Mommy’s Little Helper
Characters: Y/N Y/L/N, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester.      
Pairing: Destiel x Reader
Warnings: Surprise pregnancy if that is a warning, Dean being an idiot. Crack fic pretty much.
Word Count: 1500ish
A/N: This is written for @docharleythegeekqueen who won my best feedback award for August 17. She requested this: Hi! I mean thank you so much for choosing me for your feedback awards. Honestly, it really means a lot and I just love your stories so much. So I was thinking about something to see if you’re interested. Possibly Destiel x Reader? Like they are in a poly relationship and she finds out she’s pregnant but wants to surprise them. Could be AU or canon ish? I’ll let you play.
It is also my entry for @winchesterprincessbride Princess Bride Quote Challenge and my prompt was “I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!”
Thanks to Beka for being a total sweetheart and not only betaing this for me but brainstorming it aswell. I owe you one @impala-dreamer
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Castiel was off on some errand in Heaven and Dean was on a hunt with his brother the day you realised. You had been feeling a little off your game lately, and, thinking you were coming down with something, you had sent the boys off on their own, telling them you would man the fort. Honestly, a few days on your own had seemed like the best thing ever. You loved your best friend and your husbands. Yes, you heard right: husbands. You, Cas, and Dean had married each other a few months ago in some Enochian binding ritual. Sam had performed it, while being corrected by Cas every few minutes, much to the younger Winchester’s annoyance, and your and Dean’s amusement. But it had been done. You were married and happier than ever. Still, living with two men and an angel (yes, I realise that sounds like a bad buddy comedy) was driving you crazy, and a few days on your own had been a welcome change. Throwing up at all hours of the day hadn’t.
You might have been a little slow on the uptake for a genius, but it actually did take you until your bra didn’t seem to fit right, for you to realize it might not be a flu upsetting your stomach. A trip to the pharmacy, peeing on a bunch of sticks, and a slight panic attack later you were ready to admit to yourself you were having a baby. As soon as that admission settled in your mind, your excitement started to grow. You had grown up in this life. You had never thought you could have a family of your own, but you did. There was no doubt in your mind that both Dean and Cas were going to be amazing dads, and who was the biological father didn’t matter to you one bit. All that mattered was the joy bubbling in your chest, and you instantly started thinking of ways to surprise you hunter and angel.
You being you, couldn’t pick just one way of surprising them. It took you a full day of shopping to get everything you needed and the entire night of carving pumpkins before you allowed yourself to go to bed. You placed the 4 pumpkins at the edge of the staircase in the Warroom. The two biggest had Dean and Cas’ names carved into each of them, while the medium sized one had a big hole in the front showing a smaller pumpkin inside it.
The next day you spent replacing all the labels of Dean’s beer and whiskey with labels saying drink this for me, before hanging small envelopes with words special delivery written on them from the ceiling with stork feathers attached to all of them. Should one of the guys open any, you had stuffed a tiny letter into each saying you + me + you = four.  
When you were finally pleased with how the Bunker looked, you sent Dean a quick text and Cas a prayer, asking them both to come home. You knew they would be a while, the Bunker being some distance from the Sandbox and Dean working a case, so while you waited, you headed for the kitchen to bake Dean a pie. You had found this really awesome pie tin while shopping yesterday, with the words we’re pregnant written at the bottom and you knew there was no way Dean wasn’t finishing your homemade pecan pie.
What you hadn’t expected though, was for pregnancy brain to set in quite so fast. Every time you turned around it seemed as if your ingredients had either moved around or had been mixing themselves. It got to the point where you closed your eyes for a second trying to focus. If this was starting already, you were damn happy you had two guys in your life to remember things for you.
“Y/N/N? I got your text! Is everything okay?”
Crap! You hadn’t expected him to get here so soon. The pie was nowhere near done, but as soon as you finished your thought, the ingredients started flying around the kitchen, mixing themselves.
“What’s with the pumpkins and decorations, Sweetheart? It’s not Halloween for another month,” Dean chuckled before freezing on the spot with the sight that met him.
The kitchen was a mess, pots and batter and spoons where flying all over the place while you stood in the middle of it, looking on. Or, someone that looked like you at least.
It didn’t take Dean long to get past his initial surprise, pulling his gun at you just as you turned around. Horror was written all over your face and Dean had to battle himself not to toss the weapon aside and pull you into his arms. The need to comfort you was overwhelming, but Dean kept reminding himself that whatever that thing in front of him was, it wasn’t you.
“Dean,” you gasped, not sure what terrified you the most, the kitchen coming alive around you, or the anger in your husband’s emerald eyes as he pointed his gun at your heart.
“Where’s Y/N?” he growled and your eyes widened in surprise. What the hell did he mean, where were you?. You were standing right infront of him as the kitchen went berserk.
“I’m Y/N, you idiot!” You threw your arms out to your sides in exasperation. “Who the hell else would I be?”
“A witch! And these are witch killing bullets,” Dean waved the gun between you a little. “So now tell me, what the hell have you done with Y/N?!”
“I’M NOT A WITCH, YOU MORON! I’M YOUR WIFE,” you full on yelled at him before the weirdest thing happened. Yeah, I mean weirder than the flying pantry.
PUF! Your clothes changed into a black dress and a top hat. Before you could even think or speak, a broomstick flew between your legs, taking you off the floor, screaming bloody murder. I realise you are a fearsome hunter, but don’t judge someone less you’ve been abducted by a magical broomstick!
“Dean!!! Do something,” you screamed at the man, who just stood in the middle of the room, completely gobsmacked as you flew circles around him.
“Y/N?” You kept clinging to the broom for dear life, but your line of sight went to the doorway where Cas stood with a huge grin plastered on his face. If you had dared jump off the damn thing, you would surely have strangled the angel.
“You’re expecting,” Cas stated, only making you wanna kill him even more. But before you could say anything, Dean spoke, turning your murderous rage against him.
“So this is Y/N/N. You sure?” Dean frowned before he remembered what Cas had said. “Wait, she’s expecting what?”
