#premiere pit strike
ludojudoposts · 4 months
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Premiere - Pit Strike (1977) dir. Roger Bamford, writer. Alan Sillitoe
Starring: Brewster Mason, Bernard Hill, Jennifer Linden, Paul Shane, Paula Tilbrook, Johnny Allan
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wishingyouback · 2 years
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how the boys would be like as your plus one — stray kids.
author's note: this was meant to be a short blurb on how the boys would act, but... as you can see i might have gotten just a little bit carried away :,)
as always, happy readings and always remember — you're loved, ily always x
warning(s): none, just a lot of fluff & a lengthy read
bang chan ꒱ ˎˊ˗ a wedding.
— the most attentive, and the most handsome date you would have ever brought to a function as your plus one. your relatives would love him, and you best bet that they'd be gushing over the little things he'd do to make sure you were okay (even if he was your guest, that would be his top priority). if your aunts were squealing at how he would gently place his hand over your hip to not lose you in the crowd, they couldn't imagine how quick your heart was racing. but, through and through, the both of you spend a lot of time together. there could be a mosh pit by the end of the night but you and chan would be tucked away in the ballroom, sitting at one of the empty tables with his arm behind your chair, his hand on your knee while you mindlessly play with rings he specially chose to adorn tonight since you mentioned how pretty it would look with his black nail polish coating his nails. he'd spend most of his night by your side, but he wouldn't hesitate to strike up conversation with your relatives; distant or close. chan was a friendly guy, and you liked that he willingly spoke to everyone. on the drive home he tells you all about the fun games your youngest cousin/relative had been playing and you listen with a fond look on your face. you think about how lucky you are to have him while chan feels immensely blessed to have you. 
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minho ꒱ ˎˊ˗ a premiere
— with minho, it took a lot of convincing for him to go with you because in all honesty, this boy just loves to poke fun and have you try the hard way to convince him instead of simply saying yes like any normal person would, but even if you were to ask him at the very last minute to accompany you for the night, he'd say yes in a heartbeat. he wouldn't admit it so easily though, but he'll always have a soft spot for you. he'd be very quiet for most of the night, occasionally making small talk to those around you and saying hello to the people you knew, but this boy was shy, and you knew that. majority of the night would be spent with him whispering sweet nothings into your ear, telling you whatever was on his mind and while the two of you sat together, he'd have your hand in his, resting on his lap. by the end of the night you'd have his blazer draped over your shoulder with your heels in his hands and his feet barefoot because you wore the wrong heels and so with a tiny complain, minho let's you wear his shoes and holds your hand behind his back while he guides you to where he has the car parked. you spend the rest of the week teasing the poor boy about how shy he was, how cute he was when he would keep playing with his earrings or even the tips of your hair, and he'd only listen with a scowl while his ears would turn red. 
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changbin ꒱ ˎˊ˗ family dinner.
— it would be the first time for you to bring a boyfriend home, and having been dating changbin for a little over two years, the both of you thought it would be nice to spend the holidays with each other's family. since you lived a little closer to the city, changbin thought it would be better to spend the break at your parents house first before heading down to his. even if changbin did agree to this arrangement, he's still scared shitless about meeting your family but you assure him all the way, telling him that there couldn't be anything about that they wouldn't love — and it's true! your dad may have been a little forward, and a little too formal but the rest of your family seemed to adore him. your grandmother was playing card games with him, your aunties and uncles were asking him everything they wanted to know about him all while you were sat by his side, happily listening in with your arms wrapped around his. your relatives corner you in the kitchen to gush over changbin when you're getting yourself a drink and when changbin returns to your side, they continue talking to the two of you about anything and everything. by the end of the night, changbin's more than comfortable and even moves from timidly pecking your forehead, to coming up behind you to hug you while you continue talking to everyone. from there on it's pretty safe to say, he was welcomed into the family.
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hyunjin ꒱ ˎˊ˗ an art exhibition.
— hyunjin and you both loved art, if not adored it, and funnily enough— that was how the both of you met. fast forward three years later, you were attending a friend's art show and hyunjin was naturally the first person you thought of. the second you arrive, the both of you take your time to enjoy each and every piece you come across. it's not easy to find the perfect person to sit in silence with, and to you, it was even harder to find someone— the right person to accompany you to a gallery without having to worry whether they would appreciate the art and be completely okay with admiring in complete silence, but with hyunjin it happened so naturally. things always fell right into place with him, and it helped that the both of you shared so many interests together that it was almost so easy to blend into each other's lives. the rest of the exhibition is spent with the both of you pointing out tiny details the other person could have missed out, talking about how much this specific piece had moved you, so on so forth. you almost never want to leave the place, and hyunjin feels the same way because art has become his safe space, his favourite form of comfort and serenity; aside from you. he spends the day taking pictures of you, the art and everything you do on that day and when you both get home to unwind, he spends his night with you cuddled in his side while he sketches out a picture he took of you earlier. 
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jisung ꒱ ˎˊ˗ a concert.
— with jisung, the both of you shared the same interests especially when it came to music. the both of you had many things in common but music was what brought you two together, as cliche as it sounds. so, when you surprise jisung with VIP tickets along with a backstage pass to his favourite band, he couldn't help but jump at the opportunity to go with you; "like you would want to go with anyone else" he says. when you both get there, it's a known fact that jisung doesn't do well in big crowds but he's better at it when he has someone familiar with him, and in this scenario it's you, and the familiarity of your perfume that lingers over his shirt with how close your standing to him with his back against your chest. the both of you sing your hearts out at every song you know. at a certain slow song, jisung delicately takes your chin between his thumb and pointer finger to make you look up at him as he sings the words to you, and it makes you blush. at how big the crowd looks, jisung opts between either holding your hand or placing it around your middle to have you close, and you let him. you two get to meet the band that performed, and even if jisung started stuttering his words, he can't stop kissing you the second you both enter the car because he's just so happy, and even happier to have gotten to spend such a great night with you.
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felix ꒱ ˎˊ˗ graduation ceremony. 
