#princess plays fe heroes
daybreak-champions · 2 years
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Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the free phone wallpapers
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somer-writes · 9 months
I meant like Zelda games but if you wanna talk about like R6 or something then pop off king
Lmao i got you homie
Excluding the CDI and Japan exclusive stuff, I've played every Zelda game except for Triforce Heroes and the Warriors titles.
Four Swords Adventures was my first Zelda game <3 I was like 9 or 10 the first time I played it and I've beat it more times than I can count. I used to play it on sick and snow days.
Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game. It has my favorite art direction, my favorite dungeons, and my favorite bosses. Plus I love its dark tone and the way it demonstrates good and evil being a willful choice.
Currently working through TotK but I have an arm injury thats caused me nerve and tendon damage so holding a controller is hard after 20-30 min :( I like TotK more than BotW for gameplay.
Also on my "currently playing" list is FE Three Houses which is incredible btw (dmitri my beloved) and Baldur's Gate 3 (astarion my beloved).
I play a lot of sims. Like multiple thousands of hours of sims. I've been playing since sims 2. Sims 3 is my favorite for gameplay but Sims 4 has an amazing build mode (except i miss auto roofing). im jellypop on the gallery if anyone wants to check out my builds!
and bc its a snow day and im feeling Nostalgic and Wistful, as a kid my older sister and I used to play games together. We've beat Battle for Volcano Island (i want a switch rerelease) so many times. She always played as Sam once we got her and I always played as Danny. we used to watch each other play games by one of us having a walkthrough pulled up in case the other needed it. I watched her play Epic Mickey multiple times this way XD
regarding R6 i actually dont like shooters save Crysis, Deus Ex, and Half-life. I like dungeon crawlers and single player rpgs. i also enjoy point and clicks, match 3, and puzzlers. I hate online games although Guild Wars 2 is pretty dope.
I really enjoy stardew valley and skyrim/oblivion. Also Firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch are both incredible games
non video game wise i play a lot of Magic the Gathering. Primarily commander but sometimes pioneer. I dont play arena and i'm not into the lore XD my most serious edh deck is a rat colony deck and my least serious deck is an esior/falthis voltron build. my first build was kalamax <3
I also really enjoy board and card games! Azul, pitch, canasta, hanafuda.
i play killteam sometimes too but im more into the hobby side of warhammer than the actual game
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meebochii · 2 years
FE Engage Masterpost
I’ve realized that I have way too many posts about Engage so I thought it might be better to have it all in one place so it’s easier to find :)
If a link doesn’t work or leads somewhere else; please tell me!
latest update: june 16
S Support
Stewards of the Dragon
Firene Retainer
Brodian Retainer
Elusian Retainer
Solm Retainer
The Four Winds
Fell Dragons
The Divine Dragon Monarch
The Crown Prince
The Brodian King
The Elusian Queen
The Crown Princess
Princess Céline
Prince Alcryst
Princess Hortensia
Prince Fogado
Lady Veyle
The Street Performer
The Reunion
The Thirteen Emblems
Savior from Another World
Fogado Alter
Alfred Alter vs Rafal
Diamant Alter vs Nel
Ivy Alter vs Timerra Alter
Vander vs Rafal
Alear vs Fell Dragon Rafal
The Four Winds
Rafal and Nel
Seven Bracelets
Art Tag
A Hero Rises [Part 1]
A Hero Rises [Part 2]
A Hero Rises [Part 3]
Countdown Art: Older Royals
Countdown Art: Younger Royals
Countdown Art: The Twins
DLC Emblems
Manga: Alear and Marth
Manga: Diamant, Ivy, Alfred & Timerra
Nel and Nil
All Engage Forms
Alear (male)
Gif Sets
↬ Pre-Release
Alear & Marth Fusion
Male & Female Alear waking up
Diamant - Crown Prince of Brodia
Dark Emblems
“Everyone you care about…”
Emblems and Rings
Byleth in Engage
“Emblem… ENGAGE!”
Male & Female Alear
DLC Wave 1 - Three Houses Lords
DLC Wave 1 - Young Tiki
Kagetsu in battle
Alear × Three Houses Lords
“Why are… you here alone?”
Diamant (+ Roy)
↬ After Release
Male & Female Alear Engaging with Marth
Crown Prince Diamant of Brodia
Male & Female Alear with Lumera
A 1000 years ago
The Thirteenth Emblem
Crown Prince Alfred of Firene
Crown Princess Ivy of Elusia
Crown Princess Timerra of Solm
Alear and Diamant
Chrom and Robin, Emblem of Bonds
Veronica, Emblem of Heroes
A Good Dragon
Chrom and Robin’s Engage Attack
Veronica’s Engage Attack
Zelestia, Gregory and Madeline
Other Stuff
Meebochii plays Engage
DLC Wave 4
FE17 Ask Game
“Emblem Engage!” Fell Xenologue Lyrics
Character Tierlist
↬ Playlists
Character Playlist
Dialear Playlist
Rafalear Playlist
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gascon-en-exil · 8 months
I am curious as to how Engage fare compared to its predecessor in terms of misogynistic writing (we should make a tier list)
Engage has female antagonists with awkwardly-handled sympathetic backstories coming out its ears, but to its credit it levels the playing field by giving all of its antagonists something like that. Granted that most of them get developed in the space of one scene apiece leaving them all feeling rushed and lazy, but at least it's Sombron is subjected to the same type of silliness that Zephia is.
