#prince of eqypt
ronnytherandom · 4 years
Only A Few Things But A Lot To Say On Some
1/2/2021: Ponyo
Beautiful. Holy shit. The best stuff. Everything in this is so lovely, it brought me to tears. I can barely put into words just how much I enjoyed this film. Aside from the Standard Ghibli Rules, it has moments of exceptional humanity which really push this film to its own level; everyone’s just so nice to each other. This might be my favourite Ghibli film.
2/2/2021: The Prince of Egypt
Really very good. Technically impressive all around. The art is beautiful, the VA is impressive and the music is powerful. Its even powerfully emotional at moments, especially just after they cross the Red Sea. I think notably here the integration of CG effects with the animation has aged quite well which helps moments such as the Red Sea climax remain especially impactful, I especially enjoyed Moses’ revelation scene where the animation is in the style of New Kingdom Egypt inscriptions, I felt that was an interesting style to animate and it reminded me of the classical Greek vase style of animation employed in Apotheon, a game I adore. The music is a key aspect and I think there are a couple of issues but I have mainly praise. Some of the numbers are not so memorable but at least they’re not actively bad; I feel Deliver Us does a fantastic job of carrying the rest of the film. Similarly it exemplifies the excellent Hebrew singing which I absolutely love the presence of, to a degree where I wish there had been more. Obviously this is lacking purely because it’s a film designed for western English audiences but I feel like the music could have been even better with a wider adoption of Hebrew vocals. There are also the excellent bridges in a couple of pieces which really feel like regional music and help root the film in its north African setting. I do feel however that the film suffers for appearing in the era where animated musicals were changing the format a little and I think the songs could do to be sung “physically” in the film with more consistency. Imagine how much more powerful the final scenes would be if you could see the Hebrews singing rather than simply waving random instruments around. I think this film also does an excellent job in not whitewashing a Jewish story as much as is typically found in western Christianity. I can’t speak to the hiring of white actors for Jewish and Egyptians roles as I do not know the casts nationality but I think that a western production portraying a non-white Moses would be notable in Christian media even by present standards.
4/2/2021: Corpse Bride
Wonderful, short and sweet and masterfully done. Id argue that every aspect of this film demonstrates excellence, VA through animation through directing through soundtrack. Especially the soundtrack, Mr Elfman is the MVP as per usual; I’m going to have this theme stuck in my head for hours. This is in no small part due to the sheer star power of the production, so many big names, though above all others it is a joy to hear Christopher Lees voice. The plot doesn’t bore as it is always moving; to be expected given the short run time but it isn’t so fast paced as to be overbearing. I feel the musical moments aid in that regard by effectively extending moments of exposition over longer periods than would be achieved merely through dialogue while adding a lot of fun. I think its evident that a lot of fun was also had in designing the characters and using undead qualities to create fun gimmicks though I wonder where on earth all the women’s organs are supposed to be? The humour is very good, very dry, but I like that. I don’t think anything falls flat. And I really appreciate the message about not always sticking to the plan and about finding your own way in a world that strives to constrain you, rolling with the punches and not letting misfortune and mistakes keep you down.
7/2/2021: Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017, 14 hours inc. Resurrection DLC)
This is a good game with some problems, mostly minor though. Thankfully I didn’t play it while it was a hellhole of microtransactions but the legacy of that policy can still be felt. While it is good that all abilities and cosmetics are unlocked pretty much from the get go or after a couple hours of gameplay the “live service and microtransactions” design philosophy often creates an inefficient UI which manifests as all the character menus being a bit of a chore to work through especially when unlocking new abilities. The animations are nice but get old very quickly and id rather just have the damn thing. There is also that the story is pretty weak in both the main game and the dlc. Missions don’t feel like they play into a wider arc. There was certainly the potential to have a thoughtful examination of Iden Versio’s deradicalisation but it isn’t built as a slow process and doesn’t create any drama, she simply flips to the Good Guys pretty much immediately and I think that’s a shame as the story they’ve actually decided to tell is very weak given that it occurs almost entirely in 2 cutscenes and the rest of everything is just plot and events with no real purpose except to facilitate gameplay. There is also the issue of nostalgia where every other level of the story is a “remember this?” moment which serve simply as set pieces and a facsimile of what once was with Supermarket Own Brand versions of the OG characters. Resurrection is not much better but it is better, and I think its testament to the fact that the inferno squad actors were genuinely trying as it’s the only point of the story where I felt even a tinge of emotional rapport. There are some minor gameplay gripes, like why on earth does the game keep changing my loadout between levels and then provide a chest to alter then when it could in fact just use a preparation menu before the mission starts. Maybe also something should be done about enemies spawning in sight or even immediately behind you? Minor gripes aside the gameplay is solid and satisfying. Characters feel good to move with, guns are fun to shoot (though they don’t really differ too much in identity) and abilities feel impactful. I adore the idea behind the little reloading minigame, I think that is superb, as well as other additions to the battlefront format such as the expansion of class roles and abilities. Most of the heroes are very fun to play as, especially anyone with a jetpack, but I protest at the consistent failure to bring jedi into videogames. You just need to refer to the Jedi Knight games; it hasn’t been done better since. As is its fine but underwhelming. I think from a gameplay standpoint everything comes together as beautifully as the visuals but everything around it needs a little bit more attention.
