#princess ran haitani
zaenaris · 29 days
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New Tokyo Revengers x Princess Cafe collab: Diner Café 🍔🛼🍩
The event will be hold In Tokyo: Princess Cafe Ikebukuro & Osaka: Community Food Hall from September 7th to October 3rd, 2024
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queenofcringe · 6 months
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I'm up to no good
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sagephilosophie · 2 months
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Chapter IV : Shibuya's Princess 「Masterlist」
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꩜ Chapter Summary ▸ Will they live with peace, or in this empire will they set it in stone, the bells of war that shall soon adorn.
꩜ Chapter Tags ▸ DARK CONTENT AHEAD! Politics, Morally grey characters, Cheating, Angst, strong language, hinted sex, mentioned burning, EXPLICIT TORTURE, bloody imagery, injuries, VIOLENCE TOWARDS A PREGNANT WOMAN, difficult marriage, very slight suggestive paragraph (not that explicit)
꩜ Word Count ▸ 10507
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The debate from the parliament can be heard across the furthest villages from the castle, Kantou's nobles were on the verge of losing their voices, their crown prince worried about his hearing going numb, "SILENCE!!!"
The room stilled, glancing closely at Sanzu finding the birds humming sounds becoming more audible, the old king struggled off his seat, looking down at the foggy faces of his poeple, "We hold this meeting... to discuss the matter- about the concubine... claiming to be... with our prince's..."
His son caught on to the stress weighing down on his breathing, his stillness pushed him to save their faces from the bitter noblemen, "What his majesty wants to say... We know all of you here today are concerned that the matter of the concubine may be a threat to the royal succession and the... ahem, peace treaty, with Shibuya kingdom. I assure you all, there is no need to worry, the issue is under control and everything is in order."
One of the invitees stood up, "Your royal highness, how are we supposed not to worry ?! Forgive me for interrupting so rudely, but how can you tell us to not fear when... a commoner might be our potential ruler!"
Another member answered on his behalf, "That's nothing but foolish! The law does not allow a bastard on the thrown."
"Excuse me, lord Tano, The rules clearly state an illegitimate child from a monarch may not ascend to the thrown, but one from a prince may. Everyone is aware of that."
"Then... if Prince Takeomi's bloodline is to be following the line of succession, what use do we have of that princess ?"
"Yeah!! Let us send her back to her kingdom, the Shibuyans have nothing on us!!!"
"What nonsense, Lord Shig!!! Are you even thinking right ??? We may have a war on our door steps!!!"
"I agree with duke Izanagi, the princess must stay, the only line worthy of wearing the crown is prince Haruchiyo's!!!"
"GOD SAVE OUR PRINCE!!!", the chants echoed through the man's heavy head, his teeth gritting competed with the loudness of his supporters,
The wrinkled man raised a hand to his heir, whose face turned red, veines popping out of it, still zipping his rage inside of him at his father's commands, the latter sighing deeply, having heard about this topic more than his health could take, "That's enough for today, this meeting will be delayed until further notice. You can excuse yourselves now."
The king looked around him in the noise of the maddening class amongst his poeple, and noticed the first to leave as soon as he closed this brief and impractical discussion, happened to be his son, catching sight of him storming out with three of his knights.
The prince couldn't look past the flames in his eye, burning in them were the faces of those imbeciles daring to disrespect his wife whom he left a dear spot for in his heart, ready to fill if she ever started to share the same feelings for him, even if she couldn't feel the same.
He had took pride in being the embodiment of loyalty, no doubt the princess' affair torn his heart into uneven shredded pieces, yet he vowed to have and to hold her in sickness and in health, for better, or for worse, to love and cherish her till death do them part, and that is what he will do, if it was just the two of them, or if Rindou got in the way.
His fist met the stone wall at the duke's name crossing his mind, if his knuckles haven't bled out yet, his lips certainly were from how tightly he's been pressing them together.
"...please... please leave Rindou alone... do not hurt him... i beg of you..."
He wasn't sure how many more punches to the wall it took him to crack it, and the new wound of many he caused since he married her was not the worst outcome of his one sided love.
The knights surrounding him looked at one another, contemplating who would be the brave soul of them to interfere, their duty was to protect their prince, but were they allowed to protect him from himself ? The closest one to his right tried to find out, "Your Ro-", "Fuck off."
The chevaliers held their tounges and walked away as told, leaving the man to get digested by his resentment, but as the thoughts in his brain got too crowded that they began interrupting each other, a single optimistic message helped him cover them and cope with his sorrows, 'He may have had her heart, but he can only dream of what's holding it. That's right... i forbade him from touching her again!'
The wide smile on his face replaced the last strand of sanity that he had left, recalling his own conditions, who was he even kidding ? Of course they were for his own benefits! That Haitani rat's feelings are one of many belonging to admirers of his pretty princess; as long as he won't have all of her, they meant nothing! - Or so spoke Sanzu's insanity to him.
The smile turned into sinister laughter from the refreshing boost of ego he just gained, "WHY OF COURSE!!!! HE HAD ALREADY LOST AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! THEY WOULDN'T DARE-
they wouldn't... dare ?"
'Would they ?'
Rindou stretched to his bedside table and picked a pear from the fruit bowl, shoving it hungrily into his mouth that its juices dripped onto his bare chest, "ugh..."
"it's just juice, Rinny."
"That is easy for you to say... you didn't mind sticky liquid on your chest, love, did you ?"
The princess chuckled, letting her face sink deeper into the pillow she's resting on, holding the covers closer above her cold skin, "Oh Rinnny~ i love you dearly ♡"
"I love you most...", the male laid back down to leave a kiss on her nose and tuck her messy hair behind her ears, "...do you doubt that ?"
"Never!", denied (name), wasting no time, her lover scanned her expression throughly and argued back, "Then why were you thinking a lot ?"
Her hesitation spoke volumes before she could explain herself, "It's not that, Rin... i was, well, worried about my in-laws, things are getting chaotic in Kantou palace... and all i have done so far..."
"But we aren't doing anything wrong."
"I know but-"
"Is it wrong to love ?"
"Then why are you feeling guilty ?"
"I just-", the younger Haitani left her side, grabbed a close-by towel and wrapped it around his waist, roaming around his chamber in frustration, "These fuckers- see, this is what i mean, princess! We can NOT love freely when you're living with them, thinking of them, even when you're with me!!! I... I love you... I do... but this is unbearable!!! how long are they gonna get in our way for ?! Stressing you out, always in your head, and you don't even belong to them!!!! you belong to me, supposed to think of just us..."
The dispirited lady got up to a seating position, shielding her chest with the covers, the glassy stare already forced past its limits many tear storms ago, betrayed by the assumption that Rindou's company will soothe away all the despair, "What can you suggest then, Rindou ?! Ha ?! Should i go tell them about us ???!!! Tell them to please stop existing because it's bothering my lover ???!!!!! Don't envolve me in your family issues because i'm cheating on your son ????!!!!! Do i look like a fucking mage to all of you ?????!!!!!!! I CAN'T SOLVE ALL OF YOUR PROBLEMS- I'M DONE !!!!!!!!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO ??????!!!!!!!!! SHOULD I JUST BURN MYSELF AND END THIS ???????!!!!!!!!!!"
Rindou ran towards the bed, and held her fists close to each other, kissing them, "No- Do not even joke about that... i can not take it... what if- no. I do not want to imagine. Don't do anything to yourself, (name)... i promise to find us a solution."
The princess pressed their foreheads against each other, her eyes still glistening with tears, "...But how ?"
The man looked at the roof for a mere second, "I got it... Remember how you told me about the concubine pregnant with Takeomi's child ?"
"And the peace treaty claims your marriage to Sanzu is merely to conceive an heir for Kantou kingdom, am i right ?"
"Um... yeah ?"
"Well here is what we can do, if we can ensure Takeomi gets up safely from his coma, and agree to make his child a legitimate heir - by marrying that woman; the peace treaty won't be able to hold you down anymore, and you will have the right to divorce Sanzu."
"Divorce... Haru ?", Whatever she thought she wanted all her life, fell into questioning, the tornado in her head sucked in any answers about her existence.
Good lord did she love Rindou, but she wasn't slightly ignorant, rather well informed about her husband's feelings, and she did share a portion of them, as a friend, one that wouldn't want him to experience a broken heart - perhaps she was ignorant after all of that matter.
"Yes! Then no one will get on our way once i marry you!!! they will stay in the past, my love!!!", Rindou held them firmly in their position, purple eyes sparkiling with excitement until it dropped, "That's what we want!... right ?"
The air in the room became heavier, harder to breathe in, her forehead still glued to her other half's, waiting impatiently for an answer, how she loathed seeing his brows furrow that her head nodded on its own command, she couldn't see what is it she did wrong when her muscles relaxed and that geniune smile adorned his handsome features.
