#pro biker gloves
leathercollectionus · 2 years
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Biker Gloves
Our biker gloves are manufactured, keeping this very formula in mind. Making use of 100% authentic cowhide leather, the gloves have been made to incorporate practicality, comfort, and aesthetics altogether.
Biker Gloves
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hikariale · 5 months
lin kuei on wheels
Hi! Motorcycles and motorcycle culture are one of my biggest passions, so I was really excited to see some people floating the idea of characters being bikers! I'd like to throw my own ring in the hat, so below are some of my headcanons and motorcycle assignments. I may do another post like this for the rest of the (formerly) Lin Kuei, Frost, Cyrax, and Sektor because... I really love motorcycles and I jump at the chance to talk about them. Everything below is just my personal indulgence, hehe!
cw: mentions of motorcycle crashes, ask to tag
characters: bi-han, kuai liang, tomáš vrbada
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The implementation of motorcycles was Sektor's suggestion for quick transport through Earthrealm without depending on Liu Kang's powers to airdrop them to the approximate location of their objectives.
Sektor installed intercoms into their helmets, but the brothers rarely use or need them to communicate.
Though Kuai Liang has the fastest bike, Bi-han is the one who usually drives up front if they are travelling together. Kuai Liang doesn't tend to go full throttle unless they are all in a hurry, and Tomáš typically brings up the rear as the one with the slowest bike and the one who likes to mess around the most.
Bi-han and Kuai Liang have to take off their gloves to use their powers most effectively. When caught in a bad situation while in the saddle, Tomáš will usually jump into action to cover them.
Each brother knows the basics of maintenance, but Tomáš has worked on his motorcycle personally much more than the others.
Their gear and motorcycles are distinct, so they keep interactions with others to a minimum to avoid identity leaks. This includes law enforcement trying to pull them over for reckless driving.
The IDs they carry with them are fake for this reason as well, so technically none of them have a real permit. Their visors have all been modified to be tinted to further hide their identities while passing through.
From most to least crashes between the brothers: Kuai Liang (1000+cc supersport bikes are hardly beginner friendly), Tomáš (likes to do stunts), and Bi-han (aggressive driver to share the road with, but he's very sensible when not experiencing road rage)
Sektor repairs their bikes most often as THE Lin Kuei technomechanophile, but sometimes Tomáš will do repairs if he has nothing else (that he wants) to do. Kuai Liang prefers Tomáš' repairs because it always feels like Sektor adds modifications that he never asked for.
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Suzuki 2022 Katana Arai Quantum X helmet Reax Castor Perforated Leather gloves The Jacket Maker Darren Black Leather jacket Knox Urbane Pro trousers Aether Moto Boot
This man's brake-check game is truly DEMENTED. He will brake-check a van! He does not give a fuck! His brothers yell at him about it because you have a zero percent chance of winning a quarrel with a car if you are on anything less than a car.
He is the most prone to road rage, but outside of his tendency to aggressively and pointedly pass people or brake-check them, he's mostly responsible with it. He especially dislikes other vehicles getting in his wide personal bubble when riding. In spite of all of that, he doesn't use his horn very often.
Tries to signal for any sharp turns or strange road conditions fairy early while in the front so that his brothers don't get taken by surprise. He feels most comfortable leading because it makes him most likely to hit an obstacle before his brothers.
Bi-han often checks on his brothers through his mirrors, but if he loses sight of them, he will slow down and shoulder check every couple of seconds until they either leave his blind spot or he's verified that they're keeping up alright.
Bi-han's crash contingency plan is to take his gloves off and ice-slide to avoid road burn, but he has only had low-speed crashes while learning how to ride, so the feasibility of this plan is extremely questionable. He wears more gear than he would normally bother with out of a sense of responsibility. Similarly to Tomáš, he prefers motorcycle gear that feels and looks as close to civilian clothes as possible.
Surprisingly serious about learning and improving because he wants to lead by example, especially if they ever do a full-organisation implementation of motorcycles, Bi-han can sometimes be caught practising things like braking and figure eight turn repetitions.
He's used to sliding on his own ice, so he never understood the problem with "bad road conditions" until he was drove over black ice. Kuai Liang threw him a lifeline (his kusarigama), but the bike ate the entire highside.
Bi-han does not return any waves***. Ever.
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Suzuki GSX1300 R Hayabusa Scorpion EXO-R420 Engage helmet ON BOARD PRX-1 gloves KLIM Outlander GTX boots T.ur Zero jacket and pants 2 piece suit
Kuai Liang is is the most rigorous with his gear because his motorcycle is the fastest (312 kmh) and he doesn't think he can teleport away unharmed at high speeds.
It's not that he's specifically afraid of the it, but Kuai Liang has never actually hit top speed on his motorcycle because he feels it to be excessive and hard to handle. Though he is trying to unlearn it, he has a dangerous habit of overcorrection.
This guy miraculously stops the death wobble by holding on to the handlebars and trying to stabilise them, which... Is the exact opposite thing that anybody should try to do, but he pulls it off every time. And he needs to get maintenance done because it happens way too often to be dismissed.
Sharp turns don't bother him very much. Sometimes his knee will touch the road briefly. Rather than having difficulty with sharp turns, he struggles to brake smoothly. Most often, his own speed takes him by surprise and he grabs a fistful of front brake in response. Bi-han will use his power to stop him before he can become a flying ninja, but he also tells Kuai Liang off for not having good braking technique.
Though he lacks a lot of technical knowledge and runs into the most issues, Kuai Liang's intuition is actually the best. The biggest issue he has is that he is more reactive than proactive, but he does know his range of movement and can utilise it without issues if he doesn't face unexpected circumstances. In that same vein, he's able to ride his brothers' motorcycles without any issues adjusting to the difference.
Unlike Bi-han, Kuai Liang makes an effort to braid his hair before a ride because he doesn't like the feeling of it whipping around. He also has the neatest hair after he takes his helmet off. He often teases Bi-han for keeping his hair down, but he does try to advise him to tie it up to avoid the struggle of fixing it nine hundred and ninety-nine tangles later.
Kuai Liang has a 50/50 chance of returning a wave***. He does try for the sake of etiquette, but he often misses his chance by the time he thinks to do it.
