#pretty sure u could adjust it to be a collar tho
psychewithwings · 3 years
Bitter Taste: Iwaizumi x f/reader Pt. 1
pt. 2 here
THIS IS SO LATE and I’m a fuck up hahahaha (kinda ironic this was 2 weeks late for Mental Health Awareness month) 
I am crediting my girl @kuso-deku for giving me Iwaizumi brain rot to begin with. I am also crediting @gixxie and @idonotagreebitch for helping me talk through my ideas... and crediting @doinmybesthere for the wonderful idea of a mental health awareness collaboration the link is here. PLS READ THE REST OF THE WORKS. Everyone deserves the love.
TW: manipulative male/female relationships, gaslighting?, subtle shit head crap that most men do (don’t worry Iwa is a peach as always tho, it’s Ushijima that’s the problem)
Iwaizumi stands and stretches in the cinema. The movie had been good, but long, he figured it was a little after midnight. “What’d ya think?” Kuroo asks as they exit the theatre. “I hated the ending…” Oikawa gripes, “I hate endings where everyone just dies.” “You are such a princess Tooru, I swear, it’s a metaphorical ending… did you not catch all the symbolism in the opening credits?” Iwaizumi sighs and turns his phone back on, trying his best to ignore their bickering. Slowly, notification after notification pops up… all from you. He blinks, surprised. You had declined his offer to join him for the film, stating you had previous plans attending a close friend’s birthday.
Iwa opens the messages from you. He sees first the selfies. You look beautiful, extravagant even. Your dress is beautiful, it compliments your figure perfectly with the corseted bodice. It’s white and so is your lace mask. Broad, feathered angel wings rest on your back. Angelic would have been a word he’d used to describe you before, but now, it was confirmed. He wants to keep staring at the photos but Kuroo and Oikawa are starting to become too curious about the contents of his phone. He scrolls and relaxes his face to look more casual. But it’s hard when your intoxicated messages are so darn cute.    
hope the movie is good!
okay so I guess there’s an open bar? Is it my birthday too?
if you wanna come by after the movie I’msure you coul
this partyyyy suckssssssss assssssssss
wish id gon wiht u xx
You are clearly drunk and he laughs to himself before Kuroo peers over his right shoulder. “Well she’s thinking about you at least,” he smirks. Oikawa peers over Iwaizumi’s left shoulder, “ooo play the voice message.” Oikawa taps the message before Iwaizumi can give him an answer.
“Hiiiii Iwaaaaaa, hope you like the moovie and you’re having a good time, cuz I’m having a preetyy good time, they gots free margaritaaass. Okay byeeeee”
The guys laugh and Oikawa presses the next one.
“Hey Iwaaa, I made up a song about you, ready?
Doesn’t know what he does- to me…
Sshfhsijknfhahaha I cant remember the rest som’n bout… som’n I dunno. Byeee”
“Okay, Ushi says that I need to say sorry for sending so many…” you pause and then whisper, “drunk messages, but I’as only tellin’ ya I ssink ‘r awesome ‘n you should totally come to this party and hang out with me… you’re awesome, okay byeee”
Oikawa and Kuroo pause and look at Iwaizumi. “Ushi?” Oikawa asks, “like Ushiwaka?” Oikawa’s eyes are narrowed and he gags dramatically in disgust. Iwaizumi nods and walks to exit the theatre. “Wait… that’s her friend who’s having the birthday party?” Iwa grimaces as Kuroo chuckles. “No wonder you’ve had a stick up your ass all night.” Iwa glares at him, “they’re just friends… apparently… I don’t know, she said they’ve known each other for a really long time…” Kuroo claps Iwaizumi on the back. “I think you should definitely go to the party.” Iwaizumi starts to object but the ring of his phone draws attention, and he answers it. “Heyyy you're outta th’moviee, heheeheheha,” you slur. Iwaizumi laughs softly and smiles, “yeah, I’m out of the movie now, are you… good?” There is so much background noise, it almost drowns out your sweet sleepy voice. “I’m soooo good… … I just-” he can hear your voice drop to a drunken whisper. “I’z just hoping to see you today,” you mumble finally.  
