#prison in question is this drawing that I've been chipping away at for almost a month now
authorcoledipalo · 2 months
Writing Interview Tag!
Getting tagged and getting to respond is super fun so thank you @aintgonnatakethis !
About me
When did you start writing?
I started writing using word when I was 9, but I've been drawing and creating stories long before that. The first ideas I ever came up with was a pamphlet for a basic horror movie that I made up, but my most influential work was "Limbo". Loosely based around my dreams I created a story that tied them all together.
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Occasionally non-fiction. Mostly Self-help books for inspiration (recommended by my father) and this one that I've read called Prisoners of Geography that goes over the way that geography has effected the real world through Geo-politics. (I thought it would be neat and might help me come up with new ideas for my book but it just ended up being king of interesting on its own)
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
I've not yet been compared to any authors. Emulate someone? I'm not sure. But I would like to be someone like Rick Riordan; he's very wholesome, has a great community, and has written a lot of great books. I'd just like to cater to an older audience.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I usually write in my bedroom. I have plenty of space and it was originally a gaming set up but now I've been playing less video games and used this space to focus mostly on school work and writing. If I am away then I'll bring my IPad, or when I was in school I'd chip away at my work using the laptop they gave us.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Fixing mistakes. Sometimes I'll write a little, not like it, and remember exactly what I need to do to fix it. This gives me the motivation to continue writing and has honestly given me some of my best work. Other times I'll listen to my writing playlist (which also happens to be my lawn mowing playlist as all of the best ideas come from when I'm mowing the lawn lol).
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
I grew up in a Florida neighborhood without a lot of kids so most of the time I was inside, away from the heat, and doing something on the computer like Minecraft or writing. It probably influenced me by limiting me to those options, but now I try to experience new perspectives and write about things that I'm not completely familiar with.
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
I wouldn't say they exactly surprise me, but they often come after I've made the story. I have the characters, their motivations, the plot, the setting, and from that the themes emerge. I often change things to fit this theme after I've come up with it but the most reoccurring theme is the one of corruption and found family or the lack there of.
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
I know it's a cop out but I can't choose, it's always changing and I can't remember any all of a sudden. Right now I'm thinking Stanford from gravity falls but I'm always thinking of different characters.
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I started to overthink this question and accidentally got philosophical. My first thought was Mathew, he's from the last story chronologically but was inspired by my first story "Limbo". Another that came to mind was this (currently) unnamed assassin from the story that should technically come after the one I'm currently working on and honestly I would love to get into the nitty gritty about that Idea now so maybe a post for later!
Which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
Raymond. He's made to be disliked. Kind of a jerk and a pretty bad person. Also Greyson, he's a rich snob who thinks he can get his way just cause he has money. Ironically he was almost manipulated by one of my favorite side characters before... uh, something... happens to him.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
It starts with the plot. I have an idea and I need to fill it in with characters, their personalities come with how they should respond to these situations and everything builds off from there.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Yeah, they're kind of messed up. Everyone is flawed, but they grow. They all do, even if it's downward.
How do you picture your characters?
Like it's a movie. The medium changes however I mostly imagine live action, sometimes imagine anime but I feel like that would be kind of unrealistic, although an adaptation would be sick.
My writing
What’s your reason for writing?
My first inspiration was my mom, I wanted to be like her and write. Now, I still look up to her for that, but I also like the idea of creating these stories to share with others, just to have something that I can call mine and share with people.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Definitely when they pick up on something. The thing that motivated me the most is when one of my friends was reading my notes and asked about Raymond, then told me that she hates him as a person and that I was doing a great job writing the characters.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
As someone who's work was able to reach far, make people think, and hopefully inspire them.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Very obvious strength but my creativity, It helps me get over so many obstacles and come up with all of these ideas and put them together in my head.
Have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
My characters, the plot, and being able to plan almost everything in my head on the spot.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm pretty proud of it. I've been improving a lot and I've been very happy about where I am now, even though there is so much work to be done!
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
Yes. I would still want to do this, for myself, for my characters, just because.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
I like to think that I write purely for myself but it's also important to consider things that others enjoy because it gives me a point of view that I otherwise may have been unaware of.
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yuyu-bubu · 2 years
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S. Baja Blast Fazbearington adventure
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