#prieur d'or
frevandrest · 7 months
Can anyone familiar with Prieur (of the Metric system infamy) tell me what he was doing in late 1792? (Let's say from the start of the Convention to the end of the year). In terms of the Metric system specifically - was he already in charge with that?
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aedesluminis · 1 month
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Carnot, Lindet, Prieur de la Côte-d'Or in a fragment of "Panorama de l'Histoire du siècle 1788-1889" by Alfred Stevens and Henri Gervex, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris.
Sources: 1, 2
References for the characters' names from Stevens, Gervex, Reinach "L'Histoire du Siècle", p. 36-37 (note: Prieur is wrongly listed as "de la Marne*)
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sieclesetcieux · 8 months
This site compiled their addresses here though Barère's page is missing (here are some of his addresses), Lindet's address is different than the one give here, and though some mail was sent to Couthon where Robespierre lived, I think he had another address too? (Hérault is also just not listed but the site is centered around Thermidor.)
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Copy-pasted below for convenience. I added their birthdates and astrological signs (for those who care about that):
Jean-Baptiste Robert Lindet
Age : Né à Bernay (Eure), 48 ans en thermidor. [2 mai 1746 ♉]
Adresse : 68, rue de la Sourdière.
Métier : Avocat
Fonctions : Député de l’Eure, membre du Comité de salut public du 6 avril 1793 au 7 octobre 1794
Antoine Louis Léon de Saint-Just
Age: Né à Décize, 26 ans en Thermidor an II [25 août 1767 ♍]
Adresse: 3, rue Caumartin, 2ème étage (depuis mars 1794), à la même adresse que Thuillier. Il demeurait auparavant à l’hôtel des États-Unis, rue Gaillon.
Fonction(s): Député de l’Aisne à la Convention depuis le 5 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 10 juin 1793.
Georges-Auguste Couthon
Age : Né à Orcet, 38 ans en thermidor [22 décembre 1755 ♑]
Adresse : 366, rue Saint Honoré
Profession : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Puy-de-Dôme à la Convention le 6 septembre 1792. Membre du Comité de salut public du 10 juin 1793 au 9 Thermidor an II.
André Jeanbon, dit JEAN BON SAINT-ANDRÉ
Age : Né à Montauban, 45 ans en thermidor [25 février 1749 ♓]
Adresse :  7 rue Gaillon
Profession : Marin, puis pasteur
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Lot à la Convention le 5 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 10 juin 1793. Fréquemment en mission pour superviser les opérations maritimes, il est absent de Paris le 9-Thermidor.
Pierre-Louis Prieur, dit PRIEUR de la MARNE
Age : Né à Sommesous (Marne), 37 ans en thermidor [1er août 1756 ♌]
Surnom : Appelé Prieur de la Marne (pour le différencier de Prieur de la Côte-d’Or)
Adresse : 11, rue Helvetius
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de la Marne à la Convention depuis le 3 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de salut public du 10 juillet 1793 au 13 thermidor an II (31 juillet 1794), puis à nouveau du 15 vendémiaire au 15 pluviôse an III (6 octobre 1794-3 février 1795).
Absent de Paris au moment du 9-Thermidor.
Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre
Age : Né à Arras, 36 ans en thermidor. [6 mai 1758 ♉]
Adresse : 366 rue Saint-Honoré (numérotation actuelle : 398)
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de Paris à la Convention nationale depuis le 5 septembre 1792 ; membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 27 juillet 1793
Claude-Antoine Prieur-Duvernois, dit PRIEUR de la CÔTE-d'OR
Age : Né à Auxonne, 30 ans en thermidor [22 décembre 1763 ♑]
Surnom : Appelé Prieur de la Côte-d’Or (pour le différencier de Prieur de la Marne)
Adresse :  5, rue Caumartin
Profession : Ingénieur militaire
Fonction(s) : Elu député de la Côte-d’Or à la Convention le 5 septembre 1792. Membre du Comité de salut public du 14 août 1793 au 16 vendémiaire an III (7 octobre 1794).
Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot
Age : Né à Nolay, 41 ans en thermidor. [13 mai 1753 ♉]
Adresse : 2 rue Florentin
Métier : Mathématicien, physicien, militaire
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Pas-de-Calais à la Convention nationale le 5 septembre 1792 ; membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 14 août 1793, il le quitte le 7 octobre 1794 mais y siège à nouveau un mois plus tard, jusqu’au 6 mars 1795.
Jacques-Nicolas Billaud, dit BILLAUD-VARENNE
Age : Né à La Rochelle, 38 ans en Thermidor an II [23 avril 1756 ♉]
Adresse : 40 rue Saint-André-des-Arts
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de Paris à la Convention depuis le 7 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 5 septembre 1793
Jean-Marie Collot, dit COLLOT d'HERBOIS
Age : Né à Paris, 45 ans en Thermidor an II [19 juin 1749 ♊]
Adresse : 4 rue Favart (3ème étage)
Métier : Acteur, directeur de théâtre
Fonction(s) : Elu député de Paris à la Convention le 6 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 5 septembre 1793.
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amateurvoltaire · 4 days
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I am geographically challenged, and I really, really wanted a way to visualise what constituencies the members of the Third Committee of Public Safety ( July 1793 – July 1794) represented. So, this map was born.
Bertrand Barère: Hautes-Pyrénées
Jacques Billaud-Varenne:  Paris
Lazare Carnot: Pas-de-Calais
Jean-Marie Collot: Paris
Georges Couthon: Puy-de-Dôme
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles: Seine-et-Oise
Robert Lindet: Eure
Pierre-Louis Prieur de la Marne: Marne (hence the name…)
Claude-Antoine Prieur: Côte-d'Or (ditto)
Maximilien Robespierre: Paris
André Jeanbon Saint-André: Lot
Louis Antoine de Saint-Just: Aisne
PS: It’s fascinating and telling how many of them represented provinces in the north of France.
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empirearchives · 13 days
Hi! I was wondering is there an actual source stating that calling Napoléon "Buonaparte" was meant as derogatory? I've read here (https://mrodenberg.com/2012/09/13/bonaparte-or-buonaparte/) that on Saint-Helena, the British addressed him as that to undermine his legitimacy as French ruler. Also, I know of another historical figure, Prieur de la Côte-d'Or, who not being very fond of him used the same appellation when talking about Napoleon
Hey! Yes, it was definitely used in a derogatory way to delegitimize Napoleon’s rule by denying his frenchness. Napoleon’s brother, Louis, commented on this in his A Reply to Sir Walter Scott’s History of Napoleon in 1829:
Another visible object is, that of desiring to make Napoleon pass as a foreigner in France. In fact, if such were not the intentions of the author, why this obstinacy in writing the family name of Napoleon, Buonaparte, instead of Bonaparte, consecrated as it is by long habit? Certainly the letter O is not more or less noble or French than the letter U, but it is done to impress a foreign character upon Napoleon, and divide his glory from that of France.
The Italian nation is sufficiently glorious for one to be proud of belonging to it, especially of deriving one’s origin from this beautiful country; but when one has been born under the laws of France, grown up on its soil, with no other knowledge of foreign countries, even of beautiful Italy, than that gained with the victorious legions of France, it is rather too ridiculous to receive from an English author the certificate of a foreigner.
The name Buonaparte was being used by the coalitions before the St. Helena years, especially by the British, so there are quite a lot of examples.
To be clear, Buonaparte was Napoleon’s birth name and the name he preferred to go by for over 20 years. He changed his name during the French Revolution during a wave of name changes across France to more revolutionary and patriotic names. That being said, Bonaparte is already listed as his name on his baptism certificate* in 1771 (“Neapoleone Bonaparte”) when he was nearly 2 years old, which is 3 years into French rule of Corsica. On the same document, his father’s name is spelled as Buonaparte.