Iwaizumi can feel his heartbeat quicken, his head reeling. “Oh really?” He plays cool but then instantly regrets it when you give him a serious answer. “Yeah, I was really hoping you’d come to the party, even for just a little,” you murmur. Iwaizumi can’t help but chuckle. You were pretty cute like this, not normally so transparent. You were actually quite hard to read, so sweet but guarded and teasing too. You were a friend of Oikawa’s first and he had met you through him. He’d liked the way you sat cross legged on the couch smiling, chin in your hands while you asked questions and listened to his answers. Your eyes sparkle when you hear something you like, and your face lights up when you talk about things you find interesting.
“Ya don’t have to, I can just see ya another time,” you add. He’s been silent too long which causes him to speak without thinking. “No, I’d love to see you, I’ll head to you now.” Kuroo and Oikawa are silently cheering him on and Iwa turns away in embarrassment. “Really? Okay! I’ll drop my pin… as the kids are sayin’ these days hahaha.” “See you soon, drink some water okay?” “Mhm, I will, see ya soon!”
You were at a club owned by Ushijima’s family. A place called ‘Eagle’s Nest’. He’d only known you for a few weeks but he couldn’t help his infatuation. It was immediate, the night he had gone to Oikawas for game night. You spoke to him so easily not knowing him at all and laughed at his little side jabs to his long time friend. The way you looked at him… Iwa knew then that he wanted to see you smile, hear your laugh, and that he would be happy to assume the responsibility of making that happen.
He was surprised when you had declined his offer for the movie, feeling that you both had some definite chemistry, but Iwaizumi was even more surprised when you had said that you had prior plans with his old time rival Ushijima Wakatoshi. Iwaizumi hadn’t seen him since high school but they knew a few people in common, Oikawa being one of those people. Oikawa could sure hold a grudge but Iwaizumi took all of his comments with a grain of salt. Ushijima often came off entitled and cold, which would leave Iwaizumi with a bad taste in his mouth. Maybe Oikawa had the right idea holding a grudge… But grudge or not he wanted to see you, hear your voice and admire you all dolled up.
When Iwaizumi arrives at the club he is met with a large security guard. “Invitation?” he grumbles. Iwa remains calm but a small trickle of fear runs down his back. Iwaizumi gives the guard a casual smile before he starts to answer but he is interrupted. “Iwaaaaa,” you cry from the top of the stairs. The mask you’d had on is now resting on top of your head, the delicate features of your face now exposed. The floofy skirt of your dress bounces with your excitement as you run down the stairs. You crash into him, throwing your arms around his neck. You bury your face in his collar and still momentarily. Drunk and bubbly, you melt when Iwa wraps his arms around your waist in return, avoiding your costume’s wings. “Mmmm,” you hum, breath hot against his skin, “you smell good.” You pull back and stare into his wide eyes. “You look incredible,” he offers, a slight pink tint to his cheeks. You grin in return and simply take hold of his hand. “He’s with me,” you beam at the guard. Iwaizumi is doubtful this trick will work here. But he is surprised when the guard steps aside saying, “as you wish Miss L/N.” You giggle and pull Iwa towards the doors. “I’ll bring you some cake later, okay Jurou?” Jurou laughs, “just have fun darlin’.” “You’re the best,” you call behind you as you push open the doors. Iwaizumi can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy knowing that you are on a first name basis with one of the body guards at the Wakatoshi’s club. How close were you with Ushijima?    
Blue and purple lights illuminate the vast space while black tiles make up the main floor. The dance floor is sunken, in the middle of the club with a small set of stairs leading down to it. It’s made entirely of glass, beneath is a saltwater garden of different plants and coral.  
