#tw unsafe vore
hungry-n · 1 year
N eating Uzi for the first time… what a thought…
I mean, N's experienced with eating worker drones and all so that’s all well and fine for him. Uzi on the other hand? Nah. She is panicked as HELL and deffo knows how to put up a fight. Uzi deffo was training her whole life for this exact moment. The most it really did would be giving N a massive stomachache. That’s never fun to deal with, and sure, N's used to a lot of movement and struggling, a hit or kick against his stomach every now and again. Been there, done that, so he thought eating a singular, young, lonely and rather small worker drone would make for a calm and quick snack. And that was where he was wrong. He’s never been used to so much internal attacking before.
So in conclusion? Not very fun for either of them.
(I’m not gonna specify whether this is safe vore or unsafe vore, so y’all can decide on that. ;p)
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Preddsworld headcannons
Edd - 1
It’s cola boy time >:)
Sometimes pred, sometimes prey. Depends on the situation or mood.
Safe vore only.
He's had to nom Tom a few times to keep Tom from injuring himself or others while drunk. Edd claims it was only for safety reasons, but deep down he was enjoying this. He certainly understood why Tord eats Tom so much.
He likes squirming. Not out of fear like Tord, though. It just lets him know the prey is alive. He worries.
And he probably worries too much. Whenever nomming Matt or on the rare occasion Tord, he doesn’t even go to relax first, he immediately makes sure they’re okay and comfortable before doing anything else. Edd stopped fussing over Tom when he told him to shut up after nomming him.
The reason Edd's so afraid of unsafe vore and worries so much is that he once ate Tom without even realising it until he regenerated, pissed off.
Drinkplay? Absolutely. If you’ve been nommed by Edd, you would shortly have some cola joining you.
Sometimes Edd asks Tord to shrink him down so that he can swim in a cup of cola. He usually ends up getting nommed by one of the others, though.
Has absolutely nommed Eduardo more than once.
Has absolutely been nommed by Eduardo more than once.
Edd finds it difficult to sleep with anyone inside him unless it’s Tom, and that’s because Tom will literally punch Edd's stomach to tell him off for worrying about him.
The only times that Edd has slept with someone in his stomach is when Edd has to nom the other three. Probably to force them to get along, but it never works, because then he falls asleep and then Tord takes the chance to nom the other two (or just one of them). Edd gets an A for effort though.
He may purr a little~ 👀
Hates fearplay and foodplay, on both ends. He hates fearplay for obvious reasons, and he hates foodplay because he doesn’t want to accidentally bite down on the person, but also finds the idea of being put into foods gross. He prefers the natural flavour of people anyway.
He claims he doesn’t have a favourite person to nom, but it’s quite obvious that it’s Tom.
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today really would be the best day to drop that Wilbur eats Jared fic you teased a while back lol /j
Faeiyn istg if this is you… 🤨 /lhj
BUT… I did finish it a while back and forgot to post it so… fine 😇 (not proofread btw so if it’s not great then uhh.. blame me from 2022 lmao)
Wilbur sat at his desk in his office, staring at a picture of his beloved. No, actually, not just one photo. He had many photos of them. He felt his face heat up whenever he saw pictures of them with someone else, and imagined that someone else was him. But unfortunately for Wilbur, that someone else was Jared. He just couldn’t understand it! How could beloved want such a pathetic prey like Jared?? Not only that, but Wilbur could protect beloved in a way that Jared could never attempt. The urge to keep beloved inside his stomach, safe and hidden from all the dangers of the outside world, belonging to him and only him, was undoubtedly very overwhelming. It didn’t help that his… other thoughts were telling him to swallow Jared down, but certainly not for protection purposes. The thought of Jared melting away when nobody could hear him begging for mercy seemed very appealing as well.
What a convenient time for Jared himself to enter the office and sit down at his desk, which was directly opposite Wilbur’s. Wilbur glared at him over the top of his computer. The thoughts of eating Jared flooded his brain once more, and because of this he didn’t even notice when Jared looked up until he spoke.
“So. Wilbur,” he began, “done hating me yet?” Jared sighed when he got no response, and Wilbur’s hard glare only intensified. That was as good as a response. “Get me a coffee, would ya.” Jared started again after a few minutes of awkward silence and keyboards clicking. Wilbur stood up. “Fine, but I can’t promise I won’t spit in it. Or poison it. Or both.” He walked past Jared’s desk and to the coffee machine ten steps behind it. He was pouring a coffee, when he suddenly realised that he was quite hungry. Oh, he had unknowingly skipped his lunch break to fantasise about beloved, hadn’t he? Maybe instead of waiting it out, he thought, maybe he could act on one of the other thoughts he’d had earlier.
Leaving Jared’s coffee on a table beside the coffee machine, Wilbur approached him from behind. He wasn’t the most experienced pred, but he’d eaten his fair share of people, so he had a rough idea on what to do. Thank god he was tall. Wilbur grabbed the back of Jared’s shirt, yanking him upwards. Jared let out a surprised yelp as Wilbur opened his mouth and began stuffing him inside of it, feet first. Maybe he should’ve started with the head, Wilbur thought grudgingly as Jared yelled out for help.
Although, Wilbur found himself thinking while making the first few swallows, Jared had quite a nice taste. Raspberries with a tint of coffee. An unusual combination, but definitely not a bad one. Wilbur took his time to swallow his enemy down, despite how hungry he was. Eventually, his stomach expanded enough to accommodate his ‘lunch’, although the buttons on his shirt were quite strained. This didn’t help when Jared began writhing in an attempt to change his fate.
Slightly out of breath, Wilbur went back to the coffee machine and drank Jared’s coffee. He wouldn’t be needing that anymore, plus, the feeling of being so full was beginning to make Wilbur drowsy. He would’ve fallen asleep right then and there if Jared wasn’t making so much noise, which he was partly thankful for. Either way, he wanted to get home before he actually fell asleep.
Wilbur walked as best as he could to the manager to ask if he could take the rest of the day off. He didn’t actually know where his manager stood in scenarios such as this one, so he was a bit nervous if anything. His manager seemed to be understanding enough, though. They took one look at his stomach and let him go home, which Wilbur was more than relieved about. Luckily for him, he only lived about a fifteen minute walk away, so that was convenient, except for the fact that that time was doubled due to him carrying the weight of both himself and a violently thrashing Jared. He kept a hand on his stomach, absentmindedly giving it a few occasional pats as he walked, and every now and again someone would stare at him warily as he passed. That was the main reason eating people wasn’t an everyday thing for him. (Self-conscious much?) Even so, he did his best to ignore it.
The second Wilbur got back to where he lived, he flopped down onto his bed, making his stomach gurgle and Jared yell in alarm. Wilbur wondered what he could say to really rub it in, rub it in that that this would be Jared’s end, and it was always destined to be so. Which then brought a question: was he actually going to let Jared go? Wilbur sat up, and said the first thing that came to mind.
“I told you, didn’t I? I told you to stay away from them, and you didn’t listen. Now this is your fate.” Jared did not like that. The squirms and attacks on his insides intensified. It was strangely quite enjoyable, Wilbur found himself thinking. He also found himself quite tired once again. He couldn’t just fall asleep yet, though.
“Maybe I’ll consider letting you go, if you beg for mercy.” Though when it passed 10 seconds, and no response was given, Wilbur decided to drift off into sleep.
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
I keep talking about the other parts I’m working on but hang on because I wrote this in like three days because I liked the idea
Content warnings: temporary unsafe vore, fearplay, injuries to pred, safe, soft g/t vore.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He’d been chasing Dream down, the former not having shrunk yet. They’d agreed to do some training for the upcoming manhunts, and though neither of them really needed it, Sapnap felt that if he got to store his friend in the end then it was justified. At least then he wouldn’t have to deal with the nagging of ‘you can’t just store your friends all the time’. He’d been right on his tail, so close he could have grasped the back of the other’s hoodie, when suddenly he’d disappeared. Bewildered, the fireborn looked around, trying to see ender particles or a glimpse of the other, simply assuming that the other pearled away.
He was so, so wrong.
He saw a peek of lime green from behind a tree, and grinned, stalking towards it. “Oh Dream~” he called, smirking as the figure began moving away. The chase began once more, Sapnap not getting a close enough look at the figure he was chasing. It only occurred to him that he was getting led far away when he came across a temple, hesitating to follow the other inside.
It was exquisitely made, deepslate and quartz combined to make a beautiful structure similar to that of a jungle temple. But then the green hooded figure slipped into the temple’s entrance, and he stopped staring in awe to pursue.
Once he’d stepped inside, the temple became pitch black, and for a heart-stopping moment he thought he was encountering a warden several levels higher than he should. Even his night vision had been wiped out, and he quickly picked up a torch from his inventory and held it out. It helped, if only slightly, and he hesitantly began to search for the other. “This isn’t a funny joke, Dream. Come on.” He huffed, turning a corner and narrowly avoiding an arrow from a triggered trap. He cut the string quickly to avoid another arrow dangerously close to the head and continued onwards, the dim light from his torch being the only thing that kept him from pitch blackness. Turning a corner, he was almost blinded by a new light, one of the power levels of a lamp, or a lantern. It lit up a small chamber, completely made of black stone, with a lectern and book in the center of the room. As he stepped in, the darkness faded, and he could see properly again. The hooded figure he’d chased in here was nowhere to be seen, and Sapnap let out a frustrated groan as he looked around, trying to spot where he could have gone. Without a glimpse of the figure, his attention turned back towards the lectern, the book catching his eye. Curiosity got the better of the fireborn, and he stepped closer to look at the open page.
Instantly, the building rumbled, cracks forming on the walls and ceilings and raining debris down onto his hair. He didn’t hesitate to run, leaving the book and pedestal and trying to sprint to the exit. Something caught onto his leg, and before he hit the ground, his vision left him once more.
When he came to, he could tell was dangling by his leg, but..
hadn’t he passed out in a crumbling temple?
“Finally awake?” Only then did it register in Sapnap’s head the slight warmth radiating from the thing wrapped around his leg. Eyes snapping open, he was face to face (despite being upside down) with a gigantic, smiling mask. Unlike his friend’s however, the smile was made out of an X for eyes and a D for the mouth. Before the fireborn could even open his mouth, the mask changed, cracking and breaking in places to reveal a gigantic smirk beneath. “Perhaps you don’t recognize me?”
“…Dream?“ an amused hum was the first response he got. “Not quite. Most call me XD, though not many know me or tell the tale.” Sapnap did not miss the intention of the sentence, the fact that people didn’t say anything about the presence before him either from not living to speak of him or being too scared to. Trying to swallow his nerves, despite being upside down still, he debated what he could say to get out of this dangerous situation. “I can see how you became confused, though. We do look somewhat similar.
What I’m curious of, is why you’d follow me into a temple you know nothing of.” Fuck. “I told you, I thought you were Dream, my friend. We were training.” “Hm. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, ‘curiosity killed the cat’?” “I have…” “Then you should be aware as to what comes next.” A wicked grin, sharp teeth the size of his arm, widened the face of the being before him, forcing himself not to shudder. “Accidents don’t count?” His voice was slightly higher thanks to nerves, and the other’s eyes narrowed, glowing a poisonous green. “Perhaps… we can have some fun. I’ll give you two minutes.” And he was dropped to the ground, choking back a yelp as the impact sent a jolt of pain through his arms. Forcing himself not to lose any more time, he took off into the foliage around him, trying to zigzag and push the god off his trail. Despite his attempts, the pit of dread in his stomach told him it was futile.
~ ~ ~
“What happened to him?” Dream was watching the areas around him, desperately trying to see any glimpse of his friend. One moment, Sapnap had been on his trail, and the next it was like he vanished. He hadn't even gone that far since he’d lost sight of his friend. He began moving away from the point he lost the other at, walking forward and keeping a sharp eye out. At least, until he came across a structure he’d never seen before. And with it, a familiar presence made itself known to him.
Oh, shit.
He didn’t think twice before sprinting in the direction he felt its presence in, praying he’d be fast enough to save his friend from the clutches of the chaotic god.
~ ~ ~
Sapnap was still running when he could tell that the god called the time up, and despite the exhaustion plaguing his body, he forced himself to go faster. He couldn’t stop, if he stopped he knew that he wouldn’t be seen again. His vision was beginning to tunnel, each breath stabbing at his lungs as his feet kept hitting the ground. He couldn’t tell how long he’d been running for, but he did know when fingers wrapped around his leg once more, the fireborn barely able to protect his head from hitting the ground before being tugged upwards.
He thrashed wildly, trying to get out of the god’s grasp, only to be lifted up once more with a tsk. “Funny, I thought you’d try harder to survive.” Fury filled the other, blood beginning to run hotter as his eyes flashed. “I fucking tried! You weren’t ever gonna let me leave!” The larger being looked at him with neon green eyes, contemplating his words before a wicked grin stretched out from under the broken mask. “The feisty ones are always the funnest. It’s been too long since I’ve last interacted with a mortal this interesting. Maybe I’ll keep you.” Suddenly the fingers released him, and he was free falling for a heart stopping moment before he was almost choked as the back of his shirt was grabbed instead. He was lifted closer to the being’s face, scrambling to try and grab at his shirt as he swore he could hear it tear. “Or maybe I’ll just eat you now.”
