#nina azarova
admireforever · 11 months
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The OA (s02e08)
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lepetitchemin · 2 years
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has anyone already done this
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cassidyjaneart · 8 months
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OA….. away…. OA….. away….. OA….. OA
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punkass-diogenes · 2 years
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I hear your heart beating. Don't be afraid. I know you are a good snake.
Inktober, day 8
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luciuslover · 2 years
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a recipe for disaster
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scifipinups · 4 months
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Brit Marling The OA (2016)
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88hd8 · 1 year
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The OA 2.07 Nina Azarova
Hunter Aloysius Percy
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Favorite soviet movies (and where to find them)
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The general opinion about the soviet union varies from person to person, but I think many can agree that the movies that came from this time period were phenomenal. Here are my top favorite movies that I recommend, which also have generally good english subtitles.
Hussar Ballad
A rare musical-comedy gem that I absolutely adore. Shura Azarova, a 17 year old girl joins the army to fight against Napoleon. Plot twist: She's pretending to be a guy and starts falling for a fellow soldier, who she actually engaged to but he has no idea that his new friend is actually a girl (she doesn't like him in the beginning and no wonder lmao). Has a lot of catchy numbers, especially давным давно/ a long time ago/ davnim davno. It may seem a little weird, but watch the first 10 minutes, I guarantee that it will not be a waste of your time.
2. Ivan Vassilvveich changes profession/Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future.
A scientist successfully creates a time-machine but accidentally sends his building's manager and a thief all the way back in time to Ivan IV The Terrible's reign, whilst sending the actual Tsar to the modern decade. Chaos ensues for all.
3. Prisoner of the Caucasus/Shurik's New Adventures/Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (I had no idea this movie had this many translations lol) A kind but naive student named Shurik goes to the Caucasus on vacation where he meets a young woman named Nina, who he ends up accidentally kidnapping (yes, he's that much of a dumbass but he was told that bride kidnapping is a tradition that Nina follows and God forbid that anyone uses this thing called communication). It works out in the end just as chaotically as it started.
4. The Garage A cooperative is planning on buliding a garage for its members except for it now has to be reduced and there won't be enough space for everyone so someone's going to be left out. The comitee ignores said members objections, so someone locks them in for the night leading to them spending the night locked inside the museum which is also the meeting spot. It's actually quite funny, despite the odd description, but I am writing it whilst extremely caffeinated so bear with me here.
5. Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России). A fantastic comedy. An elderly lady of soviet origin reveals to her grandaughter that there's a treasure buried in Leningrad. However, the wrong people hear about it, so they try to outwit each other in their race to Russia. Pretty funny, especially when the actual treasure hunting commences.
6. The Bremen Town Musicians An animated movie, but nonetheless deserving a mention. The troubadour with his gang of friends made from a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster travel around singing, until he meets a princess but the king doesn't approve of them etc. Pretty standard story, but the singing is amazing, especially Troubadours song "Luch solntsa zolotovo/Луч солнца золотого/ Beam of the Golden Sun" with the translation here sung by Muslim Magomayev who honestly deserves a separate post dedicated because his voice is amazing. The english subtitles are a bit iffy here, but nonethless it's worth a watch as it's only 20 or so minutes long.
7. The Mystery of the Third Planet Also an sci-fi animated movie, but the staple of my childhood. Captain Zelyoniy and Professor Seleznyoviy with his daughter go around various planets collecting new species for the zoo. However, on one of the planets they end up discovering something odd and before they know it, they're right in the middle of a conspiracy and a famous missing captain. Fantastic soundtrack and great animation.
There are many more movies that I'd definitely recommend, so this list will be updated sometime in the future.
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suispiria · 2 years
filed under my ideal apartments in media: nina azarova’s in s2 of the oa and the professor’s in the korean version of money heist
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d1m3n510n · 2 years
"The OA" is a science fiction and mystery series that follows the story of Prairie Johnson, a young woman who disappears for seven years and returns with her sight restored. She insists on being called "The OA," and tells her story to a group of strangers who become her friends.
In season one, Prairie reveals that she was held captive by a scientist who was studying near-death experiences. While captive, she met other individuals who had experienced NDEs and together they learned to perform movements that she believes can open a portal to another dimension. Her captor eventually releases her, but she struggles to re-adjust to life outside of captivity and to come to terms with the trauma she experienced.
In season two, Prairie awakens in another dimension where she is a wealthy Russian heiress named Nina Azarova. She eventually reunites with her friends from the first dimension and together they navigate the new dimension and try to help others who are trapped there. Throughout the season, Prairie's past is further explored, and it is revealed that she has had multiple near-death experiences throughout her life.