“You’ll need one of these,” you explain, swiping a simple black mask from the welcome table. You hand it over to him and pull yours down over your eyes. Iwaizumi adjusts it to where he can see. “You look so handsome,” you admire. He grins, “what about you? You’ve got wings!” You laugh and adjust your mask back on top of your forehead. “I’m a swan, and Ushi said I couldn’t be a swan without wings!” You spin for him, trying your best to flap the feathered wings. Small pieces of confetti glitter rain from the skirt of your dress. Iwaizumi takes in your face illuminated by the lights of the club. Blue and pink dancing over your cheeks as you smile up at him. “What?” you giggle nervously. Just a few weeks but he is mesmerised by your everything. He shakes his head and tries to move on. He wanted to tell you how he felt but this wasn’t the right time. It should be when you’re sober, when you can take in his words properly.
You coax him down towards the bar.  “You’re sure it’s okay to sneak in uninvited guests?” Iwa questions. “Well, I asked Ushi ‘nd he said it was okay, so yeah!” You grin but notice Iwaizumi’s reserve. “It’s really okay, I promise, let’s just get a drink,” you suggest and take his hand. “Only if you drink more water,” he smirks. You roll your eyes at Iwa, “I drank some water before you got here actually.” You look back at him as you both head down to the bar. “I’ll prolly regret that yurr seeing me like this tamorow, ya know,” you call over the blaring music. “It’s cute, you’re cute,” he assures as he leans against the bar, “I didn’t know you thought about me this much until I saw all the snapchats and voice messages and texts.” You cover your face in humiliation, “I knowww, I’m sorry but you were on my mind a lot, alot alot, and  couldn’t stop think about ya, and the booze told me to keep on messaging…” You trail off,  finding the last shred of your filter to keep you from talking.  The bartender hands you your water and you take a long drink.
“Iwaizumi,” a voice projects over the baseline. Ushijima stands tall advancing towards where you both stand. His expression is neutral though, his eyes keep darting to you and then back to Iwaizumi. Ushijima is dressed as a knight, his silver mask hangs languidly around his neck. “Ushiwaka,” Iwa acknowledges, “this is a hell of a birthday party.” You giggle and point at Ushiwaka, “he’s 28 today; getting sooo old.” In that moment, Iwaizumi watches him do something he had never seen him do before. Smile… and then laugh. Ushijima wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer.  “You’re just a baby,  you’re only-” You wave your hand in front of Ushiwaka’s face, shushing him. “No, no, Iwa doesn’t knowww, don’t tell him,” you plead. “She’s only 23,” Ushiwaka says. You hold your face in your hands once more and groan. Ushijima pulls your hands from your face, “just barely twenty three too.” You glare at him and look back at Iwaizumi embarrassed.  “Did she not tell you her age?” Ushijima asks Iwaizumi. Iwa shrugs, “She didn’t, but I never asked,” Iwa shrugs casually, addressing you now, “didn’t seem important since you carry yourself so well.”
You turn to Iwa, mouth open like you’re about to respond but Ushijima swipes the glass from your hands before you can finish. “Drinking water?” You look up at him. “But it’s my birthday… and this is a party…  you need something stronger…” Ushijima beacons the bartender with a single flick of his hand. The barman pours three double shots of a clear liquid from a foreign looking bottle. Ushijima takes a glass and hands it to you, before handing another to Iwaizumi. Ushijima gives him a wink as he loops his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He raises his glass, the violet lights illuminating the liquid. Iwaizumi follows his lead. “To my Juliet, the belle of the ball,” Ushijima bellows. You smile slightly and shake your head. “No no, to you Ushi, it’s your birthday, not mine, we are celebrating you!” Your eyes find Iwa’s, but you leave your glass raised. Ushijima grabs hold of your hand that’s still wrapped around the glass. “Cheers,” He tips the glass towards your lips and you swallow the clear liquor as he feeds it to you. You down it all in one go and Ushiwaka smiles wide once again. “She’s good, huh?” With that, Ushiwaka clinks his glass to Iwaizumi’s, “to you brother,” he assures. Iwa is surprised with the sudden sentiment. “And to you,” he replies before downing the shot. The liquor is surprisingly smooth, expensive, and strong. Iwa can feel his head starting to get light from the small portion that was in the glass and Iwa wasn’t a light weight. “Strong huh?” Ushijima smirks. Iwaizumi nods then turns to the bartender to signal for a water.
