#prince d/guy diamond
valsnonsense · 7 months
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Please forgive me for this I'm fucking delusional don't look at me-
Okay yeah Prince D and Guy Diamond. Crackiest of crack ships but I'm lowkey obsessed with them. My only explanation for how they meet is D notices Tiny Diamond's exceptional hip-hop music and meets Guy through him. D can't help but think that Guy is cute and starts hitting on him and Guy just trips head over heels for the Funk Prince.
Tiny, in the other hand, is upset. How dare this Funk loser come in and steal his dad. The AUDACITY. The INJUSTICE. The sheer GALL. Tiny has officially declared war on this link giraffe looking mf you wanna go to war let's go to fawkin wAR-
(Tiny warms up to him eventually)
I'm so sorry for this please ignore me and my insanity-
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ottosbigtop · 8 months
... creek? i love his oversized ears and smug punchable swag aura
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trolls related art request dump!!! Im so full of art ideas yum. Feel free to send other rqs if u want! These were rly fun :3
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ryssbelle · 5 months
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Guy Diamond going to Heaven during Prince D's funeral was not on my bingo card for this month
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brrypiiix · 8 months
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Did one of these
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bucktizzies · 8 months
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annnnnnd I’m done!! very fun very fun! half of the request were from twitter and the other half from tumblr! :D
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kittyball23 · 7 months
Which of the Snack Pack and/or other members of the different tribes do you see Viva and Brozone getting along with?
A neat thing to think about 😀 Here are my thoughts:
Guy Diamond might get along with Bruce, since they are both Dads and know what it is like to care for a young one
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Satin and Chenille would like Viva's braids, and the girls would exchange hairstyles and clothes all he time
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Smidge would appreciate that Clay may think of her as a strong warrior, and the two of them could so some training sessions just for fun
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Biggie would probably get along best with JD, since the two of them would probably go on and on about their respective pets and tell stories about them, and say how much they love them 💖
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Cooper and Prince D might like to rap with Bruce and Clay
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And Floyd is an all-around favorite for his sweet attitude. He likes the Rockers’ aesthetic, and I feel like they would like his.  I can see Barb encouraging him to scream his songs and use that quiet voice of his for something loud for once 😂 Bruce will probably like the grilled/BBQ food in Lonesome Flats, and Clay would so sip tea and discuss finances with other citizens in Symphony Ville. JD would probably like how the Bounty Hunter trolls seem to be wanderers, like himself 😄
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rocksibblingsau · 3 months
Darnell and branch interactions with cooper, guy, and tiny?
Guy likes Darnell a lot. Reacts to any compliment like D is charming him. Joking talks about how Darnell is so handsome and 'you remind me of someone. Must be a celebrity or something because he's sooo cute that it's stuck with me.'
Cooper doesn't get it.
Guy is surprised by how much Tiny likes Branch as a babysitter. He remembers Branch as a bit of a buzzkill so he's shocked when Tiny likes all the things Branch did that made him unlikable to them.
Guy comes to appreciate how overly prepared Branch is and he knows he can trust Tiny with him.
Tiny tells Guy he's gonna do a rap concert for him and then sings hip hop with Darnell. Guy acts like its the best concert every time. Branch also shows up because Darnell.
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sharks-n-bones · 8 months
Guess what time it is? 👀
Bruce, obviously, realized the world was flooding pretty quickly. He has a restaurant right on the beach! Of course he'd notice!
At first, they thought it was just tide coming in a bit more than normal. It happened sometimes, though usually it was because of the moon being a bit closer to the planet, but whatever. Nothing unusual
But then the tide didn't go out nearly as much as it should've, and the next time it came in it rose even further. After a few days, Bruce finally realized something was wrong. The tide was gonna reach the restaurant within a few days, at this point!
