ririnz · 7 years
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vinstage4u · 8 years
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arcadequeerz · 5 years
Zeno |Non Fandom OC|
tHIS Is zeno! Another of my v early Oc’s his info mentions another of my OC, Bloodloss, aka: piece of fucking shit(He’ll be posted next.)
Zeno stands just a Little under 5ft tall. Body type is quite frail and skinny. Body is covered in pure white, soft feathers. A few light grey feathers are mixed in with the white. They have a dragon like Muzzle, and the feathers down their muzzle have a very slight red tint to them. Has bandages on their muzzle that covers holes in the flesh that show bone. Muzzle ends in a rabbits like nose.
Left eye is a very dark purple, right eye is a very bright purple color. Pupils are like goats pupils. Atop their head they have a long cockatiel style crest of feathers. The feathers are a mix of white and light silver, and much like a cockatiel they are able to flip the crest up, or lay it flat against their head. The tip of the crest ends in a curl. On either side of their head they have two long feathered ears, the ears are wide towards the base, and are thin towards the tips, the ears are covered in soft, long feathers, the ones at the ears tips end in black. Their mouth is full of long, sharp teeth, and they have a long forked tongue thats red. On the back of their head, and down their neck they have fluffier feathers. These fluffy feathers go down along their spine and stop right before their tail.
!!Light Body Horror Warning!!
Tail is completely void of flesh, and is just white bone. Their tail is long, and at the tip of it it ends in a canine like skull with a longish muzzle. It has no Eye sockets and its jaws are filled with very sharp teeth. Moving their tail it makes a rattling like sound. Tail at times can have a mind of its own, likes to loudly snap its jaws shut making a loud CRACK like noise.
Like their tail, their feet are nothing but bone. Feet are paw like and have long, sharp talons on them.
!!Light Body Horror Warning end!!
Hands had rotten away at One point so they were replaced with metal hands, the fingers on these hands end in sharp claws.
!!Needles/Syringe Ment!!
Has a second set of hand they can switch the other out with, these hands are made of kinda rusted metal, and fingers are syringes that have long, sharp needles. Usually has very brightly colored liquid in the syringes vials. Able to pull out the viles from the fingers to replace them. Simply able to stab one into someone to inject whatever is in the vile into them.
!!Needles/Syringe Ment end!!
Zeno is in a constant state of rotting. They’re Constantly rotting and falling apart, their flesh tears and rips occasionally, usually along their spine and on their neck first.
They created a serum to use that delays the rotting but if they go too long without taking it they’ll start to rot and fall apart again. If they Do not keep taking the serum, they would rot away till they were nothing but bone.
Zeno is usually prettysickly, or generally very tired/not feeling well due to them constantly being in a state of decay. They hide how they feel really well though. Usually has a tired look to themselves. They also have a Awful memory, and are really Really bad at memorizing names,
Overall Zeno is a very energetic person, having transitioned from: so exhausted that they can’t stay awake, to being so tired their Awake as all hell. They’re a tad odd, very talkative but overall are quite friendly. Likes to crack jokes at people and could be described as ‘eccentric’. Hyper and rarely ever stops Moving.
They live currently with another one of my OCs, Matora, in their cabin. They care and love Matora very much.
For Zeno’s backstory I’ve been having trouble with thinking up one, I do have a idea for it, its not fully Fleshed out though.
Zeno used to be a very well known Doctor, best in the area they lived in. They saved Many people who were on 'deaths doorstep’ many times. They cheat death out of Many, many souls, and Death doesn’t like to be cheated, so Death visits Zeno, and curses them, cursing then to be eternally Decaying/rotting.
Death tells them if they kill, every single person they saved from their grasp, they’ll lift the curse.
In the beginning Zeno is so desperate not to rot away, they manage to kill a few of their past patients. But eventually, the guilt starts to eat away at them, and they no longer want to keep Killing innocent people. They can't bring themselves to keep doing it. They start to accept their fate, of simply decaying into nothing, and go back to their home, and lock themselves inside of the house to wait out until they've rotted away and die.
But instead of that happening, Bloodloss learns about the once doctor, turned rotten monster, and grows interested, they visit Zeno and offer them a opportunity to work for them, Zeno accepts.
Then Eventually, years later, Zeno’s usefulness to him runs out, and Bloodloss nearly beats Zeno to death, and leaves them for dead in the middle of the forest(Darkwood) where Matora lives. Instead of dying, Matora finds Zeno and takes them back to their home, where they fix Zeno up as best they can. After that he lets Zeno stay with him and the two become close.
Zenos a cliche character, I’ll admit that, doctor becomes Monster trope kind of thing, but their one of my First OCs i ever made (Matora being the first) and this whole 'rotting doctor Dude’ has been their Basic idea from start when i first created em
So I don’t rlly wanna change it honestly, their story might be changed up a lil later on if I figure it out better, but Thts the gist of it.
Zeno is Genderfluid, and their pronouns are they/them only. Their also very queer! Zeno loves wearing pretty clothing, they like wearing skirts and dresses, and also like to wear high heels. They usually wear a brown turtle neck sweater and pair of black pants though because they don’t always feel confident in wearing other clothing. Also Most of the time doesn’t wear shoes to cover their skeletal feet, unless they plan on going out in public.
