to reach her and when prairie jumped into the next dimension her brother was karim who helped her solve the puzzles of the house
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