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The Wal (BMW R 18 customised by Shinya Kimura) LS2 Street Fighter helmet Armure Kerr vented gloves Dainese Street Rocker D-WP boots Icon Mesh AF motorcycle jacket Saint Unbreakable Engineered Slim Fit Armoured jean
Tomáš is the most likely to go squid* of all the brothers because he is fully confident and comfortable on his motorcycle in a way that they aren't. He also has a lot of faith in his ability to react fast enough to use his powers before he can get hurt, but sometimes his brothers will nag him about it anyways.
Unlike his brothers' sport bikes, Tomáš chose to ride a cruiser. The speed is much slower, but the ergonomics and flexibility for customisation made him choose it. It also boasts the largest gas tank and most powerful engine (1802cc), so he is basically the backup plan if someone runs out of gas or their bike gets stuck.
While Bi-han was vaguely interested in the concept of advancement and Kuai Liang was generally ambivalent to the idea, Tomáš was excited about the new motorcycles. As the one most interested in pop culture, he was most knowledgeable on them.
After getting to actually ride one, he became even more charmed by them, so he's by far the most involved in motorcycle culture. There's an endearing dorkiness about how cool he thinks it all is, but he is genuinely knowledgeable in applicable ways that his brothers aren't. He'd like to own more motorcycles, but there is no precedent for it or storage, so he focuses on customising the one that he has.
The first time Tomáš popped a wheelie, Bi-han hard-braked thinking that he was about to crash, and then proceeded to tell him off for fooling around too much. After a while, Bi-han got used to it and begrudgingly considered it a skill asset.
Aside from the fact that most sport bikes are miserable rides for any passengers, Tomáš is the best one to turn to if you need a lift. He isn't as prone to overcorrection as Kuai Liang and adjusts the fastest to having and accommodating a passenger**.
Tomáš makes an active attempt to return waves*** because he knows that his brothers probably won't. As someone who regularly takes his hands off of the handlebars, and the one most often in the back, it isn't as much of a struggle for him.
*the term "squid" refers to riders who forego motorcycle gear. The opposite term would be ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time), where Kuai Liang is more aligned.
**having a passenger on a motorcycle drastically changes the ride because the driver and passenger need to work together in shifting their weight and balance. if a passenger cannot anticipate and go along with the driver, the execution of turns may be affected, so it is suggested that riders try to acclimate their passengers before doing any serious driving.
***motorcyclists wave at each other on the road. this is basically etiquette and a predominant, universal part of motorcycle culture. not returning a wave is considered rude by most motorcyclists. it could be described like someone coming to a party and then ignoring everybody that tries to talk to them.
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Took our first freedom walk with the flexi + rollator today. I made sure to train with the flexi beforehand (having her walk and seeing it extend/contract and having it drag behind her so if I drop it she doesn’t freak out and take off running).
I didn’t have the car, so I had to go on the sidewalks near our apartment. It’s not ideal and I wouldn’t recommend it, but we’ve been walking next to roads since she was a puppy and have done that route many times with a longline. I’ve spent a lot of time training her to stay away from the road and I’m pretty confident in her safety skills. She stays on the far side of the walkway unless we are at designated crossing spots in which case she comes to my side and I grab her collar before we cross.
The walk went great. Bikers, dogs, squirrels, etc. It was all fine. She enjoyed the sniff walk but was more attentive than usual because it was a new leash. I’m sure she will relax more with experience (although I’m still going to avoid using it whenever possible)
I can see the pros/cons for someone who is disabled. I kind of hate that the entire connection with the dog is dependent on the grip strength of one hand. I think for now on I’ll wear gloves so that if I have to grab the line for some reason I can do so “safely”. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it unless your dog is trained (recall, speed changes, how to walk on the near side of objects, untangle themselves from objects, heel right-side VS left-side. All very useful when working with a longer leash).
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alexanderdimaggio · 1 month
Performing Manuals and Wheelies on a Bicycle
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Stunt biking consists of tricks like wheelies and manuals performed on BMX bikes, dirt jumpers, and mountain bikes. Some perform their stunts in groups and formations, while others prefer them as a solo pursuit. Performing the tricks requires the right bike, practice, and understanding the steps.
BMX bikes offer a low center of gravity and are ideal for wheelies. Riding on one wheel poses several dangers. Therefore, individuals should attempt them while wearing a full array of safety gear, including gloves, knee guards, helmets, and elbow guards. In addition, wear shoes with grip; some stunt riders even wear a backpack filled with clothes to prevent unexpected falls.
Most people progressing to the wheelie start with the manual, performed unseated and without pedaling. Before attempting a trick, place the hands on the handlebar and stand behind the bicycle, simulating the move by pulling the bike upwards onto one wheel. The posture allows individuals to understand the motion and the specific bike's weight. Next, place the dominant foot on one pedal, hands still on the handlebar.
Ensure there is no side wobble and push down on the pedal while pulling up on the handlebar to understand the required push-and-pop movement. At this point, it’s essential to have a flat surface around 100 to 150 feet long and minimal potential for disruption from vehicles or pedestrians.
Mount the bike and allow a slow rolling start. Bend the chest close to the handlebar with the posterior off the seat. Lean back so the front wheel elevates from the ground in response to the shift in weight. Once the wheel reaches the desired altitude, typically a 40- to 45-degree angle, lock the arms on the handlebar, keeping them extended fully. Keep the posterior off the seat, with the knees slightly bent. Pump the legs into the pedal without pedaling to keep the bike’s momentum moving forward.
More challenging, the wheelie requires finding the exact fulcrum point when seated; then, the front wheel balances in the air. Setting the seat in the middle position helps bikers maintain balance.
As with the manual, the wheelie requires a rolling start; the chest turned into the handlebars, and a push-and-pop movement. However, the elbows do not lock when that 40—to 45-degree front-wheel “sweet spot” is attained. Instead, they remain bent, with the feet pedaling.
When performing wheelies on manual bikes, prevent the legs from wobbling while approaching the push-and-pop movement. Instead, the bike should travel in a straight, linear direction. Moving the body back and forth may be necessary to maintain the right fulcrum and angle, but avoid making significant movements that could throw off the balance point and cause a tumble.
Concrete works best for wheelies, but beginners and seasoned pros who worry about injuries caused by falls can practice on grass, which offers a softer and safer landing surface. Riders benefit from taking precautions and avoiding planting themselves on concrete while practicing. Some stunt bikers can master the wheelie by practicing daily for a few months, especially if they avoid injuring themselves.
