#princess Unattainabelle
azehearts · 7 days
Guess who finished Gravity Falls?
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(Forgive me, I am rusty. I haven't drawn for a long while)
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antibeachballsociety · 6 months
In a server my friends and I are in these two emojis are right next to each other and I think it's marvellous
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Princess Unattainabelle and Shook Cook are inseparable and I wouldn't have it any other way
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jacky-rubou · 2 years
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guess you could say
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princess unattainabelle really is a disney princess after all
but seriously, I did this meme with a previous favorite character of mine so I felt it was only fair to do it with my current favorite haha. surprisingly relatively easy to find matches for Ford.... minus the poisoned one. just went with Bill 'poisoning' Ford mentally. otherwise it all checks out lol.
also link for the template
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celestedoesarttm · 1 month
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Art requests for @randomchaos146!! I’ve actually been meaning to draw Ford ever since I recently re-read the Lost Legends so thank you for giving me an opportunity to do so!
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call-me-cosmic · 1 year
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In the works!
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hold on. wait. hold on. hold on
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femboyhorror · 1 month
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stanford pines is 100% babygirl and nobody can convince me otherwise
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6-nerd · 1 year
I was going through the images on my phone and saw this...
At least we can lightheartedly laugh at it.
I mean, how could I not have this saved?
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Get rid of it, please..
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lover-of-lamp · 2 years
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This Tumblr was suppose to be an art Tumblr sooo... here
made Thursday, ‎June ‎16, ‎2022.
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nenoname · 12 days
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i was just gonna stick it to my wall but nevermind im using this print of stan as a book of bill bookmark it makes me laugh everytime i see it
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noodles-and-tea · 1 month
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Princess unattainabelle beckons you…
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heph · 5 days
Princess unattainabelle beckons you 🫣
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drawbauchery · 7 days
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idkshipstuff · 3 days
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"Princess Unattainabelle beckons you"
[We're so back chat]
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ifbrd · 1 month
What's your favourite Ford moment?
First, given the timing in which I received this ask, I have to ask: did you send this because I made the post about turning off asks because I was getting a lot of spam and no one other than spammers ever send me asks? Just curious because I got this like right after that post lol. Then about 10 minutes later, I got another spam ask, (which I had just gotten one right before I made that post and you sent this sooo...yeah, asks are off now...)
Now to answer:
Oh dear! You're going to make me choose just one? Fine, if that's the case, then as of late it's been the Ford and Mabel bonding from the website. I need more of that lol.
But in general it's really any moment he shares with the kids? He's so sweet to them.
The second he finds out they're his niece and nephew he's like "I must meet these children!" I feel like he's basically that meme of "I've only known Dipper and Mabel for 5 minutes but if anything happened to them, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself"
He kneels down to their level to speak to them.
He's quick to praise them when they do something good.
The way he he banged on the cage in terror in Weirdmageddon Pt 3 when Bill said he was going to "turn [Dipper and Mabel] into corpses"
Or when he and Dipper were going to shoot Bill (which was still a very stupid thing for Ford to bring Dipper along for but that's besides the point) and when Bill was coming he yelled at Dipper to get down and hide.
I saw someone online (don't recall who or where, either tumblr or reddit) mention how they loved that when Dipper tried to erase Ford's mind in The Last Mabelcorn, Ford doesn't get mad at him, in fact he praises him for it!
From the website, he clearly doesn't understand why Mabel wants to wear witch hats, but he's happy to do it anyway if that's what she wants to do!
I feel like he went all out with his DD&MD campaigns for Dipper, trying to make them as fun as possible for him. Like the acting he put into the story-telling (Primary example being "Princess Unattainabelle")
He just, he loves them so much and it's so sweet and great and I need more of that
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f-imaginings · 3 days
how goes the next chapter of KMKY? i am super keen for more, but obvs take your time!
hi bud! I am 43 pages into the next chapter and it's going well! Here is a tiny sneak peak of the D&D scene!
Having set up a rudimentary game with the graph paper lying around in the lab, Stanford was having an excellent time.