It’s a little complicated. The spelling of names weren’t very standardized and were subject to a lot of variation. But the usage of the name Buonaparte was definitely intentional among Napoleon’s enemies. You can tell pretty easily when someone is saying it in a bad faith manner.
From the historian Andrew Roberts (Napoleon: A Life):
For decades thereafter, British and Bourbon propagandists re-inserted the ‘u’ in order to emphasize Napoleon’s foreignness, such as in François-René de Chateaubriand’s snappily titled 1814 pamphlet Of Buonaparte and the Bourbons and the Necessity of Rallying Round our Legitimate Princes for the Happiness of France and that of Europe, in which he wrote: ‘No hope was left of finding among Frenchmen a man bold enough to dare to wear the crown of Louis XVI. A foreigner offered himself, and was accepted’ (Chateaubriand, Of Buonaparte p. 5). Even after the British royal family changed the name of their dynasty from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor in 1917, some British historians still ridiculed Napoleon for dropping the ‘u’ from his surname.
It becomes obvious when people change how they refer to Napoleon depending on their current stance or relationship with him. For example, when France and Russia were allies, Tsar Alexander I calls him Napoleon or even the Emperor Napoleon. But when the alliances change and Napoleon is removed from power, Alexander referred to him as Buonaparte.
From the historian Marie-Pierre Rey (Alexander I):
Alexander’s use of the Corsican family name of Buonaparte is interesting, implying that for Alexander Napoléon was no longer emperor of the French — and not even French by nationality!
So there were two purposes to calling him Buonaparte: to accentuate his commoner origins as well as his foreignness in order to delegitimize his authority as head of state.
Thanks for the interesting question!
* (The baptism document can be found on Archives de la Corse-du-Sud -> Etat Civil -> Ajaccio -> 1771 -> Baptemes -> 6 MI 4/21)
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nesiacha · 17 days
I must thank you for your extremely informative posts; they are a pleasure to read, on top of being incisive and logically sound analysis. Very much indebted.
Thank you for your very kind words. But I must also thank the Tumblr community. For instance, I was looking for writings by Marat on women's rights, and thanks to the Tumblr community, I found them. Additionally, thanks to to you ( they will recognize each other :) ), I was able to correct some information I had, like about Prieur de la Côte d'Or when I wrongly think that he was made count by Napoleon when in reality he wasn't and refuse to join Napoleon.
There are people who react to the post in a kind manner, which encourages us to continue making posts. Kind words like yours encourage as well , and so the debate calm and respectful debates :)
In short, thanks to all of you, we can exchange and learn more. So, in the end, it's me who should thank all of you :)
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notrebellefrance · 1 year
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Pujaut faisait partie, avant 1790, de la viguerie de Roquemaure et du diocèse d'Uzès, pour le temporel ; mais pour le spirituel, il relevait de l'archevêché d'Avignon.
- Le prieuré de Notre-Dame de Pujaut était uni au monastère de Saint-André de Villeneuve.
- Le pitancier de ce monastère en était prieur.
- Lors du dénombrement de 1384 on comptait à Pujaut 18 feux.
- L'étang de Pujaut qui, d'après Dom Chantelou ( Historia monasterii Beatœ-Mariœ de Rupe Forti ), portait, au XIVe siècle, le nom de Stagnum de Privaderiis, fut desséché en 1630 par les soins des Chartreux de Villeneuve-lez-Avignon.
- La communauté de Pujaut avait pour armoiries :
de gueules, à un puy d’argent, surmonté de trois fleurs de lis d'or rangées en chef.
En 1694, sous Louis XIV, Pujaut, nommé alors « Pijaut », bénéficia de la campagne de dotation d'armoiries imaginée par Charles René d'Hozier (juge d'armes de Louis XIV en 1641, c'est-à-dire commis royal chargé de certifier la noblesse) et reçut une armoirie, je cite, « de gueules, à un puits d’argent, surmonté de trois fleurs de lis d'or rangées en chef ». Le « puits » du blason est une allusion à « puy », par le système très en vogue des armes parlantes fonctionnant par rébus/jeux de mots, « puy » étant la base étymologique du nom de la commune de « Puy-haut »... « Pij-aut »... devenu « Pujaut » !
