#preformer mode oh FUCK performer mode
minijenn · 4 years
Anyway I am making a mission statement, right fucking here, right fucking now that I will play through EVERY SINGLE LAST SONG IN MELODY OF MEMORY. All 140 of em. Regardless of how fucking hard it gets. Yep, that’s right. I’m 100% completing a KH game for the first time in my damn life. 
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Backstage Love p3
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A/n- Welcome to part three when it all goes down. This took me forever and I won’t be updating this series for at least the next week. Mentions of Jungkook. Who doesn’t love a love triangle? I hope you enjoy and someone please request something! Enjoy, like, and comment.
Summary- What have the past two weeks been like? Where to start, falling for someone you shouldn’t, working a job you shouldn’t have, and being away from your family well that’s a recipe for disaster. Just when you think your heart has had enough another man walks into the scene.
Word count- 2.1k
Warnings- Fluff and what that entails 
p1 p2 
The roar of the crowd consumed the understage you were hidden behind. 
“We can’t be doing this tae.” you sighed into his ear as his kisses found a home in your neck 
“We can though.” he looked into your eyes and began to kiss you again 
“(y/n) can you please come to grab us some coffee for the manager's suite. Thank you doll” your pager snapped you back to reality 
“Fuck not again,” you mutter to yourself as you push away the fantasy that had previously consumed your thoughts. You walk out of the break room and into the pantry. Grabbing a few travel cups you began to brew the coffee and turning on the kettle.
“Let me hold you (Y/N)” his soft voice whispered a beg into your ears
“I want you to hold me in your arms and call you mine” you replied as your mouth found his. Your hands travelled down his back pulling him into an embrace. The sound of the crowd overpowered the sweet nothings you both confessed in the moment. A beeping sound broke the silent atmosphere in a loud setting you both had created.
“What is that Tae?” you asked him looking away  
“Nothing baby let me kiss you more.” 
“But that sound what is it?”
“Shit there we go again,” you exclaimed pulled out of your daydream by the coffee machine. Your badge dangled from your neck as you poured out the black liquid into five cups adding milk and sugar to two and keeping the other three black. You grabbed an extra cup and filled it with the water you had put to boil and grabbed a tea bag. You walked out of the pantry with a cup holder and six cups of hot liquid. 
You had learned how to navigate most stadiums after working at three of them in the past two weeks. It was the day before the concert and the hall was empty except for staff and the performers. The white concrete walls outlined the entire stadium causing the halls to look creepy and slightly scary. It was ten pm and most of the lights were off. The air was humid and icky due to the hot temperature of the location. It was hard to keep a good outlook on your situation because it wasn’t like you choose or applied for it. You just had to do it. Missing the people in your life was the hardest part. You could rarely call home for two reasons. One, the workday was incredibly long. Two, every time you called your mother yelled at you or your friends ranted about how jealous they were or how they missed you. Making calls home an overall stressful experience. 
On the first night alone you had barely slept at all. You had gotten out of the hotel bed and walked around the halls. You tried your hardest not to think of that night because it was one where you wanted to go home so badly. Thinking about it made you want to sleep in your bed and hang out with your friends and… it was too much to think about. Once again you were lost in your head and unaware of your surroundings. 
“Why does this always happen.” you groaned looking at the darkened hallway. You kept on walking forward in hopes of finding a sign which could give you a clue to where you were. You began to get scared it was such a dark venue and there were so many hidden halls and you were all alone. Your paranoia was getting the best of you. That’s when you saw a tall shadow come up behind you. You tried not to scream and snuck a peek behind you seeing no one.
“Boo.” a familiar voice said
“Aghhhh,” you screamed almost dropping the burning liquid. “Taehyung you almost made me spill-” you started 
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me tae?” he asked you with his boxy smile.
“Sorry.” you looked down. “Do you know how I can get to the manager's office from here?” you asked him “Wait aren’t you supposed to be there now?” 
“Ugh, I forgot. Yes. Here let me help you with one of those trays.” he took the heavier one of your hands.
“Here this one is for you.” you pointed to the tea. 
“Oh, you remembered I don’t like coffee. I’m touched.” he did a dramatic fake cry
You looked down feeling yourself blush. 
“Just around the corner.” he walked in front of you. “And the managing suite.” he exclaimed opening the door for you.
That’s when you went into super assistant mode.
“I have two regular coffees for Ken and Janise.” you grabbed the coffees and handed them away. “I also have three black coffees for Megan, Susan, and you Ma’am.” you weren’t quite sure where the nickname had come from but your boss insisted on only going by ma’am. You grabbed the three other coffees off of Tae’s tray handing them away to their owner. “And last but not least one cup of green tea decaf with no sugar.” you took the cup out of the tray he was holding and then handed it to him taking the tray away. “That’s all would anyone like anything else.” you picked up the empty container you had placed on the table stacking the two of them together. The room remained quiet. “Well if you need anything please let me know.” You closed the door behind you. It had taken you a total of twenty-eight seconds to finish the distribution, a personal record. 