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hillslicensing-blog · 2 months
Classic Shades: The Appeal of a Brown Leather Biker Vest
New Post has been published on https://ashipwreckinthesand.com/classic-shades-the-appeal-of-a-brown-leather-biker-vest/
Classic Shades: The Appeal of a Brown Leather Biker Vest
Coordinating Your Biker Vest Brown with Other Gear
The biker vest brown is more than just clothes. It symbolizes a rustic, free, road-connected lifestyle. Integrating your brown biker vest with your other gear can improve your style and comfort, whether you are a pro or a beginner. We explain how to coordinate your brown biker vest with your helmet, boots, gloves, and pants.
Any biker’s clothing starts with their vest. Brown leather biker vests are flexible, fashionable, and protective. When pairing your vest with other pieces, consider usefulness and style.
Pairing your brown vest requires color coordination. Brown is neutral and earthy, blending well or standing out. Wear your brown vest over a black or dark gray shirt and corresponding slacks for a sleek, monochrome look. The contrast is slight without dominating your vest’s brown color.
Consider your vest’s brown temperature for greater liveliness. Warm browns go well with burnt orange and mustard yellow, which bandanas and belts can incorporate. More excellent browns go well with olive green or cool blue, which are great for t-shirts and button-downs.
The texture and material of the apparel worn with your brown biker vest also affect your look. Classic leather pants or chaps provide protection and style. If leather isn’t your thing, hefty jeans or cargo pants can match the vest’s toughness.
The helmet is the most essential safety gear. You don’t have to choose a brown helmet to match your brown vest, but it can work if the hues match. Instead, look for helmets with bronze or gold lines or artwork that match the vest’s hue to complete the look.
Gloves and boots protect and look good. Choose gloves with brown embellishments or stitching to match your vest. Brown leather is natural for boots. Your boots’ brown tone should complement the color palette, not clash with your vest. Choose boots that are comfortable, safe, and biker-chic.
Bikers layer their apparel, including biker vests, for style and protection. In winter, a brown leather jacket can be worn with the vest. When wearing a coat over your vest, use lighter, more distressed leather to match its rugged texture. Alternatively, a denim jacket in a classic blue might contrast nicely with the brown without clashing.
Accessories can make or ruin an outfit. Brown motorcycle vests should be paired with watches, bracelets, and sunglasses that match or contrast. You can achieve an old-school look with a leather-strapped watch or bronze aviator sunglasses.
You can also tie your outfit using belts. A hefty leather belt that matches your boots can look good. If your vest and pants are simple, a belt with a buckle can stand out.
Your brown biker vest can be worn with regular clothes when you’re not riding. A simple white tee, distressed light denim, and brown boots make a casual but polished outfit.
Matching your brown motorcycle vest with your other clothing requires more than matching colors. An integrated design that expresses your personality and riding lifestyle is critical. Try different colors, textures, and accessories to find your style while driving safely. You want your brown biker vest to be the focal point of your ensemble. This method improves your style and makes you seem and feel nice on the highway.
Essential Maintenance: Preserving Brown Leather Motorcycle Gear
A biker vest brown is more than simply clothing it’s a travel companion. Leather gear needs special care to appear and perform well. Leather is sturdy but requires care to maintain its quality and durability. With these expert techniques, keep your brown leather motorbike vest, jacket, boots, and gloves in top shape.
Leather motorcycle gear is stylish and protective against the elements and road hazards. Regular maintenance starts with understanding leather’s unique needs, especially given how sun, wind, and rain may damage it. Each piece, from your brown leather biker vest to your tough boots, has a narrative and maintenance needs.
Care for your leather gear starts with cleaning. Leather loses quality and beauty when oils, filth, and sweat collect. Use a moist towel to clean leather objects gently. This removes surface debris and prepares leather for deep cleaning. For a deeper clean, use a leather cleaner. Apply a tiny amount to a soft cloth and rub it into the leather in circular motions, paying particular attention to jacket collars and underarms, which absorb more body oils.
Avoid aggressive cleaners like alcohol and bleach since they remove leather from its natural oils, causing dryness and cracking. Choose a pH-balanced, mild leather soap. Wipe soap residue with another clean, wet towel after cleaning. Leather clothing can distort and crack if exposed to direct heat or sunlight.
Conditioning your brown leather motorcycle gear is probably the most crucial step. Leather conditioners replenish moisture lost after cleaning and prevent dryness and cracking. Choose a leather conditioner that matches your type. Test it on your gear’s tiny, inconspicuous area to verify color and texture retention.
Apply a little conditioner to the leather with a soft cloth and rub it in circles. It should be absorbed and dried before applying a second application if needed. When adequately conditioned, the leather should be smooth and shiny without being oily.
Motorcycle leather gear regularly endures harsh weather. Riders frequently riding in the rain may benefit from waterproofing sprays or waxes. Follow manufacturer recommendations for waterproofing. Test the product on a tiny area, like conditioning, to avoid leather discoloration.
Regularly applying a waterproofing chemical can prevent water stains and reduce leather moisture absorption, which can cause mildew and rot. Waterproofing improves leather’s water resistance but doesn’t replace appropriate drying and storing.
Storage is another essential part of leather motorcycle gear maintenance. Keep leather items cool, dry, and out of direct sunshine to prevent fading. To avoid creases, hang jackets and vests on broad, padded hangers. Avoid plastic covers, which trap moisture; choose breathable fabric covers or leave your gear exposed.
Cedar shoe trees and glove forms assist leather boots and gloves in retaining shape and absorbing moisture. Avoid storing leather in moist or humid circumstances to prevent mold and mildew growth.
Accidents can discolor or harm leather goods, even with care. Blot spills and stains promptly using a soft, wet cloth. Rubbing can deepen the stain on leather. Specialized leather stain removers may be needed for persistent stains.
With a soft cloth and leather conditioner, tiny scratches can be polished to give the leather a clean look. Leather repair kits can fill and color-match more severe damages.
Leather gear should be checked for wear and tear regularly. Over time, seams, zippers, and buckles might weaken. Early diagnosis of loose threads or cracked leather helps prevent costly replacements.
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rentnhop · 4 months
Your Ultimate Guide to Bike Rentals and Exploring Delhi on Two Wheels
If you’re new to Delhi and don’t know how you can get a bike rental in Delhi and how you can get on this trip, this blog will be very helpful for you. As someone who loves biking across Delhi and provides bike rental in Delhi, let me share some pro tips for making the most of solo rides in India’s capital city.