Cependant, ce blason n'est pas celui figurant sur les plaques de rue et utilisé dans tous les documents officiels de la commune. Le blason courant figure un trapèze couramment interprété comme étant un puy, soutenu par une étendue d'eau, interprétable comme l'ancien étang de Pujaut.
Il y a bien, bien longtemps, c’est à dire quelques 5,3 millions d’années… le Rhône ne passait pas à Avignon mais bel et bien à Pujaut, à 10 Km à l’ouest.
Et puis un soulèvement tectonique est survenu et le Rhône, en essayant de creuser son lit entre les rochers qui se sont dressés sur son chemin, s’est avisé que ce serait plus facile pour lui de passer un peu plus à l’est, par Avignon…
Petit à petit, le lit principal qui passait par Pujaut s’est détourné vers l’est, et le Rhône, abandonnant son ancien lit devenu un bras mort, s’est déplacé jusqu'à lécher les murs de la future cité papale.
En effet, au fil du temps qui se mesure alors en millions d’années, la géologie et les différents climats ont modifié le terrain pour ne plus laisser à Pujaut que des « flaques d’eau », restes de lacs quaternaires après la période des grandes glaciations, et l'étang de Pujaut-Rochefort s'est ainsi constitué.
Et il a ensuite nourri les habitants du lieu durant des siècles.
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montagnarde1793 · 4 years
Il devoit arriver que le gouvernement s’altéroit en se dépouillant de ses membres. Couthon est sans cesse absent ; Prieur de la Marne est absent depuis huit [sic pour dix] mois ; Saint-André est au Port-la-Montagne ; Lindet est enseveli dans ses bureaux ; Prieur de la Côte-d’Or, dans les siens ; moi j’étois à l’armée ; et le reste, qui exerçoit l’autorité de tous, me paroît avoir essayé de profiter de leur absence. Je regarderois comme un principe salutaire et conservateur de la liberté publique, que le tapis du comité fût environné de tous ses membres. Vous aviez confié le gouvernement à douze personnes ; il s’est trouvé en effet, le dernier mois, entre les mains de deux ou trois. Avec cette imprudence, l’on s’expose à inspirer aux hommes le goût de l’indépendance et de l’autorité.
Extrait du discours que Saint-Just a été empêché de prononcer le 9 thermidor an II (AP, t. XCIII, p. 562).
Il est intéressant à noter que malgré l’événement, les thermidoriens vont tout de même suivre ce conseil...
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rbzpr · 7 years
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The Committee of Public Safety (F. Brunel)
The trace left in history be the most famous of the Convention's committees is profound and sometimes unexpected: it was, let us remember, the schemes of a rebellious Committee of Public Safety which presided over the instauration of the Fifth French Republic.
