#pretty happy w this tbh for just a phone drawing it came out pretty cute!
dreamerlynx · 2 years
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i needed something to doodle and luckily @the-final-sif just posted a funky au idea called the apology cake au (check it out!) :D ill be honest in my head c!dream is even smaller than he is here but compared to sam he’s already pretty tiny so I left him be. little bunny boy
unshaded/no background version under cut
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kimjoongs · 4 years
ateez as fanfic aus/tropes
hongjoong ; fantasy au
he’s the innkeeper
well-renowned amongst the townspeople for being the purest soul in the kingdom
secretely a mage but he tries to pass off as a human for safety purposes
loves to tell stories to the children outside the inn, and if he’s careful enough, he’ll use magic to make his stories a little more entertaining
owns a pet bird who likes to perch on his shoulder
knows all the dirt and gossip about each and every person in the kingdom and stores them away should he ever need them in the future
he has a journal that he carries around everywhere and it’s filled with drawings of the townspeople, forest creatures, flora, buildings, etc
lowkey (highkey) fancies the tea shop owner (aka you) down the street but is too shy to say anything
seonghwa ; reincarnation au
he was a prince in his first life, about ready to take his rightful place on the throne before he was chased out of the kingdom by his brother
he was reborn as a painter in his next one, creating art from the memories of his past life
loves looking back on his work that he created in his past life
in his next life he meets you, an amateur writer
you two fall in love and promise to meet each other in your next life
you’d leave hidden messages in your novels that only seonghwa knew about
and seonghwa would scavenge high and low to find you
yunho ; college au
he’s a broadcasting major who also happens to be captain of the dance club
everyone loves him because he’s always seen running through campus with a huge smile on his face
likes to coop up in one of the library study rooms during exam week
it may look like he’s studying hard, but really he’s just watching puppy videos on his phone
one time yunho was running late to class so there were barely any open seats left when he got there
you offered to let him sit in the seat next to you and he never sat anywhere else after that
he really really liked you so one day, just as class was ending, he dropped a piece of paper into your lap and dashed out before you could ask him what it was
spoiler: it was his number and the words “study date? :)”
yeosang ; childhood friends to lovers au
you were the new kid at school and yeosang was your first friend
you two did everything together and were practically joined at the hip
he always acts like he’s annoyed with you but the second he senses something is wrong, he’s the first one there
the type to send you a meme at 3am and be like “this is you” 
wanted to confess to you for sooooo long but he was nervous and didn’t wanna risk jeopardizing your friendship
so it came as a surprise when you confessed to him first and he just ??? yeosang.exe has stopped working
nothing really changes btwn you too when you start dating except for the fact that there’s more cuddles and kisses involved
san ; soulmate au
a universe where you can hear everything your soulmate is thinking
just from his thoughts alone, you found out that san volunteers at the local animal shelter and really really cannot stand his english professor
sometimes he’ll slip up and start thinking about his soulmate and forgets that you can hear him
he’s pretty mischievous so when you ask him where’s from, he’ll just be like “nah not telling you”
you get back at him by purposely ignoring his thoughts and refusing to have a conversation with him
san’s the only one who knows about your deepest secrets and he promises to keep them safe
the first time you guys meet, the first thing san thinks when he sees you is: whoa...i’m in love
mingi ; coffee shop au
the cute barista who likes to leave sweet notes on the customers’ cups
it’s become his brand now and all of the regulars eagerly look forward to whatever message mingi writes on their cup
he wears these cute round glasses and his hair is always styles down in curls and makes everyone in the shop feel incredibly endeared
very close with his co-workers and likes to give them hugs sometimes because working in the food industry can be taxing
you’re one of the regulars at the shop and ofc mingi has a huge mf crush on you
he knows you like the muffins a lot so he always makes sure to keep one for you
shoots his shot by drawing a heart next on your cup and thank god you you knew what it meant
wooyoung ; rock band au
he plays the bass guitar
is always wearing either a sleeveless tshirt or hoodie there is no inbetween
wooyoung didn’t like his short hair so he grew it out and always tied it back during practice
super super charismatic at shows, never staying in one spot for more than a few seconds and going up to his bandmates to play together
his pre-show ritual consists of running up and down the stage and his bandmates think it’s ridiculous but if it works for him then so be it
likes to send you winks and smirks when he notices you watching from backstage and it makes you weak in the knees
you customized a pick for him and you best bet wooyoung treasures that thing more than anything, he never goes on stage without it
jongho ; enemies to lovers au
he lives in the apartment next to yours and is a l w a y s singing at the top of his lungs every night
you knocked on his door and asked him to stop but he was like no sorry
every night whenever he started singing, you would bang on the wall with your fist and the two of you would just go back and forth until someone got tired
but for a whole week straight, not once did you hear jongho whisper even a single note and tbh you should’ve been happy about it but...you couldn’t help but feel worried
so once again you knocked on his door to which jongho opened it and frown because he looks so....heartbroken?