“A baby! You dumbass!! Now help me down! Either of you,” you screamed at them as the broom kept flying circles around the two of them with you, it’s unwilling passenger.
“Our son is doing it, Y/N. If you were just to ask him nicely….” Cas calmly tried to explain, but you were in no mood to follow his instructions. Not directly anyway.
“Young man, if you don’t put your mother down this instant…” you hissed, looking down at your still flat belly and wush, the broom disappeared from under you, making you scream as you fell towards the ground. You closed your eyes, bracing for an impact that never came. Instead, Dean’s smiling face was right next to yours as he gently lowered you onto the ground, after having caught you before the floor could attack you too.
“You got a bun in the oven?” Dean beamed, a boyish, cheeky grin spreading across his face. Before you could scold him for his choice of words, your son decided to join in on your conversation yet again.
Puf! Your clothes changed again and you let out a slight squeal as you looked down at yourself.. You were now dressed as an oven with a bun drawn over your stomach.
“Urgh!” you stomped your foot on the ground, glaring at the two idiots in front of you who were clearly doing their best not to laugh now. “Great! The kid has your powers.” You turned to Cas, who instantly looked to his feet, before your eyes shot daggers at Dean who had the good sense of reacting just like the angel for once. “And your idiotic sense of humor. This is gonna be a long nine months,” you hissed before twirling around, rushing towards your shared room.
You didn’t see the excited, happy look the two of them shared before rushing after you, deadset on making all of this up to you, making sure you had everything you needed. If you thought telling them had been a disaster, the next 9 months surely would nearly kill you. Having two overgrown puppies following you around, waiting on you hand and foot, ordering you not to do stuff, as your baby son made the world around you interesting was not going to be easy.
@docharleythegeekqueen @starswirlblitz @curliesallovertheplace @fallen-castiel @itsmyeffingstory @mrswhozeewhatsis @akshi8278 @mysupernaturalfics   @evilskank-inthemegacoven @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @castiels-broken-fool @frostedej @ruined-by-destiel @flufy07 @deansleather @phoenixia67 @percywinchester27
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atc74 · 7 years
Leather and Weapons
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Written for @winchesterprincessbride‘s PrincessBrideChallenge. My prompt was: “I suppose you think you are brave, don’t you?”“Only compared to some.”
Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of injury, maybe some swearing, but it isn’t angsty, if that makes any sense...
Pairing: Implied Dean x Reader if you squint
WC: 1059
Unbeta’d so all mistakes are mine and mine alone. Feedback is appreciated. 
A freaking witch. Dean was right; witches are filthy, disgusting creatures. This one however was a little sloppy and slow on the uptake so Y/N had gotten the draw on her and was able to put a bullet full of witch killing brew right between her eyes before she was able to finish the spell. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief before she torched the house that contained the dead witch’s body and headed back to the motel before she was spotted.
“Hey, Dean,” Y/N answered her phone as she wrapped the towel tighter around her breasts.
“Hey, Sweetheart. Hunt going okay?” Dean asked, a touch of concern in his voice as usual when Y/N took on a hunt without them.
“Yeah, you were right; it was a freaking witch. But I melted her before she could get the drop on me. I am going to grab a bite to eat then hit the hay. I will pack it up in the morning and I should be home by late afternoon,” she yawned.
“Alright, Y/N. We’ll see you at home for dinner. Watch your back, Sweetheart,” Dean ended the call and she pulled on her favorite pair of jeans, a clean tank top and a flannel that still had a good day or two left in it. If she was careful, she could wear it home tomorrow. Throwing her boots on and crossing the room, she swung open the door and everything went black.
Y/N struggled against the ropes binding her tightly to the chair. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from a bare bulb hanging overhead. Her head hurt and she could feel the bruises as she fought the ropes. With her years of hunting experience, she knew well enough that she had at least a few bruised ribs, a mild concussion and she felt blood dripping down her face. She could see the cuts on her legs through the torn denim and that pissed her off even more; these were her favorite pair.
She felt the burn of the rope as it cut into her already raw skin, but finally she was able to slip the knot and free her upper limbs. She heard footsteps outside the door and ceased her movements, keeping her arms behind her, fighting the need to stretch them. The door creaked open slowly, a large silhouette filled the frame, blocking out the bright light coming from outside the room.
“Good, you’re awake. I was starting to think I hit you harder than I should have, but then I remembered you’re a Winchester’s bitch and would have to be tougher than that to put up with those dicks,” the voice laughed.
“You shut your mouth! The Winchester’s are great men; legacies! You know nothing about them!” Y/N shouted, her voice echoing through the room.
“I know enough. I know that now that I have you, they will come for you. Once they do, I will have you all right where I want you,” he cackled and you could see him rubbing his hands together.
“So what are you? Some revenge seeking Rugaru? Nah, you would have eaten me by now. Oh, a wimpy wolf? Need me to lure the Winchesters out cause you are too scared to go after them yourself? Or maybe a low-level demon. And that is why you want them to come, because you can’t get into my meat suit so I could lead you back to them. Bet you had trouble getting into the ladies pants when you were human, too, huh?” Y/N snickered, a smile on her face as as she waited for the monster to spill his secrets.
“I suppose you think you are brave, don’t you?” he asked, his voice dripping with disdain for her, a meak human in his eyes.
“Only compared to some,” she responded. “I am certainly more brave than you. At least I have the guts to go after something. You can’t even do that. You kidnap me, hold me hostage, hoping that they will get in their big, black steed and come to my rescue, walking straight into your so called trap. But you don’t know me, or them, as well as you think you do, asshole.”
“Oh yeah? Then why don’t you enlighten me, bitch,” he snarled.
“The way I figure, that witch I took out, yesterday, today, I don’t even know, but was she your special lady? So now you are pissed. I took out yours, so now you want to take out theirs. But you forgot one little thing. You didn’t check me for weapons, did you?” Y/N challenged her captor as she pulled her arms out from behind her and reached into the back of her boot.