The lovestruck man hugged her tightly swinging them both back and forth, she looked at the ceiling with empty pupils, 'Divorce Haru ?'
The princess lifted the curtains mid way, enough to watch the crowded city from the carriage window, her free hand intertwining with the man she gave her heart, body, and soul to.
"We are almost there, princess, any questions before we stop ?", Rindou had prepared a plan before their departure, and oathed to execute it at his earliest convenience, she didn't happen to guess he meant in a couple of hours; according to his guides - they are to solve Kantou's heir attack mystery, convince him to make his own child legitimate through owing them, make a deal with the Tokyo empire court, and get the divorce done forcefully. Despite how harsh she felt his planning was, she couldn't figure another option that will free her.
The more she analyzes his idea, the more complicated the matter gets; While he kept her in the dark for a large fragment of the plan, the unspoken truths remained a mutual agreement between them they didn't have to waste time on, like the real culprits behind the attack, the public may think they were executed right in front of their eyes, and that's what Shibuya kingdom want them to think, grabbing innocent civilians with debts and creating a propaganda to advertise their instant act on justice and in the name of peace, while in Kantou they have been going on haunts for traitors who may know about the truth which everyone knew but played tone deaf to avoid conflict, needless to say, no child of royalty fell for that including both of them.
"Umm... yes, i am slightly puzzled, how would finding the culprits help Takeomi recover again ?"
"Ever heard of the saying, 'diagnosing the problem is the first step towards finding the cure' ?"
"I... doubt i came across it ?"
"You will just have to trust me, dear, this man is a great friend of mine, and he has eyes all over the empire, he can find the puppets and their puppeteer in a snap of fingers", reassured the duke, illustrating the snap on his own hand, she still had a lot to ask but chose to trust the process at the end, "And this... friend of yours, does he know of our...?"
"Oh yeah, he is trustworthy, i just slide him a little treat and he will mind his own business... quite the smart fellow!", the princess unspokingly judged his friend's morals, but no sooner had she spoke than the carriage stopping followed by the handsome putting the hood from the cloak over his head, "Looks like we reached our destination, follow me."
Before they could move on forward, the lady grabbed a dark veil from under her seat and wore it around her head to her face, leaving only the eyes peeking, guaranteed to keep her identity from unwanted gaze. She took Rindou's hand, extended for her to come out and followed him through the crowd, past the stares of doubtful merchants, into a cornered alley that has barely enough space to breath in, whatever air could flow in the area collided with the awful smell - seeping through the veil - of what she can only make out as trash and sewage, polar opposite of her luxury life in the palace she was born in, somewhere she never thought she had to be, the most modest place she can picture being in is a cottage in the mountains, and that's her limits.
Rin opened a matching colored door with the side wall it was in and pulled her inside, shutting it carefully behind him, she was so glad to be put of that place and breath fresh air in a... hidden grand office ?
The woman looked around at the sudden change of environment, notable characteristics explained to her the nature of the room; as everything that could be painted in gold was, from high shelves on both walls on the side, organized books stood by size, and what can only be crazy expensive furniture and statues around it, across the door was a giant wooken desk with piles and piles of document sheets and papers stocked in it and under it, and behind it is an entrance covered with a cloth.
"Who is it ?", A white-haired young man came out of it, dressed like an aristocrat and looking at them like criminals until the duke removed his cloak, "Oh it's just you, Haitani..."
"Koko! I haven't seen you in so long, best buddy!", The one beside her approached his friend with open arms and hugging him tightly, the latter rolled his eyes and patted him in the back, "Yeah, yeah..."
She smiled under the veil then loosened it enough to show her face to curtsy, Koko broke their prolonged hug forcefully and spoke to the lady, "You must be-" "My lovely princess. (Name). Isn't she breath-taking ?", Rindou leaned on his the annoyed aristocrat's shoulders, earning a glare from interrupting him, then facing his lady, "And this is the man, the legend, the sir Hajime Kokonoi himself, the greatest inside man in all of Tokyo empire!!! A former knight until he retired and decided to share his genius with the world, and me!!!! What brains! What chivalry! What style! What-"
"What a pain. Shut. Up."
It's clear to her that it's not the first time the younger Haitani tested his patience, as his beloved, she thought Rindou's excited side was adorable, the third party couldn't agree less, and would have wasted no time to kick him out if it wasn't a business deal so he sighed and rubbed his forehead, forced to endure the annoying guest.
"Anyways, my men sent me the report you asked for... it should be around here somewhere- just a moment...", Hajime went behind his desk searching through the messy table, the princess' neck swinged to the other, muttering 'already ?!' to him, he winked in response.
If she had to guess; he probably sent him a request as soon as it accured to him, then had a carrier pigeon or a trusted one send it to Koko as quickly as possible, and by the time they arrived to the central city, the job would have already been done, which is logical but still impressive from the inside man's part to do a thorough investigation in such a short time. It was just a theory, if that is what happened or not, it's up to Rindou if he will share, but he did that to show off, so, very, obvious - that she shook her head.
"Here it is, now... the report states there were four men witnessed at the time of the incident, two of them were armed, their weapons are a quarterstaff and a mace...", the woman flinched at imagining the scene while Koko continued reading, "...Under some pressure, they confessed to their identity, their motive, and who sent them. None of the subjects appear to be shibuyan, all four are confirmed to be from Roppongi..."
(Name) threw a hand over her mouth, shakingly searching for Rindou's face, finding his smile dropped - something like that slipping out of his sight ?! How ?! - in no world did he not take his duties seriously, had he been notified of dirty orders being passed on his ancestors' land at that second, their heads would have been used as scarecrows and the sacred soil watered with their blood, draining every last drop of use out of their rotten bodies, but the question remains, how did they get away with that on his territory ?
"I know this is confusing but i suggest being patient with me here... according to my reporters, the group is consistent of a thief, a former slave, a peasant, and a former guard fired from Roppongi palace. Their common motive to follow with the quest is poverty. None of the subjects would confess who sent them at first until one answered and the other three agreed, all four showed visible signs of fear so it's safe to confirm they are telling the truth, they got orders from... oh... oh dear..."
"Everything alright, Sir Hajime ?"
"Who is it ?"
Both guests looked at Kokonoi in anticipation, said man paused at the line and cleared his throat, worrying them even more, "I would take a seat if i were you-"
"Say it.", the purple haired man's attitude changed, beginning from the veines popping out of his forehead, making the other sigh in defeat, "As you wish, they got orders from
Crown prince Ran Haitani of Roppongi."
'What is going on anymore ?'
'How did it come to this ?'
'And why would...'
'What will he gain from doing that ?'
'This didn't go how it was supposed to...'
'This was supposed to be a quick mystery to solve and untie the knot my life is tangled in...'
'This is so nervewrecking...'
'What am i supposed to do ?'
'And Rindou...'
'How is he taking this...?'
No faster did she turn than his shadow sneaking behind the door, flinging it shut with an echo so loud that it made her ears ring - but no louder than her racing heartbeats, whispering to her legs to do the same and run after him... yeah... that is what she should do...
"Wait please...", Stopping her tracks, she looked back at the kind man, a new friend, "Send my regards to prince Sanzu."
The veiled woman gave him a puzzled look, really doubtful that Rindou would reveal her husband identity - a risky move even to a trusted fellow , catching her confusion he went on, "Perhaps you haven't noticed, i... actually attended your wedding... Sanzu invited me, we go way back and well... If you need anything, i'm at your service."
Oh... how lovely!, "...it was an honor meeting you as well."
She may or may not consider chating with the newest friend on another day, but at the moment, a helpless lover like herself wasted enough time instead of going after the duke, he needs her now more than anything, and what would she be if she can not be there when her other half is struggling ? She held the end of the veil up till her nose with her balm and went out, ahead of her vision, there was not even a hint of his signature iris scent around, 'he would never leave me behind...'
Ironically enough, only the muffled sounds of curses cleared her worries, and she made a full turn to see the same cloak he walked in with covering what can be identified of his face, all stinging sensation of doubts she had melted down, but her smile can't complete joy when his head hanged low and he's doing the familiar silent bewailing he does to deal with his sorrows, truly a partner's worst display.
Full of hesitation, she tried to lift her forearm, before she could succeed, he grabbed her upper arm and walked away, trailing her behind as she had to drag her feet to match his steps.
Passing by the same crowded streets with different passers by, under the same sky with a different color, much like the man she walked in with, holding the same qualities, with a different mood. If his princess could see his face, miraculously, nightmares wouldn't leave her side, neither wanted that, so he pushed her further behind and avoided looking her way.
The younger Haitani noticed the horse from the corner of his vision and sped up towards it, only his trust could assure the princess was still behind him. The coachman got up and bowed, opening the door for him, getting ignored in return when the royal watched his woman run towards them - beaming through her eyes so bright at seeing him offering his hand for her.