you later find out that the person jongho looked up to said they didn’t like his voice and he’s been in a slump ever since
and okay yes you were annoyed that he would not shut up at night, but you did think he had a nice voice and encouraged him to keep singing
maybe you were in over your head, but you figured it was worth telling him when you heard his familiar voice permeate through your walls later that night
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ur moodboards r so pretty!! i was wondering if i could get one w/ a matchup? i'm a 21 y/o 5'7" bi girl, gemini and an infp. my interests include writing (kinda edgy tbh) poetry n drawing. i'm v into vulture culture, specifically bone collecting and wet specimens. i love animals, esp ferrets (i have 6 lol). i love listening to music, mostly heavy or obscure bands. i'm not v assertive and i'm a big daydreamer. ppl say i have a rather dry/dark sense of humor. thank u and good luck w the new blog!!
Darling, for sure! And thank you so much!! I hate to admit that flattery will in fact get you anywhere ahh dang it ily
For your matchup! This is like, bit obvious ‘kay, but let me make it special aight yuh, cue funky goth music! 
((Also, I went with the assumption that ferret owners walk them?? I hope that’s okay and not too bizarre?? As a dog owner I am sorry if I messed that up hhh)
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Translation: “Be my silver lining, help me make things better, darling.”
Leone Abbacchio!
At first glance, Abbacchio just really dug your style. The way you presented yourself was exactly according to his liking, extremely tasteful, he thought to himself. Still, having a platonic crush on your style didn’t move him to come up to speak to you out of the blue, what for anyways? Not like he was about to ruin some quite scrumptious girl’s day with his weird ramblings.
What a surprise though. Next time he spotted you in public it was by chance, and also amusingly entertaining. Were you really walking around with 4 ferrets on a leash? What was better, as he walked closer to you was, did you also carry two more ferrets on your tote-bag? He chuckled as he finally was close enough to you and spoke. “Excuse me miss, I couldn’t help but stare.” He started, earning a raised eyebrow from you, was this dude a creep or something? You tightened the leash quietly towards you, ready to lift your tiny children into the bag and run if needed.
“Oh, yeah?” You replied, on your guard, giving him a full scan with your eyes. Tall, well built, solemn looking, very nice lips and lipstick, nice hair, nice clothing style. Okay, visually, he had a pass, you had yet to see if he was a decent person. “Yeah.” He started, feeling the analytic gaze coming from you in his figure. He came in too strong probably. “I mean, it’s not every day you see a beautiful lady walking around with... six. Six ferrets in the street.” He had paused mid-sentence to count your pets. That, that earned positive points on his favor, he was cute, he got a pass.
“That’d be a beautiful girl for you, I’m not that old, sir.” You retorted, a small smile on your lips for you didn't mean no harm, and he understood that by replying with a smile on his face as well. “Ouch, okay, touché.” You both chuckled, then Leone presented himself, extending a polite hand your way. “I’m Leone, Leone Abbacchio, pleased to meet you miss.” He started, his lips together in a polite, amused smile. You thought it through for a second, realizing just how handsome this man was, timidly raising your hand to shake his. “Y/N’s the name, the pleasure is... mine, Leone.” He found that reaction interesting, contrary to the previous one, regaling you with a tender smile that barely showed you his perfect pearly whites.
“Well, Y/N, would you maybe... like to go for a drink?” He suggested, taking all his chances right there. How long had it been since he last went out with a girl for his own personal interest? He feared he’d forgotten how to act. Then came your answer, that actually put him at ease quite easily. “I’d love to, but I have to leave this babies back home first.” You started, then adjusting your tote-bag and reaching inside the pocket of your pants you took out your phone, unlocking it with practiced easiness. “Mind giving me your number so we can meet up some other time though?” He grinned, nodding and giving you a short “hm” as a response. 
You’d decided to meet up at the local music store, upon his request. Apparently, he wanted to buy a new album from his favorite band for his collection, and you didn’t comply, since you also were happy to check out on some new tunes. 
