shiftythrifting · 2 months
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Extremely dubious shirt spotted at a Goodwill in Maryland
[Image ID: white shirt with flourish design that reads "Pregzilla" in large text, "feed the beast" in smaller text, with a silhouette of a pregnant anthro dinosaur, which is supposed to resemble godzilla, but does not. /End ID]
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profounddetective33 · 2 years
Where have you been @pregzilla ??
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growingbabybaca · 7 years
It's funny what can get you and keep you upset when you're pregnant. I got home from having a pretty good day. Today was my "Friday". I had a good time in both of my classes, picked up my mini and headed home. Little miss needed a new lunchbox (after the dog destroyed hers I might add) so I changed and we went to Walmart. Fast forward to getting home..walk through the door and find half my flash cards shredded on the floor. 😑 And my UNOPENED Twix that I had been saving and eyeballing for the last 2 days is gone. Wrapper and everything. 😡 What the fucking fuck. Mood trashed. Damn dog. He went INTO my backpack to pull this stuff out. 😑 Ugh. Also in the last two weeks he's also ripped up the carpet on the stairs. I can't.
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Mama Bear”: MGK! Tommy Lee Imagine
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Tommy Lee x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader, Pregnant Reader 
Being Tommy’s love (high school sweetheart) and being pregnant....all while the success of the band, lol. 
Being pregnant was never easy.
Being pregnant with a bouncy baby girl was proving even more so.
Being pregnant with the spawn of Tommy?
Holy fucking shit.
I don't know what was worse.
His devil child or him.
First of all, I'm a very supportive wife, ok.
T and I have been together forever.
His big ass latched onto me in high school when he was still a fucking nerd- well, he's still a fucking nerd- and he never let go.
We've had our ups and downs for sure.
He nearly got his ass handed to him the time he- well, it's not important.
The point is- we've been together for a long ass time which means that really- I should've seen this coming.
He's very into me being pregnant.
Neither of us really expected that but damn, if I wasn't already pregnant....I think he'd knock me up again with how fucking frisky he is at the moment.
He's always been a horn dog but shit!  
Sometimes I straight up sick him on Nikki just to get some time to myself.
That sounds horrible.
In reality, he's the love of my life and I couldn't imagine life without him.
And I'm so fucking proud of him.
Him and all the guys.
They're like family.
Mick will never admit that I'm his favorite but I FUCKING AM.
He loves Tommy too but he'd rather cut his own tongue out than admit it.
But we all know it.
Well because he'll insult him all day but the second some asshole says something about Tommy....Mick is ready to light them on fire.
Actions speak louders than words, Mick.  
We know the truth.
And I've known Vinny forever since I went to school with him too.
Little fucker tried to hit on me constantly but I shut that shit down before my beanpole boyfriend could start some shit....as he was known to do.
And Nikki.
Oh, Nikki.
My touch starved, weirded out by touch crazy wild child.
Nikki and Tommy are basically like twins so I came to love him very quickly.
He's more into the idea of there being a little one running around than he cares to admit.
He doesn't have to admit it.
I can see it.
I can also see how he basically jumps when I offer to let him listen to the baby or feel her kicking.
Ya boy is soft as fuck.
Tommy literally wants to name her the most absurd things.
He fucking suggested Lettuce one day and I nearly choked him to death.
He's banned from the naming process and I swear to god, if he opens his fucking mouth of delivery day then we ain't having a second child because I'll rip his giant dick off with my bare hands!
Excuse my episode of Pregzilla rage.
You don't understand.  
I am 8 months pregnant.
I look like a banyard animal.
It's fucking hot because my crazy husband insisted that I go on tour with him.
And he won't get the fuck off me because apparently he has a newfound kink.
So yeah, pregnant momma is fucking irate.
And I swear to god, if one of my fucking teenager in the crowd calls me a MILF..... I . WILL. FUCK. HIM. UP.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled fluff.
Mama Bear out.
Heeeeeey, darlings!  I hope you enjoyed this little piece!  I was trying out a different style and I was having so much fun with a Mama Bear rant, lol.  If ya liked it and want more of this style- lemme know!
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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Good night!
Guys it's currently 3:51 am and I'm gonna get a few hours of sleep before gotta take the kiddo to school.