As for a tier list? Hmm. Tellius is generally agreed upon to be the least misogynistic setting in the series, and easily the most even-handed with the fanservice courtesy of the hunky laguz (and Ike) that have broken containment and inspired all manner of porn by artists who don't know the first thing about FE. Both are these are quite surprising in light of the fact that this is also the setting with catgirls.
The GBA games aren't too far behind, having shaken off most (but not all) of the standard Kara misogyny and also being fairly light on fanservice. Both settings definitely still prioritize their male lords, but then so does Tellius in the end.
Engage probably slots in here, with overt fanservice designs at a midpoint between Awakening/Fates and Houses and the aforementioned equal distribution of silly backstory dumps. Veyle is pretty much Julia 2.0, complete with an actual personality this time.
I'm not going to try splitting hairs between them, so I'll lump the Kaga games and their remakes together in a group here. FE1 deserves props for what was a fairly revolutionary decision in 1990: making the lead's princess girlfriend a playable character right from the start and never a damsel in distress. On the flip side, Echoes is embarrassing for reinforcing and even doubling down on a bunch of misogynistic elements in 2017.
It's honestly hard for me to sort out the rest, but I'd most likely settle on Fates and Three Houses being about equally bad albeit in very different ways. The former's in your face about it, the latter isn't but can be just as insidious with the misogyny (one of the points I made in my latest video). Awakening might be worse than both, especially if we're also factoring in its homophobic humor and the SpotPass recruits and...Excellus.
Of course Heroes would be at the very bottom, and it continues to plumb new depths of sleaze nearly every month, but I'm focusing on mainline games here.
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fantasyinvader · 1 year
I feel like if you look at Engage, while not mentioning her the game is pretty good to Rhea. As I mentioned before, Byleth's trial theme song uses tracks that associate it with Silver Snow. Song of the Nabateans, pointing to Byleth's draconic heritage, Edge of Dawn, a song that depicts Byleth and Edelgard's relationship as they end up as enemies and isn't used in it's full version in Flower, and Paths that Shall Never Cross, referring to Byleth and Edelgard goin their separate ways.
This is all associated with a Byleth that's held in the same esteem as Revelations-Corrin and True Ending Roy, in addition to every other past FE lord.
While the House Leaders do get their bracelet, they don't get much else. No paralogue chapter like the other DLC emblems, nor do they show up in the xenologue. Nothing, just a cutscene where we get them for free. Considering how the Cipher card that came with Houses in Japan mentions that it's your story, it's ultimately Engage saying that the game is Byleth's story above all else. Not Claude's, not Dimitri's and not Edelgard's, Byleth's.
Edelgard also says that the three lords protected their worlds, but anyone who has played Houses would see that her route goes in the other direction, working with TWSITD, killing/exiling the other lords and killing Rhea. What Edelgard did to protect the world is the exact opposite of those routes, so who really protected the world?
Hopes uses Nemesis as the big bad for Fodlan, not Rhea. Nemesis, who Edelgard makes out to be this champion of humanity, is the one held to the same level as Loptyr, Grima, Ashera, Duma... Nemesis was the bad guy, Rhea killed a bad guy and Edelgard killed her while praising the villain. Claude's route is the one that tackled the supposed big bad therefore it's the one more in-line with past FE heroes, and by extension Dimitri and Byleth's routes. They're the ones who protected the world, Edelgard instead goes on to conquer it when not stopped by them.
Even how we get Byleth's ring calls back to Silver Snow. Hortensia was an academy student, a princess borne of a concubine, her father was manipulated by Sombron's forces into doing their work, her former classmates defect to the Divine Dragon's side and she does as well in the end even if it means fighting against her former country. Compare this to Edelgard, who joins the academy, is a princess borne of a concubine, implications Ionius was a puppet for TWSITD to push Edelgard into stating the war to kill their ancient enemy, her classmates defect in Silver Snow despite fighting against their homeland and possibly their own families while Edelgard...continues attacking the rest of the continent using the monsters that were once men TWSITD provided her. Her own version of the Corrupted. Bonus point is that Hortensia prides herself on being a "cute" girl, while Edelgard's depth comes from her both being a violent conqueror...and a cute girl.
If anything, Hortensia went down the path Edelgard refused to do, hence why she's a hero in the end.
Lumeria being a dragon living at the center of the continent, worshiped as divine? GOOD GUY. Doesn't matter that she did something to Alear that changed them, it saved Alear's life and not treated as a bad thing. Alear's hair changing color is also seen as a good thing, with it returning to it's natural red is the bad ending. Meritocracy isn't so good when people are tossed away for not serving their master well enough, people without merit being labelled as defects.
If anything Engage, a game meant to celebrate the franchise, shows for out-of-line Flower is from the franchise. It's everything players have fought against in the past, while other routes are held up to the same standard as past heroes. Doesn't really surprise me Houses discourse hasn't died down after Engage, Engage made Edelgard look like shit.
Especially compared to Hortensia.
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mythicalwashrag · 1 year
My final thoughts on FE: Engage are that... it's not bad!
