#pretty sure the word for that is genderflux but idk
synonymroll648 · 1 year
oooh genderfluidity?
yeah i went to prom and i did makeup which i'd loved the day before when practicing for the real thing, but when i did it i looked in the mirror and felt super dysphoric and washed it off as soon as my partner i wanted to impress saw it.
and then i was like 'hey babe what are the signs of being genderfluid' and they were like 'well i judge it by liking my boobs one day and wanting to rip them off the other' and i was like 'ohhhhh shit you were right back in january when i cut my hair and told you about it and you said what i was describing was just like your genderfluid awakening weren't you-'.
to which they were basically like 'dude you're only just figuring out you're genderfluid??' and uh. yeah. i'm not sure about being genderfluid yet but it would definitely explain some things
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starwaffle345 · 24 days
headcanon masterpost yippie
collection of headcanons, mostly for my humanoid versions of the duo but if i have any thoughts about other characters i will add them here :D
🔵 Edda (Egg, sparks/sparky, blizzard, frosty)
agender (they/it/she + ne/nem + xae/xaer) aromantic pansexual
tentative voice claim: Aurora
height: 7'8" or 233.7 cm
slightly taller than Aven and would absolutely tease him about it
body is very cold all the time. would jumpscare Aven with xaer cold hands if xie didnt wear xyr scarf all the time
heavy sleeper. also moves around in their sleep a lot
hyperactive adhd haver
enjoyer of spicy and sour foods - would probably eat an entire lemon if it wanted
picky eater (dislikes seafood, mushrooms, bananas, various squashes)
will either freeze xaer surroundings or smite the ground in front of xaer if xae sneeze too hard
bites and chews their ice cream
can be slightly staticky if they want to, probably zaps Aven for shits and giggles
hair tends to get pretty messy, has sticks and leaves in neir hair often
tends to write in cursive. probably also writes really fast so her writing turns out to be vaguely word-shaped squiggles a lot of the time. she can still read it anyway
enjoys climbing
tends to just say stuff without thinking
inside of mouth and tongue glows blue
shark teeth + 3 sets of fangs
would probably get into shuffle dancing in a modern au/setting/whatever
🔶 Aven (Aves, fire boy, flicker, pretty boy)
genderflux (he/they/she/it + ve/vir + xie/xem + ae/aer. pronouns change depending how they feel) demiromantic ace (no preference to gender)
height: 7'0" or 213.4 cm
body runs hot (leg so hot you can fry egg on it /j)
light sleeper. also sleeps like she's been put in a coffin 💀 straight as a board and hands folded over her stomach and everything
audhd, specifically has combined adhd
can't stand the feeling of dirty hands - either washes them in the closest body of water or just incinerates his hands
nobody aside from Edda is allowed to touch his hair (or just him in general)
refuses to cover his midsection /silly
has a sweet tooth - especially enjoys chocolate, caramel, and other earthy/neutral flavors (yam, matcha, pumpkin i guess idk)
has sensitive teeth
picky eater (dislikes pickles (and any other type of pickled vegetable), mayonnaise, mustard, tamarind)
enjoys spending time underwater a lot
high temperature tolerance - perfectly content existing in very cold or very hot places in just a crop top and booty shorts LMAO
has really bad pollen allergies - allergic to the plants in branches 3 (gardens) and 6 (cube land) specifically, makes sure to cover vir nose when ve goes into those areas
will sneeze fire or strong bursts of wind if she sneezes hard enough
hair is simultaneously messy and neat at the same time (short hair is spiky and kind of all over the place but the braid is usually in top condition)
can't read cursive
usually thinks through his words very carefully before saying them - does fancy talk usually, especially with those he doesn't know
inside of mouth and tongue glows orange
two sets of fangs
also hypermobile
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streaks-of-lavender · 6 years
Fander Pride Meet Up Entry
Hello! Spoonfullofcrofters here! You can call me pretty much whatever, some know me as Adrian, some Quinn, a lot of people just call me Carrot based on my email address. I am a genderfluid, aroflux bisexual. He/him or they/them pronouns, please.