“Don’t!” XD froze, and Sapnap shuddered at feeling his cool breath washing over him. Turning his attention to the small voice, he was shocked to see- “Dream?” “Don’t eat him.” “Why not? I haven’t eaten in ages. What could you possibly want with him that would be more useful than what I need?” “Because,” the blonde forced himself not to falter at the harsh tone. “I was going to.” The fireborn froze completely, processing the words that just left his friend’s mouth. What? “Aren’t you a little small to do that?” When a verbal answer wasn’t received, he was brought even closer to the god’s maw, flinching when he was suddenly yanked back. The god looked angry as Sapnap started to process that he was not in his hands any longer, but Dream’s. He had to have used a growth potion and made himself larger, as he could fit in the other’s hand, just like if he had drank a shrinking potion.
A noise similar to growling echoed through the air. “If you’re going to eat him, get on with it, then.” The blackette looked up, unable to see his friend’s eyes and figure out what he was doing. He.. he wasn’t actually going to follow through with that, right? Surely he knew it would kill him. On Dream’s side, the unmasked terror in his friend’s eyes stung. Not all of it was directed at him, he knew, but it didn’t make him feel any better with what he was about to do.
Ever so hesitantly, the blonde raised him up, using his other hand to push his mask up just enough so his mouth was exposed. Sapnap usually had blood so hot it made poison ineffective against him, but he swore he felt it turn into ice as he was lifted closer and closer to the other’s mouth. “Dream?” No response, except for a light nudge of his fingers as he was gently pushed into the large, open maw. Before he could even orient himself, he was trapped, teeth sealed shut to prevent his escape. “Dream!” He tried to claw at the other’s gums, only getting himself squished to the roof of his mouth in retaliation. Writhing madly did nothing but make his exhausted body ache more, and help get himself soaked in warm saliva. He couldn’t even be thankful for the warmth melting away the cold of outside, too concerned with the fact that his friend apparently planned to eat him alive. He really wished he could put more trust in his friend, but he knew it was too dangerous. They were in the middle of the forest and he knew Dream wouldn’t immediately spit him out. If he got swallowed, he was done for. Desperately trying not to hyperventilate, he continued to yell out at his captor to release him.
And release him he did. Sapnap suddenly fell down as the other lowered his tongue, not given the chance to orient himself or do anything more than squirm before he was pushed back quickly and swallowed.
Outside, Dream glared at the god, feeling guilt claw at him from his friend’s blatant fear. He wasn’t screaming anymore, and he was too wet to attempt to set himself ablaze and hurt him, which Dream was thankful for. But the frantic yet faltering movements of the other was all he needed to know how badly he’d scared him. “Are we done here?” “I suppose, since I have to find a new meal now.” With that, the god was off, and Dream counted to ten before using a splash potion of shrinking. Frantically, he tore through his inventory to find the purple potion, downing it as fast as he could.
Sapnap was scared, betrayed, but most importantly, pissed. How dare Dream throw away all their history just to piss off a god!? The second he was released from his throat, he lashed out, clawing at the nearest wall. Instantly, he felt the walls tense up and his captor yelp in pain, only making him swipe more at the walls around him. He was only interrupted when a new liquid joined him, surprised to see it wasn’t a healing potion, but a purple liquid. An unhappy growl rattled the organ as the potion began absorbing into the walls, and Sapnap didn’t have the luxury of thinking for more than a second about it before throwing himself back into attacking the walls around him.
If he had thought about it, he may have recognized the mint smell to it, or the fact that drinking it seemed to upset the user’s stomach. He would have been able to piece it together that he wasn’t in any danger. But it wasn’t like he could stop, panic and adrenaline forcing him to continue. He knew he was hurting his friend, but he didn’t want to die.
“Sapnap!” His friend’s panicked yell reached his ears, and he faltered only slightly. It was enough for his surroundings to help significantly smaller, robbing the shrunken man of the ability to move. It did not rob his voice, however. “What the fuck, Dream!? Do I really mean this little to you!?” “Sap, stop, you’re safe, just stop clawing.” Looking down at the wall pressed against him, he could see the blood dripping from the wounds he’d inflicted. Gritting his teeth, he bit back, “Why should I? To make myself an easier meal for you?” “You’re not! You’re not going to die, you’re not even going to get hurt! You really don’t recognize the potion?”
Potion? There was a good amount of it left in the organ around him, and only then did he recognize the scent and color of it. He.. really wasn’t in danger. His friend wasn’t trying to kill him. A shuddery breath left the smaller, very similar to the shaky breaths he could feel his friend taking. Looking back down at the wounds as his space increased again, he couldn’t help the guilt that flooded him. “Do.. are you going to drink a healing potion?” “Can’t. Once I drank that potion, I lost the ability to absorb anything until I drink milk to deactivate it.” “..oh.” “It’s not your fault, Sapnap. I can’t really blame you for your reaction.” “Still. I.. should have trusted you more.” “You know good and well if I had claws I would have done the same the first time you stored me. Granted, they’re different circumstances, but.. yea.”
Sapnap couldn’t do much about the wounds he’d inflicted, but there was something he could try to make them stop bleeding, at least. “Dream?” “Yea?” “Do you want me to try and cauterize the scratches?” There was a long period of silence, and he could tell the other had stopped moving. “I.. don’t know. How badly do you think it’ll hurt, if you can even do that?” “I’m hoping not too bad, I wouldn’t know. I can’t use fire, but I can heat my core temperature up as high as it can go, maybe it’ll stop the pain?” “I.. no. Because it could open back up when I let you out and it’ll just be worse. I’ll be okay, I just gotta get back to base. Just sit tight.” It’d be easy to, honestly. His exhausted body relaxed near instantly, and through his attempt to settle his breathing, his consciousness flipped off like a light.
~ ~ ~
For the first time, he wasn’t woken up by being released. When he did wake up, it was on Dream’s couch, clothes dried and back to normal size. And when he woke up, George was sitting on the chair across from him waiting for him to awaken. “Good morning.” “Morning?” He tried to prop himself up on his elbows, wincing at the soreness of his body. The brunette rolled his eyes. “It’s actually evening. I’d say we have supper waiting, but Dream couldn’t really eat so I didn’t really make anything.” Sapnap cringed at the reminder of what he’d done. “Fuck, I don’t know how I’m gonna make that up to him.” He ran a hand through his bangs, looking down in shame. “Nothing, really. He’s not mad, and he doesn’t blame you. I don’t either, he told me what happened.” “About that fucking weird guy in the forest?” “You mean XD?” Sucking in a breath through his teeth, he nodded.
“Why don’t I make us something to eat? We can talk a little more about XD after we get some food in you.” As George stood and headed to the kitchen, the fireborn began to do the same, only for his communicator to begin ringing. Opening it up, he didn’t even get a chance to say hello before a loud yell disrupted him. “Where the HELL are you!?” “I’m at Dream’s.” “You went over there this morning! Why haven’t you said anything to anyone!? Karl’s damn near having a panic attack and I’m stuck in Las Nevadas! I had to send Wilbur to go get him!” Guilt flooded his body at the avian’s words. “I.. sorry, Q. It’s been a fucking rough day, I promise I’ll make it up for both of you when I can get home.” The rough shape of his voice seemed to snap the other out of his anger, and his next sentence was spoken much softer. “Not tonight?” “No, I just woke up, and I’m really sore. I can barely move. I promise I’ll tell you both what happened.” “Shit, man. Just take care of yourself, okay? I’ll stay home tomorrow so I can be with you and Karl, okay?” “It sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow, I love you.” “I love you too. I’ll tell Karl for you, okay?” “Thank you.”
The call ended quickly after that, and George came back into the room with a sandwich. “Something easy, I don’t know how well you’re doing after everything today.” “Thanks, George.” “You’re welcome.” Now that the other was sitting up, he sat down beside him. “So, I encountered XD a while back. At first I thought he was just a curious god, kinda like how Foolish was when he first came to our SMP. But when I tried to leave, he knocked me unconscious. He wanted a toy. I’d been missing for like a week, with him treating me like an expendable doll before Dream found us. And he was pretty pissed.”
“That’s why he came to find me so quickly, because he knew who it was?” “Yeah. It’s not my first time dealing with him.” Sapnap’s head snapped to the side to look at the blonde who’d just walked in. “How’re you feeling?” “Better. I got a healing potion, so I’m alright.” He took the other seat beside the fireborn, a bittersweet smile on his face. “XD’s kinda fucked up in how he thinks of humans. I’ve tried talking with him about it, but he just got mad at me in return and treated me a similar way he’d treated you. I knew he was gonna take an interest to you, so I had to get you out of there by any means necessary.” “And George?” “George isn’t brave enough to try taking on a god by himself.” “More like I’m not stupid enough to.”
“I’m sorry again, Dream.” “It’s not your fault, Sap. Don’t even worry about it. We have plenty of healing pots. You didn’t even do nearly as much damage as I thought you were going to.” “So now what? If he’s coming back this quickly, then there’s no way any of us can just go wandering about.” “At least I know for sure he won’t come after us in a larger group. Why do you think we haven’t seen him anywhere near the manhunts since we’ve added more hunters.” “But what about when me and Sapnap need to go back to Kinoko kingdom? We can’t just stay here.” “He shouldn’t bother you guys if you use the nether trails, I can walk you two to the portal if you want me to.” “I mean, I planned on staying here tonight but if you want me to go-“ “No, you can stay, George. But I probably should go home, the boys are worried about me.” “Understandably so. You sound like shit, Pandas.” “Here, Sap. I’ll walk you to the portal and call Karl-“ “No, Quackity called earlier and said he’s panicking. But I should be able to run into Wilbur in the Nether, he had to go check on him because they’re not letting Q leave.” “Alright, I’ll call Wilbur then. Let’s go.”
As they set off from the house, Sapnap couldn’t help but look around warily as they walked, despite the confident aura his friend had. He’d pulled his communicator out and held it to his ear. “Hey, Wilbur. I hear you’re on your way to Kinoko.” A beat passed, and Dream then responded. “Can you meet me at the nether portal? Or, the one in the nether at least? Sapnap’s heading home but he’s still not in good shape.” They walked up the steps towards the nether portal, and Dream sighed. “Thanks, Wilbur. We’re going through now.” Ending the call, he noticed the other’s hesitance, holding a hand out for him. Taking it, they walked through the portal together.
~ ~ ~
The door was opened softly, Wilbur calling into the house before stepping in. Karl was curled up on the couch, in his human form and eyes a dark blue. Tears had long since fallen, but his breathing finally had evened out. “Wil?” “I brought someone.” “Is it Q?” He hesitantly uncurled, eyes meeting with the tired eyes of the fiancé he’d been so scared about. Flashing an icy blue, he jumped off the sofa, running into the fireborn’s arms. “I’m sorry I scared you, Karl. It was a rough day, I meant to come back sooner.” “What happened? You didn’t even reach out to us.” “I.. can I wait for Q before I tell you? I'm sorry, I just.. don’t want to say it more than once.” Looking at the other, he felt his tension ease as the other’s eyes became a sympathetic and loving rose shade. “Of course. I can tell you’re tired.” “I bet you are too.” “I’m going to go back and see if I can get Quackity to come home. I know they’re gonna be mad, especially with him taking off tomorrow, but this isn’t about them.” “Thank you, Wilbur.” The revived man offered both of them a smile. “It’s the least I can do. You two have a good night.” “You too!” A happy golden took over the other’s eyes for a minute, as the other took his leave. Sapnap was tugged towards the bedroom, and he didn’t fight it, letting the other help him lay down and trying to find a regeneration potion for him before laying down himself. He gratefully took the potion, drinking it down before he settled into the taller’s arms. And in the morning, when he woke up and found his other fiancé cuddled on his other side, he smiled despite the discussion bound to come. He knew, with his fiancés and his friends by his side, he wouldn’t have to worry about what happened the previous day.
Bonus: Sapnap was laying on the grass near the prime path, relaxing with Dream and George. “Out of curiosity..” peaking both of his friend’s interests, he continued with his question. “I’ve always woken up when someone was letting me out. So, how come I never woke up when you let me out?” Logically thinking, he’d have to be released similar to Quackity releasing him. “Oh, that’s because I went in to get you out.” Sapnap sat up to look at the brunette after the causal way he said he let Dream eat him. “I’m sorry?” “Yeah, I shrunk and Dream tied a string around me so I could get you and he could pull us out without hurting himself worse.” The shock on his face was enough to pull a chuckle out of George, and Dream joined in. “This isn’t our first time doing this, Sapnap.” “…What?”
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voretober day 2 - hero
once again, heres the prompt list, and the main art's under the cut!~
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decided to do a part 2 to the last one; slightly implied vore here :))
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notmyprey · 2 months
Tw: Kind of a vent? Not art this time (cause my brain is banning sleep rn), but just a little ramble
Is it just me, or has anyone else been hesitant to interact with people just recently on the sfw vore side of Tumbler? Like- I've had 300+ followers for at least a few weeks now, and suddenly, I have some sub-type of stage fright? But it's more like a fear of that I get something wrong and everyone will hate me?
Ive seen it happen to so many people (most of them bad), but it still sometimes worries me cause I never want to be someone feels unsafe or uncomfortable around. I want to be the person people come to talk about their problems, and to help when I can.
But it seems like recently any time I do something outside of my normal, such as leaving a comment, rb something, or gifting random art, I hesitate and get way too anxious about it.
It's really ridiculous cause half the stuff I'm worried about is like this:
So literally just today a few hours ago, I decied I wanted to draw something surprise someone, but accidentally skipped over a (to be fair, a decently important) detail on their persona. I didn't see it at first and posted it. The person didn't respond by the time I figured out the detail I skipped over, and so I just deleted it, but still. Do yall get my point?