There's a lot wrong with it, sure. No paired endings, which has been a staple in like, almost every FE game since I've been playing since Blazing Blade. The base walkaround is a definite step backwards from 3H and more towards Fates (Derogatory) in that it was less interesting, with like dynamic dialogue and little side stories after every chapter, and felt more like "Go gather the shiny resources in our, frankly, kinda crap looking area, and also do all this weird busywork." Cutscenes that, even when well-written, feel dry because the 3D models just stand there like actors in a school play waiting for their lines, though that's just been a problem for like, years now in the series. The story pacing at the start feels very just... mechanical? Go to country -> Meet 2nd in line for throne and their retainers -> Meet crown prince/princess and their retainers -> Repeat. Some parts of the story feel really out of place, like really poor attempts to make the main two villains seem pitiable right at the end (Instead of trying to hint at those parts throughout). There's that "Oh enemies just waltzed right into the castle how convenient, oh my god do these soldiers do ANYTHING" a LOT (But hey that's always been something that annoyed me in every FE game). And, of course, they REALLY want you to care about Marth.
But for all that... There's a lot of good in it? The characters are goofy and fun and interesting in the way you expect from FE. The supports are charming. The actual battle system is probably the best it has ever been in the series, and it's cool to see how they keep innovating it. The Emblem/Engage mechanics are interesting. There are chapters that really make you feel that sort of "chill" you get when something feels really dramatic. There are definitely some bangers on the soundtrack. The S support moments are genuinely endearing. There ARE good arcs for some of the villains. It really does feel fun to see characters from past games take part in the game. The overall story is... fine, plot has not always been the strongest part of FE (Hero rise up and fight big world-ending evil is like the fantasy staple). The epilogue images during the credits are heartwarming.
So like... is it up to the standard of 3H? No, and in a lot of ways, that's frustrating, because it easily could have been closer to that level with some more writing and refinement, especially where the base of operations + post game is concerned. It feels like they always manage to drop a ball somewhere in every game. And if I paid 60 bucks for it I might not have been thrilled, because some parts do feel just plain lazy.
But I read someone say that it felt more like a celebration of the series than anything, and in that, it was definitely successful, and honestly? I can appreciate that.
Is it a great game? If you're a longtime fan... Nah. Is it a good game? Depends on what you like about FE. Did I have fun playing it? Definitely so!
If you have an emulator I'd say it's well worth it.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
The worst thing about my brain being an autopilot grammar nazi is that every single time I see people misuse “it’s” and “its” as well as apostrophe placements is that I don’t want to be rude and correct people... but my brain still is like UGH THIS IS THE WORST.
“It’s” and “Its” are more just my brain going weeo weeo on me when that’s a more understandable one bc “its” is literally the exception to a rule (because “it’s” actually means “it is”, so to avoid it being used for two meanings the apostrophe is removed for ownership cases), but when I see apostrophes before an S for plural wording and I know they speak English properly I’m just like. ugh. damn. bruh. please. go back to school.
Less severe cases of incorrect apostrophe use tends to be like, when people are playing Heroes and have duplicates of units and are like “my Ike’s” instead of “my Ikes”, because I think people are trying to... make it more clear that it’s referring to more than one? I think? Maybe? Or they literally just don’t realize it’s incorrect grammar, idk lol. Still can’t get past my weeo weeo autopilot brain though sadly.
Which speaking of Heroes, FE in general seems to have its script in every single game ever coded to always use apostrophes for ownership cases even when the word ends in S, so don’t worry folks. IntSys isn’t getting off scot free from my brain either LOL. No amount of “princess’s” is ever gonna fly with my weeo weeo brain.
this has been a psa
mainly a psa of my brain weeo weeos
#DCB Comments#but the absolute worst offenders are people who overuse apostrophes and like#don't know how to write the plural of a word. today I saw someone write horse's to indicate more than one more horse#and I think the darkest depths of my soul finally cracked at the sight shjfgjhgs#this wasn't someone who speaks in broken English either or anything. they know how to speak the whole language just fine#also the other worst thing about my grammar brain is that I could absolutely get a job teaching English based on my knowledge alone#but I don't have an uwu master's degree uwu so getting teaching jobs even as freelance work is basically impossible#the world decides your worth based on how much you were willing to pay an institution for a certificate#and doesn't base you on your actual worth or knowledge so yeah that's great#can't wait until we're in an anime or video game where society's young decides that's bullshit and we're totally over it and rebel sjkfghju#also you know how you see those posts of ppl being like forget what you learned in school? yeah no don't do that with grammar#to an extent it's one thing (the really stupid ''rules'' like don't start a sentence with x word) and some of it was over the top#but there ARE actually legit reasons for some of those grammar rules; it's just that schools fail to teach them properly#I was extremely lucky to have very amazing English teachers for the most part ngl bc most schools don't teach even basic shit well#at least in my country. even in my school the stuff they taught was shit lol I just got very lucky to have great English teachers#but like for instance run on sentences are usually seen as an issue in writing because people lose their understanding of the sentence#if the sentence goes on too long with too many thoughts you'll probably forget what it was even about in the first place#if it's a WRITING style like a book or a fanfic or whatever it can make sense in some cases you just have to be thoughtful abt it!#but rly like I see people who can't even write basic English grammar who can speak it fluently and I'm like#what the fuck are these schools doing??? bc I can tell you what they're NOT doing e.e#this isn't limited to gen z btw I see ppl around my age who do this stuff with grammar too so... yikes#in fact I see people OLDER than my generation doing it too like... my own mom lmao#I'M SORRY I JUST HAD TO GET THIS OUT IT'S BEEN EATING AWAY MY EXISTENCE FOR MANY YEARS
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fayesdiary · 2 years
If you’re still willing to play around with that ask game, could I trouble you for 1 with Caminoka? :)
Sure thing! Gotta give the lesbians some time in the spotlight 💜💓
When I started shipping them
I don't remember precisely, but I think it must have been some months after I got more into the FE fandom, which at the time for me was *sigh* ... Reddit.