(Name) took his soft palm and pressed on it as she got in the carriage, letting go of it momentarily, thinking she'll get to feel the warmth of his skin once the closed area covers them, but Rindou remained outside, she could read in his purple pupils the word 'brother' painting Ran's face and brought her eyes down in understanding of how Koko's news taunted him, "You go back home, i will find out more from Kokonoi."
"No wait-", his lover extended her arm to him before he slammed the door and she was no longer visible nor audible, approaching the coachman next, "Send her directly to Kantou Kingdom, then go back to Roppongi castle, if the king or the crown prince asks do not tell them i ever were here, got it ?"
The man bowed before commanding the horse to move, while the duke stood in his place to make sure the ride was out of sight, his cloak floating in the wind as he turned around and disappeared into the crowd.
He so desperately want to believe everything he found out was a lie, that Ran was innocent from those claims, and that this is some stupid propaganda, if it is, some lowlifes are asking for their heads to get smashed into a brick wall, which he would do for his brother with his head held up high, however, if what Koko said is true, this shall be a final sign for the duke to man up and put a stop to his older brother's corruption.
Rindou stood before the dark alley, with all remaining power he has left, he walked back in with a tight feeling in his chest warning him to turn around and leave.
He only realised the wrong decision he made when it was too late.
No quicker had he considered following his guts than the bag forced over his head. Rindou struggled and struggled with no use, the person suffocating him had a firm hold on the bag that the air was running out inside of it, the duke's panicked movements only made the breathing process harder, with the dark surrounding his vision, he didn't realise he was on the verge of passing out until he had no more energy to fight and everything has gone quiet.
A fragment of light seeped through Rindou's closed eyelids as his consciousness fought the fog circling around him, distorted voices hanged out in his ringing ears, with god's might did he make up several human figures standing in a distance from him, one of them moved closer until it was visible enough he was holding something in his hands, a bucket.
Water slapped his face, shocking his survival instinct into jumping from his sleeping position, flinching into awaking with a throaty gasp, the sudden alertness traveled through all of his nervous system making him cough on the air he's breathing rapidly and sent panic alarms to the loud heartbeats hammering against his ribcage, his eyeballs stuck wide open and looked for the stinging feeling, came down to be the hemp ropes tying him down to suffocation into a chair, his trembling arm moved back and forth, all he got out of that were more unbearable rope burns... 'what is this- what is... what is happening...'
His pupils shot up to his surroundings from behind the wet bangs covering his face, goosebumps run all over his body, the dark atmosphere, the countable lit torches on the wall, the dripping echo from the long routes around; he was held in what seemed to be an old dungeon, and he wasn't alone.
The closest human being to him in the whole room was the one who woke him up, holding a steel bucket, Rindou's eyes scanned him, judging his knight armor with three diagonal yellow stripes on the breastplate - a detail only royal military captains wore - and it was of help that he didn't wear his helmet revealing his black hair and stoic expression.
The tied up man, frozen in his place, freezing from the cold dungeon air blowing on his dripping wet state, the only muscle he could move was in his eye socket, pumping the fire keeping him from freezing to death in his orbs, glaring behind the captain at identical purples.
He wished so so desperately it was nothing but his reflection in a mirror, but in no aspect did they look as pathetic as his current state, the fumes from his blood streams rushing like an engine melted the tightness in his throat, "RAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A second splash of ice cold water thrown on his face caused him to groan painfully and move around instinctively, getting burned by the ropes again in return, his head fell down in agony and with all the strength in his body he used, he still barely endured the aching. The armored hand pulled his head up from his hair, forcing Rindou to look at the faces of the poeple sitting down - previously missing the layout he was in, a circle, with multiple designed chairs surrounding him, and they put his wooden one in the middle, like a circus, like the serious jester he was.
His vision cleared enough to draw the faces under the torch light in his memory; from either side of his older brother's, were their old friends, Count Kanji Mochizuki and Viscount Shion Madarame from Shibuya Kingdom - they have been the closest friends to the Haitanis for as long as any of them could remember, united by King Haitani's shady deals with untrusted nobel families from other kingdoms and separated by adulthood's responsibilities - why would they want to watch him suffer ?
From both corners of his eyes, the relations were different, nonexistent even, between two men, one was an unfamiliar tall figure with dual colored hair and an eerie twist to his yellow eyes laughing at him, while the other one can be guessed from everything his princess complained about, from the sinister glare to the clear hatered for the human race painted all over his expressions, the now obvious traitor of Shibuya, Lord Kisaki Tetta, he has never liked him since he always bothered (Name) and now he is certain he never will. Everyone in the room is a monster in his eyes, including the ones not in his vision, for whatever they want from him, in whatever this place is.
'Where am i ?' "...Where... where... am i... where... WHERE AM I ???????!!!!!!!!!"
"Silence.", opening his mouth again earned him a serious kick from the iron boots across his stomach that made the chair fall on the hard ground with terrible force that made him cough blood, "ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHH"
"You are in Tenjiku."
A calm tone spoke to the duke, his neck searching for it behind him from his difficult position, the knight stepped on his stomach again that he screamed in agony, his nose beginning to bleed too, hearing the voice speak again, "Muto."
"Yes, your highness.", just like that, Muto grabbed him by the collar and sat him back up, now facing the other way, looking at the final duo in the room whom he never had to meet to know them very well; Prince Izana Kurokawa of Tokyo empire, brother to the current emperor Shinichiro sano, watching them with empty orbs and a half smile, and to his side is his loyal right arm, Kakucho Hitto, holding a wooden mug.
The image still had a lot of blanks to fill for Rindou, all of these power figures, in a place like this, watching him in pain, that was all there was to understand for him, "...what... do you... want... from... me..."
"I heard great things about you, Rindou."
The pale man had no more energy to keep his head held high, watching the blood fall from his nose and mouth to his clothes in a dangerous quantity, for the first time since a long time, he was scared for himself, he worried he might die, that it was closer than he assumed, he underestimated time and now this is the moment where he thinks of death, on the bright side, he might join his mother, he did miss her an awful lot, that maybe she'll give him the warmth he's lacking in that dungeon, but on the other, for a noble life he tried to live this is an ugly way to go, he does not even know what will kill him, either from excessive bleeding, suffocation, freezing to death, beaten to death, or heartbreak from getting betrayed by his mother's son.
In a moment of need, his survival instinct let him down and sent a memory instead that showed him a scene from long ago, when he was a child, crying on top of his mother's grave, everyone left and was ready to move on, from the queen's passing, and from his father slapping him, only one person stayed until it got dark and Rindou was dirtied by mud from the soil and his tears, the only one who didn't complain about his crying as he carried him on his back to take them both home - the only one he could rely on, "...br...broth...er... br...other..."
"Yes, absolutely, from Ran. He told me a lot about you. But truth to be told, i was not so happy about your grace's latest quests, duke Rindou Haitani. You see... you are here in Tenjiku hideout because of it. Do you understand what i am saying ?"
The bucket in Muto's hands hit his head with a loud echo, spitting more blood on the ground, shivering from head to toe, "...bro...ther..."
"Are you not going to answer me ?"
The captain swung the steel over his head with harder pressure, going twice, going thrice, red painted Rindou's face and the ground beneath him, he was losing his balance but the only words that came out of his lips, "...broth...er... sav...e...m...me..."
"Izana... You said you would not kill him."
"Mhm ? Correct. I said that. Muto, enough.", at the instruction, the hits stopped and the beaten man tried to catch what he can of air, "Actually, since he respects you so much, i say you do the honor of talking, Ran."
Ran stood up with no further questions and made his way to his little brother, his steps felt heavied with stones, putting an arm at Muto to move away - the moment he sat on his knee and saw the younger's face the world around him crumbled down, and he knew, the sooner they finish the deal with Izana, the quicker he can find a physician to treat him, so both his hands held his brother's head into looking at him, "Listen to me. Say you will join Tenjiku."
The blood loss shaped Rindou's eyes half dead, reading his brother's lips and connecting it with the undertoned noises that came with the ringing - it didn't matter to him how severe his current physical condition was when his brain could still function some sense into it, all the muscles still working in his body pulled his mouth up in a reddened teeth smile, it's logic that brought him the question not his hearing, so it is logic that will answer, "...trait...or..."
The punch he received could have to made him spit out all his front teeth that one would think Ran was being careful with him, but the crushing grab on his jaw denied those allegations, "I was not asking, you piece of shit. Say you will submit to Tenjiku. Say it. Say you will submit. YOU ARE LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD IDIOT HURRY UP-"
"Ran. That is enough now."
The pressure on Rindou's jaw diminished and he was left groaning from the numbness all over his skull, looking through his bangs at Izana rising from his chair and reaching for the wooden mug in Kakucho's hand, and moved towards the main interest of the room in steady echoing steps, even the Roppongi crown prince stood aside to make way, "He still doesn't know what Tenjiku is or why he is here, he won't agree like that right away. I can clear your confusion, and i trust you will make the right judgement afterwards... Rindou."