— felix was a little unsure in accompanying you to your friends graduation, only because he didn't want you to feel complied to have to deal with him when you were meant to spend the day happy, celebrating with your friend, but when you tell him you want him to be there to meet your friend, he accepts with no hesitation with the knowledge that you want him to be there. when you two get there, you only meet your friend after the ceremony and as expected, the three of you end up having a great time. you had been dating felix for a little over a year now, so your friend— naturally starts to interrogate him, almost bombarding him with questions that make you look at her weirdly, but felix the angel he is answers with ease and tells your friend he couldn't have gotten more lucky to have been able to met you while going through such a rough time in his life and you can't help but melt at the confession. felix starts to blush as he says it but he doesn't deny it nor does he take it back. he owns up to it with a smile, a proud one, all while he has his fingers laced with yours under the table. the three of you move on from that, and your friend ends up telling felix everything about you from A to Z. all those memories you nearly forgot were resurfaced. on the way home when you sulk about it, felix takes your hand in his and places his lips on your knuckles as he drives you home, cooing over how cute you are all while also telling you just how much all those stories made him like you more.
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seungmin ꒱ ˎˊ˗ christmas party.
— seungmin had planned for the both of you to stay in for the night, but when you bring up the possibility of having to go to a work event in your office, he kept his day free of any plans to be able to go to the event with you. and when the day comes, seungmin is an absolute delight. he makes small talk with your colleagues, he's polite and within an hour he has your boss laughing at jokes he normally wouldn't be laughing at. to say everybody at your work adored seungmin, would be an understatement and while you liked it, you weren't too fond by the way some of your colleagues were looking at seungmin. one thing that took you by surprise was when co-worker accidentally fell onto seungmin after having tripped over... nothing. but seungmin isn't dense, nor is he oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend had become a lot more quieter than usual. he had noticed your discomfort when you had unlinked your arms with his so when he pulls you two away from the crowd, he talks to you and tells you that you two can leave any time you want and when he visibly sees you light up at the mention of leaving, he chuckles and tells you he'll follow your lead. the both of you end up driving to a nearby supermarket where you're grabbing all the right ingredients to make yourself a christmas cake along with some marshmallows for s'mores. you wouldn't want to spend christmas any other way.
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jeongin ꒱ ˎˊ˗ an opening ceremony.
— this event seemed incredibly important to you, so upon your request jeongin said yes when you asked him to attend the ceremony with you. it was a opening of a restaurant owned by a family friend, and jeongin was the only person you could think of when your mom mentioned to bring a friend, so feeling shy and a little honoured; jeongin put on his best clothes and drove you to the venue. being the shy boy he is, jeongin spends the first half of the night with his hand placed respectfully behind your back but as the night goes on, you see jeongin relax a little more and it brings a content smile on your face. seeing him get along with the people you grew up with made your heart nearly swell. when jeongin catches your eye over your aunt’s shoulder, he throws a smooth wink your way, that you can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips. jeongin may be shy, but he also is confident so as the event continues, he returns, and stays by your side, occasionally running his fingers over your shoulder when you two sit with his arm slung over the back of your chair, or if you were standing, you would quietly clasp your hands behind your back just to fiddle with the bottom of his blazer, knowing how much he liked any form of physical touch. you didn’t know jeongin could be even more loveable and charming around other people, but he could and it only made you fall for him even more. by the end of the night when he has your bag slung over his shoulder while you’re tightly gripping his forearm to maintain your balance, he tells you how amazing you are and how he had an amazing time. you only thank him with a kiss on his cheek, while telling him you enjoyed the night too.
any errors will be fixed & corrected when i have the time x
with all my love, saturn.
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mulderscully · 1 month
in a cunt mood and ima admit that i feel resentment toward the idea of you simply because it is getting the attention that red, white and royal blue did not have a chance to get. the premieres, the press tour. and i understand why the strike was important, it's not even that. it's the way the movie is being praised for "changing the romcom genre" for the age gap as if this is some sort of representation. anne hathaway is not old and decrepit lol she has done plentyyy plenty of romantic comedies. is it cool to see an older woman with a younger man, sure! is it groundbreaking that someone who looks like nick would be attracted to someone who looks like anne hathaway? no. she's fucking 40, not 65.
i'm not pitting the movie against rwrb, because they're vastly different stories and i understand the appeal, but it feels like the praise it's getting is cashing in on what rwrb paved the way for and it makes me kinda upset. the only reason people know who nick is is because of rwrb and rwrb actually, genuinely did change the game for romantic comedies. rwrb put queer stories on the general romcom map, is a contender for an emmy, nominated for a glaad award, and still reached millions of people despite the strike and it still did not recieve half the respect from publications and general audiences alike.
it don't sit right with me.
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blmpff · 7 months
premiere: November 17th
Babe, the number 1 racer, is Charlie's idol. Charlie wants to be just like Babe, but doesn't have a race car of his own. So he gathers up his courage and approaches Babe to ask to borrow one. For fun, Babe agrees and the two strike an interesting deal. mdl
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meraki-yao · 4 months
Twitter is not the greatest place to be rn for many reasons, but I think people are missing out on some things that are basically common sense:
Taylor can promote (which, by the way, these promotions are part of the “For Your Consideration” campaigns for awards seasons, especially the awards the movie is nominated for) because he's in LA. These are not regular or fancy screenings, so it doesn't make sense to make Nick travel.
Nick's projects have close promotional periods. Like, they overlap at some point. And he's going to focus on it because it's his job. It doesn't mean he's moved on — it means his projects must also be promoted. I think people don't know or forget the strike was during the promotional period the movie premiered.
Some people are upset with Nick because he's not talking about the movie any more. And I think most of them are clinging to the super online Nick of a few years ago or even 💜 Nick who promoted. And, again, the strike got in the way. He has to be in the USA during March, so he can likely make it to screenings or the GLAAD Awards if his schedule lets him. But people need to remember that he's over there because of his other projects, not RWRB only.
I think people diminish what the boys are doing, and pit them against each other because neither is doing what they want. And forget what they've been saying about the movie, the characters, the book. They care about it deeply, and of course, they deserve to talk about it. I hope people calm down and stop being upset because things are moving forward, but that doesn't mean that RWRB is over.
I mean I pretty much agree with you here. Incredibly well analysed and well said.
And I want to highlight your final paragraph. This is the problem with parasocial relationships with any form of celebrity: delusional fans so easily start to feel like they have some say in the celebrity's actions.