The show explores themes of trauma, identity, spirituality, and the nature of reality. It is a complex and intricate story that blends elements of science fiction, mystery, and drama.
In "The OA," several dimensions are explored, but the exact number is not explicitly stated. The show's creators have left the exact number of dimensions open to interpretation, and some fans have speculated that there may be an infinite number of dimensions.
In season one, the primary dimension explored is the one in which Prairie is held captive by the scientist. In season two, Prairie travels to a new dimension where she is a Russian heiress named Nina Azarova. She also encounters a third dimension where she meets an alternate version of herself and her friends.
Additionally, the show hints at the existence of other dimensions, such as when Prairie's captor discusses his research on NDEs and the possibility of other dimensions. The show also explores themes of multiverse theory, suggesting that there may be an infinite number of possible realities.
Overall, "The OA" is a complex and intricate series that explores the idea of multiple dimensions and the possibility of travel between them.
In "The OA," Prairie Johnson refers to herself as "The Original Angel" because she believes that she has a special connection to other dimensions and a unique ability to communicate with beings from those dimensions. She believes that she was chosen for a specific purpose and that her ability to perform the movements is key to achieving that purpose.
Prairie's belief in her role as "The Original Angel" is tied to her experiences with near-death and out-of-body experiences. She believes that these experiences have allowed her to travel to other dimensions and interact with beings from those dimensions. She also believes that the movements that she learned while in captivity are a way to communicate with these beings and to open portals between dimensions.
Throughout the series, Prairie's belief in her role as "The Original Angel" is challenged, and the nature of her abilities and the truth of her experiences are called into question. However, her belief in her connection to other dimensions remains a central part of her identity and her mission to help others who are trapped in those dimensions.
In "The OA," it is suggested that each time Prairie dies in one dimension, a version of her may continue to exist in another dimension. This concept is consistent with the multiverse theory, which suggests that there may be an infinite number of possible realities, each with its own version of events and individuals.
Throughout the series, Prairie has multiple near-death experiences and is revived by others or by her own will. In season one, she recounts several of these experiences, which she believes have given her a unique ability to travel between dimensions and communicate with beings from other dimensions. While the show doesn't explicitly show what happens to her in other dimensions when she dies in one, it is suggested that her consciousness may be transferred to another dimension where she continues to exist.
However, it is important to note that the nature of the show is intentionally ambiguous, and the truth of the events and characters is left up to interpretation. So, while it is suggested that Prairie's consciousness may continue to exist in other dimensions, it is not explicitly confirmed in the show.
"Old Night" is a character in "The OA" who is encountered by Prairie during her travels to another dimension. He is a giant octopus-like creature who has the ability to communicate with humans through telepathy.
In the show, "Old Night" is encountered by Prairie and her friends during their attempt to retrieve important information from a wealthy couple who are hosting an underground party. "Old Night" is one of the guests at the party and is revered by the other attendees as a powerful and mysterious figure.
During their encounter with "Old Night," he challenges Prairie to a game of interpretive dance, during which he communicates important information to her through telepathy. The encounter with "Old Night" is a surreal and intense moment in the show that adds to its mystical and supernatural elements.
The exact nature of "Old Night" and his role in the show is left somewhat ambiguous, and the character's motivations and origins are not fully explained. However, the encounter with "Old Night" is an important moment in the series and is emblematic of the show's exploration of the mysterious and otherworldly.
In "The OA," the tree plays an important symbolic role in the story, representing growth, renewal, and the interconnectedness of all living things.
The tree is first introduced in the first season when Prairie is held captive in Hap's underground laboratory. She describes a dream in which she is a young tree growing out of a seed, and she explains that she believes the tree represents her connection to the world around her and her potential for growth and change.
Later in the series, the tree becomes a central symbol for Prairie's mission to help others who are trapped in other dimensions. Prairie instructs her friends in a series of movements that are intended to open a portal between dimensions, and the movements are choreographed around the image of the tree.
The tree is also present in other important moments in the show, such as when Prairie returns to her childhood home and discovers a sapling growing in her bedroom. The tree serves as a reminder of her past and her connection to her family and community.
Overall, the tree in "The OA" represents the power of growth and transformation, and the idea that all living things are connected to one another. It is a powerful symbol that is used to convey the show's themes of hope, renewal, and the possibility of change.
In season 2 of "The OA," the characters encounter a group of individuals who are being kept in a facility where their consciousnesses are being transferred into other dimensions. These individuals, referred to as "the haptives," are being experimented on by a scientist named Dr. Percy, who is attempting to create a machine that can transfer human consciousness.