My thoughts
These two are so sapphic it hurts.
Camilla definitely at the very least fancies Hinoka a lot, given she flirts with her at almost every chance she gets in Fates, but Hinoka's reactions also say a lot. Her face gets as red as her hair, she becomes incredibly flustered... but never actually rejects Camilla's advances. And this is consistent even in Heroes and Warriors, too!
Honestly if Fates had proper same-sex S supports that weren't for Corrin you bet they'd be the first to marry each other.
What makes me happy about them
Gods, the flirting. The shameless flirting. I could watch Camilla hit on Hinoka all day, their dynamic is everything.
It's also really sweet when you remember how self-conscious Hinoka feels about being a tomboy and not feminine enough, especially for a princess. And here comes Camilla, the peak, most feminine woman you could think of, adoring everything about her. How validating that must have felt for Hinoka once she gets used for it?
Also they're both really cool in completely different ways!
What makes me sad about them
The whole angst potential in Birthright and Conquest. Imagine realizing you're in love with the princess of the nation who's bringing your kingdom to ruin? Who's responsible for the deaths of your siblings? Just how conflicted and ashamed of yourself you must feel?
In addition, Queen Camilla/Kinshi Hinoka(who could be Queen Hinoka from CQ) in Heroes is just this tenfold. Just realizing how better things could have been and longing for someone you should despise to death at this point.
Things I look for in fanfic
Honestly I just want more fics where Camilla/Hinoka is the main pair. Granted, I haven't looked for them very much, but I feel like I rarely find a story where they're the main focus.
Oh, and of course I want flirting. Even better if they're flirting while fighting each other.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
I'm not sure. I don't have any other strong ships for them, although I know they could definitely work with a lot of other people.
I know for sure they're other women, though.
My happily ever after for them
Post-Rev, and with Camilla leaving the Nohrian court. I'm not sure if Hinoka would live with her given how devoted she is to Hoshido, although the idea of them founding an orphanage together and basically being two moms is really cute.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon
Of course Camilla is the big spoon. But I like to imagine Hinoka trying to be the big spoon sometimes and Camilla finding it adorable.
Their favorite non-sexual activity
I'd say sewing because that's how they got close to each other, although sparring is another big one too!
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damoselcastel · 2 years
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I posted 818 times in 2022
That's 62 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (13%)
708 posts reblogged (87%)
Longest Tag: 79 characters
#even though he's awful in b rank this is the drama i wanna explore between them
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey guys, I’m making a Let’s Play for Triangle Strategy! It’s mostly just my own silly commentary and reactions to a blind playthrough, but if you’re interested I’ll have daily updates so please check out my (very new) Youtube channel.
Episode 1 - the very, very start
8 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
I haven’t really said much on the upcoming FE title, other than Colgate Pepsi Lord being uggo, and that’s mostly because of my... unresolved problems with Fire Emblem Heroes. Or rather, that entire “hero summoning” as a concept.
I suppose sometimes in a game, it’s a fun concept to have like... a cameo summon. Twilight Princess’ Wolf Link in Breath of the Wild is a fun easter egg, and as optional dlc, probably non-canonical as far as story goes. It’s something that doesn’t bother me, maybe because I’m having fun with the game enough to shrug weirdness, like wearing Majora’s Mask as a mask, off.
But a game like FEH, where it’s built AROUND the concept of FE series cameos... I really can’t excuse it’s pathetic excuse for stories, while I stare at the pile of familiar characters I care WAY MORE ABOUT than the OCs constantly whumped in plot for little effect. I honestly dislike most FEH OCs, because there’s a lot about both their context and execution that bothers me... and the direction the games writing has good (book 2 was the worst nosedive, but the entire structure is mmwheeh)
So, my thoughts in rant form (brought on by FEH’s book 7 trailer):
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I don’t feel attached to Zenith, because I feel like the character could care less about it or its problems with the way the traipse off ALL THE TIME. It’s likely I’ll be just as cranky about a group of silver spoon kiddos summoning great heroes to serve their beck and whim... with at most a “you mean so much to me Marth-sama uwu” being stated. Engage’s tone looks all light and fluffy, and maaaaaaaaan, it’ll all bounce off my salty self. I just hope I’m not bored by it, like I was in the end with Awakening.
10 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
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Much belated happy @nagamas, hardkourparcore!
