#pride this year should also HEAVILY focus on spreading resources and mutual aid materials for queer ppl in states like Florida
decolonize-the-left · 1 month
With pride coming up in the US again I wanted to say that the cops who "helped" with pride last year would happily arrest you this year.
For a lot of states who's reps signed off on anti-drag bills and trans bans over the last year this will be a reality.
Pride will be quieter this year.
This is why we don't have cops at pride. Pride was never safe and it never has been. Calls for it to be sanitized "for the children" were so misguided, for the same reason.
We get it. You had good intentions by asking for cops and wanting minors to be included.
But the consequence of that is that now we hear that same rhetoric being used to justify putting us back in the closet. Turns out that homonormative patriarchal society that we live in thinks queer ppl are disgusting perverts and not appropriate for children to be exposed to. Go figure.
We can't sanitize our movement for them. Lateral violence doesn't free any of us. And trying to include our oppressors in our liberation will never be a good idea because they will turn on us the moment they are able to and they'll use our own words against us.
No cops at pride.
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