Watch him pleasantly surprised when he gets there and finds that both; you’re already there, even if he did get there a bit early, and also you were eyeing quite thoroughly the section he most liked to search through. “Hello there Y/N, anything catch your eye?”
As much as you’d liked to blurt out “You.”, you swallowed when you turned around and saw this wonderful eye candy ask about your music preference. 
After walking around the store for a while, casually chatting about the CDs both you and him pointed at or grabbed before placing them back in place you’d learned that you shared music tastes! Would he get any better than this? You thought, and simultaneously, so did he about you.
You decided to go for that drink you promised the previous day, he ordered some tea, and you did much the same. He refrained from drinking beer due to having problems with it in the past, he commented. You felt bad, so that’s why you chose the same thing, a small act of solidarity.
Through the afternoon, you’d been talking about books you’d read, sometimes coinciding on your reads, most the time Abbacchio recommending you books he’d loved, and so on.
It got interesting when you mentioned you also wrote some poetry sometimes. He asked if he could someday see your writings, and as much flustered as you got upon just thinking about it, you decided upon saying “We’ll see.”
When the night came, you’d realized you’d spent too much time in there, now a long 30 minute walk awaited you back home and, quite honestly, you weren’t exactly giddy and excited about it. 
“Don’t worry, bella, I’ll drive you home.” Great! You were rather nervous to get in the car of a man you’d quite prematurely met, but something deep in your gut told yourself to trust in him. And you did well, he opened the passenger seat’s door for you in a most outdated gentlemanly manner and turned around to sit down on the driver’s seat himself, revving up the engine and starting your way back home. You gave him the directions in a quiet tone, the music on the radio calmly playing while he let you guide, eyes focused on the road ahead and the wind gently swaying his hair backwards from his half open window. 
You took some time to quietly observe his features. The moonlight did him justice, he looked handsome during daylight, but this was another thing entirely. You realized you’d gotten a small crush on him at this point, sighing and staring at the road ahead. Not aware he’d noticed your staring and was now biting the inside of his cheek where you couldn’t see his embarrassment.
When you got home, your stomach sunk. You felt just how much you didn’t want him to leave just yet. And so, when you undid your belt and were about to turn for the door after a quiet “thank you”, you decided on turning back once more, only to notice he’d leaned over onto your seat and his face was mere inches away from yours, staring back at you with quiet surprise and wonder.
He swallowed, timidly speaking up after clearing his throat, not moving an inch. “You were about to... forget your bag in the back seat...” He stated, and you did notice your bag was being held in the hand that invaded your seat by its handles.
You slowly leaned in, and it happened, you pressed your lips to his, and he pressed back against you in return, raising his hand to your cheek and letting the bag softly drop into the car’s floor. 
When you broke off the kiss, you bit your lip. You were both adults, there was no harm in asking, right? “Uhm... would you want to... come in?” He chuckled and leaned back into the driver’s seat, moving the gear lever while still looking at you with a smirk on his lips. “Sure bella, let me park first and I’ll be there in a minute.”
So he spent the night with you. Next morning, you woke up with a small paper note next to you in bed, right where he’d laid previously and it read, in utmost fancy calligraphy “Went for breakfast, that was wonderful. - Leone”.
You threw yourself back into the mattress again, giddily waving the paper around as your kicked your legs like a teenage girl in love. You loved this man, he was amazing, so thoughtful, so kind and charming. He made you feel safe, and that’s what you most cherished. Sooner than later, you heard the doorbell ring, and promptly threw a shirt on you along with some undergarments to find a handsome silver haired man standing at your door with coffee and pastries.
After meeting up a few more times in this fashion, you’d gotten to the point you just had to ask. Perched on his form on your sofa as you watched a documentary on pagan rituals he seemed to be rather interested on, you rested your head between his shoulder and his chest and timidly asked, playing with his hand that rested on your thigh. “Leone, what are we?” 
He seemed to stay silent for longer than comfortable. But when you looked up, seeing him arch his brow in confusion and turn to look at you for a brief moment before turning his gaze back to the screen. He threw an arm around your shoulder and squeezed you close, resting his temple on top of your head tenderly as he seemed to try and find his words without missing much of the show.