Ushijima turns to where you stand swaying slightly with the music. “Look at her, she gets drunk so easily,” Ushijima smiles. “How are you feeling, princess?” he shouts over at you. Iwa turns away and downs his water in disgust. ‘Princess?’ Ushijima shouldn’t be calling you that if you’re both just friends. You blink and give him a smile and a thumbs up. There was a natural innocence about you, a childlike wonder and curiosity, the embodiment of sanguine. Ushijima’s air was sometimes sinister, like he was taking advantage of your natural trusting nature. Iwa watches as Ushijima’s large hands rest on either of your shoulders and he pushes you back and forth like a pendulum between his palms. You giggle and try to push him away, “Ushi stooopp.” He laughs with you and continues pushing you around, “you’re so cute and small though, see?” He places a hand on top of your head and you still. “I said to stop,” you mumble. “And I did,” he retorts before letting you go.
Iwa watches the sudden weight of gravity find you as you stumble in your heels. He catches your arm just in time. Your arms find their way around his neck once more, your face in the crook of his neck. You pull away and Iwa examines your foggy eyes. “You okay?” You nod, pushing off of Iwa’s chest. You fix your hair, “it’s fine, he just messin’” you turn to Ushijima, “and someone doesn’t know when to quit.” You’re pulled away into Ushiwaka’s arms. He sways you back and forth, your back held against his chest while he says soft apologies. He whispers something to you and you nod. Iwaizumi wanted to pull you away from him. Not because he was jealous, but because the way that Ushiwaka was behaving with you was odd.
“Y/n is a little bit tired, why don’t you join us in VIP?” Iwa smiles and gives his thanks, trying his best to hide his scowl. Iwa follows after you and Ushiwaka, upstairs and under velvet ropes hoping that he will find a good moment to pull you away. But instead you are pulled onto the couch beside Ushiwaka. He lights a cigar and offers one to Iwa, but Iwaizumi declines with a simple, “no thanks, don’t smoke.” It’s strange the way that Ushiwaka keeps whispering in your ear, giving you sips of his drinks, and blowing smoke in your face. “Ushi, stop please, the smell is making me sick,” you whine. But he just pulls you closer to him, chuckling all the while and does it again. You’re laughing and poking his face, but it’s not out of joy... Watching Ushijima interact with you the whole night has been like watching a cat toy with a mouse.
Iwa grimaces when Ushiwaka tickles you. “Stop-stop-don’t-stop,” you giggle and howl. “She said to stop!” Iwa raises his voice. Ushijima’s eyes shoot towards Iwaizumi while you squirm off the couch. Your eyes are heavy as you walk towards a dark hallway and disappear into the shadows. Iwa’s eyes flick to the entrance to the hall. Ushiwaka sits in a contented silence, sipping a drink, “she’s so dramatic,” he sighs. He continues smoking, arm rested over the back of the purple velvet sofa. Ushijima takes a sip of his drink, swirling the ice in his glass. Iwa doesn’t move to break the silence no matter how expectant Ushijima’s expression was. He stamps out his cigar in the tray before addressing him.
“She’s awfully talkative, and incredibly fond of you…” Ushijima starts, an odd smirk painting his expression. Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow in intrigue and Ushijima’s face hardens. “She won’t shut up about you since she met you… it’s annoying...” Iwaizumi, remains quiet, the silence settling over the men like a thick fog. The only sounds are muffled club music and the ice tinkling against Ushijima’s glass. “I’m going to be honest as a friend… bad idea.” Iwaizumi can feel the rage bubbling inside his gut, “I don’t think that what’s going on between us is any of your-” He’s cut off by Ushijima.