In the facility, the characters discover a series of tubs containing the bodies of individuals who have died during the experimentation process. These bodies are referred to as "the dead versions" and represent individuals who have had their consciousness transferred into another dimension but did not survive the process.
It is later revealed that one of the individuals in the tubs is Michelle, who was the original member of the group that was sent to Dr. Percy's facility to investigate the disappearance of a loved one. The discovery of Michelle's body serves as a turning point in the story, as the characters become more determined to uncover the truth behind Dr. Percy's experiments and to rescue the haptives who are still trapped in the facility.
Overall, the dead versions in the tubs represent the danger and risk inherent in the experimentation process and highlight the ethical concerns surrounding the transfer of human consciousness. The discovery of these bodies serves as a key plot point in the story and adds to the show's exploration of themes related to identity, consciousness, and the nature of reality.
The main cast of kids in "The OA" includes:
Ian Alexander as Buck Vu: A young transgender boy who is drawn into Prairie's mission and becomes a key member of the group.
Brandon Perea as Alfonso "French" Sosa: A high school athlete who becomes involved in Prairie's mission and is initially skeptical of her claims.
Patrick Gibson as Steve Winchell: A troubled teenager with a history of drug use and anger issues, who becomes one of the central members of the group.
Brendan Meyer as Jesse Mills: A high school student who becomes involved in Prairie's mission and struggles with drug addiction.
These young actors bring a sense of energy and enthusiasm to the show and are integral to the story's exploration of themes related to identity, consciousness, and the power of community. Their performances are nuanced and heartfelt, and they are a key part of what makes "The OA" such a compelling and emotionally resonant series.
In "The OA", the ability to do the movements is not limited to Jesse or any other single individual. The movements are a shared experience and can be performed by anyone who has learned them and believes in their power.
While Jesse was a key member of the group and played a significant role in their ability to do the movements, his death does not prevent the other characters from continuing to perform them. In fact, in the second season, the other characters continue to use the movements to explore other dimensions and pursue their mission, even after Jesse's death.
The show emphasizes the importance of community and shared experience, and the ability to do the movements is ultimately dependent on the group's collective belief and trust in each other. While Jesse's death is a significant loss, it does not diminish the power or importance of the movements themselves, which remain a central aspect of the show's exploration of consciousness, identity, and the nature of reality.
In "The OA," the movements are not explicitly referred to as Light Codes, but they do share some similarities with the concept. Like Light Codes, the movements are believed to have a transformative and healing power, and are said to be capable of accessing higher realms of consciousness and spiritual awareness.
In the context of the show, the movements are a form of physical and spiritual expression that enable the characters to access other dimensions and connect with the divine. The characters believe that the movements can create a powerful field of energy that has the ability to transcend time and space, and to open portals to other realms of existence.
While the concept of Light Codes and the movements in "The OA" are not identical, they both share a similar emphasis on the power of spiritual practices to connect individuals with higher states of consciousness and to facilitate personal growth and transformation.
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adictaenserie · 8 years
The OA
DIMENSIÓN 1 – Una mujer que de niña tuvo una experiencia cercana a la muerte le cuenta a 5 personas que pasó durante los 7 años que estuvo secuestrada para que la ayuden, pero se niega a contarle a sus padres adoptivos y al FBI dónde estuvo y cómo recuperó la vista.
Para viajar a otras dimensiones es necesario ejecutar una serie de movimientos, como una coreografía de danza moderna.
El argumento es 100% original y novedoso, no es una serie parecida a ninguna otra. Además la narrativa, escuchar a una persona que está contando su historia, es atrapante y se destaca el primer episodio en el cual la intro aparece recién sobre el final.
En cuanto a los aspectos técnicos, el reparto, las escenografías, etc. son muy buenos.
DIMENSIÓN 2 – En la segunda temporada, OA llega a la dimensión adonde viajó Homer en su ECM y se reencuentra con las personas con las cuales estuvo secuestrada que siguen cautivos, esta vez en un hospital psiquiátrico dirigido por Hap (Jason Isaacs). OA no tuvo el accidente de niña y es la heredera rusa Nina Azarova.
Hay una trama nueva, la de un investigador privado que está buscando a una joven vietnamita (interpretada por Ian Alexander, en la dimensión 1 es el adolescente LGTB) que fue captada a través de un juego de realidad aumentada por una organización que analiza los sueños.
En esta dimensión hay 2 dispositivos que ejecutan los movimientos y se confirma que hay otros viajeros.