“I thought we were dating already?” He nonchalantly replied, which made your chest tighten and a sharp breath inflate your chest. You let it out and gave a small nod onto his chest, placing a soft kiss on it and turning your  gaze to the TV once more, feeling him run his hand up and down your forearm in a comforting motion. “I’m glad we are then.” He chuckled and shook his head, but added nothing else, the smile never leaving his lips. 
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Pranking Tom
Summary: She comes to visit her roommates, Tom and Haz in Montreal. Harry is there too and along with him, she and Haz prank Tom. It’s the perfect place - they’re surrounded by woods and who knows what lurks amongst those trees. 
Based on this gifset. Full video here. 
This is part of @spxderman-s and I’s collaborative Roommates Collection, which you can find in full on my masterlist page.
Pairings: Reader (?) x Tom Holland x Harry Holland x Haz Osterfield (Tbh there’s a subtle love triangle situation between reader x tom x harry)
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Swearing, that’s it really.
A/n: I recommend watching the video beforehand, or even just having a look at the gifset, just so you have a better understanding of the setting and scenario. Seriously tho, watch the video and imagine Tom as the guy being pranked in it, and it’s the funniest thing you’ll ever see, I promise. I die every time lmao 
Shout out to Effie for helping me write this <3  Hope you guys enjoy it, I’d love to know what you think!
She stood in front of the television with her hands on her hips and glared at the three boys lazing on the couch.
“Did you losers finish my Lucky Charms?”
“Can you move, please?” Harrison asked, completely disregarding her question.
“Why do you want Lucky Charms now? We just had dinner,” Tom queried.
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I will have Lucky Charms whenever I damn well please, thank you very much,” she snapped.
“I’ll be your lucky charm, love,” Harry winked at her.
Before she could respond, Tom threw a cushion at his head.
“Shut up, Harry.”
She watched the exchange, amused at Tom defending her, yet again. Harry had been hitting on her since she had arrived in Montreal. He was unfazed by the age gap, taking every opportunity to make a sly remark or throw a wink in her direction. For her part, sure, he was cute, and she was flattered, but he was still her roommate’s little brother – nothing was going to happen there. If she was being honest though, she was pretty sure he was doing it just to annoy his older sibling, anyway.
“Well, I’m going to go get a new box. Don’t even think about touching it this time,” she said icily.
“How are you going to get there? We need the car to go to the gym in a bit,” Harrison indicated himself and Tom.
“I’ll walk.”
“In the dark? By yourself?” Tom sat up, concerned.
“Hey, lucky charm,” she looked at the youngest boy, “Want to come with me?”
A grin spread across his face when he realised she had chosen him over his brother.
“Sure, darling. I’ll protect you from the monsters in the dark.”
She turned back to Tom.
He simply rolled his eyes.
“I would have bought you Lucky Charms on the way home,” he muttered under his breath. She didn’t hear him.
“Drive safe, boys. See you later,” she pulled on her coat and waved her hand at them.
“Later, Haz. Later, bro,” Harry smirked at him as he placed a hand on her back and guided her out the door.
The two of them walked down the driveway and a little further down the dirt road. They stopped at a seemingly random bush where Harry crouched down. He pushed aside the branches to reveal a backpack.
“Here,” he handed it to her.
She unzipped it and pulled out two white gowns and two black wigs.
“This is going to be hilarious!”
Harry turned his torch on. They shed their jackets and pulled the dresses over their heads. It was quite cold, so they had opted to keep their jeans and shirts on underneath. Next, she took her wig and roughly combed the long straight strands with her fingers. She placed it on her head, the fake hair hanging in front of her face instead of at the back. Parting the wig so she could see, she helped Harry tug his on the same way she had. They were identical, in loose fitting, floor-length, white gowns and black hair hiding their faces. The only difference was that Harry stood a couple of inches taller than her.
“You look hot,” he teased.
“Not too bad yourself, lucky charm,” she reciprocated, the corners of her mouth quirking up.
“Do you think we’ll scare him?” she asked.
“Definitely, Tom is going to shit his pants.”
She giggled, envisioning his face.
“Alright, let’s go.”
Harry yanked on his jacket.
“Here, take mine too,” she handed him hers, “I don’t want you to catch hypothermia or anything. I’m going to be inside the car, so I won’t be as cold.”
“Thanks,” he smiled gratefully, taking on a bulky figure as he put her coat on as well. It was a tight fit, but he was warmer now.
“Are you sure you’re okay to walk through the woods by yourself? I can come with you, if you’d like,” she offered, worrying about the younger boy wandering through the woods alone in the dark.