I dont know if its something with me, or that I see more and more people around me getting anxious about the state of this community we have made here. I dont know if I should be as worried as I am or not.
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Late Night Check-In
(I was going to make a oneshot based off of the Firefly Fairy AU, but eventually settled on this because I was struggling with it.
This is going to be after my vent oneshot, but you don’t need to have read that for this to make sense since I’m basically going to set the scene again. Bit of a downer because it’s coming down from the tension of the last one in the first half, but not too down I think and I think it’s more fluff? I’m sorry if anyone’s OOC ;-;)
Count: 7382
TW/CW: Soft, safe, non-sexual oral vore, vivid mentions of dream death
Unsurprisingly, when Syn woke up late in the morning and sent a text to everyone that tried contacting them while it was dead… Well, it was a bit of a Merry-Go-Round of people coming over to check on them and berate them, both physically and over text. They had been groggily getting themself a glass of sweet tea and opening some tuna for Grim when their front door was practically slammed open.
Actually, no. It WAS slammed open.
There was a massive crash from the lounge that Syn ran over to investigate with Grim, finding that Kalim and Jamil were sprawled out with the magic flying carpet they rode in on using two corners to push itself back up from the floor. Before they could ask if either was okay, Kalim had leapt to his feet and tackled them, crying while asking what happened. Jamil commented on how unsafe his carpet flying was, peeling the other man off of Syn long enough to check him for injuries while they tried to explain that they only left for a couple days and forgot to leave a note.
Only to reiterate it over and over as more people almost immediately burst into Ramshackle.
Ace and Deuce rushed in, Ace smacking them upside the head as both proceeded to shout about how worried they’d been, getting interrupted by Riddle, Trey, and Cater close behind while they explained.
The only ones that didn’t show up over the course of several hours were the Diasomnia dormmembers (probably because they didn’t have Lilia’s number, they weren’t close with Silver, Sebek hated their guts, and Malleus didn’t know how to operate a phone well), Idia, Azul, and the NRC teachers.
That was more than fine with them because it got really crowded and loud with everyone that came inside.
The afternoon and evening passed in a blur, the students they knew coming and going over the course of the impromptu get together.
A little bit of time was spent with Syn explaining that they forgot to leave a note, a good hour being spent where those present vocalized both their worry, anger, and relief, and then Kalim somehow roping everyone into a celebratory party in their own lounge now that they were back.
It all happened so fast that Syn felt like they blinked and suddenly there was a bunch of food and sweets, and everyone just seemed so surprisingly happy.
They were sure some said some really moving things, but they literally couldn’t recall anything by the time Jamil convinced Kalim that it was too late in the night to continue partying after everyone else had gone home. They just stood on their front porch waving Kalim and Jamil farewell with a smile that dropped as soon as they walked back inside and closed the now bent door.
They’d have to try and figure that one out later since the lock was broken and the wood was cracked, but they’d never seen any strangers around Ramshackle so safety wasn’t their first thought.
Syn spent the next hour or so cleaning after the plethora of guests that had swept through, putting the extra food in the fridge for Grim - who went into a food coma on the couch - and turned in for the night.
The next day was spent just trying to enjoy the calm before they got another round of lectures from the teachers Monday, Grim thankfully not wanting to drag them off anywhere. He was content just sat next to them while they both watched dumb videos on Magicam.
When Monday did come around, they woke up with Grim and felt that bone-deep exhaustion settle again, ignoring the ever growing darkness under their eyes as they trailed after the cat to classes. They smiled and greeted Rook and Ruggie, taking the expected lecture from Professor Crewel before receiving one from Vargas and Trein as well during the day.
Even Crowley, seemingly lazy as he was, came across them in the hall and scolded them for scaring the entire campus into a search frenzy for two days. And then he scolded them for being late to their last period when he talked through the break time in between classes.
Outwardly, they tried to act as normal as they could, smiling and taking the lectures with a serious face. On the inside, they just wanted to waste away and questioned why they came back in the first place if their presence AND absence were just causing problems for everyone else. It was definitely a feat to try and ignore the line of questioning that plagued them.
“You sure you don’t want to go to this Unbirthday Party,” Grim asked, placing his paws on his hips while Ace and Deuce had their arms crossed in front of them. In spite of having no eyebrows, he looked relatively concerned.
“It might help with some normalcy,” Ace suggested, tilting his head slightly, Deuce nodding in agreement.
“We know you said you had needed some time away, but we just don’t want you turning into some kind of shut-in,” the other man said, uncrossing his arms to put a hand to his chin in worried thought. Probably thinking of a particular upperclassman.
Syn rolled their eyes in amusement, replying dramatically, “Oh, what would I do without my Number One and Number Two?”
Snickering, they put a hand on their hip and added, “I’ll be fine! ‘Sides, I don’t think I could become a shut-in with everyone around. I didn’t realize how many people I knew until Ramshackle was flooded with y’all. I’m just a little tired from the party Kalim threw on Saturday. I’ll come to the Unbirthday party next month, kay?”
Ace, Deuce, and Grim shared a look that Syn wasn’t particularly fond of before Ace shrugged and sighed.
“Alright. Don’t want to drag you if ya don’t wanna go. Just, try to get some rest or something,” he said. “Don’t be surprised if Cater or Trey reach out to you.”
“Gotcha covered,” Syn gave the trio a small mock salute. “I’ll probably pass out the second I’m back at Ramshackle, so don’t wait up for me.”
Ace, Deuce and Grim all gave some small farewells, the most enthusiastic being Grim’s “See ya, Syn!” before they walked down the hall.
Syn kept a smile and waved until the three walked around a corner out of sight, sighing deeply and dropping their arm. Grumbling to themself under their breath, they reached up and rubbed the back of their head tiredly with the other arm, turning around with their eyes closed for a moment.
Only to exclaim in surprise when they opened their eyes and saw large red ones right in front of their face, reeling back to avoid walking into the other person with enough force that they fell on their butt.
“You’re back.”
“L-Lilia,” they yelped, their initial surprise and fear fading to tired relief as they breathed a small sigh of relief while the floating upside-down man chuckled at catching them off guard. “Do you always have to do that?”
“Khee hee. Sorry. It’s difficult to resist popping up when you always give reactions like that,” the fae twisted in the air so that he ‘stood’ the right way up before planting his feet on the ground, amused expression quickly turning to a more serious frown. “I understand that you went missing for two days?”
Syn winced at the question, standing up and shoving their hands in their pockets nervously as they replied, “Yeah, I, uh, forgot to leave a note. I’m fine, and I’m sorry for everyone having to make search parties and stuff, and making everyone worried while I was gone. It won’t happen again.”
Lilia hummed in thought for a couple seconds with dark-red eyes narrowed in contemplation, making them shift a bit at the lack of immediate response. They’d been bombarded with both chastising lectures and quick ‘I’m glad you’re okay’s, so the several seconds of silence were a bit anxiety-inducing.
“Well, at least you don’t seem to have come back harmed,” he eventually said with a smile, crossing his arms over his chest. It felt like he was holding back from saying something else, but he added, “Now the Diasomnia dorm won’t be covered in frost anymore, I hope.”
“I- Huh? Why would me being gone cause your dorm to frost,” Syn asked, blinking in confusion. They’d never stepped in Diasomnia’s halls yet.
“Oh, just some cause and effect, khee hee,” Lilia chuckled again, raising a hand to his chin with a smile more knowing than they’d like. “Malleus will be glad of your return. Expect to see him near Ramshackle during his walks at some point these next few days.”
“Mal-? Oh, right, Hornton,” Syn shook their head, completely forgetting that they’d found out the man’s real name a couple weeks ago. At this point, Hornton and Malleus were still different people in their head just out of the sheer habit. And, he’d said he was okay with them using the nickname so they hadn’t really put much effort into calling him by his real one.
The fae in front of them laughed lightly at the nickname.
“Khee hee hee. Yes, dear Hornton.”
“I mean, he’s always welcome to come over,” they said. Before they could stop themself, they smiled politely and suggested, “Grim’s gone to an Unbirthday party tonight, so I don’t know how long that’ll be. Hornton is more than welcome to come over and hang out if he’s able.”
Syn immediately froze in place with their polite smile.
Why did they just invite someone over when they were still struggling with their thoughts and emotions?! This was going to be horrible for the poor fae, but they can’t just retract it! Especially not when Lilia’s eyes widened in surprise before his face lit up, apparently very approving of the idea while they forced themself to continue smiling.
“An intriguing development,” the man smiled, red cat-like eyes closing as he happily told them, “I think Malleus will be more than willing to come over! I’m glad he’s getting along with at least one schoolmate enough to receive such an invitation.”
“I’m glad you think so highly of my invitation, I guess,” Syn replied, internally screaming.
“Why, of course! Any friend of Malleus is a friend of mine,” Lilia put his hands on his hips, the statement just making them feel more obligated to not retract their open invitation. “I shall tell him posthaste. Hopefully he hasn’t wandered far and you’ll be able to see him tonight.”
“No rush if he’s busy,” they kept up the pleasantries while really hoping he had better things to do than visiting them, Lilia disappearing in a shower of sparks similar to when Malleus would disappear at the end of their conversations with him.
Syn groaned a bit at the man’s departure, burying their face in their hands for a second while whining to themself. “God, why did I do that?”
Sighing, they resigned themself to heading back to Ramshackle, hoping beyond hope that Malleus would lose track of time or be too busy for a visit, thoroughly convinced that no one needed to deal with their tumultuous mental state right now. Hence why they declined the Unbirthday Party and had been fully prepared to just sleep when they got back to their dorm.
But, c’est la vie, whatever, all that jazz. They’ve made a commitment and now they gotta stick to it.
Walking through the winding halls down the cliff to Ramshackle, they immediately felt like they needed to clean up. It wasn’t the messiest, but it was ingrained into them to basically deep clean before known visits. Did they like that instinct? No, but it helped kick them into gear and clean after themself and Grim better than they normally would, at least. Made them feel somewhat accomplished.
Because they’d already cleaned after the party on Saturday, it didn’t take as long for the lounge at least, and they cleaned their shared room with Grim. But, the rest of the building went without a maintenance clean as they found themself almost immediately exhausted and flopped on the couch once they were satisfied.
Syn waited nervously for their supposed visitor to come, expecting a knock on the door or a flash of light somewhere to announce the arrival of the horned man. However, hours passed with neither hide nor hair from Malleus, Grim coming home to them scrolling absentmindedly through Magicam.
“I thought you said you were going to go to sleep when you got home,” the cat said, putting his paws on his hips disapprovingly as he walked into the lounge.
“Well, I was,” Syn defended themself, sitting up and placing a hand on their chest. “But then Lilia caught me off guard and, before I knew it, I was inviting Hornton over to hang out! I can’t just RETRACT that, it’s rude.”
“Hornton?” Grim’s eyes widened in brief surprise. Reaching up, he rubbed a pawpad against his forehead as he sighed. “Ugh, I guess you’re right. But, if he’s not here, I’m guessing he hasn’t shown up yet. Pretty lousy way to treat an invitation if you’re asking me.”
“I’m not asking you. Besides, he tends to wander off, so Lilia probably never even got to tell him. That or he doesn’t want to see me yet,” they replied, sitting up and stretching before standing.
“Well, you’re going to go to bed,” he huffed, paws on his hips as Syn quirked an eyebrow at him, torn between questioning him and daring him to do something to make them.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Grim said firmly despite their amused smile, tail flicking back and forth. “The last thing I need is for you to go off on another multi-day excursion because you’re not taking care of yourself.”
“Ouch,” Syn’s smile turned into a frown, feeling a pang in their chest at being reminded of recent events. They deserved it after worrying everyone for a couple days though. Sighing after a second, they reached up and rubbed the back of their neck. “I was gonna dare you to make me, but I’d rather you not set the building on fire.
“Alriiight, I’ll go to bed,” they whined, starting to walk to the stairs to head upstairs. The sound of soft pawsteps behind them on the wooden floor made them glance and see that Grim was trailing behind them up to the bedroom.
They changed into their pajamas, yawning as their body began to anticipate the potential of sleep. Turning out the light and plugging their phone in, they slipped beneath the sheets and blanket as Grim hopped up onto the bed with them. They had to resist the urge to question it, suspecting that it was to assure himself that they weren’t just going to disappear more than him being sleepy
Still, after a few minutes, Grim was snoring lightly while curled up beside them.
Syn’s body, meanwhile, decided to make them suffer in contradiction as they laid there. Exhausted, their eyelids felt heavy as though they could immediately fall asleep, yet something just refused them sleep. No position offered solace, even those that were the comfiest.
Time passed either staring at the ceiling or the walls. A couple hours of dazed exhaustion as they tried to sleep that was only broken by glancing at the clock on the wall beside the mirror to check the time in the dim light.
Eight o’clock. Nine o’clock. Ten o’clock.
Eventually they were able to sleep, but it was more of a light doze than anything that left them restless and turning every half hour to hour. Thankfully, Grim was a heavy sleeper and just muttered about tuna under his breath despite their moving around.
A distant rumble and crack caught their half-asleep attention, the brief thought of maybe some rain helping before the room lit up with lightning and there was a crash of thunder that rattled the building and destroyed any chance of peaceful sleepiness in an instant.