I first realised that I was bisexual in 9th grade, when I came across the term on BuzzFeed. Ever since I was little there had been signs that I didn’t know how to recognise. Or maybe I was too scared. Because I didn’t know you could be bisexual. As in, I didn’t think it was physically possible. It had to be one or the other, no in between at all. I wasn’t biphobic or anything, just ignorant. No one had ever even said the word “bisexual” to me before. I didn’t know it existed. As far as I knew, it was gay or straight, that was it. And so for a long time it terrified me to no end. I knew I wasn’t gay. I’d liked guys before, I was attracted to guys, so I couldn’t possibly be gay. Right? For a long time I was in denial. I tried to ignore that part of me, tried to pretend it didn’t exist. It was around when I started high school that I couldn’t ignore it anymore. It demanded to be acknowledged. There had been so many little things. The “boy” I saw one day in fourth grade and thought was cute, until they turned around and I realised it was a girl, but I still thought she was cute. That time I was watching a show and a character that hadn’t been seen for a while showed up, and my first thought was, “Damn, she got hot.” That one shook me up for a good two days. The time I said to my mother, when she asked, “IDK. Either one, I guess, it doesn’t really matter.” I legitimately said to my mother “Could be either, I don’t care” and still thought I was straight. Currently laughing at baby bisexual me. Then one night I was killing time on BuzzFeed, and I saw an article about problems bisexual people have. I’m not sure what compelled me to click on it, but I did. I read it. Then all the comments. Then searched BuzzFeed for more, and when I’d read everything, proceeded to Google. I’ll admit I was a bit in shock. Suddenly here was a word, here were people like me, here was the answer I’d been searching for. It didn’t take me long to start calling myself bi. It was something I’d always been, no matter how much I tried to repress it. The only difference was that now it had a name. My gender identity was a much more complicated process.
As did my sexuality crisis, my gender crisis began on the internet, on YouTube this time. I was watching Mileschronicles. His old version of the gender tag, to be specific. He said something along the lines of, “I don’t feel entirely like a girl, but I don’t really feel any pressure to figure out what else I feel like, either.” I thought, “What’s the big deal? No one feels completely girly all of the time. Mostly it’s just kind of meh.” and then I thought, “Wait.” That was that door open now. This, however, was not nearly as easy and clear cut as the end of my straight phase had been. I was terrified and shocked and uncertain. How could I not be a girl? I’d always been a girl! Sure, most of the time I wasn’t the most feminine person, but that didn’t mean I was a boy or anything! As per usual, I took to the internet for answers. I learned about all sorts of identities. Nonbinary, agender, bigender, demigender, genderflux. I could never seem to settle on one, though. Ironically, the one I never really looked into was genderfluid, because I thought, “no, that’s definitely not it.” Currently facepalming, brb. Part of the reason I was having such a hard time was my uncertainty. This was uncharted territory here. Sure, my mom and brother were both gay, but this was completely new. Was it true? Was I lying? Could I be making it up? Then I found a tumblr post saying, “If you have to ask, then the answer is probably yes,” which helped. The other issues was that I couldn’t pin it down. I’d find one thing that felt right and go, “Oh, this must be it!” But then a few days later it would feel wrong again. At the time I thought I was faking it. Now I realise it was just changing. It took me a lot of reflection and more than a few all-nighters to start really understanding and becoming comfortable with it. Suddenly so many things made sense. Why I was so much more bothered than all the other girls during our fourth grade Human Growth and Development unit. Why when I’d go shopping to buy clothes for a chorus concert, the thought of having to wear a dress made me so uncomfortable, but a few nights later I would be longing to pull out the skirt buried in the back of my closet. Why every little part of puberty felt so utterly wrong. I didn’t want to start wearing that awful flowery deodorant my mother wanted me to. I didn’t want to wear a bra. And I did NOT want to get my period. The first few times I had it were awful. I was mortified. I was shocked. I wanted to hide under the covers until the sun went away. At the time I think it was because I thought I was too young, but looking back, there was more to it. This bone deep sense of NO, WRONG, THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, THIS IS NOT ME. I would get so confused when sometimes I would be watching someone like Zoella on YouTube and it would leave me feeling absurdly feminine, wanting to run around the room and scream at the top of my lungs, “I’m a girl!!” which never made sense, because of course I was. What else would I be? Genderfluid, that’s what. At the time I just had no idea.
