#privyet bitches
thisisnotjuli · 2 years
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I posted 11,524 times in 2022
That's 7,164 more posts than 2021!
135 posts created (1%) 11,389 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,570 of my posts in 2022
#mundial - 639 posts
#arg tag - 384 posts
#goncharov - 117 posts
#me - 107 posts
#latam tag - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#lo que haya‚ galletitas o sobras de pizza de ayer o whatever. y si estan en mi casa ~1h antes de la hora de la comida les ofrezco quedarse
My Top Posts in 2022:
días como hoy I kinda wish tumblr's trending page was also por ubicación como twitter solo para poder ver los simuladores trending #1
33 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
“Odio trabajar con la presion del tiempo. Me deprimen los limites.” Mario Santos, Los Simuladores temporada 2, episodio 9.
Santos is such a dramatic bitch lo amo
40 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
necesito que toda la gente que sigo que no está hablando del partido ahora mismo cierren tumblr y no vuelvan hasta las 7 necesito que mí dash sea solo yo y mis mutuals argentines collectively loosing our minds
99 notes - Posted December 9, 2022
seis tenían marcando a messi bua chabon he's just a little guy he's just a tiny little guy he's an itsy bitsy little dude denle un poco de lugar
139 notes - Posted December 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Goncharov score masterpost
I want to make a post to keep track of all the Goncharov score that’s been uploaded to tumblr, so I will link to all the one’s I’ve found so far and update with any new ones that come up (if you know any I’m missing please share the link!)
Main Theme uploaded by @caramiaaddio
Main Theme (End Titles) uploaded by @if-only-angels-could-prevail
Main Theme (Reprise) uploaded by @raccoonfink
Main Theme uploaded by @eternenty
General Soundtrack uploaded by @mortal-ghost
Shortened Main Title as used in the original theatrical release, uploaded by @somanyofthekids
Main Theme (Opening Credits) uploaded by @fireball-me
The Bridge Breaks uploaded by @nicewizard
The Clocktower uploaded by @dungeonmastersconsortium
Farewell Scene uploaded by @levuna
Farewell Scene - Extended Version uploaded by @levuna
Tempus Fugit - “Clock Theme” uploaded by @trupowieszcz 
Goncharov Theme in Minor uploaded by @mapplejuice 
Katya’s Leitmotif (Vinyl Rip) uploaded by @unscharf-an-den-raendern 
Andrey’s Theme uploaded by @the-frosty-mac
It Is True (Extract) uploaded by @hex-of-els
Memories Of Water - Goncharov Soundtrack uploaded by @rismrus
Katya’s Sonata uploaded by @arcanistvysoren
“For My Love” Andrey’s Serenade uploaded by @diagnosed-anxiety-disorder
Stolen Time uploaded by @avatar-of-the-vast
Sharing A Dance uploaded by @the-frosty-mac
In The Boathouse uploaded by @madame-karenina
What Was And Will Be uploaded by @piano-flute
Overture on the Clocktower uploaded by @dead-minecraft-fandoms
Privyet Goncharov uploaded by @rismrus
Goncharov’s Gun uploaded by @netcup
Sofia’s Serenade to Katya, from the deleted scene in the boat where she sings “Come Raggio di Sol,” uploaded by @melongumi
Sofia’s Theme uploaded by @andrey-transgenderism
See the full post
47,497 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Chapter 2
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It had been a few weeks since the strange night had occurred at the bar, and Anna seemed to move on from sleeping with Derek as she had with other partners in recent years.
"He was just too cocky and sure of himself." Anna complained to Nastya over a coffee last week, noting that his lack of being around often, plentiful attitude, and unwillingness to settle in any measure became a turn off for her, "Note to self, don't sleep with Feds." Anna laughs.
Still despite this, every once and a while Nastya would receive a shopping invite from Penelope, her excuse that with the blonde's line of work, some people outside of a federal building would do her some good. They had actually become decent friends, not seeing much of the others, but it was definitely enough to be invited to a friendly brunch. So this is exactly why she had met up with Emily and Penelope five hours after they got back from a cross country flight, a healthy 10am brunch to cut loose and hang around civilians for once.
Nastya was the first there, the reservations under Penelope for four people, leaving the young teacher to wonder who the fourth person would be. Emily is the next to arrive, spotting the table by Nastya's brown hair in a twisted updo exposing her gold necklace over a white sweater, jeans, and heeled boots like usual.
"Privyet," Emily greets her, the two standing to kiss on the cheek, a nice welcome to Nastya who could read that Emily tried wholeheartedly to respect and not insult Nastya's background. "How are you doing?"
"Privyet, I'm doing well," Nastya answers sitting down at the same time as Emily, "How was the great state of California?"
"You know we barely see anything except the crime scene." Emily laughs.
"Yeah that's fair, maybe you ought to go there on an actual vacation, lord knows you all need it." Nastya suggests, while keeping an eye on the door for Penelope to come through with the mystery person. She turns back to the agent in front of her, "Seriously, I don't know how you all do it, that long in a career like this? Anna finds Derek insufferable. It has to take its toll on all of you?"
Emily nods along, readjusting in her seat, "I think Derek coming across as a hot-shot is more to do with his personality than his job, but I do see what you mean." The last part leaves her lips as a laugh.