Apologies for this pinch hit being so very late, but hope this “Secrets” CasLin is too your liking (I tried to channel both their respective energies)
12 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Red Courage - a FE3H Claude/Edelgard fanfic    Game: Fire Emblem Fates    Rating: Teen    Character(s): Claude von Reigan, Edelgard von Hersvelg, Dimitri (background)    Tag(s): no TWSitD AU, politics, marriage, patriarchy    Warning(s): force feeding, involuntary physical restraint, implied age gap/child bride    Word Count: 4,252 Summary: Claude learned of love from his mother, although it doesn't move him until he meets Edelgard. She changes everything. (Claude/Edelgard, no TWSitD AU)
Sorry for being a day late, but merry @nagamas to S3rain on twitter. I chose your Claude/Edelgard prompt and put my own little AU twist on it. Hope you enjoy!
13 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dame’s thoughts on FE3H Rufus
FE16, aka FE Three Houses, spoilers below
So... over the years since FE3H came out, I’d developed certain headcanons for some off-screen NPCs. Y’know the ones, mentioned by characters, but didn’t get a name let alone a model/portrait. The most conspicuous one might’ve been Dimitri’s Uncle- Regent Rufus.
In the main game he gets mentioned only a handful of times: by Dimitri for existing, by Felix to be criticized for not handling the rampant Bandit situation post-Tragedy, by the plot for kicking off Azure Moon’s civil war events within Faerghus.
So I’d started thinking “what type of prince is this man?” and went with the idea of ‘party prince��: the sort of secondary heir who grew up with few responsibilities and instead just lives the high life on the country’s dime. I figured, this could be a big reason why as a Regent, Rufus would be inept, cause he plain ignored duties thus has no experience ruling. Along this line of thought, I figured even if Rufus wasn’t actively malicious that he did neglect his freshly orphaned nephew (as its canon post Tragedy both Dimitri and Dedue felt isolated within Fhirdiad’s castle).
So I guess, I built up this picture of an uncle who mostly wanted to have a good time and wasn’t very good at the serious stuff in life, one that Dimitri could have a shallow relationship with that was neutral-borderline-negative. Dimitri himself never seems to express anger towards Rufus, and counts him as family in all ending routes with the possibility of counting on his uncle to keep the Blaiddyd line alive in Crimson Flower. I LIVED FOR the drama of Dimitri being falsely set up for the crime of uncle-murder, and all the gross feelings that must’ve accompanied that.
It was kinda fun speculating on a complicated family relationship that was dysfunctional without being outright villainous-- But now I play through FE Warriors 3H, and seems all my headcanons are to be smashed to pieces, lol. More thoughts to come about that on a later reblog.
19 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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The Backlog update
February 2024- August 2024
(Warning mention of NSFW topics and the brief mention of possible transphobia, a game covers homophobia but it's presented in a, 'this isn't okay,' way. If you aren't chill with that, feel free to leave. :) )
Okay so oh boy, between everything I did get some games done, and I'll sum up my thoughts here on everything I didn't cover between when I fully left and now so.
The big boys:
Okami HD: 100% worth it's retail price and a gorgeous experience and game. LoZ if wolf. I can see now why people scream to the heavens about this game. It's very good. Not my personal favorite but I really enjoyed my time with it. Took me about 3 months to beat.
Fallout 3 achievement hunt (PS3): Oh boy this game. Alright, I've made it known on my blog that while I love Fallout, I am extremely critical of the major issues that plague the franchise. On replay the racism and not okay slavery shit stuck out more then fucking ever. Point Lookout is so bad on the racism end, while The Pitt tries to give you a dilemma but instead comes off as really iffy. God and Mothership Zeta is still ass. This on was rough in some spots, but honestly this was easier to achievement hunt then both New Vegas, and 4. The main story line I still like, despite it's flaws. My main issue is everything else. I could go on a full rant this game is so flawed. But still fun. Also this ran better for me on PS3 then PC fml.
Rock Band: I've been shouting to the heavens for years that Guitar Hero is one of my favorite games franchises. I grew up on it, and it's so fun. But not until this year did I touch Rock Band, and I also bought DLC for it. (Yes I know about Clone Hero, but I like having access to the songs on an official console release.) I think that this has a way weaker set list than Rock Band 2 (which I still have not beaten because of the fucking challenge mode.) But god damn does this game have some good songs, I just really wish that Tom Saywer was the original and not a cover.
Boyfrirnd Dungeon 100% All achievements: Figuring a 100% run is around 13 hours, I said, "fuck it why not." Honestly, very worth doing. I think that while the game isn't perfect, and has it's very clear issues. (especially with the whole mental health aspects being demonstrated in a light that I find to be very misguided.) I can see the effort and love here, and I enjoyed my time with this one. But if you aren't super into one or multiple characters from the cast, I would say you can skip it sense it is very much a smaller experience with some great stuff and some flaws that depending on the person can really ruin the game for you.
The first Baten Kaitos: I got a mutual on here that wants to go into this game blind so. Here's what I will say, I liked this game, I thought it was very good. I think that it's still worth playing, and am still stoked that this rather obscure set of JRPGs finally got some well deserved love. And were made way way more affordable.
Princess Peach Showtime: I wish I could say I loved this game. It was just alright. It felt mind-numbing after a certain point, and I was just playing it to beat it sadly.