The shiny blade was flung from her hand with pinpoint precision, hitting the witch right in the heart. He lumbered backwards a few steps, eyes filled with shock before falling face down right in front of her. She made quick work of freeing her legs from the chair, allowing them to stretch before rising.
“Iron blade with silver inlay, dripped in witch killing brew, ya dumb bastard,” Y/N spat as she kicked the body hard enough to roll it over and retrieve her weapon, wiping the blood on his shirt before slipping it back into it’s custom sleeve inside her right boot. “I fucking love these boots!”
Y/N searched the entire house where she had been held, looking for her stuff. She located her room key, car keys and cell on the table in the dingy kitchen. She grabbed a couple of spell books that were laid out and anything else that could be helpful. She unlocked her phone, seeing it had only been a couple hours since she had talked to Dean and called him back.
“Hey Y/N, I thought you would be asleep by now,” Dean drawled out, his speech hindered by the whiskey, no doubt.
“Yeah, about that. Got kidnapped by the bitch witch’s old man. But he is dead now so it’s all good. I just wanted to call and thank you for these awesome boots! You really know the way to a girl’s heart, Dean,” Y/N gushed into her phone.
“Leather and weapons, Sweetheart. Leather and weapons,” Dean chuckled.
Taglist - you can add or remove yourself here: @iwantthedean @chelsea072498 @paintrider13-blog @d-s-winchester @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms​ @just-another-busy-fangirl @winchesterprincessbride @waywardjoy@like-a-bag-of-potatoes @mamaredd123 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @sis-tafics @deansdirtyduchess  @katymacsupernatural @tankcupcakes  @death2thevirgin  @wonderange @padackles2010 @smoothdogsgirl @meeshw777 @tmccarney @milkymilky-cocopuff  @ashstrom87 @zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat @scorpiongirl1 @gemini75eeyore @katewatso @cosmicpeanuthologram @jotink78 @l8nitl0vr @supernaturalyobsessed @memphisgirl1977 @bmcnally85  @ruprecht0420 @mskitty416 @theoriginalvicki @hexparker @nanie5 @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @sandlee44 @fangirl1802 @moonstar86 @raylin19 @niamandthings  @feelmyroarrrr @kittenofdoomage @t-bear99 @hamartiamacguffin @colorfulobjectenemy @uttertrash--butlikecutetrash  @sammieb1127 @evyiione @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @moshingatthedisco  @winchestersmut  @alicat-life @mogaruke @cyrilconnelly @growningupgeek @charliebradbury1104 @evansrogerskitten @therewillbeblood @docharleythegeekqueen @megansescape @taste-of-dean​  @scarlet-soldier-in-an-impala  @deathtonormalcy56 @wildfirewinchester @notnaturalanahi @jensen-jarpad @impalaimagining @fangirlextraordinaire @itseverythingilike @jesspfly @love-kittykat21​ @mrswhozeewhatsis @aiaranradnay  @supernatural-jackles @samwinlover  @iamnotsaneatall @autopistaaningunaparte @blacktithe7 @emoryhemsworth @dracotomanddeansprincess23 @bringmesomepie56 @devilgirlsarah @spnbaby-67 @holytrenchcoatedsubtextchuck @emilycollins11 @myoutletforfanfiction @deansangelgirl @mizzzpink @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @kayteonline @rockhoochie @wheresthekillswitch 
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Winchesterprincessbride’s Princess Bride Quote Challenge Master List
Thanks to everyone who participated in my challenge.  I enjoyed reading your fics so much! I hope everyone had fun!
1.  “He’s only mostly dead.” @jayankles-The Mighty T-Rex (Dean and short! reader)
2. “I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!” @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Mommy’s Little Helper (Destiel x Reader)
3. “Why did you say that name? You promised me you’d never say that name!” In The Eye@acreativelydifferentlove  (Dean and reader) http://acreativelydifferentlove.tumblr.com/post/165435474212/in-the-eye
4. “Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while,” It’ll Take a Miracle @ericaprice2008 (Dean and reader) https://ericaprice2008.tumblr.com/post/165257355474/itll-take-a-miracle
5. “Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” Something New Every Day.” @kittenofdoomage (Sam and reader) https://kittenofdoomage.tumblr.com/post/165489586607/something-new-every-day
6. “I want you to think you're doing well.  I’d hate for you to die embarrassed.” Catch Me If You Can. @winchesterprincessbride (Sam and demon! reader)http://winchesterprincessbride.tumblr.com/post/166478923714/catch-me-if-you-can
7. “I suppose you think you're brave, don’t you? Only compared to some.” (Implied Dean x Reader if you squint)  Leather and Weapons @atc74   https://atc74.tumblr.com/post/166553377065/leather-and-weapons
8. “You did something right. I won’t let it go to my head.” (Dean and Reader) When Words Fail @jotink78 https://jotink78.tumblr.com/post/166954274380/when-words-fail
9. “There’s not much money in revenge.” (Sam x Reader) Untitled @quicksilver123456   https://quicksilver123456.tumblr.com/post/167051301101/winchesterprincessbrides-princess-bride-quote
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @pinknerdpanda  @atc74@jayankles  @notnaturalanahi@midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog@essie1876@bohowitch@just-another-busy-fangirl@jotink78 @captainradicalpassion@keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis@oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278@stylinson531@valynsia @dr-dean@theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly@muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5@weasleywinchester-blog @samisimportant @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115@milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester
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jayankles · 7 years
The Mighty T-rex
Pairing: Dean x Short!Reader
Word Count: 1294
Summary: Dean teases the Reader due to her height, but her height has its advantages when she decides to use them.
A/N – This is my submission for @sea040561 / @my-favourite-fiction67 100 Followers Supernatural Writing Challenge with the prompt: ‘All the dinosaurs feared the mighty T-rex.’ from Deadpool and also for @winchesterprincessbride Princessbridechallenge with the quote, ‘He’s only mostly dead.’ Both will be highlighted and italicalised.