“M-Myah!” Grim yowled in surprise while Syn bolted upright, adrenaline rushing through them for a few seconds before starting to fade as they got over the shock of a sudden loud noise. Over the sound of a sudden downpour that was making Ramshackle feel chillier than before, they heard the sound of a single, sharp knock on the front door.
“Mrr, who the heck is at the door this late at night,” Grim grumbled, curling back up on the bed grumpily.
Syn glanced at the clock, seeing that it was after midnight and tiredly replied, “Maybe it’s Hornton? He’s the only one I can think of… I’ll go take care of it, you stay here.”
“Mmm.” the cat let out a barely audible acknowledging noise that had Syn snort slightly in amusement.
Getting out of bed, they slipped a binder on beneath their shirt real quick before padding downstairs in their socks, walking up to the front door of the foyer and opening the door to the looming figure beyond. Groggily rubbing an eye with the back of their hand, they greeted, "Hey, Hornton."
"Syn." Illuminated by lightning cracks, the horned man's face was difficult to discern. But, he'd rarely called them by their actual name and the uncommon occurrence was enough to send a shudder of adrenaline down their spine a bit. But, the sense of immediate tension lessened slightly as the downpour lightened the smallest amount.
Still, it was a bit daunting so late in the night.
"Uhh, you're probably wet from the rain, so.. come on in?"
"Rain?" The fae seemed to straighten slightly in surprise, letting out a soft 'ah' as he glanced behind him. There were a couple seconds that went by in quiet contemplation while Syn struggled to remain focused before he commented, "The rain will no longer be an issue."
"Huh?" Syn gave him a look of confusion before realizing the rain had either settled to a drizzle or stopped completely. Given that he had the capacity of instantaneously rebuilding a stadium and calling it easy, it wasn't too far off to guess he had somehow made the rain disappear. "Oh, I mean, it wasn't really an issue but, uh, thanks, I guess? Do you wanna come inside though? Ooooor go on a walk? I’m awake enough that I probably won’t be able to get to sleep for a while.”
“I’d like to ask you what happened for your absence,” Malleus said, frowning slightly. “But I didn’t realize how late it was. Lilia found me only minutes ago with your invitation when I returned to the dormitory.”
“It’s fine. Though, if we’re going to the topic of my ‘excursion’, I’d much rather walk and talk,” they sighed, not really surprised that Malleus also wanted an explanation. They slipped on their spare shoes that were beside the door and stepped out beside the man. Closing the door, they rubbed the back of their neck and said, “Feel free to lead the way. I’ll just… answer questions, I guess.”
Malleus nodded and stepped off the porch with them trailing behind, both of their footsteps the only sound in the night other than crickets. There was no more rain but the air held a cool mist from the downpour, a light fog over everything as they walked through the Ramshackle gate.
Syn decided to get a headstart on the apology.
“Sorry for worrying you and everyone,” they started, their voice feeling too loud in the quiet night. They continued a bit softer, putting their hands in their pajama pockets. “I don’t know if my explanation has circled around everywhere, but I forgot to leave a note. I didn’t mean to cause such a big scare around campus.”
A few seconds passed in silent thought from the man, Syn starting to think that fae really like just drumming up suspense and making their anxiety worse by dragging out responses.
“When I said I’d like to ask you what happened, I meant ‘why did you disappear’?” Malleus asked, neon green gaze falling on them. He was a very difficult person to read, but usually they didn’t mind since, if he didn’t want to talk to them, he could literally teleport away from the conversation. Not that he’d ever done so.
Now though, they didn’t know if he was upset or not when they glanced at him.
“I just needed some time away,” Syn replied automatically. “From the stress and stuff. I just got a bit overwhelmed, but it won’t happen again.”
He let out a brief hum.
“Was there anything specific?”
They frowned, glancing to the side up to the man’s eyes, trying to weigh potential pros and cons. Trying to see if they were too tired to explain further. Or, if they were tired enough TO explain further with lowered walls.
“Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not sure,” Syn glowered to the side as they answered him genuinely. “Everything just sort of got to me suddenly. The multiple overblots, still knowing so little about this world, being back in school life and the talk of the campus, and being eaten practically once a week. I’m surprised I lasted as long as I did without a snap sooner.”
“Eaten?” Malleus’s voice held an intense surprise that overshadowed when he’d been given the nickname ‘Hornton’. He stopped, his reaction startling the human as they also halted and looked up at him as he turned to face them. “What do you mean, Child of Man?”
“Heh?” they weren’t sure if he was joking, their mind lagging as they processed the genuine surprise and mild concern on the fae’s face. Brow furrowing a bit in confusion, they said, “Yeah, eaten… Did… Did you not know? I was called ‘Fish Food’ for weeks before I offhandedly complained to the eel twins about it.. It was flying around with all the other gossip about me.”
“When did this happen? Were you injured?” the man asked quickly and placed a hand on their shoulder, looking them over as though to check for a sign of wounds that would have long since healed if they had been harmed.
Syn was so startled by the sudden contact, the fae having never touched them before, that they instinctively took a step back at the quick change in demeanor while holding their hands up in surprise despite the black gloves covering his hands. “Woah, woah, I’m fine! I’ve never really been hurt by it… or, injured, I should say. I’ve gotten used to it.”
They didn’t mention the occasional nips or scrapes, mostly from an excitable Floyd, or the panic and mental toll at the beginning because they could see his face begin to darken rapidly as a crack of thunder sounded VERY close by with a flash of green lightning.
“Who?” Malleus didn’t yell or exclaim, the question spoken with barely restrained anger that had Syn’s hair standing up slightly. Or maybe that was the magical pressure in the air that threatened to go from merely noticeable to devastating in an instant if his restraint slipped for even a moment.
“I-I mean, does it really matter when I’m okay,” Syn asked nervously, tapping their fingers together at their shoddy attempt to relieve the tension. When he only narrowed his eyes further, they sighed and added, “I’m not gonna tell you because I FEEL like you’re so mad that you’ll pop into their dorms and kill them right now.”
“I am not mad.”
“You’re literally so angry that I can feel buzzing in my bones from electricity,” they raised an eyebrow at the very obviously pissed off fae, his pupils slitted so much that his eyes were almost only glowing irises. Cautiously, they reached a hand out and placed it on his upper arm, gently saying, “I’m fine, Hornton…. Although, I’m very surprised and touched by your reaction.”
Malleus stiffened at their touch and they worried they’d crossed some sort of unspoken line. But, he relaxed after a couple moments, dark expression fading as he closed his eyes and inhaled. “Of course. You’re important to me.”
Relieved to have dodged a very angry fae, Syn was entirely caught off guard by his comment, unable to keep themself from bursting out into laughter after several seconds of startled staring. They didn’t mean to but their laughter rang out sharp and clear, nearby crickets going silent at the sudden loud noise nearby that ruined their singing. Laughing so much, they had to double over with their arms to their stomach.
God, it’d been awhile since they’d laughed that hard.
“Did I… say something amusing?” Malleus asked as their laughter petered out into giggles.
“Hehehe…” Syn straightened with a hand covering their mouth, abdomen and cheeks hurting. Struggling to regain their breath, they replied, “S-Sorry- heheheha! I just… hehe, wasn’t expecting that. Kkh. Hehehaha!”
They spent another few seconds reining in the remnants of their laughter, part of them wanting to relish the happiness that came with laughing that chased away the other negative emotions. Eventually they cleared their throat and hummed a bit, looking up at Malleus and finally giving him a proper response.
“I didn’t mean to metaphorically laugh in your face,” they said, giving him an apologetic smile at his continued confusion. It turned a bit more melancholic as they continued. “I just… well, one of the reasons I left was because I didn’t really expect anyone to mind if I was gone so it felt like I wasn’t harming anybody. I meant to leave a note, but I also didn’t think anyone would be alarmed if I up and vanished one day either given how many times I’ve almost died. It’s.. surprising.”
Malleus stared at them for a few seconds, seemingly a bit alarmed before a serious expression settled on his face. Almost angrily, he spoke from the chest as he firmly stated, “You’re my friend.”
Syn’s smile became a bit more nervous at the almost forceful declaration, going, “I don’t like how you said that. You said it with a-.”
They were alarmed when the fae stepped closer and grabbed their arm, preventing them from backing away instinctively as he said a bit louder, “You’re my friend.”
“Why are you yelling at me ‘you’re my friend’-?”
“You’re my friend,” Malleus exclaimed, practically forehead to forehead with them, his hair drifting in front of their face as he stared intently into their eyes.
“Oh, god!” Syn yelped, thrown entirely for a loop. Not only was this the most contact the two of them have had, but also the most forceful and expressive the man has been in their presence, usually a cool, collected, stoic yet smug guy that seemed like nothing could really irk him. Even his enthusiastic gargoyle talks didn’t surprise them this much.
And then he pulled back as though the whole thing had never happened, a pace away and out of their space.
“I was concerned when you disappeared,” Malleus said adamantly, the closest to pouting they’d ever seen him as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Syn blinked, struggling to process the last several seconds with their tired brain, slowly replying, “I- uh, appreciate it. Y-you’re my friend, too…. If it’s any consolation, I’m never gonna leave like that again.”
He narrowed his eyes at them slightly in suspicion before sighing slightly. “Good. I’d prefer it if you stay safe and out of trouble.”
“Tch. Good luck with that in this school,” they couldn’t help but scoff slightly, not looking forward to waking up in mere hours for classes. The thought made them groan a bit. “Ugh, I wish I could sleep in class like Leona can.”
“If it’s too late in the night, I can escort you back to Ramshackle so you can rest,” Malleus offered, as though he wouldn’t walk with them to the gate anyways.
Syn sighed a bit at his suggestion and rubbed the back of their neck.
“I mean, I probably should head back. I don’t think I’ll be going to sleep anytime soon though… oh well,” they shrugged, starting to head back in the direction the duo had come from towards Ramshackle. Despite knowing they wouldn’t be getting much sleep, the thought of it did cause them to yawn and they stretched their arms out in front of them as they walked.
“Do you struggle with sleep, Child of Man,” Malleus asked in curiosity as he easily matched their tired stride. Whatever tension the duo had started the stroll with was mostly dissipated. “I’m used to Silver, who struggles with wakefulness.”
“Always have,” Syn replied, kicking a rock absentmindedly. “It takes a while for me to fall asleep and very easy for me to be roused when I’m just starting to doze. I sleep like a rock when I am out, but I also wake up every half hour to an hour for some fucking reason. And not even taking THAT or tossing and turning into account, my dreams are rather active, so sometimes I’ll wake up more tired.”
“What do you dream?”
“Well, depends on the night. Sometimes I’m being chased, sometimes someone’s breaking into whatever home my mind conjures up. On the uncommon occasion, I’ll kill someone in my dreams. In self-defense, of course,” they hurriedly added, just in case, and sighed sheepishly. “People that break into my home or someone that tries to assault me kind of deal… On the rarer occasion, I’ll die.”
“ … That sounds. Unpleasant,” the fae commented quietly, surprising them. Then again, fae probably didn’t think about mortality as much.
“I mean, unless I’m waking up in a cold sweat, I don’t really worry about it. There’s really only one instance that gets me, and that’s when I had my neck slit by a box-cutter, ran to the parking lot of the building in my dream and felt myself slowly getting colder… But, it’s fine!”
Syn gave Malleus a reassuring smile, one that wasn’t very reciprocated.
He, instead, looked mildly concerned and a bit curious as he stared at them for a second or two before inquiring, “Do humans usually dream of death?”
“Uh, probably not everyone, but I’m sure it’s a decent chunk. My dreams don’t really bother ME, per se, I just wake up more tired,” they shrugged, having accepted it. A yawn escaped them. “Besides, even if I get a full night of sleep somehow, I’m still exhausted the next day, so not really a point in fussing over it, you know? Do you dream, Hornton?”
“Sometimes. Though, with the years I’ve spent alive, all my dreams tend to blur together vaguely most of the time,” Malleus closed his eyes in thought, raising a hand to his chin. “I have a couple notable ones.”
Syn expected him to recall some dream he wanted to tell them or maybe even start another topic, waiting patiently as they continued walking and yawning a bit. But, one second turned into several and felt more awkward than anything.
“I can help.”
“Huh?” they blinked in surprise at the sudden small statement, looking to the side at him. “Help? Help with what?”
“Your sleep,” Malleus answered, both of them reaching the Ramshackle gate and stopping. They turned to face him and crossed their arms over his chest, tilting their head curiously as he added, “I can enchant your sleep so you may rest easy without interruption for the night.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do anything like that,” Syn said, smiling as they waved him off. Even though it was probably just a drop in the bucket of magical capability he had, they didn’t want to take advantage of it. “I’ve lasted this long just fine.”
“Think of it as a gift in return for your invitation,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest with a small smile of his own. “I worry for your sleep given that I understand humans need plenty for their well-being.”
“No- I-,” they struggled on how to respond. On one hand, they really didn’t want him wasting his magic on them. On the other hand, they were raised that denying gifts was a rude thing to do and felt like fae had similar customs. Maybe they could sweet-talk their way out of accepting? “Really, you don’t have to. Your company alone is gift enough. I don’t want you to think you have to give me things or do favors in return for just hanging out. We’re friends after all.”
Malleus blinked a bit in surprise at their response, seemingly caught off guard. Likely, not many people had called him a ‘friend’. He seemed almost torn and Syn thought that maybe he was caught off guard enough to not press about his gift, but instead an almost mischievous smile grew on his face.
“Indeed. We ARE friends,” he mused, raising a hand to his chin thoughtfully.