The conversation between Nastya and Emily picks up the longer they wait, most of it by sharing details of the previous case, save for all of the gore, focused mainly on Emily's gripes with the local Californian PD units butt-hurt that they couldn't handle a serial killer by themselves.
It was during Emily's rant about the police that Penelope walked in with the tall man who drove her home just a few weeks ago, Penelope eager to hug Nastya and sit down, Spencer more awkward just by waving and selecting the seat across from her.
"Is that really true, Pen?" Nastya asks her as Penelope settles into her seat and starts looking at the menu, "Do these people really give you hell just because you're not physically there?"
Penelope nods in response, "Yeah, they don't like how big government can just swoop in and learn everything needed, but it's whatever, I get what I need every time."
Nastya nods along and turns to Spencer, "Nice of you to join us, how are you doing?"
"I'm doing alright, how about yourself?" The answer from him is short and feels scripted, and suddenly Nastya understands Anna, all of these FBI men are very curt and guarded in basic conversation.
"I've been doing good, glad everyone is pretty good given the circumstances." She answers, while understanding that he could have been barely listening. Much of the brunch consists of Natasha interacting with the other women present, and Spencer not really adding much to the conversation. The drinks come and go, as does the food, and for the most part everyone is enjoying themselves.
Spencer can't help but run through an internal monologue, questioning why Natasha puts him off, and why he can't seem to be engaged in the conversation like he would have been at work, or at least without Natasha there. Spencer settled on the possibility that she was just too new to the dynamic, and didn't appear to be a stable fixture, considering it took many months for him to open up to Prentiss, let alone Rossi. Was he really expecting himself to open up to her after a few weeks? It seemed impossible, and yet when she looked at him, and honestly looked him in the eyes, he couldn't help but to feel like he should. Hell, she had all of their numbers, even Morgan's who had stopped seeing Natasha's friend only 6 days and 15 hours ago.
Natasha's voice rang clear, "What's everyone's plans for the rest of this fine Sunday?" She smiles, glancing at everyone in the room, taking notice that Spencer was staring at her passively.
Penelope was the first to answer, "More than likely go home, play some online games, and relax before we get that inevitable phone call from Hotch." To the last part Emily and Spencer chuckle. Emily is the next to speak up.
"Mainly spend some quality time with Sergio and watch chick-flicks." She smiles at the end.
"Your boyfriend?" Natasha asks, causing Emily to laugh.
"No, my cat. But if any man could be as great as him? That'd be a miracle." The response is warm and filled with humour, keeping the topics light. "What about you, Reid?" Emily attempts to rope him into the conversation.
"Library." It's a short answer again, like he just wants to leave the table now. In reality, he'd rather be with his work friends than alone, but can't bring himself to stay interested in much.
Emily raises her eyebrows slightly as a reaction and turns to Natasha reposing the question to her. "And what about you?"
"I'll probably just go home, keep the fort held down while my Mama runs the store." She answers. "Maybe have Anna over to make sure she doesn't get the idea to call your co-worker again." Penelope and Emily can't help but to laugh at the idea. Natasha then looks at her watch. "Speaking of, I should probably foot my bill and take leave, I didn't realize it was already noon."
The table says their goodbyes as Natasha packs up and leaves her payment on the table for Emily to close up, and walks out of the restaurant glad she was able to spend good time with her new friends doing something other than shopping.
As usual, the trip back to the home and store was uneventful. She greeted her mother who was working, by waving to the window as she walked up into the apartment. As she entered the home, she took a moment to really soak in her life, how insane it was to be casual friends with federal agents, as one would just be casually friends with military members in Russia. Sure she knew if any of them came around to this area of D.C. it would spur odd looks by an untrusting immigrant populus, but for the most part all of the people she had met were kind and non judgemental. It would be a lie to say she was unaffected by mob activity on the East Coast, it's mob activity that killed her father, yet somehow even just knowing that her and her mother kept to themselves, their work, and their church created an air of enough safety to at least make those types of friends.
It's on this train of thought she remembers to call Anna. She picks up on the third ring of course.
"Privyet, what's going on?" Anna answers the phone, sounding slightly rushed.
"Privyet Anna, do you have plans today? You could come over, or I could go to your apartment." Natasha keeps the request short but it takes Anna a moment to respond.
"Ummmm, I'm not exactly sure if now is a good time, Nastya. I'm a little caught up in something at the moment." She finally answers Nastya, her voice quieter than usual.
"You're busy? At 2 in the afternoon on a Sunday?" Nastya questions her, already knowing the outcome.
"Look, don't be mad, but he's in the shower, and I need to go before he comes out." Anna rushes the answer, knowing Nastya would berate her for this later.
"Anna! We agreed!" Nastya switches into Russian. "You dumb bitch, kick him out!"
"Love you, bye!" Anna laughs at Nastya's temper, blowing a kiss before hanging up the phone.
The blunt hanging up makes Nastya shake her head, settling down onto the couch to pass her time watching the TV. She knew her mother would be closing up the shop in a few hours, and decided against going back out.
Later that night, as Nastya and her mother sat down to eat dinner, the obvious questions about the day are expressed over the meal.
