cc-critter · 4 months
My June Goals
Hey beautiful people. I see you stumbled on my post. Aren't you lucky? I wanted to share some of my goals in hopes to 1) manifest them and 2) encourage you (YES YOU) to do the same!
Let's normalize creating goals, sharing them with others and getting community support on them? K thanks <3
Stream Goals:
Reach Affiliate on Twitch (Twith.tv/christycritter)
Beat Mass Effect 2/3
Find a new game to fall in love with
Find a wonderful artist to create my custom emojis
Improve my secondary platforms: Youtube, TikTok, Tumblr and Twitter!
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Life Goals:
Pay off one Credit Card in full
Start to save for a mini vacation for the spouse and I
FINALLY GET A DINING TABLE (pressed about this)
Volunteer at least twice at an organization I believe in
Make a new friend and further cherish the ones I have
Get comfortable walking: Goal is to get to 5 miles a day consistently!
Lots of goals and so little time to do it! I love June because it is not only Pride Month (Bi Girlies where you at?!) But its also the start of Summer in my head. The weather is warm, people are outside and my seasonal depression is at bay. Here is to manifesting a wonderful June !
Do you have June goals?! You should share them on this post so we can support each other!
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cc-critter · 4 months
My top 10 Anime
I am so glad you asked...
I have watched my fair share of Anime and I wanted to share my Top 10 Anime of all time. Now it is hard to rule out recency bias so I am allowing myself one Anime I have watched recently but beyond that here are the rules I set for myself:
I have to have watched it to completion or to the most current season/episode.
I have to be able to explain the story, characters and "arcs" if they have them
Bonus Points if it is tattooed on me lol
My Top Ten Animes:
10. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
This is my Recency Bias. I think I cried in every episode and I won't apologize. This was one of the best shows I have seen this year and It gave me everything Violet Evergarden had but better. Violet Evergard was in my top ten before this show.
9. Tokyo Revengers
I know that people give this show AND the manga crap but I would jump in front a train (lol) for Ran Haitani and I don't care that his character development is mid. I love his pigtails and would ride them. Thank you
8. Fruits Basket (2001 and 2019 - lets be real)
I stand by the fact that I can fix Yuki. This series has so much depth, GREAT voice acting and the 2019 remake gave me hope that OHSHC may one day get the same level of love it deserves.
7. HoriMiya
The Manga- way better. I am not going to argue that. But this show is stupid cute and I love shows about love. So ya know, sue me. Plus can we talk about how GOOD Miyamura looked with long hair and piercings? Ughhh
6. Ouran High School Host Club
Kyoya Ootori please step on me.
5. Sailor Moon
My first Anime Tattoo and proud. I use to play this as a kid and I would switch between Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. If I could go back I would for sure be Sailor Uranus or Neptune... Lets be real
4. Hunter x Hunter (2011)
It is One Piece but Killua is objectively more gangster. It is missing the flair of the entire One Piece Series. Negative points for Hisoka.. Plus ten for Chrollo tho... It is a classic you can't argue with that.
3. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
This is by definition Anime made by Women for Women lol. This walked so JJK could run. Give it the respect it deserves. And oddly enough Frieren bumped it from top anime of all time. Which is insane. Oh and um Mustang I would let you light me up as much as you needed. Thank you.
2. Attack On Titan
lol no. It is such a well thought out universe. I appreciate the story telling. Art is amazing. Levi. Voice acting is out of this world. Just - divine.
1. One Piece
Law. ( I do have a law tattoo hehe) Do I really need to explain? The World building? The portrayal of modern day issues? The women? THE MENNN? The longevity? Ugh amazing. Another fun fact - i walked down the Aisle to "Binks No Sake"
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cc-critter · 4 months
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Hey my name CC and uh idk how tumbler works. Long time prowler first time poster. I uhhh I stream so that is cool. I play wow, Mass Effect, Stardew Valley, Sun Haven, etc. here are some fun facts about me:
Fact - I got a sleepy eye. That’s fun
Fact - I have ADHD
Fact - love some good fan fiction and obsessed with fictional characters
Fact - I’m pretty funny and stream three nights a week. See what I did there? It’s an ad. 😬
Fact- MOST IMPORTANTLY: I love anime, kpop, history, spicy books (how that get in there) and food
If you stayed this long you may think I’m cool. And that is cool cloud I also think you are cool. I have a degree in history and NOT marketing sooo not sure how to market myself beyond a howdy and please consider checking me out. I am so close to affiliate and your support is free and welcomed. You can check me out at https://www.twitch.tv/christycritter
Stream info:
Wednesday 5-7:30pm AZ mst
Friday 5-???pm AZ mst
Sunday 8am-11am AZ mst
My slogan is Be kind yourself and kind to others and I mean it. You never know what your kindness will do for others.
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