See ya tomorrow.
Well start our day with Wonho and the Overwatch tournament...and then possibly catch up with Wonwoo and pregzilla.
See ya soon! ❤️❤️
As always:
Let me know what you'd like to see for updates or I'll use my completely biased discretion and do whichever I feel like 🤭🤭🤭
I'll answer all asks in my inbox in the morning also. I hate doing that on mobile.
Love ya guys 💙💙💙💙
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Pregzilla! Seriously Pete back off before you get bit
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Philly + Bess
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: honestly it’s philly, but it would happen along the lines of bess doing it first and then philly saying something like is that CHESTAAA? and she whirls around thinking it’s her kitten and she switches the plates and when she turns back around pregzilla is like MY FOOD? and philly’s just like you ate it all.. so she orders a new plate.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple:  bess doesn’t know what a joke is so she’d frown and then philly would frown and then they’d bicker a little and no one would have to confirm anything besides have you seen philly calm her down? especially when she’s crying about the yellow of lemon cake. it’s a miracle… “ the bess whisperer “ they call her.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: elizabeth, any time philly’s in trouble there goes momma bess to save the day. actually it’s kind of a thing in the castle now… philly gets away with EVERYTHING because she’s bess favorite. listen she made her a lady so she’d never have to leave her side, attachment issues this one has. 
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: elizabeth, because well she’s married and because she thinks she knows everything that has to do with the heart and will constantly just babble on about all of the things she’s gone through in her marriage and before then even mention some sexy times here and there which is just something no one needs to hear but she can’t talk to donna about that so she’s like i gotta tell someone and who does she trust more than her philly? 
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: philly, or she’ll pretend to be too tired or sad and elizabeth will let her win because come on she won last time. in fact they take turns, they don’t play by the rules never invite them to play anything tbh.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: again philly and bess would let her, all so she’s comfortable and anyone who dares and say otherwise gets a glare and a growling noise no one argues with the eternally pregnant lady and lives.
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: elizabeth, but it would more like her throwing a pillow at her for a silly comment or for having played a joke on chester and then they’ll just spend an hour or so chasing each other around the castle attempting to hit the other. in fact it’s a war it goes on days… they have strategies and they plan take overs and all of that.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: neither of them because you see they are ladies BUT bess has taken to pushing philly into rooms with a certain someone and locking the door, or any time this someone goes out or does anything… PHILLY WANTS TAE GO… take philly. she’s playing match maker and doesn’t care who knows.
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photographybypixie · 5 years
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Pregzilla Pregnant Womans Funny - T-Shirt http://bit.ly/2SONgMy from PhotographyByPixie #gifts #photoprint - Photo Print Gifts http://bit.ly/2PKCIvO http://bit.ly/2EsjvNq
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silverjets · 4 years
I’m heading to work and the smell of an overpriced latte calls me into the pokey newsagents on my platform.
I enter the café and, lo and behold, a well-known magazine that may or may not rhyme with ‘meat‘ is staring me in the face. The words: “Why Bey’s gone full pregzilla”, followed by “crazy bump shots” fly off the mag and turn the dial way up to gas mark 6 on my ‘just about done’ hob.
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paparazee · 7 years
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My Halloween crew 🖤 The cousin of Barney, ReksTi. The woman who swallowed a gigantic watermelon, Pregzilla. The leader of this crew, Kokey. HAHAHAHA
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profounddetective33 · 2 years
Missing @pregzilla
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pregzilla-blog · 7 years
Pregzilla rant of the day
People who have a baby shower when it is not their first baby. You already have all the baby crap. You say it is a "sprinkle" and you want diapers and gift cards. Yay! So I get to spend an afternoon with your friends and family that I don't even know so I can present you with a gift card. The cookies better be worth it.
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Weird Pregnant lady things..
#1 so I decided I'm just going to blog some of the randomness that has come along with baby #2 currently processing. It's after midnight, I'm burping thinking maybe I should eat before bed. Grabs ice cold supreme beef soft taco, room temp cherry coke and dark chocolate raisinets. In other words, I finally got to watch Hannibal tonight and I was so disappointed with everything in the episode except for Jack that I'm making a terrible choice in pre-sleeping snacks that I know I'm going to wake up at 4am regretting.
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