#prince henry ouat
princess-ibri · 1 year
Rumplestiltskin Family Tree + Enchanted/Snow White stuff
So, this background stuff is pretty darn dark, like, lots of implied pretty bad stuff, though it doesn't go into detail, but hey it's the kinda Big Bad Background Villain family of my DisneyVerse so that's to be expected.
So the being this dark family starts out with is Chernabog, lord of all darkness and evil within the DisneyVerse. In the pre-historic times of the EverRealm he takes as his first mortal disciple the human woman Var, who eventually becomes the demon sorceress Vor of Sofia the First infamy.
They have a demon son called Voland, who takes to wandering the world in the guise of a soldier, oft accompanied by three massive hell-hounds, causing terror and strife wherever he goes. And at one point in his wanderings he decides it's time he take a wife. With his familiars help, he nightly steals away the Princess Achlys, heir to a great empire of the EverRealm. When this affront is discovered, Voland is captured by the Emperor's forces, but they prove no match for his powers nor hell-hound familiars. And in one day, the Empire is laid to utter ruin..
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Achlys later gives birth to her own son, Rumplestiltskin, but by this time she has learned enough magic of her own in secret to manage to escape her binding to Voland, and in her last act of vengance before fleeing she curses the child to never be able to hid his demonic heritage behind a charming face as Voland once had, and so Rumplestiltskin is forced to bear his green and scaly visage for all time.
(Achlys goes on to become the Dark Enchantress who causes trouble later for Belle and Adam)
Despite his unseemly looks Rumplestiltskin tries over the years to gain a wife of his own (often to the refusing lady's detriment, such as the case of the poor Princess Toute-Belle and her lover the King of the Gold Mines) Eventually he decides to take a page out of his father's book and just steal one away, and so the unfortunate Camilla finds herself trapped in Rumplestiltskin's subterranean lair.
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She too eventually gives birth to a son, (which Rumplestiltskin names Baelfire, a suitable name for the demon prince he's meant to become ) But Camilla too manages to escape her captor.
But unlike her predecessor she takes her son with her as she flees, boarding a ship meant to take them far from Rumplestiltskin's power. For a time she is able to enjoy her freedom and even finds love with the ships captain (who isn't Hook he's not even born yet in the DisneyVerse timeline), but Rumplestiltskin eventually tracks her down and has his revenge.
Her child, however, is smuggled away in time and grows up in the forests of Andalasia, under the name Niall and with no knowledge of his dark heritage. Eventually, he meets the young Princess Amelia, daughter of Snow White and Florian. They fall in love and eventually marry and have a child, a young son named Heinrich.
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The family is happy together for a time, until Amelia's older brother Argent decides to remarry after the sudden death of his wife Queen Rosamund, choosing as his new wife his court sorceress, the Lady Narissa.
Amelia and Niall soon discover that Narissa had been behind the death of Queen Rosamund, and try to reveal her dark nature but she struck back at them before they could.
Queen Snow-White and King Florian were told that their daughter's family had all died in an attack from a vicious dragon, but in reality only Niall had perished. Young Heinrich had managed to escape into the magical wishing well that formed a portal to Our World.
There, he was eventually found by his great aunt Eva, who had gone to explore Our World years back. He told her what had happened in Andalasia and how Narissa had taken the throne. They attempt to go back but find that Narissa has sealed the portal against them by then.
Amelia meanwhile had been tranformed into a swan, as part of a protective spell that had been placed upon her by her aunt, meant to give her the means to escape her enemies and keep under cover. But the clash of magic between the protection spell, Narissa's magic and the enchanted well causes her to be trapped in Swan form and bound to the water of the castle.
For years she watches over her nephew Edward, trying her best to find a way to contact anyone who might be able to help her break the spell and overthrow Narissa. Thankfully Narissa had to unlock the portal to push Edward's former fiance Giselle into it, and had not been able to relock it (it was a time consuming spell) before she was defeated forever. This allowed Eva and Heinrich to finally return to Andalasia (after living for several years in a town Eva had founded, which she left in the hands of a woman named Malvina Monroe when they left) and break the spell that had trapped Amelia for so many years.
The family that had survived was at last reunited. Snow White and Florian, Eva and Amelia, Heinrich and Edward, as well as Edward's new wife Nancy.
They mourned their lost years and lost loved ones, but at last were able to find a happily ever after for the years they had left together.
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lamour-est-la-force · 9 months
Me: Once Upon a Time season 1 is so cozy and comforting :)
ouat s1: government corruption, a woman almost having to give her baby away against her will, a mine collapsing with a child inside, a girl locked in a mental hospital, arson, homeless children needing to steal to survive, said homeless children almost getting separated in the foster care system, infidelity, drugging and kidnapping, attempted muder, actual murder, a murder trial that has nothing to do with the real actual murder, a man slowly and painfully turning into wood, etc.