“Uh, yeah,” Syn said slowly, having a feeling that this was going to backfire in some way. “We’re friends… What are you thinking?”
“Well, Child of Man,” Malleus shifted closer to them, making them a bit nervous. It wasn’t until their hip hit the metal of the fence around Ramshackle that they realized he placed himself between them and the gate. “I’m thinking that, as your friend, I must INSIST that you allow me to help you regain lost sleep and energy.”
“Hornton, you really don’t have to do that,” they insisted their own side, “I don’t want you being bothered by me or anything.”
“I don’t have to, but I’d like to. Besides, I’ve grown curious during our walk,” he replied, leaning down to be more towards their level and inhaled before exhaling a green-tinged burst of smoke that hit them square in the face.
“Hornton!” Syn coughed instinctively as the smoke entered their lungs, trying to wave it from their face as they did so. When the smoke cleared enough for them to see, they stiffened at the sight of being only inches tall. Again. Inhaling sharply, they couldn’t help but exclaim, “God, fucking- really?! I’m too tired for this shit.”
“Then let me offer my assistance,” Malleus’s voice from above didn’t surprise them and the man knelt down beside them, deftly scooping them up off the cobblestone path with a hand.
Given the amount of times they’d been scooped up, plucked up and dangled, they just averted their gaze from the drop below to avoid their fear of heights and focused on the face of the man that shrunk them with a light glower, holding onto the fabric of his gloves. Arguably, he had the gentlest hold so far. That still didn’t stop their heart from quickening in their chest.
“Let me guess,” Syn said as he straightened to his full height and held them up to see. “You’re curious about eating me.”
“My, am I that easy to read, Child of Man? Or, have you perhaps endured more than I thought?” a brief flicker of the earlier anger drifted over his face for a moment before it was replaced by amusement. “Regardless, your boldness even in your position is fascinating given all the potential danger.”
“I mean, I haven't really been hurt while being eaten yet, so I’m sure I’m safe with you,” they replied, thinking that if they could survive Floyd, that this would be fine. A walk in the park even.
This close and this small, they could see his pupils dilate a little at their response like Leona’s did sometimes. Though, while the lion’s was almost strictly predatory, Malleus’s gaze held something else that they couldn’t decipher in their tired state coupled WITH predatory intent.
“I see… in that case, allow me to continue,” Malleus hummed slightly, raising his other hand and tapping the top of their head with a finger that crackled with green magic, sending a sharp shudder down their spine.
“Ouugh, what was that,” they asked, sticking their tongue in distaste at the somewhat unfamiliar and powerful feeling. They couldn’t help but hold a hand to their chest as it settled into their bones. It wasn’t unpleasant, more of an internal warmth, but it was still unexpected in the moment.
“A simple protection spell. Though, you’ll find it more potent than the classic potion that goes around,” he said, smirking smugly. They felt like he enjoyed showing off sometimes, but the only time they’d seen him use magic before was the stadium.
“Makes sense then,” Syn murmured, guessing that meant he didn’t possess a secondary stomach like their infamous Octavinelle trio. Their heart skipped a beat when the fingers around them twitched ever so slightly, probably imperceptible even to the fae as he lifted them slightly higher and opened his mouth to speak.
But, despite being far more used to this than anyone else, they still couldn’t help but stop him and try to stall, saying, “W-Wait! Shouldn’t we at least let Grim know? I don’t want him to worry that I’d run off again.”
Malleus paused and blinked in surprise, raising his other hand to his chin in thought.
“I suppose that’s a valid concern given recent events,” he commented, glancing towards Ramshackle before turning his gaze back on them with a small knowing smile. “I’ll inform him afterwards. For now, don’t think that dragging this out further will somehow get you out of this.”
They let out a small yelp when they were brought a bit closer to his face. More specifically, his mouth.
“Hehe… am I that easy to read,” Syn asked nervously, rubbing the back of their neck. Their reaction was just his smile turning into a full smirk. They sighed. “Yeah, that tracks.”
The fae chuckled, pointed fangs showing for a moment in his amusement.
“You’ll have to forgive me if I’m a bit enthusiastic,” Malleus hummed, a glimpse of his tongue swiping across his lips in anticipation catching them off guard. “I don’t think I’ve indulged in a delight like this for decades even if this is considered for your wellbeing.”
Opening his jaws and tilting his head back, he lifted them above his face.
White pointed fangs framed the inside of his mouth as he began to lower them, a forked tongue snaking over his bottom teeth for them to be placed on. Warm, humidity began to dampen the fabric of their pajama pants around the ankles before their feet pressed into the squishy but firm surface of his tongue as more of their weight was placed on top.
Cursing idly under their breath, Syn found themself placed atop the muscle within seconds, letting out a small noise when the two ends of his forked tongue curled over their shoulders and they were quickly drawn inside of his jaws once his fingers let go.
It was definitely a lot warmer than they were used to, but the feeling of saliva immediately drenching their clothes and hair was familiar. They tried not to think about how tasty they must be to have so much of the student body practically drooling over them so much and shifted idly.
Their movements were responded to by the tongue starting to roll them around his mouth as he began tasting them, savoring whatever flavor he could procure from their exposed skin as tastebuds pressed against them. So used to this unorthodox procedure, Syn only pressed back if things were getting a little too restricting while grumbling tiredly. But he was also probably the gentlest at this part as well, surprisingly so, as though each prod or twist would cause them to crumble in his mouth like some delicate confectionery. Still, everything was almost tense like he was very much holding back as well.
The most surprising part, however, was an unexpected rumble that seemed to emanate from the back of his maw.
“What the fuck,” they asked themself, wondering if it was a growl like Leona would emit if he ate them while particularly pissed off. But, no. They realized after a few seconds of tired confusion that he was PURRING, of all things.
Or, at least, that’s the closest thing they could equate it to.
And given all their experiences coupled with the fact that the only things they’d been around that purred were fluffy, huggable cats - sans a usually grumpy Leona who apparently CHUFFED and not purred when they asked him about it - they thought this was the most fucking adorable thing to happen whilst being eaten in their increasingly exhausted state.
So tired, surprised, and startlingly endeared, Syn didn’t realize he had stopped tasting them until the tongue beneath them pressed up for a moment and they found themself swallowed.
Yelping on instinct, they were drawn down his throat, the rumbling getting louder. A light pressure followed them until they slipped past his collarbone, notable by the increased constriction and thundering heartbeat that rivaled strong breaths from powerful lungs.
Purring, heartbeat and breathing faded slightly in the couple seconds it took for them to slip into what they would only guess was his stomach.
“Are you well, Child of Man?” Malleus asked from above, the purring lessening with the concern in his voice. “You were far more still than I expected...”
“Y-Yeah, ‘m fine,” Syn called back up, untangling themself from the bottom of the organ to settle against the stomach wall. They couldn’t help but rub an eye sleepily, feeling like the purring was definitely part of the cause. “Just tired and used to this is all… were you actually PURRING?”
They felt everything around them jolt slightly, surprising them along with a startlingly hesitant question. “I-... Yes, I was. Is that not acceptable in this situation?”
“No, no, you’re fine,” they quickly said, raising their hands despite the man not even being able to see the attempt of a placating gesture. A tiredly amused and mischievous smile wormed its way on their face, adding, “It’s cute! Not even Leona can purr apparently.”
“Kingscholar?” Malleus asked before everything fell into a brief silence that made Syn question if mentioning the lion had hit some sort of sore spot. But, the purring started back up as he said with a surprising amount of smugness. “I see… In that case, I’m glad you’re not bothered by it.”
“Not at all,” Syn replied, though they didn’t tell him that it was helping either. The last thing they needed was to give him reason to eat them again. Crossing their arms over their chest, they reminded him, “Don’t forget to let Grim know about this, okay? You don’t have to say you ate me, you can just say I’m spending the night or whatever.”
“I’ve not forgotten,” he chuckled, everything moving slightly as he presumably began to walk again. “I must ensure your sleep however, so please, listen.”
“Wait, you EATING me wasn’t the whole thing to get me to sleep?”
“No,” Malleus purred louder for a moment, amusement dripping from the one word alone. “It was merely to ensure you wouldn’t try to resist or run away. As much as your fearlessness and tenacity are endearing, it’s not ideal when you refuse my assistance.”
“Ugh, of course,” Syn groaned a bit, crossing their arms over their chest and leaning back into the stomach wall with a slight huff. “I mean, fair, but c’mon man.”
They were met with a purr-laced chuckle before he said once more, “Please, Child of Man, listen.”
“Listening,” they replied grumpily, wondering what he was going to say.
But, he said nothing.
Instead, the purring petered out and he cleared his throat before beginning to hum out a tune. A lullaby from the sound of it. It was a pleasant surprise, the song unable to be escaped from within the man humming it.
“Huh.” Syn found themself tilting their head slightly, finding the tune even more effective at taking hold of the grogginess at the edges of their mind. Before they knew it, they found their eyes struggling to remain open as their body relaxed into the curvature of the shifting wall they laid against.
With the sluggish thought that they should take advantage of the hours until class time, they allowed sleep to overtake them, slipping into dark warmth. Both within and without.
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cr0g-0 · 2 years
Hi everyone here is the second installment in the Prank au! Im sorry that mcyt g/t content has been seemingly placed to the side, i just find myself getting into other things more. I can assure you all that I will be posting a few fics in mcyt g/t but not a lot. so enjoy the prank au! Picks up from the end of the last fic so read that first! under the prank au tag tw- Dehumanization, Angst, Implied hard vore(NONE HAPPENS), arguments, implied vore
word count- 2296
A Great Divide Between You and Me (When Did you become so cruel?) [II]
The trip downstairs was as comfortable as it could get while, ya know…being in a slimy gut. Sure it was squishy and that provided a nice barrier to get slung around in but it was still nasty. 
He wrung out his tail before leaning up against the stomach wall, listening to Tommy’s breathing and voice as he spoke so casually to his family. He closed his eyes, imagining the scene that was before Tommy. 
His brother, lounging casually and reading some book about Greek mythology and drinking some of the caffeine that Techno almost always desperately needed.
Phil was probably doing a little dusting, making sure to be careful as he cleaned the living room up as to make sure he wasn’t lurking around anywhere he could get hurt. Phil always did make sure he was careful of not scaring him and it had been what-a total of three years and he still made sure to be as courteous and kind as he had the first time they had a conversation.
Those thoughts kept him grounded and feeling relatively safe for all of a few minutes. If he had been counting he was sure it would fall below the five minute mark.
He heard muffled shouts but Tommy’s were definitely the loudest since he was inside the teenager…
The words that Tommy were saying felt…felt wrong? Tommy had never said things before and yeah, he knew this whole thing was a prank and none of it was true but…
But the words stung…more like a wasp sting than a bee sting…
What Tommy was saying made him feel uncomfortable and unsafe and he felt like he was near those wasps like when he was a kid. 
He felt…
He squirmed around in the stomach, suddenly feeling so very unsafe and uncomfortable inside of the stomach. 
When the muffled shouts got louder and seemingly more angry everything seemed to go so fast as he was tossed around the slimy and plush walls, letting out a surprised yelp.
What in primes name was happening?
Wilbur nearly screamed as the mush of cereal entered the stomach with him and he cringed. He thought Tommy wasn’t going to eat with him inside! 
He pushed away some of the food before hearing a loud belch come from above and he shuddered. He was ok! Tommy wasn’t going to kill him…this was just a joke…
He took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. Alright. This was alright he was alright. 
He vaguely heard a bowl slam into the table, the spoon clattering. Then shouts and more loud noises that were thankfully muffled. 
“You know what fuck you Techno! I was doing you a favor!! You are making too big a deal about this!”
Tommy shrieked loudly and Wilbur covered his ears, whimpering a little before shoving the walls. “T-Tommy please quiet down an-and-“ Wilbur was cut off as he was thrown back and around.
“Don’t you shove me prick-It’s too late. The pest is gone.”
His blood turned to ice and his stomach churned. He felt sick and his mind yelled but he forced any thoughts away.
Tommy didn’t mean any of that shit he was just doing his act that was all. Techno should understand this was a prank. 
Wilbur tried to get back to his feet and stabilize himself but he was once again tossed forward, crashing uncomfortably into another one of the fleshy walls in his…in his (Prison) temporary home-
His hands pressed down on the plush walls and he gagged a little cringing at the slime that coated his hands and he pushed away. Prime this place was disgusting he couldn’t wait to be let out.
Over all the commotion and barely hearing a lick of context he finally-finally heard another voice that managed to reach his ears.
A voice he had come to love.
A voice that comforted him and soothed him when he got scared or when he had a nightmare.
A voice he started calling and associating as “Dad” just last year.
“BOYS-stop fighting right now!”
Phil glared at both of the arguging teenagers with venom, eyes glistening with fresh tears while he cheeks had tear tracks running down them.
Techno and Tommy immediately stopped …surprisingly…and stood straighter, looking at there father with a bare minimum of shame.
“I do not want either of you near or even in the same house as each other till tonight. Do you both understand me?” 
He asked, anger seeping into his tone but Tommy could tell that none of it was directed at Techno. 
All of it was directed at him.
The shorter blond crossed his arms, making sure to squeeze a little around his stomach just to get on Techno’s nerves further. He was a tad shocked when he heard a pathetic sounding yelp from his stomach but rolled his eyes. 
Whatever, he needed to focus on making sure no one knew the borrower was still alive. It’d ruin everything if it kept moving and making noises like that. Thankfully no one heard it as his arms seemed to muffled it along with his clothes.