Zeno has pretty bad anxiety at times, flares up randomly and makes them go quiet usually. They also have bad body image issues, and often see themselves as ugly, and nasty.
Both sets of their hands were made when they worked for Bloodloss.
Since their in a constant state of decay they usually feel cold, and also sometimes cant feel touch. These times happen randomly, they used to get real freaked out when they happened, but their used to it now. Since their usually cold, they love Warm things, likes wrapping themselves up in a heating blanket.
Zeno can make all kinds of bird like noises and can even mimic certain sounds, like cell phone ringtones, running water, and can make a laser beam noise (that they like to use to annoy Matora.). They can also make Really Loud bird like noises. Also like most parrots, they can make themselves look Really puffy, or v skinny.
Skinny zeno, with crest stood up = alerted/scared Zeno.
Puffy, fluffy, round Zeno = happy, content, comfortable Zeno! Also can sometimes mean their sleepy.
!!Abuse Ment!!
Zeno is Really scared of Bloodloss. Their relationship was..really Bad. and Bloodloss used and treated Zeno horribly, and they were to scared to say no to Bloodloss or try and get away cus if they tried, Bloodloss would get Real angry. Cus of this they have a hard time telling people No, or letting people know when they're uncomfortable or not ok with something. They also flinch a Lot with sudden movements, or when people raise their hands real fast.
The feathers on their chest, and upper stomach are a bit shorter then the rest, and look kinda messed up. This was from they were beaten by Bloodloss, who burned them on their stomach and chest. Under the feathers n down on their skin they have a large, burn scar. The feathers are very Slowly healing, but will always look a tad shorter/noticeable different then the rest of the feathers on their body. They also have Pyrophobia and hate the smell of things burning.
!!Abuse Ment End!!
If they hadn't worked with Bloodloss they’d never of been able to create the serum that delays their decaying.
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glamourliving · 7 years
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Loving these accessories ✨✨✨ #prettysickly #fashionblogger #fashionaccessories #fashiongram #styleblogger #style #stylegram #walkthewalk #runaway #models #outfit #outfitoftheday #fashion #fblogger #fbloggeruk #fblog #dress #jewelry #jewelrydesigner #jewellery #necklace #luxuryliving #luxury #lbloggers #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #perfume
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gallucks · 6 years
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reunited w/ @prettysickly today! (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHhaIhgv9y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gwk7de5f65h8
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daniel-patrick · 7 years
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parachute track pant //
[ ig: prettysickly ]
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kittycowell · 7 years
Is THIS the GREATEST place at London Fashion Week?! _____ Guys I've got a new YouTube video up from LFW please go check it out the link is in my stories! Just want to thank @lightbitesuk for collaborating with me on this and allowing me to make epic content like this! ____ Also thanks @theaptmt Video by @williamejgilbert Featuring @del_photos @justskai @prettysickly @abimarvel @bibigoeschic and more! Wearing @levis_uk _______ . . . . #youtubers #londonfashionweek #lfw #behindthrscenes #bts #youtubevideo #fashionvideo #vloggersuk #vlogger #fashionblogger #stylevideo
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androidmaniaco · 4 years
Cómo cambiar los iconos de tu iPhone con iOS 14 y personalizarlo al máximo
Cómo cambiar los iconos de tu iPhone con iOS 14 y personalizarlo al máximo
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Si hay algo que caracteriza a Apple desde sus inicios es que su sistema operativo siempre ha sido mucho más cerrado que Android en lo que a personalización se refiere. Hasta ahora. La actualización a iOS 14, que está disponible a nivel global desde el pasado 16 de septiembre, ha traído consigo los widgets (presentes en Android desde hace años) y, con ello, ha abierto la puerta a una personalización nunca antes vista.
No en vano, en los últimos días, las redes sociales se han llenado de ejemplos -algunos bastante horteras, todo hay que decirlo- de personas que han modificado por completo la interfaz de su iPhone. Y no, no hablamos de añadir widgets y cajones de apps, sino de cambiar directamente los iconos y diseñar tu propia pantalla de inicio. Veamos cómo hacerlo.
La clave de la personalización está en los atajos
Además de cambiar el navegador que viene por defecto o la app de correo electrónico, por ejemplo, una de las grandes novedades de iOS 14 es que nos permite añadir widgets y alterar el aspecto de la interfaz utilizando iconos diferentes a los que nos propone Apple para cada aplicación.
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En Xataka
iOS 14: 37 trucos, tips y funciones para exprimir al máximo tu iPhone
Para ello, el procedimiento es más complejo que en Android, donde bastaba con aplicar una skin o descargarse un pack de iconos. En iOS, tienes que ir cambiando el diseño de cada icono y cada widget uno por uno hasta que dejes completamente a tu gusto tu homescreen (página de inicio). Empecemos por los iconos:
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Antes de nada, lo que tienes que hacer, es localizar y seleccionar las fotos que quieres usar como iconos, bien de tu álbum o bien descargándolas de internet (en Pinterest o Trumbl, por ejemplo).