The empire prince brought the mug close to the duke's bloodied lips, his torment forgotten in bliss at the water running down his dry throat, he could see the light at this god-sent mercy, the liquid pouring down on his dehydrated system and washing down any internal dysfunction, making him turn away to cough up more blood that was stuck in his fauces, relieving him more than ever, Izana held the mug back for him to swallow every last drop of the water until he was coughing another time and his thirst was quenched.
"Now that i have your concentration...", the once water vessel in his hand thrown aimlessly for its recent uselessness, and he wandered around to out of the tied man's sight, where he can only hear his footwear against the flat surface until he spoke, "Let me put it simply. You see, in every empire, as we all know, there are the monarchs, then there are the heirs, and finally, there are the spares..."
Rindou's chest still heaving in a changing pattern, and he still put in the effort into listening to where prince Kurokawa is going with this, "That is the line of succession. That is what we grew up with. It is common knowledge, right ?
But the hierarchy is more complicated than that, every royal to be born is destined to live as a part of a tangled mess... there are the brothers, uncles, cousins, nephews, and the long list of distant relatives and strangers claiming the throne is their birth right, and they are not alone, there are also the ineligible for the crown, like... bastards, and women, and... offsprings who took different religious paths, and so many more...
...All these groups of poeple came together to agree on one request... to get a chance at being on the top...
...Every royal request is this system is to get the chance, to be the one and only, and to own what everyone would live to own..."
The tied man, midst his position, did not assume he would listen to Izana's speech with an attentive ear like he ended up doing, flinching uncontrollably when a hand was put on his shoulder, patting him briefly before moving along again, "...And you might think, with all these voices, yelling the same thing, since the beginning of civilization, that they would sound... loud, and, threatening...
...Except they're not, they're nothing but echoes in history's ears, and they will always be remembered as several hardships in the sovereign's heroic story, and not as the majority who was promised to fall for not being born nearly enough in that perfect placement so they had to fight against fate, there is an easy explanation to the problems they cause, their eyes are blurred with envy and unfairness, something that could have been avoidable if our society had better rules that didn't make everyone unequal...
...That is when Tenjiku was born."
The youngest Haitani closed his burning eyelids, 'i should have guessed...', the signs were clear from a while, the rumours he heard are true; there was an underground alliance between corrupted royal figures after all, and their main objective... to dethrone the now emperor, Shinichiro Sano.
Izana may have excluded a small but important detail from his talk, but he did not need to, it was already known across the empire - his illegitimacy was turning into his identity amongst the poeple of Tokyo - no living being ever left him breath out of his reality as the second empress's illegitimate son.
As much of a confusing mess as it is, so was Izana's childhood, piling the load of degradation coming from adults blaming him for his existence on his shoulder, always bringing back the history of the imperial royal family since the first empress, lady Sakurako, tragically passed away from illness, leaving behind crown prince Shinichiro and a child prince Manjiro - her sole reasons to stay strong even in her final moments - and in an attempt to replace the missing spot of a mother in his sons' lives, the late emperor, Makoto Sano, wed in the following day before her funeral to Karen Kurokawa, his mistress and already mother to his third child, Princess Emma, but if the empire found that disrespectful enough, it was no surprise how they lost their sanity when she brought home another child older than prince manjiro the day they came to live in the palace under her name, and would posses the title of a prince.
According to to every tokyo citizen, his very being is shameful to the history of their empire, despite so many years going by, despite him being legally adopted before emperor Makoto's death, despite the current emperor making a speech in his coronation dedicated to their brotherhood, despite the second empress getting banished and despite all his siblings protecting him, he could never be accepted among his poeple for his background.
It's sad.
but not to Rindou.
Making a corrupted alliance to get back at the world for calling you illegitimate, and especially by stealing the throne from the brother who treated you with nothing but respect... it did not sit right with the duke's morals, and with god as his witness, he do not mess with those, even tied up and beaten.
"We run this with a noble cause, Rindou. See all these men ? They sacrificed an awful lot to help make a difference, and they would be thanked later, like over here...", Muto turned his chair to the other side again, puppeteering with his weak state to do everything Izana, who was pointing at the dual-hair man, wants, "Shuji Hanma, a brave soul, born and raised as a citizen of Shibuya, but came to Kantou to awaken the rebels from their sleep, without him, the rebellions of Moebius and Valhalla wouldn't have been possible to carry out..."
The purple eyed man shot disgusted glares at the smirking one, 'so this is the source of all Kantou troubles', except he was proved wrong listening to Kurokawa continue his explanation, "...We work as a team, though, he couldn't have done it alone either... You met Yasuhiro Muto, former royal military captain of Kantou Kingdom's forces, the most capable one, and was the one who tought prince Haruchiyo himself everything he knows about battles. He threw it all away for the sake of making a path for the rebels to destroy everything they can without resistance, then got rid of all evidence from Hanma's origins to mislead the higher ups before fleeing the scene..."
Everyone's vision traveled to Yasuhiro, standing behind Rindou as a warning if he were to misbehave again, all the latter could do is be quiet and get to the end of this, "...All of that however are just part of, well, the final touches... despite the other side panicking over the tiny details we took care of, the larger plans were already outlined thanks to these two, Kanji Mochizuki and Shion Madarame, i was told you knew each other since long ago, then i assume you will be proud to hear they provide us with the confidential documents we need from Tokyo empire and use it with our allies on my behalf, to draw any suspicions away, our true heroes..."
Izana gave him his back, and in a way, the younger Haitani could still see behind his white hair the same calm menacing expression he had since the beginning, "...The true initiative of our plans... was Kisaki Tetta's part, it was on ensuring Shibuya council's finalised approval of princess (name)'s courtship to prince Haruchiyo, i call this step, the heart of our goals... but why, you might ask. I have the answer to all of your questions...
...Kantou would be at our mercy. Look around you, our biggest devotees are Shibuyans, and there are larger numbers of them ready to serve us, meanwhile, the other side's most loyal followers are the Kantou royal family and their poeple... and little by little, they are getting weaker... and weaker... and that is just the beginning... the peace treaty is nothing but our strings to pull them under Shibuya's mercy... greater yet.. if Sanzu's heir would be of shibuyan blood... then they have already lost... and Tokyo empire would have no choice but to stop relying on their most faithful ally... oh yes..."
Underneath Rindou's cold flesh, the rage flowed inside his body like an erupted volcano, the lava reddening not only the pale face but also his view ahead of him surrounding Izana and his sinister smile patting the oldest Haitani on the back - the hatered he felt towards him became personal, his princess was no puppet for their treason schemes, she is an angel, his angel.
"...And of course, you already figured out your brother's task. Ran. i can not show my gratitude enough for everything he has done. There is no need to go over it since Hajime Kokonoi already told you, and trust me, we will deal with him later, but for now, i hope you learned your lesson to not have anyone sent to our men and expect us to not know... honestly... look at you now... that is how you got caught... and when we already wanted you here too... but do you know why ? did you figure out how you messed up yet, your grace ?"
From what the interrogee is seeing, the mastermind's lips were moving to create riddles for him that were interpreted as impossible to solve by logic, what has he done to end up in tenjiku ? Perhaps it was his head that was beaten too hard but it felt like an answerless question.
"If you haven't, i will answer for you. Prince Takeomi's condition... Your brother ordered for it in the first place to usher in Kisaki's involvement and commence the heart of our goals... to wed the two lovely couple, and crush our opponents with their own pieces!!. However... to your very very terrible luck... your love for (name) got on the way of our plans. We still need her as Shibuya's princess. She can not get that divorce. Especially not for you. Normally, you would have been dealt with like any other who gets in our way, if it weren't for your brother, and just out of respect for him we spared your life...
...but i wasn't lying when i said i heard great things about you, Rindou. I am truly impressed with your reputation in your kingdom, and with everything Ran told me about your chivalrous attributes, it would be a shame if it goes to waste in a rotten system, after all, we are similar in a way... as a spare, you're not so far away from understanding us, from being one of us, so we can come to an agreement if you join Tenjiku, what do you say ?"
Every pair of eyes in that dark dungeon stared at Rindou with false anticipation - as Rindou was far from an idiot - there was a sole response that will gurantee his well-being, yet the other... it will gurantee more than a cause, and immortal ones; his dignity, his morals, and his love.
"...ne...ver... ... ... ...tr...ait...or..."
"So that is how it's going to be... fine then. Muto."
Maybe Yasuhiro was waiting for the slip up from the beginning, nonetheless, he moved faster than thunder to slam the steel from upwards to his head, crimson red poured down from his forehead, but Rindou took it with cold blood, now knowing it's either dying for his principles or betraying the legacy his ancestors and their companions left him.
Ran was another story.