The other Vacationers seemed to notice too, as the next day, everyone was building boats so they could head to the mainland. With the help of Brandy and a bunch of other Vacationers, Bruce made a restaurant-style boat
The lower decks had rooms for him, his kids and Brandy and the top deck was set up to be a restaurant. It was built Vacationer size with plenty of amenities troll size as well, for himself and any other trolls who visit his new sea restaurant
Bruce's original thought was to head to the mainland, see if they could rebuild there and build a dock for his restaurant, but the flood was taking over the mainland as well. The beach was just gone, the water reached the trees and was creeping higher
Then the storms came. Every other day, storms ravaged the remaining land and the rising sea alike, and Bruce and Brandy had to steer their ship away from the land and further out to sea to escape them
It was hard to tell the kids that the world was flooding, that they had to stay on the open sea’s now or at least until the water stopped rising
When the water stopped rising though… there weren't anymore island's big enough to be sustainable long-term
So after stopping at a couple more islands for wood, fruits and vegetables, they built another layer above the restaurant and made a small farm. They grew wheat, fruits, veggies, potatoes, corn, whatever they could
They learned through trial and error how to make flour and which plants had medicinal uses. They weren't experts by any means, but they were learning
Whenever they made an island stop, Bruce and Brandy made time to have fun with the kids on the beaches. They'd swim and surf and enjoy the water whenever they weren't working or gathering more resources for the ship
Despite everything, the water just felt better and better. It felt rejuvenating, refreshing, especially after a long day of work. They didn't get as many customers as they used to, but still many ships would stop to try out their restaurant
Bruce honestly thought his hair was going to go downhill, but it looked better than ever! It was nice! He hardly had to do anything to maintain it anymore, it was almost weird. He still did his usual hair routine though, when he could. Resources were limited nowadays, after all
A few months pass since the water stopped rising, and Bruce was starting to get the hang of things. Word spread about his restaurant on the sea, and he and Brandy would get customers more often than not
There were some odd things happening, though… Bruce didn't know what to think of it. He didn't know if he was hallucinating or if the skin between his fingers had somehow gotten… longer… it was something he'd noticed after washing his hands before cooking, one day, but he assumed it was just his mind playing tricks on him
There also seemed to be a small rash going around, though for some reason it only affected the sides of the neck? He'd gotten it, Brandy had gotten it, as have his kids and some coworkers. Their homemade itch relief ointment helped, but the soreness remained
Another kind of strange thing that Bruce has noticed is a new genre of Trolls visiting the restaurant. Sea shanty trolls, they said they were. Their music was so unique, but it sounded nice and sounded fitting for the world being flooded. Bruce would find himself humming their songs as he worked
They had set anchor at another island for supplies, and a few other ships full of trolls, vacationers, and a couple bergens had stopped by to try out their restaurant on the sea. Even a few techno trolls came out of the water to try it out! It was busy, for once, and Bruce was going around taking orders as usual
He paused when he passed a table of mixed trolls, hearing a techno troll mentioning something about how the flood started. His ears perked and he walked over. He asked how they were enjoying their food, before easing himself into the conversation and asking what the techno troll was saying about the flood
The neon troll's voice hushed to just above a whisper. He told of a legend among techno trolls, of an ancient species of troll known as sirens. He told of their beauty, of their strength, of their voices so powerful they could hypnotize people
He told of their control over water, how they had the bottom halves and colorings of ocean creatures and how they could make themselves look like land trolls, legs and all
He told of how he believes the elder techno trolls made a huge mistake. How centuries ago, the techno trolls used to live alongside sirens. He told of how they used to live peacefully alongside each other, of how the sirens would protect then from the big fish in the sea and how the techno’s accepted them as their own
Then, he told of how the ancient elders feared the sirens power and their abilities. The elders feared what would happen if the sirens suddenly turned on them. He told of how the elders discovered an old and powerful magic
He told how the elders lied to the sirens, saying there was a giant eel in a large cave system that had been lurking at the edges of their village, possibly waiting to strike. He told of how the sirens, wanting to protect their friends, ventured into the cave to fell this great and terrible beast, and he told of how the elders followed them in secret and sealed them inside with that old and powerful magic they had found
Bruce was horrified by this story, but it didn't end there. The techno troll then told that when the world began to flood, the current elders ventured to the cave and found it in shambles, completely broken apart and collapsed. The sirens had broken free, and the elders worried that they wanted revenge
Bruce paled. He slumped into the empty seat he'd been standing next to. The techno troll continued, saying how there was something different in the water now. Some ancient and powerful magic
He mentioned how he'd noticed changes in land trolls and vacationers who'd spent a lot of time in the water. How he'd noticed the spaces between fingers becoming webbed, how rashes appeared on the sides of the neck, how their voices were becoming stronger
Bruce paled further, thinking of the rash on his neck, on Brandy's, on his kids- he looked at his hands, at the spaces between his fingers, at how the webbing really did stretch higher than before. He wasn't hallucinating
The techno troll went on, saying how his theory is that the siren elders must've pumped this ancient magic into the water to make land species more accustomed to ocean life. As a courtesy or as a warning, he didn't know
Bruce let out a shaky breath. He asked the techno if he had any idea what the sirens were planning. The techno shook his head. Warned him to just be careful. Told him not to fear the physical changes, as they'd help them survive in the ocean
Bruce nodded and got up, attempting to go back to work as usual, but how could he after all he'd heard? He handed the orders off to a coworker and rushed off to tell Brandy of what he'd just learned
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starfyhero2 · 7 months
Introducing the trolls traveling with Cooper in the Rocking Harmony AU: Guy Diamond and Branch's support group, Kismet! (Note: Tiny's included here but he's traveling with BroZone's group)
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And here's the members of the 'Hating on Branch's Brothers' Club (Prince Darnell doesn't like to use the word 'hater' as it isn't the funky way, but he sure is disappointed in the bros).