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Delhi's massive size, crowded public transport, and questionable cab services mean having your own set of wheels is priceless. Biking frees you from relying on others and lets you set your own pace. But riding solo in a huge, chaotic city can seem daunting at first. Well, don’t worry, I’ve got your back. 
1. Choosing a bike rental in Delhi
First up, choose a bike you feel comfortable handling. As a Delhi bike rental provider, I’ve seen people have wildly different preferences. If heavy bikes aren’t your jam, go for something simple to squeeze through small gaps in traffic. But if you want a burlier ride for the cool factor, various Bullet and sports bikes await. 
2. Know the basics of Bike
Knowing basic motorcycle repairs gives confidence when riding solo. Whether you own a bike or are getting a bike on rent in Delhi, it’s clutch to learn basic fixes like changing spark plugs, replacing punctured tires, tuning the engine, etc. Keep a small toolkit for roadside troubleshooting. Joining biking clubs connects you with experts who can teach repair skills.
3. Explore the right place
For new solo bikers, start by exploring less congested areas to build skill. Hit up central Delhi spots like Connaught Place early morning when traffic is thin. Ride weekends near India Gate and Lodhi Garden for open roads. Slowly graduate towards busier zones in Old and South Delhi. You got this. 
4. Practice or take a test drive 
Practice defensive riding - assume drivers can't see you and stay out of their blind spots. Perfect your reflexes, watch your speed, and don’t get cocky. This is key for all you lone-wolf bikers.
Learn the major connecting roads between central, east, north, and south Delhi beforehand. Download offline maps, and use dedicated GPS if you can swing it. Apps like Google Maps work without data too. Don’t lose your way in the inner lanes. 
5. Ensure your safety 
Protect against theft by parking only in safe, monitored zones. Avoid leaving your bikes unattended for long. Install hidden tracking devices for peace of mind. But small commuter bikes rarely get stolen - it's the expensive ones you gotta watch out for.
Respect all traffic rules - lane discipline, no illegal U-turns, etc. Keep your documents updated. Penalties are steep if the Delhi Traffic Police catches you. Better to ride by the book. 
Take safety gear seriously! Helmets are mandatory by law here. Also invest in knee guards, riding jackets, gloves, etc. to avoid injuries when you inevitably wipe out. And no flip-flops - wear proper shoes to save your feet. 
Stay hydrated and refueled on rides by carrying water and snacks. Take mini breaks in the shade to recharge. Avoid riding when dead tired or hungry as it slows your reaction time.
Solo biking allows you to freely discover Delhi's hidden gems - quirky cafes, lost monuments, cool markets - on your own schedule. Stop wherever catches your fancy. Part of the fun is riding without a fixed plan and letting Delhi surprise you. 
So take your bike out for a spin or get a bike on rent in Delhi, learn Delhi's nooks and crannies, and revel in the freedom of solo biking. Follow these tips and rides across India's capital will become a liberating experience. Conquer this megapolis neighborhood by neighborhood - the open road and the city's mysteries await solo explorers like you.
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bomber2jacket · 1 year
Cowhide Leather Motorcycle Jack VS kangaroo Motorcycle Jack - Which is Best?
Which Leather Jacket for Motorcycle Should I Choose? Kangaroo vs. Cowhide
A biker's essential piece of clothing is a monster Energy Jacket. You can ride for MotoGP, or you want to your own pleasure. You should at least wear a protective jacket with sufficient safety features. Suzuki motorcycle jacket have weather shields, fashionable presence features, as well as protection for all products. This jacket is worth your extra attention. Which leather jacket do you prefer: Kangaroo, cowhide, or Kangaroo.
This is a popular and well-known debate about cowhide, kangaroo and kangaroohide. These are two well-known, durable types that can often be found in many products. All products offer different features and characteristics. They are both durable and great for protecting the elements. When it comes to motorcycle suits, it can be confusing choosing the right leather suit. There are a few who believe cowhide leather is better than kangaroo, and others who prefer kangaroo.
The motorcycle jacket made from cowhide leather is heavier but more affordable. It's great for street riding, and the new MotoGP racers. Kangaroo, on the other hand, is more affordable and lighter than the Kangaroo jacket. This jacket is suitable for professional racers.
Maher Leather, which offers both cowhide hide and kangaroohide in its products, is playing a significant role in the leather race. It sells leather jackets for motorcycles and other outfits online. The products are made from a very light-quality original leather. They also use high-safety protectors.
Cowhide motorbike jacket
MotoGP wear features cowhide leather, the most used type of hide. It is also used to make motorcycle gloves, vests as well as pants. This leather is essential for riding safely on the roads. The best thing is cowhide can be found anywhere. It gives riders a feeling of safety on the race track. It is durable and has a textured cowhide coating. As with shoes, a motorcycle suit will become more comfortable when it is worn over time. Cowhide is great for motorcyclers, providing protection and comfort.
Cowhide will cost you half as much as kangaroo hide
Accessible on the Market
Enjoy durability
Build confidence in rider
Perfect for street riding or race practice.
Cowhide generally weighs between 20-30% and a jacket made of kangaroo.
Cowhide leather needs to be well cared for and maintained in order ensure its durability.
Kangaroo leather motorcycle jacket
The Kangaroo can be cuddly, soft, and adorable. The skin, which is similar to the cowhide, of the Kangaroo, is soft, flexible. It's also lightweight. Splitting can also happen with kangaroo's skin. However, kangaroo leather is stronger than cowhide once split. The kangaroo’s leather is less dense than lambskin or cattlehide. This makes it a lightweight 2-piece motorcycle race suit. Kangaroo has a superior skin layer than cowhide and is therefore more comfortable.
Outstanding durability
Boost confidence level
More flexible and lightweight than cowhide
For professional MotoGP racers
It is more expensive than cowhide.
Cowhide can be more difficult to keep clean than cowhide.