His world spun around him in a never ending loop, as his stomach churned, he tormented himself that if he knew beforehand how consumed he would get by guilt he would've sewed his mouth shut before telling on his closest family, the self-blame grew into a monstrous size when catching sight of the bucket lifting again, how and when his fist landed on Muto's face is something out of his knowledge.
"IZANA!!!!- Izana- please- look, Izana- he is a little stubborn but give him some time- let me talk to him!!! i can convince him!!! Just please-"
"Hm... alright. I will give you another chance to make the right choice, Rindou."
"...hah... h-hah...
... lo... lon... hah... LONG...
...LI... LIVE....
...EMP... hah...
...EMPE... EMPER...OR...
Silence fell.
So did prince Kurokawa's smile that he kept all this time, the emptiness in his purples invaded the rest of his features, not moving an inch from the locked stare he kept on Rindou's proud bloodied grin, "...you left me no other choice."
Ran lived another stage of horror watching Izana step away towards the light on the wall, all the men  walked away from their seats and out of his way as he brought a torch with him, dead expressions fixated on the tied man.
Both the Haitani brothers observed the fire glaze from contrasting angles and contrasting views, the younger lived the thought with ease and embraced the empathy of a warm and bright ending over an inhuman life.
"You will not even get the luxury of escaping me. Don't give yourself false hope.", '...huh ?', "Here is the thing, you will submit to Tenjiku, or i will burn the princess of Shibuya alive with this fire, myself. Your choice."
Funny how easy it is to change anyone's perspective with a small twist of phrasing, mere miliseconds ago, Rindou was welcoming death with open arms, calling it a merciful alternative to joining hands with corrupted forces, but it is unbelievably hilarious how that works to the point that he can not even laugh, what a fitting world for a serious jester.
"Nod your head and i will consider you one of us.", he couldn't look anywhere but the ground while he obliged, would he ever be able to look at his reflection again ?, "Good. I knew you will make the right judgement. Muto, untie him."
His dull lavender orbs maintained down, his pain inked inside his memories that he did not notice the captain finished untying him, not that it made a difference since he just lost his freedom at the cost of his lover's safety.
"You can stay with the princess. I'm not heartless, really. Besides, manipulating her closely can come in handy at certain circumstances."
"Your royal highness, duke Rindou of Roppongi is here and asking to see you."
(Name) looked at the maid from her mirror reflection, jumping out of her seat, barely hiding her wide smile, "Really ?! Here ?! t-tell him to wait, i will be there!!"
Curtsying to the noblewoman, she closed the door behind her to comply, after the shutting sound, the one left in the chamber looked up to the ceiling and thanked the greater force above, 'I prayed he would come back to me, and now may he never be lost.'
Checking in her appearance in the glass, a phantom of Rindou's charming laugh showed up in a moving second, and she giggled with all her facial muscles like a tear never dropped from it.
Her door swung open, and the clicking of heels alarmed the servants on the floor from how rapid it sounded, yet from her part, it didn't feel like she was running quite fast enough to see him, her face lit up with grand glee recognizing the mauve hair from down stairs.
Before he could react, the princess ran into his arms, bringing him back a few steps, "Ohh Rinny... i missed you... why did you disappear like that ?"
The duke held her shoulder to part their bodies and drowned in sadness at the pout he received, "...Don't do that. We are in your in-laws' palace."
"I apologize... i-... i was worried about you... i have not heard of you since you went back to Koko... it has been days, Rin.", She went on to put a hand in his abdoman and jerking it back when he groaned in pain, "...is everything... alright ?"
"I'm okay- i'm great... just an unfortunate accident, don't think about it.", it may have sounded convincing to him, enough to change the subject, but to her, it was like the world collapsing, coming closer to him and cups his cheeks, "Never say that again... do you have the slightest idea what happens to me when you're hurt ?... when i came back home that night i felt stinging pain... and burns all over my skin... and... suddenly it was hard to breath... i knew something terrible had happened to you then... please don't say that i shouldn't think about it, your pain is my pain... i know something happened, Rindou, you can tell me..."
Heavy hands stroked her own and removed them from their place, "Nothing did happen, and i did not come to talk about this."
Her cheerfulness died down, she took the path of respecting his wishes and staying in her place, giving him the trained princess posture only meant for outsiders, that he understood the tension he caused and cleared his throat, "I came to inform you the evidence we received are false."
She instinctively sucked in some air from surprise, searching for more details in his droopy eyes, he was faster in action, and left her no room for doubt, "Ran is innocent. But i will find the real culprit and end this nightmare, i know you trust me, and i trust you to help too, try to find out everything you can from the concubine, okay ?"
A stolen kiss was all that helped distract her momentarily that he was walking off after it, opening her eyelids to catch sight of his back nearing the entrance, "WAIT! The- the divorce ?"
Rindou froze, replying with a sigh, "I will find a way to make it happen. It's a promise."
The sunlight grew faint on her face until it was gone, and she was - once again - left to accompany her loneliness, standing tall in an empty spacious hall, no different than a flower in the dessert.
With what is whispered in her ears at the silence, she moved forth and headed to the first indication she might find of where the concubine is being kept; the palace may keep their secrets all they want because they can't keep it from the children they raise within it and the princess ? She didn't need a messanger to tell her the royals would keep a potential mother of a prince in their clear sight to drain every confession out of her, the same confessions she had to get to first.
On her way, the first signal sent to her was a servant who gasped and attempted to change routes when their eyes met, "you! Over there! Come here."
The woman did so with visible sweat running down her face and the princess had no doubt that sge may be informed of something important, "You know the concubine who started quite the debate days ago ? I know she is somewhere in here. Tell me where."
"Y-y-your highness... i couldn't have possibly-" "Quit the nonsense. Do you know the consequences of lying to the royal princess ? Or do you want to find out ?"
Using the name of authority, the maid submitted easier than (name) have assumed, "THE DUNGEON!! SHE IS IN THE DUNGEON!!! PLEASE DON'T TELL THEM I TOLD YOU!!!!"
"WHAT ???!!!!", previously, she may have assumed the royal family had some decency to not throw a pregnant woman in a place associated with torture, she may have overestimated their empathy but surely they would not go as far as torturing her, right ?
The sight she witnessed contradicted with eveything she took for granted, with the minor fragment of light seeping through a miniture window, it showed more horrors than she imagined; a young woman - wearing a ragged dress - fallen on top of a pile of hair, sheared from her own head, protecting a visible pregnancy bump with her arm showing purple and red scars matching with her face and busted lips.
"My goodness...", the noble woman wished she kept that to herself when the imprisoned one lurched backwards, twitching and pleading in a hysterical manner.
"No no i won't hurt you-", the princess extended a hand to get closer making the other's bawling more violent and intense, jerking away from any contact with her, an alarmed and shaking (name) stepped back and turned for the guards near the door, "what is this... WHAT IS THIS WHO ALLOWED THIS ?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"My apologies, your royal highness.", it would have been best for him to keep silent in front of the cracked up royal who paced to his spot to push him into the wall with a force that caused his gear to echo, "WHAT APOLOGIES IS OF USE NOW ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RELEASE HER RIGHT THIS INSTANT. THAT'S AN ORDER."
"I can't do that, your royal highness, it's the king's orders-"
"SCREW THE KING'S ORDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS WITH CHILD YOU MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The lady looked to her back, the woman, awfully beaten, crawling to hide in the nearest corner, a sight so brutal for her eyes, she couldn't hold back the tears coming in with harsh sobbing and hiccups.
As if he was living his wife's pain, in an instant, Sanzu barged through the door and his blue orbs fell on his bride before hurrying into holding her, "(Nickname)?! What is it ?!"
(Name) clutched on both sides of his shoulders, "no- what is this, Haru ?! They're torturing a pregnant woman... did you know about this ??!!"
The prince furrowed his brows, hesitating to lift his head, only gazing at the corner in bafflement for as much as his heart could take then turning to the guards for an explanation, "Your royal highness, we told the princess it's the king's orders."
Her fingers brought his jaw back to her way, lovingly running her hand on his face, "that does not matter, Haru- please... you can make the right choice... let her go- i'm begging you... if not for her or for me, for the baby, please..."
Haruchiyo fell victim to the touches and complied with no further imploring, "Very well.", When he left her side, the guards were aware of the retribution awaiting them, "get her a pleasant room, decent clothes, and a full meal, then call for a physician to check on her child, and when you're done, i will deal with you."
Both men swallowed their own saliva as the noble walked out the door, the princess wiped the tear droplets off the corner of her eyes and followed him out.
"Haru...", the woman marched steadily behind him, all he did was throw an attentive ear, "what will happen to her ?"
"...", the prince moved in the alleyway in an average speed, but to his princess he had to have been slow-moving otherwise it would be the way out that was too lengthy to make it out of there, which she didn't even want to consider.
"Were you informed about this ?"
