#pray for sanji (cooking) and Nami (budgeting)
chialattea · 4 months
POV: it’s 4AM. You’re the crew’s chef and you hear noise in the kitchen
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random-jot · 5 months
Prediction for OPLA Season 2 episode breakdown:
*Note: this is assuming it has the same episode count as season one, 8, though I wouldn’t be surprised if Season 2 ends up having ten given both the positive reception to the first one and the amount of content from the Alabasta arc has to adapt
Episode One:
Loguetown and Reverse Mountain. Luffy & Co arrive at Loguetown, the now teamed-up Buggy & Alvida launch a surprise attack. Smoker and Tashigi introduced, each respectively has their first confrontation with Luffy and Zoro. The rest of the Straw Hats’ escapades (Usopp’d sniping duel and Sanji’s cooking contest) are downplayed/cut for time. Possible Bartolomeo cameo. Episode ends with the Merry sailing over Reverse mountain, possible cliffhanger ending as the ship sails into Laboon.
Episode Two:
Laboon, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden Start. The episode will open with a heavily abridged sequence around Laboon, then move swiftly to Whiskey Peak, which will entail the majority of the episode, big focus on Zoro solo-ing the small fry of Baroque Works, Zoro & Luffy’s fight (though likely a shorter fight than in the original) and Vivi reveal. Episode ends with crew either heading to or arriving at Little Garden.
Episode Three:
Little Garden Cont.’ Dorry and Broggy introduced, pray for the CGI budget, Zoro & Sanji have their dinosaur hunting competition, Mr. Three attacks the group. Sanji gets his first ‘Mister Prince’ moment on the snail transponder - this will play out slightly differently, possibly he steals the transponder from Three after they defeat him. Nami falls ill suddenly, Dorry and Broggy send them off to the next island.
Episode Four: 🦌❄️
Drum Island. The crew arrive at Drum Island and begin searching for a doctor to save Nami. Wapol l is downplayed as a villain with more focus on the urgency of curing Nami’s and introducing certain more important new characters. Possibly the last scene gives us our first look at Chopper.
Episode Five: 🦌❄️
Drum Island Cont.’ Chopper’s backstory is told on flashback; this takes up maybe half the episode, similarly to how Sanji’s backstory was told in season one. Wapol attacks again but is deslt with relatively quickly. Drum Island wraps up with Chopper joining the crew and the Straw Hats setting sail for Alabasta proper. Slight possibility that Wappol is near cut entirely, a la Krieg, and the villain for this arc is another member of Baroque Works.
Episode Six:
Alabasta. The Alabasta arc proper begins, much faster paced than in the source. Mr 2 meeting happens but briefer than in the source. Straw Hats aim to take down Crocodile directly. Smoker catches up to the Straw Hats. Ace is introduced and given a bigger role than in the source, helping them escape Smoker. Perhaps episode ends with Luffy and Smoker captured together.
Episode Seven:
Alabasta Cont.’ If not in the last episode, this episode will center around the Casino, we’ll get Sanji’s big ‘Mr. Prince’ moment, the various high-ups of Baroque Works will begin making their moves (Mr 2 imitating the king etc.) Luffy and Crocodile’s first fight, with Luffy being left for dead as a possible cliffhanger episode ending.
Episode Eight:
Alabasta Concludes. The final showdown to save Alabasta begins. Various Straw Hats fight the Various members of Baroque Works, the members of Vivi’s court try to stop Crocodile’s bomb, Luffy reappears at a clutch moment for his big rematch with Crocodile. Episode seems as though it ends with a slightly altered version of the “X” moment, but all of a sudden Nico Robin appears on the ship and asks to join their crew. Season Ends.
General other thoughts:
It’s gonna be a lot to squeeze into 8 episodes, so my guess is like season one, there will have to be some pretty brutal cuts. As mentioned, I feel like Wapol might be downplayed to give more room for heavier hitting villains, in addition the various Baroque Works high-ups will be downplayed, with the exception of Bon Clay and Mr 3. We will see Nico Robin doubting her allegiance to Crocodile sooner. Smoker’s role will be increased, with he and Tashigiri pursuing the crew like Garp did in season one. Buggy and Alvida will show up a few more times but continue to be unsuccessful. Koby and Garp will appear, though far less frequently than in season one.
For a possible post-credits tease, the meeting to decide who will take Crocodile’s place as a member of the Seven Warlords.
Looking forward to it airing and seeing how close I got!
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