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king-trollex-fangirl · 4 months
Now I have three Trolls movies!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕😍😍😍😍😍
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💖🎵Hair Up!🎵💖
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fantasysell · 6 months
Sorry for not uploading drawings and been busy
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We are fried :D
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valsnonsense · 5 months
The Darnell/Diamond Family
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I fucked up on D's hair please forgive me sir
My most cracky of crack ships given life!! I really had fun with this one, especially designing an older Tiny Diamond (or TD as he's called in the future)
Short story for this family. Guy and D met at the big gift exchange party held during the holidays and struck up a conversation. D was impressed by Tiny's rhymes and wanted to give compliments to him and his dad. Guy was immediately taken by the funk Prince, he was just so suave and charming!!
Tiny was not as enthused. How dare this guy swoop in and steal HIS daddy?! Who does he think he is?!
There was a very one-sided war between Tiny and D, as in Tiny was trying to "compete" for Guy's affections, while D was oblivious to it all. Eventually, after realizing Tiny did feel threatened by his presence, D did talk to the young kit, saying he wasnt there to steal his dad from him. In fact, he needed some help to figure out what to give Guy in his hatchday! Tiny knew him best, after all.
Little Tiny decided to bury the hatchet and "allowed" D to date his dad (Guy was a bit embarrassed that TD made such a bit deal but D just waved it off, I mean it's normal for kids if single parents to feel a little threatened by a boyfriend/girlfriend)
Eventually, once D becomes King of Funk, he pops the question to Guy (with Tiny's blessing) and the two get hitched. A few years later, the two have Blaise.
TD fell in love with Blaise almost instantly. He was so fuckin stoked to be a big brother!! TD was always checking on Blaise, making sure he was always smiling, he never left the kits side.
The whole family still lives in Vibe City, with TD working as professional Radio DJ. Guy is super proud of both his babies and tries over them often. D is so happy for both his kids to be pursueing their dreams, and never fails to show up at gigs or races for either of his son's.
And that's the Darnell/Diamond fam! I loved working on this one and diving into how TD saw D at first. Once again D I fucked up ur hair I'm so sorry ndbdjdj
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ottosbigtop · 8 months
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Whoooole lotta human troll schenanigans of the past few days . Redoing my poppy design because I feel like she didn’t really resemble herself a lot, tweaked Branch’s face and hair shapes juuust a lil bit . N then just a bunch of other guys for fun
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palmrrclaymore · 8 months
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So these are just a few of the characters I both like and think would be cute if they ended up with my oc Raina. Do I have a problem with liking too many characters, the answer to that is "I don't have a problem you have a problem!". If anyone particularly thinks that any of these characters would be better than others let me know. I'll probably be doing more art of Raina specifically while telling a bit of her story next.
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I Have an Idea
So, I've been looking at a couple of Trolls aus, ideas, headcannons, and animatics (socola, rfsmith, and year2000electronics mostly). And I noticed there is a distinct lack of human hero aus aside from that one fanart of hero!Poppy and Newsman!Branch and I want to make one to start.
I have a decent outline and have most of the characters chosen roles.
Quick summary: In a world where 20% of the population are born with superpowers, heroes and villains combat against one another in powered up fights. Villains fight for their own selfish reasons, solo or connected to an organization. To combat these organized criminals, most governments have begun hero programs that can be taken by those 18 and older in colleges/universities to prepare those who wish to defend their homes legally by gaining a hero license. Those who don't enter a program and decide to fight crime without a license are considered vigilantes. Vigilantes are considered the grey area and can either be allies towards heroes or future villains.
Poppy Larkspur is a recent hero graduate that is looking forward to being a hero at Toronto's Agency with her hero friends Emily 'Smidge' Hughes and Willard 'Creek' Datura, alongside the rest of the snack pack who all have hero-related jobs.
Satin and Chenille (Codenames) are super suite designers that create hero costumes that are durable, comfortable, and fashionable(of course).
Cooper, Darnell, and Biggie are all support item makers/inventors of gadgets that our main trio rely on. If they need something, the inventors got it.
DJ Suki and Guy Diamond are underground heroes that hold multiple personas when going undercover. They are mainly intel collectors and have daylight jobs that land them in the underground more easily than one would expect.
Sky Toronto is the founder of Toronto Agency, and the mentor of the hero trio, is retired from active hero duty due to him taking in a civilian into witness protection.
This is mostly what I have and I might continue saying more, getting to our favorite grump. :)
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trolls-confessions · 5 months
Can HTSCYH Darnell be present in the opening number of World Tour? I think he should get to witness Guy giving birth + beatbox a backing track for Tiny's number
of course, he deserves to bare witness to the birth of the future king
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