One must not be surprised by the late creation of the committee. While the notion of salut public was one of the founding concepts of the Revolution, the Assembly could fear that the ascendancy of such an institution would be too great, and, at the same time, that it would infringe upon the remit of the Provisional Executive Council and that it would tend towards an autonomy contrary to the principle of legislative centrality. Thus, on 1 January 1793,  the Girondin deputy Kersaint only proposed the establishment of a Comité de défense générale which was to be composed of deputies chosen among the members of the seven committees (War, Marine, Colonies, Finances, Trade, Diplomatic Committee and Constitution Committee). This new committee at first gathered thrice per week, later, from 21 January onwards, every day, even two times per day, at noon and at seven o'clock in the evening. The defeat of Neerwinden and the beginning of the Vendéan insurrection justified the creation of an ephemeral Commission de salut public on 25 March 1793: the term was therefore finally adopted. On 6 April 1793, the Convention decreed, at the end of a long debate, the creation of a Comité de salut public and immediately proceeded to the election of its members by roll-call. The first nine elected members were Barère, Delmas, Bréard, Cambon, Danton, Jean de Bry (who resigned, being replaced by R. Lindet), Guyton-Morveau, Treilhard and Delacroix (d'Eure-et-Loire). They held two sessions per day (at nine o'clock in the morning and seven o'clock in the evening) in the Pavillon de Flore (renamed Pavillon de l'Egalité). On 30 May 1793, the Convention added five deputies charged with presenting the articles of the constitution, Hérault de Séchelles, Ramel, Saint-Just, Mathieu and Couthon. After the fall of the Gironde, the Committee of Public Safety was reorganised: bureaus were created and the affairs were divided into six sections. Enlarged by successive elections, it counted eighteen members on the eve of the new reorganisation of 10 July 1793. On this day, the Convention decided to re-elect nine members by roll-call: these were, elected in this order, Barère, Jeanbon Saint-André, Gasparin, Couthon, Hérault de Séchelles, Thuriot, Prieur (de la Marne), Saint-Just and Robert Lindet. On 27 July, Robespierre replaced Gasparin, who had resigned, and on 14 August, Carnot and Prieur (de la Côte d'Or) were elected. On 6 September 1793, at last, Billaud-Varenne and Collot d'Herbois made their entrance, whereas Danton and Granet refused their election. After Thuriot, in turn, resigned on 20 September, the Committee of Public Safety was the composed of twelve members, Twelve Who Ruled, to use Robert Palmer's suggestive [...] formula.
What one calls the « great Committee of Public Safety » – composed, in fact, of eleven deputies, as Hérault de Séchelles, sent on mission in Alsace, denounced in Frimaire Year II and executed in Germinal, no longer sat there – has aroused the attention of historians. Relying, sometimes uncritically, on post-Thermidorian sources (particularly the Reports of Le Cointre and of Saladin or the Defences of Barère, Billaud and Collot), historiography has erected the committee as the centrepiece of the « Jacobin dictatorship ». One has often paid particular attention to the growing number of its employees (67 in Frimaire, 418 in Prairial Year II), the sign of an undeniable « bureaucratisation », to its agents (such as Eve Demaillot, Pottofeux or the young Jullien, called Jullien de Paris) who had became an executive power independent of the Convention, and, finally, to its Bureau de police générale, whose activities, from Floréal to Thermidor Year II, had largely overflowed onto the duties of the Committee of General Security. All of this demands to be nuanced. First of all, because the law of 14 Frimaire Year II clearly defined the area of competence of the Committee of Public Safety, which was obliged to report to the Convention every month and was composed of deputies who were elected and personally responsible. The decree of 27 Germinal Year II (16 April 1794), which clarified that the supervision of public servants was confided to the Committee and which led to the creation of this bureau de surveillance administrative et de police générale, hardly modified, in this regard, the Law of 14 Frimaire (2nd section, article 2). As to the « rivalry » between the bureau and the Committee of General Security, Arne Ording has demonstrated that it was necessary to moderate it, at least until Messidor Year II, when a conflict undoubtedly broke out about the commissions populaires which had been created in Floréal.
