4463-amg · 7 years
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Princess Serenity🌙
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himekawamaki · 7 years
@princesssincerity • Incoming message
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“I ask you and your friends to please to not let citizens witness your battles. It’s too risky and we may not be able to coverage on a grand scale.”
“Keep it in mind the next time you fight a digimon in the human world.”
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sincereprincessmimi · 7 years
starter for princesssincerity
Walking along the sidewalk to head home after school, Mimi hummed lightly to a song she has had stuck in her head until a flashing light caught her attention off down another street.
She walked over to look for the source until she found what looked like a hole, in the middle of the sidewalk.
It wasn’t the first time she had seen something like this, but didn’t really know what to do about it. Curiosity got the better of her and she walked closer to it for a better look, she cautiously stepped through it after testing that it wouldn’t hurt her and almost jumped back through in shock when she stepped out in front of herself. Or someone that looked just like her at least.
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
Digimon OTP Week: Stars, and the Eclipse of the Sun
((For those of you that have been keeping an eye on my blog recently, you’ve probably been wondering just where the heck is all the Michi love. Well, I have good news! Here is some of the Michi goodness I’ve been planning on writing!)) Also, I want to thank @princesssincerity for not only helping me to come up with the idea, but also part of the ending! You rock! -------------------------- The stars. Taichi and Mimi both had always had a love of space, of planets, systems, galaxies, and the stars. The stars. The stars in her hair, the stars on his shirts, they coordinated on pure instinct enough that Taichi swore it was a rip-off of some romantic, fluffy movie Mimi enjoyed. But then again, here they were. Astronomers sent to a small beach north of Charleston South Carolina. What started off as a hobby became a shared activity, and finally evolved to their work being the researching, viewing, and observing of astrological events. Hikari often ribbed her brother and sister-in-law that they were Yamato’s biggest fans, to the point they would look for him whenever he had missions to the International Space Station, the Moon and so forth. Today though was their one-two combo, a dream vacation for the both of them. They would fly south to Atlanta, visit the quiet beaches of Jekyll Island, and work down towards Miami, then fly up to New York City. First though was their beachside observation of the solar eclipse. “Well Mimi, do you think we can count this as work time, sitting here, waiting for the eclipse to reach totality here?” Mimi cheerfully nodded, making some final adjustments on their instruments and equipment. “Taichi, how did you convince the head-honchos to let us come to America for this?” Taichi sat back into his chair, and made sure his specialized sunglasses were on comfortably. “It wasn’t all me you know. They knew how much you and I wanted to see this, and the vacation days we hadn’t used, and I promised we’d send them a live feed. No audio though.” Mimi chuckled at the last part, remembering their visit to the Japanese countryside for work ending up becoming a big anniversary celebration instead. Taichi was mortified that he did not turn off audio before he threw a three minute punny flirt-athon at Mimi. “C’mon Mimi, you know they still call me ‘Porcupine-kun’, right?” Even if it was a nickname he preferred was private, he still found it funny all the same. As the Sun slowly moved towards its position, Taichi held Mimi’s hand. “Who would’ve thought we’d be here back in 1999? Or 2003? Or even 2005!” Mimi kissed Taichi’s hand, and placed her other hand on top of his. “I may have had a feeling we might. I’m glad I was right.” “Me too Mimi.” On cue, the cameras filmed and took high-definition pictures, and Taichi and Mimi kissed one another gently on the lips. Nothing could take this moment from them. The duo took a look through the properly treated lenses and watched the fantastic sights above them. "Wow it’s so dark and edgy. Yamato must be in space right now.” Sometimes they could be very serious. Sometimes, sappy. Right now though, they were laughing at the idea of Yamato being in space makes it darker. That’s what they loved about their bond. No matter the situation, they always were able to be in tune with one another. They could calm one another down and find the good in the worst situations, or in this case, add some beloved humor to a quiet and romantic moment.
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ladykiradevimon · 7 years
@princesssincerity continued from {x}
Amelia finished changing from her work clothes to comfy jeans and t-shirt, tying her hair up as she left the room. The lack of her partner wasn’t too disconcerting - Lady liked to watch all hell break loose (and Amelia didn’t even briefly entertain the thought that Lady was visiting Bumblebee). “I’m always glad when you drop by, Mimi,” she smiled brightly, stepping to hug her friend.
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akkinonokia-blog · 7 years
princesssincerity replied to your post: “How is it digimon always seem to be so hungry?...
“I don’t think the word Full is in their vocabulary.”
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“True but I really wish it was...I feel like these two are eating a hole in my pocket with how much money I am having to spend on them.” At least Nokia was smiling now but still. It took so much food to keep Agumon and Gabumon happy.