“I’ll be fine,” he reassured, squeezing her shoulder.
“We can take a romantic stroll through the woods another night,” he flashed a cheeky grin.
“Oh, shut up,” she lightly shoved him in the chest.
Laughing, he picked up the backpack and started in the direction of the woods.
She watched him walk him into the foliage, shrouded in darkness and shadows. It wasn’t a clear night; the moon was full, yet hidden behind clouds. She continued to track the beam of his flashlight until it was no longer visible. She shivered, the chilly air seeping into her skin. She folded her arms to ward off the cold and aimed her torch in front of her. She slowly trudged along the lonely road, back towards the house they were staying at. She made sure nobody was around before quietly creeping up the driveway to the parked vehicle. Checking her surroundings once more, specifically the house, she turned off her torch and opened the back door, climbing inside. Earlier, Harrison had left the car unlocked.
She slowly shut the door, careful not to make any noise. Glad that she had been successful thus far, she crawled over the back seat and into the trunk. She took out her phone and messaged Harry.
Her: I’m in the car, where are you?
A minute later her phone lit up.
Harry: Almost there.
Her: Text me when you get there and I’ll let Haz know we’re ready.
She tried to find a comfortable position while she waited for his response. It was a confined space and she struggled to stretch her legs out. Finally giving in, she lay down on her side, tucking her knees into her chest. Soon after, she received a notification.
Harry: I’m here.
Her: I’ll tell Haz. Are you ok?
Harry: Yeah, I’m good. Bloody freezing though :/
Her: Just a little bit longer. It’s going to be so worth it when we scare Tom lol
Smiling at the thought, she messaged Harrison.
Her: Harry and I are ready.
Harrison: Ok, we’re leaving soon.
Harrison: Make sure you’re hidden.
Ten minutes later, when she was beginning to squirm to prevent pins and needles, she heard the front door close. Stilling immediately, she strained her ears. Haz and Tom were chatting as they walked towards the car. The muffled voices came closer and she curled up tight, holding her breath. The car doors opened and bags were thrown in. They both got in the car and Harrison started the engine. She sighed with relief. Undetected.
Her: We’re leaving the house now, get ready.
Harry: Ok.
She locked her phone and slipped it into her back pocket. She settled in, Harry was up first.
She couldn’t see them, but the boys were quiet. She knew Harrison was probably mentally preparing for his role. The whole prank depended on his ability to sell the fear of the ‘monster in the woods’; having said that, Tom scared easily. A giggle almost escaped her lips as she thought about it. She clamped a hand over her mouth and prayed she hadn’t been caught. Neither of the boys said a word. She was fine.
They had been driving for a short distance now, and she guessed they were very close to Harry’s hiding spot.
Right on time, Harrison spoke up.
“I need to pee.”
“Just wait until we get to the gym.”
“No, I can’t wait that long.”
“Fine, hurry up.”
She smiled. This was it.
Harrison pulled the car over and turned off the engine. He exited the car and she heard Tom exhale. She didn’t dare peek a look, not willing to risk being caught. Instead, she tried to steady her breathing, the anticipation causing adrenalin to course through her blood. Very quietly, inch by inch, she repositioned herself. She checked the lock of the seat was undone so that she could quickly push it forward and pounce on Tom.
A moment passed before she heard the car door open. Haz jumped in, and she felt the whoosh of air as he pulled the door closed. She heard his pants and fearful stuttering.
“Wha – what the fuck? Shit, what the fuck was that?” he cried.
Tom seemed more confused than frightened.  
“Are you okay, dude? What’s wrong?”
“Fuck! Tom, there was something in the woods, I’m telling you.”
She was impressed; she could really hear the distress in his voice. He was doing brilliantly.
“What are you talking about? What was out there?” Tom was beginning to panic now.
She pressed her palm against her mouth to keep from laughing. She knew what was coming next.
Still swearing, Harrison turned the engine over and the headlights came on.
She could only imagine Harry standing in front of the car, lit up by the beam of the lights. He was only standing there, but it was enough.
Harrison’s performance reached new heights as he began shouting at the top of his lungs. She heard them shifting in their seats, jostling the entire vehicle.
“Shit! What the fuck is it? Oh my god, Tom! What the fuck? Shit! Fuck! Fuck!”
Tom had broken by now.
“What the fuck? What the fuck? What is that? Shit! Harrison, what the fuck?”