“I’m really looking out for you Iwaizumi, girls can break hearts and Y/n is kind of known for that… she’s just a sweet soul, makes friends easily, but love? That’s harder for her… doesn’t have the best taste in men I’m afraid, I want to protect her and you from a situation where I can already see the conclusion… I get that you like her, everyone does.”  Iwazumi leans forward, “does that include you?” Ushijima is stone faced, then gives a cold laugh. “You’re funnier than I remember, Iwaizumi.”
Iwaizumi rises and heads towards the hall you disappeared down. If he sat in front of him any longer he was going to say something he regretted… and you still haven’t come back. He slips into the dark hallway as you’re exiting the bathroom. Your mask has been removed and even in the dim lighting you look pale. “Hey, what’s happened?” You look up at him embarrassed, your dress almost as wilted as you are. “Got sick…” you mutter. You’re shaking slightly, arms wrapped around yourself. “Oh Y/n, are you alright?” he sighs. His arm starts to reach for you but he thinks better of it, pulling it back to rest by his side. His eyes widen as he feels the warmth of your hand in his. He didn’t figure that you would want to be touched right now. But your fingers interlace with his,  your skin soft. “Are you good to drive?” you whisper. His hand instinctively tightens around yours protectively. “I only had whatever Ushijima gave us, it was strong but I’ve had water- yeah I’m good.” “Would you mind taking me home?” you ask, as you start to walk back towards the VIP room. “Sure, course,” Iwaizumi replies gently. He feels how your thumb brushes over the back of his hand in silent gratitude. The gesture has his heart beating hard against his ribs. Iwa walks forward, his eyes on you and nothing else. Your brow is furrowed and your expression painted serious which was unusual from how he knew you to act.
“Iwa’s taking me home now,” you announce and walk towards the stairs. Ushiwaka’s face hardens, “I can take her home, you shouldn’t trouble yourself,” he addresses Iwaizumi. You smile and turn around facing Ushiwaka. “But Ushi, ‘s ur birthday, you can’t leave this party jus’ ‘a take me home,” You turn to Iwa now. “Let’s go,” you say and Iwa nods, still holding your hand.  “Where’s my hug, princess?” Ushijima calls after you. You stop in your tracks and close your eyes, taking in a deep breath. You drop Iwa’s hand slowly, hesitantly. You walk back slowly and stand before his open arms. He lifts you and you groan. You’re still hugging him tightly but not quite with the same intimacy as before.
As Ushijima places you down you turn to look back at Iwa when Ushijima catches your face with his large hand. He coaxes your face back towards him then leans down. Ushiwaka locks eyes with Iwaizumi as he whispers something in your ear. Then he presses his lips to your cheek, still not moving his eyes away from Iwaizumi’s. Iwa tries his best to remain neutral but he can feel his lip creeping upwards in contempt. Ushiwaka is too prideful for his own good it seems.
You take Iwa’s hand again, leading him towards the exit. An exasperated look rests on your face. “What did he say to you?” Iwa asks. You sigh and shake your head. “‘S nothin’,  ya shouldn’t worry your pretty lil head ‘bout it.” Iwa can’t help but allow a smile. He raises an eyebrow at you, “think my head is pretty?” he asks. He’s met with your hazy gaze, “I do,” you say simply. Iwa wasn’t prepared for such a straightforward answer to his question.