"...", her blood was starting to boil at the skeletal conversation, her footsteps dulled at the end of the alleyway and influences his own, "Do you even care at all ?"
An eerie wind passed by their bodies, and a shiver ran down her spine, all while the middle prince stood straight, clinched his fist tight from an angle she can see clearly and left, this time on his own.
(Name) couldn't comprehend a single thought forming on top of the mountain of problems in her brain, built in just ten days and taking up all the space she has to live peacefully, if there was one thing she needed currently, was to ease her mind and forget this empire and its heads.
"Sister-in-law ?"
The grandduchess of Kantou gave a worried tone, her eyebrows drawn up in the inner corners, a sight the consort wished not to see on such a cheerful girl, "i'm sorry, i was just passing by..."
"No no- it is always a delight to see you.", a smile was forced into the older woman's features, in a failed effort to overlook the tension in their marriage she assuredoy witnessed.
"Well... i... umm...", Senju struggled to speek, wringing her fingers together, "i want to ask for forgiveness instead of my brother... he is a good person i swear... i'm sorry if he acts indifferently... he does that instead of expressing his distress... but please don't hate him..."
The younger stepped forward to intertwine her sister-in-law's hands together, when they came back to her, an emerald ring was landed in there, "Senju, this-"
"Is our mother's ring, she left it behind... Haru promised us that it will be yours after your marriage ceremony, i... have no clue why he didn't hand it... in spite of that, please accept it... our mother's possessions means the world for us, and we want you to share it with us, not just Haru... will you ?"
From the emerald stone, her miserable visage judged her and threw insults at her entire lineage prior to the the waterdrop magnifying the self-loathing till she couldn't handle it anymore, "e-excuse me..."
If disgrace were to chant, it would praise her name.
The night sang a lullaby to the human kind, in the softest playful tone, bidding them goodnight one by one, with the exception of prince Haruchiyo, sending him brighter moonlight through his window to aid him in reading his book.
He has been exploring the world of 'Whispers Of The Wind' for quite a while that evening, and it bandaged the old injuries in his heart that he had long forgotten;
following the story of a delicate girl born in poverty, so timid and docile that they gave her the name Coy, she lived as a bright child that remained as quiet as a mouse in her household then bloomed into a marvelous young lady all the gentlemen fought over, nonetheless her blossoming opportunities came to a halt when her father announced her wedding preparations to a wealthy old widower for the sake of her younger siblings' future, and Coy began a life of misery, with a marriage based on infidelity, negligence, estrangement, and soon turning into abuse, enduring the torment that lasted for a decade up to her husband's departure - to hell, that is. - And with no regards to her renowned freedom, her eldest stepson stepped forth to demand her hand in marriage if she still wajted a roof over her head, and she did what she should have done ages ago, by running away into the far away unknown.
Where she lived and how she managed, that part he didn't reach yet.
Running his hand at the book's hardcover, the man realised quite some time ago who it belonged to, the note he found on the first page cleared all his suspicion, reading with a fine handwriting "Forgive me, my family, for i have been too coy to keep going".
It was soothing alone to possess another thing she left behind her, he could not even care for no topic, only the trails of his mother's existence.
So when the princess walked in the door with his ungifted present in her ring finger, no doubt his eyes twinkled with the world coming full circle, he put the book down and maintained a thorough stare as she walked towards their bed side.
"The ring...", inquired her husband, pointing to his own paralleling finger, she displayed her hand to herself, touching the gem, "Senju handed it to me, is the reason behind the delay... my relationship with Rindou ? Did you lose respect for me... because i'm no longer... chaste ?"
The pink haired man opened his mouth slightly then shut it and looked away, the disappointment in his wife's expression didn't even need to be seen as she blow out the candles and laid down with her back facing him.
(Name) barely closed her eyes when the bed beneath her sinked further with Sanzu also preparing to go to sleep, as she assumed, but as arm wrapping her waist from behind, threw her eyelids wide, and she sat still for a few minutes to know his intentions, when the worst she could assume happened, and her hair was removed slightly from her neck where his lips landed and left feather kisses - her nerves couldn't take it anymore, "GET OFF!!!!"
He jumped away from her and they shared looks of an everlasting rift in their relationship, be it as a couple or friends, an unbearable atmosphere that Haru took his book and left off to another room.
The princess fell onto her pillow and cried a river for what felt like the number before infinity, was it her fault that they can never again be the childhood friends they once were ? Or was it doomed since their courtship announcement ?
Either way, there was no hope for such marriage to continue, with the start of a new day, she will end this madness and prepare to be with the one she truly loved.
A/N : This was a long chapter and it has a ton of lore, the next chapter would be shorter though, but dw, it will update sooner than this one, promise. Thank you so much for reading, this chapter took me ages and a whole lot of work, let me know what you think, your feedbacks bring me joy <3
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tokrevofficial · 1 year
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Tokyo revengers x Princess cafe
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kenzuieee · 1 year
ran haitani x spoiled gf
nothing..just some ran headcanons
ran haitani who doesn’t even try to hide the fact that hes staring at you while being behind the wheel of his bugatti la voiture noire.
ran haitani whose eyes glance from the street infront of his eyes to you. he practically undress you with them anytime theres a red light as his left hand grips the steering wheel whilst his right hand caresses your plush thighs. 
y/n who has to constantly remind ran to focus on the road as he keeps losing focus due to y/n quite literally seducing him without even knowing it.
y/n who constantly runs up ran’s bank card almost every day without a care in the world ? why should she care ? her boyfriend is ran haitani for fucks sake !!
y/n who puts her pretty feet painted white on ran’s dashboard as she mindlessly scrolls on instagram.
“rannn, do you think this would look good on me ?” you ask as you show the older haitani the most basic dress ever with a big smile plastered over your face.
“baby..that dress is so plain and simple for $2000.” he chuckles as he eyes the short black wool and silk dior dress on your cracked iphone 14 pro max. “and when did you crack your phone love ? i just bought it two months ago.”
you huff and pout as you lean back into the black seat of his luxury car. “so you’re saying it’d be ugly on me ?” you roll your eyes and continue, “and its the screen protector idiot.”
“i didnt say that love, anything looks good on you. i just dont think its worth that price.” ran mutters.
“whatever ran, im still going to buy it” you roll your eyes again while putting the dress in your cart, along with the DIOR ADDICT LIP GLOW OIL and some simple red bottom heels to match the dress. 
ran haitani who would definitely buy his girlfriend skims okay ?
you never have any luck with skims drops, as if anyone ever does. so you find yourself constantly complaining to ran about how what you want is never in stock or everything being sold out before you can even get to it. honestly, you weren’t TELLING ran to buy you skims, you were just complaining about the unfortunate situation thats been happening for months and months with each drop.  so when you and ran haitani left another bonten meeting at a bonten owned club, he told you about how he had a surprise awaiting you at your shared penthouse.
a series of “rannnn, what is it ? will you tell me please ?” flooded his ears during the car ride home that he simply smiled and answered with a simple “you’ll see.”
uppon arrival you see two large delivery boxes sitting upon the doorstep and you question what it could be. ran carries them inside with ease. ran removes his shoes after taking the boxes inside and tells you to sit infront of him and open the packages. you look at him with a puzzled face but nonetheless, you open the first box.
anticipation kills you as you remove the loads of packing peanuts and tissue to finally see a clear bag that says “SKIMS” on it and you almost pass out. 
“babeee” you look at him with puppydog eyes “did you really ? is all of this for me” you look at him as hes pouring some tequila into a clear glass with a cigarette between his lips. he looks at you, winks, and tells you to try everything on for him. of course, the first set you try on for him is the “fits everybody micro thong” and the “fits everybody micro triangle barlette.”
hi pookies, first post ig :3 this is the first “fanfic” i’ve written ig (?) lmk how i did and should i write a nsfw part 2 ? idk !! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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atticoratticus · 11 months
I saved and took screenshots of literally every single scene Ran appears in in the new episode, so here are some of my favorites 🤭🤭
I like him a little bit idk
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blueparadis · 1 year
fvck! i think i've the elder sibling syndrome.
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seraphdreams · 5 months
i <3 daddy doms !!
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rinwhore · 1 year
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i will get bettwr at this! Trust!!
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I mentioned kazu and inupi, because I simp for them too, besides Izana and the Haitanis. But
I imagine him with a little girl. And she would be his princess! He'd do everything she asked of him and at the same time he would scold her not to give her mommy a hard time, if she was.
I wrote about daddy Ran a lot of times, his daughter is called Ren and her nick is "water lily", Ran spoils her of course but he doesn't like when she treats her mommy badly, that's why she comes to you with lucid eyes behind her father's leg and says "Mommy I'm sorry", she's a good girl 💜
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mikgreo · 4 months
☆ twt nsfw links. ☆
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『starring 』:blue lock, tokyo rev, and jjk men!! 🗯️
a/n: i loooveee these fine men . i could just eat them
mommys good boy, always melting at your touch<3.
he’s your own little princess seat ♡.
he’s such a good boy, mommy’s lil slut<3
he loves how you use him for your pleasure!!
naughty boys deserve punishments..