La segunda temporada es parecida a LOST porque incorporan cosas raras que no tienen explicación ni terminan de encajar en la trama principal, como por ej. el show con el pulpo telepático, el jardín de Hap, la casa donde quedan atrapados, etc. Aparte la trama del grupo que reclutó OA en la primera temporada queda relegada a un segundo plano.
La serie fue cancelada, pero por algunas publicaciones enigmáticas en las redes sociales de los creadores, se rumorea una tercera temporada.
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admireforever · 10 months
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The OA (s02e02)
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mothmoth0 · 6 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms
@sundrop-writes tagged me on this one, go check out her work pls, she is one of my favorite fanfic writers and now she is writing for the Criminal Minds fandom, but she also has Titans and Harry Potter fics 💖
I tag @ineffablecollapse :)
1. Red Hood (Jason Todd) from DC
(my beloved)
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2. Charlie Bradbury from Supernatural
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3. Daenerys Targaryen from GOT
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4. Opal from Steven Universe
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5. Matt Murdock from Marvel's Daredevil
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6. Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel
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7. Bingo Heeler from Bluey
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8. Nuvillette from Genshin impact.
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9. OA (Prairie Johnson/ Nina Azarova) from The OA
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10. Marceline Abadeer from Adventure Time
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resurrectionfern · 1 year
When you found out I’m russian I hope you’ve had an association with Oxana Vorontsova/Oksana Ostankova aka Villanelle or with Nina Azarova aka Praire Johnson aka OA.
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lilythluthor · 1 year
I think you'd like this story: " Desvendando Nina Azarova " by LilythLuthor on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/331085242?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=LilythLuthor&wp_originator=AE3TFZvWnXx5RgPXbBhO3Mc0gFFFj78PpXFbU79TKxB6NOYUSGvUbtewAZ2pE6Ks2B3ptgpeX2cAsjgdqMvz%2BCzyCumFAeOlv8HrQCr2Y5eM22CO5V%2BUZ2njjUoY%2BM9e
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sanctificetur · 2 years
nina hears homer say hi to her, as he studies her expression. she was recovering quite better in the open air, as seven years of captivity in hap’s glass prison had been slowly yet surely muffling her heart. more so during the imprisonment, and now on the road to recovery. she stutters a little, as he awaits her response, she knowing she is her own person. ‘… so h-how have you been, homer? are you still at hap’s? ‘
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remembering how her heart still hurts ( mainly when reading for too long ), as she says to homer, she still sometimes having nightmares flickering in glimpses ( she had been lying on the floor at a library, near a bookcase. her throat been cut quite deep, yet she could still breathe, very much still strangely conscious, and her eyes darting scared at the person walking over to then shoot her ).
homer says to her, ‘ yes, I’m still at hap’s with the others, yet i created a portal to see you properly. I see you received my bird — it was once a leaf from the plant.’
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she laughing a little in astonishment at his words, piercing through her happy nervousness in seeing him in person.
she remembers being at the pool with hap, seeing her friends ( including steve ) in the waters, flowers entwining through them — reminding her of the hollow place in the scholomance. she recalled going there in her other life as nina azarova ; memory coming back a little.
he was relieved she was healing quite more, ‘ I dreamed you would kick the football into the goal on the field, gathering strength and speed ( with your dance ) through the colourful signs ; before, just leaves to help guide you along and now the bird. ‘
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the red of the bird’s football shaped plumage was a vibrant crimson yet a shade dark into auburn, as it continues to perch on her shoulder.
they talk a bit more in depth about their own reality — she sometimes needing to say, ‘ I-I need to think for a moment ‘ — when the topic goes a little darker — and homer understanding, yet also saying, ‘ please listen, prairie…nina… ‘ and sometimes needing to take a break from video chat, saying something in text as an afterthought contemplation.
they both sometimes feeling quite shy and awkward, and heartbroken at the situation ( despite the war being over, the horror was still there). sometimes they quietly say to themselves that maybe this wasn’t a good idea, as staying may make the worry worse.
yet he recalled how she was endlessly walking in circles in the lighthouse, and… while quite reluctant, continues to simply stay. and — well, while not particularly patiently — he ( and she ) would wait for the other’s response, as they during, could continue with their life in expressing from their heart.
he knows the weight of the world had been heavy on her shoulders for a long time, yet knows she is both very pragmatic and also a dreamer ( of nina and prairie manifesting into one body ), and the onslaught of confusion ( with no mere simple direct chat one-on-one to clarify ) was suffocating for her, as they wanted to give her space for her heart to flourish in being more open.
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