"How was work?" Nastya asks, savouring the meal in front of her, it was basic, just pan cooked chicken and potatoes, but it was good food with the weather only starting to warm up.
"It was good, thank you Lisichka." Her mother answers after swallowing her mouthful. "You know how that shop is, busy until it's quiet, and quiet until it gets busy." More chewing fills the living area until her mother asks a question. "How was your time out?"
"It was good, the man who drove me home went along with Emily and Penelope. The girls are very welcoming, the men not so much." Nastya answers, fiddling her piece of chicken around on her fork. "I think Anna saw Derek again today, I called and she said she was busy with 'him' but I didn't get a name."
"That Derek boy isn't good for her, too flashy." Natasha's mother laughs. "But she'll do what she wants, I only hope her parents don't throw a fit."
"You never throw a fit when I sleep with someone."
"Because you have good taste, Anna needs a good Russian boy in her life, none of these so-called agents. It'll only make life more difficult for the Lebedev's. They already lost one son, no use worrying over a son-in-law who could also die." Her mother's commentary on Anna's life makes Nastya laugh at first, but then settle due to the nature of the rest of the comment. That was the one aspect of conversation that always made Natasha irritated, of course mothers always loved their daughters, but sons were just revered more, and a son with dangerous work? Anna better plan on having children fast if she were to ever settle with someone like Derek.
"It'll never go that far, Mama, Anna loves fun too much." Natasha covers for her practical sister. "She won't nest a home until she's in her 30's."
"A waste of her youth if you ask me. And what of you? When will you settle down on your fun? Teaching is nice, but I want to see our family name continue as well." The conversation had usually always gone this direction, causing Natasha to lay her fork down.
"Mama, I love you, but please. This isn't Russia, I can marry and have kids whenever I please. Anna too." Natasha leaves the answer stinging in the air, talking about tradition and culture was always a point of contention with her mother, and just as she went to open her mouth, the home phone rang. Natasha went to answer.
"Privyet, Semyonov house." She answers. Thankfully it's Anna on the other end.
"Nastya! Listen, I got the apartment cleaned up, come over?"
"I can't, I have work tomorrow, Anna." Nastya eyes her mother knowing staying here is the only option mentally.
"Jesus, I do too, but you're all caught up no?"
"Nyet Anna, I can't go. We can talk after work tomorrow but it's best if we just stay in, yeah? It's dark out and not the safest. If you need anyone just call Derek again."
"I would but I can't, these fucking agents and being called at any hour of the day, any day of the week. You were right."
"I know I was," Natasha chuckles at her friend's antics. "Stay in, we'll get dinner sometime this week."
"Okay, bye."
"Love you, bye." Natasha hangs up the phone and goes back to the table to discover that in the brief conversation, her mother had finished her plate and started on dishes.
It would be that later in the night, she found herself hovering over the contacts in her phone as she laid in bed trying to go to sleep. Spencer was saved as "Dr. Reid," a note to their acquaintanceship having more merit than a friendship, and she wondered what would have to be done in order to even have a shot at being friends. Sure she had her own, from work, from the church, the people she grew up around, but there was something about Dr. Spencer Reid that made her want to at least try to get to know him.
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kateofthecanals · 4 years
Hi, one of the worst things D&D did to SanSan IMO wasn't erase the romance but what they did to the characters alone and how affected new book readers, Hound was turned into a brute,killing machine with no emotions but revenge "CLEGANEBOWL GET HYPE" YAWN .Sansa turned into a jealous bitch who want power and have no kindness and don't love, And the new clown ships, jonsa, theonsa z z z and new readers think will happen in the books, Your thoughts?(sorry for my english, greetings from Russia)
Privyet! Your English is just fine and everything you said is 1000% correct. D&D could never grasp SanSan because they could not even understand Sandor and Sansa as individuals.
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polandballcomics · 5 years
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Privyet, Bitch
via reddit
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bondsmagii · 5 years
as the Ravkan language is clearly based on the Russian one, here's some things about Grishaverse that really Get My Goat as somebody who has a basic understanding of Russian:
  the last names of females almost always end with a or, in the case of names ending in -sky, they would change to skaya. so for example: Alina Starkova, Genya Safina, Zoya Nazyalenskaya, Nina Zenika.
  the last names of males never end in an a. for example, it would be Ilya and Aleksander Morozov.
  this is more something I see in the fandom, but the nickname for Aleksander would not be Aleks. those the Darkling was close to, if they knew his name, would call him Sasha.
I know this is a fantasy language etc but when chunks of it are literally Russian ("da, kapitan", to use one example, literally Actual Real World Russian for "yes captain") I feel these things and the fact that some poor bitch was named Privyet ("hello"!!) should be acknowledged!!
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polandballforever · 5 years
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Privyet, Bitch
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polandballdump · 5 years
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Privyet, Bitch via /r/polandball https://ift.tt/32MO2PZ
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artificialqueens · 8 years
wingwomen chapter 5 (trixya, shalaska) - lale
I can’t even explain how much the response to this fic has meant to me! Thank you for spurring me on to write so much this week. Stay tuned…I think this has one more chapter in it.
Queen of the snakes 🐍: Trixie!!!
Queen of the snakes 🐍: where are you???
