#prapaisky is so precious to me
theyellowhue · 2 years
Obsessed with the fact that Prapai looks breathless whenever Sky initiates a kiss.
Whenever Sky kiss Prapai, Prapai has this look of bewilderment, as if he got a glimpse of heaven, as if Sky's kiss gave him the answer to the question of the universe. Prapai looks utterly undone by Sky's chaste kisses.
There is just something so beautiful about how Prapai is done for from Sky's kisses.
Gods, im going to miss them so much.
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laurenkmyers · 5 days
i am a certified binge watcher so i’m waiting until the whole series finishes so i can watch it all. but it looks so good.
just so you know you got me into thai bl and i thank you for it.
These are genuinely my favourite types of messages. The fact that I fangirled so hard and essentially forced other people to deep dive into my hyperfixations? What a compliment. Thank you, nonnie.
So excited to hear how excited you are about Love Sea, because Fortpeat have been my precious bbs for nearly 2 years now and they deserve all the love in the world. I wish I could binge watch Love Sea because I'm selfish and impatient and in desperate need of more Fortpeat content, but I also fucking love watching shows week to week because it builds this excitement surrounding the show and has everyone talking about it, hyping it up, and speculating as we go.
I hope you enjoy it!!!
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fortpeat · 4 months
Living in a Prapaisky drought is hard. Everyday I go and check the tag to read something new 🫠🥺😭 and today I saw that one of my favorite writers posted something new 😍😍 and guysss the story is really beautiful and I am falling in love with Paisky for the infinith time 🥺🥺🥹🥹
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heretherebedork · 11 months
Got tagged by @littleragondin so why not give it a try?
Favorite Thai BL:
The impossible question. Do I go with the one I've watched the most? Or the one I genuinely think is the best BL? Or the one I'd recommend to the most people!? What does favorite even mean?
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I'd go with Tossara just because of how many times I've watched it and still love it beyond all words, honestly. So many other BLs tend to lose my with the ending or with the middle drama and the tiny perfect package of Tossara makes it a winner in my book.
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As for my favorite that is also actually genuinely good... A Tale of a Thousand Stars. This show has a very special place in my heart, started on my birthday and is just all around one my favorite BLs and my favorite Our Skyy 2 episodes. I love the characters, I love the setting, I love the tone and them as a couple... just A+ all around.
Favorite Pairing:
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Kan and Thua. Hands down. Expect to see these two mentioned again. Like, I love their story and their characters and just everything about them is so important to me. They are my most beloved and I don't think anyone soon will be unseating them.
Most underrated actor:
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No idea? None? Who is even under or overrated? I don't know! Let's go with a pair of actors that I adore beyond measure and never got their true leading roles... Bank and Bonus. My beloveds. They played two of my top pairings for chaos and I love them so, so much. They made me love PokTong and the made me love MayonTengnueng. I have a special little spot for these two and seeing Bonus in Low Frequency always makes me happy.
Favorite Character:
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My undying love for Ton is undying no matter the time. I love this boy and his deepseated but unfelt homophobia, I love how much he had to fight himself for every step of progress but how much progress he made as well. I love how much he loved and how much he hurt and how much he felt without ever really being able to label it or understand it without the support of everyone around him.
Is he perfect? Hell no. Do I love him? Yes.
... Look, my favorite characters tend to be side characters, okay?! I had to reach deep for this boy or it was just start listing boys from Vietnamese BL that didn't have side couples.
Favorite Side Character:
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Kan. Forever. Frankly, he's my favorite character ever but he is technically a support character so he goes here. But this boy? This yearning, desperate, hurt and scared boy? He is everything to me. He grew so much and learned so much and found so much and I will never, ever leave him behind.
Favorite Scene in a BL:
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Na and his sunglasses. Does this count? I don't know, if this doesn't count than nothing does.
Favorite Line in a BL:
I'm really sorry but I don't think I have one and if I do I don't remember it. Quotes are not my strong point and I tend to think in scenes/characters rather than lines from the show. And even the ones I do love don't tend to stick with me for long.