Very difficult to find in the local markets
We came to this conclusion after our discussion. You don’t have to choose the kind of leather that you like. It must be in good order. It should not cause any abrasion. It is affordable and durable, so we recommend it for beginner or street riders. If you are a professional racing driver or have the funds, you may want a kangaroo-leather jacket. Maher Leather stocks both leather-made MotoGP motorcycle jackets.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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In India, These Trailblazing Female Stunt Bikers Rule the Road In early 2019, freestyle stunt biker Tana Luciya Joji was practicing on a remote stretch of asphalt in Kerala, India. Street Lordz, her stunt biking team, was set to perform at a local college in only a few weeks. Expertly, she executed a wheelie, followed by the human compass, steering her bike in tight circles around one leg stretched to the ground. Shifting to the high chair, she swung her legs up over the handlebars of the moving bike. Her final stunt was the most dangerous, the Christ. Joji locked the throttle to 10 mph, hopped up to squat on the seat, then stood upright on the moving bike, her arms outstretched. Once safely back in her seat, Joji gazed up at the sky and said a silent prayer, just as her coach had taught her. Safety is never guaranteed in stunt biking. As she wheeled to the exit, she hit a pothole. The bike tilted and fell. Too heavy for her to pick up alone, she waved over a male biker. He stopped, but rather than help, said, “Why do women do things that are not meant for them?” and sped away. Furious, Joji lifted the 300-pound bike in one go. As stunt biking has gained popularity in India, more and more female riders are joining in. Together, they are pushing back against traditional gender roles and inspiring one another through education and community-building. Stunt biking’s popularity in India soared with the launch of MTV’s Stunt Mania in 2009. While the show’s three seasons largely featured male riders, several female bikers made the cut, including Firdaus Shaikh from the western Indian city of Pune. Initially encouraged by her mother to pick up the sport, Shaikh says, “stunt biking is an adrenaline high, very addictive. You do it for the thrill.” Despite her father owning a motorcycle showroom, Shaikh didn’t get her own bike till she was 21, when her mother gave her one. Her father disapproved, getting angry if Shaikh even mentioned riding. When Shaikh was growing up, few women owned bikes—let alone practiced stunt biking. But Shaikh quickly excelled at stunting and was thrilled when Stunt Mania cast her on their first season. Her father, however, refused to watch a single episode. “It was hurtful,” she says. Akhitha M D, a biker from the state of Kerala in the southwestern corner of India, grew up watching Shaikh on Stunt Mania. Inspired by Shaikh’s tenacity, Akhitha, who goes by her first name (a common practice in Kerala), started riding her father’s Bajaj CT100 scooter when she was only 11. By the time she was a teenager, she was practicing stunts in empty parking lots on a Bajaj Pulsar 180, a larger, more powerful bike her father had bought her. When she told her family she planned to go pro, they were taken aback—but no one tried to stop her. Akhitha quickly realized she needed a coach. Her search led her to a Mysuru-based stunt biking group in southeast India. Impressed by her enthusiasm, the group’s founder, Syed Shadab, decided to coach her. Akhitha went on to become the sole female rider with Shadab’s Legendary Stunts Inc, a stunt-riding team that performs across southern India. Akhitha was lucky; many male coaches refuse to train women altogether, often leaving female stunt bikers, like Shaikh and Joji, learning dangerous tricks from internet tutorials. Regardless of how you learn a trick, every stunt biker needs safety equipment, a lot of it. “There is a jacket with elbow pads, trousers with knee pads, a back protector, chest guards, shoulder caps, a helmet, gloves, and big, shiny boots,” lists off Joji. But women have a difficult time finding gear that fits. “All this gear is for men only. We have to make do with smaller sizes of the men’s range,” she says. When Thanooja Nizar, a stunt rider from Coimbatore, a city in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu, started riding at 14, she didn’t have proper gear or a coach. Nonetheless, at 16, she came in second at 2021’s South India Women’s Stunt Biking Competition. But no one from her family watched her clinch the title, says Nizar, who eventually did find a coach years later. While no laws forbid women from stunt biking in India, some female bikers have had run-ins with the police. Nizar remembers one instance when she was in a hurry to get home and didn’t notice a police officer trying to pull her over. The next day, an officer snatched her bike keys and ordered her to the police station. “The officers pointed to a woman in the lockup and said that I would meet the same fate if I did not stop stunt biking. They said that women who did stunt biking had loose morals and that they had arrested many for drug peddling.” After charging her a fine for speeding the previous day, the police released her. Undeterred, Nizar was back on her bike days later, practicing a wheelie. Despite the challenges, female stunt bikers continue to make inroads in the sport. In May 2017, 22-year-old stunt biker Anam Hashmi became one of the first Indian women to win an international stunt competition. In 2020, director Saumitra Singh announced that he would be making a feature film about Hashmi’s life. At the 2022 India Republic Day parade, the all-female stunt team Seema Bhawani performed trick after trick to thunderous cheers. As the bikes rolled onto the main boulevard in New Delhi, team member Anita Bharti lazily read a magazine while cruising with her legs up over the bike’s handlebars. Determined to support women in the sport, Shaikh co-founded the Bikerni in 2011, India’s first group for female motorcyclists; the group now has local chapters in 17 states. “There will always be folks who will tell you that you should not be riding a bike. Do not pay heed to such negativity,” Shaikh says. “It doesn’t matter what you are riding, a 200cc or a 1000cc motorcycle. The point is you love riding. You love the feeling when you are on the road—that is the only thing that matters.” https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/india-female-woman-stunt-bikers
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zonixon · 2 years
Buy Now 👉 https://amzn.eu/d/2JmXZVw Zonixon Pro-Biker Motorcycle Bike Racing Riding Gloves | Pro Biker Synthetic Leather Protective Gear Gloves for Motorbikes #rider #motorcycle #biker #ride #bikelife #bike #r #riders #moto #photography #probiker #zonixon #ridinggloves #instagram #instagood #bikersofinstagram #amzon.in #motorbike #amzon #v #bikers #india #duke #honda #royalenfield #photooftheday #Gloves #nature #riding #travel
Buy Now 👉 https://amzn.eu/d/2JmXZVw Zonixon Pro-Biker Motorcycle Bike Racing Riding Gloves | Pro Biker Synthetic Leather Protective Gear Gloves for Motorbikes #rider #motorcycle #biker #ride #bikelife #bike #r #riders #moto #photography #probiker #zonixon #ridinggloves #instagram #instagood #bikersofinstagram #amzon.in #motorbike #amzon #v #bikers #india #duke #honda #royalenfield #photooftheday #Gloves #nature #riding #travel
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leathercollectionus · 2 years
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Leather Biker Gloves
leather biker gloves . The latest design with promising extra modified features related to protection from accidental abrasions and cuts on the field, in street, or on the road.
Leather Biker Gloves
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This beautiful pair of Repsol Leather Motorcycle Gloves is made of vividly and shiny material for an attractive appearance with reliable safety & comfort features.
