thenorthernwclf · 7 years
because you love me gimme some got recs to get me started - Owlie (firstbornweasley mun)
// Bish that’s a tough question. Alright below read more are some blogs recommendations based on muns. The peeps I see be active on the dash often and I have personally interacted with . I tried to make a slightly diverse list of OCs and various canons. This is not a promo list so if I see any of you little shits reblogging it i’m gonna throw bread at you. 
@ladybcar , @fifthbornforrester , @dragonmadness these three are the nicest beans that every existed. Legit if you want someone to scream at you at 3 am because of fluff on your dash these three are your jam, they are legit best friend material. Also @aegonisms is my other GOT blog come love me. 
@saltveined , @lordofthewatch, @rcsethcrn, @ladycatherinegordon , @ringmailandsilk, @dracaesanguinem, @logicalhealer, @righteousinwrath, @unchainedgiant, @louvereine, @targaryan-blood, @bxstardcrowking, @astatheloner, @worshipsonlydeath, @dcrnishdragcn, @bird-dove-wolf, @offairytaleisms, @nxrthqueen, @lionwithouthonour, @decreedlore, @oikosheart, @anowlamongwolves, @lordofthewatch, @rcsemaiden, @silk-hiding-steel, @dornished, @sunofdorne, @dragonquccn, @heirofrealms, @freefolksflame, @courtesyarmored, @nxtsoordinary, @whxtewolf, @bxrnqueen, @obuljagon, @thedragoninthesnow, @mhysaoffire, @gotwomennoonewants , @ofjealousy
I will also mention @graceofscots whom I love to death but I fear your FC clashes with her canon so interactions might not be a thing that will happen. She’s nice though, say HI from me anyway.
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goldcntyrcll-blog · 7 years
@princelyrhaegar​ // sc
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      loras was a talented knight, he knew that. he knew he could easily defend his honor if need be, but still he found himself on the floor with a sword held so close to his face he could smell the blood of the last person it had injured. “ALRIGHT, you won. now get off me before i make you regret your mother ever birthed you.” the male growled. it wasn’t like him to be rude, but his pride was injured. more so when he spotted the beautiful rhaegar targaryen from the corner of his eye. he pushed his enemy back and got up from the ground, dusting himself off. “your grace,” he spoke, bowing his head slightly to the prince. he had hoped that the silver-haired prince didn’t see everything that had happened, it was clear the male was off his game today. he had had a dream, of renly baratheon, that had shaken him to his core today. the knight of flowers was not himself.
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rhaegcl · 7 years
٭∘⁖—🗡DRAGON🗡—⁖∘٭ //  Rhaegar
The prince's nose wrinkled at the smell of horses and sweat that seemed to linger around the khalasar. ❝This is no place for a king, ❞ he muttered bitterly. Worse than the smell was the sand that blew into their eyes with the wind - rare as it was. It managed to find its way into everything. Nothing, nothing was safe from the thrice-damned sand! He wondered, briefly, if Daenerys was having the same problem, but it did little to ease his temper. Even his own sister was turning against him. Neither the savages nor their « Khaleesi » showed Viserys the respect he deserved. That bastard - ⧼  What was his name? Dorgo? Gordo? ⧽  - owed Viserys an army. He traded his sister for an army, not for the pleasure of horses and sweaty savages and s a n d! ❝ Your Grace, ❞ called Jorah Mormont, jogging up to him. ❝ There's a man looking for you. He claims to be your brother. ❞ Viserys turned to look at the man who'd called him. ❝ My brother is dead, Mormont. My whole bloody family is dead. Have some sense. Just kill the bastard. ❞
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
"I wish I could change everything"
He had always admired his lord father, he had always longed to prove himself worthy, to prove himself his equal. As a child, Jon had moved them from place to place, always vigilant, always wary. Many a night the young prince would go to sleep on the hard ground, the pangs of hunger tormenting him with the tales of the beloved Silver prince to sustain him. All he knew was that Rhagar Targaryen was noble, he was just, and that such a man was his true father.
Aegon was no longer a child, clouded by want and longing to be the son of such a man. He had gone to Dornem, he had learned of the affair with the lady Lyanna, had learned the details of his Lady mothers death, his sisters. As a child, he had always known his mother and sisters fate, but never of any detail concerning it.
Here and now face to face with the father he had never known, the man who had given up everything for a prophecy, Aegon felt the anger stirred within him, making his limbs shake, as his eyes water. He would not cry, he would not cry for the life they could have had. Instead, the boy bites the inside of his cheek, focussing on the rage and pain. As much as he tries to be angry, to rage and shout, he just feels defeated, a weariness settles in his heart as the image of his childhood hero shatters. “So do I, my lord.”
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lotsofprincesses · 7 years
thinking about kissing | accepting
“Your grace, you’re far too kind to me…”
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notaprincessaqueen · 7 years
"My safety isn't important! You're what matters " (dany)
dangerous loyalty | accepting
The little girl shakes her head vigorously. The chaos around them has driven shy little Dany to tears, and she clings to her brother’s leg with a plaintive sob. “No!”