Once out of the club, the valet pull Iwaizumi’s car around. He’s careful not to let you walk too far on your own. Sick, in those ridiculous shoes and still quite drunk, he opens the car door for you before hopping into the driver's seat. “Will you put your address in?” Iwa hands you his phone and you type it in as asked. “Thanks for doing this,” you sigh. “Yeah of course,” he says as he puts the car into gear. A few streets of city light pass by in silence. Your hands are resting in your lap but your body is still trembling. “I can- umm- pull over if you need me to…” You wave the thought away with your hand, “it was the smell of the cigar more than anything…” Iwa’s gut begins to boil again. Your voice is soft, almost defeated. He speaks before thinking better of it. “Does he always treat you like that?” You look at Iwa and make eye contact briefly before his attention is back on the road. “He was being a little extra weird today, maybe because y’all used to play volleyball together or… I dunno really, he just gets like that sometimes…” You trail off, allowing your thoughts to fade into the rearview. The silence is deafening and you feel the need to break it. “He’s really nice too though, don’t get me wrong, he cooks for me and calls to check in, he even gets me little gifts, so I know he cares.” Iwa shakes his head, “if he cared he would have stopped when you asked him to.” You take a breath, “I know but he was just having a night I guess…” Iwa pulls into your driveway as the GPS notifies him that he has ‘arrived at the destination’. He puts the car in park, “you don’t have to make excuses for him… it’s okay to be angry, if that’s how you feel.” You start to open the door, your fingers on the handle. “I’m not angry though, I’m just kinda hurt.” You open the door and start to get out, “okay, maybe a little angry too.” You laugh to yourself but not out of joy. It’s an ironic laugh and Iwa can hear the pain ringing inside of it. “Let me walk you inside.”  
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Okay okay, you might've got tired of me already, but in case you didn't, I'm here to throw some more ideas--
Okay so,,, stick with me, but what if s/o's parents found a way to visit Britain somehow to check up on their child? They could be lying in those letters for all they know and the situation's worse than s/o lets on--
(Also honestly it was said before but Sherlock is a lesser evil for sure: of all the unfortunate scenarios, he just secured himself an ally approved by the gov., so he can get away w/whatever bs regardless of what police thinks abt his methods. Barok, on the other hand..)
I feel like s/o would immediately pull their parents away and ask them to not interfere, bc they're already walking a figurative blade of a glass knife.
They'd also prolly refuse being taken to home country, bc even if they wanted to (which is nonsense), I don't feel like either of the guys(but van Zieks in particular, bc he seems like the controlling type-) would approve of them leaving London.
Oo, on another note, what if s/o was invited to a social event or smth? I feel like they wouldn't be ashamed of dressing in their home country's clothing (although they def would take all the other precautions like specific makeup, shoulderpads, etc etc).
It would be a weird situation for both Sherlock and Barok: bc I mean sure Barok can keep them out of a major scandal on a daily basis, but either of them going out w/ s/o in public would look hella sus. And being gae was also punishable by death 😳
Oh! And if we're talking danger-- Just imagine that someone challenged s/o to a duel? And they couldn't refuse, bc public image?? They wouldn't die there obv, but what if they got injured? Like, mb they took a bullet to their shoulder or smth- I wonder how would Sherlock and Barok react if they saw them bleeding severely? Especially their reaction after s/o explained how they got injured in the first place--
Urs, 🪄 anon.
Ps: I might change to 🎭 anon if u can see that emoji? You aren't missing much w/ the mystery box one tho, it's just Miles' disco stick a magic wand.
Pps: I send LOL to Mod Miles, Suzume, 🐸, and all the other anons on here! You're rlly cool!💯
LOL stands for Lots Of Love;)
Ooooooooooooop someone better prepare the yandere duo for the wrath that is parents. I can indeed see the 🎭 emoji so if you want to be 🎭Anon then that's okay with me. I'm absolutely distraught that I can't see the uh- *adjusts collar* magic wand emoji though.
First thing they'd do once they hit English soil is start cussing these two men out in their native language. Not the most polite thing to do in any sort of public space, especially during the late Victorian/Edwardian period but seeing as no one would understand the language I think an exception could be made.
I do think that Barok and Sherlock would want to make a good impression on S/O's parents though. They'd paint themselves as allies to S/O, people who have sworn to keep their secret and even help them to maintain appearances.
Hopefully, S/O's parents see through this BS. But if S/O was desperate to keep them out of it, they'd respect their child's wishes but the minute that they return home they'll start badgering their Government officials to bring their child home.