Most Anticipated BL (and why):
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Dangerous Romance. Dangerous Romance. I am going to become the absolute wildest version of myself when that comes. BL Tropes and Class Commentary with tropes and social issues? My beloved! Yes, Only Friends has a lot to say but almost none of it will be in tropes so, you know, not my favorite. Very excited but this one? Everything to me.
Healthiest Relationship in BL:
Everyone in SCOY. Just... everyone. But especially my most precious SkyJao. I love them so much.
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Special Mention to BeePrince, honestly, for being one of the best couples and healthiest, most open to each other relationships without actually being out because of social expectations and the way they just believed in their love.
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Most Toxic Relationship in BL:
First place: PrapaiSky. No one can beat them out yet. He broke into his apartment and read his diary to him while he sobbed and begged him not to and had broken up with him. Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Nope. Just miles of nope.
Second Place: MorkPi. For the manipulation, emotional abuse and the way the show portrayed every selfish and unkind thing Mork did as his Only Choice. I hope Pi got out of that relationship.
Guilty Pleasure Series:
History 1: Obsessed. I love this little thing and it's not objectively that good and it's got so many issues and I don't even care because I love it so much. Absolutely imperfect and absolutely fucked up and full of not so good tropes but I still adore it.
Most Underrated Series:
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I don't know? I don't know what other people think! I will put Tonhon Chonlatee here because, obviously, I love this little show. But what else?
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Pretty much all Vietnamese BL falls under this umbrella but I give a special spot to You Are Mah Boy which is adorable and fluffy and pretty and criminally underrated by people. If you haven't watched it, it's all on youtube and you are sleeping on something wonderful. Not super deep but just so fun.
+BONUS Favorite Setting/Location:
This is rough. Like... what even do I say? I dunno?
I think my real answer has to be forests. I love characters and shots in forests just in general, they make me feel happy and they're different than the typical beach things we get. Forests are common here and I love seeing different forests and the different ways people around the world move in the forest. It's just great. But rare.
My other favorite is, oddly and against all appearances, bathrooms. Bathrooms and elevators. Scenes where the character have the illusion of privacy without it being totally private and with the chance of being interrupted but also we're just observing them? Love it. Thes are my favorite moments, the illusion of privacy knowing it can be broken at any second but needing that privacy enough to keep going even without that.
Anyway, I don't tag people but feel free to participate if you wanna!
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minniemariex · 2 years
stream of thoughts i guess
i’m starting to like the opening song xD
we start with a cute convo between two best friends. i’m salty we won’t see prapaisky story until later but we getting the crumbs. so i guess i’ll wait
‘Phi is still waiting, rain’ awwww P’payu is so adorable. we all know he already fallen head first. but let’s pretend we don’t know
omg rain stressing about when he gonna make P fall in love with him makes me laugh
sky is my fav character as of now. he is hilarious and i want him to be my bff.
the surprise of ‘him’ only being ‘you got over ple?’ is very much appreciated.
oh sky ‘step 1: show before him every day’ why do i feel like you gonna fall victim to the same strategy
rain ‘step 2: be polite’ lol you know P likes you soft spoken. take advantage of it.
rain missing P every tie for like 4 days is hilarious
sky knows that seeing someone every day is a hassle so he knwo it works.
side note does rain not realize he could ask P to tutor him in anything and thus get to spend time with him daily and act cute and get his homework done and get help form th genou of the faculty??? okay
omg P literally telling rain there are easier ways to see him than going to the garage everyday xD
and then the advice of ‘try calling him? and speak softly and politely?’ is on point and hilarious
rain reverting to his basic setting and talking down but more politely is so fun. as is P not responding. even though rain is using the honorifics he still has attitude. and then we get the cute and adorable and hilarious ‘i’m here. can we meet … please’. that killed me. P responding super quickly jsut made it better.
rain feeling sense of accomplishment is great. and cute. and i cnat wait to see the whole linguistic dynamic develop. like it will be super fun if rain stays soft spinel and polite only towards P. the rest are gonna get this dusty brat in their faces. but with P he’s gonna be an angel. well most of the time anyway lol
rain waiting patiently for P. and getting info taht he’s not the only one who waited. must’ve hurt. even though rain is still convinced he dead not like P.