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dinneratgrannys · 7 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME APPRECIATION WEEK Day 7 - Free Choice - Happy Endings
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anouatblog · 8 months
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milaeryn · 2 years
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OUAT Season 1 aired 11 years ago today and I really miss them...
Happy Anniversary!
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herhookedhero · 8 months
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Jared proposed at Disneyland right next to the Snow White and Peter Pan rides… I mean… 😏😏😏
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juliebmlog · 26 days
Recently started for the first time season 3 and i HAVE to know, which is your favourite season of Once Upon A Time?
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wicked-storybrooke · 9 months
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Ouattober 2023 Day 1 - Favourite Character(s)
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likehandlingroses · 10 months
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OUAT Rewatch 6x20 - The Song in Your Heart
With our powerful magic, we now have the means 'Cause love can defeat curses, potions, or beans
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intothewickedwood · 8 months
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Ouattober 2023 Day 14 - Memory
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mccallhero · 7 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 1/?
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omgrachwrites · 1 year
Of Pirates and Princes - Chapter One
Pairing: Prince Caspian x Reader
Summary: You are merely a shop owner sharing a street with an insufferable mechanic. If that’s true, why do you keep dreaming of Princes and black sails? OUAT crossover
Warnings: enemies to lovers, fluff, swearing
A/N: First part wooo! Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know if you would like to be tagged! xxx
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Chapter I
The floor was hard and rocky beneath your fingers, as was the wall behind your head, you couldn’t dig your way out of this cell, that was clear enough. Boots crunched against the ground and you lifted your head, smirking when the tall man peered through the bars.
“Where’s your master, General? Was he too afraid to come and see me alone?” you snickered.
“Where are the jewels?”
You scoffed, “the lady Susan’s jewels? Why would I have them?”
“You were seen in the company of the men who did steal from the carriage down in port. They had the gold and silver but no jewels, and they let you get caught.”
Those men were idiots, your father would have skinned them alive if they weren’t bound to be executed by the Prince. They had failed to protect you.
“Hmm, what a conundrum.”
“Release her,” a different voice, a softer voice came from the shadows, the pale moonlight illuminating his handsome face.
“But, Your Highness,” the General started but he didn’t get a chance to finish as the Prince cut him off.
“We have searched her belongings and her person, we have not located the jewels or any other contraband. It is not a crime to choose poor drinking companions.”
The General muttered something as he walked off and you glanced over at the Prince, “I’ve been here for five days.”
The Prince smirked as his dark eyes beheld you from the other side of the bars, “have you? My apologies, I had no idea,” you scowled at him.
The Jolly Roger was still docked in the port and you smiled as you ran into the Captain’s open arms, “I was so worried about you, Y/N.”
“I’m fine, dad,” you smiled and he pulled out of the hug, holding you at arm’s length.
“How did you get away?”
With a smile, you pulled a dagger out of the wood of the ship and used it to cut a hole in the lining of your tunic, “either the Prince and his men are idiots, or you taught me very well,” you laughed as you pulled out the jewels you had stolen from Susan’s carriage.
The bell to your jewellery shop opened, causing you to lose grip of the crystal that you were trying to set into the ring, “fuck!” you jumped and your friend laughed at you.
“Sorry, Y/N.”
You smiled and looked at the clock as you grabbed your jacket, “no, I’m sorry. I lost track of time, lunch at Granny’s?”
Regina nodded and the both of you left the shop, switching the sign to closed, “how’s Henry?” you asked.
Regina sighed, “he still thinks I’m the Evil Queen.”
“From Snow White?” Regina’s son, Henry held a strong belief that everyone in town was a fairytale character from his book, his relief was so strong that he had brought his birth mother to Storybrooke, all the way from Boston.
Regina nodded at your question causing you to laugh and quirk an eyebrow as you looked at your friend’s clothes, “well, you do have the look.”
Regina rolled her eyes, “don’t be ridiculous, Y/N.”
You laughed as you opened the door to Granny’s, your smile fell almost instantly as you quite literally ran into the man you wanted to see the least.
“Woah, I’m so sorry,” he laughed as his hands came up to steady you, as soon as he realised it was you, his smile dropped and he scowled at you, but his hands didn’t leave your waist.
You recoiled and Caspian rolled his eyes, “your hands are filthy.”
Caspian scowled, “I’m a mechanic, darlin’ kind of comes with the job.”
“Whatever,” you stormed right past him and into the diner.
Regina followed you as you sat down at your usual table, “that was the most ridiculous argument ever.”
You scoffed, “I hate him, I hate him so much and I don’t know why but there’s just something about him that irks me. I can’t put my finger on it.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Regina spoke up and you glanced at her in surprise to find that she wasn’t looking at you. She was looking past you with a faraway look on her face as if her mind was elsewhere.
“What for?” you asked.
She didn’t say anything, she just smiled wanly and placed your usual order when Ruby came around to take the order.
“I keep on having the strangest dreams.”
Regina raised an eyebrow as she looked at you warily, “what about?”