Sherlock would be LIVING IT UP with his free access pass (courtesy of being associated with Barok) to pretty much every crime scene in the country.
As for S/O going to an event, I think that they'd be a bit nervous but if they particularly wanted to wear their national clothing and they took the correct precautions, I don't think anyone would realise. They'd be more wrapped up in the potential scandal that is whatever is going on between them, Barok van Zieks and Sherlock Holmes.
You are spot on, being gay at this time was absolutely punishable by death, but then again, those with the power to keep themselves out of trouble would definitely do so.
Barok could definitely keep the three of them out of trouble and without proof, there can be no accusation.
I found this website which I think could have some interesting information (specifically, the later 19th Century) so feel free to peruse that if you wish!
Danger you say 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Poor S/O, duels are not a fun way to go. Although, by this point in time duels had largely fallen out of favour and they were illegal as well so whoever was asking S/O to duel must have really wanted to chance it.
Barok would be furious, he'd track the other party down on the spot to prosecute them. Trust me, he won't be letting this go.
Sherlock would be the one to stay with S/O while Barok sorts this out but once Barok is back, the two of them would "collaborate" in order to make sure that S/O is comfortable and their wound is closed (they couldn't really go to a hospital because then S/O's cover would be blown)
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Blackouts at the Bank
Summary: You get locked into a bank along with Captain America during a city-wide blackout.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1348
Square Filled: Locked In with a Cute Stranger
A/N: This *is* a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. plot, buuuut it’s not an AU and therefore this will fill another square.
For @star-spangled-bingo​ 2021.
Star Spangled Bingo 2021 Masterlist
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The bank sucked. Well, you weren’t even really in the bank, just the ATM room. Was there a better name for it? Probably. Your mind drifted off while you waited for the grey haired woman in front of you to withdraw some cash. Did people really use cash anymore? You were only here because you had to pay your grandmother back, and God forbid that she learns how to use Venmo or PayPal.
A glance around the room told you that the majority of the five people, the woman ahead of you and a couple at the ATM next to the right, were at least fifty or older. The only outliers were you and a tall man in the back, his cap casting a shadow over his face, his jacket collar pulled up as well. Oh, God, you hoped he didn’t have any malicious intentions. Tall, broad shouldered, good posture (albeit his efforts to make himself smaller), he, most likely, did not fall into the category of the others in the room.
He shifted and you realized that you may have been staring at him for a bit too long. You turned your gaze back to the woman in front of you and then to the window. It was already getting dark outside, the New York City lights flashing along with the chorus of cars honking.
The grey haired woman finished her withdrawal and you stepped up to the machine. Now, the problem with not using cash is that you don’t really know what you’re doing. Sure, the ATM gives you instructions, but you took your time. By the time you finished, the couple had left and the tall man was reading the directions on his ATM. You had gotten used to his presence and was pretty sure that he wasn’t going to cause any trouble, but you sure as hell weren’t going to be left alone with a strange man.
You walked to the exit, but the moment before you touched the door, the lights went out and you heard the bank’s locks engage. Oh, shit. You pushed on the door, just in case, but it didn’t budge. Great. This was fan-fucking-tastic.
The man you were trapped with was silent, save for the soft muttering. Your eyes adjusted to the dim room and you saw the man leaning against a wall. You moved over to the opposite wall and busied yourself with fishing your phone out of your pocket. You kept glancing at the man. Should you say something? Neither of you knew how long you were going to be trapped in here. Would it make things more or less awkward if you spoke? Luckily you didn’t have to make that decision.
“I guess we’re stuck, huh?” the man said. He had taken off his hat and it took you a moment to place his face, but when the realization hit, you almost evaporated. You were stuck in a goddamned ATM room with Captain fucking America.
“Yep,” you replied after enough seconds to make it weird and nodded. “Stuck.” Why did you have to be so fucking awkward? You fiddled with your jewelry and looked around the room, anywhere except directly at the Avenger.