If the Committee of Year II has aroused publications and polemics, it has also reasonably clouded the history of the post-Thermidorian Committee. It has also been accepted that the decree of 7 Fructidor Year II (24 August 1794) deprived it of its essential prerogative, thereby bringing about the « dislocation » of the Revolutionary Government. Yet, reading article I of title II, which defines the new duties of the Committee of Public Safety, this affirmation does not seem to be totally clear. Even if, indeed, it lost « the supervision of the civil administrations », henceforth entrusted to the Committee of Legislation, it retained functions that were no less important, such as the « direction of foreign relations », the planning of campaigns, the levying and organisation of troops, the supervision of the military agents and, together with the Committee of General Security, the possibility to arrest the civil servants who were within its purview and to send them before the Revolutionary Tribunal. Its twelve members were renewable by a quarter every month (like the members of all committees), but ineligible to the two committees of General Security and of Public Safety for at least a month ; they were appointed by roll-call. The names of the deputies who were elected in Year III seem to highlight the persistent and known importance of the committee ; Merlin (de Douai), Boissy d'Anglas, Sieyès, Reubell or Cambacérès, for example, cannot pass for obscure deputies. On 14 Germinal Year III (3 April 1795), the number of its members was increased to sixteen, and on 21 Floréal (10 May 1795), on a proposal of Cambacérès, the Committee of Public Safety recovered a kind of pre-eminence, being declared the only institution capable of issuing legally binding decrees. From Floréal to Fructidor Year III, it was dominated by the moderates and, particularly, by the Girondins who has been reinstated (eight of them sat there on 15 Prairial: Aubry, Defermon, Henry-Larivière, Rabaut-Pornier, Pontécoulant, Gamon, Blad and Vernier, i.e. half of the committee's members). The last vote, on 15 Vendémiaire Year IV (7 October 1795), was marked by a return of the « Montagnards réacteurs », the election of Chénier, Eschassériaux and Thibaudeau, marking the « anti-royalist » line of the aftermath of the Parisian insurrection.
Thus, until the disbandment of the Convention, the Committee of Public Safety remained one of the essential organs of the Revolutionary Government, and the concern to be elected to it, clearly displayed by the post-Thermidorian leaders, undoubtedly reveals its leading political role.
Source: Dictionnaire historique de la Révolution française (Albert Soboul)
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aedesluminis · 1 month
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An unexpected revelation. In all honesty, not really that unexpected in itself, but I'm baffled by how easily wrong information can be spread. I've always wondered, indeed, how it was possible for him to be granted or have asked for the title of count given the feeling of "despise" between him and Napoléon.
The excerpt above comes from Gaffarel's biography (p. 349), Bouchard's one doesn't even mention such misunderstanding. According to the former, some of the earliest Prieur's biographers, whose work I happened to find here, stated that he was made comte de l'Empire without quoting a source and looking at the list of people receiving titles during the Napoleonic Era written by Campardon, Prieur's name is in fact missing.
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aedesluminis · 28 days
Letter from Claude-Antoine Prieur to Louis XVI on the importance of having a unified metric system in France
[The letter is dated April 1790 and included a copy of Prieur's Mémoire sur la nécessité et les moyens de rendre uniformes, dans le royaume, toutes les mesures d'étendue et de pesanteur]
The reputation that your Majesty has gained through his passion for sciences and the protection with which he has constantly provided them inspired in me the desire to offer him a work I have done on the necessity and the means to bring all measures of France to uniformity.
I beg your Majesty to honour me for a moment of his attention, not much for some special merit concerning my work, but above all for the high importance of its content.
It is a great and beautiful idea, the one of giving to a great people a common and invariable measure, and, even better, to make it universal. Today, the difficulties related to the lack of precision in the procedures have been overcome; what is left is just a few prejudices relegated to the classes of ignorant people, of whom the triumphant voice of reason will dismiss the prestige.
France, England, the United States of America have addressed the matter not only in their own countries, but they are in open agreement to achieve an identical result.
Savants are rather convinced of the effectiveness of this operation for the advancement of science; but how much it will reveal itself useful in easing commercial relations, from the simplest exchanges, which people’s daily needs require, to the greatest speculations!
From this double perspective of science and commerce, the States of your Majesty maintain a distinguished position among civilised nations. After all, wisdom, moderation, in a word, all the virtues of your Majesty, suggest on his part an aspiring desire towards the noble glory of being included among the benefactors of humankind. May I be allowed to say that this is a fortunate occasion to add a new benefit to those that your subject already owe you: the reunion of your Majesty with other countries to procure the same measures would be a big improvement  and a favourable wish for the happiness of the people; nothing is more appropriate to strengthen in them the bonds of fraternity and concord like the sweet influence of Philosophy.