‘you’re gonna get burn if you don’t know how to play with fire’ is a great advice to someone as clueless as rain.
the instant defensive brah language only to be stoped by one reminder and giving in with apology
and then just going to leave. rain you are something else. jealousy at its finest.
i must say i love the acting. so many micro expressions. on both actors. make me fall in love with the characters even more
taking his hand and just dragging him with you wa sa right choice P. you can see taht little simile in rains face as they walk out the door. it’s so precious. and soft. and just UGH they don’t stop holding hands
rain wanting to order and p shutting him down for snooping for info. and then immediately doing the same thing is hilarious. and rain just giving the info makes it even funnier
omg P saying he doesn’t see how rain can make him fall in love when he’s already deep in it is just great.
lol P is a master at getting rain to do what he wants already. i can’t imagine how it’s gonna be when they are together lol i’m guessing rain will learn how to get P to do what he wants as well as time goes.
rain going from ‘lower your voice people will hear you’ to ‘im hitting on this guy’ is the greatest flip ever. and done in like 10 secs and just one suggestion. as i said P know s how to get rain from point A to pony B with minimal effort. and rain just follows so well
P is finding rain adorable. and i’m not surprised at all. just look at his smile. so indulgent already. and the teasing. i could die happily if i got teased like taht by some like P
P wanted rain to give him food. rain shut him down. what does P do? hand feeds rain. that’s the natural progression of events. i’m in no way shape or form complaining
‘affectionate laughter and moving laughter are two different things’ they can sound similar if you’re not familiar with someone but P has a very good point. and rain is not listening at all. P just confessed to being affectionate with him. but what he does?? steam rolls right past that
stetting the boundaries. call me when you want to meet and i’ll text you when i’m at the garage. i love how much P cares about rain education. he knows how much work he has, he’s been through this already. and he as much as he wants to have fun with rain and tease him, he does not want rain to suffer. not academically. from what i gathered it’s gonna be finals for rain in the next month or at the end of this one. so he’s super busy. P has a job at the architect company (i think) and at the garage. so he’s also super busy. but they will still make time for one another and that says a lot. like if rain didn’t like P at all he wouldn’t go to such lengths to ‘get back at him’
omg P saying ‘switch stupid with cute’ is like it’s what i ghad in mind this whole time. i knwo you don’t like to be called stupid. but i didn’t want to give in to you too much and call you cute. but now whenever rain will hear P calling him stupid he’ll immediately think about how stupid is supposed to be replaced with cute. and i LOVE THAT.
also rains reaction is precious ‘that’s cheating P’ yep just sit there for 30secs and calm your heart. it’s probably trying to jump out of your chest. i know mine would. that SMILE WAS SO ADORABLE
omg rain sleeping in frost row is giving me anxiety. him checking his phone just elevates it. getting lower is not hiding your phone rain. it’s still extremely visible.
okay so rain still swears at everything and everyone.
look how happy he is now that he knows he’ll see his P later that day. just adorable.
not P taking a break to read and respond to rain texts. they are so gone for each other.
rain being a little shit is my fav thing. and P threatening his employees to leave the snacks at the office is hilarious
rain just booking it out of the class and ignoring his homework l, best friend and crush (or is it ex crush already??) to get to the garage and leave snack is fantastic
i love how P is so invested in rains education. and compliments his work as he sees he’s talented. and coming from P, who we know is talented is a big deal.
love the staring and rain getting shy. as well as him actually preparing separate snacks for P.