That was almost two years ago now. Things were rough at times, but I’ve been blessed with the most understanding and supportive family in the world, the best possible friends, and probably the best possible environment, and I am so happy. My parents accepted me as soon as they got over their initial shock. My friends made adjustments without batting an eye. My teachers started using my new name without question when the guidance counselor emailed them. Sure, things might have been a bit hard at first, but I’m doing okay. For the first time in forever I feel like I’m going to be alright. And potential reader, whatever you’re going through right now, you’ll be alright too. If you need it I’ll be here to support you every step of the way. Take it easy, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals (I’ve always wanted to say that). <3
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flarebossmalva · 7 years
okay i’m gonna try and decipher that last post? i used to vaguely follow mogai stuff because of being involved in the ~*~aroace community~*~ (till i realized their politics sucked and they didn’t actually care about aromantics at all) so i might know some of these. then again i might not
queer. considering that any LGBT person can reclaim that word that’s really all-encompassing. you might as well have said “this day is for the entire community but we will call you slurs” actually when i put it that way that’s an awful community event
hey what the FUCK does "transexpressive” mean is that like a fancy way of saying gender nonconforming or what the hell fresh nonsense is this
i’ve heard lithsexual/lithromantic used to mean “likes giving but not receiving” which afaik is just being stone butch and a separate word was not required. or idk just tell your partner about that instead of informing the public it’s kinda unnecessary information for the rest of us. akoi- i don’t know anything about
aspec, which i guess would refer to any ace &/or aro person. pretty broad considering how many weirdly specific identities this person thought needed to be included
dunno what “pomo” means in a sexual/romantic context but my first thought was postmodern
sure neutrois people are transgender and therefore LGBT but idk that they need their own day, i mean, a lot of nonbinary identities (including some common ones) aren’t on here at all so it seems a bit random to include this one
no idea what either of these are
“let’s give women who love women, men who love men, and nonbinary people who love nonbinary people a single day out of the month, to share, but demisexuals need like a week to themselves”
i’ve seen this word once before and i think it just means multiple gender attracted but every time i read it i think of an alien with like two heads or something
no idea but i hope it’s to do with condiments
culture exclusive genders all get one day to share because we wouldn’t want to seem racist by not acknowledging transgender people of color but we also aren’t dedicated enough to uplifting those folks to support their specific identities. anyway 21 days of the month are going to be dedicated to genders that a white kid made up yesterday
never heard of these either
i used to ID as a type of genderflux because i liked the word and the definition but i ended up ditching it because no one knew what it meant and i’d always end up explaining by calling myself genderfluid. oh, and genderfluid isn’t on here, spoilers i guess
“heteroflexible” i am ascending... i can’t believe “internalized homophobia” is a valid orientation in mogai land but here we are. nice of them to include homoflexible too in case you’re bisexual but don’t like calling yourself bisexual for some reason
i guess including LGBT subcultures isn’t a totally bad idea but it’s kind of unnecessary as everyone who’s part of one of those subcultures would already have a day. oh wait there’s not a day for being lesbian... or gay... or bi... or trans... hrm... who is this pride month for again
never heard either of these terms but assuming that these are gender descriptors i’m guessing “midbinary” means essentially the same thing as “androgyne” and “abinary” is just... nonbinary... or something
i guess this would cover bigender, trigender, etc., but i’ve never heard anyone say “multigender” before
assuming this one means your gender is not of this earth and honestly i think that’s #valid and also a big mood
listen... as a mentally ill trans person i understand that one’s perception of one’s gender can have a lot to do with mental health but at the same time if anyone told me they were anxiousgender i would probably laugh
queerplatonic isn’t an identity it’s a relationship descriptor
i thought this was a pokemon for a solid minute then i realized i was thinking of altaria
thought these were just less gendered alternatives to diamoric/sapphic/achillean tbh
“cissexism is queer i swear”
no fucking idea what this means but the -sex suffix makes me think it has to do with bio sex which is... not an identity it’s just how your body is, like, i’d be intersex regardless of whether i said i was or no
i do know this one. it’s an nb identity that’s essentially “i do have a gender but it’s not male or female or a mix of the two”
this sounds like something you get diagnosed with and it’s terminal
this sounds like the med they prescribe you after diagnosing you with the above
??? astrology ??? 
reverse of lith-, means likes receiving but not giving, not really an orientation so much as a relationship preference
of course they would end with aplatonic of course they would why not
in conclusion i’ve just lost ten years off my life and also as a gay transgender intersex aromantic i genuinely have no idea what days i’m allowed to celebrate on under this calendar. good thing i plan to die immediately now that i’ve finished reading this awful, awful post
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