You twisted your ring round on your finger as you recalled the dream from last night, “there was a pirate ship and a Prince. There was a jail cell in the depths of a great castle, it felt very much like a fever dream,” you laughed.
“Dr Hopper may have something for dreamless sleeps.”
You shook your head; the dreams may have been weird but they were not unwelcome. Lunch was nice, Regina seemed truly happy and you didn’t speak of your dreams or Henry again.
On your way out of Granny’s you grabbed two bear claws, one for you and one for your mom, that was your tradition, every Monday you would have lunch with Regina and then you would go for coffee and a catch up with your mom. You dropped Regina off at her office before driving to your mother’s cottage on the edge of town. As soon as you pulled up to the cottage you could sense that something was different but you didn’t know what until you rang the doorbell.
“Y/N,” your mother smiled with a questioning look on her face, “what are you doing here?”
You laughed as you held up the brown paper bags, “bear claws?”
She nodded with a smile, “sorry dear, it’s been a long day. Come in.”
You smiled as you stepped over the threshold and hugged your mom, kissing her cheek before you walked through to the kitchen, your blood running cold. Twice in one day? Someone really had it out for you. There he was, looking cleaner than he had from when you last saw him a couple of hours ago. He looked up from his phone and he dropped it on the kitchen counter, the clatter making you jump.
You scowled at him as you saw the remains of a bear claw on your mother’s floral plates and a coffee cup, “what’s he doing here?” you complained to your mom as she rolled her eyes and followed you into the kitchen.
“Y/N, don’t be rude, Caspian was kindly dropping off my car after he fixed it for me.”
Caspian shot a dazzling smile at your mother that you just wanted to slap off his face as he stood from the kitchen stool, “it really was no trouble, ma’am, after all I couldn’t have you traipsing all the way into town from here.”
Your mother grinned and handed him a tupperware container which made you glare at Caspian, “you’re a lifesaver, and you won’t have to eat greasy diner food tomorrow.”
“Thank you, ma’am, I’ll see you soon,” he glanced over at you with daggers in your dark eyes, “Y/N.”
You didn’t say anything but if looks could kill he would be six feet underground, your mom walked him out and when she came back into the kitchen she had a disappointed look on her face.
“Why can’t you just be nice to him, Y/N? He’s a lovely young man.”
“Oh come on mom, he’s rude and arrogant.”
Your mom sighed as she flicked the kettle on, “oh, Y/N, you really need to grow up.”
As you were getting ready to close the shop, the little bell tinkled and you looked up with a surprised smile when Henry walked through the door. Regina worked late every Monday so Henry always came by the shop to start on his homework until Regina picked him up. You would have thought that he would have been spending time with Emma.
“Good to see you Henry,” you smiled as the boy placed his backpack on one of the tables in the shop and began to get his things out.
“Hi, Y/N,” he smiled brightly as only a child could smile as he got out a heavy leather bound book and you knew that that must be it.
“So, that’s the famous book, huh? Kind of offended that I’m not in it,” you laughed as you tidied some things away, “want a sandwich and some juice? It’ll be a while before you’ll be having dinner.”
“That would be great, thanks Y/N,” he started to scribble in his notebook as you went through to the tiny little kitchen in the back. You poured Henry some orange juice and made him a sandwich, cutting off the crusts just like you knew he liked it and came back through into the shop and placed it in front of him.
“There you go,” you spoke cheerfully and Henry took one big swig of the drink, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Oh, I think you actually are in the book,” he grinned and started flipping through the pages.
You laughed as you quirked an eyebrow, “oh yeah? And who am I? A princess I hope,” you sat opposite Henry.
He shook his head as he pushed the book towards you, “no something much more cool.”
You looked down at the colourful artwork splashed across the page and saw the pirate standing at the bow of a ship. The drawing of the woman did kind of look like you, she had different hair but she had the scar through her eyebrow just as you did. As you looked down at the drawing you could almost hear the call of the birds and the ocean breeze.
It reminded you of your dreams.
“So, what’s this story about?” you tore your eyes away from the book and looked at the little boy sitting opposite you.
“It’s about that pirate and the Prince of the land, sworn enemies but they fall in love one day when the pirate saves his life.”
“Why would a pirate save a Prince?” you asked flipping through the book, your eyes coming to rest on a tall man with ink black hair and even darker eyes. You closed the book with a snap and pushed it back over to Henry.
“I don’t know,” Henry shook his head, “maybe she’s good, not everyone has to be a villain.”
“How does the book end?”
“Why don’t you keep it and find out?”
You laughed considering his offer, mentally deciding against it. Regina would never forgive you if you knew you were encouraging her son’s impossible belief.
taglist; @notan-applepielife @intothesoul
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dinneratgrannys · 4 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME 6.02, A Bitter Draught
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anouatblog · 10 months
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tier one: actually reading
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tier two: pretending to read
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tier three: skimming through book
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tier four: screaming at book
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ouat characters and how they read
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swenmxlf · 1 year
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Charming-Swan-Mills family fun time (Neal got lost 3 times)
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