As they had rehearsed, Harry would now ‘disappear’ below the car, allowing her to make her big entrance. Although she couldn’t see him, she knew he had done his part because a shrill, high-pitched shriek filled the small space. It was Tom. She had to draw upon every ounce of will power  not to burst out laughing right then and there. Taking a deep breath, she got into character. She made sure her wig was on properly, covering her face.
“What the fuck? Where did it go?” Harrison yelled.
“Where the fuck is it? Where is it?” Tom screeched. That was her cue.
Shoving the seat down, she crawled forward, letting out an elongated, throaty groan. She was going to have a hoarse throat for the next two days but she didn’t care.  
Hearing her, Tom realised she was behind him. His face contorted into pure terror as he tried to simultaneously turn around and also move away from her. When she reached him, she wrapped her fingers around his neck. She moved her face right up to his ear, still making the strange noise, the tresses of her wig brushing against the side of his face. He struggled in her grasp and his hands came over hers, trying to free himself. He was wrestling within the confines of the seatbelt, his body cowering away from her. He was hyperventilating and his legs were kicking about. His eyes were bugged out and his mouth was open in a strangled scream.
Harrison was next to him, curse words falling from his mouth as he tried – poorly – to help push her away. Due to the awkward angle in which she had come at him, her grip on him wasn’t too firm. He managed to free himself, swinging his arm wildly at her face in an attempt to warn her off. He was flattened against the door, moving as far away from her as possible, breath erratic and sweating. He was leaning all the way towards the dashboard, knee up as protection. Her throat was feeling very dry now and she was relatively blind in the wig. She kept going though, patting her hands over his body to find his neck again, and sounding the horrific groan.
Then, amid their screams, Harrison began to laugh.
With his break in character, she stopped too, sitting back and pulling off the wig. She began to laugh as well. Tom had his hand over his heart, his chest rising and falling dramatically as he tried to catch his breath. Understanding slowly dawned on him and she doubled over laughing, clutching her belly. Harrison slapped Tom on the back, eyes crinkled and an ear-splitting grin upon his face. Looking at her, they convulsed into giggles again. They high-fived, proud of themselves. She wiped away the tears streaming down her face. Tom’s breathing was still uneven and his face conveyed unease. He hadn’t moved from his position against the door and looked between the two of them defensively.
Suddenly, she remembered that Harry was still outside. She looked through the windshield but didn’t see him.
“Harry?” she yelled.
“Harry’s here too?” Tom asked incredulously. He had somewhat recovered and the indignation of being pranked was beginning to set in.
“We’ve been planning this for weeks, mate. We got you so good,” Harrison snickered.
“For fucks sake, you assholes,” Tom uttered, mad at himself for having being so oblivious.
“Where’s Harry?” Haz asked.
“Harry?” she yelled again, looking out all the windows. Still unable to find him, she opened the door and stepped out. The cold hit her like a ton of bricks as she ventured towards the trees, but there was no sign of him.
“Harry?” she called hesitantly. She peered into the darkness. Still nothing. She looked back at the boys in the car but they shrugged, not seeing him either.
With her back to the shrubbery, she didn’t notice Harry jumping out. He yelled, ‘Boo!” and grabbed her from behind. She let out a shriek, hands frantically trying to release herself from his clutches. As her mind rationalised the lack of threat, she began to breathe again. He hugged her to his chest, his deep laugh filling her ears.
“God damn it, Harry!” she chided. The warmth from his body comforted her, the tension leaving her limbs.
“You, div!” she scolded again, removing herself from his hold and glaring at him. He couldn’t even maintain eye contact, he was laughing so hard. Unable to help herself, she broke into a fit of giggles too. He had gotten her fair and square.
They collected the backpack and jackets and walked back to the car. They clambered in once the seat was pushed back up. The drive home was full of the pranksters reminiscing Tom’s reaction as he silently seethed. He was first out of the car, slamming the door on his way out. She quickly got out and caught up to him.
“Oh, come on, Tom,” she tried.
He ignored her, walking into the house and heading for his room. She followed him in and found him sitting on his bed, looking at his phone.
“Leave me alone.”
“Tommm,” she dragged his name out, kneeling beside him.
“It was just a joke, Tom. We were only having some fun,” she reasoned.
She poked his cheek.
“Come on, Tom, you know it was funny.”
She poked him again. And again. Poke. Poke.
He caught her finger in his fist.
“Hey, what if we get Harry and Haz back? Just you and me?” she suggested.
At this, he finally looked at her.