About the promo, yeah, that's his job too, and I think the disparity in reaction is kind of partly because we missed our RWRB promo due to the strike, so it suddenly goes from "he's not talking about this" to "he's talking about this a lot". (I know he's most likely gonna be at the TIOY premiere but it just occurred to me that M&G is a UK-based production though?) RWRB is in a really unique and weir circumstance where we missed out on promo and press almost entirely.
And I get missing Nick being chronically online, it seemed really entertaining, but he's just growing up and entering a new phase on how he wants to manage his social media. His past six Instagram posts were all pretty formal "business" stuff. Which, people change. I've seen people call it a rebrand but really I just think it's him changing how he views social media. (personally, I did the same thing at 2022: went from chronically online and sharing everything to being relatively inactive and only posting when it's something memorial like a birthday or a festival)
I think at the end of day we should look to their direct actions: the primary source evidence, so to speak. Nick happily signs RWRB book, refers to Henry as himself, and teases Taylor playfully through book signing. It's clear he loves this project, and experiences/ love like this doesn't fade.
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lenbryant · 11 months
(Long rePost) "Blood in the water"
How SAG-AFTRA strike will create global havoc for Hollywood - Los Angeles Times
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SAG-AFTRA members picket outside Netflix in Hollywood on Friday, the first day of the union’s strike — and first such walkout in 43 years.
(Myung Chun / Los Angeles Times)
Hollywood top executives figured they could ride out a skirmish with screenwriters reeling from technology’s changes to the industry.
But few executives were prepared for — or wanted — a strike by the industry’s largest union, SAG-AFTRA, which represents 160,000 actors and other performers. 
After talks over a new contract collapsed last week, throngs of performers joined writers on picket lines — plunging Los Angeles’ signature industry into chaos and further complicating what some fear could become a long and devastating strike.
Movie shoots have ground to a halt. A-list stars have bailed on film and TV marketing campaigns. Matt Damon, Cillian Murphy and other actors walked outduring Thursday night’s London premiere of Universal Pictures’ highly anticipated “Oppenheimer.” 
The upcoming fall TV season could sputter, devoid of new scripted episodes of “Abbott Elementary,” “Law & Order: SVU” and “NCIS.” And media companies that were already struggling to compete in the streaming era could see their fortunes further sink.
“There’s going to be a lot of blood in the water,” Jonathan Taplin, director emeritus of USC’s Annenberg Innovation Lab, said. “This is not going to end well.”
Simultaneous strikes by the Writers Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists — the first joint work stoppage since Ronald Reagan led SAG in 1960 — couldn’t come at a worse time for traditional entertainment companies.
Their businesses haven’t fully recovered from pandemic shutdowns. Walt Disney Co., Paramount Global and Warner Bros. Discovery have been grappling with heavy debt loads due to mergers, and also from ordering dozens of shows to ramp up their streaming services. All the while, linear broadcast and cable TV networks have witnessed a precipitous slide in viewers to Netflix and other streaming services.
“The economics of the industry are very challenging — the worst that we’ve ever seen,” veteran media analyst Michael Nathanson said. “A prolonged strike will only make things worse.”
Amid a nationwide rise in labor activity, Hollywood’s discord has taken on the trappings of a larger cultural clash, ostensibly pitting everyday workers against top wage earners, America’s 1%. 
On picket lines and social media sites, richly compensated industry leaders, including Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger and Warner Bros. Discovery Chief David Zaslav, are being portrayed as cartoon villains.
Outside Disney’s Burbank headquarters on Friday, a striking worker hoisted a sign that depicted Iger’s face superimposed on a hand-drawn Marie Antoinette figure, holding a raspberry-colored confection under the words: “How about sharing some of that cake, Bob?” 
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SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher, center, and SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, left, outside Netflix on Friday. 
(Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)
SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher, best known for starring in the 1990s sitcom “The Nanny,” has been celebrated among striking workers after her rousing speech Thursday to announce her board’s unanimous vote to call a strike against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, the organization that negotiates on behalf of the media companies.
Actors are seeking higher minimum pay, increased residuals and revenue sharing with the streamers. They’ve demanded protections against the use of artificial intelligence to simulate background actors, known as “extras.” Writers have made similar demands, saying since the rise of streaming, midlevel writers have struggled to make a living wage.
“The entire business model has been changed because of streaming, digital and AI,” Drescher said. “At some point, you have to say ‘no, we’re not going to take this anymore.’”
The AMPTP defended the offer the group had made to actors, including what it said was the highest percentage increase in pay minimums in 35 years and a “groundbreaking” proposal for AI protections. 
“A strike is certainly not the outcome we hoped for as studios cannot operate without the performers that bring our TV shows and films to life,” the AMPTP said. “The union has regrettably chosen a path that will lead to financial hardship for countless thousands of people who depend on the industry.”
It’s not clear when bargaining sessions with the actors might resume. No talks are currently scheduled. 
AMPTP negotiators haven’t met with the WGA in more than two months.
Taplin, a former film producer who wrote a book about artificial intelligence, “The End of Reality: How Four Billionaires Are Selling Out Our Future,” said the threat posed by technology “for all artistic production is gigantic.”
“People worry, in the abstract, about AI replacing workers but here it is, it’s actually happening,” Taplin said. “They don’t want to have to pay for extras anymore, so they could have a scene that has 5,000 AI extras in the background.”
Technology also has upset Hollywood’s hierarchy. AMPTP’s shifting makeup now includes tech giants Amazon, Apple and Netflix — companies that don’t have a tradition of collective bargaining.
Veteran executives said the group, even in good economic times, formed an uneasy alliance. Member companies, including Disney, Comcast’s NBCUniversal and Netflix, are more accustomed to battling one another for viewers and revenue. 
And some in Hollywood have wondered whether the AMPTP’s shifting makeup will stand in the way of a deal. 
When reached for comment, AMPTP spokesperson Scott Rowe said: “The companies remain completely united.”
But unlike past strikes, including the 100-day standoff between writers and studios in 2007-2008, no leading executive has emerged to help broker labor peace.
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Director Steven Spielberg, left, Disney CEO Bob Iger and director James Cameron in January. 
(Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)
Wall Street already has placed its bets, punishing the stocks of legacy media companies. 
Since the writers’ strike began in May, Disney’s stock has fallen 13% to $88.62 a share. Paramount has dropped more than 30% to $15.96 a share, and Warner Bros. Discovery has declined nearly 7% to $12.40. 