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didoo-sports · 3 years
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Hi my friend just showed me your stunning vamp blog and I was wondering if I could request something? I knit and make things for people but I was wondering what the boys would be like if their partner or spouse was like this or just domestic I think its called?
Honestly, I love the idea of the boys with a domestic s/o. I think we were truly robbed when we never got to see the boys be domestic and doted on by Lucy, and if they had a girlfriend like that? Ugh yes. I’m assuming this is for poly lost boys! Okay, anyways, here you go!
Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Domestic S/O
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The boys are the opposite of domesticity. They’re wild, untamed vampires! The only reason any of them, Marko, knows how to sew is so they can put cool patches on their jacket. That’s the closest any of the boys come to being domestic. But you?
You knit, bake, sew, crochet, and do every domestic thing under the sun. It had taken some time to break down their walls (they’re teenage boys from the 80s, they want to be tough), but they were more than willing to get some homestyle lovin’ from you after you started dating
David loves when you bake for them. You bring over a little tupperware container full of heart shaped cookies, and David melts. He has a problem with sharing and you have to remind him that they’re for everyone. He can’t help it, it’s like he can practically taste the love inside them. And he loves to watch you cook. He’ll hold you from behind as you busy yourself by the stove, and try to distract you with neck kisses. It’s not his fault he likes your apron
Dwayne never wears a shirt, even in the winter months, and you get exasperated because it’s cold out! Even if he’s a vampire and he can’t feel it, you still knit him a pair of gloves. It’s small enough that he can still expose his chest as much as he wants, but at least his hands won’t be as cold as ice when you go to hold them. When you give them to him, he just smiles to himself. He doesn’t need any convincing to wear them, and he thinks it’s so cute that you care about him as much as you do. If the other boys try to tease him for it, he doesn’t care
Even though Marko can sew himself, he still asks you to fix things or to put new patches on his jacket. You have to do it by hand because his jacket is too thick for your sewing machine, and Marko will sit besides you and watch you as you do it. He thinks the concentrated look on your face is adorable and that you stitch better than he ever could. And if you prick your finger? He’s right there to kiss it better. He’ll walk around with a big smile on his face after the new patch has been added
Paul loves to be doted on and pampered. You knit him a sweater? While he may not wear it on the boardwalk, he’ll wear it all around the cave. You purposely make it big on him and he hits the others with his sweater paws. He loves affection and attention, and the sweater you made him makes him feel like he’s being constantly wrapped up in a big hug. You made him a blanket? Come lay with him under it! He’ll cuddle you and kiss your cheeks while he tells you how adorable you are
Even though it’s the middle of the night, you still make them breakfast. Paul will help you flip the pancakes, and Marko will teasingly throw pancake batter at him. Dwayne will help with clean-up duty. You wash, he’ll dry. David will snag you when you make your way back to your living room, and he’ll hold you in his lap and thank you for being so nice to them
Expect lots of cuddle piles whenever they see you, and the boys try to give you as many gifts as they can in return. While you realize that some of them were definitely stolen, it doesn’t make you like them any less
Dwayne is the only one willing to actually let you attempt to teach him how to knit. He’s slow at first, as his hands are so big and clumsy compared to yours when it comes to the knitting needles. When he finally starts to get the hang of it, you two will have dates where he’ll just knit you a scarf or something while you work on one of your other projects. He wraps it tight around you on cold, winter days and kisses your reddened nose
You try to teach Paul how to sew, and let’s just say he gets fed up pretty quickly. It takes way too long and he keeps stabbing himself with the needle, and you can’t exactly kiss his fingers better because vampire blood, duh. He can play guitar like a pro, but for some reason his hands aren’t good with something as small as a sewing needle. He’ll pout because Marko can do it, and you’ll assure him that it’s fine and you’ll ask him to teach you guitar instead
When you offer to teach David how to sew or knit, he says no. He’s a tough, biker vampire. Useful or not. Instead, he picks up certain things from your cooking. He starts to learn what type of oil to use when you cook different things, what spices go with what, and he’s pretty good at cutting up vegetables. After awhile, you find that you two end up cooking together more than him just watching you. When the boys tease him for it, you comment on you think it’s actually quite sexy watching him cook. Suddenly, all the boys want to help
You teach Marko how to bake, but it’s only because you persuade him by offering to let him lick the bowl and have first dibs. He gives you a wide grin and quickly agrees. He gets chocolate all over his face the one time you make brownies, and he especially likes mixing all the ingredients together. He doesn’t understand at first that when it comes to baking recipes have to be followed. No exceptions. He’s your taste tester, and you two end up eating more raw cookie dough than baking it
The boys don’t get a lot of domesticity in their lives, but they appreciate it when they do. Especially when it comes from you.
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hillslicensing-blog · 5 months
The leather biker vest: A Classic Symbol of Motorcycle Culture and Etiquette
New Post has been published on https://ashipwreckinthesand.com/the-leather-biker-vest-a-classic-symbol-of-motorcycle-culture-and-etiquette/
The leather biker vest: A Classic Symbol of Motorcycle Culture and Etiquette
The Leather Vest: A Motorcyclist Classic
The bikers gear vest have always been debated. The discussion covers elegance, practicality, and safety. Biker staples like leather vests have cultural importance beyond material value. Its bike importance is about identity and utility.
In motorcycling history, the leather vest is a traditional outfit. It was practical for riders who needed weatherproof clothes in the early days of motorcycling. This vest represents freedom, revolt, and fraternity in biker culture. The leather vest is more than apparel since motorcyclists believe in this symbolism.
Riding a motorcycle in a leather vest is practical. Leather is naturally protective. Its toughness and abrasion resistance can save your life in a fall or collision. Bike handling requires a wide range of motion, which the vest provides. It can be worn over coats for extra warmth or alone on milder days, making it suitable for diverse temperatures.
Wearing a leather vest may also be safe. Although it provides some protection, a vest alone cannot guarantee safety. Full-body jackets with armor and accessories offer more security than vests. Many motorcyclists wear the vest with helmets, gloves, and other safety gear. The vest offers enhanced safety without sacrificing comfort or movement.
Style-wise, the leather vest allows personal expression. Bikers often wear patches, club emblems, and other insignia on their vests to represent their riding experiences, affiliations, and beliefs. Customization makes each vest unique and personal. It helps riders express themselves and join a community with similar beliefs and interests.