“Yeah?” she asked hopefully. She didn’t like it when Tom was mad at her.
“Yeah,” he smiled.
“Yay!” she cheered softly, so as not to be heard by the other two boys.
“Can you get out of that gown though? It’s creepy,” Tom shuddered.
“Harry thought I was hot,” she sneered, hopping off the bed.
“Harry’s an idiot.”
“Mmhm,” she murmured as she removed the gown. Dropping it to the floor in a heap, she sat beside Tom once more.
“Okay, so what kind of prank were you thinking?”
Tagging: @tommysdarlin @everythinguncharted @lionfart @settlebackeasy @johnmurphys-sass @bisexualmomfriend @girlwith100names @jjgirl4797 @spideytomsbutt @spideyontherun @unfoxs @fandomscombine @oswald-1998 @spxderman-s @timemngmtoptimisationproblems
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This is gonna get sappy. Hello! Thank you for 2K (again)! 
Honestly, when I left 2-3 yrs ago I didn’t have any intentions on returning, or at least I hoped beyond hope I wouldn’t cave. I did, though. I’ve been sharing headspace with Uni for a long time, though by official count it’s at five years. A fella I’ve spent a lot of one-on-one time with, getting to know, helping him grow, and he, in turn, helping me in a lot of ways. Writing him has been therapeutic in a way I cannot even begin to describe and when we left those years ago it was for a number of reasons. The biggest being that we--or, really, I--felt as though we had overstayed our welcome. Uni wasn’t shiny and new anymore, hadn’t been for some time, so finding people to write with was like pulling teeth. I had just recently been plagiarized, too, and that honestly made me too paranoid with everything/one. 
But, lo and behold, I returned at the beginning of the year or so, though my activity was in and out for personal reasons. Since properly returning with a fixed schedule not two months ago, I must say I am so... relieved by the way he’s been [re]accepted back into the RP community. Even despite his divergence, despite my hesitance to divulge too much info, etc. It’s been so refreshing to see him get all this activity, to have people want to interact with him, to want to get to know him. AND BLESS THESE SHIPS, HONESTLY. Basically, we love you all and I would thank you all individually but that’d take a long time. Hence this blurb before the proper bias list to say we appreciate you all and wanna write with everyone!
That being said, this bias list will only cover people I’m very close to, people who’ve been following Uni for a long time, or have simply meant quite a bit to us in recent weeks. Please do not be upset if you’re not listed below, as it’s nothing personal and we do appreciate you! It’s just I follow a LOT of people, and, tbh we aren’t close yet-- that can certainly be changed! I’m very friendly despite the nickname! Never hesitate to IM me or ask for my Discord! 
TL;DR hello you are all amazing, thank you so much for all you’ve done for us!! pls buy Uni’s books when I write them lmao. below the cut is my bias list starting with the extra special people!
honestly crying for days over these people nbd
@frostkingoftheapocalypse --- HOW HAVE YOU STUCK AROUND FOR THIS LONG? i am amazed. i am also amazed we never talked sooner since we’ve known each other for like... 4 yrs lmfao. AHHH TASHA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! you give me so much life and I appreciate our friendship, even if it’s late in the making, bc you’re so sweet and generous and a MOM omg. MOM FRIEND. and your writing has always intimidated me in a good way so to be able to finally, properly write with you is an HONOR tbh. you’re such a bright, unwavering light with such a fleshed out boy who’s BEAUTIFUL, and phenomenal drawings (I have that photo you made of Uni as my phone bg), and I honestly can’t wait to see what else we manage to create together. hit me with that good shit, tbh. I love you, Tash. <3
@sonofagunslinger --- CRIES FOR DAYS. Em ilu with my whole heart and soul tbh like you mean so much to me. thank u for riding on this painful/achingly cute ship with me bc Trickshot gives me so much life. you’re so amazing and such a fantastic friend like wtf. look at all this talent bunched up in one person, I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am you came back to tumblr RP and WANTED TO WRITE WITH ME AGAIN like wtf. Jesse is such a little goddamn shit and I love it (Uni, too, ofc) and the headcanons you have for him and his 10/10 FC choice, and ALSO UR ART WTF. I’m still convinced satan lives in you tho bc you sometimes hit me with serious angst that makes me wanna lie down and d i e. but I love it. I love everything we’ve created for Trickshot SO MUCH. THESE BOYS KILL ME. I LOVE YOU, EM. <3