Shares of WBD, which owns HBO and CNN, closed at $12.40 on Friday, down nearly 50% since April 2022 when the smaller Discovery absorbed WarnerMedia — a deal that saddled the company with more than $45 billion in debt. 
In contrast, Netflix shares have soared 36% to $441.91 since the writers’ strike began.
Netflix now boasts a higher market value — nearly $200 billion — than Disney, the world’s largest entertainment company, which is valued at $162 billion. 
“Investors are saying Netflix can weather the storm,” Nathanson said. “They make a lot of shows, and stack them up because of the binge-viewing model. They also have a lot more international production that they can import.” 
Disney’s boss, Iger, appeared on business channel CNBC last week from the annual media mogul conference in picturesque Sun Valley, Idaho. The executive, who returned to the company in November, acknowledged that he underestimated the challenges confronting his company — particularly in the traditional television business.
“The disruptive forces that have been preying on that business for a while are greater than I thought,” Iger said. “We have to come to grips with that.”
Disney already has slashed nearly 7,000 jobs this year in an effort to save $5.5 billion. And in a nod to the changing winds, Iger suggested Disney might consider shedding linear channels, perhaps even the ABC television network. 
The company, he said, also is open to taking on a strategic partner for ESPN. 
Disney’s sports empire remains lucrative, but it is plagued by the trend of consumers ditching cable and satellite subscriptions in favor of streaming apps. At some point, the company plans to offer ESPN directly to consumers — but Iger didn’t say when.
“We’re seeing accelerated cord cutting as people are dropping the cable bundle,” Nathanson said. “And advertisers are no longer supporting the networks as they have in the past.” 
Broadcast networks — ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox — are expected to be hit hard by the twin strikes because they are most reliant on fresh programming. Late-night comedians, including ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel and CBS’ Stephen Colbert, have been off the air since early May, when the writers’ strike began.
If the two walkouts are not resolved before October, there probably won’t be any new scripted shows produced until next year, according to company insiders. 
And that could be devastating at a time when traditional networks are struggling to hold on to viewers.
“The networks have sports and news but a lot of their constituents are there to watch the prime-time shows,” said Neil Begley, a senior vice president for Moody’s Investors Service. “Among those viewers, there’s an expectation that fall is the start of the new season. The networks are going to have to reach far and wide for content to fill those hours.”
Compounding matters, this year’s annual TV advertising market, when TV networks sell their commercial time for the new season, has been sluggish.
“Advertisers don’t know what type of programming they’re going to get with these strikes,” Begley said. “They’re saying: Why commit?”
Privately, company executives say their businesses won’t feel much financial pain for several months. Without widespread production, costs will be lower, which translates into higher profits — at least in the short term.
Studios also are expected to begin canceling TV writers’ overall deals to find more savings.
But eventually, networks and streamers will run low on original episodes and media executives will be motivated to reach a detente.
“You can’t get by without actors,” Begley said. “The actors’ strike gave more leverage to the writers.”
Analysts and veteran executives said the market is straining to support all of the streaming services — and shows to stock them — launched in the last five or so years. Hollywood, they say, could look dramatically different after the strikes get resolved.
“Consolidation is going to happen,” predicted Nathanson. “Perhaps the strike will accelerate those moves as the weakness sets in. Some of these players are going to get weaker.”
Times staff writers Richard Verrier, Yvonne Villarreal, Ryan Faughnder, Stephen Battaglio and Anousha Sakoui contributed to this report.
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"Miracle in East Texas" is a 2019 family comedy film directed by Kevin Sorbo and starring Kevin Sorbo, John Ratzenberger, Louis Gossett Jr., Tyler Mane, Sam Sorbo, and Paula Boudreau. The movie is inspired by a true story and centers around two con-men during the Great Depression who scam lonely widows out of hundreds of dollars by promising them riches from oil wells that they know are dry. Notoriety in Oklahoma forces the two men to take their scheme to Cornville, Texas. However, in the midst of their deception, they actually strike oil, pitting them against jilted lovers, angry investors, and a no-nonsense judge. The movie premiered exclusively in select theaters on October 29 & 30th through Fathom Events.
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felixfathom · 1 year
i always thought i preferred argos to flairmidable (partly because emotion premiered on my birthday ❤) but after rewatching strike back i'm not sure ! in the end they're not really comparable and they both have things the other doesn't but i like pitting bad bitches against eachother
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doomedandstoned · 2 years
Gnash Tear Open New EP, ‘Shared Nightmare’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Growing up a preacher's kid, I found myself trancing out to the repetitive mannerisms that often accompanied the sermon's delivery. I would disassociate and go to strange, weird, and wonderful places in my mind's eye. If there was anything that could snap me right back into place, it was those diatribes on hellfire and damnation. One oft repeated saying of Jesus lingers with me still: "There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth."
Here's a band that has got the gnashing bit down to a veritable art form. They are, in fact, GNASH from Columbus, Ohio, and this is their debut EP, 'Shared Nightmare' (2022). I think we can all identify with its title, as we enter the final quarter of year three on pandemic planet. Whether you view it economically, politically, culturally, or personally, it has been both an interminable nightmare and a wake-up call from our collective delusions of unfettered technological, scientific, and social progress. Put simply, we are at the end of it all still human. We came cosmic dust and to dust we shall return.
Gnash's debut four-track record exposes those wonderful stories we tell ourselves about how things should be, but rarely manifest as envisioned. It is an awakening to pain, loss, and frustration
Am I losing you? Or are you losing me? To a future that we did not plan
First song "The Darker Half" opens to the eerie hypnotic sound of cicadas and a bass riff tuned so low (and captured so remarkably) that you can feel it right down in the pit of your stomach. The dual guitar attack is less for show than atmosphere, conjuring a misty swell of acid rain that buttresses Gnash's nasty vocal stylings.
The cross I bare This pain we share Is more proof that life is just not fair
"Broken Mirror Image" greets us with a crusty, raspy roar and Gnash's attack here is beyond heavy. There is sadness in the air, with the bittersweet chords of rhythm guitar complimented by the melancholic lines of lead guitar.