“Tommy, go grab a bag and leave my house until dinner. Do I make myself perfectly clear?” Phil asked. His voice was cold though Tommy didn’t miss the way it cracked.
Out of the corner of Tommy’s vision he could see Techno already curling his hands back into fists and he made sure to squeeze a little more. Techno’s hands tightened, knuckles turning white. Tommy ignored him before nodding at his father. 
“Oh believe me I wouldn’t dream of coming back till dinner tonight. Means I can go hang out with my friends and shit.” He grinned, proving to his family even further he hadn’t cared about the borrower. All as planned. 
He smirked, walking quickly past Techno who stomped after him, only being stopped by Phil who stopped him. He whispered something into his ear and that seemed to diffuse Techno a little.
He looked defeated.
He went to the charging station, grabbing his phone off the charger and his bag. “Alright! I’ll be off! Don’t miss me too much~!” He giggled before opening the door.
He waved, got nothing back and then exited out of the house, a much more sinister smile forming on his face. Oh this would be fun…
This was fucking scaring him now. This was no longer Fucking funny. 
Wilbur tried to keep himself stable inside the stomach, hearing his brother’s somehow off putting giggle. He…He really wasn’t liking it anymore…
The pouch he was stuck in swung side to side gently and he couldn’t help but cringe a little at some of the food Tommy had put in the fleshy pouch with him. He…He must have put it in there cause he briefly forgot Wilbur was there! Yeah-that was it.He fidgeted with his hands. He kind of wanted to stretch himself out a little more. The storage was comfortable for the most part, even if he hated the warmth and slime and mostly everything about the spongy area it wasn’t awful!...He just wanted to stretch.No other reason.Definitely not because he wanted to talk to Tommy and maybe get a moment to ask and confirm, though he wasn’t sure why he needed to do that! It was obvious Tommy was playing around…but still, just in case he wanted to ask if he was really joking.He’d rather be safer than sorry after all.
Tommy walked through the neighborhood, pulling out his phone and dialing Tubbo’s number, still smiling like a child who had just been given all the candy ever.
The phone rang a few times. Then, at long last, when Tommy was ready to leave a voicemail, he picked up.
“Hey Tommy how are you today? What are you and Wil up to?” He asked. Tommy smirked, patting his stomach. “I’m great! Me and Wil aren’t doing annnny antics today. As a matter of fact, he’s comfortable. Got him a new permanent room and he’s settling in very, very well. What are you and Boo up to aside setting up for your pranks tomorrow?”
Ranboo and Tubbo did april fools a little differently than Tommy and Wilbur did. While Wilbur and him did a prank on the day of and involved every single person, Tubbo and Ranboo only did pranks the day after and only with each other.
Tubbo’s huff was heard through the speaker as he dropped his voice to a whisper. “Well-“ he started “I don’t think we’re doing pranks because Ranboo is gonna be busy all day. He’s working with Niki at the bakery and he won’t have any time to prepare and I’d feel really bad if I pranked him and he couldn’t prank me back.”
Tommy continued his walk, humming along to Tubbo’s words as he kept on the cracked sidewalk to his next location. The reason he wasn’t going to Tubbo’s and Ranboo’s place was because they lived a little too far away to walk to. 
He glanced around the area, pausing for just a moment as his stomach growled loudly and he pat it again. He should get something to eat and soon. He was starving.
That borrower and cereal didn’t fill him up at all. He swore that because the borrower tasted so good it should have filled him up more but oh well-he could always find another borrower.
Maybe Bad wouldn’t mind if he had just a small taste of Sk-
No. What was he thinking-Skeppy was his friend! He couldn’t even try a taste of someone else's borrower-that would be horribly rude.
“Dude, that sucks. Think you two and Niki’ll be able to come to dinner tonight though? Wilbur really wants everyone to be there for our prank. It’s going to definitely make the dinner muuuuch better.” He cackled a little. This was gonna be fucking great. If he got those three there, then the prank was going to be looooads better.
Niki and Wilbur went way back. They had started out slightly rocky, Wilbur was of course nervous during the second year when they had done that forgetting prank but Niki had been kind and went slow.
Ranboo and Tubbo had met Wilbur the same day and he had relaxed so much when Ranboo was somehow more nervous and delicate than anyone had previously thought possible.
Tubbo had been extremely polite and the chaotic energy the two shared gave Phil and Ranboo around one or two heart attacks. It had been incredibly funny until Niki and Techno had attempted to tackle Tubbo his attempt to put Wilbur on the highest shelf in the kitchen.
A shuffling noise could be heard over the speaker, shaking him from his memories. Tubbo sounded like he was searching for something around him. Papers ruffled and dishes clattered. He must be in his office or something like that.
 “I’m sure we can be there! I know Wilbur doesn’t get to see boo and me all too often and I know he misses Niki’s baking so I’ll see if they can make a cake for him! I mean-they probably won’t wanna miss tonight anyway since this is the anniversary of them all meeting.”
Tubbo prattled on and on but Tommy wasn’t listening anymore. He must be talking about whatever Ranboo and Niki were baking or supposed to be baking today. That shit didn’t matter though. The important information had already been shared.
It was Niki, Ranboo and Tubbo’s anniversary of meeting Wilbur.
Wilbur, who they saw as a friend.
As a person. Not a snack.
That was the best, most exciting news he heard all day.
Wilbur was…he felt awful and scared and he felt more uncomfortable each word and step his…
The brunet shook his head a little, the stomach gurgling and pressing in on him much to his discomfort. 
“T-Tommy…? Can you please let me out?” He let out in a weak voice, pushing at the walls to try and get more space before he felt a hand on the outside of his hell pat at where he was situated, his smugness practically emanating from his surroundings and from Tommy’s voice.
Why the hell was Tommy being like this!? Of course it was a prank and it was supposed to be like Tommy was a dickhead who hated him, sure but…
But if that was the case then why the fuck was this feeling so real? He hated that it felt so fucking real and he felt like it wasn’t an act.
He suddenly felt sick to his stomach at the thought of it not being an act. That it was actually real. Three years of bonding and brotherly friendship thrown in the trash so Tommy could have nothing but a quick snack.
Fresh tears flooded his vision as his mind began to blur and fuzz up everything as it all suddenly sunk in again.
Tommy didn’t care about him. He just liked the idea of what he could do with him. Of what he was doing with him right now.
What if it was the same with Techno? And-And Phil? What if everyone hated him? Wanted to do what Tommy had beaten them to doing?!
Oh prime oh prime oh prime he was a goner-
He began hyperventilating, trying to stabilize himself in the stomach that was perfectly content making him more distressed.
His ears only caught one last thing that made his blood curdle and his body freeze.
“Alright see you tonight Tub’s! I gotta go though I just got to Dream’s place.”
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
When he says it, It's for a reason pt 7
Woo! I already edited it :D
I just didn't like how I wrote the final part so I changed it :]
TW: Safe/soft vore, fearplay, accidental fearplay, intentional fearplay, fear of dying, death mention (doesn't happen) unsafe vore mention (I think that's all)
Everything had been perfectly fine, Sapnap was swimming calmly on his own, until he was roughly grabbed by the waist and lifted many meters into the air.
He let out a yelp, seeing the height at which he was at that moment, clinging against his will to what was grabbing him for fear that he might fall. If he fell into the water from a lower height, he wouldn't be afraid of falling, but at this height, he could kill himself if he did.
He could hear the others yelling in concern for him. He heard a rather sadistic laugh, making him look up, directly at his captor. He froze, his eyes widening as he saw that his captor was a pelican hybrid, who was staring at him with a razor-sharp white-toothed grin.
"I think that I was so lucky that you got away from the group, now I can have an appetizer since you're not much but at least you'll take away my hunger for a while."
Sapnap began to shake, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. “N-No…! Please..!" The pelican just taunted him and began to lift him up overhead but was stopped by another pelican hybrid that suddenly appeared. “What the fuck!? Let me eat in peace!" The newcomer just shook his head. "Let go of the mer, it's a sensitive being like us, you can't eat him."
The pelican holding Sapnap raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah..? And who says it... You...?" He let out a laugh. “We all know you, loser. Don't play tough for wanting to save a minor life like this." he continued, laughing at the other pelican.
Sapnap frantically looked at both of them, not paying attention to what they were saying, 'It was just a pelican and now I have to deal with two..???! I'm not going to get out of this alive…'
Suddenly, Sapnap was thrown upward when the pelican that had just arrived pushed the one who was holding him, leaving him stunned for a few moments, which he took advantage of to open his mouth wide looking up to catch the little mer.
Sapnap let out a cry as he slammed into the pelican's soft tongue, slithering down to his throat. "No no no no…! W-Wait!” he pleaded to the pelican, but the pelican simply ignored him and swallowed. He closed his eyes hoping it would pass quickly, when he didn't go down his throat.
Instead he found himself in a fairly spacious space, not as spacious as his father's storage but spacious. Could it be that the pelican was having him in his neck pouch? It might be a possibility since even going down to the storage stomach took a few more seconds. He wanted to relax but he couldn't, he didn't know what this pelican was planning to do to him next.
"Who do you think you are to take away my aperitif??!!” The other hybrid yelled at him, but Punz didn't answer. He wouldn't answer to someone like him but in this case it was so as not to hurt the ears of the tiny mer that was in his pouch.
The hybrid got tired of yelling at him and pushed him one last time with a growl before flying away. Punz released a soft sigh he didn't know he was holding and began to descend as he pushed the mer out of his pouch.
Once he was close to the water he placed the mer gently in it, letting him go. But as he released the mer, a hand much larger than himself grabbed him, squeezing his arms to his sides and his wings folded painfully against his back. "H-Hey...!"
He gasped as they lifted him up to face a giant face, which looked quite angry… "You... Tried to eat my son... I'm not going to let this pass..." he said without further ado, before bringing him closer to his mouth, which began to open.
Punz began to kick, afraid of what was going to happen to him. “W-Wait..! T-This is a m-misunderstood..!” The giant mer ignored him, shoving the hybrid into his mouth, his head and shoulders being all that was still out of it.
"I swear! I was not going to eat him! Please let me go!" He tried to reason with the mer, but to no avail as he was finally pushed completely into his mouth by the mer's large gray bright tongue.
He tried to beg the mer to let him go but the mer simply tilted his head back and swallowed him, sending the pelican down his throat. Once he entered a soft, open space, he assumed it was the stomach of the mer. He let out a sob, pressing his back against the soft walls, his wings quivering frantically with fear, frightened chirps coming from his throat.
Once Bad swallowed the pelican, he moved a little closer to shore, resting his arms on the sand as he placed his head on them. “Bad, are you sure it's a good idea to put him through that? I know that when he swallowed Sapnap you got upset and I assure you that I did too, but it could be resolved by talking, I don't think it was necessary to go that far..." Quackity told him as he approached the mer, Karl following from behind while holding the orange mer.
"I guess...But still, I'll be keeping him in there for a while..." he replied in a serious tone. “Just put yourself in his place for a moment, Bad… If the roles were reversed and you were the one in his situation, what you have done would seem fair to you or in what would be the reverse situation…, what he would have done to you?” George questioned, holding Dream gently.
Bad thought about it for a moment, now being able to hear the frightened chirps of the hybrid, he sighed, knowing that they were right. "Okay, I'll get him out of there..."
He couldn't help but see the smiles on his two sons faces as he said he would get the hybrid out of his storage stomach. ‘Did he really go very far with what he thought would be a short or insignificant punishment?’ Apparently he did…
In no time, the pelican was back up in his throat and into his mouth. He could feel his wings shakily rub against the roof of his mouth. He finally opened his mouth, inserting a couple of fingers to pull the hybrid out of it, but he began to squirm once he was out of his mouth.
He sighed again, placing the pelican on the sand shrinking back to his normal height. The pelican just sat there, shaking and tears streaming down his face, while his wings tried to keep him out of sight.
That was when he saw him better. He noticed his wings, he had seen many pelican hybrids before and knew very well that their wings were beautiful, but this pelican's… were in a terrible state, as if they hadn't had a chance to grow properly… “Hey…”
The pelican flinched as Bad spoke to him, but slowly spread one of his wings to look at the mer which was now his own size. "Look.. Uh.. I'm sorry, I went a bit too far... I promise I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just a little upset by the fact that you swallowed my son…" "I-I guess it's alright…” he replied, carefully pulling both wings away from him.
"What's your name? My name is Bad, the green mer is my son Dream, the one holding him is George, the mer you saved is Sapnap, the human holding him is Karl, and the black-haired one is Quackity.” "And I'm Skeppy!" He continued a light blue mer, leaning on Bad's arm.
"Uh... My name is Punz..." he said quietly. “Would you like to stay with us for a while?” Sapnap asked cheerfully. Punz hesitated for a moment “Uh.. I don't know…” “Come on, it will be fun!” Dream commented as he hugged one of George's fingers with a smile.
“I guess…” Punz replied as he sighed slowly. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I thought. Maybe everything will be fine...