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Ephraim run: God I love this game man. Being able to say I saw both parts of the game feels great, and if you a major FE fan it is so so worth doing. But part of that is just because Sacred Stones has great map design, and overall fun characters. Seth my beloved.
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror: Hot take, this game is overrated as shit. I love Kirby, but this game is a hellfire to play. The map system and world design are such ass. The levels themselves are designed well. But the map in the game tells you jack shit. The doors connect in weird spots. I needed an online map to beat this game, how did kids beat this on their little game childs? Yeah um not worth getting a cart for imo, emulate it and find the maps online. It's okay at best.
Pokemon HeartGold: This game took me almost a year to beat man. The grinding was insane. While it was worth finally beating Red, I still have my gripes with Gen 2. Including the not so great spread of where Pokemon spawn, the awful leveling, and how crazy grinding is in the final section. It was worth it to say I beat it, but I don't think I'll ever want to do this again.
Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia: Best Fire Emblem game ever imo. Amazing cast, great voice acting, great story despite being a bit predictable. Like man, the maps can be basic, but they are still fun. The graphics look good for the system. Please play this game it's a darling.
Cook Serve Delicious: Man I love these games a lot, so much. This first one is really fun and a perfect, 'not too hard but still challenging in comparison to the other entries. It's 100% worth the money if you like silly food games. (but the game turns 10 soon and is getting remastered so I am looking forward to that.)
Super Mario Galaxy 2: I wish I had a lot to say about this game, I do not. It's good, it's a Mario game so it's fun. I have no idea why they brought the stupid motion control ball stuff back, and I hate the motion control flying bird levels. Other than that, this is a very solid game, but you could tell they were running out of ideas at the end. Happy it was 6 main worlds and not 8. Also this game's OST is better then the first one's.
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon (DS): Man this makes me so sad that we didn't New Mystery of the Emblem in the west because I really like this game engine. It looks solid for the OG DS. Plus this game was very fun despite them being a bit generous with how many units you get. Overall I found this game to be fairly easy with a small amount of planning, and I think it's a good time.
Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story: This game was alright. I think the gimmicks overstayed their welcome despite being super creative. Writing is great, but it gets old too quick. Overrated game for me. It just didn't do anything for me. Despite owning this as a child I didn't beat it until now. Like not bad, just okay.
Weird games and shit:
Kirby's Blockball: It's cute and nonoffensive, not really much else to say.
Spyro Orange: I kinda... like this game... Sorry. I know it's objectively shit, I do. But god I had so much fun with it for some reason. Maybe I just like simple games like this, idk. I am still waiting to find a copy of Crash Purple, so I can 100% both of them, but we'll see.
Simpsons The Night of The Living Treehouse of Horror: No one remembers this Gameboy color exclusive garbage fire of a licensed game. I like the idea behind it, but yeah not great. Good time killer, and I liked the music for the Maggie fly level. I grew up on Simpsons so I always enjoy stupid novelties like this. Like the series has major flaws, but yeah it's a very Futurama situation for me.
To Trust An Incubus 100%: Yeah you heard me right. I 100%ed a NSFW dating sim, and got all achievements on it. To be fair someone I know gifted me this on Steam around the first year I came out as a transgender gay dude. So I got rid of some of my old farming sims and other shit that I couldn't be gay in. Since yeah. So this was one of the first games I had to kinda bask in my newly accepted identity. Oh boy this game it's just, weird. I mean, it has it's moments of being fun. And I can't deny that I really really like Harsi. I got the PDF of the guide from a dude on Steam thankfully. (normally you have to pay for it, but I'm not spending money on a google doc that I can get access to for free from someone hosting it. Also having one of the two only guides for the game locked behind a pay wall is ridiculous imo.) This thing is not a stain on my account like some people think it would be. This game helped me during a time were self acceptance was a major fucking struggle. Fully beating it was nice, but I wouldn't recommend it to others.
The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog: Sonic does Family Guy death pose 10/10 Jokes aside, cute and high quality for a little free game and it was very fun! Happy I played it.
YAGS: A Gay Story: This one took me awhile to bite on. The dev for this game has been very transparent about writing one of the characters better in the future. But as a trans person, it never really bothered me and wasn't presented in a light of, "trans people bad." Just, "this character has a genitalia preference and jokes about it." I can understand how for some people in the community, it may set something off. And while the game uses the F slur, the creator is gay and there's an option to censor it. It is used once in context of a character being homophobic and it being shown as not okay. But a lot of it is reclaiming. Which again might be uncomfortable for some people. I liked this one cause it tackled some issues that queer people deal with, and the dev seems chill and open to criticism. I think this a game that covers good topics, but isn't for everyone.
Freshly Frosted: I got this game for free on Epic, and it's one of the only times the Epic Game store had a game I legit wanted. It's a cute little puzzle game where you make donuts. Honestly it was great and fairly short, I would give it a shot if you like puzzle games.
So what's next?:
As of writing this I am 80% done with Sly Cooper 4. (which I have stated on here before that I have a ton of issues with the Sly Cooper series and it's heavy heavy racism.) So far I think the story was too throw together, and that the characters felt out of place, completely changed for the worst, oversexualized, or just no purpose/break of character development that was already pre-established. Game play wise this game is actually solid, and I like the game play more then 2 and 3... which is fucking wild. But it doesn't make up for the rest of the rotten shit.