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kibokurestu · 7 years
“Can you believe that @princesssincerity thinks we’re UGLY because I can’t and I’ll never recover from it.”
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flyonmylovee · 7 years
@princesssincerity liked for a starter !
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The day had proven to be perfect for a beach trip. By the time the girls arrived, it was already sweltering hot. Piyomon’s excitement had fizzled to fatigue about halfway through the bus ride there. 
    ��   “Tell me you brought snacks.” Sora chuckled, clutching her partner in her arms as the little bird drifted off. “Someone needs an energy boost.”
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setsukix · 7 years
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❝ Oh, you heard me correctly, I said get on your knees and beg for your life. ❞
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godaimestrings · 7 years
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           ❝ You uh, you lost or somethin’ miss? ❞
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goresqued-blog · 7 years
 ( @princesssincerity  ♡ s. c. )
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      $$ `   ♚  ╰   ♡                            
              ❛ i lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt  ,                     but I make these HIGH HEELS work .   ❜ ( P!ATD  ♡  DON’T THREATEN ME WITH A                     GOOD TIME )
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sincereprincessmimi · 7 years
“Don’t even think about trying to run away.”
Mimi was startled when she finally had a good look at her kidnapper, seeing her own face, though something seemed off to her about the woman before her.
She was too stunned to initially process what was said to her though once she got over it she asked, “What do you want from me?”
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
Something Special
((For @princesssincerity , I hope you have an awesome birthday! :D ))
Taichi lightly stepped around the main room, with his arms in a weird position as he repeated the movements.
The bell being rung, stopping Taichi in his tracks.
“Coming!” Taichi yelled out, making sure he was ready for the person on the other side of the door.
Just as he opened the door, he was greeted with a quick flash of the peace sign and a trademark heartwarming smile, meaning it could only be Mimi Tachikawa.
“Good morning Taichi!” Mimi said, full cheerfulness and eager to get the day started.
“Morning Mimi.” Taichi replied, with a chuckle, not as enthusiastic to be up so early in the morning, but happy to have some fun for the day.
“C’mon Taichi, it’s not like I’m making you do this.”
“True, I’m just tired. But I’m ready, don’t worry. Groceries, cooking, dinner, right?”
Double checking he had his money ready, the two headed out to get supplies. After a quick walk and some small talk, the duo started filling their baskets for supplies for some treats they were making for friends and themselves.
“I honestly am still amazed at how you find such weird ingredients to make such delicious food.”
“Well, I could say I just have the magic touch, knowing what to pick the first time, but it’s a lot of trial and error. I’m persistent, because I love cooking, and I know I can make something special, I just have to keep trying!”
Taichi smiled, recognizing one of the many of their core similarities.
“I’m the same way, as you well know by now. I practice for soccer all the time, and well...I’m thinking of getting some training for some work in...I guess diplomacy?”
Mimi, in the middle of stretching to grab some sugar on the top shelf, paused and turned to look at Taichi.
“You want to be a diplomat?”
“...Nah, it was a silly idea forget it.”
Mimi immediately put the sugar in her basket, and loudly placed it on the ground, staring at Taichi with fierce determination.
“Taichi I’m not about to let you sink your own dream like that. I didn’t ask because I thought it was silly. I think you’d be really good at it. You’ve been our group leader for years, and you’ve been learning to be better at reading emotions in each of us, and carefully planning to account for that.”
Mimi bent over to pick up her basket, but stopped, looking sad about something.
“Besides...you never called my dreams silly, or stupid. Why would I do that to you?”
Her emphasis on “you” made Taichi’s heart skip a few beats. 
“I uh...Thanks Mimi.” Taichi said, floored by her passion for seeing his dream happen, even if she was the only one to know it.
“I hope you know that means you might have to go spend some time in America.”
“I do, do I?”
“Yep, and if you play your cards right, I might even come along.”
“You would, huh? That makes the whole idea that much nicer to me. Okay then Mimi, if you and your folks end up moving back overseas, I’ll see about coming with you guys.”
The two laughed, and continued to coyly and covertly flirt with each other, little by little. They kept it up all the way back to the Yagami residence, where Taichi helped Mimi get the ingredients in, and she in turn helped him get set up to cook alongside her.
“Where’s the rest of the family? I figured Hikari would be here at least.”
“Hikari’s out with Takeru, apparently he owes her some ice cream after losing some small bet, Dad’s at work, and Mom’s out to the gym for some swimming. Just us!”
Mimi arched an eyebrow with an equally snarky and flirty grin.
“Really...Hmm, you and me, here alone, in the kitchen. Taichi, you wouldn’t have planned this on purpose, right?”
Taichi laughed, and started working on his surprise dessert for Mimi.
“Mimi, I’m not that smooth.”
He was. He just wasn’t going to tell her until the last big surprise.