Queen of the snakes 🐍: PLESAE TRIXIE
[missed call from Queen of the snakes 🐍]
[missed call from Queen of the snakes 🐍]
[missed call from Queen of the snakes 🐍]
Queen of the snakes 🐍: did you leave??
Queen of the snakes 🐍: please dont overreact to this trix!!
Trixie threw her phone aside, sniffling. She sat on the grass in Laganja’s yard, trying her best to hold back tears. She’d found a quiet spot far away from the group of smokers, claiming her own space to have her meltdown in private.
Of course Katya liked Alaska more than Trixie. She’d been so stupid, rushing into their plan headfirst without stopping to think about the possibility that even if she could manage to change Sharon’s mind about Alaska and the rest of the cheerleaders, that didn’t mean that Katya would like her. She’d gotten so caught up in the whirlwind of everything that was going on, making friends with Sharon and watching Alaska and Katya get closer, thrilled that everything seemed to be working – and now it had come back around to smack her in the face.
“Stupid,” she muttered to herself, doing her best to wipe away her tears without ruining her makeup. She wasn’t sure why she was trying so hard to preserve it – the night was already ruined, so what reason did she have to worry about her makeup? She looked down at her dress, sniffing as she smoothed the fabric down over her thighs. Just an hour ago she’d been standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, twirling for herself and reveling in the sight of herself in her favourite pink dress, hair curled to perfection and makeup impeccable. She’d felt on top of the world; right now, she just wanted to sink through the floor and never emerge again.
Someone sat down beside her, and she tried to swallow back her sobs. Maybe it was Kim, or Pearl, or even Alyssa or Shangie; someone who she could cry to without feeling embarrassed. As long as it wasn’t Alaska. She didn’t think she could face her right then.
“Privyet, Barbie,” Katya said, her smile softer than Trixie had ever seen. Trixie blinked at her in surprise.
“Oh. Hello. Sorry, I’m such an idiot,” she said, ducking her head to try and mask the inevitable streaks in her makeup that her tears had caused.
“No,” Katya replied calmly, shifting closer in the grass until she was sat almost directly in front of her. Trixie thought she was even more beautiful this close up, her pale ivory skin lit up in the dusky night air. Trixie quickly looked away, feeling even more embarrassed. How could she have been stupid enough to think a girl this amazing, beautiful and charming and funny, could ever want her?
“You and Sharon are friends now, yes?” Katya said, eyes still fixed on Trixie.
“Yeah, I think so. I don’t think she hates me anymore, anyway,” Trixie said, sniffling. Katya reached out towards her, one hand lightly cupping Trixie’s jaw. Her thumb rubbed against her cheek, the touch immediately filling her face with heat.
“She does not hate you. She hates all the cheerleaders before! But she still sits and watches you every single day. So I say, Katya, why does she watch these girls if she hates them? I have to find out!” Katya said, her thumb still rubbing at Trixie’s cheek. She realized that she was rubbing away her tear tracks, carefully blending her makeup in again.
“And did you find out?” Trixie asked. She was too confused by what was going on to do anything but go along with Katya’s story.
“Da! She watch you all, but she watch Alaska the most. Why? Ah! I realise! She has ginormous, crazy crush!” Katya explained. Her eyes danced as she talked, as if she was doing her best to make the story as entertaining as possible.
“She did? Even before we started talking?” Trixie asked, surprised. She hadn’t thought that Sharon had even given any of them a second thought before Trixie had forced her into friendship.
“Stupid, ridiculous crush. So, I sit with her and we watch the cheerleaders. I did not mind. I like watching beautiful girl too,” Katya said. Trixie looked away again. She didn’t want to hear the rest of this story if it was going to be a re-telling of how Katya had fallen for Alaska, too. “Then Alaska starts to talk to me, and I realise this is my chance! I make friends with Alaska, and you were making friends with Sharon, make her realise cheerleaders are not all bitches. Perfect! I can tell Alaska all great things about Sharon, and then they fall in love! Because of me!” Katya continued animatedly. She switched hands, gently wiping away Trixie’s tears. “But then I realise big, big flaw in genius plan.”
“And what was that?” Trixie asked. That you fell for Alaska too? You realized you didn’t want Sharon to have her?
“I forget about me!” Katya replied, throwing her free hand up in the air dramatically. “I want Sharon and Alaska to fall in love and then I get pretty Barbie doll’s number. Stupid plan! I should forget Sharon and Alaska and just talk to Barbie, instead.”
Trixie’s gaze snapped back to Katya, looking at her in surprise. “What?” she said, fumbling to get any words out. “What do you mean?”
Katya’s smile turned almost shy. “I did not think what we would seem like, to you and Sharon. My genius plan was really dumb plan! I never wanted to make you cry. Will you forgive me, Trixie?” she said. Her accent drew Trixie’s name out, making it sound more like two words. ‘Trix-ee’. She’d never liked her name as much as when Katya said it.
“I – you think I’m pretty?” she said, dumbfounded. Katya gave her an incredulous look.