It's a broken mirror image This broken face that I see It's a broken mirror image Of a severed bond between you and me
"The Amniotic Lake" has a pulsing, headbanging rhythm to it. It swirls and thrashes about. Soon your entire body will be caught in the grinding undertow. The lyrical subtext here is grim, to be sure.
"Sacrificial Bastard" strikes a Nirvanaesque heartbeat, but delivers something else: a hideous, irradiated, sludged-up remnant of what mankind has become in these early stages of the late, great planet Earth. The words here seem to draw a kind of parallel with one's own suffering and the suffering of Christ.
Says singer Josh Richter:
I have always taken pride in being able to pull from whatever emotion I’m feeling inside when writing new music, but this record in particular came from a much darker place than I had expected. Due to some personal things that have transpired over this past year I was able to take the sadness and hatred I was feeling and funnel it into this entire record. I feel as if this band, these songs, and this idea came at the perfect time for me personally. I’m very proud of what we created as a team and I hope everyone can feel a little bit of my pain when they sit down to take a listen.
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Nicky Richter (guitar), Keenan McNeal (drums), Josh Richter (vox), and Ethan Martin (bass)
Shared Nightmare by Gnash sees the light of day on Thursday, September 22nd (get it here). Stick it on a playlist with Thou, Usnea, Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean, GoodEye, and Shepherd's Crook. This is the Doomed & Stoned world premiere.
Give ear...
LISTEN: Gnash - 'Shared Nightmare'
Sludge metal newcomers Gnash are preparing to unleash their debut EP, Shared Nightmare. Frontman Josh Richter comments:
“I’ve never done a concept record before so I wanted to try to tell a story in great detail over an entire record rather than just one song. As dark and gruesome as the concept is, the underlying theme is the feeling of carrying around emotional baggage and trauma your whole life and the effects it takes on someone. Life is a heavy burden sometimes.”
Formed this year in Columbus, Ohio, Gnash has already established a powerful and unique sound, drawing influence from the depth of death metal, the raw emotion of black metal, and heaviness of sludge metal, the band’s debut EP, 'Shared Nightmare' (2022), is a profound and thought-provoking insight into the darkest reaches of mental health issues.
'Shared Nightmare' tells a tale of conjoined twins, where one half of the pair dies. The remaining twin must continue on in life, carrying with him a corpse he can’t be rid of. The EP is an exploration of what it means to bear trauma and the toll it takes after a lifetime of being weighed down by such inescapable feelings.
Not for the faint of heart, prepare to be transported into a dark and chilling tale in Gnash’s debut EP 'Shared Nightmare,' coming September 22nd.
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Judges 15: 1-6. "The Foxes."
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Samson chose a partner, a Philistine woman that was kind of a hobag. He gave her the benefit of the doubt, but she would not wait to attain to Shabbat before consecrating their marriage, a clear violation of Eden, and Samson threw her back into the pit.
Both partners have to be able to observe Shabbat, that is to forsake the works of wickedness before engaging in courtship. The Torah encourages freelancing at sexuality but once the Fourth Day is surpassed, one needs to be able to resist the call of the wild and submit wholeheartedly to the charms of the other.
The tract mentions the brides father gave Samson's bride to his companion after he rejects her. This means "283" to the Holiday to the Passover. A thing of the past, never to be known again.
Then our thirty men in linen transubstantiate down to three hundred foxes with fires on their tails. Then he stands the sheaves up and sacrifices the whole thing. These things occur in clusters. Adultery cannot be tolerated, promiscuity is all right, but it's not great.
The environment called the "barracks of horseplay*" in the Book of Joshua is everyone's fantasy, it can be lived by some, most are not able to prolong it. Those who do are not able to marry or be happy long term and society is not the better for it.
It is best to get away from those who teach horseplay as soon as one realizes the horse, not the man is on top. A man is always the premier vehicle of everything is made by God. Samson proves this by taking a goat (young, impressionable, hairy in an immature way) and some wheat (the Law) after the harvest to the people that wronged them to explain this. He was trying to do the right thing and has the higher ground and they must work out a proper atonement between them for the cuckolding of his wife.
God told us this was the right way to do it in Noach. Heaven has no place for men who cannot recognize their sins and atone for them before death. He even tells Noach not to worry about eating Kosher provided he learns to reckon:
20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar.  21 And when the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, the Lord said in his heart, “I will never again curse[i] the ground because of man, for the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done.  22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” 9 And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.  2 The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered.  3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.  4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.  5 And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man.
Samson’s Vengeance on the Philistines
15  Later on, at the time of wheat harvest, Samson took a young goat and went to visit his wife. He said, “I’m going to my wife’s room.” But her father would not let him go in.
2 “I was so sure you hated her,” he said, “that I gave her to your companion. Isn’t her younger sister more attractive? Take her instead.”
3 Samson said to them, “This time I have a right to get even with the Philistines; I will really harm them.”
 4 So he went out and caught three hundred foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs. He then fastened a torch to every pair of tails, 
5 lit the torches and let the foxes loose in the standing grain of the Philistines. He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves.
6 When the Philistines asked, “Who did this?” they were told, “Samson, the Timnite’s son-in-law, because his wife was given to his companion.”
Can a Jew experience hate? Yes, if the one we hate is a Timnite, "one has not spent a day attaining to Shabbat", AKA someone who refuses to study the Torah but claims to know everything about it.
Recall our strategy was to avoid the sin of Onan and cross pollinate Jews with ladies of other cultures in order to spread an ethical way of life. In this case it didn't work the people of Palestine didn't want to give freedom from the trenches a try.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1:  Later on, at the time of wheat harvest. At The Time always means the transition from Day Zero to Day 1. One day the field is sitting there, doing its thing, the next day it is time to go to work and harvest. The Value in Gematria is 11556, יא‎ההו‎‎ , yea, "Do what is befitting."
v.2: I was so sure you hated her,” he said, “that I gave her to your companion. Isn’t her younger sister more attractive? Take her instead.” The Value in Gematria is 7890, ז‎ח‎טאֶפֶס, zahtapes, "it climbed." Samson's little goat stirred because he got a chance to start over. This is what happens on the Day After we decide to do what is right:
v. 3: This time I have a right to get even. The Value in Gematria is 6305, אנדגפסה, andagapsa "you have to be in moment to understand."
Without the dawn of reason, no matter how hard one tries the experience of the Jewish Self will not take place without passing the Bar first. This happens at Day 3.