The sound of a phone ringing startled you and you hoped the Captain didn’t notice. He answered and in an attempt to not eavesdrop, you looked at a poster hanging on the wall next to you. Unfortunately, it was too dark to actually make out the words, but you kept staring at it.
“Yes, I’m okay. I’m just trapped in an ATM vestibule.”
Vestibule. Was that a word? If Captain America said so, then yes. You brought your attention back to your phone when it vibrated in your hand.
Thing 1: u good?
You: yes. just trapped at the bank
Thing 2: We got lots of candles lit. Might cast a funky little spell
A photo of your two roommates with a shit ton of candles followed.
“No, I’m not alone, there’s a girl here,” you heard Captain America say. It was hard to not eavesdrop. “No, Buck, I can’t just break out, it’s a bank. Yeah, okay, bye.”
You: im not alone tho. im stuck with captain america
Thing 2: oMG really?
Thing 1: pics plz
Thing 2: That’s so lucky.
Thing 1: get his #
Thing 2: We’ll cast a spell to help you get his number.
Thing 1: im calling u
You: oh no
“Hello?” you answered your phone ready for the onslaught of questions from your roommates.
“We need proof,” they yelled through the phone. “Talk to him! Get a pic!”
Even though you were on the other side of the vestibule and your volume was relatively low, the Captain glanced at you. Doesn’t he have enhanced hearing or something? Ah, fuck.
“I’m ignoring you now, bye,” you said into the phone before hanging up, completely shutting it off, and shoving it into your pocket.
“So do you want a photo?” He grinned.
“Oh, no, I don’t need a photo,” you chuckled and looked at your feet.
You absolute fucking idiot. Of course you need a photo. You would die for a photo. If Captain fucking America offers you a photo, you say yes, goddamn it. But, of course, you said no. You could always change your mind. If you came out of this without even a photo, no one would believe you.
“Actually, a photo would be wonder-awe-great. A photo would be great, please.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Stop being so awkward. Please.
He walked over to your side of the room and you heard your rapid heartbeats in your ears. You hoped you looked okay. It’s not like you dressed up to withdraw some cash.
“Uh, sorry, I turned off my phone because, roomies, you know,” you explained and rubbed your palms on your jeans.
“That’s alright. I can always send them to you.”
You nodded and smiled for the photo, trying to not focus on his close proximity.
“Where am I sending the picture?” You gave him your number and began to fidget with your jewelry again. “You know,” he said with a smile. “One would think this was an elaborate way to get my number.”
“What? Oh, no, I-I’m not,” you stopped yourself with a sigh.
“Don’t worry about it,” the Captain laughed. “So,” he paused for your name and you quickly gave it to him. “What brought you here?”
“I needed some cash for something completely legal.”
“Cash is kinda going out of fashion, isn’t it?”
You shrugged and leaned against the wall. “I need to pay my grandmother back, hence the cash.”
Captain America was, what? Technically in his nineties? Older? He would still be used to cash right? But why did he have to come out here? Didn’t Tony Stark have plenty of resources at the Avengers Tower?
“Well, Tony’s birthday is coming up,” he explained when you asked. “And he’s actually quite good at figuring out what you got for him. We all have to be sneaky, some of us have even gotten decoy gifts.”
“My aim sucks,” you laugh at yourself and go to retrieve the hair tie that you had flicked at a poster.
“Well,” the Captain, or as he repeatedly told you to call him Steve, said, drawing out the word.
“It’s fine.”
“Here, let me show you.”
He moved behind you and put his arms around you to help you position the hair tie.
“See, if you place the band higher up, it flies off easier,” he whispered, his breath tickling your neck. “So we aim and we release.”
As the band flew off your finger, the lights flickered back on.
“Oh, well I guess we’re free to go,” you sighed. “I hope we see each other again.”
Steve opened the door, the crisp spring air washing over you. “I have your number anyway.”
He waved as he walked the other way. You got your phone out and turned it back on. The first thing you did was update your phone’s wallpaper to the picture with a giddy smile.
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