Abres la app de Atajos, pulsas en el icono (+) > 'Añadir acción' > 'Scripts' > 'Abrir app'.
Pulsas donde pone 'Seleccionar', eliges una app del menú (en nuestro caso, Instagram) y tocas en el icono de los tres puntos.
En la nueva ventana, pones como nombre del atajo "Instagram", tocas en 'Añadir a pantalla de inicio', vuelves a cambiar el nombre por "Instagram" y pulsas en el icono que hay al lado.
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En el menú desplegable, tocas en 'Seleccionar foto' y eliges la quieras de tu galería. Finalmente, le das a 'Añadir' y, automáticamente, aparecerá en la pantalla de inicio el nuevo icono.
Repetimos ese paso tantas veces sea necesario para cambiar los iconos de todas nuestras apps y pasamos a personalizar los widgets:
Para ello, descargamos una app destinada a esta función, como 'Widgetsmith' o 'Photo Widget'. La más popular ahora mismo es 'Widgetsmith', que es la que hemos elegido nosotros, aunque está en inglés.
Elegimos uno de los widgets que nos proponen: Small, Medium o Large (en nuestro caso, Medium), pulsamos sobre él y tocamos en 'Default Widget'.
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Seleccionamos uno de los widgets disponibles en 'Style', con la fuente ('Font'), color ('Tint Color') y color de fondo ('Backgroudn Color') que más nos guste, volvemos atrás y pulsamos en 'Save'.
Salimos de la app, nos vamos a nuestra pantalla de inicio para editarla añadiendo nuestro nuevo widget. Tocamos en el icono de (+) y elegimos 'Widgetsmith' medium (que es el que hemos configurado). A partir de ahí, creamos y añadimos tantos widgets como queramos.
El último paso que nos quedaría por hacer es cambiar la imagen de fondo de la pantalla de inicio. Para ello, como ya sabemos, vamos a 'Ajustes' > 'Fondo de pantalla', 'Seleccionar fondo nuevo' y elegimos una de las imágenes que nos propone Apple o que tengamos guardadas en la galería.
Ejemplos para inspirarte
Como decíamos al principio, las redes sociales están ahora mismo repletas de ejemplos de personas que han logrado cambiar el aspecto de su iPhone hasta tal punto que el resultado haría llorar al mismísimo Steve Jobs. Basta con darse una vuelta por Instagram o Twitter para encontrar inspiración:
Finally did it. #ios14 pic.twitter.com/a4a2iwG9oR
— Yanin Namasonthi (@PrettySickly) September 20, 2020
My ios14 aesthetic ✨ 🤭#ios14homescreen #iOS14 pic.twitter.com/5xAG72QPmN
— Niki (@BasicallyNiki) September 21, 2020
- La noticia Cómo cambiar los iconos de tu iPhone con iOS 14 y personalizarlo al máximo fue publicada originalmente en Xataka Móvil por Laura Sacristán .
Xataka Móvil https://ift.tt/32QExBs
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lottieandlouise · 7 years
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Lou via Instagram Stories (@prettysickly) • September 17, 2017
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rachekb · 5 years
Fast Fashion in the UK
The trends travel throughout the world and go through fashion cycles. Some items are staple pieces in wardrobes, however, other pieces are only going to be used for a short time until they are out of style. Styles of shoe, jeans, dresses, coats, and shirts are ever changing. For example, the jogger pants worn in the first picture are becoming less popular as jeans are coming back more people’s daily wardrobes. 
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Jeans, white tennis shoes, and stripes were very popular for the late summer months in the UK. Trench coats also started to become popular. 
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Now, we are seeing many more patterns and brighter colors, and grunge style outfit surfacing to style. 
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Bloggers and influencers in UK and around the world are making new styles surface to popularity in shorter time periods than before. Yanin Namasonthi, @prettysickly is an example of a blogger in London who is sharing her style with 1.5 million followers on Instagram throughout the UK. 
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Technology and media has played a huge role in the fast fashion industry because of the ability for new ideas to spread fast throughout the world.
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idressmyselff · 7 years
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Neck party. Deets on my insta - @prettysickly
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gallucks · 7 years
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frozen fit ❄️ #ootd (📷 @prettysickly) (at London, United Kingdom)
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daniel-patrick · 7 years
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dp parachute track pant //
[ ig: prettysickly ]
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astridandmiyu · 8 years
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Favourite accessories from @prettysickly for this LFW: the Evil Eye and Horseshoe rings in silver to match her Saint Laurent black bag and marble nails!
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glamourliving · 8 years
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Send your #testimonials and #pics and you could #win a #free care kit! Pic sent by @prettysickly Yanin www.glamourliving.co.uk #bbloggers #beautyblogger #beauty #beautiful #organiser #storagebox #beautybox #fblogger #beautyblogger #beautyquote #brushes #makeupbrushes #organisers #shoppingonline #gift
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baubleheadshop · 7 years
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Sunny days ahead ✨ // @prettysickly // #anarchystreet #babesofanarchy (at Los Angeles Fashion District)
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