CHOSO, yuji itadori, bachira meguru, ALEXIS NESS, KAZUTORA HANEMIYA, takemichi hanagaki, shinichiro sano, CHIFUYU MATSUNO, (your fav)
using his big fingers to get into those nice places<3
he loves overstimulating u!!! so mean:(
he’s so big.
he’s so big pt.2
hes HUGE
size kink..
TOJI FUSHIGURO, sukuna ryomen, KUNIGAMI RENSUKE, shidou ryusei, oliver aiku, DRAKEN RYUGUJI, taiju shiba, rindou haitani, HANMA SHUJI, (your fav)
fucking you like the brat you are
you love how rough he is<3
he loves facefucking his fav doll.
your punishment for being such a slut
teasing his cute girl💔
geto suguru, gojo satoru, YUTA OKKOTSU, isagi yoichi, CHIGIRI HYOMA, michael kaiser, MIKEY SANO, ran haitani, kokonoi hajime, SANZU HARUCHIYO, (your fav)
your punishment for being such a spoiled brat
he thinks you’ve been a bad girl.
making you beg for it
loves fucking you dumb
something he would do to make fun of you
Nanami kento, Higuruma hiromi, SUKUNA RYOMEN, GOJO SATORU, TOJI FUSHIGURO, SAE ITOSHI, shidou ryusei, karasu tabito, (your fav)
he loves your soaky cunt<3
his fav postion!!
making his pretty princess do all the work:(
he pays such close attention to your holes<3
letting him use your mouth
megumi fushiguro, INO TAKUMA, inumaki toge, Rin itoshi, REO MIKAGE, Barou Shoei, Inui seishu, chifuyu matsuno, KAKUCHO HITTO, (your fav)
he fucks you so good
he’s so sweet to you and ur cunt<3
he luvs toying with you.
he lives to pleasure you and only u!!
what was supposed to be a tutoring sesh..
yuta okkotsu, kashimo hajime, KOKICHI MUTA, higuruma hiromi, NAGI SEISHIRO, otoya eita, YUKIMIYA KENYU, reo mikage, MITSUYA TAKASHI, izana kurokawa, HAKKAI SHIBA, (your fav)
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moechies · 6 months
“you can spit it out if you’d like.”
౨ৎ nanamin kento, hiruguma hiromi, megumi fushiguro, ushijima wakatoshi, sugawara koshi, nagi seishiro, isagi yoichi, mitsuya takashi
“good girls swallow, princess.”
౨ৎ suguru getou, hinata shoyo, oikawa tooru, rin itoshi, kunigami rensuke, bachira meguru, kisaki tetta
[tilts your head back and forces you to swallow]
౨ৎ gojo satoru, sukuna ryomen, toji fushiguro, tendou satori, terushima yuji, sae itoshi, shidou ryusei, barou shoei, ran haitani, sanzu haruchiyo, hanma shuji + all of the tokrev men :((
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tokrevofficial · 1 year
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Tokyo revengers x Princess cafe
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kazutora-kurokawa · 4 months
Bonten with a reader who is literally a little princess; a girly (something like your tenjiku publication with a hyper feminine reader)
Bonten x Hyper Feminine!Reader
♡ SFW, suggestive, fem reader, fluff, reader likes dresses, skirts, heels, scrunchies, ribbons, bows and all that stuff, reader wears perfume and makeup ♡
Characters: Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho, Kokonoi, Ran, Rindou, Mochi, Takeomi
note: thanks for requesting anon 🩷
note 2: my brain is simultaneously on overdrive and dead asf lol, this took me forever for no reason
💠 Emo boy and his princess girlfriend lol
💠 He doesn't mind your fashion sense and actually enjoys the pop of color and brightness you bring to his usually dark and bleak life
💠 Keeps you far away from the rest of Bonten, he doesn't want nor need you getting involved in his shit
🌸 Have you seen this man's hair? Bubblegum pink 🙄
🌸 He'd probably want to match hair colors
🌸 He'd absolutely sort through your hair clips and such, arranging them by color and size
🌸 Seems calm but is actually going feral on the inside whenever he sees you in a fluffy dress
🩷 Buries his face in your neck because he loves the smell of your perfume
🩷 Sprays his cologne on a jacket or shirt and leaves them with you before he goes on business trips, better yet he'll leave the whole bottle
🩷 Loves when you leave kiss marks on his clothes, even though the Haitani brothers (and Sanzu lol) poke fun at him for it
💵 Bought every piece of clothing and accessory you own
💵 Tries heels on before he buys them for you, probably fell while walking in them too
💵 Does your hair for you even though he could definitely pay someone to do it instead, he likes the bonding experience
💜 Treats you like royalty, you look like a princess and deserve to be treated like one
💜 Lets you run wild with his credit cards because anything his princess wants, she gets
💜 Picks out your outfits everyday and gets pouty if you wear something other than what he picked
🩵 Likes when you play in his hair and style it with hair clips
🩵 Let you put makeup on him once....never again lmao
🩵 He'd tie a ribbon on his arm for you, no doubt
🍡 Wears your hair ties and scrunchies on his wrists, either you leave them with him or he just snatches them
🍡 Has probably ripped your skirt on an occasion or two, he's very heavy handed but he doesn't mean to be
🍡 Type of boyfriend to lift you up and spin you around just to see your dress flow in the wind
🚬 Refuses to smoke around you because he doesn't want to leave the smell of cigarettes on your pretty clothes
🚬 Constantly checking your closet for new clothes so he can know what not to buy you
🚬 Always finds your hair accessories and jewelry scattered around the house and struggles trying to find where it goes
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx
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buccini555 · 9 months
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𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 - 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧
≡ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚... They called you (their wife) several times but you didn't answer because your cell phone just ran out of battery, but this ended up worrying them
⌕ x r e a d e r !
★ 𝑭𝒕. Manjiro Sano, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Rindou Haitani and Kakucho Hitto
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𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
Manjiro called you frequently when he wasn't idle to make sure you were okay even though he was so far away from you, at that moment, he had been trying to call you for some time, when he realized that your cell phone was out of range, he began to become extremely worried.
"Honey? Answer, now, dammit!" He would say dialing your number countless times, with each missed call he became more distressed, pacing from one side to the other, all he could think was that something bad had happened to you, Manjiro began to tremble, as if his heart was being crushed, even so, he continued to call you insistently, leaving several messages and sending several messages.
"Babe? Where the fuck were you? Shit, I was worried about you." As soon as you managed to charge your phone's battery, you returned Manjiro's calls, who answered immediately.
"Sorry, my phone died." You said, noticing the distress in Manjiro's trembling voice and the anxiety in his intonation.
"Start paying more attention to your damn phone battery... I'm glad you're okay." He felt calmer knowing that his concern was unnecessary, so he soon ended up hanging up the phone call.
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𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨
Haruchiyo cares extremely about his wife's well-being, so whenever he's not around to keep her safe, Sanzu takes advantage of any free time to make a few calls to see if everything was okay or if you were really in need of something.
As usual, he called you, noticing the delay in a response, the taller started to get a little impatient and uncomfortable, realizing that this was an unusual situation, concern took over him.
"Shit, shit! Something happened... I'm sure it happened." Sanzu said in a loud thought as he sent you thousands of messages, still calling you instantly and realizing that your cell phone was out of range, his desperation only increased every minute as if he was about to have an anxiety or panick attack.
"Honey? Honey where were you? I was worried, did something happen?" As soon as you could answer, Haruchiyo didn't even allow you to explain yourself, already filling you with questions.
"I'm sorry, Haru, my cell phone ran out of battery." You spoke, relieving his anxiety at that moment.
"Holy shit, I thought you were kidnapped." Haruchiyo laughed nervously and reassured himself that you were okay.
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𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
No matter how busy and busy Rindou was, he always found a way to call you to see if you were okay even with his absence because he was far away, Rindou remained even more worried in case something happened to his wife.
"Hey love?" Rindou said, but before you could even respond, your cell phone's battery died, as soon as the call dropped without the older even hearing your voice, a huge worry took over your chest.
"Fuck!?" He sent you countless messages and tried to call you back countless times, however, he realized that your cell phone was out of range, probably turned off, this fact made him feel even more distressed by your sudden absence.
"Rin? Sorry, my phone died." When your cell phone called again, you could finally talk to Rindou, seeing so many missed calls, you couldn't even imagine how worried he was.
"It's okay, princess. The important thing is that you're okay." He breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he heard his voice, Rindou spent a few minutes questioning if you were really okay as he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
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𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
When he had to be away from you for some reason, Kakucho was completely concerned about being away in case something happened to you or that you needed him by your side, even if he was busy to the bone, Kakucho always found a way to get away from you a time to at least give you a call to make sure his wife was safe and well.