The topic of whether leather vests are allowed on motorcycles is more complicated. Understand the vest’s place in motorcycle culture. The garment is functional, stylish, and traditional. Always be aware of its safety limitations when wearing it. Riders should wear vests with other protective gear to blend style, tradition, and safety.
Leather manufacture has environmental drawbacks. Environmentally-minded riders worry about leather tanning and carbon emissions. Therefore, synthetic leather alternatives that imitate leather’s qualities without the ecological impact have grown. These options are for individuals who want to keep the leather vest’s design and heritage while being environmentally friendly.
Leather vests have many roles in motorcycling culture. It protects, identifies, and honors motorcycling’s rich history. Although it lacks total protective jacket safety measures, it is famous for its versatility, comfort, and sense of belonging. Leather vests, like other gear, should be worn after considering their pros and cons. Riders must balance style and safety.
Understanding Leather Biker Vest Etiquette
Biker gear vest conjures ideas of boundless roads, engine roars, and freedom. For motorcycle fans, the leather biker vest symbolizes tradition, customs, and etiquette, not merely a fashion statement. Understanding these unwritten codes is essential for joining the motorcycle society or appreciating this classic garment’s cultural significance.
The leather vest, known as a ‘cut’ among bikers, has a long history in motorcycle riding. The vest, initially practical, now expresses personal and community identities. Patches, colors, and logos communicate the wearer’s affiliations, achievements, and experiences.
Understand the meaning of club colors and patches first. For bikers, these are marks of loyalty and respect, not just accessories. These patches are earned according to each motorcycle club’s rules. These clubs’ members take pride in wearing vests with these symbols. Non-members should avoid wearing these patches or colors to avoid miscommunication and disrespecting a club’s beliefs.
Customizing the vest is widespread, but it has unstated regulations. Personal patches can display uniqueness, mark events, or indicate support for causes. The positioning of these patches is critical. Club affiliation and memorial patches are customarily placed on the vest. Knowing these customs can help you avoid offending people.
Respect is a cornerstone of biking, including vest treatment. Many bikers revere their vests. They’re worn for years and sentimental. It isn’t nice to touch someone’s vest without permission. Your vest’s upkeep and maintenance are also respected. A well-maintained vest looks better and displays respect for its traditions and beliefs.
Leather biker vests also affect safety. Despite providing less protection than a jacket, the vest is commonly worn over other clothing. This layering balances safety and style, giving motorcyclists the biker image. Combining history and modern safety, some vests have built-in pockets for extra cushioning.
The leather biker vest symbolizes biker egalitarianism. The vest represents fraternity and equality among motorcyclists on the road or during rallies, regardless of background. The vest, transcending class, and economic divides, unifies biker interactions.
While the black leather vest remains a classic, personalization and diversity are gaining in fashion. Colors, materials, and designs change with the motorcycle community’s openness to new expressions while maintaining essential beliefs. This progression reveals biker culture’s ability to alter while preserving its traditions.
A classic biking accessory is the leather biker vest. Beyond being apparel, it represents heritage, identity, and unwritten biker culture codes. One must understand the leather biker vest’s rich history and practices in the riding community to appreciate its cultural significance and negotiate its etiquette fully.
The leather vest, a biker ‘cut,’ has a practical history. Initially developed for weatherproofing, it now allows personal and collective expression. These vests display a wearer’s affiliations, accomplishments, and experiences through patches, colors, and emblems.
Understanding club colors and patches is crucial. These insignia show loyalty and respect, not just accessories. Members proudly wear these on their vests after following motorcycle club regulations and principles. Non-members should avoid wearing these patches or colors to avoid misrepresenting a club’s values.
Leather biker vest customization is prevalent, but it has unspoken rules. Personal patches can express uniqueness, mark events, or promote causes. Club affiliations and memorial patches take precedence. Thus, patch placement is crucial. These customs help you respect and navigate biker culture.
Respect is a biker value, including vest treatment. Many motorcyclists cherish their vests, which they wear for years. Touching someone’s vest without permission is disrespectful, while maintaining your vest shows respect for its traditions and beliefs.
Although a leather motorcycle vest offers less protection than a jacket, it is often worn over other apparel. This layering strategy balances safety and style, letting riders project the iconic biker image while incorporating modern safety precautions. Vests with built-in pockets add comfort and safety without sacrificing style.
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rentnhop · 5 months
Tips for Long Rides in Manali - Bike rental in Manali 
Yes, we're talking about embarking on long rides in the breathtaking paradise of Manali. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a newbie eager for adventure, the enchanting landscapes and crisp mountain breeze of Manali make it an irresistible destination for bikers. So, before you start looking for a bike rental in Manali from any random company, here are some essential tips to ensure your long rides through Manali are nothing short of unforgettable.
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1. Choose the Right Ride: Bike Rental in Manali
The first and foremost decision is selecting the right companion for your journey. Manali offers stunning vistas, and navigating those scenic terrains requires a reliable set of wheels. Opting for a bike on rent in Manali is not only convenient but also allows you to explore the region at your own pace. Look for trusted providers offering a variety of bikes, ensuring you find the perfect match for your riding style and preferences.
Pro Tip: Search for 'bike rental in Manali' or 'Manali bike rental' online to discover reliable rental services with a variety of options.
2. Plan Your Route Wisely
Manali boasts a myriad of routes catering to different preferences, from the adrenaline-pumping Rohtang Pass to the serene Solang Valley. Plan your route well in advance based on your skill level, the time available, and the weather conditions. Factor in pit stops for photo opportunities and local attractions along the way.
Pro Tip: Use Google Maps and other navigation apps to plan your route, and include popular landmarks like Hadimba Temple or Old Manali for a well-rounded experience.
3. Dress Comfortably and Safely
The weather in Manali can be unpredictable, with chilly mornings and warm afternoons. Dressing in layers is key to staying comfortable throughout the ride. Don't forget your riding gear—helmets, jackets, gloves, and knee guards—to ensure safety on the road. Also, pack a raincoat, just in case the weather decides to surprise you.
Pro Tip: Search for 'motorcycle gear rental in Manali' to find local shops providing quality gear if you prefer not to carry your own.
4. Stay Hydrated and Energized
Long rides, especially in mountainous terrain, can be physically demanding. Stay hydrated by carrying a reusable water bottle and replenish your energy with healthy snacks. Pack some nuts, energy bars, and fruits to keep you fueled and focused on the road ahead.