i’m sorry what was that?? the slow lean in. ‘pack your stuff and join me quickly, understood?’ ‘yes’ and a HEAD PAT ?? all in like 30 secs?? i’m living for this. and the LOOK INTO EACH OTHER’s EYES?? while smiling??? and being cute??? makes me feel super single
rain jsut not caring he has a tight deadline.
the employees gossiping is great. eating sth hot and spicy and getting a happy ending would be great.
he’s gonna forget the project tomorrow morning isn’t he?
omg this child is me. having 6 alarms and not waking up to a single of them. or accidentally setting them for pm instead of am. that also happened multiple times. but i live alone. so i’m screwed if that happens.
poor baby. getting scolded for giving the work after deadline is the worst. it’s his fault and you can see rain acknowledge it. he’s not giving any excuses and just asks for it to be accepted since it’s not much after the deadline which was an early morning. when met with a refusal he apologizes and doesn’t push. he knows he’s in the wrong. it hurts since he’s confident with his design. but also i feel like thai was important for him to experience. P was telling him multiple times taht things get harder in later years. and that he wants him to manage his time properly. rain fucked up this time. he will have to make sure it won’t happen again. his friends can see he’s affected by what happened. but you can see very clearly how he’s rejecting ple and her touch as well as invite to share things with her. things that he would deal as failures. he doesn’t want that with her. she’s just a crush. someone who he want to see him as a great person. so he’s not comfortable with getting comfort from her. but then he goes to P. seemingly without even realizing. he’s been standing in the rain for some time. and probably crying. when saigah goes out to get him inside he’s first words are ‘is P here?’ immediately followed by ‘nevermind’. and you can see him kind of light up when he asks for his P. and then his face falls again as he realizes that nope P is not here and he doesn’t know why he even bothered to come here. it’s not like they are close or anything. but he still came. and as soon as P knows rain was waiting for him in the rain he goes to him. also we can see rain is perfectly at home in Ps room. not shy at all. just comfortable and safe. sad and disappointed in himself. he lets himself just sit there and breathe while waiting for his P to arrive and help him through this. and P does. he immediately sees that something is wrong. and he knew it already since he knows rain enough to realize he wouldn’t just come and stand in the rain without even knowing if anyone is inside of the garage if it wasn’t something important and bad. and then he does the best thing he could do. that is doesn’t say anything and just opens his arms and gathers rain in them. gives him a very tight hug. and tells him ‘it’s okay. P is here now. you can let go. P is here to hold you up.’ he looks him over and then just holds him. tells him he’s there to talk and to care and that he will help him fix this. because he gets it. he understands and he cares and he wants to help. he doesn’t like seeing rain like this.
i feel like rain is not in tune with his emotions or just doesn’t understand why he feels so comfortable with P. he doesn’t know why he could put up a front in front of his bff and his ‘crush’ but he folded like paper in Ps arms. but even he doesn’t understand why he’s still grateful for the comfort he got.
P is right. he tells him straight and without coddling that the teacher is right. and rain acknowledges it straight away. he knows it’s his fault. then P gives some good life advice. it’s gonna be like this from now on. the pressure will not diminish rather it will grow. you have to lear to take responsibility for your actions. that doesn’t mean it’s not gonna hurt to miss deadline or to get criticized.
the way P came back and just pushed rain into his stomach to tell him ‘what’s done is done. don’t dwell on it. focus on the next project.’ gave me butterflies. and him telling rain to dry his hair properly was so good. ‘don’t get sick. i don’t want to take care of you.’ yeah right. P your gone gone for rain. you would take care of him even if he wasn’t sick. and we just got the confirmation of that.
what is it with bls and lending your phone to people ?? i would never. lol
also P being into rain from the start. even before the car fix in the rain was great. kinda obvious but i still liked taht. cause rain was very much into P from the car fix in the rain. he just is a bit oblivious lol
and taht concludes my notes in words of LITA
if anyone read up till the end
thank you
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theyellowhue · 2 years
I love how loudly self-aware Prapai is. We always get to hear his inside voice and its always.