Day Four, the Age of Reason is supposed to dawn next but not if one is being crowded by foxes. There are no foxes in the Torah so we don't know if they are Kosher or not:
v. 4:  So he went out and caught three hundred foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs. He then fastened a torch to every pair of tails. There are two stages to sentience: the witness and the affect. Since the Torah mentions not a word about the affect of a fox, Samsons burns the tails off of every pair of foxes since he cannot as Parsha Noach says, make them accountable as with other dirty and clean pairs of animals.
This shows Samson was reasonable.
The Value in Gematria is 6332, וגגב, "a roof and tripe."
Day 5 is agriculture and taxonomy: How things fit together.
v. 5: He lit the torches and let the foxes loose in the standing grain of the Philistines. He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves.
As it turns out the fox is all tripe, so instead of eating it he sacrificed it. A fox is clearly not a kind of goat when it is exposed on the roof where everyone can see it for what it is. The Value in Gematria is 8755, חזיה, "a bra instead of a vest. Not a man." = Does not acquire an Ephod.
v. 6: They were told. The Value in Gematria is 10047, קדז‎, cadiz, "In order to make it to 7...do not take a Jewish man's way of life from him, he will defend the right to get it back, and God will always be on his side.
*AKA the horned boy rodeo?
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outdoorandgeneral · 30 days
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Outdoor & General
Outdoor & General holds a distinguished reputation as a premier destination for natural stone pavers, boasting one of the most extensive and exquisite ranges in Sydney. With over two decades of experience in the industry, our team has garnered unparalleled expertise in outdoor paving solutions. Whether you're envisioning a tranquil oasis around your pool, revamping public spaces, or enhancing the charm of residential landscapes, we are the trusted experts to turn your dreams into reality.
At the heart of Outdoor & General's philosophy is a commitment to providing exceptional quality and service. We understand that each project is unique, requiring careful consideration of factors such as space constraints, aesthetic preferences, and functional requirements. Our team takes pride in offering personalised consultations, sitting down with clients to discuss their vision and recommend the perfect paving options to bring it to life.
Natural stone pavers are our specialty, and we take great pride in curating a diverse selection of premium materials sourced from around the globe. From the timeless elegance of travertine to the rugged beauty of bluestone, our range encompasses a variety of textures, colours, and finishes to suit every style and preference. Whether you're drawn to the warmth of sandstone or the sophistication of granite, we have the perfect solution to elevate your outdoor space.
What sets Outdoor & General apart is not just the quality of our products, but also the expertise of our team. With decades of combined experience in the industry, our consultants have an intimate understanding of the unique characteristics and applications of each paving material. Whether you're looking to create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces or add visual interest to a drab patio, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your goals.
Our dedication to excellence extends beyond the products themselves to encompass every aspect of the customer experience. From the moment you reach out to us, you'll be greeted by a team of passionate professionals committed to providing personalised service and guidance every step of the way. We take the time to listen to your needs, answer your questions, and offer expert advice to ensure that your project is a resounding success.
In addition to our extensive selection of natural stone pavers, Outdoor & General also offers a range of complementary products and services to enhance your outdoor space. From custom-designed fire pits and outdoor kitchens to stylish seating and lighting solutions, we have everything you need to create a truly spectacular outdoor oasis. Our team works closely with clients to understand their vision and bring it to life with meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship.
With over two decades of experience in the industry, Outdoor & General has established itself as a trusted leader in outdoor tiling solutions. Our track record of success is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction. Whether you're a homeowner looking to enhance your outdoor living space or a developer seeking to create a striking visual impact, you can trust Outdoor & General to deliver exceptional results that exceed your expectations.
At Outdoor & General, we understand that outdoor renovations can be a significant investment, both in terms of time and money. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure that every project is completed to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. From the initial consultation to the final installation, our team works tirelessly to ensure that every detail is perfect, so you can enjoy your outdoor space for years to come.
Outdoor & General stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of natural stone pavers. With one of Sydney's most extensive and beautiful ranges, backed by over 20 years of industry experience, we are the trusted experts to turn your outdoor vision into reality. Whether you're looking to create a luxurious poolside retreat, a welcoming patio space, or a striking entranceway, we have the expertise and resources to bring your dreams to life. Trust Outdoor & General to deliver exceptional quality, craftsmanship, and service every step of the way.
Address: 23 Canterbury Rd, Punchbowl, NSW 2196, Australia Phone: +61 2 9791 1595 Website: https://www.outdoorandgeneral.com.au
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thesafarination1 · 5 months
Unleashing Adventure: Safari Nation - The Ultimate Indoor Playground in Winston-Salem, NC
In the heart of Winston-Salem, NC, families are discovering a haven of joy and excitement at Safari Nation, the city's premier indoor playground. As parents seek safe and engaging spaces for their children to explore, Safari Nation stands out as a vibrant oasis of fun, fostering physical activity, creativity, and social interaction.
Safari Nation has become synonymous with a one-of-a-kind experience for kids, providing a dynamic environment that stimulates both the body and the imagination. This indoor playground offers a diverse range of activities designed to captivate children of all ages, making it the perfect destination for families looking to escape the unpredictable weather of North Carolina while ensuring their little ones stay active and entertained.
At the heart of Safari Nation's success is its commitment to creating a safe and secure environment. The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art play structures, ensuring that children can explore and play freely under the watchful eye of attentive staff. The emphasis on safety extends beyond the physical space to encompass health protocols, ensuring that families can enjoy their time at Safari Nation with peace of mind.
The centrepiece of Safari Nation is its expansive play area, featuring imaginative and interactive elements that cater to various age groups. From climbing walls and slides to ball pits and obstacle courses, every corner of Safari Nation is designed to encourage physical activity and motor skill development. The indoor playground is carefully crafted to strike a balance between adventure and safety, providing children with the freedom to explore while offering parents reassurance.
One of the key highlights of Safari Nation is its dedication to creating an inclusive and family-friendly atmosphere. The facility hosts events and activities that cater to different interests and age groups, fostering a sense of community among Winston-Salem residents. Birthday parties, themed events, and educational programs are just a few examples of the diverse offerings that make Safari Nation a dynamic hub for family entertainment.