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slimy-vore-bog · 1 year
tbh allowing minors to engage with voreposting enables grooming even if it isn't overtly sexual
I don't agree with that wording
I keep going back and forth with myself on what to think of this whole situation in terms of how much of it was me making it easier for them to hide is the thing I'm worried about
And as someone who was a minor while in the vore community for many years I never experienced anything negative myself (just so that you don't think I only view the whole community as unsafe now, because I don't believe that)
I also want to say that, either way I decide, my blog will still be up, because I want to keep my voice, hopefully recognizable name and the ability expose any behavior like this
But here's why I disagree with the wording: you're putting the responsibility to stay safe on the minor (victim) and that is unacceptable. The adult should always be held responsible for their actions fully, because they were the ones who took advantage of a minor's innocence (or even in other cases simply their trust that the adult wouldn't be hurting them)
It's a form of victim blaming and I will not allow that here; none of what happened to the victim was their fault for what happened and I WILL not change my mind on that
Being a victim of this will NEVER be the victim's fault no matter what
TW: mentions of sexual assault on/violence against minors and adults
It's like the digital version of "Well... you shouldn't go out at night then, if you don't want bad things to happen" The bad person on the street should have never even CONSIDERED hurting the person in this situation
If a kid happened to sneak into a place they shouldn't and got sexually assaulted (which you can I suppose compare this to a minor getting into an adult club in the worst scenario) You blame the adult that did the action, not the kid who snuck in
I know you might not think that's what you said, but it's implied in the fact that you focus on the victim rather than the groomer's actions in your message
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whitchygaythem · 2 years
A walk at night goes a bit sour
(Aka, my contribution to angsty vorblr)
Tw: violence, creepiness and hard vore (NO ONE DIES)
Darcy strolled down the street, past all the crowded storefronts, shaking her afro’s bang out of her eyes. She had a late shift at the fancy restaurant she worked at, and had finally got off. She was tired, and couldn't wait to get home, into her comfy clothes. Her workplace’s uniform was a knee length black dress and uncomfortable heels. She’d get to her apartment, probably hang out with her roommate Em. Em was Japanese, and knew what it felt like to live as a woman of color in this city. Em was also a predator, but she never made Darcy feel unsafe or like she was in danger, unlike her coworker Nico, who kept making jokes about eating her and some of the other prey workers. He also kept taking the same shifts as her, and once tried to follow her home. But soon she'd be far away from all of that, at home, with Em. The bright advertisements distracted her.
 A tall person appeared to her right and tripped her, causing her to fall backwards, her head hitting the sidewalk. Her vision blurred as she was dragged off the sidewalk into a back alley. She was thrown into a brick wall, surrounded by tall menacing figures. 
“I got yall a little snack, but you'll have to agree on who gets fed, or share her.” a lanky man let go of the back of her dress and stepped back, leaving the two larger figures. The shorter one lifted their hood
“Thanks Oyaji” Nico stepped forwards and crouched down in front of Darcy. He grabbed her face. “This ones been taunting me for so long, i cant wait-” he stopped himself to yank darcy’s head down and smell her hair. She ripped her face from his grip, only to be grabbed again, rougher this time. Nico leaned in close to her cheek and licked her face. He threw her face aside, laughing. “But I know someone who’d enjoy her even more than me.” he turned to the taller figure. “Happy early birthday Imouto, ah sorry, Emiki” Nico smiled at the taller pred. “Cant call you little sister if your taller! Eat up Emi!” the figure slunk forwards, removed their ho-
It was Em.
Em. in all her glory. 
“No, no it can't be you! Em, please!” When had Darcy's hands been bound? She was still dizzy, still dazed.  Em stepped forwards, stoic, unfeeling. She grabbed Darcy by the arm and hoisted her into the air, had she always been so tall? Darcy stared into her eyes, green meeting cold, cold black. 
“Well little sister? Dig in! She's my present to you, and trust me, she’s delicious” Em stared.
“Em, em no, please... don't” their moving in pizza party, movie binges, Em’s birthday, all of it. They were both happy then, why couldn't it stay like that?
“Just getting one last look Oniisan” Em stretched her jaw open, bigger and bigger until Darcy heard a wet pop. Em had promised she wouldn't dislocate her jaw like that since she nearly gave Darcy a heart attack with a prank last year. That promise was forgotten now. Darcy squeezed her eyes shut. she was going to die. At the hands of one of the only predators she trusted. She was dropped into Em’s greedy mouth, gone gone gone. 
Time acts strangely when you have a panic attack. All the noises were a blur except the most painful ones. The sounds of em moving on as if she never existed. Nico congratulated Em, their father congratulating both of them. Em’s happy goodbye to her family and her walk back to her apartment, no, their apartment. Darcy felt the tingle of acids on her skin. Her eyes were heavy. She fell aslee-
She woke up in her bed. Tucked in and everything. Her dark skin was covered in white bandages and band aides. Noises of cooking came from the kitchen. She swung her legs out of bed and started down the hallway, blanket draped over her shoulders.
She was in the kitchen, frying something.
“Shit, Darcy i can explain”
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Preddsworld headcannons
Tom - 1
I have so many ideas and yet so little ideas simultaneously…
He’s usually a pred, and usually isn’t willing prey, but there are some cases where he is.
He's a sizeshifter!! Woooo!!
You guessed it, he has a storage and he purrs!! It’s no surprise when you see my other preddcanons.
Tom can be a bit of a cruel pred sometimes. He likes a bit of fearplay. He doesn’t like to take his time, however.
When Tom is in his full monster form, he becomes very instinctual, both as a pred and as a prey.
As a pred, it’s pretty self explanatory. Someone will be safely nommed, despite the obvious lack of communication.
Oooo~ but as a prey.. often if he falls asleep in his monster form, he’ll wake up in the night really cold, and will shrink down to be nommed. Usually he’d go to Edd because Tom trusts him the most, but if that’s not possible for whatever reason, then Tord is the next choice due to his room being the closest to his, and also Tord's willingness to give noms. (Ik I said Tord would never safely nom Tom, but I lied. Also fic about this in progress~) However, Tom never remembers this happening.
Tom often goes for a nice taste in noms, hence why he barely ever goes for Tord (because he barely ever fucking showers).
If he’s bored, then sometimes he'll just nom Matt to irritate him.
He might not admit it, but he’s a sucker for a belly rub.
He doesn’t usually go for smaller prey, because he knows all too well how it feels to be the prey in that situation.
Tom was unwillingly eaten and digested by Edd once, though Edd didn’t realise it at the time. Tom still holds a grudge against Edd for it.
When he’s drunk, he’s quite the cuddly pred, nomming his prey then curling into a ball, purring comfortingly.
He can be good at providing comfort, but only when he wants to be. It also depends on who the prey is.
Has a very long, purple tinted tongue. With very sharp teef.
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dragontoothedmaw · 1 month
I'm an adult and currently 24 years old
This is a SFW* blog, but Adult Interaction Only
Minors Do Not Interact
This blog will only feature Oral Vore
I enjoy safe soft vore in the comfort sense, and unsafe & unwilling vore in the horror sense. I tag everything, so blacklist what you don't want to see
*Occasionally there will be posts in the middleground between SFW & NSFW. They'll be tagged [#nsfwish] and [#nudity], so blacklist those two tags if you don't want to see that stuff
Tagging System
I do my best to respect creators that don't want their work tagged with vore tags, and I ask that you do the same when reblogging from me
Any amount of blood will be tagged with [#blood tw]
Once in a blue moon there might be mild hard vore, tagged [#hard]
I tag ferals and also most beast predators with [#feral] just to be safe
Digestion: [#digestion], [#digestion mention], [#implied digestion]
Fatal: [#fatal], [#implied fatal]
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croissantatwaitrose · 2 years
(This post contains soft vore, unsafe vore, implied digestion and a very scared Philza 👍)
Phil had crossed the line, in Wilbur’s opinion. Exploding Wilbur’s house over a bird was his last straw. Just thinking about it made his blood boil as he growled under his breath.
Wilbur set off to find Phil, and quickly found him. “What is it. Come to belittle me about exploding your house?” “Yes, actually.” “I’m not interested.” Phil was just walking away, when Wilbur, just trying to wind him up, spoke again.
“Don’t you want to know what your bird tasted like?” Phil stopped dead in his tracks, slowly turning to look at Wilbur, who had a wide, malicious grin growing on his face.
“What..?” This had the exact effect Wilbur had wanted. Phil was shaking a little, seemingly hoping he’d heard wrong. Wilbur stepped closer towards Phil. “I asked if you wanted to know what your bird tasted like.”
Phil began slowly stepping backwards, getting closer and closer to the wall as Wilbur continued walking towards him. Phil shook his head as an answer. He was backed up against a wall now. The only direction Phil could go was up, but it had begun to rain, and Wilbur could easily catch him. Wilbur then muttered something under his breath.
“I wonder if you taste the same.” Phil shook a lot more now. Surely Wilbur was joking..? He gulped and shook his head quicker as Wilbur chuckled sinisterly. Phil heard a quiet grumble from the phantom’s stomach. Oh fuck. Phil adjusted his footing, despite his fear. He wasn’t going to be eaten without a chase.
So he ran, using his large wings to help him go faster. He flew a few inches off the ground in case he were to fall, and into the nearby forest. He heard Wilbur snarl in annoyance and give chase. Phil hid in the leaves of a decently large tree, breathing heavily but as quietly as he could. He could hear the phantom glide past, even heard a disappointed hiss once or twice. Then silence.
Phil thought he was safe, that Wilbur had either stopped looking or had chosen to look somewhere else. He poked his head out of the tree, then slowly glided out, immediately getting soaked by the rain.
Then he heard it. The loud growl of a very hungry belly. Phil’s heart dropped once more, and he screamed as he was grabbed from behind and turned around. Wilbur’s eyes were glowing a bright green. Okay, Wilbur’s eyes were usually green, but they never normally glowed as much as this.
Wilbur shoved Phil headfirst into his maw, and began licking at his face a little. A little progressed into a lot, as Wilbur seemed to enjoy Phil’s taste. Phil continued screaming inaudible words as Wilbur started to swallow him. Phil was absolutely terrified, and was begging for mercy.
Wilbur was very happy on the other hand. His hunger was being satisfied quite well. He put one hand over his stomach as he continued swallowing, feeling Phil enter his stomach. It groaned and expanded a bit, but his sweater could cover the bump just fine. Wilbur made the final gulp, licking his lips to get the last of Phil’s taste.
Phil begged Wilbur to let him out, that he was sorry for the overreaction and didn’t want to be eaten, only to be answered by low purrs and slow rubbing. Phil kicked and punched the phantom’s stomach, violently sobbing. Wilbur belched quietly, rubbing over the bumps that formed on his belly whenever it was punched. He began purring louder at Phil’s squirms, cries and feeble attacks.
Wilbur glided back into the tree where Phil had hidden, stretching and yawning. He felt so full after this meal, after all, this is what phantoms did all the time. Phil should’ve known better than to mess with a hungry phantom. Wilbur laid underneath the tree so he wouldn’t get burned by sunlight in the morning, keeping one hand firmly on his belly.
Phil continued struggling when he heard Wilbur yawning. Wilbur’s stomach growled and grumbled around his meal. There was no way the phantom was going to sleep now. Phil wanted to be let out! The acids were already beginning to fill up Wilbur’s stomach and rise.
Light snores sounded all around Phil, so he gave up. Wilbur was asleep. There was no chance he’d be let out now. Sadly, he curled up, waiting for Wilbur to digest him.
Tommy had watched Wilbur swallow Phil whole. What the fuck. His wings folded in fear as Wilbur continued to sleep. Tommy could hear Phil crying throughout the whole thing. He quietly approached where the phantom was resting. He could hear Wilbur purring. Fucking purring. It seemed he had enjoyed his meal, Tommy thought grimly.
Tommy placed a hand gently on Wilbur’s belly, and gently pressed on it for a second. Just a loud gurgle, then nothing. The bump had gone down completely. Wilbur had fucking eaten Phil.
He stepped back, many thoughts rushing to his head. Tommy rushed off to try and find someone who could revive Phil. Wilbur was not getting away with this.
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voretober day 1 - villain
im a touch late but at least i did it! (art under the cut) oh and I'm using this prompt list!
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bio-nerds-corner · 3 years
tws for: same kind of suicidal ideation as in the previous one but this time it's actually discussed more overtly, self-harm, actual vore holy fuck i did it, asphyxiation (its all good dont worry), mentions of fatal vore (doesnt happen), the general heartbreak of realizing you have found a reason to live
Your name is K-J004P Purple Collar Karl. You are… an adult, yes, your favorite colors are green and purple, you’ve grown to have a liking for bitter foods for how they chase away blander flavors you had grown up on, and you have never been outside of a human farm until approximately 1 month ago. You were born and raised and intended to die in one, with the knowledge that sure, there was a world outside of it, but it’s going-ons were not of your concern. You were raised prepared to die one day, eaten alive and willingly. 
(You are still pretty prepared for that eventuality. You just need to wait a little longer.) 
But god, was it hard to survive to that point. The world was enormous and cold and dark and you have never had to worry about things like where your next meal or drink of fresh water would be. You never had to worry about the fact that there was a weird funk about your clothes and the cubbies were far more cozy a sleeping spot than whatever you could find out here, that the universe wasn’t specifically designed to hold a large amount of humans in relative comfort and with all needs provided.
Wow. Being free sucks. 
The first giant you ever encountered that wasn’t a human-farm worker or anthropo-agricultural scientist was named Technoblade (and yes. You weren’t a child anymore you knew giants had to have names just like humans did. It still weirded you the hell out at the time). You… didn’t quite get off on the right foot. You had taken one long look up at the giant, what with his snarling tusks and shaggy bristly fur and golden crown, and something small and warm in you perked up in excitement. 