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anaami-the-witch · 4 years
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(First Image made with: https://picrew.me/image_maker/98423 and edited using Picsart)
(Second Image made with: https://picrew.me/image_maker/21969 and edited using Photoshop)
So for starters, Aidan Wilkins is a rare vampiric demon called a Valkayon (Valk-yon). His species was damn near eradicated when he was a fledgling, his mother sending him away before an attempt could be made on his life since his mother was the queen of the demonic race. He was raised on Earth where they could hide his scent and aura, slowly growing up in Egypt for most of his young life. 
He started growing around 100 BCE, shortly before Cleopatra’s birth, and grew as early Egyptian boys did; he played, caused mischief with other demon children in the dessert, and grew up with the knowledge that at some point, he too would have to earn his keep. 
Aidan’s name during this time was Bast, the boy who wandered during night. Because he was so young, he could not walk into sunlight without his skin beginning to burn, and so lived a nightly life, cowering from the sun for many years. His caretaker, the sister of his lost mother, was instructed to hide him from his heritage out of fear that he would be hunted and killed. 
For many a year, he knew nothing of his parents or of his twin brother, who was promptly hidden halfway around the world without knowledge and with a new identity. He grew among his kind, keeping far away from humans save for when he had to feed. 
It is known whether or not he reached maturity by 500 or 600 CE, but he was of age where he now had to carry his weight in an ever-changing world. Bast’s caretaker was killed in when she did not accept a bond with another demon, leading Bast to killing him and running away when the murderer’s family lashed out. 
For a long while, Bast kept to himself, wandering from hidden tomb to hidden tomb with families that would only have him a short time. Bast eventually had to stop running and found a small group of demons to live with. They grew to be fast friends, and eventually family, thriving together in the cool dark of the night. 
At some point he had to forgo his demonic roots to mingle with humans, as his diet and lack of money forced him to turn away from his brethren. Bast had an amazing singing voice and used this to attract mundane attention and money, giving him what he needed to survive. Because of his voice, Bast had also attracted many a lover in his bed, though he was never known to have a lover for too long. 
Eventually his friends convinced him to move from Egypt to elsewhere with better opportunity, and so they traveled with whatever they had on their backs, all avoiding traveling around other demons in fear that each of them would get spotted for various reasons. 
Finally stepping foot in North America in the 90s after venturing through several countries, Bast settled and changed his name, finding that many a demon had chosen the United States to hide in. Bast, no, Aidan, was right at home. 
He continued to use his voice throughout the years, only stepping foot into the music industry in the early 2000s CE. Aidan found his musical talents in rock and formed a band with his demon friends, making a handful of albums over the course of 10 years before finally “retiring”. 
During his years in making music, Aidan created another home for himself in Egypt, remembering his roots fondly and missing his first home dearly. It sits, and below it, a tomb filled with secrets and riches very few know about.
His retirement was followed by news he could not handle well. His real past finally came back to haunt him in the form of an attempted assassination constructed by his twin brother. Aidan was found by one who worked for his family for a long time, revealing to him that he is a lost prince of the demon clan  Valkayon, and it was in dire need of leadership. 