The Safari Nation team understands the importance of staying connected with the local community. As the go-to indoor playground in Winston-Salem, NC, the company actively collaborates with local schools, community organizations, and businesses to promote family-friendly activities. This commitment to community engagement not only enriches the lives of families but also strengthens the bond between Safari Nation and the vibrant Winston-Salem community.
For parents seeking a respite from routine and a chance for their children to unleash their boundless energy, Safari Nation proves to be the ultimate destination. This indoor playground in Winston-Salem, NC, is not just a recreational facility but a thriving ecosystem of play, laughter, and learning. Safari Nation invites families to embark on an adventure where the joy of childhood knows no bounds.
In conclusion, Safari Nation has emerged as a beacon of fun and excitement in Winston-Salem, NC, offering families a safe and dynamic indoor playground experience. As the city's premier destination for children's entertainment, Safari Nation's commitment to safety, inclusivity, and community engagement sets it apart as a beloved institution where families can create lasting memories. Whether climbing, sliding, or exploring, Safari Nation invites every child to embrace the spirit of adventure within its vibrant walls.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 12.21 (before 1940)
AD 69 – The Roman Senate declares Vespasian emperor of Rome, the last in the Year of the Four Emperors. 1124 – Pope Honorius II is consecrated, having been elected after the controversial dethroning of Pope Celestine II. 1140 – After a siege of several weeks, the city of Weinsberg and its castle surrender to Conrad III of Germany. 1237 – The city of Ryazan is sacked by the Mongol army of Batu Khan. 1361 – The Battle of Linuesa is fought in the context of the Spanish Reconquista between the forces of the Emirate of Granada and the combined army of the Kingdom of Castile and of Jaén resulting in a Castilian victory. 1598 – Battle of Curalaba: The revolting Mapuche, led by cacique Pelentaru, inflict a major defeat on Spanish troops in southern Chile. 1620 – Plymouth Colony: William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims land near what is now known as Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts. 1826 – American settlers in Nacogdoches, Mexican Texas, declare their independence, starting the Fredonian Rebellion. 1832 – Egyptian–Ottoman War: Egyptian forces decisively defeat Ottoman troops at the Battle of Konya. 1844 – The Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers commences business at its cooperative in Rochdale, England, starting the Cooperative movement. 1861 – Medal of Honor: Public Resolution 82, containing a provision for a Navy Medal of Valor, is signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln. 1872 – Challenger expedition: HMS Challenger, commanded by Captain George Nares, sails from Portsmouth, England. 1879 – World premiere of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark. 1883 – The Royal Canadian Dragoons and The Royal Canadian Regiment, the first Permanent Force cavalry and infantry regiments of the Canadian Army, are formed. 1907 – The Chilean Army commits a massacre of at least 2,000 striking saltpeter miners in Iquique, Chile. 1910 – An underground explosion at the Hulton Bank Colliery No. 3 Pit in Over Hulton, Westhoughton, England, kills 344 miners. 1913 – Arthur Wynne's "word-cross", the first crossword puzzle, is published in the New York World. 1919 – American anarchist Emma Goldman is deported to Russia. 1923 – United Kingdom and Nepal formally sign an agreement of friendship, called the Nepal–Britain Treaty of 1923, which superseded the Treaty of Sugauli signed in 1816. 1934 – Lieutenant Kijé, one of Sergei Prokofiev's best-known works, premiered 1936 – First flight of the Junkers Ju 88 multi-role combat aircraft. 1937 – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the world's first full-length animated feature, premieres at the Carthay Circle Theatre.
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garlandscapeus · 6 months
Enhance Your Outdoor Spaces with Garland Landscape – Your Trusted Hardscaping Company
In the realm of landscaping, the term "hardscaping" has gained significant popularity, and for a good reason. Hardscaping involves the integration of non-living elements into outdoor spaces, providing structure, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. When it comes to transforming your outdoor living areas, look no further than Garland Landscape – your trusted hardscaping company.
Why Hardscaping Matters: Hardscaping plays a pivotal role in creating a well-balanced and visually appealing outdoor environment. It involves the use of materials such as stone, brick, concrete, and wood to construct elements like patios, walkways, retaining walls, and outdoor kitchens. These features not only add functionality but also contribute to the overall beauty of your landscape.
Garland Landscape's Expertise: Garland Landscape stands out as a premier hardscaping company, offering a wealth of expertise in designing and implementing transformative outdoor spaces. With a keen understanding of the latest trends in hardscape design, our skilled professionals can turn your vision into a reality. Whether you're looking to revamp your backyard, create an inviting patio space, or build a stunning retaining wall, Garland Landscape has the experience and creativity to exceed your expectations.
Key Hardscaping Services:
Patio Design and Installation: Our expert team at Garland Landscape specializes in creating inviting and functional patio spaces. From contemporary designs to rustic charm, we tailor our patio installations to complement your home's architecture and your personal style.
Walkways and Pathways: Enhance the accessibility and aesthetics of your outdoor spaces with our custom walkway and pathway designs. Using a variety of materials, we can create paths that seamlessly blend with the natural surroundings while providing a durable and practical solution.
Retaining Walls: Transform slopes and uneven terrain into visually striking landscapes with our retaining wall solutions. Our skilled craftsmen ensure that these structures are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve their practical purpose of preventing soil erosion.
Outdoor Kitchen Construction: Elevate your outdoor entertaining experience with a well-designed and expertly constructed outdoor kitchen. Garland Landscape combines functionality and style to create the perfect space for cooking and socializing in your backyard.
Fire Pits and Seating Areas: Extend the usability of your outdoor space into the evenings with our custom fire pits and seating areas. Whether you prefer a traditional fire pit or a modern fire feature, Garland Landscape can design and build the perfect focal point for your gatherings.
Customer-Centric Approach: At Garland Landscape, we understand that every client is unique, and their outdoor spaces should reflect their individual tastes and preferences. Our customer-centric approach involves collaborative design consultations to ensure that your vision is understood and brought to life. We pride ourselves on open communication, transparency, and delivering projects on time and within budget.
Conclusion: Investing in the expertise of Garland Landscape, your trusted hardscaping company, is a step toward creating outdoor spaces that not only stand the test of time but also become an extension of your lifestyle. From innovative designs to meticulous installations, we are committed to enhancing the beauty and functionality of your property. Contact Garland Landscape today to embark on a journey of transforming your outdoor spaces into a haven of beauty and relaxation.