@velvettclaws --- oh NUT. omg I... adore you so much. how dare you be as amazingly wonderful as you are, I am attacked. when we first started writing together I honestly was like “they are SO out of your league, Vicious, look at this style, look at this talent, look at this characterization, are you kidding? it’s gonna be one interaction and that’s it” but I have never been so wrong. and HAPPILY wrong, too. Gabriel is such a beautiful, flawed, eldritch soul with so much thought put into the intricacies of his life, his being, etc and I’m so honored that he chose Uni to be part of it in some way and that we’re still writing together. I l o v e your writing so much, it’s so pretty and GOALS AF in a lot of ways and combined with lil’ Gabu as a whole and YOU ooc, oh my gosh. I die. like this if you cry every time bc I sure af do. you’re so supportive and encouraging and darling, too precious and pure for us, honestly. but I am so, so grateful for you and Gabriel. thank you. ilu so much <3 ;w;
@oneiromanc --- how do I even begin to explain how much I appreciate and adore you??? let me count the ways... we’d be here for an eternity tbh and by then you’d be so sick of me. c; AHHH BAB omg I love you so fkn much. like our boys themselves are just... so achingly wonderful and I love how spontaneous their relationship was and how far they’ve come in just a short while (writing wise), but also... like you’re so fantastic?? such a supportive, amazing, beautiful person who I only wanna smother with love and all the happiness in the world bc you deserve it and so much more! you’re a light in a dark place and I’m so glad we’ve gotten close bc GAAAAAH. I cry. I adore writing with you and reading the things you create and I’m so... thankful to be part of the process, if only in a small way bc your writing is phenomenal and deserving of all the appreciation, just like you!! I love you so much hnnn! ;w;
@angelofoverwatch --- (i know ur on a hiatus again but that’s okay bc ur still my bff). LENORE... omg... ur such a good. such a pure, kindhearted, sweet soul. you were one of the first people I actually properly WROTE with when I came back and it was... so nice??? I LOVE writing with you more than you know and to see all the thought you’ve put into Angela is inspiring and AMAZING. You’re both two beautiful people and I am so grateful we met bc we got somethin’ goin’ here with our babies that is so wonderful, I love it so much and wanna DO SO MANY THINGS WITH THEM. And I want to buy all your art tbh like holy shit look at this talented af human! ilu bb <3 and we’ll be here for when you return!! and even if not, we’re still here for you!
@fenwxlf --- cries for days I loooove you, Cait, so goddamn much and I know some days I seem kinda “meh” with everything but pls know I appreciate you so much and everything we’ve created together in the last 5 years or so. Fenrir is such a prick, just like his dad, and I LOVE it and how much he’s grown. to be part of that is amazing and honestly I am so honored you picked Uni to be MAIN DAD. and I’m so grateful and flattered tbh that you are so tied in with the raven folklore, too, and have immersed yourself in it. NEED ALL THE BIRBS TBH. I just... you mean so much to me that I can’t properly put it into words but I’m so grateful for our friendship, for being able to write with you, to be part of Fen and Svad’s characterization process/es and... all of it. you’re amazing ooc and I’ve loved to keep up with all you’ve done in the last few years and I’m so happy we never really broke contact even during our hiatus bc you’re a phenomenal friend, irreplaceable. you perfect cinnamon roll /sobs forever. Uni and I love you all soooooo much <3
the folks who have been around for a long, long, long time tbh. how have you not gotten sick of us?? if i’m missing people, i’m so sorry! if you’ve been around for 3+ years, we are amazed you’re still here, for one, and also SO GRATEFUL. you are the reason I keep writing.
@sultrysupernaturals / @agentharrisonofshield & @stiitchwiitchsera / @jennathearcher / @lilylacey / @mordorshi / @madxwonderland
some special mentions! people who mean a lot to me and/or Uni, people we appreciate so much, whom we’ve adored writing with, etc! i’m definitely missing people on this list! my brain only does so well, y’know.
@ircnwccd / @brazenlass / @talonsaconite / @stxrmurdottir / @asgardianhammer / @valadhxfndr / @maegtig / @zehsvara / @crowsandmalachite / @iisfet / @aldrnaari / @tricksandtreason & @jxrmungand / @viiribus / @strongindependentmen / @iridcscentiisms / @jenniferwallters & @claudiadelicncourt / @vasvvani & @aropoakande / @alalkomeneis / @huntingglory & @sifshieldmaiden / @roipirate
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