Aidan has tried to deny these claims of royalty, attempting to cut them off from his life but failing to time and time again. He will have to fight for the crown or give it willingly, but he cannot just “give the crown” knowing that his brother wants him dead either way. 
He has to face his kin and take care of him through words or weapons, but he no longer has to face danger alone. 
As of current, Aidan is still young, all things considered, reaching up to a little over a thousand years old (equal to a young human adult). He has no mate and chooses not to have one, having had his heart used and abused more than once. He is an honest, tired player, and a huge flirt. Despite his demonic form being red and black, Aidan has a deep love for blue and often wishes he could change his worn skin to a different shade.
If he had a theme song, it’d be Blinding Lights by The Weeknd
@hardheartedteddybear here love~ @qbanalras is a long one @matronofthevoid in case you’re interested in a read.
I love this poor bastard. I left out a lot of smaller details and stories of the shit he’s been in for a big overview of him, but maybe I’ll write out more stuff about him later. Poor bastard is terribly homesick and more alone than words can say. 
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fiendfluid · 7 years
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illgetmerope · 4 years
Tagged by @rustandruin who loves to bring me joy!
1. Robert Sugden/Aaron Dingle (Emmerdale): The only ship I have ever both drawn fan art for and written fic for. They invented love and they own me. Seriously... I don’t know how to deal.
2. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (Torchwood): One of my OG Livejournal ships, drew art, went to conventions, and cried over fic and canon. I still cannot rewatch, it makes me sob. My father even isn’t ok with it!
3. Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski (Due South): some of the first fic I ever read! Back in the early 2000s. To this day I love a buddy cop ship, and it makes me sad it wasn’t made now, because they would 100% have made Ray bi.
4. Hardison/Parker/Elliot (Leverage): a 3TP?? Hell fucking yes. They’re so romantic and respectful. Hardison waits for Parker to be ready, and Elliot is their rock. It makes me emotional. I also mentally canon Parker as vaguely demi, so I kind of respond to her.
LAST SONG: “Daiyenu” by ??? Judaism??? We sang it at our seder....
LAST MOVIE: Prince of Eqypt with my sisters: it’s Passover this week! What a JAM that movie is. I love it. It’s the best retelling. 
READING: I am in a book club where we are all rereading Tamora Pierce in publishing order, so I just finished The Woman Who Rides Like a Man. It’s heartwarming and beautiful and I feel like I’m 12 and in love with a love triangle again. 
WHAT FOOD ARE YOU CRAVING RIGHT NOW: I want nothing more than bread. It’s only day 3 of Passover, so I am Hankering for Dumplings!!
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Songs (completed and uncompleted)
We Will Come Again
Completely inspired hy the prince of eqypt. That movie filled me with such inspiration and horrible amounts of hubris that i originally planned to have an entire album constisting solely of songs that had the same tone as the soundtrack from the movie. Powerful, scary, ofherwordly, beautiful. Theres something so,,,,, different about that soundtrack. I kept the notes of betrayel and How Dare You Treat My People Like This and made it into a Queer Song about revolution Favourite line: There is no Sanctuary if you call it home.
Dearest, Mine
Another powerful song, Inspired by Twisted:The musical by Starkid. Supposed to be a tribute to my best friend, however i never wrote it. I plan to, tho, because i love the idea of this song.
The World Is At Your Side
Another Song About Betrayal really, who hurt me? Also about feeling like your fighting alone. Another Non Written Song but definately on the list.
Your Future
“Rap” song which is basicallt spoken word but with a track to it. About being in a minority group and picking on the smaller fish because of how we were treated, breaking the cycle, rape culture, systematic opression etc. I really like this one personally. I showed it to a couple friends who really liked it. Favourite line: “... aint your fucking throats sore from sucking the dick of your opressors”
Aint Nobody In A Wasteland
This is a song that my dad would say that it’d “make me wanna kms” bc its pretty depressing. I wasnt even in a funk when i wrote it i just was like i wanna make a sad ass country song about a person in a wasteland talking to thin air bevause theres nobody left in the world and finally realizing that it may just be better to go. I actually got emotional writing this bc i felt sad for the mc even tho i was killing them off 😭. Favourite line: Here I come Love, Look at me
One of my first written songs ab middle-highscjool ab global warming and whew i still love it. Its to the tune of a girl guide song and ACTUALLT HAS A CHORUS!!! Crazy!!! Fav line: How have we reached our atlantis? Have we really sowed what we have reaped? (That last line probably doesnt make sense but idc)
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cassiopixie · 6 years
My family is watching the Prince of Eqypt in the other room, so I have banished myself to my room to listen or else I’ll sing every single song and one of my sisters already chided me for it once.