Respect has set limits that I am not entitled to go beyond. Nevertheless I thought to let truth arrive to the ears of a prince, who, because of his greatness of spirit, has always proven himself worthy of listening. To touch the heart of your Majesty, it is undoubtedly sufficient to mention a useful purpose: it will be even more touched to know that the probity, of which the operation in question is significantly the custodian, will put an end to the activities and tricks of the scoundrels.
I have persuaded myself that my disinterested homages would not be unpleasant; I am, with the utmost respect, your Majesty’s most humble and obedient servant."
— from G. Bouchard, Prieur de la Cote-d'Or, Pièces Annexées, p. 458 - 459
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aedesluminis · 3 days
Prieur on the implementation of the decimal scale in the metric system
The key point, in which Prieur's proposal, aimed to reform the French metric system, differentiates itself from the others, lies in the detailed implementation of the decimal scale for all kind of measures. This is why I thought appropriate to share the following excerpt, taken directly from his work. Its content might sound obvious for many of us, but it's important to remember that, in the 18th century, the scale commonly used in France was the duodecimal one. Prieur was among the scholars of the time to have relised the great advantages that the decimal subdivision would have brought in the fields of calculation and arithmetic, by making the former more straightforward in general and the latter more accessible to everyone, especially to those, who didn't receive an education. Below, under the cut, I also added the transcribed version by Isabelle Dutailly of Prieur's measures conversion table between the standards used during the Ancien Régime in Paris and the new ones, he proposed to use. It gives a general idea about both the tremendous amount of units present just in the capital and how close Prieur's subdivision of measures is compared to our current one.
"[...]Our pied national will be divided into ten pouches, each pouche in ten lignes, each ligne in ten points or primes, so that it will be possible to write each subspecies [of measure] as decimals of the main unit. This method of division is the most proper that we can accept, since it is in accordance with the rules of our numeration and, if it were applied to all the various kind of measures, the study of arithmetic would become much easier and, as a result, more widely practiced. Someone might say that diving by twelve would be convenient when considering the 1/3, 1/4 and their submultiples: this is undeniable. It is also certain that the duodecimal scale could have been used instead of the decimal one for our numeration, but such a change would currently be impractical . On the other hand, the decimal system reveals itself to be convenient for people, who do not know how to write, since it would allow them to represent each ten through their fingers, therefore each hand would be equal to one half of ten, making the count of five parts easier. The introduction of the decimals in all the measures is beneficial in making calculation easier, in that more complex multiplications and divisions are converted to operations similar to those of whole numbers; in that the reduction of each subspecies, from one to another, happens through the simple shift of the decimal point and finally, in that it would allow to increase or decrease the precision of an operation according to our needs. In the majority of cases relative to calculations of our length measurements, there is no need for this operation to go beyond the thousandth, and often the hundredth too, of the main unit."
—C. A. Prieur, Mémoire sur la nécessité et les moyens de rendre uniformes, dans le royaume, toutes les mesures d'étendue et de pesanteur (1790), p.15-16.
Note: Emphases in italics are mine, moreover I didn't translate the units into English, because their corresponding value in said language wouldn't match with the French one, so I believed it wasn't wise.
"Table of comparison between the old units of weights and length used in the city of Paris and the new national ones, which are supposed to replace the former"
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Source for the original table.Source for the transcribed version.
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aedesluminis · 3 months
I'm finally watching Un mètre pour mésurer le monde. I'm 6 minutes in and I'm already rolling my eyes.. But surprisingly in a positive way, similar to whenever I watch the Terror BBC Doc.
I'm literally just waiting for this meany to show up again :3
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By the way, why would Prieur have wanted to use the Parisian metric unit as standard in 1792 when just one year earlier he had already opted for the Earth meridian arc??
I'm confused.🤨
Also from the very beginning of this doc he's explicitly presented as one of the villains L M A O
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aedesluminis · 3 months
Prieur de la Côte-d'Or in a nutshell:
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Forgive me, Claude-Antoine >.>
requested by @saintjustitude
The reference:
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