The conversation, roughly, went along like this. 
You: Hi! You are huge and look amazing. Can I be eaten by you? 
Techno: What the fuck. What the hell is wrong with you. 
And then you were brought into his house. Good first try, you supposed. Techno was apparently vegan. Which you should have known given the fact that he looks nothing like a human, and everything like a giant pig monster instead. You sure are learning a lot today. 
You weren’t the only human to have passed through there, apparently. Through a stroke of marvelous luck, there was somehow another purple-collar (or, well, ex-purple-collar) already living with Techno. Despite your shared past experiences, you were still far more comfortable around giants than your new companion was. 
(He had already picked the name Purpled by the time you got there. That seemed unfair to you, but then again, he did have seniority in this whole ‘free will outside of a farm’ thing so you guessed you had to deal with it. The two of you spent way too long finding your own name.)
Despite apparently being happy enough to bring any lost human in from the forests that bordered along that farm, Techno apparently didn’t have the space, nor the time to help make sure you were habituated to life on the outside. Neither you nor Purpled were, well, safe to set loose onto the world as is. 
(A part of you rankled at that classification. What did it matter if it was safe? That kind of was the point after all? Weren’t you just passing from one way of keeping you back from your goal to another now? 
You couldn’t bring yourself to leave, though.) 
So Techno separated you from Purpled and introduced you to another friend who was adverse enough towards eating humans live and whole to be trusted. Quackity seemed… friendly enough. If extremely weirded out by your initial attempt to test his supposed ‘aversion to eating humans.’ The first couple of days in the giant’s house was full of poking and prodding and testing every lock and window and figuring out how to navigate a world so big. When it wasn’t consisting of extremely dangerous climbing attempts, it was with Quackity, bordering on pleading with him to just let you go, you’ll find your way, he doesn’t need to worry about you. 
As you got used to being shuffled between Quackity’s and Techno’s places, you also got used to the company that both of them kept. Dream, for instance, was… intense. You always were nervous hanging around him because he made it very obvious just how little you know about humans outside of the farms. Just how different you were from him. When you let slip how often you were handled when you were younger, just as an aside to explain why you had absolutely no trouble catching footing in the fabric of Quackity’s clothing while using him as a step-stool up to a higher counter, there was a few seconds of silence before you looked back at him. 
He was staring at you with unrepressed disgust. You don’t like hanging out with Dream anymore. 
Sapnap, on the other hand, intrigued you. And, as a mystery giant who has enough humanoid appearance to indicate a human-heavy diet, you probably had a bit more luck with him than you would have had with anyone else present. 
You may have been a bit too desperate when you asked. The interest that Sapnap eyed you with died the moment you showed no inkling of fear towards your own demise. The giant had lifted you up, batting you between hands like a cat would with prey, but you really didn’t care all that much. You’d been handled more roughly, this was perfectly fine. You could smell his ashy breath as he grilled (ha) you for more information on why you had been perfectly content about throwing yourself to your own death. 
He looked vaguely sick as you tried to lay your thoughts down in front of him. You could feel your heart sink as he dropped you down onto the table and stared into the middle distance after you finished talking about it. You guessed that he, too, was a dud. God, how was this so hard? 
You saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye as you came to terms with the fact that, once again, what should have been an incredibly easy plan to complete your life mission was foiled. You turned, and locked eyes with a white mask peeking out from the shadows at the base of a dresser. 
Dream never seeked you out after that point. At least you both were avoiding one another now. 
Things came to a head about a week into your stay. You were bored. That’s a normal feeling for humans to have, it happened all of the time. Unfortunately you didn’t have your purple collar to mess with, and no other objects that were purely yours except for the blanket you had brought with you, bright multicolor splotches that were slowly bleaching themselves grey with use. You spent a quiet afternoon picking at it and gently unraveling it, chewing on the freed fibers just for something to do. Eventually, even this became boring and you started chewing on your own hand, whichever one wasn’t currently yanking at the fiber cloth to untangle it further. 
Four hours into this exercise of destructive boredom Quackity had entered the room, gaze drifting between the pile of chewed-off fibers and your knuckles, red-raw and bleeding in the soft parts between fingers. 
“What the hell are you doing?” He asked, obviously dumbfounded. You shared that sentiment. Wasn’t it obvious? 
“I was bored,” you said, by way of explanation. 
Quackity was just more confused looking now, before something apparently dawned on him and, with a long-suffering sigh that you couldn’t tell where it was directed, swiped a hand through his yellow feathers. “Look man, do you have hobbies? I had no idea you were bored, I would’ve gotten you a book or something if you were.” 
Ok, this just kept getting more confusing. You frowned up at the giant. “I can’t read.” 
Quackity threw his hands up. “That was just an example! What did you do when you were bored before?” 
“I… do this?" It was a central tenant to life in the farms. If you're bored, break your own stuff before you mess with others, and so on. Everyone gets stressed out and wants to fidget, so at least this way everyone wasn't attacking one another out of frustration every time the food ran dry or too many adults were taken during a harvest. "I don’t know what else you mean?” In hindsight when considering this central tenant in your life with other humans back on the farm, that boredom and frustration should be taken out in a specific order, it made sense that giants wouldn't know, since the final rule was always to never take it out on Big Ones. That always got you hurt and more frustrated afterward. 
Quackity still looked confused, and now a little worried. 
(You never would know, Quackity or Sapnap or any of the other giants you know would never tell you, but during that first week, Quackity had started reading into caring and keeping of humans. He didn’t think of you as a pet, no, definitely not... he just thought it might be a good idea to read up on what the experts thought was good manners and correct foods for being a good host. Many articles were closed in frustration after realizing just how degrading a lot of the treatment was most of the time, but all of the articles had agreed: self-destructive behavior was a sign of understimulation, and ultimately was not a good sign at all.) 
Quackity bought you a phone the next day, and began the arduous effort of teaching you how to read giant’s writing. Your blanket, the only thing left from your time in your childhood farm, remained half-unravelled and tattered. 
You decided, after having learned enough about the writing and how to decipher meaning from the giant text, that reading was nice. Technoblade was kind enough to help you set up the phone, and figure out a way to get it so that you could access the internet through it much like a desktop computer. It was just a quick hop from there to engaging in video games. 
As you filled your days with soaking up knowledge, with creating and destroying and creating once again and most of all, of being able to decide to do what you want for yourself, you felt… What’s the right word for it? Content. You felt your brain hurt and your eyes burn when you went to bed, but it was a good hurt. Or so you’ve been told. Somehow, Quackity and Technoblade and everyone else could tell ‘good’ hurt from ‘bad’ hurt. 
You don’t chew on your knuckles so much these days. 
You think you like studying history. (It sure is weird to have ‘likes’ now that could be quantified in such a way.) 
The fateful day, what could poetically be called the first day of the rest of your life, began at 2 am. You were drifting in dreamland, having stayed over at Sapnap’s out of convenience for the night. 
(Sapnap was drifting in a very different sense. Padding softly from room to room, thoughts a turmoil of guilt and anger and things indescribable. He was thinking of Dream again. Or rather, what he did to one of his (former) best friends. His had welled up, as it had many times before, in the dark hours of night. Usually it was a sleepless night of anger and guilt and self loathing and restlessness. 
But usually, the house didn’t contain a human. ) 
Without even hesitating, Sapnap had grabbed you from your comfy nest of blankets, and you started straight from a dead sleep. Startled, you flinched and thrashed as pointed claws dug into your ribs slightly more painfully than usual. No matter how much you were habituated to giants, no amount of good genetics and training could rid you of your surprise upon waking up in one’s grasp. 
Some primal part of Sapnap appeared to finally be pleased with this change in behavior, as before you could even orient yourself you were being thrown into a mouth. Teeth clicked just barely behind your feet, and a tongue crushed you against the roof of the mouth. You wriggled, trying to get a full breath in, and with an almost feverish pace the mouth started vigorously covering your clothes and hair up in spit. 
There was no enjoyment out of the task, no stops to savor the human in that giant’s mouth. As if it were being done out of some sense of obligation, or was expected of them. You were unceremoniously pushed to the back of the giant’s throat and, sodden as you were, swallowed in one gulp. 
By this point you had caught a whiff of that ashen scent Sapnap always had on his breath, and as such could identify the giant who just ate you. Adrenaline-pounding your body was as of now, however, there was exactly nothing you could do with this information. 
The air in his lungs breathed out long and hard as you slid down his esophagus, and you felt a buzz through your body as Sapnap spoke, rattling you many times stronger than you ever felt even when lying directly on his neck. 
“‘Least I can settle Karl’s goddamn death wish. ‘Least I’m good for something,” he was growling, and as your face exposed to open air, and a moment later your shoulders popped through and you fell into a dark fleshy pouch. 
Sapnap started pacing, the movements jarring and tense as you reoriented yourself again and got yourself upright, bracing against the beating of an enormous heart just above you. The air smelled of smoke, and somehow managed to be both slimy and dry enough to suck moisture from your skin. You began to shake uncontrollably, as if you were freezing cold and not uncomfortably body-temperature-warm. 
(Just a tiny lump of moving matter in an anxious and angry and guilty giant who wasn’t thinking straight. Barely felt below the pounding in Sapnap’s ears, the shouting in his head to stop being such an idiot, this was only worse for all his guilt about Dream’s arm, just go spit out Karl, and maybe go lie in a ditch in the rain for a little while and listen to his own self-hatred. The comfort he had hoped for when swallowing Karl apparently wasn’t enough to drown that out.) 
A part of you, practically a choir, chanted in delight. This is it. This is the end. You succeeded. You are finished. The efforts you made ever since you were born are able to come to fruition. Nothing more is expected of you. 
Another part of you, the part that was reading a rather fascinating study on how the shape shifting in giants affected how warfare was conducted in their society, the part that built new and elaborate stories for your friends to fascinate over, the part that delighted in finding ways to make meals that always made your friends’ faces pucker up at the sour-bitterness of them, dissented. 
This is wrong, far too much of you said. This is wrong. This is bad. 
You abruptly realize, with a sick feeling, that you do not want this. This thought will eventually be one you turn over a lot, mull over it thoughtfully like it is a new and shiny object, picking apart at your leisure. For now, though, it brings with it dread. 
You do not want this. You do not want to stop here. You had a paper to finish reading and a lore plot to finish and three recipes you were keeping for a rainy day and friends to meet and things to experience and. 
(You don’t want to die.) 
You curled up, tucked as tight as you could against the wall of the esophageal pouch. As tense as it was from Sapnap’s agitation, it felt like laying against steel covered with a single layer of thin slimy foam. Then you start to shake even more fiercely, panting slightly at the force. Finally, finally, you are feeling your species’ fear towards giants. And of course it’s too late. 
Sapnap is still talking, but despite how all encompassing his voice was, you were having a hard time processing it. Spots of black, darker than even the darkness of the internal organ you were trapped in, danced behind your eyes. Oxygen deprivation, you eventually realized. You were hyperventilating. The sphincter was air-tight. You were quickly suffocating, probably barely a foot away from oxygen-rich lungs. 
Your head swam, and you tried to take in a deep breath. “Sapnap,” you croaked, before trying again. “Sapnap… I’m scared.” 
The giant went silent. 
(Even his lungs stopped, half way through an unsteady inhale. All you could hear was the loud loud loud thud of his heart) 
You tried another shakey too-deep and ultimately unsatisfying breath. “Sapnap,” you said again. “I don’t want to die.” 
The black blotches crowded your vision, and the inside of your head felt distinctively cold, for some reason. Sapnap had started talking again, maybe calling your name, but it was all garbled in your ears. 
(It sure is funny how you are asphyxiating, and yet you can't feel any of that choking panic you would expect. Funny. Yeah.) 
You curled up as tight as you could go and leaned back against the muscular wall. Your brain finally rearranged its priorities, and quietly turned your consciousness off like a light switch. 
You came to again on a table, a bright light buzzing above you. You sucked in deep breaths, coughing as slime around your mouth got caught in your throat, blinking at the blazing glow. Your vision was off-kilter, and bobbed slightly as you tried to raise your head. Oh wait - it's bobbing because you swung your head too hard. Whoops. 
Wow you feel weird. You almost forgot to take another breath but your body takes care of it. You try to get up because you need to get up and wobble, half-way leaning up, then fall back onto your back. Ok, Karl, take it slowly now.
Something blocked the light. It was big and moving and - 
You blinked a few times, and your eyes got with the program. They focused on the shape, which turned out to be Sapnap. 
Oh… Yea. That’s what had happened. You really should have remembered that quicker than you did. 
Sapnap stared at you. You stared back. Then, slowly, Sapnap lowered his head to thump loudly on the table you were laying on. The vibration jolted the rest of your senses back online, and abruptly you could hear your heart beating like a jackrabbit in your ears. 
Oh god. 
Oh god. 
You almost… You had… 
But now you don’t… 
Sapnap seemed to be going through a rather similar breakdown, and you could (if you bothered to look) see tears streaming down his face, the minute shivering, his fist clutching the edge of the table hard enough to force his fingers a ghostly white. 
You got to your feet unsteadily, the sticky slime on you drying fast and sticking uncomfortably to your skin. Then you made your way to your room. You had a lot to think about… and for the first time, you felt nervous about being out in the open while you had those thoughts. 
(A single bad experience isn't enough to undo a lifetime of getting used to the idea of your own mortality at the hands of beings far more powerful than yourself, but it certainly gave you a crash course on the fear that came with that kind of thinking.)
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