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hazardsoflove · 6 years
top 5 animated shows + top 5 animated movies
gravity falls
over the garden wall
the hollow
spirit: stallion of the cimarron
the iron giant
the book of life
the prince of eqypt
ask me my top 5 anything!
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1trueelihym · 7 years
What's your favourite animated movie and why?
oh crap thats a good question! i actually dont know, i like a lotta movies n i never really have favorites. but i know ones that ive recently been obsessing over are the prince of eqypt and joseph king of dreams. i actually donno why, i guess its the setting i really like? i also just really like the character designs in those movies a lottttt. sorry my reasons are kinda silly!!
but thank you for asking youre the best!!! ❤
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somehow-you-will · 7 years
@tinyxheart replied to your post
Some prince of eqypt gifs would be so nice omg
i’m on it! any specific scenes/characters or? otherwise i’m just gonna do something random
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askpvzgijinkas · 7 years
// a lil’ House update
Main House:
Day Shift (Front yard): Pea, Sunflower, Cherry Bros., Wall-nut, Potate Mine, Ice Prince Snow Pea, Chomp, Repea, Repea.
Nightguards (Night Shift (Front yard)): Puff Daddy, Sun-shroom, Fumes, Gravebuster (PvZ1), Hypno, Scardey, Icey, Doom
Pool Boys (Day Shift (Back yard)): Lilith, Squash, Threepea, Tangle Kelp, /JuLApino/, Spikeweed, Torchy, Tol-nut
Night shift (Back yard): Sea-shroom, Plantern, Cacty Baby, Blover, Slipea, Starfruit, Pumpk, Maggot net-shroom
‘This Lot Just Hangs Out on the Roof and Occasionally Throws Stuff Down’ Shift: Ceb, Flowerpot, Kernel-Pult, Coffee, Gralic, ‘Brella Leaf, Marigold, Mel
At the Bottom of the Pool: Oxygen Algae, Sea Starfruit, Sea Grass, Water Gun Grass, Electric Anemone
Whenever They Damn Well Feel Like It: Gatling Pea, Twin Sunflower (not to be confused with ‘The Sunflower Twins’), Gloom-shroom, Cattail (yiff yiff!), Winter Mel, Gold Maggot, Spikerock, Cob, Slush-shroom, Super Chomp, That One Blue Starfruit, Tallnut Battlement, green  jalapeño, red doom, scorchwood
Those Two: Imitater, ‘Splodie nut
House 1:
Egypt: Bloomerang, Iceberg, Gravebuster (PvZ2), Bink Bonk, Magic Vine, Pom-O-Pult (she was unlockable in Ancient Eqypt before she was unlockabe in Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum)
Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum: Bruce Bamboo, Carrot Missile, Dandelion (PvZO), Venus Flytrap (PvZO), Winter Melon (PvZO), Sod
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Jack Shit: Snapdragon, Spring Bean, Coco Cannon, Narcissus, Durian, Piña Cannon
Cowbois: Chili Bean, Peepo, Lightning Reed
Others: Power Lily, Cold Snap, Par-snip, Goop-shroom, Toxic Gloom, Bamboo Shoot  (PvZA/PvZ:GW), Sombrero Bean, Dark Bean
House 2:
Chchchchchchhchchchchchinese: Resistant Radish, Fire Gourd, Heavenly Peach, Bamboo Shoot (PvZ2)
Future: Laser Bean, Citron (PvZ2), E.M.Peach, Infi-nut, Magnifying Grass, Tile Turnip, Ganoderma, Banana Tree, Nitration Mushroom
East Sea Dragon Palace/ AtPlantis: Oxygen Algae (PvZO), Bubble Flower, Shock Coral, Mine Fruit, Sea Anemone,   Litchi, Starfishfruit
Dark Ages: Sun Bean, Oak Archer/Robin Wood, Freeze Mushroom, Flame Mushroom
Others: Pea-nut, Ghost Peps, Wasabi Whip, Lord Bamboo, Bamboo Brother, Pumpkin Witch, SunWu Kiwi/The Monkey Peach King, Heal Flower, Dark Flower, Rainbow Flower, Spikeweed (PvZ:GW), Spikey-weed, Chesterweed, Vampweed
House 3:
Beach Babes: Bowling Bulbs, Guacodile, ‘Nanner Launcher, Acid Lemon, Lotus
The Frostbite Tribe: Hot Potate, Peps, Chard, Stunion, Rotie, Rafflesia, Whirlwind Acorn, Chestnut Squad
Sky City: Loquat, Aspairagus, Saucer, Pod Pilots, Flysalis, Ion Anthurium, Spin-apple, the other flying pineapple