"Love?" He questioned himself as to why his cell phone was turned off and out of range, as unusual as it was for you not to answer his calls, at first, Kakucho tried to simply remain calm, but with each missed call his concern only increased, making him call you countless times and send countless messages, Kakucho began to think about what bad could have happened to you, making his heart beat increasingly faster due to anxiety.
"I'm sorry! My phone was out of battery, Kaku." When I finally managed to talk to him, he noticed how desperate he was, Kakucho honestly worried a lot, but all of this was a reflection of his love for you.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry for calling you so many times, I'm worried, I love you." Kakucho replied, still frantic but with his heart relieved to know that nothing bad had happened to you as he had compulsively imagined.
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nxuvillette · 10 months
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synopsis: messing with the ceo of your rivaling company didn’t seem that hard to let go of.. or did it?
❥- including : ran haitani, sanzu haruchiyo, rindou haitani
❥- note : trying this again! praying it actually works 😭 reblogs are appreciated!!
content warnings: nsfw [17+], fem!reader, ageless + blank blogs dni, ceo!reader, bonten timeline, all men are ceo’s, mentions of harassment (sanzu), praising, use of pet names (baby , angel , princess), slight breeding kink (ran + rindou), creampie (all), some possessive behavior, mentions of pregnancy (rindou).
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you never expected to fall for someone like ran haitani. 
he was cunning, attractive, and quite a clever man. he also ran one of the best businesses in all of Roppongi. he attracted all kinds of women by just doing simply nothing, so when he saw you at a club, you didn’t think it would be anything more than a quickie in the bathroom. 
that quickie turned into dates, hookups at his apartment, and him taking you out more than you had anticipated.
however, all of that changed when you discovered that ran just wasn’t a ceo for some random company, but it was the same company that rivaled yours. your father had some previous ties to the business and he seemed to have forgotten to mention it to you when you took hold of the reins. you were now worried. as a ceo of your own company, you placed yourself at risk for possibly sabotaging things that your father had worked so hard to create. 
but, you just couldn’t help yourself. 
your face was smooshed into the leather of ran’s expensive couch. his fingertips danced along your spine while his cock lazily dragged inside of your walls. you had told yourself you weren’t going to see him tonight. you wanted to ignore his text messages, but there was something about his presence that drew you in. he was addictive. 
“you’re taking me so well, angel..” he squeezed the plush of your ass, savoring how soft your skin was. 
your eyes rolled back from how well ran was fucking you. there was just something about how he did it that made you light on fire. it’s what made you come crawling back to him every single time. “a-ah! ran! yes, right there!” you mewled when the tip kissed that spongy spot inside you, sending waves of pleasure over you.
the older haitani loved how pretty you sounded right now. he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. you were too damn perfect to ever pass up. he didn’t give a single shit if you two were meant to be “rivals.” how was someone like him supposed to never see someone like you? you were one of the only women he genuinely saw himself being comfortable with. he didn’t want to be a secret, but for you, he’d do absolutely anything.
his grip on your hips tightened and his pace suddenly became quicker than it had originally begun. “ran! fuck, fuck, cum inside me!” you cried, turning your head just a little so you could see his handsome face.
he couldn’t stop the smirk he wore from writing itself on his face. god, he had been wanting to do that for so damn long. “ah..? okay, baby, i’ll make sure you’re nice and full when i’m done..” he cooed, pushing you further into the couch.
skin slapped against each other as ran’s pace was practically animalistic. he groaned deeply when he finally met his release. spurts of his cum made its way into your cunt, making you shiver from how it felt. that had been the first time he had ever came inside you, and you honestly craved it a lot. it was so amazing.
he pulled out of you, leaning down to whisper into your ear. “i’ll gladly be your secret, baby, but nobody better touch you other than me..” 
you met sanzu in an odd way one evening. you were on the way home from your long and tiring work day when some random guy kept egging you on. he kept making comments towards you and practically begging for you to give him any ounce of attention.
well, the guy didn’t end up leaving you alone, and he ended up trailing after you in a pretty shitty part of town. you couldn’t lie that you weren’t scared. the sun had already set and that guy was hot on your tail. you could try calling the police but you knew full well that they wouldn’t get there in time to help you, so you tried your best to rush out of there and lose the guy.
unfortunately, he caught up to you and ended up yanking on your arm. you let out a scream and shoved him away from you, but he was quite strong. you thought you were about to be robbed or even worse, but that all immediately fizzled out when someone had intervened. a man with bubblegum pink hair had the guy shoved on the ground. he kicked and beat the shit out of the guy, leaving him completely scared and helpless on the dirty floor. 
sanzu had tended to you the moment he saw your frightened expression. he brought you to the police station and you reported the man who had been following you. you thought that would be the last time you’d ever see him, but that wasn’t the case.
you saw him more often than you should have. you two started a connection with each other and began to go out to bars or even little dates. you tried to tell yourself it was just platonic, but you disliked how your heart would often skip a beat whenever you saw his name light up on your phone. the only issue was that sanzu was the head of a huge company in Tokyo. he rivaled you, and seeing him could cause issues within your business. however, you just couldn’t stay away.
that’s how you ended up in your own office with sanzu hovering above you. his cock bullied your walls, making it difficult for you to keep quiet. “mmm.. sanzu! oh, god..” you moaned, looking at him through your eyelashes.
a smile stretched across his scarred lips. he knew from the beginning that you were his rival. he had seen you before, but he could care less. you were a beautiful woman and he couldn’t lie that you made him happy. “keep sayin’ it, baby, scream out my fuckin’ name so everyone in this building knows who’s making you feel good..” he then began to play with your swollen clit, increasing the pleasure. 
you practically screamed his name when you finally came all over his cock. he thought it was so cute seeing you becoming such a mess for him. “s-sanzu! sanzu!” you whined, trembling within his hands from your orgasm.
your desk began to creak from the movements and the weight you both were putting on it. sanzu’s pace was rough and fast. you could hardly keep up with him. his cock was twitching and within seconds he felt himself let go inside of you. he loved how warm your pussy felt around him. he just couldn’t help himself.
he kissed you sloppily, biting on your lower lip. “don’t think we’re much of a secret now, are we..?”
rindou haitani was quite the charmer. he didn’t have the best luck with women, but when he did, he treated them like angels. that was no different when he met you at one of the clubs he DJ at.
he drew you in almost instantly. his expensive cologne, lavender hair, a smile that could make any girl drop her panties. you knew hooking up with him that night would be good, and you thought it would be just a simple one night stand. most men your age never really stuck around after one sex filled evening, so you placed your expectations below what they usually were.
though, it shocked you when rindou continued to message you, even after your hookup.
although you were a little unsure of his intentions, you decided to keep seeing him. he took you out on nice dates, and he had even went as far as buying you a few nice gifts from expensive stores. it wasn’t until your assistant pointed out who rindou actually was that you realized how wrong it looked to be seeing someone like him. rindou ran a company that rivaled yours. it shocked you that you hadn’t noticed far sooner, but you just couldn’t stay away from him.
you repeated to yourself over and over that you wouldn’t fuck him again. you shouldn’t be doing it at all. 
but, your body had betrayed you and that desire for him lit like a candle in the dark.
rindou had your legs around his waist. his thrusts were deep and fast, making you cry out in pleasure every single time he reached those great spots inside you. he had you just where he wanted you. “rindou..! fuck, it feels so good..!” you threw your head back onto the pillow behind you. 
“heh, you enjoying yourself? you’re so fucking beautiful..” he groaned, leaning down to nibble at your neck.
you gasped when rindou bit down on that sweet spot on your neck. he sucked on it hard enough that there would for sure be a mark afterwards. it’s like he was begging for you two to be caught by others. that thought alone didn’t seem to bother rindou. if anything, he wanted people to know what you two were doing with each other. 
you clawed at his back when you felt your orgasm hit you harder than a truck. rindou couldn’t help but grunt when your pussy clamped around his cock so perfectly. fuck, it’s like you were made for him. “so good for me, baby, so fuckin’ good..” he quickened his thrusts, inching him closer to his high. “want me to cum in you..? make this pretty pussy all mine?” 
“y-yes! yes, please, rindou!” you cried, nodding your head.
he held your thighs tightly, fucking the absolute shit out of your cunt. you were so fucking great. he never found someone like you. he didn’t care what your statuses might be. all he wanted was you. 
rindou groaned one last time then he reached his climax. he had completely let go inside of you. thick cum filled your womb, leaving a huge mess inside. you took it all so well. he didn’t want to leave your snug walls. “wanna go again..? maybe i can give you a baby while i’m at it..” he smirked.
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© NXUVILLETTE ┆ all rights reserved, do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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