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‘Whatcha doing up there, T-rex?’ Dean chuckled as he came into the kitchen.
You huffed, grabbing the cereal then putting a hand on your hip and spinning around on the countertop. ‘Someone put my fruit loops on the top shelf. Oh you think this is funny? Because it’s not.’ Your arms dropped from your hips and scowled at the older Winchester.
Dean’s snickers immediately halted, you weren’t one to mess with, especially if you were teased for your height when you were growing up.
‘You’re right, I shouldn’t laugh at your short limbs. Not at all.’
‘Screw you, Winchester!’ Dean had turned to leave but you reluctantly stopped him.
‘What happened to ‘screw you?’ I thought you wanted me to leave.’
You mumbled incoherently, looking down and pouting as you did.
‘I’m sorry, what?’
Rolling your eyes, you replied, ‘I can’t get down, okay! Help me. Please?’ You stomped on the countertop and it clanged below you.
‘Alright, alright! Don’t get your panties in a twist, T-rex. I’ll get you down...’
You sensed that there was more to that sentence and that he would make you do something. He opened his mouth again, here we go, you thought.
‘I’ll get you down, if you kiss me and make me breakfast.’ Dean had argued, taking the cereal box from your grasp and placing it on the table behind him.
You pouted again, your hands reaching out to wrap around his neck but he stopped you with his hands clasped around yours.
‘You gotta promise me, T-rex.’ Dean raised an eyebrow at you, awaiting your promise that you could make your super fluffy waffles. He loved those; he thought they were better than the ones sold at any diner. You could thank your ma for her secret recipe later.
‘I promise, that if you get me down, I will kiss you – god this is stupid – and I will make you breakfast, whatever you want.’
As soon as the last words left your lips, you squealed as Dean scooped you into his arms, your ass settling on the countertop in a flash.
‘Dean,’ you groaned grumpily, it was too early in the morning for this shit. ‘I’m not on the floor so you can’t kiss me. That is not part of the rules, I didn’t promise this. I specifically said-’
Dean had rolled his eyes before he got tired of hearing your grouchy comments, his arm wrapping around your waist pulling you closer then he harshly pressed his lips to yours, effectively cutting your rant short.
He felt your stiff body slowly become lax as your resolve melted against him. You locked your arms around Dean’s shoulders as you began to relax. ‘What do you want me to make you?’ You huffed, tracing your fingers over his back.
‘Your mama’s waffles? Pretty please?’ Dean licked his lips as he thought about the waffley goodness. ‘Mmm and some bacon slices with maple syrup and throw some berries on there if you want.’
‘I wasn’t going to, that’s just extra work for me that I don’t wanna do.’
‘I’m sorry to burst that I don’t do extra work bubble but we got a case. Sam is already on it, told him we would wake up properly, have some breakfast and head over there.’ Dean arms tightened around you, anticipating some sort of wrath from you that you had to hunt and do your job.
Groaning, you buried yourself deeper into Dean’s neck, winding your legs around his waist, drawing him closer. ‘Just eat slow, I wanna prolong this shit.’
‘Or… just a thought, you could make me tons of food and I could kiss the chef in between each waffle you make, huh?’He waggled his eyebrows at you as he pulled away.
As promised, you made Dean the waffles and managed to slip in the secret ingredient without him knowing what it was. He ate slowly, savouring the taste of the fluffy baked concoction, stealing as many kisses as he could as you walked back and forth between the waffle maker and the table Dean was sitting at. He took his time and then you both shared a shower before getting dressed and getting in the impala for a five and a half hour drive to the crime scene where the vampires were sucking their victims blood.
‘T-rex! Behind you!’ Dean had shouted from across the room, dealing with two vamps on his own. You decapitate the female vampire with her fangs out. Her head falls with a dull thud on the hardwood floor. The machete is now coated with her blood but you make no effort to care as the rest of the nest surrounded you and the Winchesters.
Sam had three vamps on him, swinging throough each and every one of them with a little difficulty, acquiring a few scrapes and bruises as they fought against each other. He was tall and strong, he had an advantage over them, also his speed made his fight quick and easy so he could move onto the next target, whch seemed to be on his brothers back as Dean was swarmed with at least another three vamps.
The vampire that Dean warned you about is drawing near, your ears pick up the sounds of footsteps of the creaky floorboards. Flipping the machete, you readied your stance, preparing to take down the taller vamp – of course, they were all taller than you.
You timed your movements with precision, using your height to your advantage and sliding under his legs. The sounds of grunts and moans of struggle from the others died out in the background, only the vampire in front of you and your sounds fell upon your ears.
After a full blown fight between you and the vamp, you were losing your strength, you had become tired and weak.
Or that was what the vampire thought.
As he was about to sink his fangs into you, you smirk and stabbed him in the stomach. You knew it would do nothing to kill him but it could make him stumble away from you. When he careened over his feet, you sheathed your machete once more, the blood of the other vampire dripping onto the floor, where a crimson puddle lies.
Spining the large blade again, you chop the head off of the final vamp that had its eyes on you, its blood splattering over your face.
When it’s body still wriggles and writhes, you swing again it whines before its head is fully off but you do not care for its cries of pain any longer, you only care that it is dead.
‘What are you doing, Y/N?’ Sam asks as he kills another creature.
‘He’s only mostly dead, so bye bye vamp.’
You move onto the vamp that is on top of Dean, clawing its way to his face but you are quicker because before the vampire does anything else, your machete is raised and slicing through the air and its neck.
‘And all the dinosaurs feared the mighty T-rex.’ You stated, bowing to Dean at your honourary nickname that he had given to you.
Dean mouth had flown open, your words spoken to no one in particular, an imitation of the quote Dean had learned from the movie Deadpool. ‘I don’t know whether to be scared or turned on, T-rex.’
‘Why not be both?’ You winked as you hiked the bloodied machete over your shoulder, your other arm winding around Dean’s waist as the three of you exited the basement of the building.