Lost Expeditioners: Red Stinger, A.K.E.E., Endurian, Stahlia, Gold Leaf, Jackfruit
Others: Swee Tate, Homing Thistle, Sap-fling, Hurrikale, Fire Pea, Dandelion (PvZ2), Lava Guava, Toadstool, Hotboi, Potato Nugget, Pazzazziling Potate, Garlic Drone, Artichoke Drone, Red Artichoke, Iron Maiden/Jugger-nut, Bling Maiden
House 4:
80s Kids: Phat Beet, Celery Stalker(s), praW emyhT, Spore-shroom, Intensive Carrot, DJ Speaker Flower
Primals: Primal Pea, Primal Nut, Perfume-shroom, Primal Sunny, Primal Potate, Primal Rafflesia, Nepenthedon, Cowardly Thorns, Sugarcane Long
The Shadow Fam: Moonflower, Nightshade, Shadow-shroom, Dusk Lobber, Grimerose
The Rest: Strawburst, ‘Lectric Blubie, Jack O’ Lantern, Grapeshot, Shrinking Violet, Blooming Heart, Escape Root, Kiwibeast, Bombegranate, App Mort, Witch Hazel, Missile Toe, Cauli-power, Dandelion (PvZ2C), Carrotillery, Broccoli, Pomechine Gun, Zorrose, Magic Mushroom, Mischief Radish, Flaura, Snow Cotton, Agave, Plum Blossom, Pitaya, Angel Starfruit, Match Boxer, Firebloom Queen, Cuke, Clivia
setnaligiliV emiT: Gold Bloom, ‘Lectric Currant, Aloe
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conquermiamor · 6 years
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
25: What is your favorite food?
I got too much.. but I’ll go with pastellitos 
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Help, The Notebook, The Kissing Booth, and Prince of Eqypt
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
One of my best friends lol 
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Never even crossed my mind during childhood
Thanks for the questions ;)
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Im quite afraid of myself because im deadset serious on releasing an album consisted of the songs i wrote in a note labeled “songs” in my notes app because realistically i cannot sing if i had a gun to my head i should never be near a mic but i love making poetry however i cannot make GOOD storytelling poetry unless i can have a beat to it so i end up technically creating songs. Also because i have established i dont care about bounderies or rules in the art world and create Just Because so i have songs that reach from Country to Rap to A Song Completely Inspired By The Prince Of Eqypt and long story short i should never become a singer
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vyntageink · 8 years
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OKAY! FINALLY got these to upload ugh!! Drew these today! Went from practicing drawing men (again) to being reminded of the Prince of Eqypt! (That's why Moses is so big haha! 🙈) 🤗 Been loving this movie since I was a little girl so just decided hey why not draw my version of them!? (But still with the Dream Works style of course 😶💜) #tevsartwork #Vyntageink #drawing #doodlesfordays #doodle #dreamworks #sketchbook #sketch
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obae-won · 8 years
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Then let my heart be hardened And never mind how high the cost may grow This will still be so
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sammyalamode · 11 years
SO The Prince of Eqypt
I am so not very religious but I watched this movie like three thousand times when I was little.
Revisiting it was amazing. I love the animation style and damn if they do not do the splitting of the seas justice. That is such a beautiful scene, gives me chills. The music is fantastic, and it's fairly true to the story from the bible. It's haunting, really, how frightening they make God seem, especially with the Passover. I never understood it as a child, and I was really, thoroughly impressed with how they handled it.
Such a great movie if you get past the religion.
I also cannot look at Moses without picturing Jared Padalecki.
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