“Maybe it is you who is dumb, Trixie!” she said, her smile stretching back out into a grin. “There! Perfect,” she announced, pulling her hand back from Trixie’s face. She missed her touch instantly. Katya took her phone out of her pocket, opening her camera app and switching it to its front camera with a deft tap of her fingers. “See? Beautiful!” Katya said proudly, holding her phone up in front of Trixie’s face. She’d blended Trixie’s make up in perfectly; her eyes were still a little red, but the rest of her face looked as flawless as when she’d left the house earlier that evening.
“Woah,” Trixie said, blinking at herself before looking at Katya again. She smiled up at her, and got a beaming grin in return. Katya put her phone down on the grass beside them, then leaned forward to kneel over Trixie, almost in her lap. Trixie looked up at her; with Katya’s petite, lithe body leaning over hers, crazy braids dangling past her shoulders, she could barely believe what was going on. Katya thought she was pretty? She liked her? But –
“You kissed Alaska. I saw you,” she said cautiously. She’d already had her heartbroken by letting herself get caught up in the idea that Katya could like her once. She wasn’t going to let herself fall again quite so easily.
“Is nothing! I am excited at what she said,” Katya explained, her expression utterly earnest. Trixie chewed her lower lip; sometimes it was hard to tell when Katya was telling the truth – normally when she was telling them some crazy story about her life back in Russia – but right then it was difficult to think she could be lying.
“What was she saying?” Trixie asked. Katya shifted above her, and there was that shy smile again. Even in Trixie’s uncertainty, it felt like her heart melted slightly at that sweet smile.
“She made me promise,” she said.
“Promise what?”
“I want her to talk to Sharon. She says yes, if I ask you out,” Katya admitted. Trixie felt heat rise in her cheeks, and Katya’s smile grew. She cupped the side of Trixie’s face in one hand again, and she couldn’t help but lean into the touch. “So cute,” Katya said softly.
“You want to ask me out?” Trixie asked, her incredulity clear in her voice.
“Will you say yes?” Katya asked, her thumb brushing over the edge of Trixie’s bottom lip. She swallowed hard, looking into Katya’s eyes.
“Yes,” she said honestly. She thought she understood in that moment how Sharon had felt about them trying to make friends with her – it all seemed too good to be true, and she was terrified that it was going to fall apart any second.
Instead, Katya just grinned at her, carefully sliding her free hand around to settle on the back of Trixie’s neck. Her fingers tickled at the hair at the nape of her neck, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. “Trix-ieee,” Katya said, leaning in closer until there was barely an inch of space between their lips. She smelt of cigarettes and perfume, a smell which Trixie could never have imagined she’d like. On Katya, it was intoxicating. “Will you go on date with me, pretty Barbie girl?”
“Yes,” Trixie breathed, her voice almost a moan. She hadn’t even had a drink yet but she felt drunk, intoxicated by Katya.
“Mm,” Katya hummed, so close that Trixie could feel the sound as much as hear it. As Katya closed her eyes, her eyelashes brushed against Trixie’s hypersensitive skin. Katya pressed their lips together in a slow, tender kiss, and it was all Trixie could do to wind her arms around her and cling on for dear life. It was nothing like the slapstick, brief kiss she’d seen Katya plant on Alaska earlier – now, she felt stupid for even imagining that that could mean anything. How could it now that she knew that Katya could kiss like this?
Trixie had kissed her share of people over the years – a few guys, back when she was trying to figure out her sexuality, and then a couple of girls since then. She’d had nice kisses, sweet kisses at the end of dates and makeout sessions when someone’s parents were out. None of those kisses were anything like this. She sighed against Katya’s soft, full lips, her mouth opening against them to deepen the kiss. Katya shifted until she was fully settled in Trixie’s lap, her slight weight against Trixie’s and her ass nestled against her thighs. Trixie’s arms around her middle squeezed involuntarily, eliminating any space remaining between them.
“Katya,” she moaned against her lips, her eyes peeking open. Katya had a blissed out expression on her face, and she closed the gap between them again to nibble lightly at Trixie’s lower lip.
“Trix-ieee,” she replied, her own voice a little hoarse. She made a captivating sight, lips a little puffy and eyes still closed, showing off her perfect eye makeup. Trixie leaned up, pressing their lips together again. Katya opened her mouth to the kiss eagerly, making a purring noise in the back of her throat as Trixie’s fingers nudged at the edge of her dress. She spread the flat of her palm over the soft flesh of Katya’s thigh, skimming upwards slowly. “Tease,” Katya groaned, fingers threading into Trixie’s hair.
Trixie didn’t know how long they stayed there, trading languid kisses. The sky got darker above them until she could barely see Katya’s features; she didn’t care. She felt addicted, each kiss giving her a heady rush and leaving her desperate for more. It was like she was in heaven; she never wanted the moment to end.
She was brought crashing back to her senses by the bright, blinding light of an iPhone flashlight shining directly at them. Katya squeaked, practically tumbling out of her lap in surprise as Trixie brought her hands up to shield her eyes. “What the fuck?” she said, putting an arm out to try to block the light and see who’d found them.
“What the fuck?” Alaska said, taken totally by surprise. She’d been looking for Trixie for over an hour, searching every room in Laganja’s house before venturing into the yard. It was already dark at that point, and she’d struggled to distinguish who was who in the groups of people gathered outside, smoking and laughing. Katya had dashed after Trixie before Alaska could even react, slowed down by the half dozen drinks she’d had since she arrived at the party. She hadn’t spotted either of them on her search of the house, even as her mind cleared.