You and the boys are alive. A few scrapes and an almost broken arm, here and there but alive nonetheless. Another day done and dusted. It’s now time to relax before the next case arises.
Lemme know what you think...
@thorne93 @becaamm @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @hymnofthevalkyrie @capsheadquaters @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @goody2shoessmut @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid @mogaruke @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @urpeachess @skybinx-blog @aubzylynn  @deansbaekaz2y5 @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @valerieshubin @be-amaziing @akshi8278 @purplediamon @graceforme86 @its-my-perky-nipples  @dalikah3 @nervousmemzie @mrsbatesmotel53 @lavieenlex @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @muliermalefici @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @moonlover19 @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @milo-winchester-4ever @captainradicalpassion @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @cojootromuelle @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @dslocum89 @misticty @atc74 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @anitalasirenita @queencflair @weasleywinchester @ria132love @spn-fan-girl-173 @nightlyinsomnious
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One Perfect Day
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Summary:  One perfect day leads to trouble when Sam and Dean have a run-in with the BMOL.
Word Count: 3,643
A/N: This one was written for @winchesterprincessbride challenge and the quote was “I want my father back you son of a bitch” and it is in bold.  I loved getting to combine something from one of my all-time favorite books/movie with my always favorite show.  Thank you!
 The day had started out so perfect….
You woke up and made breakfast for your family.  You could still hear their voices, mixed with occasional laughter, echoing through the bunker as they ate and got ready for the “boys day out” they had been planning for a week.
“Come on, Johnny.  We need to get going.”  Sam called down the hallway of the bunker, pulling you from your reminiscing. 
You giggled as you heard your son’s feet crashing down the hall towards the two of you.  He leaped into Sam’s huge arms, the force of his blow eliciting a grunt from his father. 
“You are getting so big, kid.”  Sam said through his own laughter.  He lifted Johnny up only his shoulders and you stepped up to brush some of Sam’s long locks away from his eyes.  He looked down lovingly at your face and leaned down a little to kiss you.  “Love you.”  He whispered.
“Me too.” Johnny called out and Sam held him as he leaned forward and kissed you.
“You two be careful.”  You said, and they marched off to the garage.  You watched them go, thinking how incredibly lucky you were to have them both in your life.  Johnny was like a carbon copy of his father, but Sam told you every day that all he saw was you when he looked at your son.
“Don’t worry.  I’ll keep an eye on them.”  Dean said from behind you as he followed, a bag slung over his shoulder.
“Oh, that makes me feel so much better.”  You sarcastically teased the older Winchester.  Dean smiled back at you over his shoulder, and with a quick wink, he was gone.  You stood and watched the door until you hear the rumble of the impala as she pulled out onto the open road.  With an airy laugh, you shook your head, a grin lingering on your face, before turning to begin cleaning up the bunker.
Several hours later, Dean came back in the bunker, holding your son in his arms.  You were only slightly concerned when you didn’t see Sam, but then you saw the look on Dean’s face and you felt the panic rise in your chest.  He held his finger to his lips as he walked to the bedroom to lay your sleeping child down on the bed.  He carefully laid a blanket over him and then came back into the library where you were waiting.
“Where’s Sam?”  You asked, although the tone of your voice implied more of a demand than a question.
“The BMOL took him with them.”  Dean answered, running his hand through his hair.
“What for?”
“I don’t know.”  He said, and he began telling you everything that had transpired.
As they rounded the corner to head back to the car, they saw the two BMOL women standing in their path.  Sam lowered Johnny down from his shoulders unsure of what was about to happen.  The brothers exchanged a glance between them and continued toward their waiting opposition.
“Sorry to interrupt your day, but Sam, we need you to come with us.”  Toni said in her thick accent.
“What would I do that for?”  Sam asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Because your mother requested it.”  Toni replied stiffly.
“I’m afraid we have to insist.”  Her counterpart added when Sam hesitated.
“Johnny, go with your uncle Dean back to the bunker.”  Sam said, his eyes locked on the British women standing before him.
“Sam?”  Dean asked, his tone cautious.  He didn’t like the idea at all, but he didn’t want to scare his nephew either.  Sam just looked at him, his eyes pleading with him to take care of Johnny.  At that point, keeping his son safe was the only thing that mattered to Sam, and he knew he could trust Dean to do that.
“I want to stay with you.”  Johnny protested, sensing that something was not right.  Sam put his hand on his son’s back, as Johnny threw his little arms around Sam, barely reaching around his frame.
“Daddy’s got to work.”  Sam told him, planting a kiss on the top of his head.  Johnny knew what that meant and he pulled back, looking up at his dad.
“How will you get home?”  He asked innocently.  Sam glanced up at his brother’s face.
“We’ll figure it out.”  Sam said, his eyes on Dean.  Dean nodded, putting his arms around his nephew and holding him close.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.  I didn’t know what else to do.  I was afraid if we fought them, Johnny would end up getting hurt.”  Dean added, his guilt written all over his face.  You knew that leaving his brother had to have been extremely hard for Dean.  It went against everything that had been ingrained in him his whole life, and you understood.  You could never be angry with him for protecting your son.
“Did you talk to Mary?”  You asked.  Dean shook his head.
“I can’t get her or Mick to pick up the phone.  I even tried to get in touch with Ketch, but it’s like they all went MIA.”  Dean explained.
“I have a really bad feeling about this.”
“You and me both.”  Dean admitted.  You felt tears behind your eyes and for a moment, you allowed yourself to panic at his words.  You covered your face with your hands and fought to keep yourself from breaking down.  Dean reached out and put his hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, Sam will be fine.  We will get him back, I promise.”  He told you, the conviction in his words making breathing a little easier and you nodded.
“Your right.  I’m sorry.  What do we do?”  You said, taking a deep breath to focus.  Dean smirked, seeing the hunter in you coming to the foreground of your personality.
“I have some maps around here that Sam drew up of the compound.  He let mom talk him into going over there to see what she was up to.”
“I remember that.”  You said, getting up and going to the bedroom you shared with Sam.  “I think he has a copy of everything stored on the laptop.”  You told Dean, bringing it with you when you came back.