Other then that yeah Rock Band 2 and Band Hero are on the chopping block next. As I want to finish PS3 stuff soon, as I'm trying to get a Vita some time in the next year.
While I haven't been buying too many games and things to play for various reasons, I do still have a lot to do. It's just been very slow this year.
I'm hoping to cut the list back down to 100 due to the fact I just have way too many games on Switch and PC still. 3DS got semi smaller this year, but I still have a lot of those old games to beat too.
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frickingnerd · 3 months
Here are some examples regarding my Fire Emblem Crossover Ask earlier. All those go with the Fire Emblem Heroes Lore that the Summoner (later refered as "the Reader" since they're the Player Character) summons the Heroes from every single FE Game into the World of Heroes
"The Reader wanting to learn more about the world where the summoned Hero Xander came from"
"The Reader has summoned both Celica, the Princess of Valentia and Chrom, the Prince of Ylisse and both have fallen in Love with the Reader"
"Tharja is having a tough competition for the Readers Attention... especially if her Rival is herself"
(Note: This one uses the Fact that many of the Heroes in FEH have Alts, would it be them during a different Time in their Game or seasonal Outfits like a swimsuit for Summer)
i think love triangle or polyamorous requests, as well as alt related requests, would work best!
for poly (+love triangles) i'd say the characters would have to have enough in common for it to make sense. i'm thinking a love triangle between tharja & rhajat or alfred & dimitri could work. if i'd take the celica & chrom example, i feel like they lack a connection to make writing about them intersting
as for alts, i'm pretty much open to all of those! especially the bigger ones related to holidays (eastern, valentines day, christmas, halloween, etc.) or established ones like bridal or fallen heroes. the 'less common' banners like pirate, adrift or tea time vary more. i wasn't around while the first two happened, but tea time could be fun!
also, i appreciate you explaining feh to me, but i failed to mention before i've been playing that game daily for over 2 year now lmao-- i'm not super into the story (i only read up to book 5 i think), so i don't think i'll write anything for the ocs (just bringing it up, while we're on the topic :)
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daybreak-champions · 7 months
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Figured I'd show off some character builds of my FEH F/Os here for kicks ^^
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jcmarchi · 11 months
Braid: Anniversary Edition Turns Back The Clock Next April
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/braid-anniversary-edition-turns-back-the-clock-next-april/
Braid: Anniversary Edition Turns Back The Clock Next April
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In August 2020, it was announced that the 2008 indie classic Braid would be getting a modern remaster in the form of Anniversary Edition. Originally slated to release in 2021, the project has quietly remained in limbo for years, but developer Thekla Inc. has revealed that it’s finally arriving on April 30. 
Braid was first released for Xbox 360’s Live Arcade on August 6, 2008, and stars Tim, a boy searching for a princess captured by a monster. The 2D platformer centers on time manipulation mechanics that players utilize to solve puzzles and locate/assemble jigsaw pieces. The strong mechanics combined with its contemplative writing made Braid a critical hit, with many hailing it as a masterpiece. Braid has since been credited as the primary title that brought widespread interest and awareness to the indie gaming scene. 
This remastered update features enhanced visuals in the form of repainted graphics by original Braid artist David Hellman, animated brush strokes, and smoother animations with additional frames. You can also switch between the updated visuals and the original presentation on the fly. The audio boasts improved sound and new mixes and variants of the soundtrack by Martin Stig Andersen (Control, Inside) and Hans Christian Kock. 
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Braid: Anniversary Edition also includes over 15 hours of commentary about the game’s creation and legacy from creator Johnathan Blow and other creators/historians, including David Hellman, Marc ten Bosch (Miegakure), Brian Moriarty (Trinity, Loom, Alvin and the Chipmunks:The Squeakuel), Casey Muratori (1935, Handmade Hero, Computer, Enhance!), Cris Moore (resident faculty at the Santa Fe Institute), Frank Cifaldi (Video Game History Foundation), Martin Stig Andersen, Hans Christian Kock, and Jakob Schmid.  
“The goal is to make it the craziest, most-in-depth commentary ever put in a video game,” said Blow in a press release. “You can follow particular threads of commentary spatially, through wormholes that go from level to level to see evolutions of particular concepts; the commentary has lots of markup so we can circle stuff on the screen, point arrows at whatever visual detail we are talking about, show diagrams, play back recordings of gameplay to show what happens if you try doing this or that in a particular level, and many other capabilities.”
Braid: Anniversary Edition will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Netflix.
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
One thing i noticed about Emblems is that not only are they supposed to be unique, but it shows. And I like the details about how the DLC showed that even Emblems are supposed to mirror each other in some ways.
The 2 Elyos shared heroes of common world : 
World of Fe1/Fe3 : Marth’s ring                                                 Tiki’s bracelet
World of Fe7 : Lyn’s ring                                                       Hector’s bracelet
World of Fe 9/10: Ike and Micaiah                                              Soren 
World of Fe 13: Lucina’s ring                                      Chrom and Robin’s bracelet
World of Fe14: Corrin’s ring                                                       Camilla’s bracelet
World of Fe 16: Byleth                                                     Eddie, Dima and Claude
Have you noticed how the Emblem rings fusion forms is all dressed in white whereas the Emblem bracelets is dark ?