As time passed, the worry in her stomach had worsened, making her feel sick to her stomach. She hadn’t done anything, really – except maybe forget the whole reason she’d set out to make friends with Katya in the first place. Trixie had always been such a good friend to her, putting up with her stupid, stupid crush on Sharon all year and always doing her best to help her. And she’d repaid her by hurting her.
She hadn’t meant to, of course. If only Trixie knew the circumstances, that that stupid kiss had only happened because Katya was so damn excited by the idea that Trixie liked her. Alaska had been so proud of herself, and then everything had crumbled around them.
Except maybe it hadn’t. Finally, after stumbling around in the dark yard for a while before remembering that her phone had a flashlight built it, here she was, stood in front of Trixie and Katya. There was no doubt over what had happened: she could see traces of Trixie’s signature pink lipstick smeared around Katya’s mouth, and Trixie’s lipstick was smudged, hair in disarray.
“Do you have to blind us?” Trixie said, reaching out to try and grab at Alaska’s phone. She moved it to her side, the flashlight illuminating the grass at their feet enough that she could still see their faces without blinding them.
“Sorry,” she said. Katya, apparently recovered from the shock of Alaska interrupting them, resituated herself in Trixie’s arms. Still looking at Alaska, Trixie absentmindedly looped her arms around her, a giggle escaping her lips when Katya pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I see you two sorted things out, then?” Alaska said, smirking.
“I think so,” Trixie said, a dopey smile on her face as her gaze shifted to Katya. Katya beamed back, looking at her as if she was the only person in the world.
“Da,” she agreed, brushing her fingers through Trixie’s hair lightly. When a long moment passed without either of them looking away, Alaska cleared her throat, shifting awkwardly. Trixie finally tore her eyes away from Katya, having the grace to look sheepish.
“Sorry about before. I think Sharon had me convinced…I was being stupid,” she said, shaking her head.
“What was Sharon saying?” Alaska asked, frowning. Katya had gone back to pressing kisses to Trixie’s cheek, undeterred by Alaska’s presence.
“She was being super moody. Talking about how the two of you had lady boners for each other,” Trixie said, blushing furiously when Katya moved her kisses to her neck.
“What the fuck?” Alaska said, taken aback. What on earth would make Sharon think that? Why would she even care, anyway? Alaska knew Sharon didn’t like her – why would it even bother her if she had a thing for Katya?
More to the point, what right did she have to say any of that to Trixie? It was as if she’d been trying to hurt her.
“Alaskaaa,” Katya said, snapping her out of her thoughts. She was looking up at her, a vaguely amused expression on her face. “I keep promise. You go talk to Sharon now, yes?”
Alaska looked around. In the distance, far away from anyone else at the party,
she could see a pale, slender figure, her halo of messy blonde hair lit up by the glow of a cigarette held in her hand.
“Yeah, okay,” Alaska agreed, turning off the light on her phone. No need to give Sharon the chance to run away. She’d ditched Alaska any chance she got, made it clear she had no interest in getting to know her, and now she’d upset her best friend. Alaska wasn’t going to let her get away from her so easily this time. “Yeah. I’ll fucking talk to her.”
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miralparis · 11 years
i'm so tired i might fall asleep and i still have a russian club meeting, russian homework, communications reading (LIKE 50 PAGES THIS GUY LIVES OFF OF READING ASSIGNMENTS), plus a workout and i have to wake up by nine and with this brain i have to go to bed no later than 1
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artificialqueens · 8 years
wingwomen ch3 (trixya, shalaska) - lale
A/N: thank you so much for all of the kind words about the first 2 parts!!! There should be 5 chapters overall, so look out for more later in the week! :)
Bozo: I’m sorry about yesterday! 😢
Bozo: Sharon was super mean to me, though. I didn’t even get past hi!
Queen of the snakes: just drop it, trix, it’s fine. Katya made it pretty clear that sharon hates all the cheerleaders, you and me included
Bozo: 😡
Bozo: im gonna talk to her again! i’ve got your back!!!
Queen of the snakes: how many cups of coffee have you had this morning??
Bozo: im serious! i don’t like it that she doesn’t like us. We’re awesome!
Queen of the snakes: so humble, so demure
Bozo: stfu
Bozo: love u
Queen of snakes: that’s gay
Queen of snakes: love you too, loser
Alaska slid into her seat in social studies, unable to get Sharon Needles off her mind. It wasn’t like she’d been under the impression that Sharon liked her – she wasn’t delusional. But knowing that Sharon hated them enough to refuse to even talk to Trixie? That had taken her by surprise. She and Trixie came as a pair, everyone knew that. If you hated Trixie, you hated Alaska.
She couldn’t stand the thought that Sharon hated her. It made her heart hurt.
“Privyet, Alaskaaaa,” Katya said cheerfully, pulling Alaska out of her own head.
“Hieee,” she said, trying to sound happier than she felt.
“Something is wrong?” Katya said, perching on the edge of Alaska’s desk. She was three for three on crazy outfits: today’s comprised of a skin tight dress that, Alaska realized when she looked at it closely, was covered in knives, and a red and black baseball cap.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I’m good,” Alaska assured her. She liked Katya a lot already; she was funny and kind. She’d made fun of Trixie for her immediate crush, but it seemed that Katya was deserving of her friend’s attention. 