With that over you began to head back to the main area deciding to take your first break all day. The emptiness felt cosy now. Somehow, it was completely different than what you had felt only ten minutes prior. You felt yourself start to smile uncontrollably. “He opened the door for me.” you did a twirl in the empty hall. Then you realized what was happening and your twirl stopped midway. “No. This is- no.” you put on your best stern face and walked up the stairs leading out of the hall. 
This is how it had been for the past two weeks. Somehow you and him would find each other in the craziness of traveling and preforming and share moments together. It was only with him. You hadn’t spoken to any of the other members for more than three second let alone the make up artists. That made it more lonely since you knew no one and where the only person in your branch. But every time you shared moments with him it made it more bearable.  
‘What if I do feel like this. Why do I feel like this? Wow was that basic (y/n) falling for a boy band member. Eww, get a grip of yourself your not a thirteen-year-old girl.’ you scoffed out loud to your thoughts. You continued to the next staircase. ‘Even if I was- and that’s a big if -it’s not like it would ever work. So what I’m hearing is that we don’t like him. We don’t like’ you cringed at the thought of his name. You got onto the next flight of stairs. ‘He would never like me. Why would he ever like me? He did open that door and did you see that smile.’ your thoughts were going wild again. You got onto the next flight of stairs without thinking. ‘No he’s just being nice. He’s a nice guy.’ you felt a smile creep onto your face ‘he’s just so nice why is he so-’ you giggled. 
“Did I just giggle,” you asked yourself the realization snapping you out of thought. “Where am I? How do I get lost so easily? This must be a personal record.” you muttered. You walked through the enclosed space seeing no other stairs to take. You walked through the opening and were greeted by a big gust of wind. “Holy shit,” you screamed. You began walking down the stairs. “How did I get up so high?” you were in the nosebleeds of the stadium. The air was cold and the fall was huge. It’s not that you were scared of heights it’s just that it was almost eleven pm and you were all alone. “It’s like I’m asking to be killed.” you half-joked to yourself. 
“Yeah it’s not very safe to be here all alone,” someone responded
you screamed. Twice in one night you had been scared by an unknown person 
“Calm down. I’m not going to kill you.” a man's voice said in between laughs. 
You turned around to see Jungkook or how you referred to him as your seventh boss. “Oh I’m sorry to disturb you, sir, I thought I was alone.” you gave a fake laugh accompanied with an equally as fake smile.
“It’s no problem. I’m the bad one here. I heard a giggle and I followed the sound.” he scratched the back of his neck.
You were taken aback by his friendly tone. Similar to- no you didn’t even think that name. “Oh yeah that was me.” you laughed. “I just wanted to get a breath of fresh air and I think I wondered a little too far.” you turned your back to him and sat down at the front row. 
“Do you mind if I sit with you,” he asked walking down.
“Not at all.” you lied. This was your first conversation with another member in the two weeks you had been working with them. The whole situation gave you anxiety.
Both of you sat in silence. You looked below you onto the thousands of other seats. It made you dizzy thinking about how all of these would be filled. 
“So what do you do here?” he asked while looking at the badge you were wearing. “(y/n).” 
“I’m an intern/personal assistant to your assistant,” you replied 
“Oh, how come I haven’t seen you around then?” 
“I usually get the stuff for her and then she gives them to you or whoever needs them so I usually don’t come in contact with the recipients, in this case, you.” you didn’t look to your side but you felt him looking at you.
“That’s a shame,” he responded
‘Is he flirting?’ you wondered ‘No wait this isn’t a fantasy he’s just being nice.’  “Yeah I guess.” you looked over mustering the courage. His eyes were shiny and sweet, his hair was fluffy and slightly long. He was so gorgeous but for some reason, all you could think about was how much you wished Tae would look into your eyes for as long as you are now. 
“So how are you liking the touring life so far?” he broke eye contact and looked forward prompting you to do the same.
“It’s been nice kinda lonely though. How about you? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“The same except it’s not so much as lonely but more isolated in the abundance of company.” you could sense the emotion in his words.
“I get that.” you both continued staring now in silence. You looked up at all the stars. The sky was surprisingly clear allowing for the view to be beautiful. “I bet all those stars feel the same.” you pointed up.
He didn’t look up “I’m sure they do.” 
The sound of your pager broke the haze you were both in. 
“Hi (y/n) come in. (y/n) come in.” you heard the static come again signalling for you to respond.
“Hi yes this is she,” you said pressing and then un-pressing the button.
“We need you on ground level with some papers I left in the office for the arrangement of some seats.” 
“On it boss,” you responded.
You stood up. “It was nice meeting you. Jungkook right?” you asked just realizing you never asked his name
“Yes. I hope I see you around some time (y/n)”  and with that you excuse yourself
You took the elevator down to the ground level with the papers in hand. 
The floor was surprisingly bustling with staff members this late in the night. You spotted your boss as she spotted you.
“Doll. Thank you so much. Please get me another round of coffee and then you can head to the hotel and rest.” she gave you a pleading smile.
“One round of coffee coming up.” you smiled 
With the coffee delivered and the papers given, you arrived at the hotels provided for staff in the outskirts of the town. You laid down in the crappy mattress with dust flying in and around you. You let out a big scream. 
“I don’t like him.” you didn’t even know who you were talking about anymore. 
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