The two of you searched through the files on Sam’s computer for almost an hour, until you heard your son come into the room.
“Hey.  Did you have fun with your dad and Uncle Dean today?”  You asked, your tone suddenly cheerful. 
“It was a lot of fun.  I can’t wait until we can do it again.”  He said enthusiastically, followed by Dean’s laughter.
“Come on, let’s get you some supper.”  You said, leading him away to the kitchen while Dean pulled his cell phone back out and tried calling all the numbers he had again.
You made Johnny a sandwich and he told you all about the day he spent with the brothers while he ate.  Afterwards, you agreed to let him watch a movie in the living room so you could go back to Sam’s files.
“I still can’t get anyone to pick up the phone.  What the hell could they possibly be doing?  I shouldn’t have let him go.”  Dean said, throwing his phone down on the table in front of him.
“There wasn’t anything you could have done without putting Johnny in danger.  You can’t give up on me yet.”  You insisted.
“I’m not.”  He said, running his hand through his hair.  “I’m just worried about my brother.  Mom has gone days without answering us before, but Sam never has.” 
“I know.” Was all you could say.   You wanted so badly to just get in the impala and go find Sam, but neither of you had been to the BMOL compound before and, even with Sam’s maps, it was difficult to determine where they were located.
“Where did Dad go?”  Johnny asked that night as you carried him off to his bed.
“He had a job to do.  He told you that.”  You replied, setting him down and pulling the covers up this his chin.
“That’s not what you and Uncle Dean said.”  He volunteered, his eyes looking away from you.
“What have I told you about eavesdropping?”  You scolded.  There were so many conversations that happened in the bunker that you knew Johnny didn’t need to know about.  You didn’t want the brothers to be afraid to talk in their own home, or to be concerned about what someone else who entered it might say, so you made a strict rule that Johnny was not allowed to sneak around and listen to conversations that the adults were having when they didn’t know he was there.
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to.”  He told you.  “I was watching the movie and I heard Uncle Dean say that he thought dad might be in trouble and that he didn’t like that he couldn’t get anyone on the phone.”
“Okay.”  You began with a sigh.  “The truth is that some people took your dad with them and now we are having trouble getting in touch with any of them, but everything is going to be okay.  You dad is tough and he always makes it home, right?”
“Now, go to sleep.  I’ll see you in the morning.”  You kissed his forehead and turned out the light, easing the door closed behind you.  You leaned against the wall, your hands over your face and your eyes shut tight to hold back the tears.  You took a deep breath and pushed yourself away from the wall, willing yourself back down the hallways to the war room.  As you did, you heard the metal door open and boots hitting the stairway above.
“I understand you’ve been trying to reach us.”  You heard Ketch’s stoic voice.
“Where’s my brother, Ketch.”  Dean asked, his tone civil, but measured.
“Why, he is at the BMOL headquarters.  He is perfectly fine.”  Ketch replied.  You could see him hovering over the railing as you stepped into the room.
“Let me talk to him then.”  Dean demanded.
“Afraid I can’t do that.  It will spoil the experiment.”
“What experiment?”  You asked, stepping forward and attracting Ketch’s attention.
“Hello, Y/N.”  Ketch replied, completely ignoring your question.  He had that same smug grin he always had when he looked at you and you felt yourself shiver a little.
“Ketch, I’m really not in the mood for games.  What are you people doing to Sam?”  You glared up at him.
“I told you.  Sam is fine.  We just need to keep him for a little bit longer.”  Ketch’s voice was a little more forceful than you would have liked, but he still maintained his civility.
“Look you….”  Dean growled.
“Ah, ah, ah” Ketch interrupted.  “There is no need to avoid niceties here.  I only came here because you wouldn’t stop that incessant calling.  Now, I’ve told you where you precious Sam is and that he is fine.  What more could you possibly want?”
“I want my father back, you son-of-a-bitch!”  You heard your son’s voice exclaim from the doorway and you turned to see him scowling up at Ketch.  Ketch turned his head, a smirk on his lips at the audacity of the small child before him.
“Oh look.  It’s the littlest Winchester.”  He said, stepping to the side to get a better look.  You stepped in his line of sight, shielding your son behind you as you did.  Your hand placed on his shoulder to keep him behind you.
“Don’t even think about it.”  Dean snapped at him.
“Fine. I can see that this was a pointless trip.”  Ketch said and turned to leave.  Dean made a move toward the stairs to try and stop him, but Ketch pulled out his gun and pointed it at you.  “I don’t want to hurt her, but I will if you take another step.”  He told Dean.
You could see Dean fuming, but he didn’t make a move.  He would have easily risked his own life without a second thought, but he couldn’t let anything happen to you or Johnny.  Ketch smirked smugly at him before turning and walking out of the door to the bunker.  As soon as he did, Dean raced to the door and you grabbed your son into your arms and took him back to his room.
Dean came back inside, cursing at the fact that Ketch was nowhere in sight.  He walked down the hall to make sure you were okay.  You were sitting on the edge of the bed, your son back under the covers and sitting up against the pillows.
“You sir, have been hanging out with your Uncle Dean too much.”  He heard you say as he walked in the door. 
“Sorry about that.”  Dean said.  You just shook your head to tell him not to worry about it as you tried to hide a smile.  “And you….that was dangerous.  What were you thinking?”  Dean added, turning his attention to Johnny.
“That I wanted to be brave like you and Daddy.”  Johnny told him, tears in his eyes.  “You guys do dangerous stuff all the time.”
“Well, we are older.  You’re just a kid.”  Dean said and Johnny crossed his arms and glared defiantly at Dean.
“I’m old enough.”  He argued.
“You know where he gets that from?”  Dean pointed at you.
“Not the time, Dean.”  You said, using the same ‘mom voice’ you used when you were trying to keep your patience with your son.  Dean relented and walked back out to the library.  You rubbed your eyes and pressed your fingers together at the top of your nose.