“I see you at cheerleaders practice yesterday. You and Barbie stand at back whole time. How come?”
“Oh, we don’t do any of the real cheerleading. Alyssa and her minions do the tricks and stuff, Trixie I stand at the back and shout. Sometimes we get to lift them up, though,” Alaska explained, snorting with laughter.
“You like other cheerleader girls?” Katya asked, twirling her long, messy hair around her fingers.
“Yeah! Did you have cheerleaders at your old school in Russia?”
“No. We had mascot bear.”
“A real one?” Alaska asked skeptically. Katya raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at her. A few moments passed and Alaska realized she wasn’t going to get a response. “Anyway…all the girls are really nice. It’s not like all the movies make them out to be, they’re cool.”
“Maybe I will be cheerleader,” Katya said loftily, slowly extending her leg up high in front of her.
“Hey! You totally could be, you know,” Alaska said. Trixie would love that.
“Ah, I am not cool girl enough.” Alaska snorted at that.
“We’re not cool! Not me and Trixie, anyway.”
“Of course you are! Do not be stupid,” Katya said dismissively.
“Is that what Sharon says?” Alaska said, trying and failing to keep a note of bitterness out of her voice. Katya looked at her thoughtfully.
“Da. She does not like cheerleaders.”
“I know. She thinks we’re all bitches,” Alaska said miserably.
“She told Barbie to fuck off. So rude. I tell her, do not worry,” Katya said, giving her hand a quick pat-pat.
“Trixie’s the furthest thing from a bitch. She’s the nicest person in the world, really,” Alaska said. She wasn’t even saying it just to try to big Trixie up to Katya. Trixie was sarcastic as hell but that was just her sense of humour. Her best friend had the biggest, kindest heart underneath it all.
“You love her a lot,” Katya said.
“She’s been my best friend since we started high school – since cheerleading tryouts, actually. She was the first person I came out to,” Alaska told her.
“She runs your gay club, yes?” Katya said.
“LGBT, yeah. You wanna come along sometime?” Alaska asked, realizing that they’d never even considered the possibility that Katya might be straight.
“Maybe. I could bring Sharon?” Katya asked. Alaska felt heat rise in her cheeks.
“You think she’d come?” Katya grinned slyly.
“I make her,” she promised.
Yesterday, Sharon’s attitude had shocked Trixie into silence, but today she was determined to get a conversation out of her. She’d avoided sitting next to her in class, not wanting to end up in the same situation, but she hovered by the door when class ended and pounced when Sharon reached her.
“Sharon!” she said, falling into step with her. Sharon jumped slightly, then shot Trixie a wary look.
“What do you want?” she asked. Trixie grinned. An actual sentence out of her that wasn’t ‘fuck off’ – success!
“I just want to say hello.”
“Well, hello. Is that it?” Sharon said, peeling off down the hallway towards her locker. Trixie followed her, staying by her side.
“Look, I know you think I’m a bitch. I don’t know why, but—”
“You don’t know why? Please,” Sharon cut in, snorting.
“I don’t! Come on, you can’t hate me just because I’m a cheerleader,” Trixie protested.
“I can,” Sharon said, swinging her locker door open. Trixie had to step aside quickly to stop it hitting her in the face.
“We’ve never even talked before! Do you not see how ridiculous this is?” Trixie said, putting her hands on her hips.
“I don’t know why you care,” Sharon said.
“Because it’s stupid! You hate us because you think we’re judging you, but you’re the only one judging anyone,” Trixie said, exasperated. She wanted to be a good wingwoman, and a good friend to Alaska, but Sharon was making it so hard!
Sharon paused at that, her hand hovering over a battered textbook in her locker.
“So, what? You want to be my friend?” she said, sounding skeptical.
“Yes!” Trixie replied, beaming at her. “Look, let’s start from the beginning. I’m Trixie,” she said, thrusting a hand out towards her.
“Oh my god, you’re like an old person,” Sharon said, shutting her locker door and ignoring her hand. She turned away from Trixie, heading towards the cafeteria.
“Why don’t you have lunch with us? Me and Alaska?” she offered. This would be perfect! Alaska could talk to Sharon, and hopefully Katya would follow Sharon. Trixie would actually get to meet her! She blushed at the mere idea of it.
“Maybe another day. You’re a bit…much,” Sharon said, looking Trixie up and down. Trixie huffed. She’d heard it before, that she could be full on when people first got to know her, but that was just how she was. She wore her heart on her sleeve and didn’t play games – it was part of what had upset her about the thought that Sharon had decided they were bitches.
“Tomorrow?” she pressed.
“Maybe,” Sharon said, non-committal.
“I’ll ask you tomorrow,” Trixie promised.
“If you have to.”
“I do!” Trixie replied cheerfully.
Her last period class had let out late, and by the time Katya had tossed her books into her locker Sharon had already disappeared from her usual haunt nearby where they would meet. She headed outside, smiling when she saw her friend sitting on the grass as usual.
“How are cheerleader girls doing?” she asked, flopping down to sit beside her. She rummaged in her pocket for her cigarettes, cursing when she couldn’t find her lighter.