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daenfireys-a · 7 years
push this nerd into water | accepting | @princelyrhaegar
She was talking to one of her friends by the pool at her home and before she knew it she and her friend were both pushed into the chilly water. She popped up immediately and struggled to get out of the water. “RHAEGAR! I’M SO KILLING YOU!” She looked for him waiting to hear his stupid laugh first before bolting towards him. “ I’M SO KICKING YOUR ASS!”
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Jaime was sitting on the low wall that surrounded the tiny secluded arena, dangling his legs over the edge and staring at the sea a few metres below him. He’d discovered the place a few months after he’d arrived at King’s Landing, instantly taking a liking to it as the sound of the water knocking against the cliff reminded him of being back at Casterly Rock, indulging his childhood love of leaping from the rocks into the sea to prove how fearless he was, and he found that this place helped to calm him after particularly difficult days of serving the King.
He was so wrapped up in thoughts of his old home - wondering exactly what his sister and brother, even his father, might be doing at that moment - that he failed to notice the footsteps coming up behind him, until a hard shove in his back sent him tumbling off the wall and into the water with a panicked yelp. He quickly resurfaced and scrubbed the water from his eyes, squinting up the face above him as he swam to the steps that were carved into the cliff edge. “I’m...not sure I deserved that, Your Grace...”
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goldcntyrcll-blog · 7 years
❤ (my pretty boy please)
SEND ONE FOR MY MUSES REACTION TO YOUR MUSE… ( ACCEPTING ) // ❤ = KISSING THEM // v: ser loras tyrell the knight of flowers
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             loras liked it very much when rhaegar kissed him. it made him get butterflies in his stomach and his heart skip a beat. it made him feel like he was falling and being caught by his love all at once. of course, after a moment of surprise he kissed the man back, deeply and desperately as if he would never get the chance to kiss the targaryen prince once more. “my sweet dragon prince,” he whispered, his arms wrapping around his love, “please never stop kissing me.” 
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notaprincessaqueen · 7 years
continued | @princelyrhaegar
“You’re not,” she assured him. “I’m really here, and you’re getting out.” She nodded to one of her bloodriders; Aggo stepped forward to unchain the prince’s wrists from the wall. Dany, tiny as she was, went to one side to catch her brother’s arm on her shoulders before he could topple over. On the other side, Aggo grabbed his other arm and shouldered most of his weight.
“We’re going home,” Dany assured Rhaegar with a determined look.
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putridroses-blog · 7 years
issaros cared tremendously for parties, festivities, anywhere he could revel in wine and sex and gossip. though they sometimes got the better of him. faces all blurred to haunt him with the facade of his ghosts, leering through blood and gore. things murmured to him, from inside his collar or inside his mind. so, grasping a few bottles of wine, he’d abandoned the maiden he’d been momentarily infatuated with and stepped out onto the lonesome balcony.  it wasn’t long before company found him. strange. most didn’t approach him, for fear of the rumours that cloaked him. a face cloaked in jewels and framed by plaited tresses summoned a smile for the man that approached, along with an obvious and unabashed admiration of his form on his way over.
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“ good evening. ” is the cool greeting he gives, through a puff of smoke he drew from his pipe prior. the wine bottles at his feet were empty already, though he now sipped occasionally from a leather pouch. “ apologies, my darling, am I being a downer upon the party? I did not mean to seem unsociable, trust that your company is not unwelcome.” and his smile grows, somewhat warmly. Issaros was always a lot more human, when he was drunk. “ I think I know of you, but I am not of these lands. I could be wrong. we have not met before, have we? ”
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valyrianmother · 7 years
"Im right here with you"
game of thrones sentence starters —— currently accepting!
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it had been a rough day for visenya. somehow, people weren’t so accustomed to being pinned by the throat these days, especially when it was a woman that did so. she cared not for their wounded pride, only the answers that she hoped they would give her. this person in particular seemed insulted enough to catch her off guard and almost stab her. thankfully, she had responded in time and killed the man for daring to attempt taking her life. the only true downside of that being a lack of answers.
visenya had found solace in speaking to her descendant about the experience, a small smile on her lips as she listened to his words.
‘ that you are. i must thank you for letting me get that out of my system. i was in dire need of a rant or two. not that it is typical of me, however. it seems most people in this time are more vexatious than that of their ancestors. ‘
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daenfireys-a · 7 years
‘ You’re burning up! Go lay down. ’
@princelyrhaegar | caring prompts | accepting
She coughed as she pushed him away. “  I’m fine, its just a little cold! Don’t worry about it.. ” She coughed again as she collapsed onto the floor.  “  Maybe just a little sick but its nothing! ”
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✏ = teaching them a different language . (High Valyrian)
Jaime groaned and rubbed his eyes furiously before dragging his fingers through his hair. He supposed he should be grateful that the Prince was taking the trouble to try and teach him, but as a child he’d always considered such things less important than knowing how to fight and ride and do the things knights were supposed to do and that attitude remained unchanged now.
With a sigh, he looked back down at the scroll and frowned, trying to focus on the words written there. “Lannister va moriot zyha gēlȳnī addemmis...” he recited slowly, struggling to pronounce the words correctly.
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