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honoka-marierose · 8 months
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse had a successful run in theaters which saw it gross a spectacular $690 million worldwide (in comparison, 2018's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse earned $384.3 million). Now Sony Pictures Animation's highest-grossing title, it's already available on Digital, DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K, and we today have news on its streaming debut.
Deadline (via Toonado.com) has confirmed the critically acclaimed sequel will premiere on the U.S. version of Netflix on October 31.
While Disney+ has some Spider-Man movies (and will eventually be their go-to streaming home), a pre-existing deal between Sony Pictures and Netflix somewhat complicates things, hence why this blockbuster is heading there first.
We also don't currently have any news on when the sequel will hit the streaming platform overseas.
The current plan is for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse to be followed by the final chapter in a planned trilogy titled Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. However, even before the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, it meeting its March 2024 release date seemed doubtful.
As a result, it wasn't remotely surprising when the news broke that it had been delayed indefinitely (we'd bet on it finally swinging into theaters in late 2025/early 2026). After a big cliffhanger ending, the wait will sting, but we're sure it'll be worth it.
"A contender for the best Spider-Man film yet and easily the greatest animated movie ever made," we said in our review earlier this year, "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is a jaw-dropping spectacle, a feast for the senses, and an instant Marvel classic."
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In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales returns for the next chapter of the Oscar-winning Spider-Verse saga.
After reuniting with Gwen Stacy, Brooklyn's full-time, friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man is catapulted across the Multiverse, where he encounters a team of Spider-People charged with protecting its very existence.
But when the heroes clash on how to handle a new threat, Miles finds himself pitted against the other Spiders and must redefine what it means to be a hero so he can save the people he loves most.
The movie stars Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld, Jake Johnson, Issa Rae, Daniel Kaluuya, Karan Soni, Jason Schwartzman, Brian Tyree Henry, Luna Lauren Velez, Greta Lee, Rachel Dratch, Jorma Taccone, Shea Whigham, and Oscar Isaac.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is now available on Digital and Blu-ray.
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fusion360 · 10 months
Is Hardscape a Good Investment?
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When considering home improvement projects, investing in your outdoor spaces can significantly enhance the appeal and value of your property. One of the trending trends in landscaping is hardscaping, which involves incorporating non-living elements like stone, concrete, and other durable materials into your outdoor design. This article explores the merits of hardscape investments, specifically focusing on renowned landscape centers like Kilgore Landscape Center and Salt Lake Landscape Centers. We'll also delve into popular hardscaping products, such as Mexican Beach Cobble and Decorative Landscaping Rock, and assess the long-term benefits of incorporating them into your landscape design.
Kilgore Landscape Center: A Hub of Hardscaping Excellence:
Kilgore Landscape Center has emerged as a premier destination for homeowners and contractors seeking top-quality hardscaping products. With a vast selection of materials, ranging from elegant Mexican Beach Cobble to versatile Decorative Landscaping Rock, Kilgore Landscape Center provides the building blocks for creating stunning outdoor living spaces. These hardscape products boast durability and resilience, making them a worthwhile investment for those seeking long-lasting landscaping solutions.
Incorporating products from Kilgore Landscape Center into your hardscaping project not only enhances the visual appeal but also adds functionality and value to your property. Whether you're looking to create a beautiful stone pathway, a sturdy retaining wall, or a stylish patio, Kilgore Landscape Center has the perfect materials to meet your requirements.
Salt Lake Landscape Centers: Elevating Outdoor Aesthetics:
Salt Lake Landscape Centers is another prominent player in the hardscaping industry, renowned for its commitment to offering premium materials and exceptional service. Their collection includes a wide array of hardscaping products, each handpicked to elevate your outdoor aesthetics and enhance your property's worth.
One standout product at Salt Lake Landscape Centers is the Mexican Beach Cobble. These smooth, rounded stones add a touch of elegance to any landscape design, making them an ideal choice for water features, pathways, and borders. With their natural beauty and durability, Mexican Beach Cobble has become a sought-after choice for homeowners and landscape professionals alike.
In addition to the captivating cobblestones, Salt Lake Landscape Centers also boasts an extensive range of Decorative Landscaping Rock. These versatile rocks come in various sizes, colors, and textures, allowing for creative combinations that accentuate the unique features of your landscape. From accentuating garden beds to creating visually striking focal points, these rocks add a touch of charm and character to your outdoor space.
The Value of Hardscaping Investments:
Now that we have explored the hardscaping offerings of Kilgore Landscape Center and Salt Lake Landscape Centers, let's delve into the value of hardscaping investments as a whole.
1. Increased Property Value: Hardscaping is a surefire way to boost your property's value. A well-designed patio, fire pit, or outdoor kitchen creates additional functional living space, increasing the appeal to potential buyers and driving up the market value of your home.
2. Low Maintenance: Unlike traditional landscaping that demands constant care and maintenance, hardscape elements require minimal upkeep. Investing in durable materials like stone or concrete reduces the need for watering, pruning, and mowing, saving you time and money in the long run.
3. Enhanced Aesthetics: Incorporating hardscape features into your landscape design adds an instant wow factor. The combination of Mexican Beach Cobble, Decorative Landscaping Rock, and other hardscaping products can transform a mundane yard into a breathtaking outdoor oasis.
4. Improved Functionality: Hardscape elements can improve the functionality of your outdoor space. From creating pathways that guide foot traffic to constructing retaining walls that prevent erosion, these additions serve practical purposes while also adding to the overall charm of your property.
5. Sustainability and Durability: Investing in high-quality hardscaping products guarantees longevity and sustainability. Mexican Beach Cobble and Decorative Landscaping Rock, for example, can withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring that your investment remains intact and beautiful for years to come.
In conclusion, hardscaping is undeniably a good investment, particularly when sourced from reputable landscape centers like Kilgore Landscape Center and Salt Lake Landscape Center. By incorporating products such as Mexican Beach Cobble and Decorative Landscaping Rock into your outdoor design, you can elevate the aesthetics, functionality, and value of your property. Whether you're looking to create a tranquil garden space, a welcoming patio, or an inviting pathway, hardscaping offers a plethora of benefits that make it a wise investment choice for any homeowner or property developer.
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