"Ohhh Pai, you never cared for anyone else like this. YOURE DEFINITELY IN LOVE" and
"Wow, you're definitely out of the market now because im sure Sky owns your heart now" and
"You are so gone for Sky. Wow"
Its embarrassing and cringe and i just love it 😭😭😭
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theyellowhue · 1 year
✨their development✨
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they have come a long way. their journey to their happiness was beautiful.
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theyellowhue · 1 year
Sky offered and Prapai obliged
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Sky told Prapai to take what he wants, unbeknownst to him, Prapai would want his everything.
gods, i miss them so much 😭😭😭
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theyellowhue · 2 years
Day 7 of missing Love in the Air
Oh gods. Oh gods. Oh GODS. its been a week. Wow. A WEEK!!!
icb that its a Thursday and i dont have a new Love in the Air episode dropping.
Currently feeling empty and hollow and im wondering how my Thursdays have been pre-LITA.
Im having a lot of feelings and I JUST MISS THE WEATHER BOYS, OKAY 😭
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They are the best thing that happened to me this 2022 💖
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fortpeat · 1 year
not really a question but something I've had to get off of my chest regarding prapaisky for so long. I've seen people discuss how they felt that sky changed once he and Prapai became official. People mentioning how they missed the Sky that gave Pai a hard time; the sassy, no nonsense sky. And for a while I felt so invalidated because why could they not SEE that all that sass and that standoffish-ness, while definitely a part of Sky's personality, it was mostly a defence mechanism.
Sky was at a point in his recovery (he had had a lot of personal growth PRIOR to prapai's arrival in his life and we should definitely acknowledge that) where he had decided that to protect himself he would not be in a relationship. As much as it pains me, Gun was probably Sky's first love. Having your first love abuse you and your love, especially in the manner that Gun did, it ruins you. You can see how much Sky loves Gun, how soft and loving he is with Gun (that fucking bastard). You don't easily recover from that kind of hurt so Sky chose solitude to protect himself.
And then comes in P'Pai. Prapai is the opposite of Gun in all the ways that matter. Prapai worships Sky. Prapai loves Sky so much...i really could just keep going but in the interest of time I won't. Even with all that love being showered on Sky, you can still see the internal struggle of not being able to accept that love as true and without pain. Ep12 hurt me but it proved to Sky just how unwavering and true Prapai's love is.
After that, we really see sky open up: how cute they are when they are at the garage, asking for cuddles, telling prapai he misses him, telling prapai he wants nothing from him because he just wants prapai (my EMOTIONS)
He becomes soft again, loving, pouty(😭😭). The sass does NOT GO AWAY , IT'S STILL THERE but because it's no longer the defence mechanism it used to be, we don't see it as obviously as we did before. We finally get to see Sky at his happiest and what a sight it is ❤️
P. S.
I could honestly write essays about Sky and Prapai, they are so dear to me.
Im sorry but also not sorry that this is so long. If you happen to read it great but if you don't also great 💀
Bye and thank you for the prapaisky and fortpeat content. Its always nice to know you're not suffering brainrot alone 😭
Hey Nonnie ❤️
First things first you are always welcome to write essays about Prapaisky in my asks I am open to hear all of your thoughts about our precious boys.
Second YASSS I agree with every single thing you have stated here and I myself have preached multiple times that the Cold Mean boy you saw Sky as in the beginning in mainly a defense mechanism it's so clear deep down all the defences Sky is such a softie with a heart of gold. It's shown when he talks to rain outside the University at night and it's shown when Sky asks about Rain's growing feelings towards Payu. And then when it's time for Prapaisky episodes we see those defenses fall slowly fall away in Prapai's presence.
In Prapai's presence Sky felt safe and secure enough to let go of those walls and we truly see Sky as he is. Sky has always been sassy and a little bit meanie but now he's also loving and downright soft and warm and adorable 💕
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fortpeat · 1 year
When do you think Sky started to realize that Prapai had real feelings for him? For me I think it’s when he was excited after the wrist binding ceremony but he wasn’t letting himself show how happy he was and Prapai said he just wanted to see Sky smile. He looks so surprised that Prapai just wanted to see him smile and be happy.