“I’m going to go out there and talk to Dean.  You stay right here in this room, no matter what.  I mean it.”  You told him.  Johnny looked down and nodded.
“Yes ma’am.”  He promised and you walked out, once again shutting the door behind you.
You saw Dean pouring a glass of whiskey when you stepped into the library.  With a deep breath, you sat down in one of the chairs and he placed a glass in front of you too.  You smiled and took a sip, the burning sensation running down your throat.
“You okay?”  Dean asked and you shrugged.  You felt exhausted and tense with worry, but you didn’t really have the words to tell him that.
“What are we going to do?”  You managed to ask.
“I just called Jody.  She’s on her way with Clare and Alex.  The girls can stay here and watch Johnny while the three of us go get him.  I figured you wouldn’t want to stay behind on this one.”
“You figured right.  Thanks, Dean.”
It wasn’t long before Jody stepped into the bunker, Claire and Alex closely behind her.
“Hi, honey.  How are you doing?”  Jody asked, wrapping her arms around your shoulders.  You felt yourself relax just a little as you held her tight.
“Hanging in there.  Thanks for coming.”  You responded.  Jody pulled back and smiled.
“That’s what family’s for.”  She said, simply and you reached out to greet the girls. 
It still amazed you that Sam and Dean had such an extended ‘family’ that had welcomed you with open arms.  You didn’t have much family growing up, and when Sam had met you after a Vetalla killed your father, you never expected to find so much love in the world they lived in.  After 7 years of being with Sam, you thought you would be immune to it, but it still surprised you every day.
“Is Johnny awake?”  Claire asked, excited to see him.  She and Alex loved when they got to babysit for you and Sam. 
“Not right now.  I’ll wake him before we go, but I don’t want him to hear any more than he already has.  I don’t want to worry him.”  You answered. 
You knew he would be thrilled to see his favorite sitters and it would take away some of the anxiety he would feel over you and Dean leaving, but you would never leave the bunker without saying good-bye.  It was a promise you and Sam made a long time ago, and neither of you had ever broken it.  You weren’t about to start now.
You and Dean showed Jody all of the maps and plans that you had gotten from Sam’s computer and the three of you determined a general location of where you believed the BMOL headquarters to be.  After loading a few things in the impala, you went to your son’s room to wake him up and tell him good-bye. 
He ran into the main room of the bunker at the thought of seeing Claire and Alex, his sadness and worry momentarily forgotten, much to your relief.  It made it easier to say good-bye to him, kissing him on the forehead and squeezing him tightly before he bounced back to the girls.
You spent most of the ride in the back seat, staring out of the window at the passing fields rush by.  You felt Dean glance back in the rear view mirror at you a couple of times, but he let you be.  The miles ticked by and before long the three of you were staring at the compound in the distance.
The three of you stashed the impala, and covered the remaining distance on foot.  The dark helped to cloak you and you were able to sneak into a tunnel that led to the main chamber without being detected by the guards outside of the building. 
Dean dropped down into the main chamber room, a little surprised that no one was there.  He waved to you and Jody to let you know the coast was clear and you followed.  Leaving the main chamber, you and Jody took a right down the shortest hallway, and Dean followed the longer one to the left.  You lost sight of Dean at the end of the hall, when you and Jody turned to follow the line of rooms at the end of the hallway.
The first couple of rooms were just set up with cots and a dresser for BMOL members, the third obviously belonging to Mary.  You nodded to Jody, who stood guard while you stepped inside.  You glanced around, but didn’t see any sign of her, or any information on what had happened with Sam.  The two of you continued further down the hall until you came to a locked door.
“This has to be something.”  Jody whispered.  You held your gun a little higher, aiming down the hallway to give Jody an opportunity to pick the lock.  You heard the lock snap open and she pushed on the door, revealing Sam sitting in a chair, tied down to prevent him from leaving.  As soon as the door opened, an alarm sounded throughout the bunker.  You and Jody exchanged a quick look of panic, and jumped in, shutting the door behind you.
“How did you get here?”  Sam asked, concerned as you removed the straps restricting his movement.
“I’ll explain everything later.  We have to find Dean and get out of here.”  You answered.  Sam stood up and before you could move to check the door again, he pulled you to him and kissed you hard.
“I’m glad you are here.”  He breathed and you smiled.  You almost forgot about everything going on around you in that moment.
“Okay, you too can continue this later.”  Jody encouraged forcefully.  You almost laughed at her, but you knew she was right.  After peaking around the door, all three of you ran down the hall back toward the main chamber.
As you rounded the last corner of the hallway, you saw Dean fighting with two men you didn’t recognize.  Sam immediately jumped in to help his brother, followed quickly by you and Jody.  With the four of you, it only took a moment to subdue them enough for you all to jump back into the tunnels.  You could hear the commotion behind you, but Dean set an explosive near the door to the tunnel and set it off, preventing anyone from following.
It felt like none of you breathed again until you were in the impala and speeding down the asphalt.
“What did they do to you?”  You heard Dean ask from the driver’s seat.  You glanced up at Sam’s face as he held you tightly to his side, his arm wrapped around you.
“They were testing this mind altering technique.  They kept saying that they wanted to know if it would be different on me since I had demon blood in me.  Man, I was just some kind of freaky lab rat.”  Sam told him. 
“What about your mom?”  You asked him.  Sam just shrugged.
“I never saw her.  Ketch told me that they were leaving on a hunt and that she had left ahead of him.  I don’t know how true that is.  I never saw him again.”  He answered.
“What are we going to do now?  What if they come back?”  You asked the question that was on everyone’s mind.
“We fight.”  Dean answered.  “We may not have any other choice.” 
“I don’t trust these people at all.”  Jody added.  “If you guys decide to fight, count me in.  All you got to do is call.  I can guarantee you that there are a lot of other hunters that would feel the same way.”  She promised.
“We may have to take you up on that.”  Sam told her.  “For now, I just want to hold my son, tuck him into bed, and curl up with my wife.”  He added, practically whispering the last part in your ear.