Dipper had brought the board game downstairs, with the rule book, and several key decision cards scattered around the gridded board on the dirt floor of the lab. Having just completed their character sheets, the adventure was about to begin.
“Okay, so my character is a human wizard slash artificer - battlesmith and order of scribes respectively - with an archivist background and I’ve juuust finished my ability scores.” Dipper scribbled on his character sheet, before throwing the sheet down between them. “Boosh!”
“Is that what the kids are saying these days? Boosh?” Ford queried idly, picking up Dipper’s character sheet to read through it.
“Oh, uh, Wendy – I mean, someone really cool said it once and I guess I just kind of picked it up. It’s not like everyone’s saying it.” Dipper rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, trying to play it off.
“It was hard enough keeping track of the popular slang back in the 80s.” Ford rubbed his chin, impressed by Dipper’s clever allocation of his ability points. “I guess a lot can change in 30 years. I like that you chose artificer for your class. My old friend Fiddleford used to choose artificer too, but he was always more of an alchemist than a battlesmith.”
“Huh. I guess that makes sense.” Dipper frowned, looking down at his notepad. “You two were really close then.”
“As thick as thieves.” Ford confirmed with a nod, filling out his own character sheet. “Before everything with the portal came to a head of course. And – there, that’s my character sheet done.”
Reaching over to read through it, all thoughts of McGucket set aside in favour of the game, Dipper blinked at Ford’s character sheet, surprised.
“Warlock/Fighter multiclass? Really?” He looked between Ford’s ready grin, and the character sheet, squinting at the details. “Shouldn’t your charisma stats be higher than intelligence if you’re playing a warlock. Charisma is the spell modifier.”
“I’ve never really understood why it’s not an intelligence class myself, but given the scope for multi-classing, I can leverage both classes and become an eldritch knight. There’s not a lot a good eldritch blast can’t take care of, in my experience. It’s just like a laser gun!”
“Fair enough.” Dipper shrugged, moving his character piece around on the board. “Great Uncle Ford, how did you get other people to play this game with you? I keep thinking Mabel would love to play this, but I just can’t convince her. I get the feeling she would be a bard, if she gave it a shot. And Wendy could totally be a Ranger!”
“Stanley mentioned Mabel is musically inclined.” Ford rubbed his chin, considering his past attempts to get others to play with him. Stanley never did, choosing instead to mock him, and the only other person he successfully coerced to play was Bill, but he never truly committed to the experience. “You could always try bribery, that sometimes works.”
“And bribe her with what?” Dipper shook his head, before sighing. “Never mind. At least I get to play with you.”
“Are you ready?” Ford questioned, bringing Dipper’s focus back to the board, picking up the 38-sided die and rolling it between his knuckles.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Dipper said gamely, crossing his legs more comfortably beneath him.
“Alright.” Ford waved his hand across the board, sitting behind the cardboard cut out of Probabilitor the Annoying, setting the scene. “The reigning monarch of the land of Mathematica has put out a call for mercenaries across the land to take up a quest to rescue his daughter, Princess Unattainabelle from the devious clutches of the King’s arch enemy, Probabilitor the Annoying, the worst wizard in all of the land. Your task, should you prove worthy, is to gather your party and venture forth into the Algebraic Swamplands, to Probabilitor’s castle deep within his dominion, and brave his radius of evil to find the Princess and rescue her from his sweaty clutches. Your quest’s probability of success is –“
Ford paused to roll the 38 sided die, the die landing on 21.
“Not bad. Could definitely be worse.” Dipper remarked.
“You’re telling me. Once Fiddleford rolled a two.” Ford barked a laugh, remembering the campaign fondly.
“Now that’s playing on hard mode.” Dipper grinned. “21 should be a walk in the park, comparatively.”
“I like those odds.” Ford shared a grin with his great nephew, delighted at their shared conspiratorial joy with the game. “So, you’re in the tavern on the edge of the Swamplands, your character has accepted the quest. What do you do now?”
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