Pro Tip: Make stops at local cafes along your route to savor Manali's unique cuisine and stay energized.
5. Check Your Bike Before Every Ride
Before you embark on your journey each day, make it a ritual to check your bike thoroughly. Ensure the tires are properly inflated, the brakes are responsive, and all lights are functioning. If you've opted for bike rental in Manali, inquire about the bike's condition and any specific maintenance tips from the rental provider.
Pro Tip: Familiarize yourself with basic bike maintenance. A small toolkit can come in handy for minor adjustments on the road.
6. Acclimate to Altitude Changes
Manali's varying altitudes can pose challenges, especially if you're arriving from lower elevations. Take it easy during the first couple of days to acclimate to the altitude changes. Stay hydrated, avoid excessive physical exertion, and listen to your body. If you experience altitude sickness symptoms, descend to a lower altitude and seek medical assistance if needed.
Pro Tip: Include short acclimatization breaks in your itinerary, allowing your body to adjust gradually.
7. Capture the Memories
Manali's beauty is unparalleled, and you'll want to capture every moment of your journey. Pack a good quality camera or ensure your smartphone is equipped with a reliable camera app. Don't forget extra memory cards or backup storage to accommodate the countless photo opportunities along the way.
Pro Tip: Use popular hashtags like #ManaliBiking or #RideToRohtang when sharing your adventure on social media to connect with fellow riders.
8. Respect Nature and Local Culture
As you traverse through the picturesque landscapes, remember that you are a guest in nature's realm. Respect the environment by disposing of waste responsibly, sticking to designated paths, and minimizing your carbon footprint. Embrace the local culture by interacting with locals, trying regional delicacies, and learning about the traditions that make Manali unique.
Pro Tip: Engage with the local biking community; they often have valuable insights and can recommend hidden gems along your route. Rentnhop would be an ideal choice for you. 
Manali, with its rugged terrain and awe-inspiring beauty, beckons bikers seeking the adventure of a lifetime. By choosing the right bike on rent in Manali, planning thoughtfully, and incorporating these tips into your journey, you're set to create memories that will last a lifetime. So, start the engine, soak in the views, and let the winding roads of Manali lead you to an unforgettable biking experience. Safe travels and happy riding
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arasokanbina · 3 years
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They almost look like the same group here and this excites me because I love them both haha!
I already wrote about my thoughts of both songs and their albums so this is just about the MVs!
This is a long post because as usual I can't help myself lol.
1️⃣1️⃣Eleven: WHAT A DEBUT!!!!
This is going to be shorter than Pirate because I only know Wonyoung 'properly' (at least more than the others) so I can't pinpoint the members as well. I watched all their member intros and I have members I like already but I'm in the learning stage and as there are many groups I'm learning at the same time I'm taking it slow because my brain needs it lol.
I love the Arabic /Indian inspirations! It reminds me of Everglow and (G)I-DLE's inspirations! Their vocals also remind me a bit of SNSD like very clean and bright! Very refreshing and well done! I love it when styles don't feel like they are cheap imitations or just being 'quirky'. The neon light move dance is so cool and I love bright long gloves with jewellery! Always a look! I LOVE the slow snake like choreo! And the fast controlled hip shake for counting to eleven! Oh yes! Everything about this is fresh, unique, classy and elegant but also bold and joyful!
The creatives behind IVE are supremely superb!
Like chefs kiss times eleven thousand! I do hope for more story like MV because that's what I like the best but Im very happy because all the sets flow with the theme and that is just a pleasing! Once they create their fandom name you can bet I'll be naming myself it! But for now I'm a fan of IVE!
Oh one more thing I know Yujin the leader is also a former Izone member but I only really knew Wonyoung as she caught my eye, Sakura and Chaeyeon.
☠️Pirate: Space Pirates! My heart is full!
Firstly, "Well shiver me timbers!" CLOCKED!
Ah!!! I love it when there is more of a full set that flows together! Just like La Di Da! Well this is future space pirate like noire and La Di Da is past retro future noire! It also continues with their outfits! They're are always so good and I love them here!
-Mia's space pirate captain monocle, lip rings and green hair. She is going to steer this ship to riches! Her badass self on her captain throne! And her open belly suit look! Omgosh yes!
-Siyeon's space queen regal flag look! She marks the way on this planet, showing the way with flag firmly in place!
-E:U is a rich lady doing archery in space as a pass time like what a move! And her different length shorts like so simple but SO unique and stylish!
-Onda's sword fighter princess! On the surface a beautiful princess but like her black dress she has a secret side and will fight! And I love her bright highlighter and black pigtails with her biker outfit!
-Aisha is a famous biker known for her skills at travelling harsh lands! I love her black pants with mini bomber jacket! Really enchaces her long legs and elegance!
-Yiren's rich lady travelling outer space look like yes go and buy another planet Queen!
They are all princesses working together in space!
-Mia is the captain of the ship and can take the girls anywhere they need to go. She has travelled far and wide, she's a pro! (Didn't mean to rhyme but I'll take it lol!)
-Siyeon is a Queen and gives the directions leading everyone to riches and adventure across the galaxy!
-E:U is a wealthy member of Siyeon's monarchy but became a famous archer she can accurately shoot her target anywhere in the universe!
-Onda is a princess but she's also a secret agent and can do covert missions with her sword skills!
-Aisha is a master at space land travel, she helps her members to traverse the land as the lead biker!
-Yiren is a wealthy lady, she helps the members secure routes with her riches and influence! Space travel is extra easy with unlimited fuel!
Stylists keeping the pearls and jewels for our girls yes!
All their biker chic looks! Especially Onda's white and blue outfit! I love bubble pigtails too!
I feel like the choreography was a bit basic for them maybe to fit for tiktok trends and such but its still good! It's also probably still quite difficult but it's Everglow so it looks even more turned down. However I'm happy it's not as intensive because I want the girls to be badass without having a 3 minute hardcore work out each comeback! Like imagine if they did all title tracks in a row, I'm hurting just thinking about it! I also noticed Siyeon got a lot better at dancing she of course wasn't bad but she's doing so great!
Even though it was still mostly the same amount of screen time and vocals, it was spread much more evenly and each member got a least something. This is a great improvement! It makes me happy as a forever. I hope they continue so that E:U, Onda especially get more screen and lines. But when they was in screen they work!
Oh my loves~~~
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