“Sounds like a perfect night to me.”  You told him, stealing a quick kiss before you heard groaning from the front seat.
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Catch Me If You Can
I wrote this drabble for my Princess Bride quote challenge. My quote was: “I just want you to feel like you’re doing well.  I’d hate for you to die embarrassed.”
Characters: Sam Winchester, Demon! Reader, Dean Winchester, Crowley (mentioned)
I recognized him the second he walked into the bar.  His eyes scanned the crowd before he took a seat at the end of the bar, facing the door.  He thought he was blending into the crowd, but when you're that tall, you tend to stick out.  His hyper-vigilant stance, and the way his eyes kept scanning the room just screamed hunter. 
It was rare to see Sam Winchester out and about without his brother.  Usually, those two were joined at the hip.  Together those two were pretty much unstoppable, but maybe alone I could take him. My reputation downstairs could only benefit if I killed the younger Winchester.
Crowley had this “frenemy” thing going with the Winchesters that I didn’t understand. He said they were “useful”.  If I were running things I would have fed them to the hellhounds ages ago.  I guess that’s why I’m not in charge.
As I nursed my drink I took the opportunity to watch him unobserved.  He was handsome, I gotta say.  The hairdresser I was currently occupying was certainly appreciating the view.  Tall guys with long hair were apparently just her type.  She was pleading with me not to hurt him and her whining was getting tedious.  Time to get this show on the road.
I sashayed around the other side of the bar, knowing for a fact that Sam’s eyes were watching my ass in my tight jeans.  I stopped at the bar across from him, my back to the door.  I looked up, knowing he would be watching me.  Of course, I had picked an attractive meat suit. I may be a demon, but I’m not stupid.
He smiled at me, and I smiled back. “Hey, Sam?” I said, and he immediately stiffened. I allowed my eyes to briefly flash red. “Catch me if you can!” And with that, I was out of my chair and out the door.
A minute later he came bounding out of the bar after me. Damn, he was fast! For such a big guy, he sure could run!  He chased me for several blocks into a dark alley that seemed like it was a dead end. I hid behind a dumpster.
Sam was staring at the brick wall trying to figure out where I had gone when I came up behind him.  “Looking for someone?” I said with a smirk.  “I know you were looking at my ass, by the way.”
He immediately came at me raising an ornately carved knife. I raised my hand and the knife went flying and he slammed against the wall, hard. He slid to the ground, the wind knocked out of him.  I thought he’d stay down, but he immediately got to his feet.
“Nice try, Sam.  You almost got me.  Closest anyone’s come in a while.  I just want you to feel like you’re doing well.  I’d hate for you to die embarrassed.”  I said with a smirk.
“The only one who is dying here is you, bitch! Over here, Dean!” He yelled.  Then he began to recite an exorcism in Latin.  I heard footsteps running up behind me, and I turned to see his brother approaching fast.
I whirled back.  I allowed my eyes to turn their natural red.  “You think your pretty words can hurt me? Guess again! Until we meet again, Sam Winchester!” My meat suit opened her mouth and I shot out in a cloud of red smoke that disappeared over the top of the building.
When she woke she remembered nothing of the past year and a half, and I was already making myself at home in a waitress.
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @pinknerdpanda  @atc74 @jayankles  @notnaturalanahi @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog @essie1876 @bohowitch @just-another-busy-fangirl @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean @theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester-blog @samisimportant @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115 @milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala
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Winchesterprincessbride’s Princess Bride quote challenge!!! DUN DUN DUN
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As you can maybe guess from my URL, my FAVE movie of ALL TIME is the Princess Bride.  And it has SO MANY good quotes, I thought it would be perfect for a SUPERNATURAL challenge!
So here are the deets:
1.  Send me an ask with a quote # and a backup in case yours is taken. (only 1 per customer plus your ship (whoever, whatever, I’m easy!)
2. Make sure to put #Princessbridechallenge in first 5 tags so I can follow it, and tag me so I can reblog it!
3.  I did tweak a few of the quotes a smidge, removing a word or two to make them work in the SPN universe.
4.  Deadline is November 10th
5. It can be a one shot, a series, whatever. It just has to include the quote somewhere.
6. Signal boost this puppy for me!
7. Following me isn’t necessary, but let’s be friends, K?
Quotes are here:
1.  No more rhymes now, I mean it.
2.  Your true love lives.  And you marry another.@legion1993 (Dean)
3.  I just want you to feel like you’re doing well.  I hate for you to die embarrassed. @faegal04 (Sam)
4. Life is pain.  Anyone who says differently is selling something.@kittenofdoomage (Sam)
5.  There’s not a lot of money in revenge.@sabigmart
6.  Please consider me as an alternative to suicide.@manawhaat (Lucifer)
7. Have fun storming the castle!@letmusicguideu
8.  You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means. @reigningqueenofwords (Young John)
9.  Marriage is what brings us here today….
10.  As you wish.@captainradicalpassion (Dean)
11.  He’s only mostly dead.@jayankles DONE
12.  I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!@thing-you-do-with-that-thing (destiel)DONE
13. Death cannot stop true love.  All it can do is delay it for awhile@ericaprice2008 (Dean).
14. I told you I would always come for you.@percywinchester27
15. We’ll never survive.  Your only saying that because no one ever has.@moonlitskinwalker
16.  I want my father back, you son-of-a-bitch! @a-winchester-fairytale
17. Why did you say that name? You promised me you’d never say that name! @acreativelydifferentlove (Dean)
18. Marriage is what brings us here today.
19. I suppose you think you’re brave, don’t you? Only compared to some.@atc74 (Dean)
20.  You did something right.  I won’t let it go to my head.@jotink78 (Dean)
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda  @atc74@jayankles  @notnaturalanahi@midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals@winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog@essie1876@bohowitch@just-another-busy-fangirl@jotink78 @captainradicalpassion@keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis@oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278@stylinson531@valynsia @dr-dean@theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly@muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5@weasleywinchester @samisimportant @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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