Hey Nonnie ❤️
Soo I think for me the scene where Prapai comes to the University to take care of Sky the whole night and confess that he might seem like a smooth player who lives carefree life but he means it when he says that he is serious about Sky and their relationship that's the moment Sky accepts that Prapai have real feelings for him coz Sky looked at Prapai in the moment as if silently asking "Can I trust you to take care of my heart", "Will you catch me if I fall" it was so vulnerable and open.
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And how he said "Thank you for coming to me" 🥹🥹😭😭
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Of course everyone perceives each scene in a different way and the moment you mentioned for me it was more of showing how surprising and refreshing Prapai is to Sky. Prapai could have come up with anything but he has always been honest with Sky to ask from Sky just a smile as if it was the most valuable thing ever (YESS IT IS BABY YOUR SMILE IS SO PRECIOUS) - coughs- anyway where were we, Right; when Prapai could have anything he wanted was just yet another step for Sky realising that hes slowly falling for Prapai and the smile Sky gave when Prapai asked and Prapai realising that he's so gone for him and wouldnt have it any other way 🥹 yet another precious Prapaisky moment 😭
(I just can't seem to write short answers huh) 😹
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fortpeat · 2 years
Blu here!!! 💙
no no no, there's something here, 'cause I think we're really soul-spirits. First off, blue is also one of my favourite colours, which is one of the reasons why it made me so ridiculously emotional. what got me with your explanation tho, is that Rio is literally an animation showing Brazil as the place where it all happens and I'm Brazilian...................................... like, how? I know you would have no fucking idea but now it's EVEN MORE FITTING, because??????? HI THAT'S ME. jfccccc jfc jfc. oh wow.
ABOUT THEM, yesssssssssssss YES YES, literally the exact same here!! Like, I didn't watch LITA, I just scrolled through gifs of the scenes and I searched up their NCs (because I've been an avid BL watcher for years now, and I've heard so many comments on how they were going above and beyond whatever had been done already) when it was still payurain. They didn't interest me at all to make me want to actually watch the show, y'know? but since the very beginning, I was already so drawn to prapaisky I was counting the days for them!!! and when their arc started, that's when I started watching LITA per se, and not just bits and pieces like with payurain. I love what both Boss and Noeul did, I think their portrayal is very cool as well, but it never caught my attention. PrapaiSky stole my entire heart, but probs because they also hit really close to home somehow (with being a SA survivor, etc etc).
It's so lovely to me because I mirror myself so much in Sky?? his whole personality, the way they show him and how he copes (both badly and healthily, because both are constants while healing!!!) with it. And I'll forever defend Prapai (and Fort, for that matter) on how he pursued Sky, because although he might've triggered him at the beginning, he always tried to watch and understand and most of all CHANGE, to make Sky feel comfortable with him.
I love how FortPeat brought that to life. I love their story. I love everything about it, and I believe they've done it wonderfully. I got genuinely invested in them and I can't wait to see so much more!!!!
Hi blu 💙😚😚
And the reason why I connect with Prapaisky so much is that my personality is a mix of Sky and Prapai. I can be very Sarcastic and Sassy at times but seriously a huge softie here 🙈 and Like Prapai I would burn down the world for the people I love and care about. And I have my fair share of trauma (psychological) and I tend to be closed off with people at first unless and until I start trusting them. ❤️ P. S thank you for sharing your story with me 💙
Peat and Fort are my precious babies I would defend them and Sky and Prapai with my whole life. Prapai is such sla sweetheart. Yes his actions in the beginning were a little questionable but to someone who has no idea about Sky's past he was still the best for Sky. He kept his distance when needed, he waited until Sky was ready, he became everything Sky wanted/needed and more.
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