Also have you noticed how the Emblems given to the Royalts mirror the one given to the Royals since their country isn’t the same ?
Firene in Elyos is the kingdom of Abundance, a peaceful land colorful like springs hence they were given 2 Emblems whose personailty fit, the ring of Caring Princess and Dawn Maiden since both Celica and Micaiah are kind hearted maiden who have the same values. However, Fellierne is a belliquous country whose climate is rather reddish, the Firene royals themselves seems to be more belliquous and they were given the Bracelet of the Brash General, who fits with the idea of warmongering country.
Brodia in Elyos is the kingdom of warriors, who values pride and strengh and has reddish vibes but because it’s rightful warrior, they end up with the ring of the Young Lion, because ultimately both Diamant and Roy are warriors with strong resolve to bring peace to their lands (and both lost their dad *cough*) whereas Brodialt is supposed to be a country of peace but from the rainy atmosphere, it’s a radical change and who are they ending up with ? The Bracelets of the Lonely Heir, so needless to say that the ambiance in this version of Brodia is heavely linked to Veronica’s melancholical personality.
Same thing with Solm and Elusia where instead of Ike, Timerralt is teaming up with Camilla whereas Xenivy is teaming up with Soren rather then Lyn 
also i think it’s funny how the begining of Fell Xenologue is foreshadowig Alear turning into the Fire Emblem (when you play it before chapter 20)
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felikatze · 2 years
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Allen (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade): A hot-headed young knight of Pherae, serving under his young lord Roy. Your typical red cavalier, working as a duo with the calmer green cavalier Lance.
Why I like this dude: SINGLEHANDED SAVIOR OF MY BINDING BLADE RUN. #ALLENSWEEP. yknow how in older fe games most characters dont have any lore and maybe like 5 lines of dialogue if you're lucky and all the attachement comes from gameplay? yeah. he's made me incredibly fond of red cavaliers. red cavaliers are now my favorite fe archetype.
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Perry (Super Princess Peach): A young boy turned into an umbrella by a wizard. Toadsworth bought him at a yard sale, unaware that he's alive, which is how he ended up as Peach's sidekick and main weapon during her journey to free Mario on Vibe Island. Can eat enemies, float, stomp, and shoot beams.
Why I like this dude: me and a friend discovered we both played super princess peach and immediatly bonded over that and we made an AU together where perry got turned back into a human and got adopted by peach. he was friends with bowser jr in it. also hilarious how he has this whole backstory set up but his story is never resolved ever. rip. doomed to be an umbrella forever.
SideNote: yeah fire emblem isn't obscure. but do you know this dude? are you sure you're not mixing him up with like, cain, or kieran? he's not even in heroes. yeah mario is not obscure either but how many people have played super princess peach? perry is a spirit in smash bros ultimate but i don't think nintendo has actually acknowledged him otherwise since.
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What kind of FE classes would your OCs have?
(Anon if I counted correctly there‘s like 375 different classes in this series and half of these don’t look like doubles; how did they manage to make so many!?)
But anyways: (yep, that’s a cut. These got super long. I‘m sorry in advance)
I mean. The Dark Mage class is right there. Sure, the whole "merchant as main job“ part is severely underutilized by me, but like. Dark Mage. Uses dark magic. Power comes from knowledge. It fits so well. Can’t name a character after a class and then not align them with said class y’know-
No clue what would fit the others tbh. For Violet, ig something along the lines of Light Priestess, Saint, Bishop. Maybe Priestess to get that bit of strength in but mostly using light tomes? (Or, as an extension of that, the Princess class. She is one, after all.) Or a light-tome using Sage, which is a replacement class for Bishop. The Wiki describes them as the counterpart to the Dark Bishop, which just so happens to be the promotion class for Dark Mages in one of the games. So. Contrast to Mage, which fits really well. Why do all these classes keep getting replaced by identical classes do different names.
Deniz is pretty much an NPC so Villager comes to mind but it doesn’t really fit that much? Stat-wise Thief fits way better, with the focus on agility but low strength, Defence, etc so they’d usually have to get covered by stronger classes (Red).
Red‘s class is the main character class Lord. Sure, it’s pretty exclusive to royalty but this is fire emblem, all MC‘s are royalty. Also there isn’t really a "Retired Hero“ class as far as I can tell, so the "Hero of the story“ class is the next best thing. Plus we‘ve got swords, and the green scarf basically acts as the cape pretty much all Lord characters wear so it fits.
Yel. Archer…? Butler but with letters as shurikens?? …Actually the latter wouldn’t even be too far off. I based his whole "Survivalist who had to quit being one“ thing off the Survivalist class in Etrian Odyssey, and while they only have a single healing skill, they do have a bunch of other support skills…also the only mainline FE game I played is Fates, which has exactly one Butler in the form of Jakob. And Yel dropping the equivalent of Jakob’s "Time to take out the trash!“ line seems funny. Mage would tease him for that. Yeah Butler but with letters as shurikens for Yel all the way (I mean. If bread can be a weapon in that game, why shouldn’t letters be allowed to be)
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