“I have no idea what you mean. I don’t care how they’re doing,” Sharon insisted. Katya rolled her eyes, putting a hand on Sharon’s arm.
“Still,” she warned, putting her cigarette between her lips. She leaned in, pressing the tip of it against Sharon’s lit one in her mouth. She inhaled sharply, then grinned when her own cigarette lit easily.
“Smart,” Sharon said, sounding impressed.
“I am woman of many skills,” Katya said, shrugging. She looked over at the cheerleaders, unable to hold back a laugh when she saw that Alaska and Trixie were staring at them, open mouthed. She waved, laughing even more when Trixie immediately flushed bright red and forcibly turned Alaska around to face away from them.
“Did Alaska talk to you again today?” Sharon asked.
“I talk to her! Definitely not bitch,” Katya said. “She invite us to their gay club!” Sharon groaned.
“Not their dumb LGBT club. Jesus, why would we go to that?”
“To talk to pretty girls who also like girls?” Katya said, raising an eyebrow at her. “You don’t know how lucky you are! In Russia, we have to guess who like girls, and be ready to run very fast if you are wrong!”
“You’re full of shit,” Sharon said, tapping the ash from her cigarette next to Katya’s leg.
“Is true! I swear,” Katya insisted. She looked over at the cheerleaders again, hoping for a good view of Trixie’s ass now that they were facing away from them. God bless America and their tight cheerleading uniforms.
The girls were all talking, two in the middle of what seemed like a heated argument.
“They’re always fighting. I don’t know how Trixie can say cheerleaders aren’t bitchy when those two spend all their time at each other’s throats,” Sharon said.
“You talk to Barbie?” Katya said, grinning. Sharon acted tough, but Katya knew that a softer, warmer person lay underneath the exterior she put on. It would be good for her to make friends with more people – besides, if Alaska talked to Trixie, maybe she could put in a good word for Katya.
“Yeah. I guess she’s not completely awful,” Sharon conceded begrudgingly.
Over with the cheerleaders, Alaska and Trixie were talking heatedly. They were too far away for Katya to hear what they were saying, but they kept glancing over at her and Sharon. Trixie shoved Alaska towards them, giving her a pointed look. To Katya’s surprise, Alaska tossed her long hair over her shoulder and walked towards them, pom poms dangling by her sides as she held onto them loosely.
“Hieee,” she said, hovering awkwardly in front of them. There was a moment of silence, and Katya looked over at Sharon. She was staring at her lap, two spots of pink colouring her pale cheeks. Katya rolled her eyes, then grinned at Alaska.
“Come, sit! Cigarette?” she said, waving her pack towards Alaska.
“Oh, uh…sure,” she said, looking kind of stricken as she took a cigarette. Sharon was still silently staring at her lap, cigarette clamped between her teeth. Well, Katya was going to take matters into her own hands if Sharon wasn’t even going to talk to her.
“We have no lighter. Sharon, help her light!” she said, waving a hand imperiously between the two of them.
“What?” Alaska said, looking surprised.
“What,” Sharon echoed, words slightly muffled around her cigarette. “You can do it!”
“No, mine is finished,” Katya said cheerfully, stubbing out her cigarette in the grass. Sharon glared at her for a moment, then sighed.
“C’mere,” she said gruffly to Alaska, leaning in towards her. Alaska, face flushed, mirrored her. Sharon pressed the tips of her cigarettes together, and Alaska reached to steady herself with a hand on Sharon’s thigh. Katya beamed proudly, glancing over at Trixie. She was watching them too, and she grinned back at Katya. Katya winked at her, then laughed as Trixie immediately blushed red.
“So cute,” she murmured to herself.
“What?” Sharon said, pulling back when Alaska’s cigarette was lit.
“Nothing!” Katya chirped. Alaska inhaled on her cigarette, then burst into a coughing fit. “Always happens first time,” Katya assured her fondly, patting her hand.
“It’s not my first time!” Alaska protested, looking embarrassed.
“Sure is not,” Katya said, tone indulgent as she took out another cigarette. She reached over for Sharon’s bag, rummaging in it until she found her lighter.
“I just wanted to come over to say that you guys should have lunch with us tomorrow,” Alaska said, cigarette dangling from her fingers.
“Yes!” Katya said, just as Sharon said, “No.” Katya glared at her. “Yes!” she insisted.
“Great!” Alaska said, while Sharon mouthed ‘I hate you’ at Katya from over her shoulder. Katya stuck her tongue out at her, grinning.
“Alaska!” one of the cheerleaders shouted, stepping towards them.
“Shit,” she murmured, dropping her cigarette. Katya picked it up, carefully stubbing out the end and tucking the rest back into the pack. No point wasting a good cigarette. “I’ve gotta go. Lunch tomorrow?” Alaska said as she stood up. Katya looked over at Sharon pointedly.
Sharon sighed. “Sure,” she said reluctantly. Alaska beamed, then turned to jog back towards the cheerleaders.
“See you tomorrow!” she called over her shoulder.
Katya gave Sharon a triumphant grin. “Sharon and Alaskaaaa sitting in tree…” she sung to herself, taking a deep drag of her cigarette. She was the best friend ever!
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