“Sure, fine, I totally believe you no wait no I don’t believe you. Taichi you sly dog, I never would’ve picked you for a plan like this.”
“Mimi, you greatly over-estimate my skills.I appreciate your confidence, but I think you’re banking on something I have very little of.”
“Fine, fine, you win Taichi.” Mimi grumbled, still feeling like Taichi had something planned.
After a few more hours of jokes, small talk, and discussions on personal and private dreams for the future, Taichi had finished up his cake, snuck her surprise message in with icing, and got it in the fridge at the right time, all the while she had baked some delicious desserts, both traditional Japanese and American dishes, and some of her own making, and Taichi was absolutely crazy for her latest dessert, which she nicknamed a “Taichi Swirl” in honor of his excitement and pure joy.
“So Taichi what are we going to do for...”
The doorbell rang, and on cue there was some Dream Factory Pizza delivered.
“Taichi, you got pizza without telling me?”
“You said how much you love pizza, so I wanted to take the chance to get some pizza for us. Is your favorite still a pep...”
To his relief, he looked over to see Mimi happily having a slice from her pizza, complete with a grin of delight on her face.
“Taichi...this pizza...is soooooooo goooood.”
“Only the best for a friend like you Mimi.”
Taichi, aware he just let his rather low-key appreciation of her slip out, embarrassingly scrambled to get the cake out and sneak it on to the table.
He had to get this part right. Sunset wasn’t something he could delay, or hurry up.
“Hey Mimi...Surprise!”
Mimi sat up and turned around to see Taichi smiling with a very nicely made cake in front of him.
“Is that the cake you made?”
“Your favorite flavors, and I had to get a little sneaky on the icing but...”
To Mimi’s shock and joy, the cake was made with such finesse that she felt a moment of doubt as to whether this was the same cake he made that morning. She then reminded herself of how he had her watching television while he was in the kitchen quietly working, and it all added up. 
“Taichi I didn’t...you don’t need to...”
“Sure I don’t need to. I’m not doing this because I needed to. I wanted to! Besides, this, is the true icing on the cake.”
With a click of a small remote in his hand, some American music turned on the speakers, and Taichi held his hand out.
“Surprise...Learned how to dance. A little. You kept saying you wanted to dance with friends, but none of us knew how. So, a few lessons, practicing before you got here, and well...”
Mimi recognized the song as one from a rather popular series of movies, with a twist on typical fairy tales. She knew the name, but she was so touched by Taichi’s gesture she decided she’d think on that later.
With a beautiful sunset lighting up the room, the two slowly danced along, happy as can be.
“I wanted to surprise you because...You already do so much for me, this is one way for me to do something nice for you.”
“Thank you Taichi.”
“I love you Mimi.”
Mimi stopped mid dance, and with a mix of shock, joy and tears, she tightly hugged Taichi.
“I love you too Taichi!”
After some more dancing, the duo sat down, and enjoyed the cake, watching television, and smiling.
Taichi and Mimi loved how one another would inspire and support their ideas, work with them, and make the most of the best and worst times. 
Now...there was no fear, no worries. They loved one another, and the day would always be theirs.
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ladykiradevimon · 7 years
Lady has all four dining room chairs at the counters, leaving no places nearby for Amelia, Mimi, or Palmon to sit. A cookbook is propped open by the sink, the recipe for a chocolate cake with whipped fudge filling and chocolate buttercream icing is open, spanning the two pages. The oven is heated, and she has the cake pans lined and ready to go on top of the stove. Amelia is fairly certain there’s going to be chocolate everywhere.
Lady has her gloves off, her sharp claws retracted so she can work without scratching anything - or dirtying her gloves. She’s adding boiling water to cocoa powder, eyeballing the amount as close to 2/3 of a cup as she can get. Amelia’s birthday is tomorrow, and Lady promised Mimi she’d make a cake so that Mimi wouldn’t have to. “I was just going to get cupcakes and a bottle of wine, honestly,” it will be her 27th birthday, and just over a year of working for the FBI.
“Yeah, but Mimi always bakes everyone’s cake. I want her to try mine before her birthday,” Lady chirps from the kitchen, adding sugar and vanilla to a stand mixer where she’s been beating butter. She has three eggs on the counter, warming up to room temperature, sitting in front of her bowl of flour and her bowl of cocoa mix. While everything is following what the book says, Lady is also half winging it - she’s not got the same eye for cooking or baking Mimi has, not by a long shot, but she knows when it’s appropriate to make adjustments.
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its-your-light · 7 years
⚠️ What is one thing the muse wishes the mun could have warned him/her about?
That Taichi is her big brother and loves her unconditionally, but he’s also human. He makes mistake. He has biases and fears. He can’t live on a pedestal.  
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